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[Drama 2020] Record of Youth / The Moment, 청춘기록


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24 minutes ago, Dj272 said:


HH is really starting to get annoying, JH seems to lose hope of HJ, HJ tries his best, but it will never be enough,


My feelings are like yours.  At this point my only hope is that JH is only a fan because as a girlfriend she was a disaster (I see JH's ex definitely more combative).  She have a credit for being different from all the other dramas heroines, she is cold and rational, and her words hurt more than those of the haters. 


HH is really annoying. 

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12 minutes ago, LRM11219311 said:

Can’t you see JH cut ties with HJ becoz of the RickRoll'D reporter? The reporter was so desperate to get revenge on SHJ becoz jjampong entertainment is suing her. She let go of him becoz she loves him very much and doesn’t want HJ to suffer more. Why can’t you see that? Even if HH always chasing after JH their topic was always about SA HYEJUN. My heart hurts becoz they both love each other. They both don’t deserve what’s happening in their love relationship. :bawling:

:sad1:JH use her own way to protect HJ. 

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15 minutes ago, LRM11219311 said:

Can’t you see JH cut ties with HJ becoz of the RickRoll'D reporter? The reporter was so desperate to get revenge on SHJ becoz jjampong entertainment is suing her. She let go of him becoz she loves him very much and doesn’t want HJ to suffer more. Why can’t you see that? Even if HH always chasing after JH their topic was always about SA HYEJUN. My heart hurts becoz they both love each other. They both don’t deserve what’s happening in their love relationship. :bawling:

That reporter actually spoke in Banmal to JH..She must have threatened or something..but still shouldnt JH trust MJ Noona and HJ to handle this instead of just breaking up? I think the reporter meeting her and threatening was perhaps the last straw in an already confused JH?  


For all her talk abt being independent..its really painful to watch her struggle so much to be in a relationship..From all the clips shown in the last few epsidoes..HJ is really doing his best...We really dont know whats going on in JH's mind..


Will wait for subs before I decide whr to be angry with JH or not!!

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4 minutes ago, Katy C said:

:sad1:JH use her own way to protect HJ. 

You can see that she doesn’t want to let go of HJ. It’s just that bad people are everywhere. :bawling: that’s the only way to protect him. She knew how hyejun worked so hard for his career and it’s also important to her as well. :tired:

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I feel bad for MJ. She took the risk to manage him coz she believes in him, and he became a star indeed. But now that issues were thrown to them from all directions she doesn't know what to do. We all know that managing artists isn't her forte and i can she her frustrations whenever she feels helpless in a certain situation. I just hope that she stays strong and won't back down. 

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Jeong-Ha's parting words to Hye-Jun : I love you. Let's break up...
Jeong-Ha's voiceover : It's never crossed my mind that I would be involved in a relationship which seems so familiar...
Video Preview for Ep 15 of Record of Youth


Jeong-Ha to Hye-Jun : That is enough....
Hye-Jun is lying in bed while in tears...
Reporter Kim to Jeong-Ha : Sa Hye-Jun has changed a lot, didn't he since he became very popular?
Reporter Kim plays the video clip of Jeong-Ha's YouTube Channel...
Wherein Jeong-Ha says : Is it regarding my boyfriend?
Do-Ha to Hye-Jun : I thought you and I differ a lot...
Do-Ha continues saying : But you managed to get that news article published very quickly...
Hye-Joon tells his dad : As a manager, you should know what his client is thinking about...
Dad replies : I am good at this...
Gyeong-Jun and Mom exclaim unanimously : Appa?! You?!
Lee Tae-Su tells Min-Jae : I can hire you to join our company too...You won't be able to handle this by yourself...
Min-Jae tells Hye-Joon : I have done something really bad...
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31 minutes ago, LRM11219311 said:

as for haehyo, I think he will never have any chance to JH becoz she doesn’t love him. Even JH and HJ broke up, he will never get any chances to JH. 

For JH, HJ is the best and the only one. No one can replace it. :D



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Why were those brand suing him for breach of contract? Is it because of his relationship with someone? I really don’t understand why entertainment industry has that kind of perception that having a intimate relationship with someone can make your career miserable? Why? What’s the point? :expressionless:

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Why does it feel like MJ and the reporter both play a part in the break up. As always MJ must have freaked out and JH remembering what she said that it would damage HJ image led to this. I don't blame JH as she truly love HJ and is doing what she thinks is best to safe his career and reputation. I hope they sue the reporter and release the last message HJ received from the designer Charlie. I get he wants to protect him even in his grave but he needs to think about himself. As for his best friend he needs to get out of his self pity party and work for his own future. There is nothing going on between him and JH as you can see clearly she doesn't have any feels toward him. 

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The last scene...


Jeong-ha arranges to meet Hye-jun at his agency...
As Jeong-ha tells Min-Jae that this is a place she feels that they will be able to have a more comfortable conversation...
Hye-Jun asks Jeong-Ha why is so difficult for him to meet her so the latter replies yeah, she knows...
Jeong-ha then apologises for having make him wait for her the other day...so Hye-jun reminds Jeong-ha that she has apologised for this many times already...and he assures her that it is alright...
Hye-jun tells Jeong-ha that it's really great to be able to see her finally and also talk to her in person too...Jeong-ha tells Hye-jun that she feel the same way too...
Hye-jun tells Jeong-ha that he wants to take things slowly now since he has been working non-stop round-the-clock because he was feeling too anxious to reach his goals and he has no idea how he has gotten so far...
Jeong-ha reminds him that he has always been putting forth his best and working so conscientiously and adds that he has always been a clear-headed person who doesn't like to impose on others...and moreover, he is very passionate about acting too...
Hye-jun then smiles at her words as he remarks that that makes him seem like such an amazing person...and he thanks Jeong-ha for being able to see all these qualities in him...
Jeong-ha then remarks that today seems to be all about saying thank you instead of I am sorry...
Jeong-ha then tells Hye-jun : I love you...
Then she looks at him sadly as she says : Let's break up...
Jeong-ha's voiceover : It's never crossed my mind that I would be involved in a relationship which seems so familiar...


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4 minutes ago, iffy21 said:

Why does it feel like MJ and the reporter both play a part in the break up. As always MJ must have freaked out and JH remembering what she said that it would damage HJ image led to this. I don't blame JH as she truly love HJ and is doing what she thinks is best to safe his career and reputation. I hope they sue the reporter and release the last message HJ received from the designer Charlie. I get he wants to protect him even in his grave but he needs to think about himself. As for his best friend he needs to get out of his self pity party and work for his own future. There is nothing going on between him and JH as you can see clearly she doesn't have any feels toward him. 

MJ noona is just protecting HJ’s career and JH understands it.  The reporter and Lee Taesu are the bad guys who want to ruin HJ’s career. 

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5 minutes ago, LRM11219311 said:

MJ noona is just protecting HJ’s career and JH understands it.  The reporter and Lee Taesu are the bad guys who want to ruin HJ’s career. 

Agree but think she messed it up somehow for HJ which is why I think she is alluding to this in the preview after JH left the office. This drama has surprised me on so many levels and expect HJ to make big decisions since he has to protect his love and family against people that want to constantly destroy what he has build so hard. I want my boy to fight back hard against Lee Taesu and the stupid reporter. Believe our couple will get back together with perhaps a time jump.

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4 minutes ago, iffy21 said:

Agree but think she messed it up somehow for HJ which is why I think she is alluding to this in the preview after JH left the office. This drama has surprised me on so many levels and expect HJ to make big decisions since he has to protect his love and family against people that want to constantly destroy what he has build so hard. I want my boy to fight back hard against Lee Taesu and the stupid reporter. Believe our couple will get back together with perhaps a time jump.

Yeah, she messed it up but kudos to her for admitting it to HJ that she also added the fuel to JH’s action. That gives me hope for them getting back together because of that HJ will not think JH broke up with him becoz she doesn’t love him anymore. For me,  They need to break up for a while so that they  breath and to think about everything and have time for themselves. There’s no doubt that those two love each other very much. :blush: I admit that I still feel sad and hurt. 

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Thanks for the translation, @MinLyn


Toward the end, Hye Jun was sued for breach of contract. Am I right in assuming that because of the scandals that plagued him, these projects and companies wanted out and sued him in the process? 2020 is really a "bad" year both in reel and real life.


At this point, I am giving Jung Ha the benefit of the doubt regarding wanting to break free from Hye Jun. The conversation with the reporter must have been the catalyst for the decision. I hope so as the I would really feel bad if it had to do with easing herself from a fantasy to reality mess that she has been wary of from the start. The latter doesn't seem consistent with Jung Ha's character.

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Opening scene...


Hye-jun asks Jeong-ha why she has called Hae-hyo instead of him when something good has happened so the latter tells him it's because he is busy...
Hye-jun then reminds Jeong-ha that in spite of that, he has never once ignored her messages to him and he would always make time to see her...
Jeong-ha then adds that even with that hectic schedule of Hye-jun's, the latter is always doing his best so she wants to try doing her best too...
Jeong-ha then adds that though it will be brief, she wants to be able to make him feel comfortable and since it will be brief, she wants to make him happy too...and she continues saying that since it will be brief so she wants to be happy too...
Hye-jun then apologises to her...
Jeong-ha asks if Hye-jun is happy now since he has everything that he wants now...and that his career has taken far better than he has thought it would...
She says that Hye-jun reminds her of their fathers as fathers do not have a life of their own and they are always working so hard to provide for their families...
This is when his assistant, Chi-Yeong calls Hye-jun and Jeong-ha motions to him to pick up the call...saying that work is waiting for him...
Hye-jun tells Jeong-ha that he should get going...
At the doorway...
Jeong-ha asks Hye-jun if he is feeling okay...and the latter apologises to her again....
Jeong-ha then asks Hye-jun what he is apologising for this time.....
Hye-jun then adds that he has no idea that she was trying accommodate his busy schedule...
Jeong-ha then tells Hye-jun not to worry about it....as she is aware that it is even more difficult for Hye-jun to put in the effort given the position he is in...
Hye-jun then shares that it does bother him too because he wants her to be happy and carefree more than everyone else in the world when they are dating...but he feels that she is being cooped up because of him...
Jeong-ha then smiles as she tells him that in return, she is able to receive his love...
Hye-jun then replies that he is glad she knows about that and tells Jeong-ha to walk him to his van...
Jeong-ha then tells him that he rarely asks her to do that...
Hye-jun then replies that he really doesn't have the time today so he can't walk her back to her house much as he would like to do so...
Jeong-ha then teases him that they would have only 5 minutes to themselves...so Hye-Jun replies that even if it's 5 minutes, he will still take it even though the time is short...
He then asks if Jeong-ha will walk him to his van so I guess the latter agrees to do so too...



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