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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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2 hours ago, Kasmic said:

OMO I love this song... my dearest Pretties you would too esp @siena407 @nonski @maplekist @Ahpheng @maplekist @pandalover1 @yaqiyuki @xiashenghan @plappi @moodypie @bebebisous33 @delfin @Sarang21 @emme85 @heartoppaya @Mau_Cherry @ruzikie  @onnififi DEJA VU much???


I wish I can find the YT link mian :heart: 

EdIT opps how could I forget theSWP thread starter @kyunii88 and others whom were there too @evie7 @suchadiva42 @irilight @jadecloud mian too many Pretties to remember but yes you all would love this FMV :blush:

 I love it:wub: The song and our otpcrazy-monkey-emoticon-121.gif I'm just jelly everytime I see them together. Thanks for the shout out. It would have taken me a few hours to get to this.We do have a few who are mia so I hope this gets them here.

Edited by evie7
mods sorry for the double post I thought it would merge
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Guest myasally

Have a nice sleep guys, tomorrow will be the day....perhaps we won't get enough sleep tomorrow night....spazzing...lol:wub:

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Guest AlexMao

Given that it's been roughly 13 years since the end of episode 3 and the beginning of episode 4, we'll argue that it's plenty of time for both Hye Jung & Seo Woo to graduate high school, college and medical school but how is it in all that time Seo Woo still acts like some spoiled brat? I can understand her being a pain in the butt during her high school days given that she was experiencing the pangs of first love/crush and as we're aware that didn't really pan out for her. Okay. Fast forward 13 years later and we have her basically 13 years older and not a day wiser. I know the series is meant to have a bit of drama (both realistic and a bit artificial) but at what point is she supposed to have her moment of self-realization that ... I don't know ... being an adult and being a doctor doesn't mean you go running your mouth and or complain that things aren't going according to your self-absorb/delusional plans? 

Given the interaction Seo Woo had with Yoon Do (admittedly massive failure) she seems to be lacking really all sense and morals that one general earns with age and experience. I'd rather have her focus on competing with Hye Jung in the OR rather than the minefield of love. She can get the respect she thinks she should have and what do you know capture the heart of a flip-flopping Yoon Do in the process (win-win or something similarly cliched).

Moving on to Hye Jung and Ji Hung ... :mask: + :love: =  :naughty: ('nough said)

I'd really like to say more about Hye Jung's quest to bring down Myung Joon over the death of her grandmother but really I can't see anything positive coming from this. She's get a moment of revenge/apathy/understanding but at the same time she'll destroy Seo Woo's world in the process. 

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34 minutes ago, AlexMao said:

Given that it's been roughly 13 years since the end of episode 3 and the beginning of episode 4, we'll argue that it's plenty of time for both Hye Jung & Seo Woo to graduate high school, college and medical school but how is it in all that time Seo Woo still acts like some spoiled brat? I can understand her being a pain in the butt during her high school days given that she was experiencing the pangs of first love/crush and as we're aware that didn't really pan out for her. Okay. Fast forward 13 years later and we have her basically 13 years older and not a day wiser. I know the series is meant to have a bit of drama (both realistic and a bit artificial) but at what point is she supposed to have her moment of self-realization that ... I don't know ... being an adult and being a doctor doesn't mean you go running your mouth and or complain that things aren't going according to your self-absorb/delusional plans? 

Given the interaction Seo Woo had with Yoon Do (admittedly massive failure) she seems to be lacking really all sense and morals that one general earns with age and experience. I'd rather have her focus on competing with Hye Jung in the OR rather than the minefield of love. She can get the respect she thinks she should have and what do you know capture the heart of a flip-flopping Yoon Do in the process (win-win or something similarly cliched).

Moving on to Hye Jung and Ji Hung ... :mask: + :love: =  :naughty: ('nough said)

I'd really like to say more about Hye Jung's quest to bring down Myung Joon over the death of her grandmother but really I can't see anything positive coming from this. She's get a moment of revenge/apathy/understanding but at the same time she'll destroy Seo Woo's world in the process. 

IT is more than that. JMJ is the director of that hospital and he has such a high position. SW's father is about to get rid of JH's father. He wants to manage the whole business. That's why her grandmother's death is not just a matter of pain and only concerns HJ. If this is leaked, JMJ will lose the support and his position. Sure, HJ has no idea about it.

Concerning SW, it will affect her. Notice that she mentioned to Jung YD that she brought the bully to justice! She considers her action from 13 years ago as if she had helped justice to prevail. Imagine her reaction when she hears the injustice HJ suffered due to her father. She will never believe HJ's words as facts, but when the scandal is revealed, she will have no choice to accept the truth. 

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6 minutes ago, NileRose said:

Can someone translate preview  :wub:

It was translated back in page 215 (you have to scroll down a bit on that page). Maybe you didn't notice it since the thread moves fast lol.

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3 hours ago, Bambiina said:

I wonder how many dimension of love we gonna get in DOC .. 

I wonder if there gonna be hexagonal love  between


Wahhhh  .. too many good man and only one HJ .. :D ... 

One more day to go .. another 24 hrs ..



@Bambiina, that's what I was thinking. I don't remember any other drama where the female lead had so many admirers; all gorgeous and in marriageable age. :w00t:

What has intrigued me is the relationship between HJ and SC 13 years ago. She tried to use SC to forget JH as he did with IJ and eventually failed and left? Or they became friends and he supported her? Many things to know... :sweatingbullets:


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7 hours ago, Kasmic said:

OMO I love this song... my dearest Pretties you would too esp @siena407 @nonski @maplekist @Ahpheng @maplekist @pandalover1 @yaqiyuki @xiashenghan @plappi @moodypie @bebebisous33 @delfin @Sarang21 @emme85 @heartoppaya @Mau_Cherry @ruzikie  @onnififi DEJA VU much???


I wish I can find the YT link mian :heart: 

EdIT opps how could I forget theSWP thread starter @kyunii88 and others whom were there too @evie7 @suchadiva42 @irilight @jadecloud mian too many Pretties to remember but yes you all would love this FMV :blush:

@Kasmic Hey pretty sista! (*waves to all pretties* come on board if you haven't!) What a find! Are you an anthropologist? You dig really well..:lol: I love this song and now it brings back awesome memories of SWP thread and that other awesome drama...I love the womance in there, just as I'm digging the one in here. just as you do @heartoppaya (*waves* glad you jumped in too)... Long Live WOMANCE! (I mean bosom galpals specifically). Actually, I'm hoping for some kind of bromance to take place too. Perhaps? I'm seeing JH with that cute resident doc/colored hair guy(forgot his name), and I'm hoping Soo Chul and JH will end up as buddies from being initial HJ love rivals. Or could it be JH and YD? Will any of  that happen? Hmm...

@evie7 Hey sista. Thank you and I will try. Me too LOL, can't get over that helipad scene. I'm glad a thingy like gif exists :P

(btw, thanks for the tag pretty sistas... they got me right to your posts hehehe)


Btw, @heartoppaya, apologies for not responding to your shoutout over at AOHY. I was too far behind by the time I read it, and thought I should just stay lurking instead. That was another awesome GEM. A lil bit off-awesome towards the end, but a good ending and an awesome drama nevertheless. I LOVE SHJ to death! And I LOVE that OTP. They are sooooo cute and hot! For now, my attention is on JiHye. Oh dear, I think JiHye will overtake my feels for BEST OTP todate, I'm feeling it in my bones! *shiver*


12 hours ago, kate_USA said:

Do we have the translation for the letter that granny left for HJ in Ep 3? That letter must have a lot of meanings for HJ to change her life around ....B)




@kate_USA Hi chingu.... the vid you've watched must not have the subs for this scene. I think it was subbed in some other vids. Anyway, here's the gist of what grandma wrote to HJ:


HJ, read this letter please. I wrote it just in case. I could lose my mind during the surgery or could die. Even animals will not leave their kids behind. I don't know why your parents behaved that way. But this is also your fortune(복 bog 福 literally means this). However, you have a good grandma. Though it(death) shouldn't happen,. I've left you my bank account book in case I'm gone. I've changed it to your name. Get a good education with this money. In this world, grandma admires a learned girl/woman the most. My back is starting to hurt, I'll stop writing. Love, grandma.

(btw, this is translated off csub vid that I was rewatching on)

Sad, isn't it? TBH, I'm mad:angry: at writer-nim for 'killing off' grandma, HJ's only real fam left. But, I guess we all need to hate an antagonist aka SW's dad for botching up the surgery that should have been a breeze, like his prognosis indicated. And anyway, we need HJ to wake up and pull up her socks then. I'm so proud and happy that she did. I believe the money wasn't really enough to get her the medical education she had undergone, but in her special situation of hardship and giftedness(an IQ like that, any top class med school would have wanted her), it is plausible that HJ would have smartly taken advantage of some scholarship offers. Many in her shoes would have, well, gone bonkers with shopping, toys, drugs, partying or any other instant gratification with that money left behind.

Btw, PATIENTS, not picking bones here but just to clarify for better appreciation of the script as writer-nim intended...DF subbed this line as 'There's no one I envy more than an educated person'. It's not quite what grandma said. She specifically mentioned '배운 여자 baeun yeoja 博学女孩'  which means 'learned girl/woman', which I thought was pretty awesome that writer-nim penned it as such. It's a bullseye encouragement and motivation for HJ. 

PS: I don't know what Viki subbed it as (pretty sure as is intended) since I've been unable to watch the vids w/o it freezing every few minutes. I gave up watching there for now though trying to fix the annoying situation.


You were born into this world, so why not live a special life? - Grandma Mal Soon

Love this quote too. It should have struck HJ deeply, esp after grandma's sudden and unexpected death.

As always, thank you all for updates and insights. Ohhhh myyyy gosh, the latest stills are just hastening my heartbeats. Love them all, esp the ones of OTP:heart:

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6 hours ago, Bambiina said:

OMG this thread is full of the cream of the cream soompiers ... :D ... the thread never sleep I can't keep up ...and hehehe.. I feel so small among the giants here .. GREAT and FABULOUS insight I don't think I can add anymore insight .. I swear I can't do anything if I read everyone post

Please keep posting. I'm loving your posts:wub:Got my hands raised for a steamy kiss scene, I never get tired of that scene on the hospital rooftop. I'm just drooling to over our otp with you, and all of these squee worthy men.in-love-pink-mouse-emoticon.gif But I have to admit everytime I see KRW  with that smile and  those intense staresdead-onion-head-emoticon.gif Heck even when our PSH gives those intense stares my fangirl mode goes crazy(because she is the queen when it comes to them) I'm dead again and usually I watch dramas for my oppas. 

@Justiffa LZZ here's how to post pics:


Down load them to you device. I'm on a chromebook so I down load the screen shots to google drive. Then open an account at one of the pic hosting sites. I use imgur and sometimes photobucket. Up load it to the site then just click on the direct link and post it in the insert other media tab Insert image url. But don't use the url image from the site. This is a helpful linc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uaz1bNzZ4LCrHQwam-0mHLMdw_0-pPVjbOdFWDCYBPE/edit?pli=1#heading=h.t2xr16n2y2c8 this is the soompi tutorial

LOL myleo cat is so jealous! He keeps trying to sit on my laptop.:crazy: He does not care how rude that is.

14 hours ago, lclarakl said:

Seo Woo is book smart, educated academically and knows what the book teaches her to do. However, when the reality of an unexpected emergency turns up that deviates from the normal process of how she learned it from a book, she's lost...... that's when it's better to have common sense on top of the book smarts. When the lady passed out, she frozen.  Whereas Hye Jung is more like a MacGyver (U.S. TV show)--use common sense to figure out a way to save a life, Seo Woo would give up if everything wasn't perfectly in place.

Wow that is SW in a nutshell. She acts like she's confident but in reality she is not. I'm not sure why she freezes when the unexpected happens. Being a doctor she should expect something not go along like her text books describes it. I would think that happens most of the time. Is it because she has had everything handed to her? I just can't see that as an excuse. She just expects things to go her way and doesn't know how to handle it when they don't. I'm still upset w/her that she has never acknowledged the wrong she caused  to Hye Jung.(I know holding a resentment just hurts the person holding it and drama resentments are the worse but I'm finding it hard to let this one go.) I hope she doesn't  almost kill some one before she see's realizes that nothing is perfect and she does have to get her hands dirty w/something other than posting lies on the internet.  (I hoping she does because I really like LSK, loved Beak In Ha and don't want to spend weeks hating on her)


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20 hours ago, Agie said:

I am so done...just with 3 update pics .... I feel so giddy .... so I just keep staring at the pics...and here what I found...LOL

Man I wish we could expand this pic for further observation.


     CR @Agie

It reminds me of the importance of kisses in kdrama discussion we had a few pages back. I forget who mentioned that some will watch our otp 's kiss over and over in slow mo if we can. I have to say I'm so giddy over Hye Jung and Ji Hong that I'm going to be one of those who will have to study that kiss scene over and over. I hope we will get a btsembarrassed1-onion-head-emoticon.gif

Edited by evie7
this and that
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i can't believe my eyes. our doctors thread has 3 moderater.:wub:i never ever seen many of them like that.Its really new to me.I never imagine they also watch a drama like us.In the past I just think all of mod are watch us to remind about the soompi rule:blink:.hahahaha.:wub:don't give me ot :bawling:pleaseeeeeeeeeee :blush:tommorrow is D day .yay.can't wait ,can't wait.Actually i really don't think we can see the kiss sence becos most of the dramas are start at episode 8 or 9 .so so.

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19 hours ago, evie7 said:

I feel ya!  I have the same symptoms. Some one needs to call a doctor!

Aww @evie7 chingu did you call for the particular, ageing like fine wine, doctor for me....for you...for all of us! big-eyes-raccoon-emoticon.gifLove you  close-hug-raccoon-emoticon.gifaiyoh this doc is gonna have his hands full with all of us......I have an idea......We can just ask SW's dad to use HJH as promotional model for Gukil......then he and the hospital will be rolling in money in no time. Much better than giving boring presentations......plus he'll get forex as well coz ahjummas internationally will all be queuing at Gukil to get treated yes-raccoon-emoticon.gif  

@Bambiina wow chingu your compliment is making me blush :blush: and I am also with you as a member of PAC for all the steamy things the pdnim can give us :D getting greedier by the minute!

 @thao_2512 really we'll get a buddy for HJH....that's a relief. I was actually worrying that he will have to shoulder all the angst by himself when we get to those eps. I honestly dont like seeing him sort of solitary.

And to all the Patients Thank you......you guys are just great with all the new updates and the new preview....I cant wait for tomorrow! less than 24 hours to air.....Cheers to us, we somehow survived :P

On another note, I am quite excited for the plot really.....I mean how YD will fall for HJ, how HJH is gonna woo HJ, the inevitable rivalry that is gonna between YD and HJH, more of how HJ learns about being a good doc + procedures from YD and HJH....some more fighting for HJ also plz. Bring it on Doctors!


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18 hours ago, sarskinz said:

HI Guys! I've been hearing about the drama since the casting was confirmed and since then I decided I really wanted to check it out! But now I've re-watched the first four episode more then 5 times. I'M ADDICTED:(

Story of my life. :dissapointed:

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