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[Drama 2018] My Mister, 나의 아저씨 - Best Drama at 2019 (55th) BaekSang Arts Awards

Go Seung Ji

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12 minutes ago, bedifferent said:

Love the GPS special effect editing at the bottom right corner.

 Omo i did NOT notice this at first!!


12 minutes ago, bedifferent said:

These two provided the needed comedic relief.  The most creative use of down filling in history of Kdrama.  I love how lovely the "snow is" as they cross the street.

Yes I kept laughing and for a moment even wondered if this was pollen ie spring is also hay fever season right now


This show is an absolute work of art.

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I don't have an issue with age gaps in relationships based on random numbers.


However I have an issue with asymmetrical relationships; whether there is a significant imbalance in "age" or between resources or power.


I find when I do have an issue around age imbalance it is not around the number per se, but actually around maturity imbalance. 


If the romantic relationship is formed before one party's personality is fully matured that party runs the risk of being kept infantilized by the relationship; or should they mature, they find that they have outgrown the dynamics of the original relationship.  Those are not the only outcome, but they are two viable outcomes.


One issue that test the viability of romantic relationships with large age gaps is finding common outside pursuits of mutual interest.  This is not an issue because it seems that JiAn has no outside pursuits.  Living takes up all her time.  If has an hobby it is listening in of DongHoon's life. I wonder if she would find his life as interesting if she were a part of it and did not have a listening device on him. 


I haven't seen a maturity gap in My Mister. Often a maturity gap shows up in the younger party need to be rescued. That hasn't happened here. It might happen but it hasn't happened as yet. JiAn has shown herself to be preternaturally resourceful.  When she has been in trouble, she handles it. [Though i'm not sure if allowing yourself to be beaten almost senseless is a good strategy. Even if her body is able to handle it now the long term outlook isn't good. #CTE]


Contrarily, if anyone has seemed in the need of rescue it has been DongHoon, and when he seems to need rescue, JiAn runs to provide it.  But he has not needed to be rescued by her so far.  As ramshackled as his family seems, they keep an eye on him.


All that being said, I don't feel the need or have the desire for a romantic relationship between DongHoon and JiAn.  If it written as an organic development, I'll go alone and very likely enjoy it. But romance isn't a cure all for dislocation.  Romance is not the only satisfying relationship two adults.  Yes the characters have "chemistry" but I don't see desire in that chemistry.  I see caring. 


So little is explained about JiAn background and the people that support her. I'm curious about her relationship to Song KIm-Beom (the hacker wiz) and Choon Dae (grandpa janitor).  I don't think that they are formal relatives to her, so I wonder if their connection is about having a criminal past?


Anyway the "controversy" around the relationship storyline between DongHoon and JiAn's relationship is frustrating and nonsensical.  Those clamoring for a loveline and those forbidding the story to go in that direction seems ridiculous and are upsetting. The ones clamoring are somewhat understandable since they seem to be folks who just want their romance fix.  The forbidders are repressive and unaware of how make-believe work. Arguments like LSY is not attractive enough to be IU's lover is delusional. First thing no one is suggesting that LSY be IU's lovers.  People want a loveline between DongHoon and JiAn, which is very different.  It's like saying JayZ isn't attractive enough to partner Beyonce.  You might be right, but Beyonce doesn't seem to care what you think.


I would venture a guess that the folks saying that LSY isn't attractive enough are themselves not as pretty as his big toe--and I've never seen his toes.


I'm not going to argue that LSY is "pretty" because that is a matter of taste.  And he is not Korean pop-star "pretty" which trend toward a early adolescent aesthetic.


I will say that LSY is amazingly graceful.  That was apparent during the soccer sequence where he moved with the grace of a classically trained dancer.


Also keep in mind LSY is deliberately being shot [lighting and camera angles] to look as old, haggard, and defeated as possible. There are scene when he looks like a vital man in his 30s and others where he looks like someone crawling towards his grave.  He looks as the story require him to.


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@liddi wrote:



How can I play if they don't pass me the ball?" A seemingly simple statement that speaks of so much more than just a simple game - that his whole life has been one where he never had the upper hand, never been given the chance to grasp the reins. From his family, to his marriage, his work - he had been stamped underfoot all this while, and it is high time that he finally wrests the ball from those who are determined to keep it from him.


In Ep6, we are given insight into the gradual deterioration of his marriage - her dissatisfaction that he would not prioritise their nuclear family over his mother and siblings, her achievement which made his lack of advancement all the more disparate. Their marriage is one of literally no communication - he chooses to numb himself and shut himself down without ever opening up to her, and she finally ends up not caring anymore either. It is obvious that their marital problems stem far back to the early years of their marriage even to when their son was still a baby, and that they were merely going through the motions, her (and most probably even his) perception of his inferiority in the face of her success, and his refusal to set aside the well-being of his family pushing them further and further apart. As such, I have to wonder whether there is even love any more between them, long before she begun her affair, or had everything between them corroded the love that was once there. 


The dynamics between PDH and LJA have at last begun to change, but at present, it is still a lopsided relationship. Previously, she always had the upper hand, with her insights into the deepest recesses of his life, particularly those which he holds tightly to his chest, allowing no one to see; as well as her dispassionate, consistent inroads into ensuring his downfall, backed by his powerful rival. He was always at a disadvantage, with only his innate decency saving him thus far from being irrevocably trapped. This time though, their places are reversed.


He now holds the upper hand, even though he does not even know it. He has become her lifeline, the one she runs to, for him as well as for herself. Unexpectedly, without either of them realising it, he has crept in and taken a foothold in her life, becoming the one ray of light in the midst of her existence, the sliver of hope she looks to from within the deep dark well that life has thrown her into. Bound by fear, desperation, unable to move forward and outrun her past, her fear of judgment the moment anyone she meets finds out about her past, she had built up well-nigh insurmountable walls to protect herself, letting no one in. How ironic then, that this stick-in-the-mud she once despised, this man whom she began listening in to plot his downfall, is now the presence that she reaches for, drawing solace, even in just the sound of his breathing, the quiet timbre of his voice. It is telling that she has become so immersed in his world, that she, who has always been on the alert, would have been caught unawares by LGI breaking into her home. It is heartbreaking, that she, having suffered at LGI's hands, could only derive comfort from the bleakness of her life in his words of acknowledgment, which she played over and over and over again, reminding herself once more that she matters. Nonetheless, while my heart aches for her, I am glad that, after so long, she has something she could turn to, to cling to, to make her life that much more bearable. As such, I really hope that one day, she who has been fighting the world alone for so long, would at last gain an extended family - one that is quirky, but full of warmth and unconditional support - with whom she could let down her defenses and feel safe, secure and protected, just as she has been protecting her only family all this time.


On his part, his instincts tell her that she knows so much about him, and he is afraid of being laid bare for all to see, vulnerable in the eyes of the world. In the exact same metaphor as the expensive underwear, he somehow knows that she sees his pain, his suffering, his humiliation, and since he has no control over how she knows it, he only asks that she feigns ignorance. What a truly truly desolate request from the man who has suffered so much, currently even living through the hell of realising his wife was having an affair with the man he hates most, to ask only that she helps him maintain his final vestiges of dignity in that way. For now, he sees her as someone who is an enigma, prickly yet unexpectedly standing up for him when he was put down, and he trusts her enough to be able to make that achingly honest appeal. As such, I already hurt for him, knowing that down the road, he would be hurt yet again, when he finds out her initial duplicity, simply because I can't bear for him to be hurt any more. Nonetheless, if the preview is anything to go by, he finally snaps, and I can't wait to see that happen, and for him to at last fight for himself, refusing to be downtrodden and played for a fool anymore"

Thank you, beautifully written.    

I am also finding this relationship between  Dh and Ja has been changing and the power dynamic shifting.  Before episode 6 I was really worried about the potential damage to DH, but now I am becoming more concerned about Ji An.  This poor but tough little street urchin is having her heart opened up and I worry.  I think DH is such a grown up and has so much decency that I don't think he really and truly ever considered Ji An a love interest, even though he was drawn to her.  I am thinking now that Ji An will fall in love with him, and he will push her away - not because he isn't attracted, but because he really wants to protect her and doesn't want to take advantage of her vulnerability.  He doesn't want to consider the thought that he would be using her for his own solace and selfish reasons. He will be deeply conflicted about it.  That is what I see might potentially  happen of course we have to see how the writer is playing this out.  So far the writer is doing great. I am just imagining.  

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6 hours ago, tsukiazura said:

It's upsetting to see this beautiful show gets a lot of backlash from some insensitive people who only think about what they want or not want to see in a show. I know we can't please everyone, and there's bound to be a group of people who doesn't like a particular trope, in this drama's case, huge age gap between the main characters. Some people find it disturbing, and it's within their rights to convey their thoughts, but I really can't stand people who attack the actors and/or the production team just for doing their jobs. I really hope the whole My Mister team can still go ahead with their planned story, and just focus on the positive feedback from fans who really enjoy the show.


Now, I do admit that I actually want Donghoon and Jian to be together in the end, because that's the impression I get from watching it since ep 1. They are portrayed as two lonely souls whose worlds are so bleak and gloomy and they can't help but be drawn to each other. It's like they recognize their counterpart, their kindred in each other. Both Donghoon and Jian may find each other's presence crippling at first as each found out the other's weaknesses and saw them in their most vulnerable state, but I think they're starting to trust each other. They both seem more emotive in regards to each other, like Jian who slapped that deputy for badmouthing Donghoon, or Donghoon who show his concern because Jian wore short socks during winter. It's like they bring colors back to each other's worlds and it's so beautiful to see. They are becoming, let's say.. a better version of themselves ever since they met. Jian shows more emotion and concern for people (well, only with her ajusshi lol) other than her grandmother, and Donghoon starts to stand up for himself. It would be weird for me to see if they go on separate ways at the end. So far, the PD team managed to portray their relationship in a beautifully nuanced way, the chemistry is so palpable (i mean did you see that train scene?? i could cut the tension like a hot knife through butter lol) it would be a waste if Jian doesn't end up with her ajusshi.


Love your post. Thank you. Whether it's a romance or not, I just want the relationship of DH and Jian to be open for interpretation and let the audience decide and define what it is.. rather than being spoon fed by a disrespectful big mouth actor who revealed the script in a Nate interview or by judgmental immature knetz/fans that were upset about the age gap and attacking respectable actors like LSG because they couldn't have their typical handsome oppa ship.  Avid k-drama fans and k-drama communities like Soompi, DF, DB, Viki, and Kissasian are all smart people and loves to analyze plot, story structure, and character developments. We are all capable of coming up with our own conclusions and interpretations. Please don't treat us like idiots. 


I agree with you that there is LOVE blooming between Jian and DH. Now love can come in many forms. It could be romantic, mentor, parental, sibling, and soulmate/kindred spirits. The jury is still out but for now Jian and DH unconsciously decided to take responsibility of each other. Kim Won Suk successfully sold us the connection of two lonely souls that are in the gutter and in the lowest points of their lives who happen to find each other amidst all the darkness. It is plain beautiful and masterfully weaved into the story. I cannot recommend enough the amazing cinematography being used in this show. This type of attention to color and detail is expected for a Kim Won Suk drama. 


Lee Jieun (IU) and Lee Sun Gyun -  I have to commend the professionalism and proper decorum that these two actors are displaying despite the ridiculous backlash going on. Just like the rest of us, I think both IU and LSG sticked with the project because they were passionate about the story. I have been following Lee Jieun (IU) in all her acting projects since Dream High. Among all of her leading men, I must say that she has the most on screen chemistry and tension with LSG. No wonder they were casted together by the great Kim Won Suk. There is something maddening and addicting about them. I love that their chemistry is refined, gentle, and intelligent. It is not annoying and filled with ridiculous shenanigans. IU have been paired with so many pretty boys and they tend to subjugate her screen presence. LSG is attractive and sexy but it goes well with IU's physical attributes and does not overpower her presence so they blend well together on screen. I also noticed that their voices harmonized well too with LSG' deep commanding voice, and IU's husky voice. That's why probably most of us are smitten and captivated by their conversations and interactions.


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Hello all!


I have been really busy these last days with what is happening in my country, therefore I couldn't come here, and now I can't read all posts, just those in this page. It is a pity, but if I get more time I will read all comments that I haven't read yet :wink:, 'cause I like very much all posts and insights here. 


I do believe in friendship between a man and a woman, as a believe that the notion of soulmates can also be applied to some kind of friendship. However, I believe that this kind of friendship has a limit. Soulmates friends/ kindred hearts friends between man and woman, imo, can only exist if they haven't partners. To me, a friendship between a man and woman, when both or one of them have/has a partner, can only last if the soulmate are/is the partner not the friend . 


I can't imagine how a wife/girlfriend can accept a relationship when her husband/boyfriend has more/better communication, understanding/comprehension with/from another woman through gazes, silence and even breath!!!. Conversely, how can a husband/boyfriend accept that his wife/girlfriend has another soulmate, a man who can understand, support, and with whom she will prefer stay in case of need/pain/sorrow/ happiness, 'cause it is the other guy who can understand her just with his gaze and even through silence?!?! It doens't/can't work: or the love partners will break up, because the friends are truly soulmates and can't live without each other support/proximity; or the friends will have to separates or avoid be in each other company, which is a contradiction and suffrance, cause soulmates per definition long to be with each other. 


In conclusion, I do believe in friendship between women and men, but I don't believe that when a man/woman finds his/her soulmate or kindredheart in someone from the opposite gender, it wouldn't lead to a romantic love. 


It is true that just friendship can lead to a healing processus too, as any other kind of realationship (even professional), but to do that, to help in that healing processus, a friend doesn't need to be a soulmate or a kindredheart. It needs only to be a true friend. 


The problem here is that DH and JA are being (slowed) build as soulmates/kindred hearts. They are presented here as the only ones who can understand and see the true self of each other. This notion is so strong that the writer/director convey this to us through the silences, gazes and breaths. The dialogs are very short and few. They don't need words.


Add to it the chemistry, the subtil "sensual" scenes, the stolen glances... And the more important: the dynamics between HD and JA are very mature and balanced, even if DH is older and her chef, dynamically and organicaly (I would even say dialeticaly) he is an equal in front of her.  So, lets make a exercise: if we put the age gap aside, would someone doubt that what is depict in the drama is a love store? Well, my answer is that with or not age gap this is a love store between a man and a woman. Now, if this love story will be obvious or subtil, latent or apparent, happy or sad, with skinship or without skinship, with confession or without confession, I don't know. I want to enjoy the show and slowly discover what kind of story the writer and the director will be abble to tell us. :) 



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1 hour ago, hushhh said:

All that being said, I don't feel the need or have the desire for a romantic relationship between DongHoon and JiAn.  If it written as an organic development, I'll go alone and very likely enjoy it. But romance isn't a cure all for dislocation.  Romance is not the only satisfying relationship two adults.  Yes the characters have "chemistry" but I don't see desire in that chemistry.  I see caring. 


Anyway the "controversy" around the relationship storyline between DongHoon and JiAn's relationship is frustrating and nonsensical.  Those clamoring for a loveline and those forbidding the story to go in that direction seems ridiculous and are upsetting. The ones clamoring are somewhat understandable since they seem to be folks who just want their romance fix.  The forbidders are repressive and unaware of how make-believe work. Arguments like LSY is not attractive enough to be IU's lover is delusional. First thing no one is suggesting that LSY be IU's lovers.  People want a loveline between DongHoon and JiAn, which is very different.  It's like saying JayZ isn't attractive enough to partner Beyonce.  You might be right, but Beyonce doesn't seem to care what you think.


Also keep in mind LSY is deliberately being shot [lighting and camera angles] to look as old, haggard, and defeated as possible. There are scene when he looks like a vital man in his 30s and others where he looks like someone crawling towards his grave.  He looks as the story require him to.


Great post, especially these points.  It is true what you said about their chemistry not necessarily depicting desire, but caring.  This could progress to something more or not, and I am okay with it as long as it is organic to the story, characters, and writer's vision.  I just don't want outside influence to compromise the quality of the story-telling.


@bedifferent, thank you for the screen caps.  So many head and back shots.  I love them all.  I am in awe of how director KWS can keep track of all the little details.  I also love the many shots of the city at night and the subway entering and exiting the tunnels and its tracks.  


Next week's episodes mark the halfway point of this drama.  Does anyone else feel like 16 episodes are almost not enough to tell the story?  There is so much backstory we haven't explored: CEO's rise to power, CEO's initial resentment over DH, how DH and wife came to be married and how their marriage started to crumble, their son, JA and her parents, Jung Hee, the monk, and many more.  


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8 hours ago, nearsea said:

So beautifully written,you see posts like yours one gives me the confidence that it's okay to go ahead with what you feel lol. I don't know how it's gonna end but I'm very curious of what Ji An feels about Dong Hoon though. Both times when she ran fearing about his safety has so much feels that I couldn't help  wanting them to be each other's support system, damage control. Cause right now no matter what public might say, neither Yoon hee or Jung hee understands Dong Hoon as much Ji An does. I don't know what the writer thinks, but I can't see anyone but Ji An who can help him to discover his own trueself once again. 

Here's to hoping more interaction between Ji An and Dong Hoon , ( I just love the dialogues between these too, like the one where she says he's living a life sentence of earnestness) and less vomit close-ups. :/


Hi. I was planing to post something similar when I read what you wrote (in red). For me, this is capital: both women (wife and friend) till now never couldn't (or he wouldn't let it) understands him or pass through his wall. Only JA. 


Maybe the friend is there to show that it wasn't the absence of friendship with a woman - as it wasn't absence of love from his mother, brothers and male friends - which couldn't afford DH to be healed. It was the absence of that special person, and this is JA.


What I think interesting is that DH is loved by many people: mother, friends, brothers, work colleagues, I suppose his son. The only kind of love that he hasn't now is a woman's love. JA is the one who is leaving only with her grandmother's love. And maybe, because this fact, she is the first to fall in love (as I see it). I think that DH will provide every kind of love (including romantic) to JA - through himself and also through his family and friends. 


PS: I have a crazy theory: I think that JH could be the ex-wife of the CEO :o.

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For me, DH staying or getting back with his wife is a no go because, as many have mentioned, they lack the basic compatibility of the same focus in life.  DH taking care of his mother and brothers will never change and DH being a decent man who doesn’t play dirty at work to get ahead won’t change so the same conflicts will still exist.  They never were going to have smooth sailing with different outlooks on life from the beginning.


LJA has never lived!  She has existed to survive another day to care for her grandmother.  She killed a man to save her grandmother.  LJA discovering feelings rising inside that contradict the life she has lived until now.  Her grandmother sees as she watches her granddaughter’s face.  This is the first time LJA begins to live a little outside of her own world as she watches and listens to DH.  He has become human to her as she discovers his inner life and she is beginning to include him in her world.  How much can she let into her life?  We’ll see.  It’s a journey.


of their feelings....we can only know by their actions...


DH is changing because of LJA as others have mentioned.  She is meaningful to him for multiple reasons one major one being that she is the only one who can see him.  The only person who “knows” the real DH as everyone else gets the edited version.  How painful and humiliating and freeing at the same time.  Someone in the world knows his heart.  



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1 hour ago, hushhh said:

It's like saying JayZ isn't attractive enough to partner Beyonce.  You might be right, but Beyonce doesn't seem to care what you think.



Also keep in mind LSY is deliberately being shot [lighting and camera angles] to look as old, haggard, and defeated as possible. There are scene when he looks like a vital man in his 30s and others where he looks like someone crawling towards his grave.  He looks as the story require him to.



I was so down reading all the post about the age gap issue, so thanks for this part about Beyonce, it really made me crack up!  I think you won this one, ha!  :D


I also agree about the use of the lightning. The lighting team deliberately makes LSK look wrinkly and haggard. It’s supposed to make us notice. He’s supposed to be an average looking salaryman, not to mention he’s always miserable. He’s not shot with soft fuzzy lightning like for example Gong Yoo in Goblin to appear attractive and godlike.


I think we should put the end to this age gap discussion and enjoy this gem of the show no matter which way it leads us. The more pressing concern should be the writer. Let’s pray she won’t screw up the second half of the show like she did with her previous drama.

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I agree with almost everything what you said. I only want to point two things:


First, and I think you will agree with me, inbalaced relationship is problematic in every kind of story, be it because age gap or not. It is not the age gap per si the problem, but the inbalanced power between the lovers (and normally women are the weaker). So, it appears in dramas like Boys Before flowers (never watched and never will because this problem), where there isn't age gap (if I'm not wrong). To me, what is more problematic is the fact that this kind of inbalanced relationship is glamourized and normalized but not problematized. So I just ignores this kind of dramas. But, fortunately, here we have a balanced relationship. 


Second, I hope that I'm not being ridiculous :wink: because I talk about romance between DH and JA. In fact, I think I'm not clamouring romance (and I'm not saying you are saying that I'm am, it is just that you made me think about it and reflect over this possibility), I'm just feeling it. I don't think that the writer have to or should write a romance, I just feel and see that s/he is writing one. I can be wrong in my interpretation (and if I am, I will desapear from here in shame, due my incompetence in see the kind of story was being told :blush:  - just kidding). Anyway, I enjoyed very much your post. 


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50 minutes ago, ninaanin said:


PS: I have a crazy theory: I think that JH could be the ex-wife of the CEO :o.


 You are right. That theory is crazy, but crazy works well with imagination.


Although some have suggested that DH is the guy JH is waiting to crawl back after doing her wrong, he doesn't seem like a proper for JH schadenfreude.


There are people who dump their partners for more "appropriate" ones as they climb the ladder of success and I can easily see DY doing that with no compunction.


My only question is, did YH go to school with DH and DY. How soon after did she marry DY.  How familiar is she with DH neighborhood folks?   Why wouldn't se know DY history with JH.


I'm always curious to know how each character function in the story.  JH role is unclear.  She certainly is more than a barkeep.



We know DY went to school with DH.  I assume that is is college.  But did they grow up together.  Are they from the same socio-economic background?    I remember understanding that DY thought he has to scramble to gain and keep his position because he does not come from a powerful background nor has powerful backers.  He is where he is as a result of his own drive. 


I think one of the reasons DY was able to climb so far is because the CEO is himself from a humble background and is okay with giving folks opportunities based on merit not only connections.






I agree with almost everything what you said. I only want to point two things:


First, and I think you will agree with me, inbalaced relationship is problematic in every kind of story, be it because age gap or not. It is not the age gap per si the problem, but the inbalanced power between the lovers (and normally women are the weaker). So, it appears in dramas like Boys Before flowers (never watched and never will because this problem), where there isn't age gap (if I'm not wrong). To me, what is more problematic is the fact that this kind of inbalanced relationship is glamourized and normalized but not problematized. So I just ignores this kind of dramas. But, fortunately, here we have a balanced relationship. 


Second, I hope that I'm not being ridiculous :wink: because I talk about romance between DH and JA. In fact, I think I'm not clamouring romance (and I'm not saying you are saying that I'm am, it is just that you made me think about it and reflect over this possibility), I'm just feeling it. I don't think that the writer have to or should write a romance, I just feel and see that s/he is writing one. I can be wrong in my interpretation (and if I am, I will desapear from here in shame, due my incompetence in see the kind of story was being told :blush:  - just kidding). Anyway, I enjoyed very much your post. 


--Thanks for your kind words on the post.


Yes! the problem IS that asymmetrical relationships, with women being in the position of the one who lacks resources (money wealth) or maturity, are romanticized and glamorized.


When men are the needy ones, (for anything outside of emotional growth) the relationship is problematize and treated with contempt, and the men are viewed as less than. Mostly the media just don't present that reality. 


I actually don't know who is clamoring for romance.  I know the sentiment is strong in the forum with some folks.  I actually don't pay attention as to who is saying what, unless I've interacted with the poster personally.   I might have read your post, or I might not have.  But either way, my comment was not directed at you or anyone in particular.


Viewers can want what they want and it is their right to voice their desire.


Sometimes though, the demand that a story go in one direction, and to take alternate views as attack personally can stifle enjoyment. 


Please don't disappear in shame.  If I had disappeared in shame because I have been wrong about the trajectory of a drama I would not have written a second post in Soompi. :lol:


The only thing i find disturbing is when folks are wrong on where a drama is heading, or how the love-lines will tie up, and instead of accepting the outcome they then trash the drama in the forum, behave badly towards members and take everything opinion present as if posters were attacking them personally. 


I don't expect that of you.  Also there are not enough idols in the drama to create that catastrophe. But them again I may be wrong.  It has happen before. 


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29 minutes ago, aisling said:


I think we should put the end to this age gap discussion and enjoy this gem of the show no matter which way it leads us. The more pressing concern should be the writer. Let’s pray she won’t screw up the second half of the show like she did with her previous drama.


Daebak!!!!! :D 

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6 hours ago, ninaanin said:

PS: I have a crazy theory: I think that JH could be the ex-wife of the CEO :o.

Chingu, sometimes crazy ideas are genius!  That really works for me. The CEO has been harboring some deep resentment about that marriage, he won't even open up about it to Yoon Hee.   And we know he detests DH (they have such a mutual visceral aversion for each other) - when did that begin?  In school?  Or, did it have something to do with that first wife?   Could be bartender lady Jung Hee had some passion for DH (maybe not returned at the time because of his marriage and he is such a straight up fellow!).  We will see more about this, quite sure.

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38 minutes ago, aisling said:


I was so down reading all the post about the age gap issue, so thanks for this part about Beyonce, it really made me crack up!  I think you won this one, ha!  :D


I also agree about the use of the lightning. The lighting team deliberately makes LSK look wrinkly and haggard. It’s supposed to make us notice. He’s supposed to be an average looking salaryman, not to mention he’s always miserable. He’s not shot with soft fuzzy lightning like for example Gong Yoo in Goblin to appear attractive and godlike.


I think we should put the end to this age gap discussion and enjoy this gem of the show no matter which way it leads us. The more pressing concern should be the writer. Let’s pray she won’t screw up the second half of the show like she did with her previous drama.


Definitely:) let's do and be happy coz everyone is raving about this gem of a show. I am also wondering about the writer too. I hope the writing stays the same all throughout. Hopefully PD Kim direct and put his own interpretation of the script into something poignant and beautiful.

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39 minutes ago, ninaanin said:

I'm just feeling it. I don't think that the writer have to or should write a romance, I just feel and see that s/he is writing one.

That's how I see this too. Whether this is the writer's intention or not ( maybe not haha) but the fact that she evoked this emotion in audience, that's where the success of the story lies.

Also I think in film or any creative field per se, there is no right or wrong way of seeing things. This isn't like math so there are no definite rules, so when I say I see there's possibility of romance, by no means that means that's how it is. Likewise if someone else thinks the opposite then that's their way of thinking. But the different opinions can co-exist and that credit also goes to the writer, for bringing up delicate topics and make us question lol.

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26 minutes ago, nearsea said:

'm just feeling it. I don't think that the writer have to or should write a romance, I just feel and see that s/he is writing one.


26 minutes ago, nearsea said:

That's how I see this too. Whether this is the writer's intention or not ( maybe not haha) but the fact that she evoked this emotion in audience, that's where the success of the story lies.

Also I think in film or any creative field per se, there is no right or wrong way of seeing things. This isn't like math so there are no definite rules, so when I say I see there's possibility of romance, by no means that means that's how it is. Likewise if someone else thinks the opposite then that's their way of thinking. But the different opinions can co-exist and that credit also goes to the writer, for bringing up delicate topics and make us question lol.


The best part of My Ajusshi is that every character is walking into that grey line of different interpretations depending on your upbringing and beliefs about relationships. The writers are doing a good job because it is evoking discussions and exchanges between viewers. For instance,  all of us have different definitions of love and romance - or are both words have the same meaning? This type of question comes to my mind when I am watching the show. That's why I am so intrigued about the relationship of DH and Jian because of its ambiguity. And I agree that most likely our little sea urchin will get her heart broken:bawling: for the first time.. 

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1 hour ago, ninaanin said:

Second, I hope that I'm not being ridiculous :wink: because I talk about romance between DH and JA. In fact, I think I'm not clamouring romance (and I'm not saying you are saying that I'm am, it is just that you made me think about it and reflect over this possibility), I'm just feeling it. I don't think that the writer have to or should write a romance, I just feel and see that s/he is writing one. I can be wrong in my interpretation (and if I am, I will desapear from here in shame, due my incompetence in see the kind of story was being told :blush:  - just kidding). Anyway, I enjoyed very much your post. 


This is me, too.  The deep connection they are already forming needs to go somewhere, and for me it makes most sense going to romance.  


53 minutes ago, nearsea said:

That's how I see this too. Whether this is the writer's intention or not ( maybe not haha) but the fact that she evoked this emotion in audience, that's where the success of the story lies.

Also I think in film or any creative field per se, there is no right or wrong way of seeing things. This isn't like math so there are no definite rules, so when I say I see there's possibility of romance, by no means that means that's how it is. Likewise if someone else thinks the opposite then that's their way of thinking. But the different opinions can co-exist and that credit also goes to the writer, for bringing up delicate topics and make us question lol.

Exactly!  And this is why it's such an enjoyable viewing, because of the constant guessing.  I will pretend all the spoilers are thrown to misguide us, yes, including the Goblin reference, and just let the story take me to the conclusion.  


32 minutes ago, timidjock0819 said:

The best part of My Ajusshi is that every character is walking into that grey line of different interpretations depending on your upbringing and beliefs about relationships. The writers are doing a good job because it is evoking discussions and exchanges between viewers. For instance,  all of us have different definitions of love and romance - or are both words have the same meaning? This type of question comes to my mind when I am watching the show. That's why I am so intrigued about the relationship of DH and Jian because of its ambiguity. And I agree that most likely our little sea urchin will get her heart broken:bawling: for the first time.. 


Correct.  And this is true for DH and YH's broken marriage.  She is wrong to commit adultery, but if he was the one not putting their marriage first before his other relationships, then he is just as much to blame for the damage in the marriage, pre-affair.  I wonder if we are missing information, because it's hard for me to imagine someone as righteous and kind as DH to so severely neglect the woman he chose to marry.


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1 hour ago, hushhh said:

 You are right. That theory is crazy, but crazy works well with imagination.


Although some have suggested that DH is the guy JH is waiting to crawl back after doing her wrong, he doesn't seem like a proper for JH schadenfreude.


There are people who dump their partners for more "appropriate" ones as they climb the ladder of success and I can easily see DY doing that with no compunction.

I think the translation is not clear here in this scene, but Jung Hee seems to talk about that mysterious man in a fond way that I don't think she is hoping that he would come "crawling after a fall".  If she were indeed thinking of DH, I interpret it as she considers him a successful man with a successful marriage, but she has feelings for him and hopes if one day things go bad for him, she would be the one there to comfort him.


This show has great stylist, love how she/he dresses LSK.  I also like the many different scarfs he wears.  Reminds me of his Pasta character.

Image may contain: 5 people, people standing, shoes and outdoor


The boys always seem to be having more fun (real or staged). :D

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One of the reasons I'm hoping that we have a alternate version of satisfying adult connection other than romance is because research shows expecting your spouse to be the be all and end all in your life is unrealistic and put unnecessary stress on the marriage.  Also that view is being perpetuated in the media that rarely exalts friendship, especially between women.


When Did Marriage Become So Hard?



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