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[OFFICIAL] Park Seo Joon ❤️ Park Min Young【ParkPark ♥ BuBi Couple】


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1 hour ago, Cheryl295 said:







1st Round : Oct 17 - Oct 31

2nd Round : Nov 2 - Nov 20
TOP 10 of each category of the 1st Round will be selected as candidates for the 2nd Round of voting.
Keep voting and keep fighting for this 1st Round guys!! :blush:
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On 10/15/2018 at 6:02 PM, fasiou said:

And it makes me sad:tears: why they avoid each other?

I don't think they are avoiding each other. If they want avoiding each other , just do it from the start. It's already on fire, but they are already put fuel to the fire from the beginning. Their answer in their WWWSK interview and then phuket trip. When everybody guessing they will not attend their phuket trip but everybody just surprise because both of them is attend and no one knows about what happen in there. We all already know Park Min Young and Park Seo Joon is the person who always open about their post, but neither Park Seo Joon or Park Min Young doesnt share any post of their phuket trip at least Park Min Young in the last day. And one think I don't think that time Park Min Young already comfirm will attend that APAN award because if Park Min Young will attend that award Namoo Entertainment always put the schedule in their website. But last week her schedule just were free,i think going overseas is her free time. If it's from her schedule, Namoo is always update their schedule. Just thinking they are going overseas together that time. :D:D

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On 10/16/2018 at 6:46 AM, parkparkloveu said:

Song Song were very private but from

time to time in the past they made their fans happy by appearing together publicly despite persistent dating rumors. Many fans used this as comparison that is why they felt PPC is not grateful having shipper fans and felt hurt and left

I think alot of fans who said they are leaving PPC shipper because they are over thinking. You know why everybody leave this ship because they are always comparing this ship with SSC ship and they are had high expectation about PPC being like SSC. When everybody already know SSC love story and alot of PPC shipper is dreaming if PPC story can be like SSC story who will ending in marriage. And then once again they are always be comparing how SSC so kind to their shipper fans and etc. 

But as you know PPC story are maybe look like SSC story,but they are different person and circumstance. As you know their personalities SSC are already mature couple while PPC are just start to be mature. If they are really a couple,maybe they are not ready yet to going public especially from Park Min Young since she's private person before.


I'm SSC shipper from the first episode aired in 2016 and back then i'm not either Song Jong Ki or Song Hye Gyo fans before the drama but i feels there are something between them from the beggining that is why i'm starting shipping them,and i'm doing the same thing now with PPC,i'm not park seo joon or park min young fans before and i'm not watching their drama before.  Alot of people are not their fans really feel their chemistry SSC or PPC.

As a PPC shipper who are SSC shipper too, SSC make their love story and I'm sure PPC will have their own story too , So just be like PPC shipper who not comparing or expectation their story with SSC story because PPC will have their own love story. The more you are comparing the more you will always get dissapointed if PPC story is little bit different from SSC. Just ship them and wish the best for them to be together in another project and if PPC is really dating or married in real life is that bonus for shipper just like SSC back then. Right?:) 

Just one positive though from me, they are really busy the past month since WWWSK ending PMY will have her FM soon and PSJ is shooting movie. So they are don't attend APAN award that time. If we don't expect anything,maybe someday there are big surprise from them. Since they are is unexpected or coincidence couple  :D So every couple had their own story. 

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Hi dolls! Now let's see if PMY is into PSJ B) I'll let you decide with this signs when a woman likes a man


1. "It's all in the eyes. If a woman tends to hold your gaze a little longer than usual, that can be a sure sign she is considering you as more than just a friend or co-worker. Trust me about one thing: if we are into you, we are looking at you and checking you out … a lot. So, as a general rule, if a woman looks directly into your eyes and holds that gaze, or if you catch her checking you out frequently, you can take it as a sign that she is thinking about more than just her grocery list."







2. "Body language says it all. A really good sign that a woman is attracted to you can be found in her body language. According to Nicholson, when a female is interested in you, she will have an open and forward body language. Often, she will lean in towards you during conversation and there will be less personal space between the two of you."


I've noticed that PMY lean to PSJ instead of LTH. I mean the micro is in the opposite side of LTH so she obviously should lean more to his side but she lean more to PSJ side even when the micro is really near to him. Aaaand, if you see at the end of the video they exclude the poor LTH and get closer to each other





I have nothing to say, just watch the video and look how she is all over him. There is two videos so swipe to the left because the end of the second one is the best.





3. "Laughing at just about anything you say. If we are into you, we will think anything you say is funny and we will laugh. Am I right, gals? A study by German psychologists found that a woman's laughter can reliably predict how attracted she feels about the person she's with, according to an article in Psychology Today. "The degree to which a woman laughed while talking to a man was indicative of her interest in dating him," noted the publication.


PSJ is blowing air to PMY's neck with his nose when she gets closer several time so she could get a little angry but instead she found it very funny.




She laugh here just because he says that she couldn't win if she was playing alone. She could just smile but instead she laugh really hard ;)





4. "She'll find any excuse to touch you. Another behavior that shows that a woman is interested and attracted to someone is through touch. In fact, if there's an attraction, we will find any excuse to reach out and touch their arms, shoulders, or hands. Touch is one of the most heavily used signs a woman wants to be kissed, so if she's interested in you there's a good chance she'll find some excuse to touch you and the more a girl touches you the safer it is to assume she's interested. People don't touch people they don't like, so it she finds excuses to touch you, be near you, or brush up against you, she's likely very into you."




5. "Something Interesting Happens When Your Eyes Meet. A girl who likes you may shy away from looking at you directly. If your gaze meets, she blinks and turns her eyes away. She is not comfortable being caught looking at you. This kind of girl won't want to be seen as 'chasing' you. She waits for you to make the first move and approach her." 


Look how shy PMY becomes after the kiss and how she avoids to look PSJ into the eyes.





6. "You will learn from her body language if she likes you or not. If she's mirroring your movements, sitting closely to you, finding reasons to touch you, or fidgeting a lot, then she probably likes you."


Notice the part where she is mirroring PSJ at the end of the videos





7. "She compliments you whenever you are dressed nicely or she sees you in designer clothing. She always likes to see you looking good."




Look at the bottom photo





 Soooo, what do you think? Does she like him? ^_^

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40 minutes ago, kdramalover0216 said:

Hi dolls! Now let's see if PMY is into PSJ B) I'll let you decide with this signs when a woman likes a man


1. "It's all in the eyes. If a woman tends to hold your gaze a little longer than usual, that can be a sure sign she is considering you as more than just a friend or co-worker. Trust me about one thing: if we are into you, we are looking at you and checking you out … a lot. So, as a general rule, if a woman looks directly into your eyes and holds that gaze, or if you catch her checking you out frequently, you can take it as a sign that she is thinking about more than just her grocery list."





2. "Body language says it all. A really good sign that a woman is attracted to you can be found in her body language. According to Nicholson, when a female is interested in you, she will have an open and forward body language. Often, she will lean in towards you during conversation and there will be less personal space between the two of you."


I've noticed that PMY lean to PSJ instead of LTH. I mean the micro is in the opposite side of LTH so she obviously should lean more to his side but she lean more to PSJ side even when the micro is really near to him. Aaaand, if you see at the end of the video they exclude the poor LTH and get closer to each other




I have nothing to say, just watch the video and look how she is all over him. There is two videos so swipe to the left because the end of the second one is the best.




3. "Laughing at just about anything you say. If we are into you, we will think anything you say is funny and we will laugh. Am I right, gals? A study by German psychologists found that a woman's laughter can reliably predict how attracted she feels about the person she's with, according to an article in Psychology Today. "The degree to which a woman laughed while talking to a man was indicative of her interest in dating him," noted the publication.


PSJ is blowing air to PMY's neck with his nose when she gets closer several time so she could get a little angry but instead she found it very funny.




She laugh here just because he says that she couldn't win if she was playing alone. She could just smile but instead she laugh really hard ;)





4. "She'll find any excuse to touch you. Another behavior that shows that a woman is interested and attracted to someone is through touch. In fact, if there's an attraction, we will find any excuse to reach out and touch their arms, shoulders, or hands. Touch is one of the most heavily used signs a woman wants to be kissed, so if she's interested in you there's a good chance she'll find some excuse to touch you and the more a girl touches you the safer it is to assume she's interested. People don't touch people they don't like, so it she finds excuses to touch you, be near you, or brush up against you, she's likely very into you."



5. "Something Interesting Happens When Your Eyes Meet. A girl who likes you may shy away from looking at you directly. If your gaze meets, she blinks and turns her eyes away. She is not comfortable being caught looking at you. This kind of girl won't want to be seen as 'chasing' you. She waits for you to make the first move and approach her." 


Look how shy PMY becomes after the kiss and how she avoids to look PSJ into the eyes.




6. "You will learn from her body language if she likes you or not. If she's mirroring your movements, sitting closely to you, finding reasons to touch you, or fidgeting a lot, then she probably likes you."


Notice the part where she is mirroring PSJ at the end of the videos



 "She compliments you whenever you are dressed nicely or she sees you in designer clothing. She always likes to see you looking good."




Look at the bottom photo





 Soooo, what do you think? Does she like him? ^_^

Yeah she's has interest in him:wub::D

30 minutes ago, snitchdream08 said:

I just saw this video from AAA2017. Park Seo Joon and Lee Joon Gi. I just knew that Lee Joon Gi and PMY once a partner in My Ears Candy. What a coincidence PMY also appeared in minute 2:43:rolleyes:

I love their banter here, it would be great if they're playing in same production since Lee Junki wants to play hot bromace with PSJ hehe:D

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