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Ep 5 was good at suprising  us and even killing the priest,   but there one lacking  and it the emotional balance that was in the first 4 episode  since this episode  was all about the hunt  and the tv show time and  we didn't  get to have balance   from the emotional side   it all was mind play between them and the killer and sad events 


There something  good about how dare they are to kill many characters  from the start specially  important  ones for all the main characters,  but there danger side to that too ; they killing the emotional  balance  between  the darkness  and the normal and take out the humanity  connection between  the main leads and others beside the crimes itself  


They have to he careful  and close that gap  by making more emotional  connection  with the leads themselves  or with them with others characters  or it will be all dark and chasing  killers and that good to only some limit after all it 20 eps that we  cant spend  on the same only line or only the feeling  of losing and deaths 


Dont get me wrong, I like ep 5 so much but all I am saying they have to he careful  and throw some balance  often  or as we all know  to much from something,  no matter  how good it , it always  go wrong 



But I understand  that  they using the first 6 episodes  to build  the main characters  ( the detective, the reporter  , BR, BY) they make them lose someone  they love, they make them build  that trauma and  determination to hunt and to catch killer 

this drama prepare  them to be the futures hunters( no mater what twists  there to each one of them) so they need to share the same Feeling of pain, losing, death, guilty, death and have nothing  left to them to start the real hunt 


P.s. I hope BY will be okay she character who keep collecting traumas  like she has no break and it to much for the only 19 years old to face all that


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Ep5 was brutal.  :tears:


We guessed right about the fake video.  BR is not the killer.  DK is still on my suspect list.  Father MW is dead.  The reasons that the victims were picked was explained.  A bit convoluted but okay.  Killer thinks he is God.  I need to work through the facts of the case without the emotional input.  That’s the only way to catch the killer.  It’s hard with Ep5 because they keep doing flashbacks and flash forwards so the timeline is confusing.  Even through the show airing there were flashbacks which make it harder to figure out timeline.


God’s Gift 14Days has a nod...Saet Byul was mentioned by the female director (when HJ locked herself in the room with 2 other members of staff, the lady mentioned that they had to let HJ do it for the sake of SaetByul).  I’ll never forget that name.  The fact that GG14Days ended so badly meant it’s forever engraved in my mind :lol:.


Anyway, Officer SS is still on the suspect list.  I need to work out what part DK has to play in this whole thing.


I do have a question though.  Did people think the footage of MW in the end was live streamed?  Or was it in the USB that BR found that was corrupted and they worked out a way to look at the contents?  Which meant that it was old footage.  Killer had already killed MW?  But for some reason it sounded like it was live streamed.  Because MC was reacting to the video.  If it was old footage, then BY going to the church would make little difference because MW would already be dead.  Unless the killer was still waiting there before the Police arrived.  I would’ve thought that as soon as that footage was viewed, the Police would’ve been sent out straight away to the Parish?  They wouldn’t be hanging around watching?  Because it looked like BY arrived at the Parish with a knife?  How did she beat the Police to it?  She had to flag down a cab to get her there? 

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What an episode it was, and we've got a crazy one here. So the killer's standard is to kill the ones who are resisting to do one of the 7 deadly sins. Interesting. When this was revealed, and Mu Chi said that Han Kook did not have wrath and so the killer chose him, I actually thought "Then his (MC's) brother could be one of the victims in the coming episodes due to the same reason" and BOOM it happened. I never expected it to happen this soon. 


The whole scene involving the priest's murder was so sad and at the same made me quite angry. I just wanted to smack the PD or the head in the studio who refused to have the program and just cared about the ratings when an actual murder was being broadcast. I feel so sad for the priest who had to die and suffer at the hands of a crazy killer. 


Coming back to the whole show, kudos to the members who were sure that Ba Reum and co. are faking it. But, who actually was the one who called and knew so much about Mu Chi in details? I think they should actually look into it. The caller seemed too suspicious. The same happened to Mu Chi that happened to detective in charge of Head Hunter case, and he had warned him about it. 


I wonder how Mu Chi will deal with things. He surely will now have to be removed from the case officially since he is now victim's family, something the killer seemed to have wanted to happen for sometime now. I can see Mu Chi suffering for sometime now, and I think this will lead Ba Reum in taking the lead from now on, and a possible time jump happening. Since the killer confessed to have killed Grandma, and if Ba Reum is not the killer, then he also has got strong motive to catch him. 


One interesting thing here is, when the show was happening, we know Yo Han was watching the show. But from a basement room, with the TV there? Seemed quite similar to the scene where they showed seemingly the killer watching Mu Chi's interview in the second episode. Well, I still don't think he is the killer though. I still think that he is after the killer here. At the same time I think Ba Reum was in the Police Station when Mu Chi was moved on to the connection part between the victims which led to the killer calling him. I am not too sure if Ba Reum could actually be that fast to reach the church soon after informing Mu Chi about the corrupt video being recovered. Another interesting thing though is the fact that the killer seemed to have used a mobile white in color and so was the case with Ba Reum. Of course he would not use his regular mobile, but still I found it intriguing. 


The recovered video from the USB seemed to be have been the killer watching Priest's interview where he tells how he decided to forgive the head hunter. The setting seems too similar to the room where Yo Han was watching the show earlier in the episode. But I think the position of the TV from the wall seemed to be a bit different, like in the recovered it seemed farther from the wall compared to the TV we saw Yo Han watching. At the same time, in the recovered video, the company logo of the TV too was visible since the logo light seemed to be on, and it was not the case when Yo Han was watching the TV. 


Our another suspect Dong Koo was present in the studio of the show when the murder actually happened. So he can be removed from the killer list for now. We do know that the killer was moving when he was speaking to Mu Chi during the show, given how he deceived the police by placing the mobile in someone else's bag. Which means he was going to the Priest at that time. When the video was recovered from the USB, Ba Reum was not present there. But we still don't know how far the Police station is from the Church. But, during that time, we don't know Ba Reum's location which we knew earlier, we don't know about Yo Han but he was watching the show when it started. But there is one guy who was not shown from the start of the episode I believe and it is Shin Sung. He is still at the top of my suspect list, and we still don't know where he was when the murder happened, or even when the show was airing. He wasn't part of the team who went to catch the killer too. 


I wonder what will happen to Han Kook too, will the killer free him or kill him? Looking forward to tonight's episode.

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19 hours ago, nona88 said:

 Waiting for ep 5 but probably  I will watch it late 


I have question  BR had photo with him mother only as a baby  ( usually  they put the most new one when parents  die) 


He was raise with his aunt at some point ( we dont know exactly  when ? Or at any stage he go live with his aunt and her husband) 


The question  here why the photo with his mother  only as baby ? ( did his mother also die young even before he can walk or have other photo with her) ?


Or cause he think that his only good memories  with her ( he seem really glad  and even honestly  admiring the photo when  BR said his mother is pretty) 


Again I still think HS wife did crazy things in the past if it was killing , or switching  child ( I go with her at some point maybe switch  babys  since she was sure he will be monster)


The twist here, if she switch baby's  and her real son  trun to be good and the one she took( in that theory  it YH turn evil:joy:)  okay switching baby's is crazy I know, i just go a bead of thinking what twists they can come with  ( but if she switch baby's  maybe with BR mother - that crazy I know ) 

 If switch baby then it’s like messy and penthouse lookalike where situations keep changing that can’t be imagine

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So one thing I did work out was the Grandma was not on the list because she was a random kill.  She wasn’t targeted.  She was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.  What did she see that necessitated the killer taking her life?  That’s why she didn’t have the cross reference.  She’s not someone linked to one of the deadly sins/children’s tales.  So of the list, wrath was dispensed with when MW was killed.  The only one left is envy.  The little boy didn’t seem envious of other kids for having what he didn’t have?  A father?  So he’s the final piece in the puzzle?  Unless he actually displays envy and the killer may free him then?  Because he freed the convenience store girl?  Because she displayed “greed” when forced to eat all the food?  She was not worthy of the kill?


There are 7 deadly sins but there are also 7 heavenly virtues (the converse).  When the killer is done with killing people who resisted the 7 deadly sins, will his attention then turn to those who resist the 7 virtues?  I can’t see how his killings would just end abruptly with resistance to “envy” being dispensed with?


I think mixed in the whole broadcast, the copycat is woven in there to claim some of the glory.  Hence the very convoluted USB/locker fiasco.  Locker 13 and 14.  I need to take a look again.  Because there was a second fake video put out there.  The one they actually aired and thought it belonged to the killer.  Was that the result of the copycat?  DK insisted on staying in the broadcast station whilst BR was busy out there trying to find the boy.  He said something very strange.  He said he wanted to stay at the broadcast station because he wanted to be the next Alfred Hitchcock.  That was very odd.  He seems both horrified and fascinated by the whole affair?  He’s still on my copycat list.  I have a feeling he’s the one leaking the information somehow.  Whether it’s inadvertently or deliberately I am still not sure.


I may wait till Ep6 airs and watch it before thinking about how the facts tie in the sequence of events.


Honestly with how the suspects are being “killed off” one by one, it’s almost a process of elimination and we’ll get the killer?  :lol:  Writer has thinned it out significantly for us?  How can she keep doing that for another 15eps?  There won’t be anyone left at this rate :lol:?

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@nrlleeI think the recovered USB has Moo Won's old news interview.  The killer live stream his murder by calling in and forced the station to air his live stream.  The station aired both.  I think Moo Won's parish is near the neighborhood that Bong Yi lives, thus why she was able to get to the church before the police.  Ba Reum patrolled the same area and knows Moo Won well so I assume they are all in the same parish. In preview of E6, we saw her fighting with someone.


Wooowwwww,  I am sooooo sad. Shocked. What an episode!  :byebye2: Father Moo Won, may you rest in peace and do well in your next drama!  We will miss you!


Someone dropped off the fake kidnapping USB in locker 13 at around 21:44 and Han Kook dropped off the USB in the locker 14 at 21:50.  The delivery person picked up locker 13 envelope to deliver to station at 22:10.  Timing is too perfect, he knows info before hand.  We have a mole in the police department@nrllee


Ba Reum reviewed the kidnapping USB video at 22:47.  The reflection off the mask Fake Han Kook was the Red Riding Hood children book.... the break Moo Chi needed :approves:

  The killer sent clues to Moo Chi to help solve his challenge and by having his victim delivered the clue of the next kill.  It's a game for the psychopath!  He's God.  He controls life and death.


All this information was told to us by reporter Yang... How does he get the scoop to investigate so fast, while MC is on air?  He found the CCTV before the police.  I totally miss it, how did reporter Yang know about the subway station?  How does he get the security clearance to obtain Shimjeong subway CCTV footage?  Very odd.


The 7 sins and the victims.

  • Lust: Byun Soon Young (Little Red Riding Hood)
  • Gluttony: Jo Mi Jung (The Fox and the Grapes)
  • Greed:  Kim Sung Gyu (The Honest Woodcutter)
  • Sloth:  Park Jong Ho (The Ant and the Grasshopper)
  • Wrath:  Go Moo Woon
  • Pride: Na Chi Kook (The Emperor's New Clothes)
  • Envy:  Han Kook?

Envy is the last sin.... The killer will go after Ba Reum!  He's a generous soul.  Think this is where he will have his accident and memory loss.


And and and. Lee Hee Jooonnnnnn..... You were fantastic in episode 5. Heart wrenching, I feel all the desperation.... Moo Chi on his knees, begging for his brother's life.  The pain and anger.  What great acting!!!



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13 minutes ago, bedifferent said:

The reflection off the mask Fake Han Kook was the Red Riding Hood children book.... the break Moo Chi needed 

So that’s what I don’t get.  Why would the killer use a fake HK (no burn on his neck)?  When he had the real one?  Because the Little Red Riding Hood was reflected off a wall with photos.  Was that wall YH’s or the killer’s?  Was that deliberate on the part of the killer or was it a mistake?  Did he use a fake HK to shame MC and his team (because he had to come clean on live TV about their failed ruse)?  Just to mess with them (and us :lol:)?  And to force them to admit that they tried to pull a fast one over him but he beat them at their game?   Actually that’s the only reason I can think of as to why he pulled off such a complicated stunt.  To have the real HK put the USB in locker 14 and then have the courier pick up the USB (with the fake HK video) from locker 13.  

Thanks for clearing up the footage from the USB that was corrupted.


I think we’re right to assume that there’s a mole in the Police force. 


Actually a lot of things had to fall in place for the killer to pull it off.  He’s relying on a lot of variables Eg BR finding what was necessary in the CCTV footage. The competing station airing the other footage.  Then BR doubling back to get the corrupted USB.  The police being able to decrypt it in time for it to air in the last segment of the show.  But yeah, I will let it slide.  


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@nrlleewhat if we have 2 different persons called in?  The serial killer is one who has Han Kook put the USB in locker 14 and another person who fake the boy to help Moo Chi with the clue of the Little Red Riding Hood?


BTW, DK is writing a book.  The reflection is a cover of the Little Red Riding Hood book or illustrations on the wall.  hahaha :Megalol: this drama is soooo convoluted

What I want to know is .... where is Han Kook?  Is he ok?

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2 hours ago, Sleepy Owl said:

Another interesting thing though is the fact that the killer seemed to have used a mobile white in color and so was the case with Ba Reum. Of course he would not use his regular mobile, but still I found it intriguing. 

Yeah.. They are trying to lure us with the mobile case.. haha



2 hours ago, Sleepy Owl said:

The setting seems too similar to the room where Yo Han was watching the show earlier in the episode. But I think the position of the TV from the wall seemed to be a bit different, like in the recovered it seemed farther from the wall compared to the TV we saw Yo Han watching. At the same time, in the recovered video, the company logo of the TV too was visible since the logo light seemed to be on, and it was not the case when Yo Han was watching the TV. 



Confusing.. everything seems so similar...


43 minutes ago, bedifferent said:

Envy is the last sin.... The killer will go after Ba Reum!  He's a generous soul.  Think this is where he will have his accident and memory loss.



43 minutes ago, bedifferent said:

And and and. Lee Hee Jooonnnnnn..... You were fantastic in episode 5. Heart wrenching, I feel all the desperation.... Moo Chi on his knees, begging for his brother's life.  The pain and anger.  What great acting!!!



No wonder Lee Seung Gi was craving him to be MC...

His acting skill is so brilliant.. Even the psycho is great fan of MC.. :o


57 minutes ago, nrllee said:

The only one left is envy.  The little boy didn’t seem envious of other kids for having what he didn’t have?  A father?  So he’s the final piece in the puzzle?  Unless he actually displays envy and the killer may free him then?  Because he freed the convenience store girl?  Because she displayed “greed” when forced to eat all the food?  She was not worthy of the kill?

There must be a big surprise... I don't really think that las puzzle is the lil boy..


The psycho being ridiculous to claim himself as a God! It 8s a big clue..


The episodes are so intense and we cannot just loose yeorobun...

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@bedifferent :lol:.  That did cross my mind.  That the guy who supplied the video with fake HK is YH maybe?  With the wall of photos being his?  He’s trying to give them clues so they can find the killer faster?  Because he’s worked it out?  It takes a killer to know one?  I am hoping the writer goes down this route.  That BR and YH will team up to hunt the killer down.  I feel like BR has the drive but he lacks the instinct.  YH has the instinct but lacks the drive.  They balance each other out perfectly.  I don’t know how MC will come out of this after what he endured in Ep5.  Will he be so guilt ridden that he becomes a man defeated?  Like the other older Officer who taunted HH and caused the death of his children?   Tamed by the killer.  Will BR now take over as the main driver to find the killer.  I hope BY doesn’t come out second best after her altercation with the killer (in preview).  She needs to stay alive and marry BR Oppa. :wub:

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@nrllee, @bedifferent even I am curious to know whether the killing will suddenly stop after the 7th kill? 7th actual kill and not the random one which happened in grandma's case. I think you rightly pointed that Ba Reum could be the 7th victim here, but let's see how thing will be. 


I am getting more and more sure that Yo Han is not the killer. In the preview we see him ask (seemingly) Bong Yi, "did she see the face of the killer". You see, from having psychopathic genes and some other slight yet direct hints to him being the killer, he does not really fit the profile. Like if he were the killer, I don't think he would ask Bong Yi about it, instead Bong Yi would rather fit in the category of Grandma, who was at the wrong place, at wrong time and witnessed something she should not have witnessed. But still, I will keep in the suspect list for now. 


Dong Koo was at the broadcast station when the murder actually happened. And I believe the murder was live streamed, given the fact that Bong Yi was seen to have fought him in the preview. Question is, how did the killer know about the fake video, and why did he fake it himself? The immediate answer would be he must have wanted to mock them in front of them all, trying to go the easy way as one of you mentioned. But, what if, this was done by Yo Han? We still don't know how much of the conversation he could eavesdrop at Ba Reum's house. So what if he did so, in order to provoke the killer, so that he would react to it? Like the killer would know that someone is trying to pull out a trick here, only for that to be directed to Mu Chi and team, failing Yo Han's plan. The fact that they could see reflections of notes and news paper cuttings in the video, means there is a high chance that Yo Han pulled this stunt. Maybe Yo Han figured things out faster than Mu Chi, seeing the reflection of Red Riding Hood there.  


As for Dong Koo, once again he was at the broadcast station, and his Alfred Hitchcock was because he wants to be writer and is actually working on a psychological thriller novel, which was the reason he joined the Head Hunter fan club. Still, I find him suspicious, like he could be the mole here. We definitely have a mole in Police force given the fact the amount of things already leaked from their side. 


I am still too curious to know about the phone call where the person was provoking Mu Chi and revealing things not many know about.

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Wait...could Daniel Lee be “envy”?  His body hasn’t been found yet?  Remember how he looked at the photos of HH and JiEun?  I thought he was envious.  But after I learnt of his sister, I thought it could be because he was thinking of her when he looked at those pics.  How she would’ve been in those pics had she not died all those years ago?   If he was killed by the serial killer, he had to be something too.  Unless he was also unplanned, like Grandma.


Or YH’s lookalike friend?  He definitely had a cross reference so maybe he’s “envy”.


@Sleepy Owl yes I think DK is the mole.   BR only thought up the plan 2hrs before broadcast.  Unless HJ told YH?  So there really wasn’t much time for the killer to plan it all.  

950pm is when HK puts package in locker 14.

1010pm is when the courier picks up the package in locker 13 (with the fake HK)


Didn't they say the broadcast end was 11?  And that was the deadline for MC to solve the mystery?  So I would assume it’s an hour long program and it starts at 10?  I need to go back and watch just to get time stamps.

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This series is breaking my heart 


First grandma then the priest.


Questions :


1) why did BR acted like he didn't know Dr Yohan when ChiHook was at the hospital? When it turns out they talked about ChiHook helping Yohan in highschool when he was bullied?


2) can anyone recap to me who is Dong Koo again? Is he with the police?


3) how did the killer know that woman # 1 resisted lust and didnt want to sleep around? 


How did killer have an insight into their personal lives??


cant remember so many characters and details to remember!

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28 minutes ago, nrllee said:


@Sleepy Owl yes I think DK is the mole.   BR only thought up the plan 2hrs before broadcast.  Unless HJ told YH?  So there really wasn’t much time for the killer to plan it all.  

950pm is when HK puts package in locker 14.

1010pm is when the courier picks up the package in locker 13 (with the fake HK)


I don't really think Hong Ju speaks about such stuff with Yo Han. I think none of them would have said it to anyone since this supposed to be confidential, as it could endanger the kid who was used as replacement. If this was discussed 2 hours before the broadcast, and if Yo Han had eavesdropped earlier, then I believe he came up with this plan himself. 


The fact that we have 2 lockers involved here, I believe further proves that the video was not sent by the killer. He could just broadcast it just like he live streamed the murder. 


28 minutes ago, nrllee said:

Wait...could Daniel Lee be “envy”?  His body hasn’t been found yet?  Remember how he looked at the photos of HH and JiEun?  I thought he was envious.  But after I learnt of his sister, I thought it could be because he was thinking of her when he looked at those pics.  How she would’ve been in those pics had she not died all those years ago?   If he was killed by the serial killer, he had to be something too.  Unless he was also unplanned, like Grandma.



I think Daniel Lee was unplanned, but also the fact that body was not found must have irked the murderer. Maybe it was also unplanned as you said, which is why he did not take any credit for yet. I mean, seeing how things are, Daniel Lee actually would be the biggest and most famous victim of this guy. Something like a trophy murder for him. Given the kind of exhibitionist he is, he must have already said he killed Daniel Lee, until or unless he knows that he cannot prove it he killed him since the body is not found. 


44 minutes ago, nrllee said:

 I don’t know how MC will come out of this after what he endured in Ep5.  Will he be so guilt ridden that he becomes a man defeated?  Like the other older Officer who taunted HH and caused the death of his children?   Tamed by the killer.  Will BR now take over as the main driver to find the killer.  I hope BY doesn’t come out second best after her altercation with the killer (in preview).  She needs to stay alive and marry BR Oppa. :wub:


I think the same here, that this is the point where we will see Ba Reum take the driving spot. We might as well see the time jump. Maybe the killer will stop after the 7th murder and then resurface after two years. Otherwise, well I think we can assume that MC will be out of action for sometime, before Ba Reum asking him to rejoin him in order to catch the killer. 

15 minutes ago, cherriesblue said:

Questions :


1) why did BR acted like he didn't know Dr Yohan when ChiHook was at the hospital? When it turns out they talked about ChiHook helping Yohan in highschool when he was bullied?


2) can anyone recap to me who is Dong Koo again? Is he with the police?


3) who is Daniel Lee again?


cant remember so many characters and details to remember!


1. I think Ba Reum didn't recognize Yo Han initially and then when Yo Han was preparing for Chi Kook's surgery he remembered and reminded Yo Han about it. 


2. Dong Koo is Ba Reum's friend. Remember the guy who said he joined Head Hunter's fan club before the event in prison happened? He was part of the planning the fake kidnapping too. The guy who was supposed to deliver the fake kidnapping video. 


3. Daniel Lee is the researcher whose research proved that they identify whether the fetus has psychopathic genes or not. Head Hunter's friend who visited him that eventful night in the first episode. 


47 minutes ago, holyfea said:

Confusing.. everything seems so similar...



If you look carefully, the TV's company logo's light is on, which was not the case in Yo Han's TV if you check it in the same episode. 


The TV is placed slightly farther than the wall here, but it because of the angle. But to me TV seems different because of the logo light.

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@Sleepy Owl  @nrllee  Based on the sequence of the CCTV video.  HK was there first for locker 14, followed by someone for locker 13 then the courier.  The person who put the usb for fake HK in  locker 13 knew about the killer’s plan and wanted to make sure the police notice HK.  He chose locker 13 purposely so the boy would show up on CCTV review.  This has to be planned in advance so that the courier get to the station before DK.  Only 2 people know DK’s time of delivery - DK and BR.  


There was the killer/caller and a separate person behind the scene who sent the fake HK usb to help MC.  YH fits the bill of locker 13 owner cuz he may have been investigating the murders and perhaps understood the fairy tale/sin reference.  Helping MC to exonerate the suspicion that he kills Daniel Lee.


If DK is part of Head Hunter’s fanclub, there is a chance he knows Yo Han’s secret and tries to help him by leaking the police’s investigations.  Maybe that is why Yo Han has all the victims photos taken after the crimes have been committed.  Could also be part of his criminology research for his book.  I think DK told Yo Han about the plan by MC so that YH’s courier could beat him at delivery.


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Actually I think YH’s lookalike friend is more likely “envy”.  If he was the boy in the corridor who grew up befriending YH, he could well be the boy who was “envious” but just didn’t show it or act on it.


HK’s kidnapping was possibly the impetus to give the killer air time on live TV.  He planned it.  So the whole of Seoul would be watching him, elevating his standing in their eyes to almost “god-like”.  Striking fear in the hearts of every person who tuned in.  So hopefully the writer will let him live?  And we won’t have a dead child to contend with.  

EDIT - I needed a good laugh after Ep5.  The incredible changing foot injury (is it on his left or right?).  Shifting lameness. :lol:  

cr overlendd Twitter


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56 minutes ago, nrllee said:


EDIT - I needed a good laugh after Ep5.  The incredible changing foot injury (is it on his left or right?).  Shifting lameness. :lol:  

cr overlendd Twitter


Im a little disappointed if its a mistake.



Hmm..I didnt notice it...:D


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But how did the killer have an insight about the victims private lives?


For example, that woman with the daughter who didn't want to sleep around.  It was a conversation between she and her mom.  Unless the mom told the police about this? 


If so, then its probably someone from the police.

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@rocher22 I noticed JH drew with his right hand and he pulled out the knife from his dad with his left.  YH is definitely left handed.  Maybe both BR and he are ambidextrous. The crutch I guess can be used under either arm so it didn’t really matter that much.



For example, that woman with the daughter who didn't want to sleep around.  It was a conversation between she and her mom.  Unless the mom told the police about this? 


If so, then its probably someone from the police.

Good point.  Wasn’t it her daughter who said on the radio that she loved her mom for looking after her.  The scenario about sleeping around seemed to only happen at the bar (her workplace)?  How was the killer to know that?  Unless he frequented the bar and knew about it?  I may have missed that segment, they skipped over the facts so quickly and there were so many murders.  My memory is fuzzy. :lol:

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