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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] The Sleepless Princess 离人心上


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20 minutes ago, xiaoxf said:

When she was taken by the Marquis, he lied to XC and XY that he raped CY. Also,  NN lied to XY about this too. This is how CY  learns that XY keeps the visions away,  bc he thinks she got raped and stays with her all night to protect her, CY starts to fall for him after this,  bc he treats her gently. He even changes his clothes incase it reminds her of the Marquis.

Ep 32 is the episode XY thought CY slept with CX. She was blinded so when XY came visit her and CY thought he was CX.  She mentioned about XC's plan of going to ask the Emperor to give permission for him to marry her and use pregnancy as the reasoning.  Besides, XY saw a mark on CY neck, he thought it was a hickey.  She got the mark from a baby bit her on ep 31.  Two these things made XY believed CY slept with XC.

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3 hours ago, enzek said:

In which episode that Xue Yao thought Chu Yue slept with someone other than episode 32? Feel like I miss it:huh:

In ep. 7 the marquis dude she was suppose to marry in the beginning wrote a letter to XY saying he slept with her and sent him the belly band (bra basically) 


For the cute scenes in the above video, from what I can understand, they want to make it official and be together, but she’s like no you’re drunk you’ll regret it in the morning (that’s when she got up and covered herself) and he’s like no I’m sober I know what’s going on we can be signed and sealed. She’s like signed and sealed?? And then he touched her lip signed then kissed her sealed. He said to her what are you laughing at *pushes her down* *she pushes him back and says* go to sleep we have a lot to do tomorrow *they cuddle* something like that...soooo freakin adorable :7555_attack::happy2:


sorry for the lame translation idk if it’s accurate just going by body language instinct and limited mandarin

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@Jessica Vargas Rubio Ooh that's a scene I've not seen before... wonder where that will fit in.


Thought I should clarify something - this is in... I believe in Ep 31 (I skimmed the other episodes last night - will slowly watch them one by one later during the weekend). I would have covered it in a recap but since this has been coming up - actually when XC asked to take CY away - he told the King that they "did it" when they were drunk after XY's wedding, and that perhaps a royal baby was already growing in CY's belly. XY was outside the King's study at the time and heard this conversation. He struggles to believe that, of course - then when CY is blinded and XY goes to see her, XY tells XC that he doesn't believe him. But then XC goads him to check the mark on CY's neck. He says it's the proof of them sleeping together consensually. That's why when XY actually sees the mark in Ep 32, he flies into a blind rage. 


@SC2019 I wrote that before I watched any of the latest episodes but now after watching Ep 29 and skimming the rest, I'm inclined to think that their characters are consistent. There are circumstances beyond either of their control, and in the situation, there wasn't any way for them to be together. Internally, they each had to work through their own guilt and confusion and sorrow; externally, other parties were working against them. I can understand that they both needed some space to do what they needed to do/ deal with their emotions - and they knew it, which is why it makes it harder for them to communicate with each other - because it couldn't be no matter how they wished, so it would only make it harder on themselves. The thing about XY and CY is they feel like real people - unlike drama characters who commonly can forsake everything for love (like NX), love is important to them but so is family and honour. 


@xiaoxf I like your point about XY wanting to build a family with CY. That is why it really hurt him when he heard about CY possibly having a child with someone else.


@lovehuche I did want to translate this clip haha! A sweeter moment - also because the "signed and sealed" bit comes back later - so now we know this is where it first happened.



This is the ending bit of Episode 27:


CY: You've been staring at me for a long time now. When are we eloping.

XY just makes a sound.

CY: Huh? Let's go then.

XY: Who wants to elope with you?

CY: What do you mean then?

XY: I want to be with you openly. 

CY: Father won't rescind his decree. And NX won't give up on you either.

XY: I know. So, we have to act first, talk later. 

CY: Act first, talk later?! 

XY: Yes. You secretly came out of the palace to meet me - this will become a royal scandal. What I mean is before the King realises and finds you, you become my wife. Then I'll use that free pass (the one that saves them from death) to save your life.  

CY still shakes her head. 

XY: Xu Chu Yue, you have to be ready. We're pledging ourselves to each other now. 

CY: No! You drank some alcohol. What if you wake up in the morning and pretend it never happened?

XY: I'm very sober right now. If you don't believe me, then... let's sign and seal it. 

CY: Sign and seal it?

XY: (places his thumb on her lips) Signed... and sealed. (grabs her for a kiss)


CY smiles as they break apart. XY pushes her down.

XY: What are you smiling about?

CY: Hurry up and sleep. We've got lots to do tomorrow.


I can't decide what I think about this scene... I'm more inclined to think they still didn't do anything more than sleep :ph34r: Particularly if XY was planning on marrying her again...

I kinda also think this is another reason it hurt him even more to think that CY slept with someone else first... 

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Right, after that sweet scene - back to the angst in Episode 30 lol. 


Episode 30 Recap:


DS tells NX not to let people know she's conscious because they have a common enemy - CY. If she captures CY for him, he'll help her get XY. He tells her to use her situation to her advantage.


XY is before the King again, using his free pass to save CY. He says that though he has no fate with CY, he doesn't want her to bear the crime while the real criminal is free. The King is exasperated now, saying that XY doesn't understand the situation - Xi Zhao is targeting her, and XY is the only thing they want. They want him to marry NX to "bring in joy" (because they think she's still unconscious), the same way he married CY in the beginning.

Ning Wang comes to visit, bearing gifts. He says ridiculous things like how normal-looking she is, and how bad-tempered she is, but because she makes his heart beat faster, he can accept her. NX who was pretending to lie in bed, can't hold it in and flings her dagger lying down. Duo Er Tu quickly pushes Ning Wang out of the way and tells him it was an intruder. Ning Wang scurries away to tell the King.

CY wraps herself in XY's cloak, then lies down to rest. XY comes on patrol. He sees her sleeping and quickly slashes the lock to go in. "Xu Chu Yue, wake up!" CY wakes up at his shaking and stares at him. Then she embraces him, saying "You finally came. I thought I was dreaming." XY says, "Who allowed you to dream? Who allowed you to sleep during the forbidden hours?" CY realises that he was very worried, and releases him to say, "I was only thinking of how to save NX." She asks if NX is awake, and XY shakes his head. CY says that she would be guilty her whole life if NX never woke; she never intended to harm her, she only wanted... to run away with him. 

XY stands up and turns away, "Running away with me - don't say things like that anymore." CY reaches out her hand to his, but stops herself. She closes her eyes as tears roll down, letting their reality sink in. She wipes the tear away, and seems to finally accept their situation. "Ok, I won't say it anymore." She reaches out to hold the hem of his clothes, "Xue Yao, listen to me. I know you're miserable. The elopement - let's think of that as a beautiful dream. Now that the dream's over, you should leave. Whether I live or die, you shouldn't get involved anymore. I've already brought your brother down; I don't want to do that to you too." XY says, "That's enough. I got it." He releases himself and leaves. 

XC gets ready to do a prison break with his men. They've paid off the guards. QYX asks if he really wants to do it because a prison break was a major crime. Meanwhile, LJ reports to XY that they found 3 poisons in TB's body, and these poisons are also present in DS's medicinal factory. XY thinks that if DS is the mastermind behind TB and the assassins, that means they tried to abduct CY because of the Birth Stone. He also realises that his brother's death must be connected to DS, because TB insinuated knowing about it more than once. LJ asks why XY doesn't talk it out with CY since that means CY is not directly linked to his brother's death anymore. XY says that they both still have to get past the obstacle of his brother, and he also has some other difficulties (NX, the King etc.). He says, "Perhaps when the time is right, she will forgive me." But first, he wants to focus on getting her out of prison. 

XY and LJ go to investigate the alleged intruder in NX's room. He examines the dagger mark on the post. After telling LJ to leave, he tells NX to stop pretending and get up. NX opens her eyes and says that XY really knows her well. 

Then it's a really sad scene for XC. They break in successfully with their prior arrangements. XC comes into CY's cell and tries to get her to leave. She throws his hand down, plants her feet and stares at XC as if she's never seen him, "Why don't you know me?" XC argues that it's her who doesn't know him; everything he's done, the title he's gotten, was all so that she wouldn't be bullied and suffer all these indignities anymore. It doesn't mean anything to him if she's going to end up in prison. She says that she doesn't need him to sacrifice himself for her. She raises her hand to hit him, but he refuses to budge, telling her to hit him all she wants. CY turns her hand into a fist and hits herself instead, "Are you leaving or not?!" When he doesn't answer, she hits the other side of her cheek. He stops her. She tells him firmly that she doesn't deserve what he's doing. She apologises and says that the better he treats her, the guiltier she feels towards him. He says that he could do everything when he thought of her always waiting for him in the distance. She throws his hands off and turns her back on him, "Leave. I won't wait for you anymore." XC reaches for her but stops himself. He asks with tears, "If the person standing here was Xue Yao, and he had decided he doesn't want anything else, (CY cries harder at this) only that you go with him, would you be willing?" CY doesn't answer, which is exactly the answer. XC demands, "Answer me. Answer me!"

CY turns around and kneels before him. XC can't believe that she would do that. She says, "I beg you. Leave. I don't need you anymore." XC cries, "Why must you treat me like this?" CY shouts, "Go!" XC has no choice, "Fine, I'll go. I'll go!" 

QYX asks XC what should they do now - before they decide, other guards arrive.

XY is trying to get NX to clear CY's name, saying that he suspects DS was behind her poisoning. But NX says that she doesn't need the truth; she just wants him to marry her. If he agrees to marry her, she can let CY live. (URGH.) He asks if she would use her marriage just as a deal. She says that she's fine with it, she knows he doesn't love her but he owes her. She gives him a wolf carving, saying that it will remind him of her good. A soldier comes in to tell them that someone's tried to rescue CY and Duo Er Tu has already gone to the prison.



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Episode 30 Recap (part 2):


Then it's the preview scene where XY and NX go to the prison - where Duo Er Tu is watching his men fight with XC's men. XY asks NX why her men are here (since this is Nan Sang's prison), and NX says it's to prevent XY from attempting a prison break. She wonders if these people were sent by him, and when he doesn't answer, she gets enraged and orders Duo Er Tu not to let anyone go. XY scans the men and realises XC is there. He calls a stop (this isn't even for CY's sake, but I think XC is also family to XY, and obviously he knows how much XC means to CY). NX asks what right he has to order her men since he's not her husband, unless he's thought it through? XY grips his hand tight as he thinks back to what the King said to him earlier. The King had accused him of being less caring about what happened to the commoners at the border while going to war, unlike his ancestors. Duo Er Tu also told XY that if he doesn't agree to NX's demands, there will be no way out for CY. XY tells NX that he agrees to marry her. NX says that she doesn't believe him unless he tells CY himself. She adds that it's better for him to tell CY rather than her (actually I think that's true...), "The lock can only be undone by the one who locked it." (this was what CY said to NX before when she didn't want to take off her ankle bracelet.

XY walks down to CY's cell. CY is startled that he's here since they agreed never to meet again. He says that he won't be coming anymore, "I'm getting married." She flatly asks, "To Na Xi?" He says "Yes." She asks, "So she's awake?" He replies, "Right. So you can go now." CY steps out of her cell and approaches him. CY asks, "You're marrying her in order to save me, right?" He responds, "Princess Chu Yue, don't think so much of yourself." Then it's the preview scene where she asks, "Why? But you said you don't like her. Why are you marrying her?" XY releases his hand from her grip, "It's none of your business who I marry."

CY asks, though it's more like a statement, "You hate me very much." XY says without emotion, "Of course I hate you. If not for you, my brother wouldn't die. If not for you, I wouldn't become such a dishonourable, unrighteous person. So what if I marry Na Xi? At least I wouldn't need to think of all these things." 

CY doesn't buy it, "You're lying to yourself, and lying to her, and lying to me." NX enters at this moment and says she's willing to be lied to. She tries to take XY's hand but XY avoids her and holds his hand behind his back (YES TAKE THAT YOU EVIL WOMAN). NX tries to gloat, saying she doesn't mind XY lying to her, or using her. CY says she doesn't believe that he's such a person. He says, "What's there not to believe? We have a person's life hanging between us. I've let it go. You should let it go too." CY wants him to look her in the eyes and tell her, "I've let you go. I don't want you anymore. Then I'll believe you." XY doesn't do it - he turns and walks away. CY tries to go after him but NX stops her, "You weren't as simple as I thought. I underestimated you." She warns CY away from XY, her future husband. CY sits there, dejected (she's constantly in tears in this episode- I don't even feel like writing it anymore - you would not be incorrect in assuming she's crying in all the scenes).

NX's underling asks about her deal with DS. He gets killed by Duo Er Tu (wow, next level crazy). NX despises being blackmailed, and says that she didn't promise DS anything. She won't be his pawn especially since he almost killed her. She also says that if CY dies, she will remain in XY's heart - so CY must be alive, and she wants her to watch them get married.

Duo Er Tu presents a list of expensive wedding dowry, pleasing the King. He asks the King for a favour to have CY officiate the wedding (the King actually hesitates- which is interesting since he's never been shown to have any care for CY at all). Next, XY gets a list from the King to prepare as dowry - he's at Pan Xiang Ge, XC's luxury shop.

Of course, that's the moment drunk XC walks in. It's like XY is the target waiting there for him. XC orders everyone to get out, and then starts by kicking XY down. XY doesn't defend himself as XC picks up him and throws him down, throws the things for the dowry at him. XC rages, "She waited for you at the prison all the time, only for you. As long as you were willing to take her away, even to the ends of the earth, she would have gone with you. She would have gone with you!" He throws XY across the room. "Weren't you going to elope with her? Why do you have to care so much about other things? Why do you torment her? Answer me!" He punches XY in the belly. "Even I can't bully her - do you know that?!" He punches XY on the face. "Answer me!" He kicks him and they both fall to the ground. 

XC says more calmly now, "Xue Yao, why do you have to marry Na Xi? Do you know that by doing this, it's like you stuck a knife in CY's heart? Isn't there another way?" XY is in tears now too, and he silently shakes his head. XC sighs and says that in the past, no matter whether he regarded XY as a rival or as a friend, he still respected him because he won CY ('s heart), and he conceded that. XC gets up and grabs XY, "But this time, I look down on you." XY stays there, looking like death.

Back in his home, Mr Bai comes to see XY. XY asks if CY is out, and Mr Bai replies that the King has pardoned her. XY asks why is it he could find the strength to fight to his last drop of blood on the battlefield, but now in peacetime, he is unable to do anything. He sees the wolf carving on the table and knocks it away in annoyance. Mr Bai picks it up and observes it. He says that the person who carved it must have observed wolves for a long time - which means it's odd for NX to claim to have seen a wolf for the first time with XY. XY orders it to be investigated with their spies in Xi Zhao. "If she wants a deal, I'll make her a deal."

XC and TY come to get CY out of prison. She stops when she sees that their faces aren't happy, and asks what's the reason. TY says that the King has a condition, that she officiate the wedding between XY and NX. -End of Episode.





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Thank you so much, @angelflower just by reading your recaps my heart aches for CY, such a sweet soul trap in so many interest.


XY for sure is one of the more unique ML character in drama land, thats why viewers hate him in one episodes than swoon over him in another, so far XY as ML in a drama has set the records for :


1. Most potato carried and bridal carried ML

2. Most getting punch and kick by the SML (two times : when he lost CY in the whole baiting fiasco and when he dumped CY in her wedding day)

3. Most divorce in less than a year periode.

4. Most weddings (if he marries CY again that would be his third wedding, and 1 failed one when he dumped CY).

41 minutes ago, angelflower said:

XC rages, "She waited for you at the prison all the time, only for you. As long as you were willing to take her away, even to the ends of the earth, she would have gone with you. She would have gone with you!" He throws XY across the room. "Weren't you going to elope with her? Why do you have to care so much about other things? Why do you torment her? Answer me!" He punches XY in the belly. "Even I can't bully her - do you know that?!" He punches XY on the face. "Answer me!" He kicks him and they both fall to the ground. 


At this point, I can't read anymore... :cries:

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My eyeballs :cries: why did I even read it 


How is he going to be when she’s going to sleep for a year? I’m going to feel bad for him. I can’t with this drama :pensive: the way I was mad at him then started to like him again made me go from 0 to 100 real quick 


this might sound crazy, but I had a dream they had kids. Lmao

ah man this drama has gotten to me. :hushed::mrgreen:

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7 hours ago, angelflower said:

This is the ending bit of Episode 27:


CY: You've been staring at me for a long time now. When are we eloping.

XY just makes a sound.

CY: Huh? Let's go then.

XY: Who wants to elope with you?



How can they make a scene with a couple feeling happy and makes the audience feels so happy too :)

Edit: Somebody mentioned that ZYC's voice is recorded in drama. Just listen to his voice "signed.... & sealed", it changes to the intimate feeling.... :) 

And look at the FL's gesture & face, it shines after the kiss :D


I've watched all the available eps., but it's still interesting to read the recap of Angelflower

Ah, and the recap of SC2019, it helps me to prepare myself before starting to watch from eps 32 back to eps 29 :))

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3 hours ago, angelflower said:

Episode 30 Recap (part 2):

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Then it's the preview scene where XY and NX go to the prison - where Duo Er Tu is watching his men fight with XC's men. XY asks NX why her men are here (since this is Nan Sang's prison), and NX says it's to prevent XY from attempting a prison break. She wonders if these people were sent by him, and when he doesn't answer, she gets enraged and orders Duo Er Tu not to let anyone go. XY scans the men and realises XC is there. He calls a stop (this isn't even for CY's sake, but I think XC is also family to XY, and obviously he knows how much XC means to CY). NX asks what right he has to order her men since he's not her husband, unless he's thought it through? XY grips his hand tight as he thinks back to what the King said to him earlier. The King had accused him of being less caring about what happened to the commoners at the border while going to war, unlike his ancestors. Duo Er Tu also told XY that if he doesn't agree to NX's demands, there will be no way out for CY. XY tells NX that he agrees to marry her. NX says that she doesn't believe him unless he tells CY himself. She adds that it's better for him to tell CY rather than her (actually I think that's true...), "The lock can only be undone by the one who locked it." (this was what CY said to NX before when she didn't want to take off her ankle bracelet.

XY walks down to CY's cell. CY is startled that he's here since they agreed never to meet again. He says that he won't be coming anymore, "I'm getting married." She flatly asks, "To Na Xi?" He says "Yes." She asks, "So she's awake?" He replies, "Right. So you can go now." CY steps out of her cell and approaches him. CY asks, "You're marrying her in order to save me, right?" He responds, "Princess Chu Yue, don't think so much of yourself." Then it's the preview scene where she asks, "Why? But you said you don't like her. Why are you marrying her?" XY releases his hand from her grip, "It's none of your business who I marry."

CY asks, though it's more like a statement, "You hate me very much." XY says without emotion, "Of course I hate you. If not for you, my brother wouldn't die. If not for you, I wouldn't become such a dishonourable, unrighteous person. So what if I marry Na Xi? At least I wouldn't need to think of all these things." 

CY doesn't buy it, "You're lying to yourself, and lying to her, and lying to me." NX enters at this moment and says she's willing to be lied to. She tries to take XY's hand but XY avoids her and holds his hand behind his back (YES TAKE THAT YOU EVIL WOMAN). NX tries to gloat, saying she doesn't mind XY lying to her, or using her. CY says she doesn't believe that he's such a person. He says, "What's there not to believe? We have a person's life hanging between us. I've let it go. You should let it go too." CY wants him to look her in the eyes and tell her, "I've let you go. I don't want you anymore. Then I'll believe you." XY doesn't do it - he turns and walks away. CY tries to go after him but NX stops her, "You weren't as simple as I thought. I underestimated you." She warns CY away from XY, her future husband. CY sits there, dejected (she's constantly in tears in this episode- I don't even feel like writing it anymore - you would not be incorrect in assuming she's crying in all the scenes).

NX's underling asks about her deal with DS. He gets killed by Duo Er Tu (wow, next level crazy). NX despises being blackmailed, and says that she didn't promise DS anything. She won't be his pawn especially since he almost killed her. She also says that if CY dies, she will remain in XY's heart - so CY must be alive, and she wants her to watch them get married.

Duo Er Tu presents a list of expensive wedding dowry, pleasing the King. He asks the King for a favour to have CY officiate the wedding (the King actually hesitates- which is interesting since he's never been shown to have any care for CY at all). Next, XY gets a list from the King to prepare as dowry - he's at Pan Xiang Ge, XC's luxury shop.

Of course, that's the moment drunk XC walks in. It's like XY is the target waiting there for him. XC orders everyone to get out, and then starts by kicking XY down. XY doesn't defend himself as XC picks up him and throws him down, throws the things for the dowry at him. XC rages, "She waited for you at the prison all the time, only for you. As long as you were willing to take her away, even to the ends of the earth, she would have gone with you. She would have gone with you!" He throws XY across the room. "Weren't you going to elope with her? Why do you have to care so much about other things? Why do you torment her? Answer me!" He punches XY in the belly. "Even I can't bully her - do you know that?!" He punches XY on the face. "Answer me!" He kicks him and they both fall to the ground. 

XC says more calmly now, "Xue Yao, why do you have to marry Na Xi? Do you know that by doing this, it's like you stuck a knife in CY's heart? Isn't there another way?" XY is in tears now too, and he silently shakes his head. XC sighs and says that in the past, no matter whether he regarded XY as a rival or as a friend, he still respected him because he won CY ('s heart), and he conceded that. XC gets up and grabs XY, "But this time, I look down on you." XY stays there, looking like death.

Back in his home, Mr Bai comes to see XY. XY asks if CY is out, and Mr Bai replies that the King has pardoned her. XY asks why is it he could find the strength to fight to his last drop of blood on the battlefield, but now in peacetime, he is unable to do anything. He sees the wolf carving on the table and knocks it away in annoyance. Mr Bai picks it up and observes it. He says that the person who carved it must have observed wolves for a long time - which means it's odd for NX to claim to have seen a wolf for the first time with XY. XY orders it to be investigated with their spies in Xi Zhao. "If she wants a deal, I'll make her a deal."

XC and TY come to get CY out of prison. She stops when she sees that their faces aren't happy, and asks what's the reason. TY says that the King has a condition, that she officiate the wedding between XY and NX. -End of Episode.






Thank you!

Oh, man, now everything makes more sense. Ahhh, my heart!  I'm so sad for them,  I'm less annoyed at XY, bc what he's doing makes sense, but I think he is more willing to do what he's doing in part bc of what he learned in ep. 28. So he's not off the hook, if XM's death wasn't related to CY, and if XM hadn't loved her,  I think he wouldn't have given in so easily.  Our poor CY. She's loyal to him to the end,  even when he's breaking her heart and lying to her.

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@angelflower  I can't decide what I think about this scene... I'm more inclined to think they still didn't do anything more than sleep

>>> at timing 19:25 of E32, XY said this At my Xue residence, "我视你如珍宝" , which means I treated you like treasure (for those who need the translation)... which makes me believe I concur with you. Perhaps because he's such a conventional guy, protecting her honour and chastity is important, which was probably why both XC and XY were driven insane in that earlier incident with the undergarment being sent back to her by that lecherous general who kidnapped her. And XY wanted to give her a proper marriage before doing the deed.


Because the remaining part of this conversation where he saw the bruise again, it upset him to think that she had demeaned herself, and he brought up the question whether thoughts about proper conduct had crossed her mind when she let that erh bruise happen (though frankly, a hickie?, if that's what it's supposed to portray? or is it supposed to portray rough bed sport? Because a hickie isn't that demeaning, if they were really in a relationship... perhaps in ancient times, it's frowned upon :P) 


But I would personally challenge him .... 'You most certainly didn't treat her like treasure all the time'! [think about what you put her through initially, to the point of using her as bait????] Though I get where his anger is coming from....

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hello everyone...I've been lurking on this thread for a while now......i finally made an account to thank you all for the recaps and translations, and for sharing clips/videos of the series! most of all, thank you to everyone for posting and sharing your thoughts ♡ while reading everyone's posts, i felt like i wasn't alone in my feelings when watching the episodes..i had lots of good company to keep me a little happier and less tired during these crazy times ♡♡


again, thanks everyone and lol goodnight!! hope we all dream of sweet scenes of our princess and general...since i feel like we're all equally in love with the pair lol

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54 minutes ago, honeytime said:

hello everyone...I've been lurking on this thread for a while now......i finally made an account to thank you all for the recaps and translations, and for sharing clips/videos of the series! most of all, thank you to everyone for posting and sharing your thoughts ♡ while reading everyone's posts, i felt like i wasn't alone in my feelings when watching the episodes..i had lots of good company to keep me a little happier and less tired during these crazy times ♡♡


again, thanks everyone and lol goodnight!! hope we all dream of sweet scenes of our princess and general...since i feel like we're all equally in love with the pair lol


Welcome to the thread! Join us to rant with the angst and squeal with the fluff!


Yeah, in here we all love our lovely princess and our hot general although we want to smack him sometimes LOL



Our lovely princess gif



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I kept thinking that the actress who played CY looks so familiar... After awhile, now I'm sure that she reminded me of Zhao Wei in her HZGG days! Both characters are cheeky, daring and somewhat foolish characters. And both of them have beautiful large eyes and cute smile. I hope we see more of the actress after this.


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