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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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5 hours ago, Kasmic said:


@starb82 you've edited your post so I couldnt quote you... THANK YOU Im sure you meant no offence but sadly it did to me.

  But I just want to point out, screen capping or gif capping during live streaming is VERY full on and intense. Its tiring too that at times Im considering to give up and just enjoy the streaming. Your post made me think maybe I should esp since my screencaps are slower than the others. Mian me and my butterfingers :sweatingbullets: But I sure enjoy it and love to share my giddiness with all here. @jeonghyang much credit to you gif master as well as all the other screencappers and recappers in all our eps good-job-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862 

I didnt know and apologies if you felt that the images would make the scenes or in this case the kiss scene more awkward or perhaps spoil your mood of the drama. I take that since you've edited you post then no harm was intended on your end. THANK YOU CHINGUE! 


Oh no! Did I offend you with my post? I avoided live screen caps because I want to enjoy the show live version. I'm sure it's a hard work and I appreciate and thankful for all of the screen cappers, youre dedication is amazing. 

When I found out about this kiss is nit actually from here but from other and just instantly wanted to share how exciting the thread is becaus of the kiss. And because there is already bad comments about the kiss in twitter and other social media.

But like I said, I have nothing against it. I'm just expressing my concern about people's reception especially with Shin Hye's reputation. I know it's not her fault, but I still feel bad for her. 

I just watch the sub version, and I like it. Like I said, Imma going to stop being critical about this drama and enjoy the ride. Like a true viewer... people can go nuts about it, as long as I feel good when I watch it, I don't care what the critics are saying.

And yes, I have butterflies all through ep 6.

Again, I'm sorry if what I said offended the screen cappers. and please don't stop, as long as you enjoy screen capping, don't let anything stop you.



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14 minutes ago, dani4lane said:

 Can we please stop bringing reviews from Hancinema to this site. I really do not care for this reviewer and what he says about Doctors and the characters.


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Okay come back here, after re-watching ep 5th and 6th. I like how the writer developed each character here. And congratulation for the rating, they deserve to get it.

JYD - I hate him in ep 5th. He intentionally told HJ to do surgery - to test her capability. In short way, he made a bet with patient's life. What kind of doctor is he? It was relief the surgery went well. The good point, he admitted his wrong - simple minded and straightforward person, i like it!. In ep 6th - different side of him. He is funny, cute and has responsibility. Glad he takes over HJ's stepmom surgery. I dont know how the story will go, but to make objective judgement, isn't better if family member dont involved in kind of situation? And stepmom-stepdoughter is not good either.

JSW-Her childish behaviour is not disappear even after 13 years. I like a lot of YD's words to her - "Were you really a victim back then? I dont think so!" - referring to her fabricated trauma. "Do you have inferiority complex to dr Yoo? You are not lack at all fields, then why you are so aware of her?" - referring to her over curious toward HJ. These words should made her thinking - "Yes, right. Then why i like this?". SW always puts herself as a victim, when something doesnt go in her way. She doesnt look at herself, what she have done so "the misfortune" come to her. She always looking for someone to be blamed. Ah cingu @bebebisous33 thank you for pointing the important point. Yes, after ahjumma's death i guess she learns to feel the feeling of losing someone. She is completely stranger but in short time like your best friend, ahjumma really knows her well. But in short time too, you lose her forever. And more than this you lose her in a position as a doctor-patient. She must have uneasy feeling - burden, guilt. I do have compliment LSK's acting. She acted beautifully, so on point. And of course, slow motion mode help her - SBS PDs really love this kind of trick lately (I watch Wanted, and the PD also did this).

Granny's surgery - After reading the surgery document/record, I assume JH feel there is nothing wrong and/or there is no big mistake have accured, generally. But, he wants to ask his friend from general surgery for more explanation - means there is something that he didnt know, right? So in conclusion, there is something weird but supposely is not a big deal. But why granny end up dying? Ahh, i dont know how to put it in words, my bad english. Mianhe if making you confuse, please ignore this part of it is bothering you guys.

HJ's stepmom - Addressing herself as her mom to get discount? Damn! 

Power struggle, Private Hospital or General Hospital? This kind of problems happen in everywhere, in my country too. Doctors have to save patients in every condition (humanity reason), but dont forget that doctors also human being, they have to make a living (money reason). Now i am waiting for briliant point of view of the writer. Hope she will unfold the complicated issue beautifully.

OTP - Cute, sweet and deeply in love. Ahh not love yet, the feeling that you need someone in your good or bad time. I like JH who always says that he can help her to enjoy her life and be happy. About kiss, i wont say it in a long words - It was awkward, YES but Perfect! There are some lines that i like from JH in the last night eps.

"I will do something to you as human being, person to person" - Hug.

"I will do something to you as man to woman" - Kiss.

Then, in the future, (maybe) it should be :

"I will do something to you as a lover" - Hot and passionate Kiss.

"I will do something to you as my life partner, husband and wife" - Bed Scene.

Woahh.... My pervy minds is on fire. And i notice some Koala Pervy Minds Club Member from OHYA thread. Hahha....

The other line "Life is not about waiting the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in then rain". I feel this line has deep meaning.

Last, i have one more otp - SH and CKS - they are so cute. Two bromance clubs - neurosurgery resident club - CKS,PYG,CJD and KKJ and weird surgeon club - HJH, Samchoon/Uncle ( who is his name?), JYD.

Ahh my posts really long, right? You will get headache while reading it, and my poor english must disturbing you a lot. Mianhe, but please bear with me. :)

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23 minutes ago, starb82 said:


Oh no! Did I offend you with my post? I avoided live screen caps because I want to enjoy the show live version. I'm sure it's a hard work and I appreciate and thankful for all of the screen cappers, youre dedication is amazing. 

When I found out about this kiss is nit actually from here but from other and just instantly wanted to share how exciting the thread is becaus of the kiss. And because there is already bad comments about the kiss in twitter and other social media.

But like I said, I have nothing against it. I'm just expressing my concern about people's reception especially with Shin Hye's reputation. I know it's not her fault, but I still feel bad for her. 

I just watch the sub version, and I like it. Like I said, Imma going to stop being critical about this drama and enjoy the ride. Like a true viewer... people can go nuts about it, as long as I feel good when I watch it, I don't care what the critics are saying.

And yes, I have butterflies all through ep 6.

Again, I'm sorry if what I said offended the screen cappers. and please don't stop, as long as you enjoy screen capping, don't let anything stop you.



Thats ok Chingue.. i know u mean no harm. :D

I feel for PSH too and frankly Im scared to read those comments and even any from the kneitz. (*sigh*) Shes doing so well here in Docs that I hope this kiss scene doesnt egg on those critics. Gah!!! Lets hope there will be more to this scene and better yet another kiss opportunity to prove them wrong. But does she need to do that? Gah!! Im just gonna skip those critics and support PSH in no matter what she does. Screw those critics :angry:

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Omg....this thread is moving super fast!!!:lol::lol:  Only off for less than 10hrs and I have to back read so many pages!!!:crazy:  I have watch Ep 6 (not going to say how many times:blush:) and LOVE IT!!!:wub: I am super super excited to check out the party at Sooni Hawaii on the following Ep...haahaahahaa!!! DOCTORS are having Friday Party.  I am also looking forward to that steamy kisses:blush:.  The rating will properly hit double digits with some steamy kisses...lol!!!


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7 hours ago, andreasofia16 said:

Congrats for the rating! :w00t:

Although I haven't watched the episode, because I'm waiting for the subtitles, I've been thinking about today's episode. For me, it was very significant to strengthen the relationship between JH and HJ. First of all, if you want to love someone, you need to trust him. All the time he did things to gain her confidence. Nobody can touched her. But she has changed with him. He grabbed her shoulders, hugged her, and kissed her, and she let him. She gave him a plant for his new office and even asked him the favor to check the medical records of her grandmother. And although she was upset with him, she finds him in the park. My dearest friends, that's love. And he knows all this. This is why he is dancing in the rain, because he's in love and knows that she is also in love with him!  For me this all makes sense. Why? Because when people fall in love can do crazy and weird things. So, we will see what will be next. Meanwhile, we can enjoy their dancing in the rain and think about what could happen in the next episode. It will be fun. See you! :)


Yes! I could not agree more with you @andreasofia16. Hi, I am new here in this thread  but not as a soompian. 

Well, this is what we call true love and I believe JH is pretty sure that HJ likes him too. Perhaps the rest of next episodes, we will be seeing more actions speak louder than words! Could it be because I remember there's a part when JH said everytime they're talking about serious thing, its turn it to be a comedy/funny. 

Honestly, I love this pair so much! I can see their mutual relationship and understanding in making this drama a great one and not to mention their great chemistry. I am sorry that I just couldn't help but to ship this couple! Fighting Kim Rae Won, Park Shin Hye!

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Hi all, I'm just joining drama world again after taking a hiatus since mid-Feb due to busyness. And Doctors is the one that got me interested enough to start making time to watch dramas again. What can I say... I'm loving our OTP! My guess for next scene in ep.7 will be that JH just letting go of her and act natural like it's no big deal, and giving the still-stunned HJ space and time to process her feelings and thoughts with what just happened, but not forgetting to give her assurance that he'll wait for her to be ready for next stage of their relationship.

@parmma Thanks for the fashion report. I love her floral blouse by the way. It's something I would buy and wear. On that fashion note, I wonder if you know how to find other  stuff used in other dramas? I really love a small bag a female lead used in a drama a few years back but there was only a brief glimpse of it, so can't tell what brand. Any clue where I can find such info?


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Hahah you chingus... After reading all your comments and speculations, I've joined the dark side - my mind has spent some time in the gutter lately. Gotta climb back to the light :P

How am I gonna survive till monday... If there's one thing different about the aftermath of watching an american tv show is you get tons of fanfictions to dwelve your life into but I hardly come across any k-fanfic! 

Unless I haven't been searching in the right places? Btw, I have also been seeing "DC gallery", may I know if there is a link to that or it means something? Haha forgive me, pretty clueless abt these things. Thank youuu! 

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Guest Agie


3 hours ago, rameennoodles said:


i hope so! i think she's still not convinced about pursuing a romantic relationship but at the same time she's definitely opening up to it. she didn't reject him outright during the bench scene in ep 5 and i'm really curious as to how she'll react to the kiss. once she's absolutely sure of the relationship i sincerely doubt she'll call him ji hong-shi or something formal. considering JH is the master of cheese i have no doubt in my mind he'll want her to call him something sickeningly sweet and judging by HJ's contact name for JH on her phone i think she'll be more than willing to oblige HAHA. i can totally imagine him asking her to call him oppa and she'd respond by teasingly calling him ahjussi or something LOL



the more i think about it the more i fall in love with the rain scene. i've only seen HJ truly open up and let go of herself in front of two people (minus grandma), SH and now JH too. when she just stared at him in shock from inside the phone booth and then burst out laughing from the ridiculousness of the situation i was squealing (PSH's has the sweetest smile omggg) and then when he pulled her out to dance with him i love how she just went along with it instead of trying to get out of it. i don't think the dancing felt awkward at all. i just saw two people who were genuinely happy to be with one another, savouring the moment while they could. the background music was PERFECT it gives the song a whole new meaning for me now. i think the first kiss was perfectly acceptable given the circumstances they occurred in

a. they aren't dating. which is why i'm really glad JH gave her a warning beforehand instead of just swooping in

b. he matches her level instead of making her go towards him. while it made for a somewhat unappealing shot (only in some angles imo) it shows that he's considerate of her feelings and just wants her to be fully aware of his. 

c. it might have been a pretty chaste kiss but it was NOT unwanted from what we saw. HJ's eyes were only initially open at first but there was no famous deer in the headlights gaze in her eyes following that. she had every opportunity to pull away but she didn't. i think the reason why the kiss looks so stilted is bc it was slowed down for the sake of dramaticness. we know how much the pd loves slowmo in this drama.

d. HJ's past experience or lack thereof. honestly bc we see HJ as this strong doctor now i think we forget just how bad she had it before. the girl went through her mom's death, constant abuse from her stepmom, a father who would look the other way and the death of her grandma, the one person who saw the best in her. are we seriously surprised that the girl hasn't indulged in a romantic relationship considering what she's been through? i'm glad that if they chose to do a kiss scene early it was a tame one like this bc otherwise it would have felt too forced and unrealistic.

anyway i'm going to stop rambling. i hate this show what has it done to me omg. i've never wanted the weekend to end so quickly before it started lmao




For first step I just want her to call him oppa :wub: .....like @Ahphengcomic strip hehehe

3 hours ago, lc85 said:

@Agie I actually prefer that they maintain professionalism and call each other "Dr" at the hospital. It seems more appropriate. I am wondering when HJ changed JH's name on her phone. Does he have a special name for her on his phone? If he did, I missed it.


Agree with you in the hospital they should call each other "Dr". 

Hye Jung put Ji Hong name in her contact phone : "Hong Hong Hong"

Ji Hong put Hye Jung name in his contact phone : Yoo Hye Jung ----> so lame, not cheesy at all, instead he prove it he is cheesy at heart by his action not by nickname in his contact phone

Ji Hong put Seo Woo name in his contact phone : Neurosurgery Jin Seo Woo ----> like he will forget that JSW is from neurosurgery not from other department ...LOL

2 hours ago, jeijei said:

@Agie, that's a beautiful picture.

If HyeJung got her first kiss from Dr. Hong, what happened with Jisoo?




What happened to So Chul is still mystery to us here, but he made his come back in episode 5. I guess it will reveal what happened to him in future episode..


I can not help to post this pic again...I just imagine this pic wasn't the BTS, but part of the drama 

The way they gaze each other.....gosh give me warmth in my heart...I hope in the future we could see many pics like this especially in Hye Jung side, no doubt in Ji Hong hehehe

And her fingers claims Ji Hong hands:wub:


And this pic...woaaah...I notice..Hye Jung hasn't has personal space here...look at she didn't hesitate at all to pull Ji Hong hand to her boobs ....and Ji Hong happily lean to her:P


credit pics to the owner


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6 hours ago, angelangie said:


Hancinema has his points on the plots that the writer has yet to thicken it and he expected more from the shows but the review didnt shed any light for he didnt like the way how HJ seems to be sailing through and maybe he really dont like arrogant attitude inside a person in the first place.....which HJ carried it off with a shine lols....however while she is arrogant she is also sympathetic and one thing i dont agreed on is how she took on the operation YD pushes on her as a challenge....

hmmm teacher - student....yea most ppl oppose to it especially if u come across certain nation as i think for they believe a teacher is almost like a parent to you....so it is not right for the child-parent figure to be in a relationship?

Hi @angelangie chingu.....i agree with what you said but may I clarify my thought process on this aspect a little more :)

Regarding the Hancinema review, first of all, the reviewer is absolutely entitled to his opinion which can be different from mine and I do agree with some of his points on the plotting [eg. the set up they showed us of grandma dying never felt of any big conspiracy or crime or neglect to me, but now the show is trying to make it seem like there was something very wrong with the surgery and Hyejung's goal is to uncover that truth. I find that the level of urgency I was shown then doesn't match with the gravity of the situation that is being shown now].

However when I watched all the 6 eps I had the feeling the writer was developing one plot point at a time instead of everything at once given she needs fodder for the whole of 20 eps.....and in this beginning arc it is about the establishment of the love story between the main characters. I feel like when the relationship has been well established the focus will shift more to other things. So as a reviewer I find Hancinema's sweeping condescension about same old plotting in medical dramas with respect to "Doctors" a trifle hasty and prejudiced.

Honestly speaking how much different can you really make a medical drama? Unless its science fiction or fantasy maybe. Its like people will complain when its a mere procedural, they will also complain if there is hospital politics taking the limelight, they will also complain if the interpersonal relationships between the hospital staff is the major focus.....there seems to be no satisfaction. As far as I know "Doctors" always claimed how a girl called HJ came from difficult circumstances to change her life and become a good doctor with the help of HJH her mentor whom she grew to love. In my opinion a good review would highlight the good points of a show while touching upon the points that were not so good in a more or less objective manner. Constantly harping on much a show has irked you simply saps out the pleasure of the show from those coming to read the review and also biases a lot of people against watching it. This is the reason I feel that reviewers even while expressing their own views should be a bit more measured. For "Doctors" all the sites I read were basically hung up on the same points making me wonder if I was missing some crucial negative vibe that they seem to have felt. 

Regarding the teacher student aspect---- That has been the singular most talked about point of this drama really. Its not like I dont get the reservations against the idea in general because I come from one of the more traditional countries in Asia and I totally understand it. In real life I would not countenance it and in case of shows where they fail to portray it with the careful consideration it requires I dont support it at all. However in here that has not been the case. The whole aspect has been treated pretty much in a sensitive and sensible manner....HJH or HJ may have had feelings for each other but I never saw the possibility of them acting on it and jeopardizing themselves or each other. Thus I dont understand all the instantaneous rejections about it. Its like people know at the back of their minds how HJH and Hj are supposed to be romantic leads and it colours their perception of the interactions during ep 1-4. I just think that a little more objectivity in viewing, a relaxed range of suspension of disbelief and a firm sense that this is a drama and not real life would make more people appreciative of the drama and not dismiss it offhand.

Sorry chingu for this too long post. I will try not to vent my spleen anymore so everyone please dont mind this once :)

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