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[Drama 2018] My Mister, 나의 아저씨 - Best Drama at 2019 (55th) BaekSang Arts Awards

Go Seung Ji

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3 hours ago, Miaruma said:

Whoo hello everyone, 

haven't been to this forum in ages, but this drama has made me want to talk about stuff again \o/. I think it was that scene in ep 5 that really made me go "Ohhhh", the one where DH is kind of dozing off open eyed in the train and JA nudges him with her foot once they reach their stop. That little moment had so many layers to me. First we have JA actively reaching out to DH without a prior objective, which I don't think happened before and probably hasn't been a thing JA has done for years. Added to that was the fact that it was such a stark contrast to their prior physical contact that she initiated because it was such a minor thing you might do with someone you're comfortable with or even consider a friend, which it doesn't really look like either of them have outside their immediate family?


And then we get the kind of meta interpretation that I had when I saw that scene. DH is staring into nothing, not paying attention to the world, as he's been kind of doing during the whole drama and before the story started. And then JA knocks him awake literally and figuratively so he actually has to wake up and face reality and start doing things. This, coupled with the way their connection doesn't feel forced and despite their age difference doesn't feel creepy really makes me happy. I like it when two characters can give each other something they had been missing before.

I am unsure if I want them to have a romantic relationship though. It could be done, but currently I think both of them are way too damaged to have a relationship that lasts and what both of them need is just someone who can understand what they are going through without needing an explanation (it does ofc help that JA has that wiretap, but even without it they had an understanding of each other that went beyond words). 


The weakest part of the drama for me currently are the brothers and their stories. While I understand that they provide some much needed levity and contrast, the shift feels very jarring because the stuff JA and DH are going through just have a lot more emotional weight.


Still though, i was hesitant at first, because I didn't enjoy the writer's previous drama and main female character but I am loving JA so far and that added with the gorgeous cinematography really feels like TvN picked another winner :D.


I could relate :) I haven't posted in Soompi for a long long time but because of My Ajusshi I came crawling back again to the mother ship. It is not enough to watch this show but also you are feeling the need to discuss it with someone. And since no one in my circle are really into k-dramas, thank god for this forum so I could vent on how much I love this show and read as well the insights of wonderful people here. 

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1 hour ago, philosophie said:

Chingu, sorry to cut your post (I agree with all of it) but I had to say for this point, I had a feeling that JA was recording JY when he said all that stuff about being with a married woman (she does need some kind of security for after the job so that he can’t get rid of her easily right? Just feel like that would be such a JA thing to do-tape her convos with JY).

chingu, that will be a very JA thing to do, hopefully, she did tape the convos since YH knows that she was hired by DJY to work for him. 


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57 minutes ago, anipanch said:

I'd like to applaud IU and LSK for their on-screen chemistry. I knew that their couple wouldn't be your average drama couple when i saw a post about them being cast together. Boy are they meeting my expectations. JA and DH's relationship is so subtle yet so meaningful, makes you want to just watch them together forever. The show director is doing great job. The romance isn't shoved right into our face, but what is given to us is even better and at this point netizens might even start demanding to show more B) 

I'm really curious about from whom DH will hear that JA was warking under JY to get him fired. I know he will be heartbroken, but just like he promised JA in the last episode, whatever he will hear about her he won't believe and hold against her. I'm so happy I started watching this drama, it's just so fulfilling:heart: 


Yes and another definite yes. This pair was heavily scrutinized when their partnership was first announced last year. Honestly, I was also doubtful about whether it's going to work but decided to give it a chance because of PD Kim Won Suk. This show proved me wrong and I should have never doubted it in the first place. IU and LSK have such depth together that their chemistry is palpable. There is something tender about them. The attraction is not sexualized but sparks are flying off the charts if both are in close proximity of each other  (i.e. crowded train scene). The dialogues of both characters are also simple but it pierces through your consciousness. I agree with you that their story is not being shoved down into our throats where they create over the top romantic scenarios to entice love lines and romantic feelings. I think PD Kim successfully highlights and romanticized  the beauty of everyday life like commuting in the train station, drinking in an empty neighborhood bar, shopping in a small grocery store after work, and walking off the beaten path alleyways. The cinematography alone is so perfect in capturing the life of the working class. 

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16 hours ago, arsdf said:
You're Kind by Park Dong Hoon released on Melon Music... Go stream it! 


It was quite pitiful and sad seeing someone in this world desperately need someone else to say that she or he is a good person.  But it is a reality .. when someone is being fed negative vibes every second it can turn him or her into a negative being too. Hopefully by knowing this, we will be able to do the opposite.  Spread positive words, it will make one person's day bright and might help him or her to survive.

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I totally admire DongHoon but I suspect that he must be a frustrating person to be married to.

I don't get a sense of ambition from YH, or frustration about his stalled career (except how it weighs him down).  She just seems shut out of his life.  


Consider how attuned Donghoon is to JiAn. With very little information he has a full sense of her life.  YET his wife has been having an affair for almost a year and he had no idea. 


The brothers are so in touch and attuned to each, that they can sense when the other is in danger and they make sure their sibling is never alone long enough to get in trouble. 


Somehow YH is shut out of DongHoon emotional life and he is shut out of hers.


DongHoon is not only frustrating at home, he is frustrating at work.


When the Chairman shows up DY stop everything drag on his jacket and run to do his richard simmons kissing.

When the Chairman seek out DongHoon he barely pays attention. He does his perfunctory obsequence and is on his way. 


DongHoon seems incapable to seeking protection for himself. He seems only able to protect others.  He can't quit his job because even if he assumed this nuclear family could survive on his wife's earning, he is the only light for his family of birth.  He keeps his mother from feeling like a failure.  He keeps his brothers afloat.


DongHoon knows the workplace functions on a system of personal relationships, yet he acts as if he is clueless.  Even with his mentor Director Park, he didn't seem to have that close, much less toadying relationship that Yoon thas to DY.


The CEO Jang invites DongHoon to dinner, he says he is has other plans.  He isn't saying that because he has a beef with the CEO Jang.  He just has other plans. You know that DY would miss his own wedding or both his parents' funeral for a coffee date with the CEO Jang.  DongHoon other plans was with a temp worker that everyone considers to be at the lowest rung of the hierarchy. 


CEO Jang keeps trying to seek out a relationship with DongHoon, "Do you golf?" instead of signing up for lessons or saying not yet, but I want to learn, DongHoon is like, "No," leaving no opening for CEO Jang to pursue that avenue. 


So CEO Jang tries playing on DongHoon court, and what does he get, "soccer".  Only American football or rugby would be worse prospect for a man that old.  So they come up with "foot volleyball" (whatever that is) and the accommodation CEO Jang would make so he doesn't die on the field.


All this with DY watching.


In contrast, DY, who doesn't like camping, goes to the woods early in the morning in the middle of the winter to be with CEO Jang as he watches fires burn.


You can just feel DY's hate for DongHoon grow.  No matter how he good he is at his job and how he bows and scrapes all he get is the most perfunctory acknowledgment from CEO Jang and their is that prideful martyr pretty much refusing what he is dying to get a taste for. 


You can understand how DongHoon frustrates his team members.  None of them can move up in the company because of how he is.  Yet despite that, the love and are loyal to him. Even as his supervisor Toady Yoon berate for not taking short cuts with the buildings safety, he just does he silent reverse Bartleby the structure engineer, "I prefer to" and have his team continue.


It seems the jealousy-DY and dislike-DongHoon between between the men seem to preceded their working for the same company.  I don't think it is around competition for YH because I don't think YH is that important to DY.


I'm looking forward to that backstory.


It is unlikely to be the situation, but it might be interesting to discover that DongHoon was not always the saint he is today.





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I am wondering about Do Joon Young's background.  He will not discuss his broken marriage with Yoon Hee.  He has always been unpleasant to Dong -hoon until he smiles nicely once he is having an affair with his wife.  There was always something that Dong-hoon hated about him, so he immediately became suspicious. It was not because he advanced above him, Dong-hoon even says, he got his MBA - he was a go getter.   So what was it?  Just his arrogant personality?  Or, could it be that Dong-hoon knows something about Joon-young;s past?  Perhaps about his wife?  They have known each other since school, so there is a history there I think we haven't learned about yet.  There is more to come on this, I am sure.



@africandramalover wrote:


. It's always a combination of factors in a dying marriage, lack of communication being  the main one, in my view. When you cannot share WHO YOU ARE with your spouse, you are roommates, not spouses. She also mentions how he has never spiritually left his family. If you get married, your priority is now your spouse and children.

Yes, so true.   I was also amused at her comment that if it was Joseon period she would have moved into the husband's household.    He is very much attached to his family and unusually close. Not as the  old testament western bible says  “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” [Gen. 2:24]   But of course, this is Korea, historically a Confucian culture.  We also don't get to see the wife's relationship with her family, yet.


 @Miaruma wrote:


The weakest part of the drama for me currently are the brothers and their stories. While I understand that they provide some much needed levity and contrast, the shift feels very jarring because the stuff JA and DH are going through just have a lot more emotional weight.

 I agree, for me the brother scenes dragged - didn't find them too funny, just pathetic.  But since we learned more about the director/janitor brother and his background, and the nutty depressed insensitive bad actress I am liking it more.  

I want to find out more about the pretty bartender lady.

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34 minutes ago, maddymappo said:




@africandramalover wrote:

Yes, so true.   I was also amused at her comment that if it was Joseon period she would have moved into the husband's household.    He is very much attached to his family and unusually close. Not as the  old testament western bible says  “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” [Gen. 2:24]   But of course, this is Korea, historically a Confucian culture.  We also don't get to see the wife's relationship with her family, yet. 





There are few, almost no, universal norms for organizing cultures. 


With media exposure/contamination there are things the world is beginning to agree should not happen, (or give lip-service to the practice not being tolerated while still continuing the practice).


How a family is organized evolves on a cultural level.


The west tend to organize around the myth of the individual and the nuclear family as a unit.  This is is a relatively new way of organizing the world, and only possible in a world of plenty and with the rise of cities, transportation. and skills specification.  Without cities and the ability to get about, the extended family/or tribe as the core unit might still be prevalent everywhere.


A lot of the world organized about the extended family, and some still organized around the tribe.

Neither way is inherently better, it is just different.


Actually, I doubt in any culture organize themselves in one way only, but work on a spectrum between the seeing the individual (or nuclear family) or the tribe as the basic unit. 


I suspect the status and opportunities for women and their ability to work outside the home are also a contribution factors to seeing the family less as an extended unit.


When (grand)mothers were at home and didn't have jobs or interest outside of the nurturing of the family they were the support beams of the architecture of the extended family.  The children siblings and cousins would spend  extended time under one roof and therefore the connections would be strong.  Now many people in western countries might meet a cousin once a year, if that often, it is hard to have a same sense of commitment to family members outside of the nuclear family.

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I was completely surprised by Dong Hoon finding Chairman Jang and DJY at the mountain site. How did he know they would be there? Or did he not know they would be there? Was this a spot he had been to before? With his wife? Who would have shown the place to DJY? Did Dong Hoon think of  going there  because his wife smelled of campfire?


On another subject – isn't the dorky actress just... Adorable?


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2 hours ago, maddymappo said:

But since we learned more about the director/janitor brother and his background, and the nutty depressed insensitive bad actress I am liking it more.  

I want to find out more about the pretty bartender lady.

When the nutty actress went to the bar looking for her director and the pretty bartender/owner I think, was listening to the actress about how happy she was that her director was not as successful as she thought and now living miserably. Jun Hee, the pretty bartender commented, "I also knew and was involved with someone like that once." I am wondering if she was talking about DH.  

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1 hour ago, zenya22 said:

When the nutty actress went to the bar looking for her director and the pretty bartender/owner I think, was listening to the actress about how happy she was that her director was not as successful as she thought and now living miserably. Jun Hee, the pretty bartender commented, "I also knew and was involved with someone like that once." I am wondering if she was talking about DH.  


Dramabeans recap for episode 6 describes this scene like this: Jung-hee correctly guesses that it’s because Ki-hoon is a failure, and she says that there’s a guy she also hopes will fail and come crying to her one day.


I am hoping Jung Hee is talking about Dong Hoon and that somewhere down the story we will see a little something between them, even if only because I want DH to have a little fun, because right now I am more and more pessimistic about a love line between JA and DH.  Or she can be his fling on the rebound, only to have him realize that it's JA he really wants.  I know, my imagination is getting ahead of me. 


Edited to add: someone thinks that the writer may have the three brothers "adopt" JA into their family, and when I read that I despaired.  It may make sense, as well as avoid controversies, but my heart wants what my heart wants.

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5 minutes ago, sadiesmith said:


Dramabeans recap for episode 6 describes this scene like this: Jung-hee correctly guesses that it’s because Ki-hoon is a failure, and she says that there’s a guy she also hopes will fail and come crying to her one day.


I am hoping Jung Hee is talking about Dong Hoon and that somewhere down the story we will see a little something between them, even if only because I want DH to have a little fun, because right now I am more and more pessimistic about a love line between JA and DH.  Or she can be his fling on the rebound, only to have him realize that it's JA he really wants.  I know, my imagination is getting ahead of me.  

I think that DH would be better off with the bartender lady.  I love his relationship with JA but for me it is like older brother/father and daughter. He is a protector. He gains value and dignity by realizing her vulnerability, desperation in the world.  I don't know if I can see him being her "man" at this point at all.  Love can appear in many forms.  I would like Ji An to get a chance to go to school. She is so clever and capable.

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On 5.4.2018 at 9:42 PM, sadiesmith said:

I know we all hate her character in the drama, but this is Lee Ji-ah the actress.  https://www.hancinema.net/my-mister-lee-ji-ah-on-set-117294.html

"My Mister" Lee Ji-ah on Set

N drama "My Mister" actress Lee Ji-ah posted a picture on her Instagram.

She's looking pretty while eating chicken with a hair curler in her bangs.

Lee Ji-ah chose "My Mister" as her first comeback drama in 3 years.

"My Mister" can be seen every Wednesday at Thursday on tvN.

Source : www.topstarnews.net/n...

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Always put a link back to the source and HanCinema permalink


What is the name of her instagram?

Edited by Jillia
Please do not quote pictures, thanks! :)
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2 hours ago, sadiesmith said:



Edited to add: someone thinks that the writer may have the three brothers "adopt" JA into their family, and when I read that I despaired.  It may make sense, as well as avoid controversies, but my heart wants what my heart wants.


I think you might be onto something here. If you look at the drama posters- JA and the 3 brothers looking joyful sitting on the sofa and at the dining room- the visual suggests that they will live together at some point. And honestly I think that will be a great way to move the story forward. But for that to happen, I guess Grandma will pass away somewhere along the way, coz I don't see JA willing to live somewhere else without her grandma. And DH will probably live separately from his wife because of their situation. Boom. Cohabitation plot begins. (Please writer nim)


And I don't see why not? It will be fun to see daily interactions between JA and the brothers. The hijinks and the hilarity between them will be so fun to watch. Maybe SH ahjussi will be able to make JA crack a smile or laugh? Imagine, a deadpan JA meets goofy SH and KH. :D


And to answer a lot of people's question on why the brothers are even in this show, I guess the answer relates to that. At some point, they will interact a lot with JA and that's why we need to know their backstory before these characters fully intersect in the story. 

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21 minutes ago, jgsiu said:


I think you might be onto something here. If you look at the drama posters- JA and the 3 brothers looking joyful sitting on the sofa and at the dining room- the visual suggests that they will live together at some point. And honestly I think that will be a great way to move the story forward. But for that to happen, I guess Grandma will pass away somewhere along the way, coz I don't see JA willing to live somewhere else without her grandma. And DH will probably live separately from his wife because of their situation. Boom. Cohabitation plot begins. (Please writer nim)


And I don't see why not? It will be fun to see daily interactions between JA and the brothers. The hijinks and the hilarity between them will be so fun to watch. Maybe SH ahjussi will be able to make JA crack a smile or laugh? Imagine, a deadpan JA meets goofy SH and KH. :D


And to answer a lot of people's question on why the brothers are even in this show, I guess the answer relates to that. At some point, they will interact a lot with JA and that's why we need to know their backstory before their characters fully intersect in the story. 

I have same slight idea about your post, imagine Jian made them spechless more than fun:tongue:.but before that happen there must be strong reason to them to rescue our girl maybe when DYJ start to target her and the loan shark never free her either..waa many plot in my head but what i can't do just patient wait the story unfold.

My day  full excitement waiting wenesday come:) 


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5 hours ago, maddymappo said:

I think that DH would be better off with the bartender lady.  I love his relationship with JA but for me it is like older brother/father and daughter. He is a protector. He gains value and dignity by realizing her vulnerability, desperation in the world.  I don't know if I can see him being her "man" at this point at all.  Love can appear in many forms.  I would like Ji An to get a chance to go to school. She is so clever and capable.


I’d be OK with this solution if only the kiss (even forceful one) didn’t happen. That somehow changed the dynamics and it’s hard for me to look at them as brother/sister. If the writer wanted us to see them only in purely platonic relationship I don’t think she would include that forceful kiss. That’s my take.


But I agree the bartender definitely talked about DH. She’s waiting for him.

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59 minutes ago, aisling said:


I’d be OK with this solution if only the kiss (even forceful one) didn’t happen. That somehow changed the dynamics and it’s hard for me to look at them as brother/sister. If the writer wanted us to see them only in purely platonic relationship I don’t think she would include that forceful kiss. That’s my take.


But I agree the bartender definitely talked about DH. She’s waiting for him.

@aisling I totally agree with you regarding the writer trolling with us, but I think we both had better set out expectations low so our hearts are not crushed in the end.  Fine, if not Ji An, I ship DH with Jung Hee.  She is lonely too, and I just want a love line for DH. :-(



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Still root for subtle love line,kind of not who belong whom, just feeling like somehow you have someone care enough to depend and to be missed. To talk when your day become rough lend to his/her shoulder when you cried that all what i means.

10 minutes ago, sadiesmith said:

@aisling I totally agree with you regarding the writer trolling with us, but I think we both had better set out expectations low so our hearts are not crushed in the end.  Fine, if not Ji An, I ship DH with Jung Hee.  She is lonely too, and I just want a love line for DH. :-(




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