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[Mainland Chinese Web Drama 2020] Three Lives Three Worlds The Pillow Book 三生三世枕上书


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30 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


Was it mentioned whose blood FJ "packed"? Ehehehe. If not, that change in the adaptation IMO was a thumbs up comic relief. That and the face of SMY when he sniffed the chicken blood. :lol:

Her own. Not chicken blood. She was thinking about bloodletting her own blood in advance. As you can see in my translation of Tang Qi’s prose.

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5 minutes ago, Ninky said:

Her own. Not chicken blood. She was thinking about bloodletting her own blood in advance. As you can see in my translation of Tang Qi’s prose.


Her eventually packing up some chicken blood is how she felt she can get around the bloodletting in advance, or wounding her hand as Aranya did to save Junou. 


It's not a conventional solution, but it shows that FJ will try to work things out on what's available that she can use. She is stressed out, but she still finds some means. That's a good trait - not easily giving up. :)


The "pop" can be replaced by "release", I think, but "pop" feels better, kind of better visualization of what FJ was planning.

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Just now, MayanEcho said:


Her eventually packing up some chicken blood is how she felt she can get around the bloodletting in advance, or wounding her hand as Aranya did to save Junou. 


It's not a conventional solution, but it shows that FJ will try to work things out on what's available that she can use. She is stressed out, but she still finds some means. That's a good trait - not easily giving up. :)


The "pop" can be replaced by "release", I think, but "pop" feels better, kind of better visualization of what FJ was planning.

Which is why i retained the “pop” feels more like how Tang Qi wrote it for the “feel”

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18 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


Still do all those! :lol:


I'm also now looking forward to more snippets of DH and his family in Lotus Steps. Maybe some antics of BGG and Ali, or more school scenes for them plus FJ. XY or XGC visiting, er, nannying the two, hahaha. LOL, what will happen with these 4 together. 

Same here..

I think by the end of the year..we'll likely remembers everything , a details what's in the books and drama.


XY as a babysitter, lol... it would be interesting..




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14 minutes ago, jimmylyne said:

Same here..

I think by the end of the year..we'll likely remembers everything , a details what's in the books and drama.


XY as a babysitter, lol... it would be interesting..



Exercise for the memory :P


I think XY got it, coz basing on the novel and show, he's patient and tolerant of FJ, Meng Shao, and Jielu. Even joins in the antics, hahaha. Listens and appreciates Jielu's views, the youngest of them all.


Aww, XY nannying is like having a partner in mischief, hahaha.


Hmm. Ali looks smaller and younger, but he's likely older than Meng Shao and Jielu, right?

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3 hours ago, ChibiLy said:

DH is a logical person. He analysis situations quickly. However, like most people in love, their emotions can cloud their judgement. DH altering FJ's memory was not his brightest moment, but finding out what FJ has done for him in the past, DH pretty much made up his mind to put 110% into solidifying their relationship. This was because he was confident that FJ still love him.

- I have always felt the same way about Dong Hua. I think we all can see that DH is an extremely logical person but has low EQ (author said this too). Which is why he did not realise that altering her memory would in fact hurt her emotionally.



DH understand FJ personality and the way she thinks. FJ may say one thing, but she easily becomes soft hearted, especially when it comes to DH. For example:


During BQ and YH's wedding, FJ was determined not to be entangled with DH. Yet, when FJ turned from a handkerchief into her human form, she happily laid next to DH and stared at him.

- Agreed. She has a super soft spot for him and him only.




Another example, when DH was supposedly hurt, FJ instantly dropped her hostility to apply first aid. Even as Xize, FJ cared for DH.


The way FJ behaves is driven by her love for DH. Even when she said she didn’t want to see DH, it was because she was hurt and thought DH was in love with JH.


DH knows and understand this point well.

- This is very true. Her love for him

is right down to her bones. There is a chinese saying: “刻骨明心的爱” (a love that is deeply ingrained). And that’s how I would also describe their love for each other.





Yes, DH never asked if FJ wanted to be in a relationship with him, but not all relationship starts that way. Some couples naturally get along, spend more time together and before they know it, they become a couple. 

- Sometimes love is just wordless. My hubby never asked, we just fell comfortably in love. Some things need not be said, but it can be felt (using heart and not logic) and sometimes, that is more than enough.





I think it is important to view DH and FJ's relationship from their perspective and what they value. I can see that clear communication and being fair are important values to you, but that may not be the same priorties for DH and FJ. For FJ, her family, fun, loyalty, freedom and honesty are important to her. Even though DH never asked her formally to be in a relationship, she didn't care. This was because formalities and words of acknowledgement isn't the most important thing for her. Knowing how DH registered their marriage was probably more reassuring for FJ. 

- Registering their marriage is the thing that mattered. Firstly, it shows how responsible he is and secondly, it shows his commitment. I think we can all agree that actions speaks louder than words here. Words are just words ;). 



It is also important to remember, DH have always been respectful of FJ's needs and wants. DH gave FJ alot of freedom to do what she liked and provided what she wanted. When DH saw FJ hugging SY, he didn't break them apart. He walked away because he knew he may hurt SY and respected FJ's decision. So I disagree with you to say DH didn't "allow" FJ to chose. 

- Totally agree with you. Feng Jiu was given the choice all the time. The truth is no matter what she told herself about letting Dong Hua go, she was never able to do it. 

This means her heart had long chosen Dong Hua and it belongs to him and him only. 


You have eloquently put into words what I also feel. This post totally gives me all the feels. Thank you.

Love and relationships are seldom black and white.


And sometimes, it may not align to our values.


The beautiful thing about Tang Qi’s writing is that she can be pretty insightful. She is able to understand that love may not necessarily come in the same standard package.


She lets us see love from various perspectives and she allows her characters to learn and grow over the course of the story from start to finish.

Believe it or not but her side characters also learn and grow together with the main characters as well. This is especially clear in her latest story Lotus Step. But it can also be seen in the Pillow Book.

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8 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


Exercise for the memory :P


I think XY got it, coz basing on the novel and show, he's patient and tolerant of FJ, Meng Shao, and Jielu. Even joins in the antics, hahaha. Listens and appreciates Jielu's views, the youngest of them all.


Aww, XY nannying is like having a partner in mischief, hahaha.


Hmm. Ali looks smaller and younger, but he's likely older than Meng Shao and Jielu, right?

Meng Shao and Jie Lu are both younger than A-Li. He is around 500 years old at the start of The Pillow Book.


Bi Yi Bird immortals have a finite 1,000 year live span. While the greater immortals  have indefinite lifespans.

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1 hour ago, jimmylyne said:




Love your post.. it's make me sappy..

It make me want to re-read the books and re-watched the drama again..

And i want to re-read Dongfeng's story in mini outtakes :wub:.


DH goes to court after 200 yrs "resting" to flaunt his gown/robe that FJ made for him.


DH used FJ as his hug pillow ...lol we all know what happened after that.


200 days wedding



@Megan they both made a mistake , unwise decisions due to certain circumstances.


They are together at the end... happily ever after.. Their love stronger than ever.


They completed each other..

And those sentences are the reasons why we love this story. It is a journey of true love.


One took 360,000 over years to find his soulmate. The other, though much younger, found a man who will love and cherish her forever. She even got half of his real heart!

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3 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


I think XY got it, coz basing on the novel and show, he's patient and tolerant of FJ, Meng Shao, and Jielu. Even joins in the antics, hahaha. Listens and appreciates Jielu's views, the youngest of them all.


Aww, XY nannying is like having a partner in mischief, hahaha.


Hmm. Ali looks smaller and younger, but he's likely older than Meng Shao and Jielu, right?


Ali probably asking a lots of questions and BGG will be observes .. XY would be entertained.


Ali should be older than MS ,JieLu..also ShenYe and Aranya .. maybe.

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17 minutes ago, jimmylyne said:


Ali probably asking a lots of questions and BGG will be observes .. XY would be entertained.


Ali should be older than MS ,JieLu..also ShenYe and Aranya .. maybe.

A-Li is older than all of them. Bi Yi Niao live for only 1000 years. A-Li s a greater immortal and has an indefinite lifespan after he is fully grown.

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22 minutes ago, jimmylyne said:


Ali probably asking a lots of questions and BGG will be observes .. XY would be entertained.


If XGC is mixed in since he once took care of BGG while FJ is in Jiuchongtian, what could happen?


1. XGC will be more vocal in company of XY (arguing, hahahaha!)


2. XY will be loud as always, his logic challenged by XGC. No way he'll still want to be called idiot by his master's brother.


3.BGG and Ali will end up "nannying" the two instead. Or leave the two in the middle of their arguing and go to Si Ming for some storytelling. :lol:

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5 hours ago, Ninky said:

im going to assume you are talking about the chinese subtitles as this scene wasn''t in the book as author did not elaborate. It was in the drama only.


Nope, I found it in whatever version of the book I have, and I just compared it against the audiobook, these are the words: "那么,若是提前把血放出来,拿个口袋盛着,待她上灵梳台救人时,啪一声直接将血包扔到刀身上,这样行不行呢?" 


I just changed a bit of it from Hamster's translation. 


Edit: Oops, just realized you found it too!

Edited by UnluckyWhiteCat
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7 hours ago, Megan said:

Don’t get me wrong, I ship DongFeng, but there’s something bothering me about the memory alteration thing. More than the fact that Dong Hua altered Feng Jiu’s memories without her consent or knowledge, what disturbs me is that he never allowed her any say of whether she wanted to pursue a relationship with him. We don’t know what Feng Jiu would have chosen Dong Hua or rejected him if she had known but it seems kind of wrong to give her fake memories where she accepted Dong Hua and willingly entered into a romantic relationship with him. It is somehow more wrong than pretending to be Xize while wooing her because within the Dream, she clearly didn’t want to see Dong Hua and the pretense is only temporary.

I kind of liked this part in the book coz it's shows how clueless DJ is when it comes to emotional bonds. he was a survivor, a sole emperor, a war god, the best strategist in his whole lifetime so it's in his nature to choose quickest methods to solve any kind of problem and he did the same with solving the fate issue with FJ.. on top of this DH never knew "love" he doesn't know what is considered as normal behavior with his loved ones so this was like a trail for him to understand how different "feelings involved situations" are compared to his "war zone/political issues"... I love this transition of DH from a Iron rock to a person with emotions.. 

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16 hours ago, triplesung said:

I'm probably one of the minority who enjoyed the mortal arc very much :sweat_smile: (Vengo biased, that's why)

The beginning was boring for me. It took me 2-3 days to watch the first 12 when I can usually binge watch that within a day. But the rest after that was binge watching. Took another 2 days to finish the whole series. Of course, I skipped most of JH's part because she just annoyed me.

 I also loved the mortal arc especially all the scenes involving SXR, XJ and QT , if the production had edited out all the unnecessary parts then the mortal realm would be a sweet-short arc of 4-5 episodes, but they ruined a decent paced arc by purposely dragging it out for no valid reason....

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6 minutes ago, Aari sky said:

 I also loved the mortal arc especially all the scenes involving SXR, XJ and QT , if the production had edited out all the unnecessary parts then the mortal realm would be a sweet-short arc of 4-5 episodes, but they ruined a decent paced arc by purposely dragging it out for no valid reason....


The most ridiculous JH part they added is the one wherein they went to the court of the rival kingdom's emperor to accept Nie Chuyin's plans - make him an adviser and project JH as a ward princess. 


My eyes were rolling so much at that point. Marry off a fake/pretend princess rather than one of the emperor's real relatives or daughters to Emperor SXR for the sake of "peace" when it's actually buying time to find the stone, and attack again. 


So funny that even as a mortal projection, SXR is like DH, doesn't want to have anything to do with JH. Same too as DH, she was accepted as concubine as an act of sacrifice for the greater good. DH did for stronger peace accords between demons and gods, SXR for stability and safety of his subjects.

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1 hour ago, Aari sky said:

I kind of liked this part in the book coz it's shows how clueless DJ is when it comes to emotional bonds. he was a survivor, a sole emperor, a war god, the best strategist in his whole lifetime so it's in his nature to choose quickest methods to solve any kind of problem and he did the same with solving the fate issue with FJ.. on top of this DH never knew "love" he doesn't know what is considered as normal behavior with his loved ones so this was like a trail for him to understand how different "feelings involved situations" are compared to his "war zone/political issues"... I love this transition of DH from a Iron rock to a person with emotions.. 

Agreed..that why I admire his determination his confidence , his brilliant mind, his flaws...I love it all.



PB2 page 42


After several months, by the time her body was healed and she could leave
the enchantment seal, would her muddled memory be restored? Would
she hate him when she recalled this period? Of course Dijun had thought of
this, and it was causing him a slight headache. But unlike warfare
strategies where countermeasures could be arranged in advanced, he could
only improvise when the time came. Once he saw her reactions, he would
know how to coax her again.

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8 hours ago, jimmylyne said:

Agreed..that why I admire his determination his confidence , his brilliant mind, his flaws...I love it all.


PB2 page 42


After several months, by the time her body was healed and she could leave
the enchantment seal, would her muddled memory be restored? Would
she hate him when she recalled this period? Of course Dijun had thought of
this, and it was causing him a slight headache.
But unlike warfare
strategies where countermeasures could be arranged in advanced, he could
only improvise when the time came. Once he saw her reactions, he would
know how to coax her again.


I believe it's another record for FJ, that she had caused DH headaches because where she's concerned, he couldn't really make plans in advance. :lol:


He's new with being in love, he's also learning along the way how to be the considerate and compassionate one. Something he didn't have to before because as the highest deity and emperor, he expected to be the one accommodated and obeyed instead. He didn't have to be understanding to his subjects individually and in more personal depth. Ex, His confusion with Meng Hao, on why a steamed general like him could make such choices.


New emojis now available! Cool!



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8 hours ago, UnluckyWhiteCat said:


Nope, I found it in whatever version of the book I have, and I just compared it against the audiobook, these are the words: "那么,若是提前把血放出来,拿个口袋盛着,待她上灵梳台救人时,啪一声直接将血包扔到刀身上,这样行不行呢?" 


I just changed a bit of it from Hamster's translation. 


Edit: Oops, just realized you found it too!

Yeah I already translated it somewhere above.

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9 hours ago, MayanEcho said:


I believe it's another record for FJ, that she had caused DH headaches because where she's concerned, he couldn't really make plans in advance. :lol:


He's new with being in love, he's also learning along the way how to be the considerate and compassionate one. Something he didn't have to before because as the highest deity and emperor, he expected to be the one accommodated and obeyed instead. He didn't have to be understanding to his subjects individually and in more personal depth. Ex, His confusion with Meng Hao, on why a steamed general like him could make such choices.


New emojis now available! Cool!



His confidence is really something...


“So what if Destiny says we're fated, and so what if it says we're not?”
Donghua coldly replied. “I've never feared Destiny, and I certainly don't
need its charity.”

And his Xiao Bai..Bai Feng Jiu..


She always see the good/looking for something best (instead of the flaws) in others.


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