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[Drama 2016/2017] The Legend of The Blue Sea 푸른 바다의 전설


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38 minutes ago, Hunter White said:

@Chellsee, thanks for sharing ep14's teaser. I'm worried for SC since it seems like ND saw her swimming in the pool. I hope ND didn't say "No way!" because he got SC busted. I can't wait for Wed to come!!! 

i have feeling he was talking with csa about JJ mom (or talking with si ah about DR and his painting mermaid, and guessing chungs is mermaid too) or he was talking with JJ.. (though in the scene, he was standing beside the door infront swimming pool -.-) But in my opinion, he wont be bad guy, he loves JJ very much, which makes him so childish and jealous over chungs :D since 1 family was complete to evil character. (I meant ch family) lol

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On 1/1/2017 at 4:21 AM, bebe1989 said:



(Sorry if i forgot tagging your name :D)

@babyval22 @ilwoo_aein @alleram95

@Su-Hae @CallieP @szne09 @JocelleC

@mythicalove @Chellsee @nika94 @minekas @leeminhosny @heart_jjh @Hunter White @puppy8888 @Visually-wandering @kantoop77 @Cang Doan @damnfreakinJIHYUN @LMHolic

@sivap @gtLmh0622 @annie1234 @briseis @Marian16

@1ouise @bathilda @lavender2love @CarolynH

@demarchelier @Kris Silva @Chrissy83 @Freespirit Yvonne @supergal99 @andy78 @AyoeB

Thank you for tagging me. I just came back from a trip to a place without wi-fi. I just open this thread. Happy New Year chingudeul. Even I feel sad with no proper recognition for JunJiHyun "doing by herself action scenes" on diving, swimming and still managed to delivered emotion of SaeHwa through her face expression and body gestures..... gwenchana JiHyun-a. I hope you'll have another project with tvN which known as a non-conventional tv station. Where senior and junior actors respected, writernim and PDnim can have freedom to create a drama.

For Lee MinHo, so happy to see him more and more mature. Not only a pretty face and tall body. People will start loving him more than just his appearance. Hope to see him again after military enlistment with new project on tvN. LOL.

I'm sorry, I'm not working on tvN nor doing PPL. I just amazed on many tvN dramas. That's all. And start wishing my favorite actors/actress will have project there.

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@bebe1989, I'd love to think that it was CSA that ND was talking to and that CSA was telling ND her discovery. Although, I'm thinking if ND finds out that HJJ's Mom actually lives with CSA.. there's no way why ND will hide it from HJJ. Unless, CSA states that she "thinks" she knows where to find HJJ's Mom just to give her ample time to redeem herself. I just can't find any reason why ND will hide it from HJJ if he already knows where HJJ's Mom is at. If CSA reveals her discovery right away, the story of HJJ and his Mom will already end. Hmm.. Or it's possible that they found out about MDY being connected to the Psychiatrist. Oh darn it! I am puzzled.. Wed please come sooner so we can put this case to rest.haha:grin:

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24 minutes ago, CarolynH said:

@zinniathanks for the translation of the preview.  What is HJJ talking about...if something happens to him?  He cannot die at a young age like KDR.  I'm going to go crazy if that happens.  That can't happen again, right lobsters?  

He's probably anticipating what the future may bring since he was already warned by DR that history repeats itself. That's also the reason why on ep 13 he went up to SC's room and said that he wont let anything happen and that he'll try to protect her the best way he can.. he wont let things repeat in the present time.

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Omo ... the preview ... so much to look forward to!  They're keeping us guessing about who will be a danger to our JoonChung.

I love the parallels/comparisons in the story ... between JJ and DR, JJ and SC, SC and SH, SC and Yoo-na, and many more.  I was thinking about Shim Chung and Se-hwa and their differences.  Se-hwa was a bit helpless and needed to be protected by DR.  On the other hand, Chungie has superhuman strength and only becomes helpless when her legs are attacked (or when she isn't loved).  She is the one who saved JJ in Spain.  I wonder if she will be the one to save them both in the present story?  Love you, Chungie!  I know you are strong!

(I keep trying to copy and paste pictures to a post, but I can't make it work.  How do you do it??)

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@bebe1989 thanks for not forgetting me. Happy new year to you too :) 

And Aneyong chingus :D 

Omg whats going on ? Did nam do saw our cheong in mermaid form :o i hope he doesnt turn out to be evil person. Please not WriterNim. We already have long list of evil persons :( and That doctor is treating MDY as well? :o  os he bad guy too. 

Thanks for posting the epi14 preview & translation.  Gosh cant wait for wednesday :P *Fighting* 

Sometimes i really really wanna learn korean language just to understand K-Dramas and my LMH oppa IVs.

Is there any Eng sub link for all LMH oppa clips/videos from awards night? Please do share it & tag me chingus. I would be grateful to u :) Thanks :D 


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OMGGGGGGGG. The preview is out. Finally!~

It looks really great. Awwww it seems that HJJ seems quite traumatized with what he saw. I couldn't blame hin. Witnessing a death is traumatizing enough, how much more if it was your past self and your lover. It must have affected him too much, especially since he is the same age as when KDR died, according to what he had read in the library. It seems that he is pissing SC off by giving her a lot of "I think I'm gonna die" hints. I can't blame SC. Nobody wants to hear that kind of thing from the love of your life. I think I'm overanalyzing, but the way HJJ keeps on having premonitions and telling SC to "live well even though she is alone" may be hinting that HJJ is willing to put himself in between her an another "harpoon" in the present day time and subtlely telling her not to kill herself off like she did in the past time. Awwwww HJJ :(


The differences between SC and SW are really astounding. SW mostly depended on KDR a lot and needed a lot of protection in the past life. SC on the other hand is the complete opposite. Aside from the facr that she is crazy (we love her for this haha) and not serene like SW, she is independent, assertive, a quick learner and capable of making her own stand. SC is a fighter. I'm not saying that SW didn't fight for their love in the past, but she mostly was a "it hurts me to do this but we need to separate because the laws of nature do not permit our love" kind of person, which is what promted her to erase KDR's memory as a teen and made her leave him as adults. SC, on the other hand, does not take no for an answer, she is so persistent with their love and the reason why she erased HJJ's memory was primarily driven by the fear that he had seen her in her mermaid form and was scared he won't love her back. I believe these differences between them holds the key to the survival of the present day reincarnations. I hope SC will play an active role in protecting their love. If SW just let them step on her in the past, SC defnitely shows the characteristrics of a figther. It is already evident in the way she gets so pissed with HJJ after he keeps on hinting that she should "live well even if she's alone" and she doesn't like it one bit hahaha :)


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6 hours ago, demarchelier said:

IMHO I think that a drama is doing well if it is consistently on the top 10 of these lists weekly. The Good Data and CPI is a good indicator if a drama is still buzzworthy. Obviously a new drama will create new interest and more hits on the internet initially. The important thing is maintaining the buzz during the duration of the drama.

and LOBS's episode 13 was only air in a week

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@puppy8888:  I forgot about SC's bionic woman strength!  Your analysis re SC vs SW is spot on. Although why didn't SW have that same strength as our Wonder Woman SC?

i don't fear Nam do; while he may be greedy he's not a physical threat.  And tae oh will also help HJJ protect SC if Nam Do tried anything. 

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You know what, chingu? I was also wondering the same thing about SC's super human strength lol. I found myself thinking if super human strength was innate to all mermaids or if only SC had that ability. I wish the writer could have somehow answered that question with SC's merman friend. The only thing we know about her merman friend is that the love of his life left him and that he is a lifegaurd (?). But oh well, he's dead now and we will never know if he had superhuman strength haha

Somehow, I would like to believe that all mermaids do have super human strength. Humans walk on land and there isn't much resistance walking against air. The ocean is completely another story. Ocean currents and waves are constantly in motion and hydrostatic drag is always present in water. You need to constantly fight it. Naturally, growing up in such conditions would give muscle composition an extra boost and give good cardiovascular health overall. I mean, look at professional swimmers. So for a mermaid who has lived their whole life underwater, SC probably quite literally "doesn't know her own stregnth" as dynamics in air is much much lighter than in water.

I would like to believe that SW also had super human strength as well if my analysis above is right. The reason why she probably didn't use it before was because of stereotypes in the past regarding women. Women were always regarded as the "weaker" sex in the past. A conservative woman was a proper woman. It is only now in the 21'st century that people are embracing the concept of an empowered woman who does not need a man to have rights. Going back to SW, maybe she was probably scared that they would hunt her even more and label her as an imminent freak of nature if she revealed it. Ancient times where sciene was still not that well advanced now sounds scary haha (Examples 1. Medical body malformations were once thought it was the parents' punishment for wrong doing they have done 2. Psychiatric disorders were thought to be a product of ghostly hauntings and exorcism was the only cure 3. The solution for almost every illness was believed to be bloodletting, letting people bleed out, etc etc etc)

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On 02/01/2017 at 10:40 PM, Kim Ngân Trần said:

this staff's wife update instagram

Actually the wife added angry icon in her caption like:"hubby,why did u look so happy while recording jun ji huyn" hêhhhehe

because shes a goddess and her husband is still a man after all :)

Edited by Chellsee
Please don't quote images.
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4 hours ago, Hunter White said:

@bebe1989, I'd love to think that it was CSA that ND was talking to and that CSA was telling ND her discovery. Although, I'm thinking if ND finds out that HJJ's Mom actually lives with CSA.. there's no way why ND will hide it from HJJ. Unless, CSA states that she "thinks" she knows where to find HJJ's Mom just to give her ample time to redeem herself. I just can't find any reason why ND will hide it from HJJ if he already knows where HJJ's Mom is at. If CSA reveals her discovery right away, the story of HJJ and his Mom will already end. Hmm.. Or it's possible that they found out about MDY being connected to the Psychiatrist. Oh darn it! I am puzzled.. Wed please come sooner so we can put this case to rest.haha:grin:

it would be good if he told jj right way.. because they are brother. My question is why simchung looks shocked when she was swimming ? Im so curious who is the one who saw her? Please let it be junjae :) 


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5 hours ago, JocelleC said:

Its really impossible but just wanna ask if u read about the rumor that song hye kyo will be guesting lotbs?

Hahaha. Stop reading that trash site. They create stories for click bait without legitimate sources for their information. Did they cite their sources, article or person, where they got their information? What's worse is sometimes that site just summarizes articles from other sites like Soompi and Allkpop without even crediting them. It is the same site that said LMH and Suzy are getting married. It also the same site that LMH and JJH are having an affair. Does that sound like a legit site to you?

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Been so eagerly waiting for the preview of episode 14!

Ahhhh~ So after knowing that SH killed herself after DR died, he got so worried for SC and keeps on reminding her to stay alive. So sweet of him~ I can totally see him going into over protective boyfriend mode now. heheh.

And i really hope that if ND sees SC in her true form, he will just be at most superficial bad if you know what i mean. I mean his con artist gang is all on SC side now. Hahahs. Hope he sees the light and the trio be the gang who protects SC too! *dreaming*

So excited for episode 14 to be released! I'm all set glued to my TV on Thurs and Fri just to do my part to bump up the international ratings! Hehehe.

LOTBS fighting!

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1 hour ago, bebe1989 said:

it would be good if he told jj right way.. because they are brother. My question is why simchung looks shocked when she was swimming ? Im so curious who is the one who saw her? Please let it be junjae :)

We have nothing to worry about if it's HJJ. Hopefully, that worried look is because she heard someone came in..if it's not HJJ, let's hope it's Tae Ho whom I am sure can keep SC's secret if he sees SC in mermaid form. Oh that would be cute! It'll make HJJ more jealous since SC and TH will have a little secret.haha..:wub::grin:

I know a villain or two is enough in a drama but I hope ND wont be his greedy self if he finds out about SC's secret. He is quite worried for HJJ changing into a good guy & that he's the one who keeps on noticing the odd looks and actions of both SC and HJJ. I hope he reacted that way in the teaser because of something else not because he sees SC as a mermaid..*crossing my fingers*.:sweatingbullets:

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