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[Drama 2017] Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 힘쎈여자 도봉순

Go Seung Ji

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the chance of Gook du to be serial killer is 0%to me why would he be killing innocent women and kidnap one of them  and protecting Bong soon plus he have cross ways with Bong soon more than 2 times wouldn't she recognize him as Gook du for my point of view i think he is not may be the second bro of AMH because  he seems fake and he is the one who threatens min hyuk and also his dad already point him as an heir he have more chance to make him disappear :(

bong soon mother though OMG cant stop laughing at this keeps replaying this scene LOL





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I don't know, the stars part and why MH dislikes cops made me sad. 


BS mom would normally annoy me but her comments are always hilarious. The way she thinks MH is gay and GD is BS's competition wahahaha. 

@briseis that's a very very nice catch! Good eye! And is that Rafa in your DP? Love him! 

Summoning (LOL) my chingu who's also watching this, @naritul

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On 3.3.2017 at 11:52 PM, stroppyse said:

Episode 3 was cute. I have to admit, coming into this as a GD fan, he's rather hard to figure out, especially his interest, or not, in BS. He seems oblivious to her interest in him, and treats her relatively dismissively and yet takes a noted interest in her safety and conduct. Also, while he's nice to his girlfriend, he also doesn't seem to have any particular strong feelings toward her either. I'm wondering if perhaps GD does like BS, but she never actually made a move on him, while he's with his current girlfriend simply because she asked him out first. 

sorry to cut your post!:wink:

I have been thinking about IGD's behaviour. He can be so distant but also very gentle and protective. Since we saw the preview and heard that IGD declared the kind of girl he likes, it is clear that's the reason why DBS is hiding her true personality in front of her friend. She wanted to make sure that she is exactly the type of girls he likes.

But his words made me wonder, how he could describe his type of girlfriend so precisely. He doesn't seem the type of man who dates a lot. In my opinion, this has something to do with his mother. Sure, we only saw her once. Yet I believe, she is definitely involved why IGD could never realise that he likes DBS. Notice that his description is the total opposite of DBS and her mother. The latter might be greedy, selfish and rough, but she speaks her mind and she does care for people. We shouldn't forget that she is against the new development of DB and she is trying to gather signatures. So she is not entirely self-absorbed.

My theory is that IGB's mother loved DBS's father but the latter had always been attracted by DBS's mother. Maybe she played a part, how DBS' mother could lose her power, as she thought that if she lost her powers, DBS's father would stop loving her. However, the opposite happened. Since she became weak, he could finally approach her. He loved her not because of her powers but because of her character. So IGD's mother failed. And when she moved to the same district than DBS, she realised that DBS was in love with her son and moreover, the latter was very close to her as well which she didn't like. We shouldn't forget that she tries to paint DBS as bad, when she ratted out that DBS had been visiting the police station. Moreover this comment underlines that IGD is very close to his mother. He tells her everything. Hence his mother must have played a role in it, how he should perceive his future girlfriend. She manipulated him, him unaware of her tricks. To me, IGD loves DBS but he doesn't realise his own feelings yet. He already considers her as his own property, but maybe her mother influenced him by saying that's how friendship is. IGD is the one who is allowed to criticise her, protect her aso. Since DBS is very shy, she thought, IGB would notice her as she tried to meet his expectations. However, IGD never made the first move  because he already considered her as his "possession" (I can't say girlfriend because he already has one) and his mother kept saying that's normal for a friendship between a boy and a girl. Moreover, the fact she hid her true personality played a part as well. As soon as he discovers her true character (sassy, brave, aso), he will get aware that he has been in love with her all this time.  I agree with @dhakra that DBS' mother is really interesting and entertaining. I do think that she is not that bad, she is actually jealous of IGB's mother as she has the impression that her husband is more attracted to IGD's mother than herself. There is some rivalry between these two women. 

What do you think about it?


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@sebastian27 I was among the one who saw DG as the possible perpetrator for the threads over the phone and for the hacking. Like I noticed, the calls and hacking happened during the night and in the episode 3, DG mentioned that he had night shifts. Since he didn't reject the lunch offer from IGD's girlfriend and even didn't feel embarrassed that she flirted with him, I do think that he is not so righteous like his sister. We shouldn't forget that DG's mother is selfish and greedy. It could be possible that he inherited some negative traits from her. I mean, on the other hand, he is smart and a good doctor/internist therefore people could overlook his bad traits. He is gentle and well-mannered... but that could be just a fassade.

On the other hand, DBS inherited from her mother not just her superpowers but also her sassiness and roughtness! She is not so smart like her mother as well. All this could explain why DG is more favored by his mother.   

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The serial killer looks to be taller than the twin brother.  He was definitely much taller than BS when he walked pass her in the pharmacy.

However, the other doctor, who was supposedly in surgery, seems to be the right height.

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Finally, after months, a show that has caught my attention. I can't wait to watch today's episode. The ending of yesterday's episode intrigued me. Is DBS meant to be a savior? It felt like the killer and the victim were far away so how did BS end up hearing that scream? I honestly expected her to walk into them while coming home(to save her and hence gaining the killer obsession/attraction to have her as his bride) but it makes sense that it wouldn't have happened. That place/prison seems pretty isolated. Also, like all of you I did wonder if GD and BS's twin brother were the killer but nah, she heard his voice and has indirectly stumbled into him many times now. She would have recognized them for sure.

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1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

My theory is that IGB's mother loved DBS's father but the latter had always been attracted by DBS's mother. Maybe she played a part, how DBS' mother could lose her power, as she thought that if she lost her powers, DBS's father would stop loving her. However, the opposite happened. Since she became weak, he could finally approach her. He loved her not because of her powers but because of her character. So IGD's mother failed. And when she moved to the same district than DBS, she realised that DBS was in love with her son and moreover, the latter was very close to her as well which she didn't like. We shouldn't forget that she tries to paint DBS as bad, when she ratted out that DBS had been visiting the police station. Moreover this comment underlines that IGD is very close to his mother. He tells her everything. Hence his mother must have played a role in it, how he should perceive his future girlfriend. She manipulated him, him unaware of her tricks. To me, IGD loves DBS but he doesn't realise his own feelings yet. He already considers her as his own property, but maybe her mother influenced him by saying that's how friendship is. IGD is the one who is allowed to criticise her, protect her aso. Since DBS is very shy, she thought, IGB would notice her as she tried to meet his expectations. However, IGD never made the first move  because he already considered her as his "possession" (I can't say girlfriend because he already has one) and his mother kept saying that's normal for a friendship between a boy and a girl. Moreover, the fact she hid her true personality played a part as well. As soon as he discovers her true character (sassy, brave, aso), he will get aware that he has been in love with her all this time.  I agree with @dhakra that DBS' mother is really interesting and entertaining. I do think that she is not that bad, she is actually jealous of IGB's mother as she has the impression that her husband is more attracted to IGD's mother than herself. There is some rivalry between these two women. 

What do you think about it?


@bebebisous33 interesting, I do notice that GD's mother is kinda chummy with BS's dad... but the feeling kind of mutual. There might be history behind that, but as to how influential is that in the story.. not sure yet.

No doubt about it. GD loves BS just doesnt realized it yet. By the time he realized his feelings, I'm pretty sure it'll be too late.
What's interesting is his characters - he may seems two dimensional but it's too early to tell since we're only in ep3. But, seeing how privilege GD was (from Gangnam, able to play piano well, mom's best seller author), his family (aka MOM) must have a big influence on his characters.

What do we know so far about GD: He is super strict and adhere to rules to the point of OCD; he may see himself as knight in shinning armour and BS is the damsel in distress; he loves his girlfriend but not head over heels; he prioritized work over family/private life. 
I am really curious as to why GD wants to be a policeman. 


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Naver - Osen: [Oh! Strong Focus] 'Do Bong Soon', Park Bo Young break 6%, If it reaches 9% the men will loss their clothes

1. [+5448, -72] ㅋㅋㅋ It's drama that is more fun than variety shows. I always laugh so much ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Other dramas are serious and sad and a little bit fun but this drama is funny , cute, funny and funny ㅋㅋㅋ This is the best drama that makes you forget about stress. Especially, Bong Soon's mother and Kim Won Hae are so funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+3983, -74] I always smile because of Puppy couple...Thanks to Kim Won Hae and Shim Hye Jin i laughed so much...even though there is some childish things...But this drama has a refreshing feeling that you can't stop smiling while watching it~

3. [+3089, -63] It's really funny

4. [+2562, -71] Do Bong Soon is very funny ㅠㅠ The chemistry between Puppy couple is so good ㅋㅋㅋㅌ

5. [+2279, -45] Fun and joyful~~ I didn't have a drama to watch, Thank you for this

6. [+507, -7] I'm Kim Won Hae's fan.! ! ! Since Drinking Solo and now Chief Kim and Do Bong Soon, He is really funny~ I thought i will die because of how much i laughed ㅋㅋㅋ~

7. [+481, -8] Park Bo Young and Park Hyung Sik's chemistry is really good but Kim Won Hae, Shim Hye Jin and the others did really a good job ㅋㅋㅋVery Funny

8. [+459, -12] Just by hearing the name Do Bong Soon i start laughing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+399, -11] The scene in the hospital was really funny~~

10. [+406, -16] Kim Won Hae hit daebak with this drama, I think the supporting actors are more brilliant and that's why it is more fun ㅋㅋ

Cre: http://netizendrama.blogspot.com/2017/03/strong-woman-do-bong-soon-reaches-6.html


The name i've mentioned before now it'll be the official name for my OTP: Puppy Couple hehee :wub:

And i love DBS's mom character too !!! She's so entertaining :D

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I really crazy about the killer now. He is tall and young (according to his voice), I hope we will see his face soon.

2 minutes ago, taekwang said:

What time is episode 4 starting? Is it 10pm Korean time?

its 10.15 now but still the variety show w kee chul 

It's 11 pm at KST.

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4 minutes ago, quockhanh45 said:

I really crazy about the killer now. He is tall and young (according to his voice), I hope we will see his face soon.

It's 11 pm at KST.

Oic oic. I tot it was earlier timing from yesterday's broadcast. 



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MH : When I was young, I read a book that people become stars when they die.

BS : The books I read said people become ghosts when they die and appear in front of people.

I can't help but laugh at this. Is she talking about "Oh My Ghostess"? And.. what a way to kill the mood.

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3 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I have been thinking about IGD's behaviour. He can be so distant but also very gentle and protective. Since we saw the preview and heard that IGD declared the kind of girl he likes, it is clear that's the reason why DBS is hiding her true personality in front of her friend. She wanted to make sure that she is exactly the type of girls he likes.

But his words made me wonder, how he could describe his type of girlfriend so precisely. He doesn't seem the type of man who dates a lot. In my opinion, this has something to do with his mother. Sure, we only saw her once. Yet I believe, she is definitely involved why IGD could never realise that he likes DBS. Notice that his description is the total opposite of DBS and her mother. The latter might be greedy, selfish and rough, but she speaks her mind and she does care for people. We shouldn't forget that she is against the new development of DB and she is trying to gather signatures. So she is not entirely self-absorbed.

My theory is that IGB's mother loved DBS's father but the latter had always been attracted by DBS's mother. Maybe she played a part, how DBS' mother could lose her power, as she thought that if she lost her powers, DBS's father would stop loving her. However, the opposite happened. Since she became weak, he could finally approach her. He loved her not because of her powers but because of her character. So IGD's mother failed. And when she moved to the same district than DBS, she realised that DBS was in love with her son and moreover, the latter was very close to her as well which she didn't like. We shouldn't forget that she tries to paint DBS as bad, when she ratted out that DBS had been visiting the police station. Moreover this comment underlines that IGD is very close to his mother. He tells her everything. Hence his mother must have played a role in it, how he should perceive his future girlfriend. She manipulated him, him unaware of her tricks. To me, IGD loves DBS but he doesn't realise his own feelings yet. He already considers her as his own property, but maybe her mother influenced him by saying that's how friendship is. IGD is the one who is allowed to criticise her, protect her aso. Since DBS is very shy, she thought, IGB would notice her as she tried to meet his expectations. However, IGD never made the first move  because he already considered her as his "possession" (I can't say girlfriend because he already has one) and his mother kept saying that's normal for a friendship between a boy and a girl. Moreover, the fact she hid her true personality played a part as well. As soon as he discovers her true character (sassy, brave, aso), he will get aware that he has been in love with her all this time.  I agree with @dhakra that DBS' mother is really interesting and entertaining. I do think that she is not that bad, she is actually jealous of IGB's mother as she has the impression that her husband is more attracted to IGD's mother than herself. There is some rivalry between these two women. 

What do you think about it?


Thanks for tagging me and please continue to do so as you know I always appreciate your views. 

IGD's character and personality has continued to intrigue me (partly influenced by my growing JiSoo crush). I agree to your description to the kind of person that he is. He is quite transparent , as in he wears his heart on his sleeve. Unlike Min Hyuk who is smart and sneaky, he is  forthright and does not filter his emotions. maybe a little lacking in the humor department. If I remember, he is not one to hide his emotions from the way he reacts to his superiors to how annoyed with Bong Soon both the times she came to make a police report. I'm not sure if he subconciously thinks he owns her but he does seem to be overly protective of  Bong Soon given that they are "just friends". I am certain he has some feelings for her. But seeing how sweet he is to his gf, I think those feelings are buried for now.

I'm also surprised at how he described his ideal gf. So with regards to his current gf - he may like her because he sees that she meets his criteria but the feelings are superficial because I don't feel much connection there. He is slightly chauvinistic I have to say - the translation I had was " I liked feminine girls who resembles cosmos."  ( I thought it was very strange that he wanted a girl that looked like the universe , till i looked up and found that it was also a type of flower..:lol:) . So he wanted to be the protector not to be the one that gets protected- in other words he has this very stereotypical outlook of how his woman should be. So it is no wonder that BS transforms into this helpless female (and hides her powers from him) when she talks or sees him.  But those words by GD will be what I call famous last words , cause it will come back and bite him. Yes, given the rivalry btwn their mothers , I'm not surprised that his mum has in the past "brainwash" him on the type of women he should go after.

I could also be the minority here  as well when I actually say I like Bong Soon's mum. Hence I've given her a nickname Queen bee." The queen bee is the heart and soul of the honey bee colony. She is the reason for nearly everything the rest of the colony does." Notice everything must be approved by her. But like what you said she speaks her mind and she takes the initiative to get things done. She has many, many flaws but  at least you know what she really thinks. I love the scenes of her, dad and GD's mum.  Such a hoot. 

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