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[Drama 2017] Bride of the Water God, 하백의 신부


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i like how the writer wants us to confront what we know as absolute.

how we perceive truth as absolute although it is very individual and also goo and bad. what we consider good can mean bad for someone else. and i really like that about the drama. that it confronts these absolute belief we have

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On 13/07/2017 at 8:54 PM, maddymappo said:

It also appears that Hoo Ye is a god too.  He is a strange one.  What is his element and why is he in human form? Is he also being punished for something, and that is why he wants to do good for mankind?

 @dramu51ch0c10ve @triplem @athena22 @Visually-wandering @Chellsee @nonski @ktcjdrama@RobinM

 @supergal99  @amisyka77@tintin92 @USAFarmgirl 

I have been busy hence I couldn't post anything before. However, since I could read all the commentsstudying onion head, this is going to be a long post because I have so much to say. So get ready!!writer pink mouse 

Hoo Ye's true nature appears in the episode 4. He is a god who is interested in humans and he wants to help them as much as possible. But from the humans' point of view, Hoo Ye is the CEO of a resort hotel. As such, we could describe him as a rich businessman. However, he seems to be very generous as we could observe it in different occasions. He went to the hotel for the donation party, he took So Ah's side at the bank and he was willing to forget the broken wiper but So Ah refused. As conclusion Hoo Ye doesn't correspond to the portrait of a typical CEO like Chairman Shin: selfish, greedy, ruthless aso.

Interesting is that So Ah mentioned to Ha Baek that she met a god during the afternoon and this latter was going to make her dream come true. While Ha Baek connected the god to Hoo Ye, So Ah was actually talking about something else and not Hoo Ye: money. Remember that in the episode 1, she was associating money to happiness. Then we had this scene in another episode, where NSR thought that he saw gold on the building and both gods had the impression that the buildings were like temples. In the end, this scene and So Ah's description of the god making her dream come true had something in common: gold and money represents the new "religion" in the human world and Hoo Ye is its representant, he is the new god. Notice that Hoo Ye uses his money to help people but he is not able to help humans otherwise. We shouldn't forget that he didn't help So Ah, when she was harrassed by Shin Ya Ja. He only watched the entire scene, while Ha Baek stopped the spoiled girl. Then he didn't take So Ah in his car, when she was sitting on the sidewalk. He really didn't think, she would accept his help. Sure, he helped SYJ with her face by giving her a handkerchief, but he didn't explain why hence his action had not the achieved result. To sum up, Hoo Ye is someone who thinks that money can solve everything, he can save people. Yet Ha Baek proves that he is wrong with this assumption. So Ah is helped differently by Ha Baek. He rescues her, gives her advices, criticises her in order to point out her flaws, he gives her support, when he notices her fear or her despair.  

Then we should go back to the introduction, in the first episode. Back then, we were told that guardian gods are sent to the human world in order to look after the environment and that no one would take care of the humans, as they are able to take care of themselves. So we have gods in the Realm world, who are not really interested in humans as they don't have to take care of the humans. Moreover, the guardian gods have another obligation: the environment is their priority. In the end, the humans are left on their own. Therefore we have to ask the question. Since the gods are not helping the humans, why should they believe in the existence of the gods from the Realm World? Money has become the true religion and Shin is a good example. He only sees money and nothing else. However, he is always unhappy just like his granddaughter. The conclusion is that money doesn't necessarly mean happiness. Hoo Ye fails to see that, just like So Ah because if she were to live on the island, she wouldn't be able to enjoy her life there as she has a phobia of water, but in her dream, the island was so small, therefore her dream is just an illusion. 

Striking is that Ha Baek is in another point different from Hoo Ye. Since he has realised his inability to make So Ah's dream come true, he apologised, which means that he is indeed questioning himself and his inability.

Furthermore, we hear from Hoo Ye that his future project is called Block world and for that, he needs to buy So Ah's land. This expression caught my attention because we have to remember that So Ah's land is considered as the portal or door to the realm world. Block world... what if Hoo Ye has the intention to build a road on her land in order to close that door to the Realm world. Since the gods from there never helped the humans, why should the door remained open? So in my opinion, Hoo Ye sees the other gods as not helpful at all, since they don't take care of the humans. Notice that MR is working for Hoo Ye and this makes me wonder if MR gave him the god stone. Since MR doesn't like humans, she could definitely see Hoo Ye's plan as the perfect solution.         


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I really am trying to like this drama.. the manhwa I 'o so love has clouded mine picture of the drama. I just can't get into this drama, how much I try I just don't like the storyline - tbh I find it horrible. I would edit the info out that the story is based on the manhwa because honestly it's not. Where is the part of Habaek transforming into a child? Where is Nak Bin? Not here. They would've totally won me over if they just stayed with the Saguek plan, I would've loved it (and a lot of fans would've too) and it would've made sooo much more sense, they could've followed the story of her being offered as the bride of Habaek, him turning into a little boy at day and Mui at night - it would've been the perfect supernatural, fantasy saguek drama ever. Moo Ra that tries to kill Soah because of her obsessive love for Habaek. It may have even been better than Moon Lovers.

This is the very first drama I do not like by tvN, it feels like a downgrade of Goblin with another supernatural being and without a sexy grim reaper. I admit I'm currently only watching for Nam Joo-Hyuk and Shin Se-Kyung, they have some great chemistry (no way on the levels of Kim Bok Joo) and I'll keep trying to give this drama a chance but at the moment it's a no for me. (inserts Simon Cowell voice)


That's a loooot of weight from my shoulders, I really needed to share my opinion, you may agree and you may not agree. 

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1 hour ago, jaeunni said:

I really am trying to like this drama.. the manhwa I 'o so love has clouded mine picture of the drama. I just can't get into this drama, how much I try I just don't like the storyline - tbh I find it horrible. I would edit the info out that the story is based on the manhwa because honestly it's not. Where is the part of Habaek transforming into a child? Where is Nak Bin? Not here. They would've totally won me over if they just stayed with the Saguek plan, I would've loved it (and a lot of fans would've too) and it would've made sooo much more sense, they could've followed the story of her being offered as the bride of Habaek, him turning into a little boy at day and Mui at night - it would've been the perfect supernatural, fantasy saguek drama ever. Moo Ra that tries to kill Soah because of her obsessive love for Habaek. It may have even been better than Moon Lovers.

This is the very first drama I do not like by tvN, it feels like a downgrade of Goblin with another supernatural being and without a sexy grim reaper. I admit I'm currently only watching for Nam Joo-Hyuk and Shin Se-Kyung, they have some great chemistry (no way on the levels of Kim Bok Joo) and I'll keep trying to give this drama a chance but at the moment it's a no for me. (inserts Simon Cowell voice)


That's a loooot of weight from my shoulders, I really needed to share my opinion, you may agree and you may not agree. 


1 hour ago, tensid98 said:

I was planning to watch this drama. But after they modernize it and now so many people say it isn't good. I'm not too sure now...


Hello, I understand that you both have different opinion about this drama, I respect your opinions. But, I do hope you guys understand that we all in this forum comes here to share a same interest and excitement towards this drama. People come to this thread to express their opinions and share their theory about what they think of the storyline of the drama :). #chillnpeace #nohatethough

At first when I found out the casting, I was shocked.. but when i watched the first episode... I feel like this story has so much potential that could be developed. I really believe on the director ( directed Nine, Bubblegum, Three Musketers) and the writer  ( because she wrote Misaeng) before to depict both reality and fantasy at the same time with this drama.


Any drama has its flaws, and it is our choice to watch it or not at all. It goes back down to what our preferences lies here. Thank you :)



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12 hours ago, rasikha said:

episode 4, he stated about wanting to do good for others and contribute to the society to Soo Ah, and Soo Ah remarks about him trying to be pure.

@rasikhathe sub in DF where I watched the episode, Soo Ah said "here is another one who wants to take care of the world" with a sigh and rolling of the eyes, for me meant that Hoo Ye's remarks reminded her of her father, who was a wanna be philanthropist but neglected his family. The way I see it, that father was an egoistic one who wanted to show the world  how wonderful he was and yet he could not see that he hurt his family the people who needed him most. He never even realized how the world saw through his act seeing how he abandoned his family. That for me is a hint of the Hoo Ye character. He is ambitious and wants to give to the world through building that complex but in the end he would have hurt the person he wants to impress the most Soo Ah. Just my thoughts.....

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4 hours ago, zenya22 said:

@rasikhathe sub in DF where I watched the episode, Soo Ah said "here is another one who wants to take care of the world" with a sigh and rolling of the eyes, for me meant that Hoo Ye's remarks reminded her of her father, who was a wanna be philanthropist but neglected his family. The way I see it, that father was an egoistic one who wanted to show the world  how wonderful he was and yet he could not see that he hurt his family the people who needed him most. He never even realized how the world saw through his act seeing how he abandoned his family. That for me is a hint of the Hoo Ye character. He is ambitious and wants to give to the world through building that complex but in the end he would have hurt the person he wants to impress the most Soo Ah. Just my thoughts.....


Hi, thanks for sharing your thoughts :) . What I mean about the remark means that I was paraphrasing the statement that Soo Ah said in the dialogue. I also read that way too on the sub. Based on the dialogue, I was thinking that Soo Ah remarks him about trying to act pure because he said sincerely that he wanted to do good and contribute to the society.  Soo Ah rolled her eyes means that she sees him saying richard simmons and she considers him as a naive person, like " is there any more naive person other than my father?"

And, I agree that this attitude affects Soo Ah because it reminds her about her father and this unconsciously affect her personality to only care about herself instead of others around her. instead of being bothered by someone's trouble, she choose to focus on herself... that Soo Ah lets people to see her that way ( episode 4 - she closes the lift and laugh about it.) When actually she's capable of care to anyone around her ( helping the old man on the street indirectly)

Hoo Ye' s statement makes me think that he probably has done something bad in the past life so he wants to control and change his life for the better 


He might have done something that he considers good but it is something that anyone sees negatively.


I am not trying to blame Soo Ah' s father for doing something good and contribute it to others. Because I'm sure he has his reasons.

1. His reason is really with a pure intention to help others.

2.His reason could be because he wants to flaunt off his kindness to others

3. His reason to do this could be about his escape - getting away from his own problems. So knowing that he has not been able to take care of his own problem and finds a way to solve and overcome the issue... he chooses to help others because he knows he can take care of them and solve their issues- something that he cannot do with himselves and he does it with a pure intention to make others living better. But I agree with @zenya22 that he does not  see or may not realize that it affects his daughter's own thinking

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1 hour ago, rasikha said:

he chooses to help others because he knows he can take care of them and solve their issues-

did he really take care of their issues or solve their problems, because in the end he ran away to Africa then disappeared and left Soo Ah and those kids behind because he did not have the means or the real selfless capacity to take care of them. He abandoned them as much as he abandoned Soo Ah. I bet Soo Ah took care of those kids after the father just "git and gone". The reason I say that because the nurse stayed with her. He could have gotten a job somewhere else but he chose to work with Soo Ah. he understands her and even when she wants to decompress or de stress herself as in karaoke screaming, he stays with her. The nurse said his friends, the kids his father supposedly took care of, hates Soo Ah because she was a meany however, I think those kids understand her, they get what she feels as they too were sort of abandoned but more so for Soo Ah as she was family. There is a saying "charity begins at home".....you can fake charity but people can see through.... and some people gossip about it and throw it in her face how her father tried to be Mr wonderful and show the world but neglected her the daughter..... or maybe he had a purpose for doing what he did ..... it was fated   

Soo Ah is the way she is because she gives too much.... most people whose profession is to take care of other people, especially her profession listening to problems all day long, because they give so much of themselves they can burn out which leads to stress.... and she is showing all the signs. 

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Lim Ju Hwan is such a talent that he can play protagonist and villain equally well.  I cannot tell right now if Hooye is a good guy with weird humor that his assistant needed to coach him on the hidden meaning of a woman's statements,  or if writer will make him deviate from the manhwa as someone with  hidden agenda.  

As CEO,  his generosity is either his own, or  corporate social responsibility that he initiated,  which from a business standpoint, has financial and public perception benefits---the latter seems  more in keeping with his business sense.      All I can see in 4 eps is, he keeps bumping into SA -- because she is an office tenant,  they both use the same bank,  they are co-alumnus, and her land is part of the company's land development plan.   He is observant of her,  and Habaek by extension, definitely.

Speaking of the land, if the corporation buys it, then it will have the future effect of not being able to find the owner of the servant land,  similar to the NSR's buried gold that became an intersection in a high-rise area. 


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5 hours ago, zenya22 said:

@rasikhathe sub in DF where I watched the episode, Soo Ah said "here is another one who wants to take care of the world" with a sigh and rolling of the eyes, for me meant that Hoo Ye's remarks reminded her of her father, who was a wanna be philanthropist but neglected his family. The way I see it, that father was an egoistic one who wanted to show the world  how wonderful he was and yet he could not see that he hurt his family the people who needed him most. He never even realized how the world saw through his act seeing how he abandoned his family. That for me is a hint of the Hoo Ye character. He is ambitious and wants to give to the world through building that complex but in the end he would have hurt the person he wants to impress the most Soo Ah. Just my thoughts.....


Hi sorry for the late reply... I am going to give a long richard simmons explanation on my thoughts so please bear with me :wink:


gossips are not always right - while it is  meant to give and feed informations, it also could be used to exaggerate things. Yes people could gossip that her father is leaving them... But has it been mentioned before that his father truly goes to Africa? Is it true? After all its a rumor that people hear and continuously discuss about it (gossips are continuously discussed right? Not always everyday but in general).

In episode 3, there's a background voice in the last scene about  " your father abandoned you. Just think of it that way" it means that Soo Ah was let to believe that her father leaves them and go to Africa to the point that he never comes back. Her mother covers up something.

Going to Africa could be a lie that Soo Ah and her family makes in order to cover the situation that her father abandoned them. She doesn't want people to talk about it so she might say" oh my father is going to Africa.. it's too far right. He goes to help others" You know that neighbors are going to be suspicious and could talk about this and they would usually find out that something's wrong because her father never comes back.

What if her father isn't exactly going to Africa? I kinda go back to my previous theory and assumption that her father might be the priest and that he has to go back to the Water Country. However his leaving brought a consequence - Soo Ah becomes miserable since then - there is a scene where she runs not to chase the taxi where her father is in, but she said that she runs in order to make her stronger. Since then, she feels the need to rely on herself. She said on the episode 4 to Habaek when they had a lunch about the use of trusting people. While Habaek believes in having people to trust, Soo Ah does not share the same sentiment as him. 

I am sure that at the end of episode we are going to know the face of the father, who Habaek's wife is, Hoo Yee character, Bi Ryum's, Hera and maybe even plot twists.

You might confused why I'm still hanging on the fact and probably think of the scene way too much that the priest might be her father - because I see that  he's the only one who looks really old. As if he's been aging in the human world and goes back to the Water country and his face remains the same since then.

Habaek, Nam Soo Ri and the ladies look very younger. Habaek is 2800 years old and he looks younger.

But again these are just theories and assumptions  could be wrong. Why?

Because  Hera and Bi Ryum still looks younger in the human world, they might be the exception in this situation since they are the guardian gods so they could live as an immortal.

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2 hours ago, hazeljrr_c922 said:


Speaking of the land, if the corporation buys it, then it will have the future effect of not being able to find the owner of the servant land,  similar to the NSR's buried gold that became an intersection in a high-rise area. 



Hi, I am still confused with your thought. I am wondering why it is hard to find the owner of the servant land? I thought the land was owned by Soo Ah who was supposed to be the servant?


Thank you:) 

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8 hours ago, zenya22 said:

@rasikhathe sub in DF where I watched the episode, Soo Ah said "here is another one who wants to take care of the world" with a sigh and rolling of the eyes, for me meant that Hoo Ye's remarks reminded her of her father, who was a wanna be philanthropist but neglected his family. The way I see it, that father was an egoistic one who wanted to show the world  how wonderful he was and yet he could not see that he hurt his family the people who needed him most. He never even realized how the world saw through his act seeing how he abandoned his family. That for me is a hint of the Hoo Ye character. He is ambitious and wants to give to the world through building that complex but in the end he would have hurt the person he wants to impress the most Soo Ah. Just my thoughts.....

I think that there is more to it that describing the father as selfish. First of all, YSY remained by So Ah's side because he was asked to take care of her. All his friends don't like So Ah because of her behavior in the past. So Ah did mistreat YSY because she was jealous and felt neglected. So YSY stayed by her side out of loyalty and could overlook her rudeness from the past. However, YSY never understood the origin of her mean behaviour. To say that the father is to blame for all this is a little too simple in my opinion. Notice that she was mean in front of the children but she couldn't act like that in front of her father as she was longing for her father's love. Moreover, I noticed that So Ah connected love with possession and wishes. She wanted sausages, the jacket and the birthday cake and judged her father's love with this. In her mind, since he didn't do what she wanted, she had the impression that he neglected her and loved her less. Yet I suspect that the father might have heard about her rudeness and selfishness from YSY. Moreover, he could have been bothered that she was so focused on such things (superficial in her father's mind). So maybe he had another goal by gathering children around her. He might have thought that his daughter could develop a caring nature and could improve her relationship with other children. Nevertheless, if my theory is true, then the father only reinforced the situation. He should have just spent more time with her and talk to her.  Yes, she sees herself as a victim but she didn't put herself in YSY's shoes. Ha Baek is right about one thing: You believe what you want to believe because it is easier. Back then, she had this attitude. She was blinded by these little things (sausages, cake aso) but we don't know the whole story. Her father could have shown her love for her without her realising it. All this time, she has been resenting her father but in my opinion, I am sure that her father cared for her (I think, he was the one who asked YSY to look after So Ah).

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