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[Drama 2017] The Ruler: Master of the Mask /The Emperor: Owner of the Mask 군주:가면의 주인

Go Seung Ji

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18 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@sakura2016 aww..his smile and laugh! I miss them all already!  Haha lol at the those memes!


My sis was asking me if it will be possible to do a season 2 of Ruler. I told her it is possible but will not happen because:

1) sequels rarely happens and if does, it loses its originality from the first one

2) it is highly unlikely season 2 will get the same cast and leads which will make the sequel feel like a new drama 

3) making a season 2 will involve a whole new set of plot and characters and usually fans want the same cast but with a different writer and production team.

What do you guys think chingus?

I also told her..i don't follow sequels unless the original cast and leads are also in it which are very rare chances.


don't think these writer capable of making season 2 though I loved the dialogues and the ideas they wanted to give through the drama plus I don't want Yoo Seung Ho mainly plus the rest of the cast to suffer another 7 months add to it fans won't be happy having Yoo Seung Ho and Kim Soo Hyun get stuck with season 2 and the idea will be shut down the second there is thoughts of making season 2, sorry but that's the truth :lol: 

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11 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:


don't think these writer capable of making season 2 though I loved the dialogues and the ideas they wanted to give through the drama plus I don't want Yoo Seung Ho mainly plus the rest of the cast to suffer another 7 months add to it fans won't be happy having Yoo Seung Ho and Kim Soo Hyun get stuck with season 2 and the idea will be shut down the second there is thoughts of making season 2, sorry but that's the truth :lol: 


I agree. Ruler season 2 is not necessary because we had good closure to the original already. I especially would rather the cast meet up for a new drama, modern, and have a whole new show for us to watch. And i am still waiting impatiently for ShyShy reunion :D i miss CP and GE.

I am still on a rerun marathon in watching Ruler. I feel empty so watching the drama again but by episodes haha. 

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1 hour ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@sakura2016 aww..his smile and laugh! I miss them all already!  Haha lol at the those memes!


My sis was asking me if it will be possible to do a season 2 of Ruler. I told her it is possible but will not happen because:

1) sequels rarely happens and if does, it loses its originality from the first one

2) it is highly unlikely season 2 will get the same cast and leads which will make the sequel feel like a new drama 

3) making a season 2 will involve a whole new set of plot and characters and usually fans want the same cast but with a different writer and production team.

What do you guys think chingus?

I also told her..i don't follow sequels unless the original cast and leads are also in it which are very rare chances.


I think especially for saguek drama it is really difficult to do a squeal. Especially since the story was to some extent all wrapped up. 

I agreed with your points especially about 3, especially about the wrtiters and directing. It was clear that one of the flaws of Ruler was the poor writing and editing flow. I feel that even if there is talks, there has to be improvement in that aspect. 


Ans I don't think the viewers will want a squeal without the same main cast. Although in the case of ruler at least the 1st leads are alive, second leads dead and only CP's gang is still alive and well. 

1 hour ago, sakura2016 said:


don't think these writer capable of making season 2 though I loved the dialogues and the ideas they wanted to give through the drama plus I don't want Yoo Seung Ho mainly plus the rest of the cast to suffer another 7 months add to it fans won't be happy having Yoo Seung Ho and Kim Soo Hyun get stuck with season 2 and the idea will be shut down the second there is thoughts of making season 2, sorry but that's the truth :lol: 

Haha the dialogue was quite beautifully written especially all of CP's dialogue. It was WOW! 

But I don't want a season 2, there is no guarantee it can be as good as the 1st and you need a completely storyline to make people continually be interested

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@kaoriharang Thanks for the article chingu. But i am trying really hard to understand what it is trying to say. If I understood it correctly, L stepped forward and talked about the script? :blink: and KSH had a hard time with her character but displayed great acting skills alongside YSH. Also, the information acknowledged that the story was supposed to be about CP's path to being a King but then got lost with the square love and especially with the rivalry over GE which became hard to understand characters. This I agreed on. So many opportunities missed to focus on the main plot. We literally teared LS character apart layer by layer to understand him and thought extra hard on GE and CP. But I couldn't really understand the information because it didn't make a lot of sense. What did you get out if it?

As for a sequel, I agree. The writing and directing must be different and stronger. But even so, i opt for a NO. First one was wrapped up well with a happy ending. No need for season 2. We can just use our imagination to figure that King and Queen reign for a long time and with kindness for the people. End of story, right? No need for a whole new story :D Ruler won't be the same without the same cast and leads. 


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Weirdly enough after writing out my post, it got weirdly posted. So I am here going to write it out again -_-

49 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@kaoriharang Thanks for the article chingu. But i am trying really hard to understand what it is trying to say. If I understood it correctly, L stepped forward and talked about the script? :blink: and KSH had a hard time with her character but displayed great acting skills alongside YSH. Also, the information acknowledged that the story was supposed to be about CP's path to being a King but then got lost with the square love and especially with the rivalry over GE which became hard to understand characters. This I agreed on. So many opportunities missed to focus on the main plot. We literally teared LS character apart layer by layer to understand him and thought extra hard on GE and CP. But I couldn't really understand the information because it didn't make a lot of sense. What did you get out if it?

As for a sequel, I agree. The writing and directing must be different and stronger. But even so, i opt for a NO. First one was wrapped up well with a happy ending. No need for season 2. We can just use our imagination to figure that King and Queen reign for a long time and with kindness for the people. End of story, right? No need for a whole new story :D Ruler won't be the same without the same cast and leads. 



Rough summary of the article:

The article was talking about how through Ruler each of the actors namely YSH, KSH and L have grown through this drama.

YSH who has been known for his raw acting skills, has proven himself again with Ruler. He has very much manage to come out of his child acting days to a successful lead start. This character (Seja) has allowed him to re-solidified his presences as an actor.

KSH who too is a child actor, has chosen to take on a variety of different roles and characters in her acting career. the article went on to talking about how KSH's acting style is not one that is BIG or exaggerated rather her acting is simplistic and subtle, which allows the viewers to grow and watch and appreciate her acting as the story unfolds. 

L, who quickly took it upon himself to shed his image as an idol as fast as possible. As LS was the character that has the greatest change in terms of his character, L tried to work hard to display such a change.

Overall, the articles talks about how many people were excited for the drama as it was YSH and looking forward to how the drama would showcase how Seja would grow, evolve and become a Ruler. However, many express that the writing was sloppy as after awhile, the love triangle and complex relationships between the 4 leads became the central focus to the story. This resulted in a difficulty for the viewers to connect to the characters. (Mainly LS-GE-CP triangle)

Firstly, my thoughts on the article. Having watch YSH and KSH for quite some time already, I agree with the article on how each has really grown because of Ruler.

I knew that YSH was a brilliant acting especially considering his age and even though this is not his first time headlining a drama. Ruler was different a big production drama and this really marked the return of YSH (not that he did not return before that) but a really big drama. To me, the show was really held up by YSH and KSH. I think many viewers really tuned into to watching the show because of the two main leads.

Secondly, being a KSH fan for a while, I was really excited to see her taking on such diverse roles. I am one for an actor/actress really taking on a variety of roles, whether it be a bad role, a tragic role, a happy role, etc. I feel that acting is an art form where to more exposure you have, the more you can improve in your acting. KSH has really chosen to take on so many different variety of roles, and even though as mentioned in another interview how she experience her first slump in acting because of GE and the character. I felt it was good she experienced it, no one can always be at the top of their game, and not every character would be an easy one to approach. So with the challenge I am glad she has learn to rise above it, and really improve and learn from other good actors as well.

Lastly, about the script. Well I only watched this drama because of who was headlining it. There were times where the plot was completely forgotten and somehow the storyline was going in a downward direction. There were a lot of questions that were clearly left unanswered, like what happen to the General?, what was the origin of PSH?, who were those mask men in the cave? if PSH had a 1,000 year origin then who and why was it founded?

It started off well, it ended well but the middle was at times a ? mark to me. Definitely if the writing had been better, the story I feel overall would have gelled together more. It was clear that there was too much emphasis on the love triangle/square at moments, which gave way to a lot of neglect in other areas, mainly Seja's journey. 


With regards to the sequel, I rarely trust sequels cause it does make it difficult to continue to momentum of the drama. Like you aptly put, the story has ended, there was no more (obvious) lose ends. I think if we did want the story to continue, we would only just want a short film/video on our otp how marriage life is like and stuff haha! That one, we can film it ourselves and write the script ourselves too. I think thats highly probable!


P.S. I wont comment on L's part of the article because I do not know him that well as an actor. So I can't give a non bias opinion.

Also does anyone have any news on when the full OST will be released? I am waiting for it!

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@kaoriharang Your version makes much more sense than mine haha. I definitely agree on their comments about YSH and KSH. I believe Ruler may have been the drama that allowed both of them to explore themselves as an actor/actress. YSH's take on CP was well executed and I really saw how much depth he put into it. KSH..i have seen her portray many roles too and all the time, she remains consistent with her acting. No exaggeration or overdoing it. I also like that she can play different kinds of characters and do well. Same goes to YSH as his role in Ruler. As for L, i am not familiar with him. I only saw him as a cameo in 'Master's Sun' as the younger version of So Ji Sub's role. His role was little but I think it wasn't enough for me to say anything of it. If i compare him in that drama to now, i will definitely say he did a great job pulling off LS. Most of the times in the drama, i was immerse in their characters. Ruler definitely played a role in each of their acting careers. And I am sure they will take the good out it, and use the bad to grow. The stronger they become mentally, they will be able to better their careers even more. I am so proud of all them! I cried, hated, suffered, empathized and loved with them as they carried out their scenes. That is great acting for me there from the whole cast.

I will say Ruler began to lose its ground when GE became Court Lady. It really dragged during those episodes and the whole Queen selection plus restoring father's name..etc. i really wanted it to be CP restoring Elder Han's name because his death is originally CP's first guilt. Even this arc got lost and then resolved too quickly. And the POt..well..that was talked a lot here already too haha.

A lot could have been taken out or reduced to focus on other points more important to the story. They initially took the cliche route of love rivalry which we are so used to already so we could easily guess the results. And the change of LS was so sudden, it was hard to dissect and absorb. Not only did CP's story take a backseat..but also DM's character took a backseat. And he is the big, bad wolf. Definitely left a lot of questions unanswered which was avoidable if some of the subplots were reduced or taken out. All the characters development began to suffer. But nontheless, the actors and actresses stuck to it, held on and kept their role to the best of their efforts. For me, that is more than enough. They can only do so much with what they are given.

All this is another reason to not have a sequel haha. I just want the closure we already have to be the ending. Unless they give us a special episode that shows their reign and happiness :tongue: but we know that isn't going to happen either :D


@kaoriharang i just saw your new post haha. But i think i answered what i wanted to say to you already :D

Awwww..look at how our CP has grown. Still handsome indeed! Love!!!




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7 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@kaoriharang Your version makes much more sense than mine haha. I definitely agree on their comments about YSH and KSH. I believe Ruler may have been the drama that allowed both of them to explore themselves as an actor/actress. YSH's take on CP was well executed and I really saw how much depth he put into it. KSH..i have seen her portray many roles too and all the time, she remains consistent with her acting. No exaggeration or overdoing it. I also like that she can play different kinds of characters and do well. Same goes to YSH as his role in Ruler. As for L, i am not familiar with him. I only saw him as a cameo in 'Master's Sun' as the younger version of So Ji Sub's role. His role was little but I think it wasn't enough for me to say anything of it. If i compare him in that drama to now, i will definitely say he did a great job pulling off LS. Most of the times in the drama, i was immerse in their characters. Ruler definitely played a role in each of their acting careers. And I am sure they will take the good out it, and use the bad to grow. The stronger they become mentally, they will be able to better their careers even more. I am so proud of all them! I cried, hated, suffered, empathized and loved with them as they carried out their scenes. That is great acting for me there from the whole cast.

I will say Ruler began to lose its ground when GE became Court Lady. It really dragged during those episodes and the whole Queen selection plus restoring father's name..etc. i really wanted it to be CP restoring Elder Han's name because his death is originally CP's first guilt. Even this arc got lost and then resolved too quickly. And the POt..well..that was talked a lot here already too haha.

A lot could have been taken out or reduced to focus on other points more important to the story. They initially took the cliche route of love rivalry which we are so used to already so we could easily guess the results. And the change of LS was so sudden, it was hard to dissect and absorb. Not only did CP's story take a backseat..but also DM's character took a backseat. And he is the big, bad wolf. Definitely left a lot of questions unanswered which was avoidable if some of the subplots were reduced or taken out. All the characters development began to suffer. But nontheless, the actors and actresses stuck to it, held on and kept their role to the best of their efforts. For me, that is more than enough. They can only do so much with what they are given.

All this is another reason to not have a sequel haha. I just want the closure we already have to be the ending. Unless they give us a special episode that shows their reign and happiness :tongue: but we know that isn't going to happen either :D


@kaoriharang i just saw your new post haha. But i think i answered what i wanted to say to you already :D

Awwww..look at how our CP has grown. Still handsome indeed! Love!!!


HAHA NO WORRIES CHINGU, I dont know what happen to my initial post it got posted then it disappeared so I had to delete it. No worries, I didnt deviate much in the new post. I completely agree with you about the the main plot lines taking a back seat, it made me wonder whyyyy. For me what I found redundant was GE becoming selected to be the concubine, as much as I appreciate that moment when she got framed and hurt because we got otp moments, but overall I felt it was unnecessary to anything. If anything it was just use to let LS become more obsess with GE. Completely not needed, more focus could have gone to other parts of the story.

But i think it was still a high quality and well done production despite all these. I felt that the actors/actress acting clearly overpowered the storyline (even for me, i could ignore the plot holes because of YSH and KSH) I think we all support our otp alot during this time. So yeah

oh yeah! i dont mind a special episode JUST ABOUT THEM but yes, MBC would not be so kind for sure.


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I'm back after reading so many translated article from korea with KSH. They mostly praised her, and knetz do it too. But it's a pity that she blamed herself for the slump of GE, and she admitted as "losing confidence, dont know how to do it again after playing GE role". Honestly it isnt something she must be sorry for as its not her fault. But her comment got her praise again as mature actress and brilliant for her attitude, that not every actress can face that. And the article above is about how YSH, KSH, and L, show brilliant acting even for bad script.

As for me who is YSH and KSH fan, i like it though they got to face something like bad script or anything similar. It showed them their powerhouse as actors who can act on any roles. Even when i knew the script went wrong since GE forgot the pot, i still believe their acting when they got mad, cry or anything they nailed it the best. Not being biases, but that's the fact. Especially when GE cry it made me wanna cry with her. Seriously how many actors can save the drama to be no.1 throughout its run when people turned it down and only watch for the actors? I'm not comparing anything, but i've seen so many popular senior actress and actors have their drama went slump, and the rating got the bottom place. I'm not saying they didnt have chem and cant act, but it proved to us how not every actors can save the drama with their popularity only, but with acting, and chemistry to each other. As for Ruler, it must be because the cast's chemistry and acting too. When we complained hard to writer we still got angry for L because he's crazy, and got our hands clapped for how cool HG is.. Got swooned over how CP sweetness to GE, or when he's cool, or cried with him when he cried. And we cried together with GE when she's sad. We got dragged to the character's feeling even though the story was badly written. What's that called if it's not "great acting"?

I'm happy too, rather than being the actors with praises because their drama is good, they become the actors who can take on any roles. Not because the drama or they are popular, yet they become actors who carried out a drama with their acting. Once again i'm not comparing, but we've seen soooo many popular drama that, not because the story was incredibly, extremely good, yet because the actors right? Even though the story was "good enough" but so many drama got overrated popularity because of the actors. Although i can't say the story or the acting of the actors wasn't any good, but that's the fact. So many drama have: The story just "good enough" and the acting of the actors itself also just "good enough" (i mean the level of the characters they play on isn't that hard), but the popularity waaaaay more than "good enough", and IT COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CASE FOR RULER. One article stated about YSH and KSH as both of them ex-child actors that they definitely not an actors with same pattern acting. Yet they showed how mature and great their acting ability contribute to this drama. Thats why i'm happy. they have experience to bad written drama and they nailed it. It contributed their experience as actors. Not every actors have the same experience, had to carried a drama, based on their acting. 

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1 hour ago, kaoriharang said:


HAHA NO WORRIES CHINGU, I dont know what happen to my initial post it got posted then it disappeared so I had to delete it. No worries, I didnt deviate much in the new post. I completely agree with you about the the main plot lines taking a back seat, it made me wonder whyyyy. For me what I found redundant was GE becoming selected to be the concubine, as much as I appreciate that moment when she got framed and hurt because we got otp moments, but overall I felt it was unnecessary to anything. If anything it was just use to let LS become more obsess with GE. Completely not needed, more focus could have gone to other parts of the story.

But i think it was still a high quality and well done production despite all these. I felt that the actors/actress acting clearly overpowered the storyline (even for me, i could ignore the plot holes because of YSH and KSH) I think we all support our otp alot during this time. So yeah

oh yeah! i dont mind a special episode JUST ABOUT THEM but yes, MBC would not be so kind for sure.



Haha i know what u mean. Imagine me when i lose my post after writing such a long one haha.  I agree. I really didn't like how they kept bringing the concubine card in. Every time the preview says LS will make a deal..i always figured it was about GE. I do like how they made GE not change her love to CP. And vice versa for CP. But like we say: there was the good and the bad too. For me..i rather take the good :wink:

Oh yes. Even with all these flaws, the drama was well shot in a cinematic sense. I really love the OSTs. I can rewatch this series again because i do really love it, particularly for the OTP and YSH/KSH combination :D

Haha..we will not get any specials. Would be nice though. But hey, we can totally just imagine it instead :)


@rainbowhills I just read your post. And will come back on my laptop to give my insight as well :)



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14 minutes ago, rhaps said:

Hi, chingus, I'm back! I hope you are still here!

I've finally watched it with subs. Here is what I think :

- I agree that it's too bad bcoz we could't see how the peddlers were going against the water deliveries. I thought that it was gonna be cool, to watch the peddlers organized themselves and helped the King. Then again, the drama didn't have time
- I don't mind with GE tasting the medicine, coz it's still reasonable and logical. After all, she is the main female lead. Too bad, that the writers spent so many episodes making her clueless , while wasted time in other things. Otherwise, we could have more time for the peddlers AND her tasting the medicine.
- What I actually mind is the ministers going against GE, so GE just had to run away from the palace. I know that it's because the drama wanted to give more sweet scenes for the King and her, but for me, I didn't feel like it's blending with the current situation at that time (although, literally, yeah the Pyunsoo had been taken over by the King, so they were literally at peaceful time) . If I understand the subtitle correctly, didn't the ministers refuse GE because she was the ex of the fake King? Well .. I don't think that issue was important enough, compared to the peddlers vs water deliveries.
- The fight of the palace vs Pyunsoo seemed to easy because, weren't the Pyunsoo's guys supposed to be elite fighters ? They fought like regular soldiers to me. What was supposed to be the biggest battle in the show was too short, although it wasn't a bad fight either. CP, Gon, and CW still looked cool. And, I also liked the Water guy here. Although he was still annoying, but he was loyal and he got some backbone.
- Actually, all of the fighting scenes were not bad. But they were all too short (yes, as an action fan, I'm protesting here :tongue: )
-  I like it that LS figured out himself that HS was a traitor. I thought that LS would start doubting him after asking CP about the poisoning, but he didn't ask anything, while the CP didn't say anything either. So, it's purely him using his intelligence. I just like it that our characters showed their intelligence, which I believe, they had. The writers just failed to show it well *sigh*
- DM and LS's death were too sad for me, and I just wanted to fast forward them. DM remained impressive even until he died, and I really really really praised the actor for that. After all that he did as the ultimate villain in the show, I still could pity him and see a lot of sadness and pain in his eyes (and the drama made a good choice to close up his expressions. Kudos to the Director for that scene). LS was, well, too sad. I was always sad to see a character, who had repented/realized his mistakes, died. Moreoever, he died protecting his friend/love (coz he was also on on his way to check on CP too, after realizing that HS was evil, so if CP was on GE's place, then I'm convinced that he would do the same). It was just too sad
- And I've said that the closing scenes were pretty and sad at the same time. YSH gave a good expressions, and those ghost wandering around made things even sadder for me. Despite the flaws of this drama, that ending scene felt bittersweet and was done well.
- Btw, I love HG's pink-grey hanbok. She should've worn something like that before this, coz they looked so pretty.

All in all, I still enjoy the last episodes. It's just, like everybody said, too bad .. coz Ruler had the materials and the potential to be great, but it couldn't show it. It had enough materials to make a good story, with great actors that were not just nice to look at, but also have good acting / charisma on screen. Those bodyguards caught my attention, along with MC and CE. Like how I felt after watching the first episodes of Ruler, I think it had good 'ideas'. If only the writers could transform those 'ideas' into a great story, then it would be lot better. Still, Ruler is an entertaining drama for me, though.

Thanks a lot for everyone in this forum who had accompanied me to watch this show and ranted and spazzed and everything. @vangsweetie637, @ktcjdrama, @joyspartace, @jakey09, @sakura2016, @kaoriharang, @YourHighness ., @googleme, @nurlayla, @kentangbakar, @faye406, @maryofbethany, @katherinyyyy, @ilwoo_aein, @findit, @Yongzura, @fieza1871@deabakdrama, @Chellsee, @etylovedrama, @rainbowhills, @nitttss, @andy78@Katrina Abdul Talib, @smileyz, @chelseab, Sorry if I miss anyone, coz I couldn't write everyone's names here. Thanks @Berou and the mods (how come some names can't turn to blue??) Sorry if unknowingly I said a wrong thing and offended you, chingus, coz I didn't mean anything. I truly enjoyed my time in this forum and, hopefully, we can rant again in other forum. Yeah, I'm watching Duel now.



wa... thank u for mentioning me. I was only a really minor contributor to the forum. Honestly speaking I enjoy reading everyone comments, ranting n even critic here. It doesnt feel like bashing to. It feel like we are united trying to gave our opinion to make the story better. Relatable n flow smoothly...

Shoule we try and become a writer? How about write up suggestion of the best scenario to fit our YSH & KSH to showcase their best ability...

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7 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


would this help? :wink::wub: 




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cr: imbc

I'm happy seeing that he had fun time on set despite the heat and the exhaustion!! :wub: 

I had hope to see the 2 bodyguard had more fighting with the CP. Let each of them have moment where they are protecting the CP/King. Btw, did CP/King bestow any title to Gon since he joint the front line together with CW

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13 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@sakura2016 aww..his smile and laugh! I miss them all already!  Haha lol at the those memes!


My sis was asking me if it will be possible to do a season 2 of Ruler. I told her it is possible but will not happen because:

1) sequels rarely happens and if does, it loses its originality from the first one

2) it is highly unlikely season 2 will get the same cast and leads which will make the sequel feel like a new drama 

3) making a season 2 will involve a whole new set of plot and characters and usually fans want the same cast but with a different writer and production team.

What do you guys think chingus?

I also told her..i don't follow sequels unless the original cast and leads are also in it which are very rare chances.


I m sorry but I dont want a 2 season of this drama...I would much prefer if they (the ensemble cast) would get  a chance to do another project with a better writer n director/producer. The cinematography direction is very good since we got very good scene n color through out the drama...

For me the story already exhausted it plot...

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55 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:


Haha i know what u mean. Imagine me when i lose my post after writing such a long one haha.  I agree. I really didn't like how they kept bringing the concubine card in. Every time the preview says LS will make a deal..i always figured it was about GE. I do like how they made GE not change her love to CP. And vice versa for CP. But like we say: there was the good and the bad too. For me..i rather take the good :wink:

Oh yes. Even with all these flaws, the drama was well shot in a cinematic sense. I really love the OSTs. I can rewatch this series again because i do really love it, particularly for the OTP and YSH/KSH combination :D

Haha..we will not get any specials. Would be nice though. But hey, we can totally just imagine it instead :)


@rainbowhills I just read your post. And will come back on my laptop to give my insight as well :)

Yeah I have to say the OST and BGMS and the scenery were really amazing! Definitely a high quality drama for sure in that sense!

Of course, I still enjoy this drama, as much as there were headache moments, there were good moments as well!

lets jump to the shippers thread now

50 minutes ago, rainbowhills said:

I hope we can do thing like this with all members of this forum soon in the future, because what? BECAUSE OUR OTP REUNITE AGAIN! Yes i'm hoping like this. And i hope they could play MODERN ROM-COM. KSH did successful romcom LFG, YSH did Operation Proposal, but it's a remake from Japanese drama. So both actors basically rarely done any rom com before. I haven't watch Operation Proposal, the only work YSH that i haven't watch as i've watched the Japanese ver. which already very good. But LFG really popular both in korea and internationally. So i'm dying seeing them TOGETHER AGAIN as romcom couple. They've been called as heavy actors, or Tears actors already. It would be so fresh seeing them in completely different genre. especially hoping the much better and more competent writer. And i'm hoping when that happens, they would be a REAL COUPLE AND GET MARRIED in real life!!!. it's for the first time i like this. even KSH have chemistry with other co stars yet i didnt "ship" them, just watch only. the same goes for YSH. but now i hope the get married for real life in next few years. hope that they're a REAL SOULMATE. 

haha romantic comedy sounds good! YSH has not acted that much in rom-coms so it would be nice to see him in a different kind of role! HAHA! I think as much as YSH and KSH suit saguek I still find that they always look better in modern setting especially KSH, her beauty :wub:

hehe chingu you should say all of that at the shipper thread we will be happy to welcome you! haha (:

13 minutes ago, fieza1871 said:

Shoule we try and become a writer? How about write up suggestion of the best scenario to fit our YSH & KSH to showcase their best ability...

HAHA! actually every time i watch a drama that i like but at the same time cant stand the writing i wonder if I should do the writing instead. BUT THEN AGAIN, i dont think i have enough creative juice to be one.

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8 minutes ago, kaoriharang said:

Yeah I have to say the OST and BGMS and the scenery were really amazing! Definitely a high quality drama for sure in that sense!

Of course, I still enjoy this drama, as much as there were headache moments, there were good moments as well!

lets jump to the shippers thread now

haha romantic comedy sounds good! YSH has not acted that much in rom-coms so it would be nice to see him in a different kind of role! HAHA! I think as much as YSH and KSH suit saguek I still find that they always look better in modern setting especially KSH, her beauty :wub:

hehe chingu you should say all of that at the shipper thread we will be happy to welcome you! haha (:

HAHA! actually every time i watch a drama that i like but at the same time cant stand the writing i wonder if I should do the writing instead. BUT THEN AGAIN, i dont think i have enough creative juice to be one.

just write a scenario of a story...then the script writer will expand it. u should just provide the background story, the mid length , the climax n the ending...

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39 minutes ago, fieza1871 said:

just write a scenario of a story...then the script writer will expand it. u should just provide the background story, the mid length , the climax n the ending...

haha wow such faith in me :( haha we should all collaborate that maybe better!

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