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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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26 minutes ago, nonski said:


awww thanks dongsaeng for always mentioning me before you start GIfcapping the episode! mwuah @jeonghyang! but where is my dose of YD!!!!!

@drmjs you got me there at YD being cute doing taichi *squeee* thanks for the recaps! now i am the one enjoying. :)

thanks also to all recappers, screencappers, commentators, translators! @Kasmic @dhia205 @Ayame @akhenaten @andy78 @Rin90 @angelangie 

mian if i missed on anyone 










Here is your YD Dosage noona!










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5 minutes ago, snowglobe147 said:



HJ: Come.

HJ: I can't keep on being like this.



thank you so much !!! :) you are a tresure .

this is what i am afraid of ... seams that they will keep the distance long time in the next episode .

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Thank you guys for the recaps and translations, so this seems like an episode full of emotions, huh ? The preview for tomorrow's episode is getting me excited, because well duh, HUG scene :) Hugs are just my favorite kind of emotional moments between people.

Anyway, I'll have more to say about the episode later when the subs come out, but two things I'm quite happy about: 1- NGM's character is safe and we got to see him and his kids again together. 2- SW standing up to her father, I'm quite hopeful after this, she and HJ might become friends again :) 


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9 minutes ago, snowglobe147 said:


Episode 16 Video Preview Translation:

YD: I heard about it. The patient who came as a doctor for Gukil Hospital.

SW: I thought about it-

YK: Were your feelings complicated?

HJ: I brought a new story.

HJ: You have it, right? The anesthesia records.

YD: You guys! You're hungry, right?

KJ: So you suspect Professor Hong. (I'm pretty sure I got that wrong)

KJ: Are you two rivals?

YD: Did you get a (something)? Why can't you remember?

HJ: Come.

HJ: I can't keep on being like this.




I'm so sorry for taking so long. I was on a trip over the past couple days, and I couldn't give you guys a heads up because my computer broke down on me before I left. I thought someone would have posted a translation by now, so I was backreading the last twenty pages trying to catch up with the thread. Okay now, back to backreading now. Durn it! I lost my page...


4 minutes ago, maria1983 said:

thank you so much !!! :) you are a tresure .

this is what i am afraid of ... seams that they will keep the distance long time in the next episode .

at least for half episode... 

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7 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

Chingu, you said it this is all done for OTP's growth and to make their bond stronger when JMH tries to break them up. So they will stand together and make him step down from being president of the hospital.  I don't like sad stories because they sure do know how to make us viewers cry for these pitiful characters. :tears::tears::tears:

i can stand with the sad story in doctors because i know it's mostly part to make our OTP grow and being a better person, to learn from other people past and pain, to see different kind of love from any side. 

and the great side from doctors is, that the pitiful person is usually a handsome one, that what make me sad heheheh....:P

if one drama don't know how to make people feel the roller coaster ride that drama won't be success right??

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14 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


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MH: What is your problem? Why aren’t you coming home?

SW: As dad has always said, dad is always working so hard (so that dad’s never home) anyway. So, what is the problem?

MH: Today at the doctor’s conference, do you know how Hong Ji Hong treated me? Do you know how he insulted me? I told you to stay close to Hong Ji Hong, didn’t I? What are you doing? What Hong Ji Hong was going to do, you should have let me know.

SW: Do you think I became a doctor so that I could do spying activities?

MH: What?

SW: I also have a dream. As a neurosurgeon.

MH: Did anyone say anything? Did anyone say anything about your dream?

SW: I’m not someone who was born as an avatar to fulfill dad’s expectations or desire for success.

MH: Is that something to say to your dad? To your dad who more than anyone else in the world loves you and believes in you?

SW: I love dad, too. That’s why I’ve been just putting up with it.

MH: What have you been putting up with?

SW: What did you say in front of Yoo Hye Jung? “Our Seo Woo is without ability so she can’t do things like that.” You said I don’t live in the real world?

MH: That’s just the truth.

SW: Truth? If that’s the truth, shall I also speak truthfully then? The university that dad couldn’t get into, I attended. The looks that dad never had, I have. The things that dad…

MH: Everything you have is due to me! If you had grown up in the same environment as Hye Jung, do you think you would be in this position now?

SW: Then, if it wasn’t for grandfather, do you think that you would be in this position now? At least, I was good at studying.

(MH slaps SW)

MH: I’m sorry. So, you can’t get it? (Think he wants her to get some information for him, and now he’s asking her about whether she can get it or not.)


akhhhh i love this... 

totally served JMH... SW so on point. it's like got punch right on his face out of the blue...

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57 minutes ago, jeonghyang said:




Here is your YD Dosage noona!



truly love this dongsaeng @jeonghyang and here's one back at you for my YD dose 63.gif 

i am actually sick so this gif is like a dose of vitamin C :) 


59 minutes ago, Ahpheng said:


i luveeeet unni! @Ahpheng and i thought you were saying I was the one who is jealous hehehe!

1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

I'm a sucker for the bromance. Under the spoiler is my translation of the following clip showing YD's interactions with SW, PR, and IJ in his apartment, followed by his interaction with JH at JH's apartment.


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YD: They’re not here. Yes. (at doorbell) What is this? No, no. They know the passcode. There is no reason why the Beagles would ring the doorbell to come in. 

(Seo Woo is at the door and comes in.)

YD: What are you doing?

SW: I said that there was something going on at the hospital. I’m not going home. 

YD: Yah! Already, my house doesn’t feel like my house.

(In Joo and Pa Ran come walking in.)

IJ: You came home early. Today, we came later so that you could have some alone time. 

PR: Seo Woo is here.

SW: Hello. I came to impose today.

IJ: Impose? What imposition? This is a heaven for the homeless.

PR: We welcome you to our heaven, Seo Woo.

SW: Thank you, uncle and sister.

YD: No. As much as you’ve been doing, this is too much. I have such a thing as a personal life.  Uncle, let’s really not be like this. Please take everyone and leave.

IJ: Yah, you leave. 

SW: That’s right.

PR: Yes, if you leave, then three people will be comfortable. 

YD: But this is my house.

IJ: Just because you have a house, you’re being too much. Of course, since I also have a house, I'm secure in the future.

YD: Okay. I’ll leave. The three of you live well together.

PR: Do you want me to tell you Ji Hong’s passcode?

YD: Do you know it?

(at JH’s apartment)

JH: What’s this?

YD: I was chased out.

JH: Wasn’t it your house?

YD: The fist was stronger than the law.

JH: Hey you, still, this isn’t your house, so how can you just barge in and do as you will? (raising a fist)

YD: You think just because you’re like that, I’m going to go upstairs? Instead of having to be upstairs with the beagles, I would rather stay here while you beat to death. I haven’t opened up your refrigerator because I didn’t think we were that close.

JH: We’re not even close enough for you to open the refrigerator, but you want to sleep here?

YD: We can just start becoming closer from now on. The only human in the building is Teacher Hong after all. As humans together, let’s try to get along well. (raising his arms as if to do surgery) Then, I’ll open the refrigerator. Would you like something to drink?

JH: Beer



After viewing this scene, I actually don't know if the IJ-YD ship is actually floating or not. But, I like the development of YD-JH. JH seemed to always have a rough affection for YD anyway, but YD is warming up to JH.  So cute. 



thank you so much for the translations... my grin is from ear to ear!

i love him calling 'em beagles, it's just way tooo cute, and the interaction, i'd die laughing!

and of course, there will never be a floating IJ-YD ship since i crashed it at the port, YD will sail on MY ship. :)

seriously i love the bromance between YD and JH, as in totally loving it!!!

and you guys (along with @snowglobe147 @NongpeeP ) are angels in disguise for translating... see at W on Wed... ooops we still have episode 16 tomorrow. :)  

you're welcome @UnniSarah

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The cameo this in this week episode is also sad. LSY had to choose between her brain dead wife and his unborn child..:bawling:. This reflect a lot between HJH desire to save his father despite the DNR directive signed by his late father. I guess that's why he is so emotional in this episode.

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I've got a question: was JMH trying to figure out what kind of relationship HJ and JH have, when he sent HJ to the VIP?

Or did he another intention like he thought that HJ was just a woman who is interested in having a powerful boyfriend so that he let her meet the VIP and knowing the personality of the assemblyman, he believed that HJ would easily give in to "harassement" from the VIP?

I guess, he heard about the scandal from the past therefore he thought that HJ might be an ambitious and greedy woman. Moreover, he heard about the corruption (car incident) and he jumped to the wrong conclusion. 

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25 minutes ago, angelangie said:


hahhaa okie so HyeJung and JiHong had friction right now but when the VIP was taking a bit too much interest in HyeJung, JiHong step in and examine the VIP to stop him talking to HyeJung.....

I guess the friction didnt stop him from being a jealous boyfriend? :D 

thanks @dhia205 for the scr

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LOL no matter you are VIP or even world owner... this girl is taken.. she is my territory :P

guy is guy... with their jealousy nature ni matter how calm and mature they are (sorry to all guy in here)


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Annyeong chingu.:grin:New patients here!

Me as a silent reader before . now I'm realize..I'm just  cannot bear anymore to read without being here with all patient heree. so that I can walk my life everyday happily..hehehe

So now, the episode development getting into the plot that make anyone feel really get into the drama easily. Like as we were also have in their real situation. How I love this kdrama. 

For me, Doctors become my first ongoing drama worth to follow. And I was like feeling heart fluttering while every episode for a week and need to wait another week..I'm glad to come here and read all of opinions, praising also the critical thinking about our Doctors..;):wub:

Edited by iriskyopta258
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8 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

I've got a question: was JMH trying to figure out what kind of relationship HJ and JH have, when he sent HJ to the VIP?

Or did he another intention like he thought that HJ was just a woman who is interested in having a powerful boyfriend so that he let her meet the VIP and knowing the personality of the assemblyman, he believed that HJ would easily give in to "harassement" from the VIP?

I guess, he heard about the scandal from the past therefore he thought that HJ might be an ambitious and greedy woman. Moreover, he heard about the corruption (car incident) and he jumped to the wrong conclusion. 

Interesting train of thought.. I wouldn't put it past MH to do something dirty. But if he does use the scandal of the past that SW will step in and clarify.

Which leads me to believe that SW is starting to finally come around and learning to grow up.

5 minutes ago, dhia205 said:

LOL no matter you are VIP or even world owner... this girl is taken.. she is my territory :P

guy is guy... with their jealousy nature ni matter how calm and mature they are (sorry to all guy in here)

JH is definitely territorial... I think our OTP are generally.. which adds layers to their character.

4 minutes ago, angelangie said:

now it will be JiHong turns to learn to lean or should we said confide in HyeJung so that like InJoo said dont make your partner 'Lonely' by subconsciously pushing and doing things single-handedly.....i like to tell you we will not have sad stories any more however i cant as hospital setting always have ample of sad stories going around :)

dont worry you see HyeJung is here to provide hugs to make it better :D 

Sorry to cut your post.. I do appreciate how our OTP takes turns providing support to the other.. I'm definitely enjoying this drama!

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10 minutes ago, iriskyopta258 said:

Annyeong chingu.:grin:New patients here!

Me as a silent reader before . now I'm realize..I'm just  cannot bear anymore to read without being here with all patient heree. so that I can walk my life everyday happily..hehehe

So now, the episode development getting into the plot that make anyone feel really get into the drama easily. Like as we were also have in their real situation. How I love this kdrama. 

For me, Doctors become my first ongoing drama worth to follow. And I was like feeling heart fluttering while every episode for a week and need to wait another week..I'm glad to come here and read all of opinions, praising also the critical thinking about our Doctors..;):wub:

Hello !!

welcome , i still don't understand why you enter in this no escape place haha what was in your mind ? what ? hahaha

nice to have you here !! enjoy this crazy ride with us . we are nnot crazy . or at least not that crazy .  :)



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