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[Drama 2020] Do You Like Brahms?, 브람스를 좋아하세요?


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Jung Kyung is basically a biss who needs to be slapped.


Next episode would be a gap between Joon Young and Song Ah. Jung Kyung of course will tell her about Joon Young mooning over her to Song Ah because she knew she lost Joon Young with Song Ah. 15 years as a friend, Jung Kyung enjoyed the attention from both of parties but deep down she only wanted Joon Young but she was too late. 

How i wish Jung Kyung would remain as a good antagonist but wait antagonist never took a lead in a good way. They would create a havoc so our protagonist would get together lol

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15 minutes ago, rukizie said:

Ah i just woke up because of the busy week i had. Thanks for the recapping all of you. 



for people who wants to live streaming via sbs vod on air, you can pm me since they ask you for log in in sbs 온에어. you can sign yourself in sbs with your gmail or yahoo. Usually if you log into their website, it never has ads and it’s so fast lol

oo nice! I would totally live recap but this drama airs earlier on my time zone. I will still be sleeping lol. I have actually live-streams/recap a couple of dramas before but omg, the lagging made me:





at the end of the stream, I only managed to watch 10-15 mins of the whole episode LOL! 

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I wonder what would Nah Director do for Jung Kyung since she doesn’t want to work for foundation. Using Joon Young ? 

I guess being a kdrama fans for fifteen years still make me doing some imaginative story inside my head. The possibility is right under their nose lol


@vangsweetie637 lol that gif never gets old lol. The airing time is early in my country but i had a habit to lose some sleep for my korean drama. Kdrama fans can relate in so many ways lol

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@Jillia yes, i will give that to JK. She does at least know what she wants. But then this brings me to ask, if such is the case, when did she begin to know she wanted JY instead of HH? Was it really only when JY became friends with SA? Because it seems she knew and was aware of his feelings but still played along with both of them? This is where I didn’t like her approach. I definitely like it when someone knows what they want and live up to it but the way she played these two guys makes me feel annoyed and especially with how she is acting now towards JY, thinking he is obligated to her because they know each other longer. I also think these three should go separate ways, too. Some friendship will never be the same with so much damage. It is going to take real forgiveness if these three are going to still maintain some kind of relationship with one another. 

15 minutes ago, rukizie said:

I wonder what would Nah Director do for Jung Kyung since she doesn’t want to work for foundation. Using Joon Young ? 

I guess being a kdrama fans for fifteen years still make me doing some imaginative story inside my head. The possibility is right under their nose lol


oh man..she better NOT use JY or I will personally deliver another slap.

This girl needs to realize she can actually do things on her own success without using others. But like you, being a korean drama veteran, we all know this ain’t gonna happen until the last episodes haha. 

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@rukizie Ow cool ! I have been watching Korean dramas myself for 17 years myself. I don't  miss the days of virus/ seeing bad subs in bad grammar English from Chinese subs. When legal sites came up,I was happy. Loved fan subs for saeguks with explanations that Dramafever (did lack I noticed). 


@Jillia Oh what I did was nothing. I appreciate ALL your efforts. Translating is hard work and I am not native too. So def makes it interesting :cutekitty:



I just saw all the clips for this new episode during my lunch time.


JY changing the song he was playing. Though he was going to play the song for SA, seeing JK, he changed it. Later when SA thanks JK, JY walks up to her. JK wanted to hear the song. JY just saying that song NO LONGER has any special meaning. (WOW def more drawing the line.) JK is hurt and confesses she loves JY. She will break up with HH. JY was cool and when he told her his rejection. Wow. Bravo. He doesn't need to be in their messy situation. Later when SA (concerned) goes back he makes sure she leaves as saying everything is done.  (The rude Credit Card guy is more careful to ask SA --SA ssi instead of intern nim/intern ssi etc.  when asked to clear up and wrap up the event.) I liked how JY asked where SA was and went to her. As priorly noted, he wrote "to violinist SA" I squealed when i saw what he wrote. After the rude violinist performer was putting SA down. She needed that encouragement. It was a timely present though belated as she did ask for a signature. But so meaningful.


Glad SA told JY that he did not know what it felt for someone wanting talent but only having desire and passion. JY is in a funk but glad SA is giving him the other side (her perspective). Yes he is in a funk, depressed, not having fun. But then did he EVER have real joy and fun playing piano? He has been playing to win and support his family and be grateful to JK Grandmother and the foundation as showing his appreciation.  I am glad SA said there more people with no talent who would love to have his abilities. 

Still making him conscious of the other side --as he doesn't know it and she does.


SA lending her shoes. The violinist was a so annoying. The comment she made the downlow slap in the face to SA saying she calls herself a violinist. DANG. Her boss love Cha Young In checking in on SA. Comforting her and SA assuring her it is better to have a good show. Such a hard worker and team player, but I agree with her boss saying no need to hold it in and take that behaviour. Then to see that JY is sitting next to JK. SHe admits not knowing he would be there. Awkward. But I loved how JY was constantly looking and carefully attentive and  noting seeing SA when the side door with the performers were entering the stage.


JK Grandmother seeing HH and offering a teaching position. He was like but isn 't it for JK. She counters she has stuff she wants to do. I am your side. Glad she is giving him the position and went to him at his parent's store. 


JK going to HH and FINALLY breaking up with HH.  When he overheard at the after party of the performance the violinist was like to her parents how she saw her at JY concert but wanted to say hi but she was unable to. So of course HH is devastated to hear the truth. So at the pojangmacha. she finally does what she should have done eons ago. Poor HH but it was unevitable and clawing at straws when the other person is no longer present in the relationship is not fair to him. Lying to JY last episode about getting married to JK as a warning. But HH flip side says to JK the couple rings have NO special meaning---oh sure.


MS confessing to CEO Yoon. (Not a break up as they were not dating. Granted they did eons before, their night together after drinking is NOT a relationship). I have to give props to her to finally admit out loud her liking him despite him cruelly saying not nice things after their night together. She has closure finally but still uncomfortable but glad it was done.


CEO Yoon and HH chat and our finding about his story with SA. Awwww he had similar funk then too with violin. But seeing someone so passionate and loving violin with a strong desire and passion after hearing SA play. To realize it was not her major but hobby. He was felt a bit awe I sensed in her. He realized that he was not as passionate as this student/hoobae about the instrument as he should be. So that explains his willingness to tutor SA. He is acknowledgement of her passion to achieve her dreams. The speech he made in support of her despite all others being against her decision. Makes it more poignant and why SA started her one sided crush. Awww makes sense now. I wonder if when he was dating MS (was it around time after he met SA or before he tutored SA.) Curious about the timing but then again it really is not a big plot point now.


OMG -yup JY is so sweet. As mentioned before his walking and calling SA. OMG smooth and then asking her out to meet up for dinner. SA just being so cute and immediately answering she was free (no game/hesitation) sweet. Also her knowing where he was when he said he was not home.  That scene where the meet up and he just is smiling and she is too.These two cute shy awkward puppies. Then go to them hanging out and he saying to go for the walk along the old city wall. I know about this already from seeing this clip (partially) over the weekend but still flutteryt to watch. JY saying he feels better being with SA. Her wishing him to be ok and not stressed. Their shy smiles and the backs of their hands touching but not really. 



Preview thoughts

Glad that SA has chance thanks to her professor to do something with the violin (YEAH).


SA with JY and saying she doesn't want to be friends. I feel (hope) it is for going that step. (SA has her moments of bravery and I hope it is it. If that is the case, dang she is fast but knows her mind.) Plus JY gave her signals. Granted he is on sabbatical and enjoys being with her, he is in a funk. But he is cheered up when with her and is all shy awkward smiles. Their lovely dance hanging out and liking each other is so fluttery. I hope it is the case. I think JK mentioning the 15 yrs might give SA pause but not really. I agree , if you had that much time and did nothing. should have nothing to do with SA in this case.  She has her own situation.  The  preview teasing from colleagues seems like she def asks love /dating advice referring to JY. If we are trolled I will be a bit annoyed (as I admit these previews do troll you.) But if she wants to draw a line to stay away from JY that is sad. I don't them to be only business like with each other.


I look at our potential OTP and cannot help smiling. 

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7 minutes ago, Jillia said:


Girl only found out she wanted Joon Young when he became interested in someone who isn't her. I wonder though why she got together with Hyun Ho instead of Joon Young? Did she ever love Hyun Ho? Did she ever had feelings for Joon Young but ignored them? So I definitely agree with you. I don't like it either that now Joon Young isn't available at any time for anymore she is suddenly interested. And suddenly she wants to talk to Song Ah when before they didn't really exchange more than one sentence each?


But on the upside: Joon Young isn't really interested, leaving her behind for Song Ah. :D


Source: DCGall

That’s correct! The moment she caught those little glances and interactions between SA and JY, she became jealous. Oo, I even remember that moment she put JY on the spot in the practice rehearsal with HH there. I hated her at that moment too. Like girl..chill. He ain’t yours to manipulate verbally. Her sudden wanting to talk with SA is going to be her way of guilt-tripping SA. She is going to try to make SA feel “bad”, perhaps for coming in her way with JY. Ooo she better NOT. I also wonder why she remained with HH. It wasn’t for money. So why? Did she actually like HH at a moment then stopped? My thoughts are that she always liked JY and the attention she received from him. HH was simply a tool to see how far JY will go for her. When she realized he wouldn’t step up, she remained with HH to test it further. Then now, he decided to show interest with SA and she’s acting this way. It’s quite sad for HH actually. He did love JK. Unfortunately, she most likely never felt the same way. 

omo...girl, i have to repost this from you:



I don’t recall this scene so it must be in the new episode but omg..yes!! Love how he disregarded JK. Yasssss!!!! 

@rukizie haha this is going to be my next slap delivery:



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Is it me or is JY not feeling that good while he's out with SA in the preview scene? he's feeling frustrated or mad or something? it seems like something happened for him to be frustrated and her to confess that she doesn't want to be friends

could be just me over-analyzing  

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Been silently lurking here and there. But decide to comment :) I am completely in love with this pairing of SA and JY, that they understand each other and how observant they are with one another. I really cannot wait until they both fall in love with each other. Although I know that, it will take awhile given how much JY is going through - the burden of feeling indebted to a foundation, the burden of his family circumstances, and his feeling.


Part of me hope that we can eventually hear SA plays the violin and that her violin will move JY heart the way his piano had moved her heart. Because right now, it seem that JY is in a bad funk of losing the passion he has for piano. I hope together with SA, they eventually grow together and eventually can play a piece together, music that moves the heart, that will resonate with their love


And now that DY and HH have broken up respectively, I feel like there new triangle will be brewing. DY - SA - JY and the other one is SA - JY - SK.



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@Jillia  Thanks my friend. :cutekitty: You are right everyone's contribution is key and important.


I found this gem. The cast is playing the game with the hand over the machine that detects if you are lying or not. If you are caught lying you get a shock. LOL.


Sorry if this was posted before.




First question was asked by the actress MS----have you met a friend's x?

PEB was like--nope /never.  I dislike it. Never. (She is too cute. ) She was not shocked.


KMJ asks the actress as JK, " I really like HH."

(Before the question, PEB cutely secures JK actress hand  more tightly to the machine. HEHHEHE.:naughty:

She says straight on looking at KMJ--No.

(she passed)

Actor as HH was sad and stood up (lol). These guys as jokesters. Love they are able to tease each other.


Next is our ML, JK actress asks, " Have you honestly/really felt butterflies to SA during filming?"

I have not/None.

But he got "shocked" and ran out of the screen. LOL. (Text mentions---marriage LOL)


Next is HH actor and the question is from PEB, she asks "I am the ONLY Person to play character HH."

(resounding) Yes!

I am jjang/the best.

He got shocked . LOL


(the women did well thus far!)


Actor as CEO Yoon is secured. JK actress asks ---Have you been in contact with 2 people (I am guessing interest/contact wanting to date? not sure ) .


(He passed!)


Last is MS actress and HH actor asked--- Within all the female characters' which one has the most ambitions? She asked other than MS, none. MS is the best.

She passed.


Then they have a cute chart on everyone and their status -truth /lie.


HH is doing it again and admits his heart is racing. (This question again from KMJ.)

Have you had felt butterflies to JK during filming?


(He passed.)


KMJ turn again. Actress as JK asks---I am a good dancer.

Then she amends it saying- I am a good dancer and rapper.


(He passed.)


Poor KMJ is put on the spot. Then the actor as HH and him stand up.

HH has some flashy dance move (love USHER).

KMJ so cute does a moon walk like thing and fancy foot work. So cute.



Also ep 4 BTS/Making




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Awww y'all so sweet


Minjae cover for punch ost album cover ^^ they're labelmate 


And are we gonna see minjae plays piano by himself for taeyeon ost?


Dylb osts and videos often got trending. Next release maybe.. 10cm turn



Anyway I really like their emotional acting, name it from our otp or others ㅠㅠ to me they nailed it.. 

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2 hours ago, Nodame said:

@vangsweetie637 I only watched SBS drama clips and gathered what I could understand in Korean. Eating dinner now waiting for subs to come out!


Tonight I have to wait til after my seminar but having jjapaguri a la Parasite with steak as solace as I wait.

yup, im doing the same. I tried watching raw but it lags and i am so curious as to what is being said. I can only catch a few korean words too only lol.


why does your food sound so delicious?? Lol





yasss! Subs finally up on streaming site, not viki tho. Viki did finally put up the raw version.

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9 hours ago, Jillia said:

They're the cutest! Especially the reason for the promise. So that they will call eachother on good and bad days. :wub:


Oh my heart fluttered. 





I love how they shyly chuckled afterwards. It happened in the ep4 Behind the Scenes that Nodame shared. Thank you for sharing it, @Nodame. There's was just so much wonder and joy!! 



I love how the story keeps a nice balance of the one to one relationships and how these characters come together and/or connect. On the other hand, I also love how passion and talent has been brought up especially in this episode. 

In ep1, we had a glimpse of Songah in the backstage looking into where Joonyoung is playing. In today's episode, she thinks to herself about JoonYoung, "So why is it that when you achieved your dream with your talent, you don't seem happy? Did you never really love the talent that you're born with?" 

What we often think is that success (performing worldwide and getting the recognition) equates to talent. Talent is merely a skill or a natural gift you're born with. Talent evolves only if you continue to practice. Quite frankly we are all born with the talent to create, to make music.

What we see through Doon Young's story, he had the talent and passion to play the violin growing up. But as he grew older, he took tests, went to competitions and was tired of it. And what he felt through Songah's playing was her passion. He had already lost his passion to play the violin and now he has the passion to fix and make violins. To him, passion means feeling the spark. He tells Hyun Ho, "It's that feeling. I wasn't particularly brave. What could I do when my heart kept racing? I had to keep going forward.


I think pressure of having to do well and succeed often confines a musician to play passionately. One example is the violinist with her mom visiting Hyun ho's workshop. Hyun ho was trying to make conversation with the girl, but there was a sense of urgency to get the violin fixed for her audition tomorrow. Another example is Joonyoung.


Under the light of Joonyoung's success, we learned that he was an ordinary pianist ranked 10 out of 50-60 students. He started gaining recognition and doing better when he met Professor Yoo and was connected with the right people through Kyunghoo Foundation. And Joonyoung also notes that he would have done something else since his family can't afford the piano. His background highlights that if you have the resources and connection, then you're able to "succeed" with talent and hard work. 


Resources and connection are clearly reinforced in Jung Kyung's grandma's mindset. She tells Hyunho, "Your talent is irrelevant. Who believes in you and supports you. That may be more important. That could be luck or your ability." Her notion of luck is a matter of perspective about knowing the right people or not. Her notion of ability relates to the individual ambition and that is why she noted that Hyun ho's father didn't use his connection. Nonetheless, we see that she practically made the decision that JungKyung will be the director and Hyunho will be a professor at Seoryeong University, and claims that she's on Hyunho's side this time...


We also see the importance of networking throughout the episode. The professors who haven't played for a long time need sponsors and students to play at a chamber orchestra. Lee Hae-Na's father is the Dean of the College of Engineering. The performing violinist Su An is from a wealthy family. 


That shallow the credit card guy. He got a cab for Jung Kyung and didn't get a cab for both Joonyoung and Song ah. He only bowed to them with a low angle, showing very little respect. All in all, there are always going to be some people who act accordingly to the name of money. 


As for people who want to pursue a creative career, it's so much more than passion, talent and hard work. Connection and resources will help you get by.

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Just started the episode, finally.

And every time JK mentions that she wants/wanted to hear Truimeri (the song), this is seriously me:




Whoa..and she even said she would hurt HH and come back to JY because she knows he loves her too. Whoa!!!!



my nerves for this girl is close to the Kimchi slap delivery  @Jillia @Nodame @rukizie



dang. I have to continue the episode later. Kids are so loud, I cannot even hear the dialogue properly even with my earphones on. These kids need to go to bed, now! Lol. 

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