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[Drama 2017] Forest of Secrets / Stranger 비밀의숲 - Baeksang 2018 Daesang Award /Best Actor / Best Writer


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5 hours ago, penelop3 said:

LYJ: She could be suffering from mental illness, perhaps bipolar or depression. If that's the case, no wonder her dad and her husband are 'afraid' of offending her. And whoa, that's sure is a loooot of pills. Not sure if the PD-nim is showing it as a hint of how sick she is or it's just to exaggerate. 
Do you guys notice how everytime LCJ tried to console his wife - he would always hold her hand - as if giving support or perhaps reminding her to keep her cool? With her impending arrest in Ep 11, I think she will start to unravel. 

Even during the dinner scene in Ep10, I thought that ChangJoon had taken her hand under the table/out of the camera view.  Or at least he started to move like he was going to take her hand when she and YeoJin started their word battle.

Also, I thought you all might find this write up interesting: http://www.douxreviews.com/2017/07/secret-forest-introduction.html


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4 hours ago, penelop3 said:

But there's always a possibility somebody is putting a pressure to her/her family. 
I find her one of the weakest links in the team; the other one is Det Jang - so easily influenced, one of his feet is not in SM's boat yet. 

Yes @penelop3..... They are the weakest link in our group. Even though he knows they did wrong but still willing to help his boss. I think she is the breadwinner at home and her family are her weakness. I hate when people take advantage of people who has people counting on them for support.

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3 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

No, you are misunderstanding me!! When they visit her, they want to know what happened. But her statement is not clear. Besides they are trying to find her assaillant. Since they looked for KWK's alibi, it showed that he was on the suspect list!! However, they want more info from her. Why was she targeted? Did she know something? Is it related to PMS?

But KWK is definitely not accused of murdering her. That's a fact as he had an alibi. 

Here, watch the above clip. In this clip, you can tell that Chief Lee, Chief Kim and
Chairman Lee want to find the killer of Mr. Park Moo-Sung as much as Shi-Mok does.
That's why in early episodes, you see Chief Kim scramble his officers to find the 
killer before Shi-Mok does. They don't want what ever information the killer know about 
the past to be spread in public. Some one is digging up dirt from the past, and they are 
trying to burry it back down. Base on the above conversation, I think you can safely
remove Chief Lee, Chief Kim, and Chairman Lee from your Park Moo-Sung Murder list.
Originaly, the writer trying to misled the audience that CEO Park murder and Ga-Young
murder were made by the same killer, but it's not. Park murder was a careful plan murder,
but Ga-Young was a sloppy job. Chief Kim though that by dragging Ga-Young back to where
Mr. Park murder took place, he can pin Ga-Young murder on the same killer, and no one
will suspect him. He can walk away free with murder, so he though. That probably the
first time Chief Kim trying to kill some one. He doesn't know how to finish the job.
That's why Ga-Young survive. If Ga-Young was killed by the same killer who killed
Mr. Park, she wouldn't be breathing now. That's why early on, Shi-Mok couldn't figure
out why the killer allow Ga-Young to live.
Now, would you kindly enough, tell me, what evidence does Shi-Mok and Yeo-Jin have that
they can charge Chief Kim of Mr. Park Moo-Sung murder with?. I'm not saying he's innocent.

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29 minutes ago, yonaomi123 said:

I literally laughed out loud.  But I completely feel the same way :D

I like your theory.  We will have to see if you're correct on Saturday!  And your English is fine!!  It's much better than my Korean :wink:

I don't want to revive the disagreement, but I am actually confused... What alibi did the police chief have? 

- Detective Jang was his alibi for the night, when PMS was killed.

- For GY's attempted murder, his driver confirmed that he dropped him off at his house! So they checked his alibis for both murders. 

@ddeokbokkii KWK is not charged for PMS's murder, but for prostitution and having sex with an underaged student. This is considered as a delict. They have evidences for that:

- testimony of KWK's driver who would drop him next to the hotel each monday,

- the footage (CCTV in the hotel)

- the phone number GY used, when she called him in order to tell him that the room number had changed. HYJ had the list of the phone numbers and that's how she recognised KWK's phone number.

The intention of PMS' murder is to reveal the corruption. We have two possibilities:

- either it is the same murderer. His plan wasn't that good because he knew that SDJ and HSM were about to find her. He was in arush. Moreover, he didn't know that the kids would trespass the house and have a party there. She would have been found much later... 

 Or what if GY's attempted murder was ordered by LJY? Notice that KWK was not looking for her, rather SDJ was after her in order to blackmail LCJ, hence his wife had an interest to get rid of her. She represented a thread and leverage for her husband. 

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23 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

- Detective Jang was his alibi for the night, when PMS was killed.

- For GY's attempted murder, his driver confirmed that he dropped him off at his house! So they checked his alibis for both murders. 

@ddeokbokkii KWK is not charged for PMS's murder, but for prostitution and having sex with an underaged student. This is considered as a delict. They have evidences for that:

- testimony of KWK's driver who would drop him next to the hotel each monday,

- the footage (CCTV in the hotel)

- the phone number GY used, when she called him in order to tell him that the room number had changed. HYJ had the list of the phone numbers and that's how she recognised KWK's phone number.

The intention of PMS' murder is to reveal the corruption. We have two possibilities:

- either it is the same murderer. His plan wasn't that good because he knew that SDJ and HSM were about to find her. He was in arush. Moreover, he didn't know that the kids would trespass the house and have a party there. She would have been found much later... 

 Or what if GY's attempted murder was ordered by LJY? Notice that KWK was not looking for her, rather SDJ was after her in order to blackmail LCJ, hence his wife had an interest to get rid of her. She represented a thread and leverage for her husband. 

Really?, You still think that they set up a special investigation team and turn over upside down the Prosecutor Offices and the

Police Department, so they can drag a Police Chief into the interrogation room to drill him about his flint with a prostitute?.

Let me remind you, Ga-Young was working under a different alias Min-Ah 3 years ago when she was still a minor.

No one know she was minor, cause Min-Ah ID was an adult. They found out she's Ga-Young only when they investigate her

murder. He could easily claim he wasn't aware she was a minor, and I don't even know if it can go any where in court.

To be fair, they will have to arrest every John she had been slept with when she was working as a minor.

They have 2 dead bodies, and a third almost dead, and they spent all that resource just to stick the Chief with a prostitute

related charge?. So, the murder cases are not important, but the prostitute is their most priority on their list. Really?.

I don't even know why I'm still having this conversation. I must be out of my mind. Have a good day.

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44 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

 Or what if GY's attempted murder was ordered by LJY? Notice that KWK was not looking for her, rather SDJ was after her in order to blackmail LCJ, hence his wife had an interest to get rid of her. She represented a thread and leverage for her husband. 

Thanks for explaining.  :) 

Now that you've reminded me, I do actually remember thinking that the Police Chief's alibi was a little too straightforward.  Meaning, how do we know that the driver was telling the truth?  I guess that doesn't matter though!

Anywho, your theory that GaYoung's murder was ordered by Lee YeonJae is very compelling!  It seems to fit with the theme that's been established for her.  That she's always trying to support her husband.  The question now is through whom and how did Lee YeonJae find GaYoung before DongJae and ShiMok?  Who is the informant? 

In Episode 5, I don't recall anyone other EunSoo (maybe?), DongJae, DongJae's clerk, and ShiMok who knew that GaYoung was working at that bar that night.  And actually, EunSoo and ShiMok didn't know about GaYoung working there at all.  So, is it possible that DongJae's clerk is actually working for Lee YeonJae? (even i know that's a stretch lol)

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8 hours ago, lexicon said:

Wow...this thread is moving along fast!:D

I will apologize upfront and say that I have around 8 pages to back-read, so if I repeat anything that has already been said...please excuse me! :rolleyes:

@UnniSarah The issue with Ms. Choi: I also think it is a valid question. As @Runa Chatterjee and @annagriss8 had mentioned, it is because she is in charge of safe-keeping Ga-young and her mother and their location is a secret even to the rest of the team...but what I found awkward was: 1) Before Shi-Mok got the call from ES regarding her following Kim Tae-Gyun, YJ was about to talk to Shi-Mok about Ms. Choi, but had to stop due to the phone call. 2) When Shi-Mok and YJ went to see Ga-young after she was transferred - Why was she under the blanket?

Lee Yeon Jae - I am not sure what I think of her. From the little I understand seeing epi. 11 preview...she is/was taking medication and she probably has a history of mental illness. I just wonder whether her father and husband are aware of what she did with Ga-young, or maybe even hoping that she would have acted the way she had. This, especially after they appeared to be unfazed by her eavesdropping on their conversation. When she speaks over the phone to her "accomplice"  - she mentions just do the next job well - I wonder what she is referring to? 

Chief Secretary Lee is this all part of his grand plan? For a guy who seems to be quite intelligent, he is way too demure in front of his father-in-law. I still can't figure out whether he wants power for good or for evil!? And those looks between him and Shi-Mok (I can only imagine what they are trying to say to each other B))

Young Il-Jae, Chief Secretary Lee and Lee Yeon-Boom share a secret (which we assume is on that USB). It is definitely something big, that YiJ was even okay with being charged with taking a bribe and losing his position, to protect his family. He did not share the same happiness that his daughter and wife had, after his name was cleared.  ES has so far been concerned with clearing her family's name, I wonder how she will react when she sees what is on the USB?! 

Epi. 10 was a rather heart-breaking episode for YJ - you can sense her love for her job and how much pride she takes in it. Her appeal to the Police Chief was just heartbreaking!! :unsure: I am enjoying the level of understanding she and Shi-Mok share. One, when they are at the hospital and she asks him for change - he knows she wants to talk to him, then again at the hospital where he walks into the room where Ga-young is and YJ motions to him to be quiet, and he just listens...But I cannot see a romantic relationship, more a partnership. 

Shi-Mok and ES: I still maintain that ES's approach of Shi-Mok is innocent. Yes she wants to clear her father's name, but she still wants Shi-Mok's acknowledgment and attention. Her encounters with him leave her flustered. Shi-Mok, I doubt he knows what to make of her and I think YJ is also very aware of what ES is trying to do and what rather amused by Shi-Mok and his reactions. Regarding Shi-Mok getting angry at ES, after the smile he gave YJ, then he sort of smiled at ES's mother, I guess as @shae had mentioned it is a part of his evolution. Though I wonder if it  is because he was annoyed with her for being involved or because he was concerned about her?!B)

SDJ is another character whom I cannot make up my mind on, I am actually kind of enjoying watching him being slimy  :tongue: 

Love your post @lexicon you listed some valued points that I deem important. 

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1 hour ago, yonaomi123 said:

Also, I thought you all might find this write up interesting: http://www.douxreviews.com/2017/07/secret-forest-introduction.html

Oh this was a very good review. Thanks for posting. I loved this one part

" Seung-Woo has that rare, vague quality of a young Chow Yun-Fat, able to convey much through a very understated performance." The reviewer has it right :D:wub:

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8 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

So for me now, PMS's murder and GY's first attempted murder, I suspect Kim Jung Bon 

 @bebebisous33  Yes. Same here. That's the classmate, right? The one who showed suddenly at the prosecutors building,  I remember that cos it was during (or  PMS trial ) he first said to SM he's just director of small company something like that, then he keeps showing up at that law office. Then I remember SM saying  asking something about  why Jung Bon is looking for work . Also he was there  with the onlookers/ reporters outside the place where min-ah was found. SM saw him. Also  I remember He wanted SM  to hang out with him. Finally SM did ate dinner with him.. which surprised Jung Bon. I remember him saying that  he never acknowledges his invitation  hang out. There was an incident that made SM go have dinner with Jung Bon.

SDJ as suspect never crossed mind. I suspected ES father but I'll change that. ^^

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13 hours ago, ddeokbokkii said:

Really?, You still think that they set up a special investigation team and turn over upside down the Prosecutor Offices and the

Police Department, so they can drag a Police Chief into the interrogation room to drill him about his flint with a prostitute?.

Let me remind you, Ga-Young was working under a different alias Min-Ah 3 years ago when she was still a minor.

No one know she was minor, cause Min-Ah ID was an adult. They found out she's Ga-Young only when they investigate her

murder. He could easily claim he wasn't aware she was a minor, and I don't even know if it can go any where in court.

To be fair, they will have to arrest every John she had been slept with when she was working as a minor.

They have 2 dead bodies, and a third almost dead, and they spent all that resource just to stick the Chief with a prostitute

related charge?. So, the murder cases are not important, but the prostitute is their most priority on their list. Really?.

I don't even know why I'm still having this conversation. I must be out of my mind. Have a good day.

Are you upset, just because I am disagreeing with you? Sorry, but this is not my intention. Nevertheless even if I don't share your opinion, I was never disrespectful towards you. But this forum is there to have discussion.

Now, back to your points:

No, HSM's main purpose is to get rid of the corruption in the prosecution office and since PMS was a pivotal pawn in the corruption, he needs to get as much info as possible about PMS and his connections.  For that, he needs to uncover the truth behind GY's attempted murder and to see if it is connected to the PMS's murder, since she worked for PMS.  Because she was working for PMS, KWK is indirectly connected to the corruption. So far, they can only prove the delict with prostitution, but once he is put under pressure, he might decide to give more intel about the corruption and PMS so that they can dig up dirt around LCJ. Right now, KWK is trying to use his connection with LCJ to save his own skin, but we saw that LCJ decided to cut ties with him. Hence KWK needed some leverage against LCJ in order to force LCJ to help him. And he did succeed as he sent a picture with GY leaving LCJ's room. So Jang did deliver a copy of the footage. But the question is: does HSM know about that or not? 

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13 hours ago, shae said:

I find it amusing there are people not liking the emotionless guy finally yelling at someone. Some of you are acting as though he slapped her.

I saw nothing wrong with the scene. I found it to be a part of Vulcan SM's evolution since we have seen him evolve through small nuances so far. A hint of irritation here and there as documented by YJ (which I'm impressed the writers held back and stopped, kudos for that). We've been even rewarded by not only SM practicing a smile but, we got a small involuntary smile. So, I find his well deserved yelling at Smurfette an eventually happening. Hell, I felt like throwing a show at her an episode or so back. There's no romance here either so that ship isn't leaving the dock, she's his little bratty sister.

With 6 episodes to go and over 10 suspects, I think our cop  and prosecuter won't find time to do more than grab quick noodle meals along with the Scooby Gang as chaperones. So no romance there either. Perhaps the end episode will have a hint of them going to grab a movie together. Or, maybe something cute like her saying he has no reason to contact her anymore, and Vulcan SM answering, he does.


Lmao, you made my day with your nicknames for the characters. Thank you. ( now I'm kept wondering what you would call SJ)

Also, yeah, the show has been hinting at possible romances without developing any of them... but I like it?!!? I personally like both ladies, ES is quite interesting despite being shady and reckless, but I prefer SJ and I personally just want her and SM to have more scenes together. Little moments where they converse or bicker or eat together...and more of those pretty smiles she brings out of him ... and then by the last episode get a subtle hint about them possibly wanting to get closer?

And your scenario is actually PERFECT!  Oh my god, I can literally picture a scene where she would avoid eye contact and deliberately use an uninterested tone to tell him that he has no reason to contact her anymore and he would reply that he actually does, in a very serious manner, calmly, with that beautiful voice of his. *screaming* Somebody needs to write the fanfic!!!

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2 hours ago, jongski said:

 @bebebisous33  Yes. Same here. That's the classmate, right? The one who showed suddenly at the prosecutors building,  I remember that cos it was during (or  PMS trial ) he first said to SM he's just director of small company something like that, then he keeps showing up at that law office. Then I remember SM saying  asking something about  why Jung Bon is looking for work . Also he was there  with the onlookers/ reporters outside the place where min-ah was found. SM saw him. Also  I remember He wanted SM  to hang out with him. Finally SM did ate dinner with him.. which surprised Jung Bon. I remember him saying that  he never acknowledges his invitation  hang out. There was an incident that made SM go have dinner with Jung Bon.

SDJ as suspect never crossed mind. I suspected ES father but I'll change that. ^^

@jongski.. I agree chingu . I list all the reasons why not to trust Kim Jung Bon.  He is the culprit because of all the supposed " COINCIDENCES" that he just showed up for no reason. I still feel he hates and is jealous of Si Mok. I don't know what he is up to. I hate his creepy eyes on Yeo Jin and his creepy smile toward her. 

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Annyeonghaseyo Chingu

The Special Investigation was to clean house for the New CHIEF PROSECUTOR. THEN LEE CHANG JOO CAN GO TO THE BLUE HOUSE AS THE NEW PRESIDENT CHIEF SECRETARY. He was Chief Prosecutor very brief and then resigned .  It all began Episode 6 starting at 00:55:40



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7 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

Annyeonghaseyo Chingu

The Special Investigation was to clean house for the New CHIEF PROSECUTOR. THEN LEE CHANG JOO CAN GO TO THE BLUE HOUSE AS THE NEW PRESIDENT CHIEF SECRETARY. He was Chief Prosecutor very brief and then resigned .  It all began Episode 6 starting at 00:55:40


Oooh! You found the start of it all.  So, now that we know ChangJoon and his father-in-law have orchestrated all this does that mean that everything the special investigation team is doing basically means nothing??  Or is it possible that maybe ChangJoon and his Father-In-Law aren't accomplices to murder after all? And maybe someone else really killed CEO Park?  That's a huge leap, lol, but anything is possible in this show.  :huh:

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19 minutes ago, yonaomi123 said:

Oooh! You found the start of it all.  So, now that we know ChangJoon and his father-in-law have orchestrated all this does that mean that everything the special investigation team is doing basically means nothing??  Or is it possible that maybe ChangJoon and his Father-In-Law aren't accomplices to murder after all? And maybe someone else really killed CEO Park?  That's a huge leap, lol, but anything is possible in this show.  :huh:

@yonaomi123..... Chingu, they will try to squash it. I believe in episode 10 LYB told LCJ to end the investigations quickly and LCJ said Yes Abeonim. Truthfully, I think LCJ might pretend to try to squash it just so he can look good. LCJ is trying reall hard to get away from LYB but his FIL has his hand in a lot of things. I really wonder if he can really get from under his thumb. I think the only way to do that is for LCJ to come clean. What is so tragic with this family is that LYJ, LYB and LCJ are allll psychopath in my book. They each have their own sick way of doing things. I believe each of them are manipulating each other by their own right. smh smh smh 


Will come back with footage of that conversation in an hour... 


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3 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:


Hence KWK needed some leverage against LCJ in order to force LCJ to help him. And he did succeed as he sent a picture with GY leaving LCJ's room. So Jang did deliver a copy of the footage. But the question is: does HSM know about that or not? 

Though he might not know it, I think he sense something by watching the empty box in the last scene of ep 10. And Chief Lee Chang-joo rushly to cover it with his hands/body. 

3 hours ago, jongski said:

 @bebebisous33  Yes. Same here. That's the classmate, right? The one who showed suddenly at the prosecutors building, 


Please count me too, there is no pure coincidency in life. Not even once, twice but thrice. In PMS's trial, infront of prosecution office and infront of PMS's house when they found Ga-young. Now the problem, if it was really him, what his purpose? Why dragging some powerful people of the nation, from politician, bussinesmen, prosecutors? Who is his real target? 

My opinion for PMS and Ga-young's murder case, i still think it has done by two different killer. Their MO clearly different. If the killer really want to show people about his killing and gets credit to it, he would do the same MO. Or if he killed them to reach some goals (revealing corruption for example), he also would do the same. So people (or espc Hwang Si-mok) will notice it rightway. Merciless murder will make sure that his victims completely died, there is no way for mistake. He wont do murder half way like he did to KGY.

PMS's murder's purpose might to uncover the secrets of prosecution service (and/or case of 3 years ago, Eun-soo's father's case), but KGY's murder case might be done by someone who once receiving her service and afraid that their secret will come to the light because PMS's case. Originally the two cases are have different goal, but the people who have some "relationships" with them in the past misunderstood it, and lead those two murder become entangled to each other.

Now I am still in the dark, who killed PMS. But just like I said earlier that my suspect is Kim Jung-bon. And KGY's killer, i am suspecting it was order from whether CEO Lee, Chief Lee or Chief Kim. Though Chief Lee and Kim denied it. So the main suspect is CEO Lee.

Now everyone want to save their own life by holding their enemies's neck. Chief Kim now threat Chief Lee. Ahh... How powerful Hanjo's group is? Overnight Chief Lee become Chief of the secretary? When he is not even former prosecutor general but only Chief of Deputy Prosecutor. 

Ahh... I like the scene of Chief Kang, SDJ and HSM. They always bickering. SDJ and HSM too... Love your enemies must be their motto in life... It was hillarious when SDJ bragging how commenters crazy over his handsome looks. Well its fact that he is handsome man... Hahahahha..... 

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4 hours ago, yonaomi123 said:


Anywho, your theory that GaYoung's murder was ordered by Lee YeonJae is very compelling!  It seems to fit with the theme that's been established for her.  That she's always trying to support her husband.  The question now is through whom and how did Lee YeonJae find GaYoung before DongJae and ShiMok?  Who is the informant? 


  Can the informant be KIM JEONG BON?

He always is around SM and SM did saw him in the crowd the night they found unconscious GY.

Maybe he put the girl there but did not have time to finish killing her because the teenagers came over.

So he left the house and was waiting outside to see if the youngsters will find the girl.

And because GY is not dead Lee Yeon Jae had to finish the job by herself and was angry with him on the phone.

What about now if this informant ( who I suggest is Jeong Bon) works as a double informant.

Yes he is LYJ pawn but he works for another person too. One that is above LYJ and order him not to finish GY cause she is a main key to expose several corrupted souls over there.

I need to see again the dinner scene and pay attention in KJBon and LYJ interaction. Him being jobless made him an easy target for LYJ to approach him and ask him to work for her.

I can not accept that KJBon forgave SM , the guy who made him unable to play piano.

Something is fishy with him and the fake naivety he shows.

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15 hours ago, ddeokbokkii said:

Suspect list after episode 10.

Suspects for the fail murder of Kim Ga-Young:

Kim Woo-Kyun                Police Chief

Lee Yeon-Jae                  Chairman Lee's daughter              @Tee- Sama ,

Lee Chang-Joon              Chief Secretary                             @penelop3

Congratulation to the following people from last week suspect list. If your guess either Police Chief Kim or

Chairman Lee's daughter, you are half right. @penelop3 , @Nymeria289 , @nona88 , @Runa Chatterjee ,

@ddeokbokkii . Police Chief Kim is being charge with stabbing Ms. Ga-Young, and Lee Yeon-Jae is being

charge with second attempt on her life in the hospital.


Mastermind suspect that began 3 years ago:

Lee Yoon-Beom              Chairman Hanjo Group              @Tee- Sama , @UnniSarah , @penelop3 ,

                                                                                           @Nymeria289 , @bebebisous33 ,

Young Il-Jae                    Ex-minister

Lee Chang-Joon              Chief Secretary

Public General Prosecutor      Name???                           @kiklaminHo ,

Possible 3rd party            Name???      


Suspect list for Park Moo-Sung murder:

Kim Jung-Bon                  SM childhood friend                  @kiklaminHo , @Nymeria289 ,



Good luck on your guessing everyone. 


@ddeokbokkiiPlease put me down for suspecting ES's mom as being behind the murder of the bribery guy. I believe she is involved somehow, although we didn't see too much of her, the way she clasped SM"s hand, I think it bothered him That was in part why he told off ES, she was being too grateful in a personal way, and he is not being personal.

Also when GY muttered 'mother', do you think she was referring to her own mother? or someone else?

also @kiklaminHowhen you said "I still believe Lee Yoon Beom is not so naive as he looks .I dont also believe that his slip of the tongue was accidentally."  Yes agree that was very suspicious and creepy.

I am worried about GY because  Chairman Lee has sent his henchman to do away with her "you have work to do".


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Here we see LCJ saying he will end the investigation but he question is WILL HE BE ABLE TO WITHOUT RUINING HIS CAREER???? I wonder if the Lee family are united as they say . I doubt it wholeheartedly that they are united. Sometimes I get the vibe that they hate each other so much. 


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