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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2019] Go Go Squid! 亲爱的热爱的


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I am cringing watching Tong Nian in ep3 with her chasing. But she is 19 and so cute :lol: the male lead has constantly furrowed brows - I hope that isn’t his natural resting face.


This is shallow but furrowed brows or not, I keep seeing my fav Gong Yoo in the male lead. Heh. I’m so glued to the screen when he appears. The edges of his eyes crinkle when he laughs, just like the Korean version. Gosh, my Chinese Gong Yoo.


Pace of the drama is pretty quick but is also rather choppy methinks. But show’s quite funny.


He’s so intense and she’s cowering. :joy:

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Here's a clip sure to make you guys squeal!! (clip from tonight's episode i think)

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however, what I heard towards the end was "before we break up, since you're my girlfriend, if you want to do something tell me whenever. i'll try to do it." (plz correct me if i'm wrong).


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He has a very nice voice when singing! And those glasses look very good on him. Lol their little game bts is too funny! Yang Zi seems like a fun girl to be around, I’ve seen other bts with only her and she’s quite a jokester. It’s so nice to see Li Xian laugh bts because he hasn’t smiled often as Han Shangyan.

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It’s funny because I have known of Li Xian since his Medical Dr Qin and Tientsin Mystic days. He’s always had really good presence onscreen even when he’s a second lead. While doing more digging into his past work I realized how many popular shows he’s been on but fans mainly know him from Tientsin Mystic, thanks to Netflix. He reminds me of Japanese Actor Oguri Shun in terms of their similar career paths. They both started out as second leads but at times their characters overshadow even the main lead. Oguri Shun gained a lot of fans as Sano who is very much like a younger Han Shangyan. Then there was Rich Man Poor Woman too where his character is business driven like HSY. All I know is I’m hooked on Li Xian because he’s not only good looking, I like the projects he chooses. 

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Okay guys, Viki's got Ep 1-3 fully translated in English. I will be catching up tonight after work, yay! 


@rocat Yes, right? It's so cringey. I've mentioned before that I had secondhand embarrassment when I was reading about TN. I kept going because Gun's character was so intriguing. 


@Lululililululu I took a look at the synopsis you mentioned in the Youtube description. The whole time TN was chasing after Gun, I thought it was more because she found him attractive so the whole bit about her being attracted to him due to his perseverance and dedication to this team took me by surprise. But I guess after she found out who he is, she did do a lot of research on him so I guess it isn't too far-fetched. The only other thing that I think is different from the book but mentioned in the synopsis is her being inspired by Gun and rejoining her school's team to participate in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest. I know in the book, Dt mentions that he remembers the both of them participating in this contest in the past. I'm actually kinda looking forward to this because we'll get to see her showcase her skills as a programmer. In the book, I felt like after she got together with Gun and aside from the program she wrote for him and the team, we don't get anything else from her, in terms of her capabilities.

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3 hours ago, Nina Bina said:

He has a very nice voice when singing! And those glasses look very good on him. Lol their little game bts is too funny! Yang Zi seems like a fun girl to be around, I’ve seen other bts with only her and she’s quite a jokester. It’s so nice to see Li Xian laugh bts because he hasn’t smiled often as Han Shangyan.

They were so cute when they were playing their pretend drinking game in the bts. It’s hilarious how they were trying to outdo each other’s drunkard antics on the fly like when Yangzi kept forcing Lixian to finish his “pretend” drink (bottoms up!) and Lixian asked if they should exchange drinks (Or change her drink? Can someone correct me if I understood it wrong) to which she replied that she doesn’t want to mix drinks. Yangzi even pretended to get drunk as their game went on and proceeded to say that she has a high drinking tolerance then Lixian commented something like “oh so we should also act drunk too?” Lixian then pretended that she poured too much drink into his glass so he tried to sip it carefully so that it wouldn’t spill over. LOL. I just can’t with these two :lol: I feel like they’d really make good friends if they can make each other laugh this much. 

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I read the translated novel online because I wanted to know the storyline. 


TN in the novel and drama are quite similar, especially now that they revealed that drama TN has her own fandom and is a gifted student. 

Then ... OMG ... the scenes between the main characters after (and many) are rather suggestive and masochistic. How on earth are they going to translate to screen....

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I just read the article about Li Xian’s acting and yeah...I disagree. Lol I think he’s perfect and his portrayal of cool is mysterious yet down to earth. Li Xian is acting mostly with his eyes since a smile or any show of happiness doesn’t exist as the strict HSY right now. You can feel his frustration with the games and confrontations with his ex friends through his short straightforward responses. He does a good job and I have no complaints. I love how straight to business he is and how much he really loves his team. He’s honest as heck with his feelings so I like Li Xian’s portrayal at the moment. 

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@chloevstkawaii I'm also looking forward to seeing more of how smart TN is...I agree that it wasn't shown as much in the novel.  l loved the presentation at the end of episode 5, where TN really showed off her smarts. You can really tell that she's normally very smart, albeit naïve...but she's just rendered speechless and out of sorts when she encountered her first love :)  So, it's Gun's fault that she became so ditzy (honestly, I'm a bit like that too, when I see my crush) LOL


8 minutes ago, Nina Bina said:

I just read the article about Li Xian’s acting and yeah...I disagree. Lol I think he’s perfect and his portrayal of cool is mysterious yet down to earth. Li Xian is acting mostly with his eyes since a smile or any show of happiness doesn’t exist as the strict HSY right now. You can feel his frustration with the games and confrontations with his ex friends through his short straightforward responses. He does a good job and I have no complaints. I love how straight to business he is and how much he really loves his team. He’s honest as heck with his feelings so I like Li Xian’s portrayal at the moment. 

@tenten0227 @Nina Bina I agree with you both that Li Xian is a perfect Gun. And I love how Nina describes Li Xian's acting through his eyes - he is soooo mesmerizing because of it. I noticed too, that Gun/Li Xian uses that more monotoned voice when his patience is running thin - mostly when he's dealing with TN LOL.  In the novel, Gun is described as having no patience, except maybe with TN - so I think the acting portrays that very well, in my opinion. And, he does it on purpose to not scare her, because Gun always thinks that TN is terrified of him. It's that gentle, coaxing tone. Right now, he thinks of Tong Nian as a little kid - not his partner. So, it's understandable that he speaks that way to her.


And Li Xian's acting is perfect for the Gun right now. Notice how in flashbacks, it's a different type of portrayal - the hot-headed, more impulsive, louder Gun. When he left Team Solo, it looks like part of himself stayed behind, and he's now left with an empty shell. So, his feelings are so repressed to the point that he doesn't even want to feel anything - and the only thing that's driving him right now is K&K. Li Xian is a very talented actor - I'm sure that he has thought of Gun's journey and character development and matched his acting with that. People will always complain about something I guess.  It's okay because I sooo enjoy the show, and I'll just go with that :)


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Epi 6 was boring if it wasn't for DEMO who had kept it bearable for me to watch but epi 7 was really funny, mommy Nian is so mad at 'rude' Yan.. we should be getting some fun and loving interactions between our 2 leads from now on, get ready...


I don't care what critics sez but Li Xian is perfect as Gun to me.

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