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[Drama 2018] My Mister, 나의 아저씨 - Best Drama at 2019 (55th) BaekSang Arts Awards

Go Seung Ji

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행복하자... Let's be happy..

They way they look at each other then burst into giggles..

Those 2 minutes are intense yet comfortable at the same time. While watching I feel like like I'm prying into an intimate moment, like I should look away. Lee Sun Kyun and IU did a great job with their nuanced gestures.










Credit to MoonSol, My Mister DC Gallery



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1 hour ago, africandramalover said:

Ok..... So the production team has done another lap of apologies for the implicit Ajussi relationship..... and then they give us those scenes in Ep 7 yesterday!! He's calling her that pretty girl, waiting for her at their joint for an evening drink like it's their thing, pretty girl running as fast as her scruffy feet can carry her...... this is not deep friendship bla bla bla!!


I swear if a romance doesn't happen!!! 


if they raise our hopes and shaft us and let us down like the emotional abuse that was M*&^%, I am gonna riot!!! By the way!! If they "carry us avocados", i.e. take us for fools..... I'm flying to Korea and we are having a meeting!! 


I'm so afraid to even care for the two because the wounds from M*&^% are still raw, and the writer also did me wrong by making my bias end up with nothing in Another Miss Oh..... She is sadistic. I will not raise my hopes! I will assume they have given in to the pressure and removed any loveline!!


Anyway.... important stuff now. I love how JA  told Judith Iscariot the truth about her affair. I love the speed with which things moving at in this drama. Ji An is also about to get caught, now that the loanshark has figured things out. However, it was too convenient that he was leaving the adulterers love nest at the exact time that Judith Iscariot was leaving and Ji an was arriving..... hmmmm... was he onto Ji Ah earlier than we think? 


The loser actress, yep, I LOVE HER! That loveline must happen!!! I must say, I was shocked to find out she's an idol!! Whaddayaknow!! She can really act!! Isn't this her first role?

@africandramaloverI hope you will not be disappointed because I honestly don't think they have given in to pressure and removed a love line. I think there may never have been a traditional love line to begin with.  They explained in the press conference that the misunderstanding is because the title used the word "My" but it wasn't meant in a romantic  way. That has always been clear to me. That the title wasn't romantic.      But - the "controversy" is good for these dramas because it entices people to watch out of curiosity - free publicity for them.   They may stir the pot themselves. 


I don't think males and females can't be friends. It just is often not the case in most societies and perhaps even more rare in asian societies. I also don't think that just because he described her as "pretty" means anything much. They were describing her, and she is pretty, that is just a fact. 


@philosophie wrote:


why did he have the sudden kiss scene? It wasn’t consensual so it can’t really count as a kiss 

There has been a lot of speculation about that kiss. Her friend was standing across the street taking the picture of the "kiss" to get him kicked out of his job so JiAn could get the 10 million won.  It was a setup which backfired so she didn't use it.  Why did they put the kiss there? - because it was an easy way  to entrap a man. It was very awkward for him. I don't think he knew how to take it since he didn't know she was setting him up. 


As far as the marriage goes. I doubt if Dh and YH will remain together, but can't be sure at this point. I agree with someone else on this thread (I can't find the quote, sorry) who said that YH doesn't love him, sort of looks down on him - like his Mom said, women want their husbands to be a success.  


I was disappointed that DH didn't come up with a better plan to put pressure on CEO.  He must have been surprised when CEO struck back and declared he wasn't going to break up and then insulted him as being an unambitious, jealous drone. That must have hurt.  Reminds me of his brother in the bar scene with Nara - and she explained it was wonderful that people who were failures could be happy. It made her less fearful.   I wonder how DH takes these insults. His Mom also spoke about how he never asked her for anything. He was not grasping and desirous of stuff. That is why she worried about him the most.


I liked DH for trying to protect his wife from CEO even though she was cheating on him. I guess he understood it was caused by his own neglect and he somehow didn't wish are unhappiness or harm.  


I am wondering how YH took that cellphone conversation that Jian let hear. 

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@chickfactor I really love episode 7 too. It may just be my favorite episode so far, and this is mainly because it has the "comedic factor" I have been waiting for. Prior to watching this series, I thought it would be a dark comedy with more funny elements but then after watching a few episodes, it wasn't like that at all. It was darker than I expected, what with the violence and the portrayal of sad, middle-aged men.


However, in this episode, there were really funny elements. I really love the conversation between the brothers while they were in the bar and talking about drinking. I love it when they talked about the way that Korean men would conquer the world if they went to war by drinking, and that hyung would be a general. That really had me LOLing.


Also, it's good that DH finally confronted the director and told him he knew about the affair, told him to stop bothering him, etc. Finally right?!


The failed actress's explanation why she likes KH is also heartwarming. I'm now a fan of hers. Haha!


I now want to know where DH will take it. How far.

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Are they in "love?"


Well, yes, yes they are.


They make each other happy. Their heart touches each other. They get each other. They care about each other. They fight for each other. We've already seen all of this happen. And isn't that love?


I love how *easy* they are with each other now. I love how quickly DH defended JA when that employee was complaining about her. That even if she was rude, she's also a wonderful person who would take care of her grandmother by herself. How matter-of-fact he was about telling him that, and how he knew about that. There was no self-consciousness, no worries that anyone might get the wrong idea. Just one human being appreciating the goodness of another human being.


How when she slips into her dour mode, assuming he must feel sorry for her, and how he tells her that he does not. And again telling her, in that matter-of-fact way he speaks, that his life is not better than hers.


Of course she is a pretty girl. He's not blind and made of stone.


They smiled at each other, and it was everything.


It's really lovely, just as it is. I don't need more. (But if more happens, it will feel right. I trust this PD-writer team.)


My only disappointment is the promise that the other two brothers will become more involved with Ji-An, and so far, they haven't. Please let this happen soon, because it will be awesome. Let her join the gang at Jung-Hee's Place, and have her hang out with the spacey actress. Sparks will really fly.


But seriously, they have a whole lot of sticky problems to work out together. Corporate shenanigans are getting more intense. Joon-Young is a little turd that needs to be put in its place. The worst is Kwang-Il, that handsome menace.


No time for love, Dr. Jones.

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59 minutes ago, maddymappo said:

@africandramaloverI hope you will not be disappointed because I honestly don't think they have given in to pressure and removed a love line. I think there may never have been a traditional love line to begin with.  They explained in the press conference that the misunderstanding is because the title used the word "My" but it wasn't meant in a romantic  way. That has always been clear to me. That the title wasn't romantic.      But - the "controversy" is good for these dramas because it entices people to watch out of curiosity - free publicity for them.   They may stir the pot themselves. 


I am fine with no loveline. When the drama news came out, I immediately signed on, just because of the story line. Then the controversies started when IU was cast! Now the loveline suddenly became an issue. It became the forefront of the story. I was okay with it happening, especially because KNets were complaining about it. I want to stick it to them. Then the production team came out and clarified AD NAUSEUM that there is no loveline, this is a story about healing, bla bla bla etc..... 


7 episodes deep and I am confused about this friendship. So many mixed signals! He calls her pretty, when he would have said "that small skinny girl".... Why!?!?! Pretty was deliberate! I want to hope, but I cannot hope because they have "clarified" the issue. Then yesterday's scenes happen and I am left wondering, why are these people jerking me around? Controversy? OK. No Problem. The only thing is that I don't want to be led down a path of potential romance only to be left high and dry!! M*&^% did that when they advertised a story of a married couple who fall back in love (I LOVE SUCH STORIES) and then gave us episode 15 and 16. I don't want more trauma in my life. It's only 4 months into the year!!! hehehehehe!!

I would be happy if DH and his wife rekindled their relationship. I assumed that this show would be a "healing" relationship that would be a catalyst for the repair of their individual relationships. Ji Ah can go out into the world and form her relationships without feeling like she's fighting against the world, and DH can go back to his marriage having resolved the issues under their carpet. A win win. Then last night happens...... The drama has become more about clarifying their relationship than about the story.... they've made it an issue, when they should have ignored it....


Anyway, I will be here, waiting for another episode tonight, and next week, and the week after that....


I think they may end up living together after this.... That loanshark will probably tell DH about the wiretap etc, threaten JA because he definitely seemed jealous. He may beat her up or threaten her and she has to find refuge with the guys. Whatever happens, I think it will be a way to get them to live together and do this "healing" thing they're selling to us.

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Oh, and for the record? This marriage is DEAD.


It's not just the cheating, although that alone would be devastating.


It's the methodical undermining. It's that she knew that the bribe money came from Joon-Young, and she knew all along that Joon-Young is working to kick Dong-Hoon out of the company. She knew that, and instead of sticking up for her HUSBAND, she relentlessly encouraged him to quit. That is DISRESPECT. That is a whole another level of BETRAYAL.


Dong-Hoon knows this. This is why he asked Joon-Young if Yoon-Hee knew about the bribe. He is smart. He knows Joon-Young is not in love with Yoon-Hee, and he will never marry a divorcee with a child. He knows Yoon-Hee was used.


He will resolve this with grace. He will be most concerned about how his mother and his child will be affected, rather than himself.


But they're not getting back together. It's over.

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10 hours ago, ninaanin said:


Did you see the whole conference? I ask that because I only read/saw what was posted here, and I kind of think from it that he was being evasive about loveline or not. 

I got the gist after reading the excerpts from the posts here. But you could be right , he may be acting evasive to not give away any big spoiler, but I don't have much expectation now hehe.


@timidjock0819 I can't quote your last post but regarding the role reversal , we forget that this has already kind of happened in 'secret love affair'. You're right there is this gender bias in South Korea so it's okay if women date the younger men( which I love btw, noona romance is one of my favorite kdrama trope lol) but the opposite is seen in negative light. But even that's not my concern, I just feel like the story has been edited as per the public demand.


I  don't know but judging by some  posts here why I'm feeling like I have to feel wrong or defend myself for expecting a deeper relationship between the leads rather than nothing. Everyone has different way of viewing things so what for some is taboo, for me it's not. My philosophy comes from my ideals and learnings in life so no, I don't find it appalling  to fall for someone older. I feel we have been programmed this way to have a dark idea in mind regarding any relations, so  the preconceived notion is, any age gap relationship means something based on give and take. Which shouldn't be the way to look at things. But then again these are personal opinions and it's understandble that people feel different. What I ask for is to  give others space  if their philosophy doesn't match with yours. This is just a show so least we can do is kindly giving our share of thoughts without hurting other's sentiment.  

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13 hours ago, hushhh said:

I think Donghoon would understand her working against him for DY because of her life circumstances.

But I think it will be hard for him to forgive her for wiretapping.

And even if he forgives her, I doubt if he will be able to face her.


He may go with his alternative, which is to pretend that we don't know, if he has that option.


Remember how he treated his team member?  He allows him to tell his side of the story before admonishing the guy.  I think he would want JA to tell him the reasons, he's a logical and methodical guy.  See how he deals with JY's affair.  DH would only pretend nothing happens if it is to make someone else happy.  In this case, I don't see him pretending unless someone would get hurt by revealing JA's true nature working in the company.


1 hour ago, chickfactor said:

2. I love that DH chose to hire Ji-An because her resume said her specialty was "running." (He said he liked how it was simple and straightforward, and my guess is - not pretentious.) I loved how she describes why she likes running: "When I run, I disappear, and I feel like that is the true me." It was melancholy and self-effacing in the same way as when DH described himself as that building that ran along the river - something that should have never existed. They want to not exist. They want to disappear. Because life has been hard for them.


I love that when Ji-An runs, it's towards DH. To save him, to help him, or to be with him.


3. I love the Actress, and I love her vibe with Ki-Hoon. She is so quirky and funny. It's great to see how all the neighborhood ahjussis are mesmerized. "She's an angel." Indeed.


I really didn't like this actress in her previous role in "Suspicious Partner." She was shrill and her character was very unlikable and pointless. Here, she sparkles. This writer + director = magic.


4. I don't think DH is trying to save his marriage. I think he's just trying to cope with the situation with as much grace as he can.


5. I love that he said to Ji-An, "Let's be happy." That was as thrilling as when he told her, "You're a good person." Simple, common words that in another context would sound casual, but they mean the world to these two people, and to us.


The marathon runners that I know are very discipline.  They make good office workers.  They don't give up easy either :)


I think DH is saving his marriage for his son.  Also for JA.  If the affair is leaked, she would be hurt professionally.  God knows he's too good and kind for her.  When the son called to ask him to perform a talent for his school project, DH couldn't come up with one.  He knows that his talent is not one that is obvious and demonstrable.  His is is hidden, he's good at diffusing problems.   It's the best thing he can do for his boy.


Yes, let's be happy.  JA forgot how it is to be happy.  Her grandma understood happiness.  She's grateful for the simple things like the moon and the meal.  So  yay for JA, she smiled twice in this episode.


14 hours ago, aisling said:

I don’t know how about you guys but doesn’t it break your heart that Ji An suffered all those years and got into a huge debt just to take care of her grandma while all this time the government could take care of her grandma for free? Isn’t it a common knowledge in Korea? Why didn’t she know?


It's sad, isn't it?  She was a child when she was incarcerated. Either she has never thought to ask, was excluded or no one has ever helped her all these years.  DH's probably the only adult that has ever asked and cared enough to offer help.  Others may have never looked beyond her rough personality and tried to get to know her needs.


4 hours ago, maddymappo said:


In the meantime - I was really impressed with Yoo-Ra's deep thoughts about how happiness can be found even in the lives of failures.


Wondering why Jung-Hee took the guys on a walkabout, and ended up she is staying in the bar.  Why? Is she embarrassed she lives there? They seemed to think she stays there anyway. 



Yah you know, she is actually a very smart girl, that Dorky Actress (thanks @sadiesmith for her handle lol). Yura, being an actress, equates happiness to popularity, wealth, box office numbers.  She was depressed, she slept all day, rarely goes out of her apartment (it's a mess actually)... all this before she reunited with her old PD KH.  In her eyes, failure is depressing. Then she met these middle aged men, once were salarymen, corporate leaders, brilliant thinkers, who show her that failures won't necessary kill you.  You adapt, survive, and adjust your happiness.  To these men, happiness is simplified to TV football games, soju and friends.  It's less tangible and can't be measured by status and money.  Many look upon middle age as something depressing (since most people come to a crossroad in their careers) but we see now that it is not necessary the case.  They are content with the little things. :)


Jung Hee doesn't have a place to live because she gives her money to Mrs Byeon (DH's mom) to help out her sons.  She feeds and hosts all these middle aged men who either have lost jobs or are down on their luck.  Her bar is their gathering place, their happy place, she even gives them free alcohol.  These men do not know of her generosity.  

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Full ratings up until Episode 7:


Date Episode Nielsen Korea (%) TNmS (%)
Nationwide Seoul Peak
2018-03-21 01 3.923 4.467 - 4.6
2018-03-22 02 4.133 4.786 - 4.1
2018-03-28 03 3.373 4.102 - 3.9
2018-03-29 04 3.611 3.851 - 4.3
2018-04-04 05 3.936 4.838 - 3.7
2018-04-05 06 4.038 4.468 - 4.6
2018-04-11 07 4.487 5.234 - 4.7
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10 hours ago, aisling said:

What was supposed to be the original ending of Black? Because whenever I think of Black trainwreck ending I want to Hulk smash something!

The writer expressed her disappointment regarding how the original ending was changed, also many parts of the script were edited out. I think I read the news on soompi.  The director also apologized for changing the ending and showing the last 10 min which wasn't in the original script.

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Uhmmm, 2 things on my mind


1) Yoon Hee knows Joon Young has deceived her.  She also knows he’s setting Dong Hoon up for dismissal.  What will she do now?  She wants to live a luxurious life, drinking wine, listening to classical music... things that she cannot do with her husband.  Who will she side with? 


2) There was some mentioning about the monk by Jung Hee.  She also said she’s waiting for someone who will never come.  Any guess on the monk story? He could be the fourth brother or a relative?


What do you think?



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The new OST has been released!  The title is Dear Moon, sung by Je Hwi.

Every time I listen to this song, halmoni always comes to mind..

Her fascination towards the moon is so cute.. I hope one day Ji An will look at the moon and acknowledge its beauty too..

It breaks my heart when she didn't even look at the moon in episode 5.. Just like she refused to see the kindness and humanity that still exist in the world. 9SqRmQ.gif

But ever since DH's kindness broke her wall of defense, I feel like things began to change. 

Haengbokhaja halmoni.. jiani..

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Wow, silly me!!! Why do I keep seeing something that clearly isn’t there? Why would I think he kept staring at her and forgot to swallow and that’s why he started choking, right? It’s totally platonic stealing glances at each other, right? There’s definitely nothing romantic about those two.


Evidently, obviously, undoubtedly, unquestionably, unmistakably, exactly how we’ve been told :rolleyes:









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I don’t understand all the negativity on Nate involving IU’s acting, some are so filled with hatred they cannot even give her credit for a stellar performance thus far. I was a bit wary about the initial premise of the show however, the relationship between the leads is progressing at a very natural pace. This isn’t about an older man fantasizing about a younger girl or praying on her weaknesses. It’s about two souls who accepts and understands one another.

I really hope there is a romantic arc to the storyline bc they have this quiet understanding and acceptance for one another that is clearly very strong and real! Also, LSK is a very hott ajusshi with his deep velvety voice :wub:

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7 hours ago, maddymappo said:

The younger individual is a person who is vulnerable. Yes, street tough and old beyond his/her years because of suffering, but still damaged, hurt, and emotionally needy (no matter how he/she covers it with hard shell)

  I think in a situation like this, many people feel that the older person has a responsibility to hold back and be the adult. To sublimate animal desire into human caring, sharing and extend protection. Like a teacher with a student. The student may be extraordinary, talented, has all kinds of unusual qualities, but the teacher is the one who needs make sure the relationship doesn't get romantic because the older person knows from experience in the world the potential suffering after the passion dies down.


 I think the characters themselves within the drama would have a very different view. Would the Ahjumma's sisters tease her about her rendezvous with a 21 yr old guy, the way Dh's brothers tease him?  Even Gwang -il suspects she is getting the money from a rich old guy.  The sugar daddy, is more accepted than a sugar mommy. Although both happen.


In general,  I agree with you 100% that the age of 21 is young and needs to develop if this is a normal young woman. The PD really made sure that it isn't the case with Jian. Nothing is normal about her. She was introduced in such a harsh way from episode 1 that we even have to look away from some of her scenes   However, Jian despite her age is not really underdeveloped and inexperience. She even killed a man and went to jail for it. She was thrusted into becoming an adult and experienced things that none of the adults in this show are even capable of handling. In my opinion, adults are the ones acting immature and selfish (i.e. YH, JYD). Jian is the one doing the saving and giving encouragement which is so odd. 


Is sugar daddy more accepted than sugar mommy? In today's world, both terms are equally frowned upon and still not socially accepted. Although people should stop generalizing that because of the age gap then money comes into play or sexual favors. If two people deeply love each other and are already adults, does age really matter? Please let's remember that love does not discriminate but rather its people that are passing judgments and assumptions.


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1 hour ago, aisling said:

Wow, silly me!!! Why do I keep seeing something that clearly isn’t there? Why would I think he kept staring at her and forgot to swallow and that’s why he started choking, right? It’s totally platonic stealing glances at each other, right? There’s definitely nothing romantic about those two.


Evidently, obviously, undoubtedly, unquestionably, unmistakably, exactly how we’ve been told :rolleyes:



Their first smile:) oh my poor shipper's heart stuck in delulu island gulping on sumak and pineapple bread when I know there is REALLY NO LOVE LINE:huh:


Aside from the smile, the scenes that preceded it was making my heart flutter.. DH was waiting for her despite not having a clear appointment. He just waited there if she would show up. (more like longing:huh:   but hey wait again this is not romantic under no circumstances!!!)  And Jian running accompanied by that damn beautiful song  (TVN when are you going to release it???:D) .. What's even more ironic was of all the characters it was Gwang Il that saw them beaming of happiness through a glass window? The loan shark that assumed Jian has a sugar daddy coz she was able to come up with the money. Kim Won Suk strategically put that scene there to mirror the hypocrisy of the whole backlash this show is receiving. Genius move if you ask me. 

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