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[Drama 2017] Tunnel 터널


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It's not KSJ's lack of trust I necessarily object to. Considering what he's been through and witnessed, it's not surprising and understandable. But it's that dismissive attitude that I find inconsistent. PKH might come across to someone like him as a bit of a whack job but it's odd to me that he doesn't even ask him questions about how he does know what he does. How can it all just boil down to luck? For a smart and untrusting sort of guy, he's not acting like the calculating logician that he's supposed to be.

No doubt we're getting ahead of ourselves and in the end the time tunnel could be just a plot device and nothing more. :wink: With not much to go on at present, I still subscribe to the time looping theory and that there is no PKH 2016 but it's an identity prepared for PKH 1986 to assume when he travels to the future.

I don't insist on it but with nothing else available to us, it's as much a working theory as any other.

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I knew the name of that Wanted Serial Killer that Sung Jae is after sounded familiar,it's the highschool kid Kwang Ho caughted killing the poor dogs...There must be two options,the future Jung Ho Young found the tunnel and returned to the past and did the killings or the young one did it,yet by the siluette of the killer from ep 1 it looked like an adult so it must have been the present one doing it or the 3ed the both are working together as my bet is the younger one hit him back then with the rock in the tunnel..No wonder Kwang Ho found his name familiar in the present and his instinct was so spot on in the past when he told his Chief that he was sure he was the criminal...

Hmmm,i think one of the possible variables of the tunnel might be the hour...The serial killings in the past always were between a interval,so maybe in that time frame the line between past and future is crossable

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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Tunnel - Drama" Episode 3



It is starting to dawn on our protagonist that perhaps there is a reason behind his impossible situation. Episode three of "Tunnel - Drama" is all about ghosts from the past and Gwang-ho thinks that catching them will be his ticket back home. Seon-jae and Jae-i form a rapport as they try to find the killer while our hero is left to fend for himself. As he starts making the connection between the past murders and the current one, Seong-sik becomes suspicious.

Now that the killer's history is resurfacing, we get the explanation of why Gwang-ho (Choi Jin-hyuk) will become invested in any information concerning it. While his hopes are dashed, it is pretty clear that the murderer of Kim Yeong-ja is not the one responsible for the serial killings, so Gwang-ho's assumption might still be correct. I do wonder if the characters from the past, such as the clearly not random taxi driver will play a bigger part in the mystery.

The mysterious Oh-lookalikeTae-hee and Seong-sik

Whether or not the murderer is still active in this era remains to be seen, but at least we know that there are still a few people around who know about him. This brings me to the current main characters and their so far uneven development. I have a soft spot for Seong-sik (Jo Hee-bong) and the reason for it is that we have become familiar with some aspects of him as a person. He is a tie to a time where camaraderie mattered and the one person who could fully understand our hero.

On the other hand, I have yet to warm up to Jae-i (Lee Yoo-young) due to the emphasis on her mystique and especially Seon-jae (Yoon Hyun-min) due to the fact that he has done nothing but be uncooperative and conceited. If "stuck up lone wolf" is somehow supposed to be appealing, I do not see that appeal. I hope the series will start developing these two soon, because so far this feels like Gwang-ho's story and as much as I enjoy it, the series clearly wants to have three leads.


Read more:: http://www.hancinema.net/hancinema-s-drama-review-tunnel--drama-episode-3-104641.html


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Well, that was fun. The "playground brawl" was inevitable with so much testosterone and ego brimming to overflowing. Nothing like a good decking to get all that tension out of the way and then we can all get on with the job of catching the baddies. Teamwork and communication were sorely lacking in that episode. Sure everyone has their way of doing things with their distinct personalities but that doesn't have to be a negative. The show is obviously enjoying itself playing on those differences and making sure that each character's strengths and weaknesses are maximized to demonstrate why they should all hold hands and sing kumbaya. After all they are on the same side with similar goals.

I'm rather glad that they didn't drag out the whole "is he or isn't my sunbaenim" scenario longer than what they did. In a show that's trying to sell itself as a smart police procedural, that would be absurd beyond belief. Nice to know that SS has earned his position as Team Leader even if he was a bit wet behind the years when he was KH's hoobae. At least he feels experienced and a lot quicker on the uptake than his younger self. He even pinned DW as the lookout. Often in these types of dramas the TL is such an incompetent, and/or corrupt political brown noser.

Didn't SJY look somewhat human today? It's a relief to know that underneath that automaton's exterior there's a heart ticking away. Her background was very tragic. Survivor's guilt from a lingering feeling of helplessness that she couldn't do anything to save her parents. I did wonder when she showed up after the fire if she knew who PKH'86 was. There seemed to be a flicker of recognition.

Interesting revelation about the young fellow in the white car that almost ran into PKH'86. It turns out that he could be PKH '2016. It's not certain but that was what KH'86 surmised at the end of the episode while wading through his parking tickets.

It doesn't matter much to me if these people are related to each other or share a common past. As long as the cases are good and we get a decent resolution, I will consider it all time well-spent. I think we have a good group of actors, well-cast and I'm beginning to warm up to KSJ and SJY. They are beginning to feel more like characters and less like caricatures. Really loved YHM in this episode. However, in this genre the burden of delivery really is on the shoulders of the writing.

P.S. Does anyone think they might take the UST between Sun Jae and Jae Yi to the next level? It feels like they could.


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Woahh so KH was right about that high sch kid, I suppose it makes sense if he is the serial killer but would it be so simple? This case seems rather complexed (as it involves the younger KH) and there is definitely some connection to it. I wonder why he would appear in the tunnel suddenly and not kill KH'86 immediately but chases after the younger KH. So there might be an accomplice. And also in Episode 1, when KH went to investigate the printing factory, the guy seems suspicious but there is nothing more to that. Could it be him doing the killing as well? 

Thumbs up to this drama and the marvellous acting. Really wish there will be more viewers, could see more suspense in the next episode (maybe they will focus on finding out the serial killer and the connection between him and the KH'88). I am still wondering if Jae Yi is KH's daughter because her parents were killed in a fire?  And I also love some light-hearted scene between KH and the chief, where the rest of the team give a disbelief look that the Chief suddenly refer KH as '''Sir'' :lol: And KH is one experienced detective, hope the team will finally realise this is not the ''maknae'' KH they know. 


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I have been wondering if there are two parallel worlds where one is in 1986 and the other is in 2016 so that the writer wanted to mislead the viewers by making them think that PKH did a time travel. All this would explain why we have two different PKH. However, when the PKH from 1986 disappeared and entered the second world, it affected the parallel world too. It seems that the serial killer is Jung Ho Young but in the first episode, the killer who ran away from PKH looked much older. If this theory is correct, then we would have two versions of Jung Ho Young too. So what if the killer from 2016 (the older version) travels to the other world (1986) to kill these women, while the younger version from the world in 1986 does the killing in the parallel world of 2016. Then this would explain why the older version wants to kill the PKH born in 1988, well aware that the PKH from 1986 had realised that he was a serial killer. PKH as such represents a thread to him. Moreover, the fact that both PKH are living in the same world, then we would have two killers in 2016 as well. One possibility is that the latter are stuck in 2016 because PKH's travel to the world of 2016 closed the tunnel entrance where you can switch from one world to the other. The one who confessed his crime was much younger than the criminal who attacked PKH in the tunnel.  

I hope, it makes sense.

@40somethingahjumma Yes, knowing what happened to prof. Shin in the past makes the viewer understand Shin's actual behaviour. She has been branded as a murderer and suffered a lot back then. Under the surface, she has a heart but she is rather distant to people due to the labelling she suffered from her childhood.  

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I dunno guys. I tend to think that there are two serial killers here. Jung Ho Young was probably too young to be the offender for the Hwaseong murders. He was a serial killer in the making undoubtedly... practising on the pooches and then going a step further but the original HS murders feel to me to be committed by someone older than a high schooler.

@bebebisous33 -- There's not enough information for me to buy the multiverse theory as yet. However it is possible that when PKH'86 went to the future he may have created a new time line if he actually managed to return to his time thus creating an alternative stream in which he manipulates events so that his ignorant self is guided along the way to solve his own disappearance etc.

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18 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

. I too don't think the killer time travelled. If the killer did time travel, the killer would have taken alot more time to find PKH  1988.  How would the killer from the past find PKH (1988) location and  PKH ( past) wasn't knocked out for a long time  and giving him enough time to locate PKH ( 1988).  I was hoping for Shin Jae Yi not be PKH's daughter and thought that PKH ( 1988) must be  his son.  Since the killer is trying to kill him , it must have been because he was trying to find his dad's killer.  Don't forget everyone thinks PKH is dead and the Shin Yeon Sook never stopped believing her husband was dead. What is the chances that PKH (1988) would be transfered to  JSS's department , JSS worked with his dad and  Kim Seon Jae is also looking for the murderer who killed his mom. All three must be connected somehow. I still haven't been able to understand Shin Jae Yi's connection to this mystery toooo. 


I don`t think the killer is a time traveller like he can time jump as much as he wish but I do believe he is in the same time as Park Kwang Ho now. But I totally agree that the killer could have need more time to find PKH so that is the reason I believe the person who is chasing PKH (1988) is a different man. I still believe Shin Jae Yi is the daughter of Park Kwang Ho but we`ll see if I am right.  Park Kwang Ho who was born in 1988 so he is not the son because it doesn`t match with the date of his conception.  :tongue: He was born in January 1988 and Park Kwang Ho has disappeared in 1986 (even if the winter could be in December 1986 or January/ February 1987).  I think Park Kwang Ho(1988) was created to make a way for the protagonist to work in the departement without many questions. It is a covenience coninsidence but it is alright. But I think these two PKHs will have a chance to meet again. The first person who meet our protagonist is PKH 1988.

I will watch tonight the episode 4. Maybe some of my question will receive answers or I will change my presumtions.

10 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Survivor's guilt from a lingering feeling of helplessness that she couldn't do anything to save her parents. I did wonder when she showed up after the fire if she knew who PKH'86 was.

I read a little some posts. so we will find out the story of Shin Jae Yi and she is not the daughter of the protagonist. :lol:We`ll have to relax and wait for all the information. :D

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4 hours ago, larus said:

I read a little some posts. so we will find out the story of Shin Jae Yi and she is not the daughter of the protagonist. :lol:We`ll have to relax and wait for all the information. :D

 No... after watching the episode I am on track... I still think Jae Yi could be the daughter. :lol: Her adopted parents died in that fire.

I really liked the episode 4. This show is everything I wanted to see. I am enjoying watching drama "Tunnel" mostly because they are showing the human aspects of everyday life.  I liked seing Park Kwang Ho watching the new world,  how the leads are meeting outside work.  Loved the little moments of humor. The teassing… PKH “bossing” around chief.    When he hit Sun jae over his head I start laughing…they needed this "fight"

"I guess this world is not too bad…"


But... Sun jae appears...

"Maybe not… because of him.":lol:


I like that the chief knows about Kwang ho and how he still keeps saying sunbaenim in front of everyone... :lol:

Asked themselves what happen with PKH from 1988, they have legit questions just like us.








 I can wait to discover the answers along with our characters. 

SunJae and Kwang Ho`s team is one of my favorite. They needed a good fight. It is not good but it was necesarry. :tongue: they look like two kids in front of their dad.









I already mention that I think Sun jae and Jae-yi are similar and I am glad that Sun jae heard her confesion. Both had a traumatic moment in their life and they will understand each other very well. Hope to see more scene with them too.


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5 Reasons Tunnel starring Choi Jin Hyuk and Yoon Hyun Min is worth obsessing over

by Amy_D on Mon, Apr 03, 2017


I admit it. I love a good crime k-drama, and l also love a good k-drama about time travel, so when Tunnel showed up to replace Voice last week, I felt a little like how I felt when Kang Tae Ho finally confessed his feelings to Go Ho in Go Ho’s Starry Night. In other words, totally pumped! And after watching the first two episodes, I can tell you this show does not disappoint. While it has similarities to the gold standard of cop time travel shows, Signal, (because, you know, it is a cop time travel show!), Tunnel quickly develops its own unique style, story, and mystery. So here are my top five reasons why you should be as hooked on this show as I am right now.

more https://www.dramafever.com/news/5-reasons-tunnel-is-worth-obsessing-over/


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Naver - Xports News: 'Tunnel' Yoon Hyun Min found out about Lee Yoo Young's wounds...the serial killer has appeared 

1. [+1870, -34] It's funny how Park Gwang Ho gets surprised by modern culture ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He was surprised by the navigation ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ And amazed by the tablet

2. [+1423, -35] I'm curious to what happened to Park Gwang Ho '88...

3. [+894, -57] Very funny ㅋㅋㅋ but i don't think Shin Jae Yi is Park Gwang Ho's daughter

4. [+454, -16] The more i look at Shin Jae Yi, the more i feel she looks like Park Hae Il. It's a feeling in the vague border of good and evil...

5. [+400, -14] It's was funny how Jeon Sung Sik followed Park Gwang Ho ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Their chemistry is so good

6. [+412, -19] The team leader is so funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Who thinks this is similar to signal? The topic is the same but the content is different ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This has more comic ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+361, -12] Choi Jin Hyuk can act comedy too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Tunnel can be the work of his life~~

8. [+328, -9] The student Chung Ho-young from the past become a serial killer.

9. [+297, -8] The name of the serial killer has the same name as the high school student who killed the dogs 30 years ago and buried them on the ground.





Naver - Osen: 'Tunnel' Choi Jin Hyuk X Yoon Hyun Min, charm explosion...
1. [+997, -34] I like his chemistry with Sung Shik more ! ㅋㅋㅋ the old Sung Shik is cute
2. [+621, -28] Choi Jin Hyuk is so cool~~~~~
3. [+534, -21] This drama is daebak 
4. [+348, -26] Very fun
5. [+105, -4] Is Chung Ho Young that student who killed the dogs?
6. [+122, -12] The maknae is so cute ㅋㅋ
7. [+87, -7] Yoon Hyun Min is the fourth victim's son, Park Gwang Ho '88 is Park Gwang Ho & Shin Yeon Seol's son,...Maybe Park Gwang Ho came to save his son...I'm still not sure about Park Gwang Ho's child
8. [+71, -3] Sun Jae is the son of the victim
9. [+86, -10] Sometimes there is comedy which make it not too scary to watch at night, not like some other dramas
10. [+74, -6] Park Gwang Ho and maknae Sung Shik's chemistry is so good ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He respect him unconsciously ㅋㅋㅋ cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Tunnel is fun ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
cre: netizendrama
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Hi girls , I love crime /suspense dramas so I could not miss TUNNEL.

Voice kept me company the weekends and I can see the same will happen with this one.

I want so much to share my thoughts and questions but seeing the number of pages I m guessing already you covered me . I will do some backreading so i can follow you.

ps It's so good to see Yoon Hyon Min in a crime drama again. He was excellent in Cruel City and had a great bromance with" Baksa ".

Hoping to see something similar with Choi Jin Hyuk.

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Tunnel: Episode 3


Kwang-ho is convinced that a case from the past holds the key to his return to Yeon-sook’s side. As he works to solve a case in the present timeline, Kwang-ho’s investigative methods somehow complement those of his taciturn partner and the rest of the quirky team. While Kwang-ho learns more about the modern world, sometimes with amusing results, one thing is certain — murder is serious business, no matter the decade.


In 1986, a hooded figure crouches beside a young woman’s body and blows cigarette smoke into her face. After he walks away, she opens her eyes and sits up, her heel marked with five dots. In 2016, that woman exits a taxi and says, “Everything has changed so much.” At the scene where the dismembered body parts were found, Kwang-ho sits nearby and considers that the Park Kwang-ho born in 1988 might know something useful, but he hasn’t appeared. Maknae Min-ha asks if it’s Kwang-ho’s first time seeing a case like this, but he scoffs in reply.

Detective Tae-hee breathes in deeply and announces that the victim has been dead for at least a month. Min-ha utters, “He really is the undertaker’s son,” and Tae-hee recognizes that running errands for his father turned out to be helpful. Kwang-ho catches sight of five dots on the victim’s heel and remembers Dr. Kim’s insistence that there was a missing victim. Kwang-ho double checks that the body has been there for a month, not thirty years, and he thinks that his jump to the future could be tied to this case. He can’t help but hope that solving it will allow him to return home.

Our resident criminal profiler Jae-yi walks to class with a roll of duct tape. During class, she tosses it to a student and orders her to tie the wrists of the girl next to her. Once she obliges, Jae-yi asks what a murderer would do with the leftover tape. The class offers various suggestions, but Jae-yi asks the murderer/student directly. Her answer, that she would keep the tape to use again, makes her sound like a real murderer. She laughs that she wasn’t serious, but Jae-yi leans close to add that the tape can be a way for the killer to remember the murder before announcing that this semester, they will focus on a murderer’s memories.

Kwang-ho tries to explain the 1986 case to Sun-jae, because he thinks that their victim is a survivor from that time. Sun-jae counters that they will use the database of missing persons and DNA to identify the victim, but Kwang-ho has no idea what he’s talking about. Dr. Mok confirms that the victim is a woman who has been dead for 25-30 days. Sun-jae thinks that the tool used to cut the leg could be linked to the murderer’s occupation, possibly in landscaping, carpentry or construction.


Read more:: http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/04/tunnel-episode-3/

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With each episode I am enjoying this show more and more! I am not sure I understand how the whole tunnel travelling thing works, but I guess PKH and the killer would have to be in the tunnel again together.

@40somethingahjumma UST indeed...well I hope they do! Jae Yi and Sun Jae seem like they could do with a bit of TLC. At least we were given some background into why Jae Yi behaves the way she does. My take on Sun Jae (it was mentioned somewhere in episode 4 that he is known to be rather stoic): we see in episode 1 that his father was quite determined to find out who killed his wife, I wonder for how years afterwards he carried on doing that? I think he probably did not get much attention from his father. I also wonder if he knows how his mother passed away - maybe that is why he became a detective.

So Jung Ho Young the pet-killer did indeed become a serial-killer. I do not think that he was involved in the 1986 murders. It was mentioned in episode 4 that Jung Ho had killed a lot of young woman, however if he had been the 1986 killer he would have left the dots on their feet. I am sure he was inspired by the 1986  killer, but could not be a  copy cat, because at the time of the murders it was only known to a few that the dots had been tatooed onto the foot.

I believe there are 2 killers, though whether  the 1986 killer actually travelled through time remains to be seen.

@larus and @UnniSarah I think the person chasing PKH (1988) is probably Jung Ho Young (do not ask me why), and the lastest victim was killed by the 1986 muderer (as seen by the tatoo). If we were to go with that premise, I wonder which killer made the confession?

I am getting more worried now that something did happen Shin Yi Yeon - either she passed away or has been missing. If we are to go with the assumption that Shin Jae Yi is the daugther, when Prof. Hong first met her, she would have been around 15 years old...did the girl they show in episode 4 look 15 or younger?

Just some of the scenes in episode 4 I really liked

That awkward moment...



The reunion...



Eighties style is so on...





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31 minutes ago, lexicon said:

I am getting more worried now that something did happen Shin Yi Yeon - either she passed away or has been missing. If we are to go with the assumption that Shin Jae Yi is the daugther, when Prof. Hong first met her, she would have been around 15 years old...did the girl they show in episode 4 look 15 or younger?


I hope I remember well but I think it was mentioned that she was adopted when she had 6 years old. When she lost her adopted parents she was around 14- 15 years old and that`s when Prof. Hong met her. If she is indeed Park Kwang Ho`s daughter how I assume, she must have lived with her mother in her early life but something happened with Shin Yeon Suk. As much as inexpressive she is, like a poker face (she doesn`t express her feelings in any form, with words or with her gestures), when she saw Park Kwang Ho in University she could not hide her surprised face.Something triggered her interest.  At least I remember the scene in that way. I have to rewatch the part. Maybe she saw a picture of her father at one point of her life and a man looking like her father could make her react somehow.

31 minutes ago, lexicon said:

The reunion...

Loved the moment too. I wanted to make a gif but I don`t have much free time to do it.

So many fine humor we saw in episode 4!


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5 minutes ago, larus said:


I hope I remember well but I think it was mentioned that she was adopted when she had 6 years old. When she lost her adopted parents she was around 14- 15 years old and that`s when Prof. Hong met her. If she is indeed Park Kwang Ho`s daughter how I assume, she must have lived with her mother in her early life but something happened with Shin Yeon Suk. As much as inexpressive she is, like a poker face (she doesn`t express her feelings in any form, with words or with her gestures), when she saw Park Kwang Ho in University she could not hide her surprised face.Something triggered her interest.  At least I remember the scene in that way. I have to rewatch the part. Maybe she saw a picture of her father at one point of her life and a man looking like her father could make her react somehow.

Loved the moment too. I wanted to make a gif but I don`t have much free time to do it.

So many fine humor we saw in episode 4!



I must have missed that look she gave when she met PKH...will also go back and re-watch.

I know how you feel... wanted to put more pics too!! :)

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You are all dissecting this drama so well. Once we know why PKH (the older) had to go back and catch the killer, much will be explained. If the killer escaped through the time slip, then he needed to follow him, I suppose. But the killer at the end of Ep 4 does appear older. Could be older version of the younger killer who then also somehow gets back to 1986?  He seems to say he did not kill anyone for so long because of SJ's mother pleading about having a child. Is he a priest? It looks like he is walking down the aisle of a church and he also looks like he is talking through a grated wall lattice, like used in confessional?   I also think PKH may have to save his wife and child too.   

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