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[Drama 2019] Her Private Life 그녀의 사생활


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I have to say, some props have to be given to the PD for making the kiss scene look so natural. In WWWSK (sorry I keep comparing the two but I've never watched PMY's other dramas), the bed scene was very cinematic so we could see the acting involved due to many shots of their faces, etc. In the beginning of episode 10 of HPL, it was shot as if they were being watched, rather than purposefully kissing for a TV show. Especially the second half where they move to the other room; it was mostly a one-shot (with a few very well continued close-ups) that made it appear as if we were watching them from afar. But of course, KJW and PMY are very good kissers (and are very in sync) to be able to pull it off~

And can I just say, this is the first time I've been so active in a forum other than with Reply 1988, but that was more for theories hhhh

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I'm enjoying reading all your lovely comments. I'm laughing and smiling too! I wish I could join you all. I'm not ignoring anyone. I am not caught up yet! But can I share something? RYAN GOLD is perfect. 


Me when I see Ryan Gold:

Image result for fainting gif


And I love his outfits. I love the way he dresses! He is so sexy! I got sad when he went to the hospital! I was like NOOOOO!

I'm glad Deok Mi was by his side :)


Ok. Ignore me! I'm watching right now!


Edit: I hope I catch up in time! I want to share my thoughts with all of you :) 



Edited by 2handsintertwined
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10 hours ago, hallyus said:

I also noticed that KJW took PMY's pictures leaning on the car (like A LOT) using his own phone (sponsored phone is Samsung and the one he used is iPhone) and wonder what he did with it. Their off-screen chemistry is blowing my mind :joy:.

So observant about the phones! Hmmm.. I remember @fangirldeokjil94 said KJW was using a big phone, so it must be a big Iphone yah?


On a side note, I feel concerned about that conversation between Ryan & Da In. It surely has to do with the big tear drops in the preview. 


:wub::wub: I just love all you CSI investigators pinning down the details, dissecting and analyzing them. Keep it up!! That’s why I hang out here.. 


Here’s the eng sub BTS, very cute!











All credits to Instagram owners

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A short review of this week's HPL by tccolb from Dramabeans (too bad it's not part of their regular recap rotation):




Her Private Life: One thing that this show has solidified is that Jae-wook should always get the girl and all the drama gods were crazy for putting him in supporting roles until now. This week’s episodes were so great. I mean, who wasn’t squeeing!? Well, I guess the art gallery staff (which was pretty hilarious)… and Eun-gi (sorry, Eun-gi)… I know I should include the designer friend too, but I can never remember her name. And she is unfortunately being set up as a one note foil to the OTP, which makes her kind of meh in my books. Hopefully they’ll do better things with her character in the episodes to come.


Lots of good comments in the comment section as well. 

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14 minutes ago, Ondine said:

A short review of this week's HPL by tccolb from Dramabeans (too bad it's not part of their regular recap rotation):




Lots of good comments in the comment section as well. 


her private life: I spent the entire week thinking about this show and what they were gonna throw this week after that frustrating but heartbreaking ending last week. Thankfully it wasn't as angsty as the preview made it seem and the secret pining that both Deok Mi and Ryan did despite the misunderstanding was still delightful to watch (when she called him greedy during the restaurant and his expression had me dying). This week delivered the perfect amount of sweet and emotions that i wanted filled with lots of kisses, heart eyes and genuine laughs (from our actors) that it's been 24 hours and i'm still gawking in the afterglow of their relationships by revisiting clips and gifs and screen shotting a bunch of pics. I can't get enough of this show and i honestly hate the thought of a thursday/friday without them ㅠㅠ


In this one is so true said about male lead! Ryan is so real so kind, mature and worm! You just cant You must fall in love. And he is SO HOT!!!!



Her Private Life It's like WWWSK, the plot is not the most interesting, but this time the male lead is not a man who thinks he's the most handsome, smart, perfect, etc. Ryan is really a good male lead and it makes the couple more lovely and charming.


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13 minutes ago, Oksana Sutra said:

In this one is so true said about male lead! Ryan is so real so kind, mature and worm! You just cant You must fall in love. And he is SO HOT!!!!


I watched WWWSK until the end because I really liked Secretary Kim's character (and I suspended any expectations about the plot), but honestly she deserved a lot better than Lee Young Joon. She deserved Ryan Gold! (Good thing she's getting him now, haha). :D I also liked her chemistry with Park Seo Joon, but now seeing HPL, her chemistry with KJW blows that clear out of the water.

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11 minutes ago, liltash85 said:

 I think for EG, his biggest mistake is he is confident he will get DM as he knows her too well. To him, no other man can tolerate with DM extreme fan girling hobby. He thinks no one will understand that part of DM. 


That is why when Ryan came into the picture he is shaken and he starts to feel insecure. That’s also the reason why he keeps pointing to DM about her fangirling hobby when he realized DM fall for Ryan. 


I feel sorry for him but it is his fault too for being too comfortable with his status as DM BFF 


Agree, EG's biggest mistake is assuming no one can accept DM's fangirling. 


But, I am quite perplexed with the hatred towards EG.  To me, till now he did nothing wrong to DM and RG.  NOTHING. 


While watching, i need to  always remind myself what the we viewers know but the EG does not.

  • Yes, we love RG, the perfect boyfriend after seeing how he struts down the steps.  But EG does not get to see and know as much as we do about RG.  Therefor, it's not absurd for EG to assume RG is a player.  Same assumption / reaction as the gallery staff, they were horrified when DM and RG reconciled - "You're too enamored by his good looks to see the truth.  Men who get by their good looks never change their ways." All EG did was to protect DM from being hurt by a good looking rich director from overseas.  In the first confrontation with RG,  EG warned RG - "Do not make DM waver with those fake feeling of yours." That's all. What's wrong?  
  •  After knowing DM was upset with the gimbap incident,  EG went to her rooftop to console and support her.  EG assumed DM was being dumped (again) and was heart broken. All EG did was listen.  EG knows only what DM told him - RG has ended the fake relationship because he was stressed out by it. EG doesn't not know how much DM has fallen for RG that she confessed to RG.  He just got to know that he himself has feelings for DM, so he decided to confess.  What's wrong?  
  • At the confrontation at the end of ep 10, again, to me, EG did nothing wrong.  He was simply protecting Sinagil's identity. He was not being possessive.  All he did was stand there to shield DM.  He did NOT even pull or push her.  He didn't say any malicious words to RG .  He simply stated the plain truth - "DM does not want her face to be seen at the moment. If you care for her, please walk away."  What's wrong? At that moment, all EG need to know is that DM has not revealed her identity to RG.  Even though EG thinks DM should reveal and RG should accept, this is not the time nor the way to do so.   

I believe, if EG knows what a good person RG is and how much RG loves DM, he will back off but will still be at DM's side to protect her.  


Btw,  the reveal leads to my slight dislike for the perfect RG.  :pensive:  He should let DM decide when and how to reveal to him. Yes, the reveal was done with good dramatic effect, but i wish RG would let DM have the chance to"believe his heart' first. (Yes, CDI's statement - "you must have believed me more than you believed Ryan's heart" means a lot to me.) 


For the case of CDI, i have to remind myself, what CDI may know that we don't. For a start, she knows RG has a complex that may have caused his past relationships to fail.  I think CDI did not worry to much of DM because she thinks they wont last anyways.  DM failed the first test after all.  (So sorry, the actress is soooo wooden,  i can't really tell what she was trying to emote.  Surely the CDI in manwha cannot be so 2 dimensional.)


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16 minutes ago, 50okie said:

Btw,  the reveal leads to my slight dislike for the perfect RG.  :pensive:  He should let DM decide when and how to reveal to him. Yes, the reveal was done with good dramatic effect, but i wish RG would let DM have the chance to"believe his heart' first. (Yes, CDI's statement - "you must have believed me more than you believed Ryan's heart" means a lot to me.) 


Hmm, for me, I agree with Ryan's decision to tell Deok Mi that he knows about her being Sinagil, and I think it's consistent with Ryan's character. It's also him being honest with her. I think it's also better for their new relationship that this is brought out in the open now rather than later. Well, I was also a little ticked off at Deok Mi in that last scene. I already felt that she was being a brat in episode 9 but I could still understand her in some way, but the whole hiding behind Eun Gi was just way too immature. I think it's time for her to get going with her growth arc. :) (As for Eun Gi and Da In, I just skip their scenes whenever I can, i.e. when Ryan isn't in the scene too. They're just too uninteresting to me. :D)

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16 minutes ago, 50okie said:

Btw,  the reveal leads to my slight dislike for the perfect RG.  :pensive:  He should let DM decide when and how to reveal to him. Yes, the reveal was done with good dramatic effect, but i wish RG would let DM have the chance to"believe his heart' first. (Yes, CDI's statement - "you must have believed me more than you believed Ryan's heart" means a lot to me.) 


I personally don't think he should let DM decide when and how to reveal to him. Since they are officially a couple now, keeping in secret the fact that he knows will sound more like a lie between lovers. But I agree with you that I dislike him telling it now. Because for me, this kind of secret should have been shared when they are alone with each other, not when another person was there too. 

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@Ondine, @haartie, if it’s about honesty and being open, no secrets between couples ... then I want to see how he reveals his issues with LeeSol to DM in ep 11. 


They were just a couple for 2 days, right? Though it felt like weeks to us, cos we were rooting for them since April 10. Hahha. 


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30 minutes ago, 50okie said:

But, I am quite perplexed with the hatred towards EG.  To me, till now he did nothing wrong to DM and RG.  NOTHING. 


I respectfully disagree (I don’t hate EG I just find him wildly annoying but that’s beside the point). The secret that Ryan and DM were in a fake relationship was not his to reveal so yes, that is a strike from me. Your other points I can see your point of view, but it doesn’t change the fact that EG suddenly became jealous, possessive, and cringy nice (something he wasn’t showing before Ryan came into the picture). And to be frank, I found his confession worse than the “I know you’re Sinagil” thing but maybe it’s just me.


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@50okie lol maybe we feel like they have been dating for ages because we have repeated their kisses, both imaginary and real, for thousands of times.


and just read Aya on Dramabeans said: 

Nothing about the marketing of this show appealed to me so i'm late to the party but this show is adorable, i'm still catching up but it's so nice to see Kim Jae Wook play someone stable lol.


-> Ryan Gold is definitely very stable and calm. I don't watch his previous dramas but get a quick look of him in "Voice". It's hard to believe they are played by the same actor, right?


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6 hours ago, realistic2280a said:



Who was casted first in the drama?  PMY right...  I think, KJW agreed to the drama because PMY was going to be in it... :D




I can't seem to find where I read it (It might be a translation of one of her recent magazine interviews) where PMY said that HPL was offered to her while still filming WWWSK, and that she can't get the character out of her mind. She also mentioned in one of her fan meetings (either the Korea or Taiwan fm), that she had already chosen her next project. 


No clue though whether KJW accepted it because of PMY. I haven't heard of anything like that.

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42 minutes ago, 50okie said:

@Ondine, @haartie, if it’s about honesty and being open, no secrets between couples ... then I want to see how he reveals his issues with LeeSol to DM in ep 11. 


They were just a couple for 2 days, right? Though it felt like weeks to us, cos we were rooting for them since April 10. Hahha. 


To me it's a different kind of secret, like it's Ryan's secret that involves her. And I'm thinking if he keeps it for too long, when it gets revealed there'd probably be some sense of betrayal for Deokmi, even though they'd get over it. For me it's not on the same level as a personal trauma that has nothing to do with the other person. Or maybe I'm just a Ryan apologist. :D (I'm already kind of dreading that they'd make him do some unjustifiable action eventually that will ruin the whole thing for me...my K-drama trust issues are eternal because of BTIOFL. :lol:)


@haartie I've only seen bits of Voice (because I'm not much for thrillers, which is why I haven't seen The Guest either :tears:) but yeah, he's like a completely different person. MTG is so effing creepy.

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31 minutes ago, haartie said:

@50okie lol maybe we feel like they have been dating for ages because we have repeated their kisses, both imaginary and real, for thousands of times.


and just read Aya on Dramabeans said: 

Nothing about the marketing of this show appealed to me so i'm late to the party but this show is adorable, i'm still catching up but it's so nice to see Kim Jae Wook play someone stable lol.


-> Ryan Gold is definitely very stable and calm. I don't watch his previous dramas but get a quick look of him in "Voice". It's hard to believe they are played by the same actor, right?


Yup, I am curious how much is KJW, how much is RG in HPL. I tried watching Voice up to ep5/6( I think ) . Endured the pukey gory scenes just to be rewarded with a glimpse of KJW’s teeth. Then I gave up, decided to just focus on RG. Haha.

Will try to watch his other works, maybe after HPL has ended. 


@Ondine, I like your take that it's Ryan's secret too.  And it's a reveal in Ryan's part that he knows.  Yup.  Actually, I also felt that he needed to reveal it then because it pained him to see DM needing to hide behind EG.  


@butterflyeffect, oops , I forgot about EG telling CDI about the fake relationship.   To me it's just a simple blurting out with no ill intention. There is no risk whatsoever in exposing Sinagil identity, even though CDI knows its fake. Him rushing to the workshop is the same as RG rushing to DM's house at 7am.  Why is one annoying, the other cute?  


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Mianhaeyo...My eagle eyes found this so called mistake that the Director nim and the team has done in this scene..


This scene is right after Ryan & DM suddenly stopped kissing each other because Ryan had mistakenly pushed the woods while he kissed DM and then they laughed..And how come that woods behind DM still there? Hello???



and this.. suddenly those woods no longer there...LOL



If you guys replay again the scene.. it's so obvious that they actually did 2 different take for this scene...i wonder why they didn't noticed about this? of perhaps they thought viewers will not noticed about it? it's not a big deal but as a viewers, I'm a bit busy body to know why such mistake happened... B) 


I'm a very detailed person so maybe it's easy for me to noticed on something like this happen in a drama..Well, they should have hire me to become the Asst Director or the editor for this drama..:lol:

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