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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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 @littleloony@bebebisous33 OMGG thank you very much for feeding the fantasy mystical fiction romance lovers in me :w00t: AWESOME I'm blown away :wub: The theory with Hae Soo as Heaven's sent celestial maiden whose heart recognize the true king of Goryeo is just :heart: 

Then all her vision made sense. First vision, the death of three king, is the way the heaven told her that she needs to find the next king. Then the second vision with WS image suddenly become king with scary eyeliner is the way the heaven told her he is gonna be the next king. And then the third vision is telling her that he is ruthless and have a violent side, how is she gonna handle him? Is she still going to be drawn to him, thus giving her heart and making him the true keeper of goryeo? I'm soo excited~

Before I'm not overly fond of those vision like "Stop giving the girl's vision she is freaking out for heaven's sake." lol (I just realized that it's a pun to @littleloony's theory). Now I'm actually looking forward to the supposedly heaven's message, thank youu. B)

FANTASTIC INSIGHT. Good job guys!!

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okay..just a quick question (going to read all of your insights later..super busy IRL) ... @40somethingahjumma or @ruizaio or anyone who become DSS member..I actually a DSS forum member..3 years ago,but then real life kept me busy so I didn't logged in for a very long time..and I forgot my password and my profile account..so I'm trying to register again but got rejected..the site said this time they don't receive new members. This isn't OOT by the way, because I want to have MLSHR subs so I could compare it..there were so many convo that had a different translate (like when WS learn in the palace with his brothers..the paper boats and the current etc). Somebody can help me?thank you again.. :)

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5 hours ago, Adnana said:

It's not that I need plot spoilers as such, but that I need a series of assurances that only a complete drama can provide, before I start watching. Like the assurance of a HEA. I don't even know how I ended up live-watching (and obsessing over) a drama about which the only sure thing is its tragic ending. Must be the power of LJG's Wang So. Sigh.

And I can very much relate on what you said here. I rarely live watch a drama, probably just once a year. I was initially interested in Moon Lovers because of LJG, but the drama itself (as imperfect as it is in some aspects) has kept me very much interested.


I think the "most calm" period here in the thread is usually about Thursday when only 2-3 pages are added every hour or two.yup, calm alright..

Keep posting guys! 

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6 hours ago, ruizaio said:


The order of princes in the K version has been changed from the actual history. For example, 14th is considered to be older than 8th because he married an older half-sister than 8th. The only coinciding number is 4th, the other princes' numbers are not clear from history.

14th as in jisoo's character is married and older than wookies? :o

Thats not what is implied here.. is it..


even if 4th coincides with the actual hero.. still too much of a conincidence for me

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Some one pretty pretty pretty please tell me if the rain scene is episode 10 or 11 or even later...

I honestly feel like there's too much happening in 10 for it to be in 10 but someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Maybe it's the ending scene????? :o:o

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29 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

14th as in jisoo's character is married and older than wookies? :o

Thats not what is implied here.. is it..


even if 4th coincides with the actual hero.. still too much of a conincidence for me


Yes, Ji Soo's character is considered to be older than Wook in history, and they were married to daughters of another queen Yu (different from the evil one we see in our drama).

Another option would have been to use early Joseon Dynasty with Lee Bang Won or Sooyangdaegun (Sejo), but there have been plenty of sageuks of those, so they must have chosen Gwangjong instead so they can be more creative since we don't have many records (official royal records were burned and then rewritten later, which means some of the content was likely fudged to put the current royal line in a better light. This is why I don't believe Wang Kyu actually plotted treason against Wang Mu.).

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11 hours ago, flower4junsu said:

Desperately waiting for monday to come.....:sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

How can I survive??:wub:

Rewatching ep 2....replay the bath scene 200 times!!

Rewatching ep 4......replay the delivering mea....back hitting.....accidentally meet at the bridge.....enjoying first snow together....200 times!!!

Rewatching ep 8....the make over scene...200 times!!!

Keep on replaying the forced kiss scene 1000 times...:P

me everyday waiting for the next episode :wub:

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7 hours ago, KdramaSwimmer said:


thank you chingu for your kind words of appreciation. 

and before I go to bed to dream some more scarlet ones... another observation after re-watching epi 6 (4th time) that evil queen does have an hunch of WWs interest in HS and thats the reason she asked him (when he went to his mom to seek help regarding HS marrying king) Does thia marriage worry you so much, after asking that her expressions were like trying to take MRI of his brain or xray of his facial expression. also she is worried why her son Jung is also worries abt HS.
so she can surely play some evil tricks to get rid  of HS or to make some deal with WW for her safety.


That evil woman won't make deal with Wook. She wants HS dead so Wook knows where power really lies. I guess this when Wook starts buddying with Yo. She doesn't want Wook to get any 'funny idea'. 

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@dhia205 & @junee22 & @Mona Ys & @solelylurking


@junee22 iyaa, tertarik terus masuk ke sini. this is the fastest moving thread, susah keeping up, tapi takut ngelewatin post bagus. hahaha

@dhia205 hahahaha nice. aneh emang tetiba marah2 sendiri gitu padahal forum sedang adem ayem. :blink:

@Mona Ys omg hello seneng ketemu lagi sama orang Indonesia juga. hehe kalau ga mau kesel lebih baik jangan backtrack ;)

@solelylurking wah, almost missed your post. thanks for the welcome ;) yap, tiap mau tidur selalu diganggu post baru yang menarik terus gajadi tidur:huh:

Oh, iya kalian semua dari mana? Kenalin fathia dari Bandung dan nonton MLSHR di OneTV. wkwk



I'm actually super busy right now doing some college project and haven't checked your previous post but I'm really interested with your concept of Handgang and the oath of allegiance between HS-WS that I can't concentrate. So I decided to ignore my college project for a moment. :lol:

So, does it mean that Wang So will acknowledge Hae Soo not as wife or as queen that stands below him but as equal that stands beside him as a king? So, no matter what because at that time for a royalty nobody married for love but for political reasons (love just happen along the way) he refuse to let Hae Soo become a pawn with all it's political conspiration and complication that for sure gonna kill her? And that will explain the lack of her name in history. If it's true isn't that so sweet?:wub:

It made me think that Wang So always say that Hae Soo is his and Hae Soo is his person but in reality he treats her like an equal and respect her every decision, know her struggle, giving her advice, etc. and the same goes for Hae Soo to Wang So. He opened up to her and she opened up to him. He gives himself to her and he wants her to give herself to him. He wants to have an equal relationship. That is why he will not marry her, because he treats her as his equal, not below him. He just didn't have the right choice of word and say "You're mine' instead and giving her a whole new perception, because she comes from different era.

It's in contrast to Wang Wook that say he loves Hae Soo and always try to be gentle to her but say she is his behind her back (Wang So expresses that clearly to her), Wang Wook hasn't opened up to Hae Soo and is hiding a lot of things, and I never see him giving Hae Soo advice too. And while he clearly love Hae Soo, he still see her as below him and thus wants to marry her to stake his claim because he feels Hae Soo is slowly slipping away from his grasp. He didn't think the consequences of all the conspiration and complications that Hae Soo has to face after marrying him. So while Wang Wook clearly love her he still treat her as below him.


Is my take on your concept right? Or am I beautifying it too much because of my undying love for Wang So? :w00t::w00t:

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7 minutes ago, dhia205 said:

morning morning.... not exactly morning tho :P 


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sorry... i don't follow any of replay series, entah kenapa gak bisa di bilang gak suka soalnya gak pernah nonton 1 ep pun. entah kenapa.. maaf kan hamba panda-emoticon-27.gif

not exactly because of PBG tho, mungkin karena dia jengah aja, selalu ada pembahasan rating di hapir tiap page. like it or not i agree with her.. cuma mungkin caranya aja yang agak aneh, dan yang bikin gw gak ngerti kenapa juga dia harus bawa2 drama sebelah.. padahal orang disini just whining but not comparing. like @LyraYoo said (if i don't get wrong Lol..) we already half way, it's a time to stop whining about rating. 

tapi ya dasarnya ibu RT jadi gak mantep kalo gak bikin onar dulu hahaha...

and IKR.. sumpah gw gak ngarti ni cwo cantik apa ganteng... kadang cantiknya keluar, tapi his masculinity is outstanding. sexy bosss, tatapannya itu loh crazy-monkey-emoticon-004.gif?1292792378.. ok ok i should stop now  





Ho oh.. Kadang gue juga bingung, pas adegan ngasih make up, dia sama Lee Ji Eun kok sama2 cantik ya?? Tapi pas adegan laga kok dia sedap banget lelakinya.. Ooh ini confusion yang nikmat saudara2... 

Dia bawa drama sebelah soalnya di hard core fan drama sebelah Di. Lah soal rating mah gue udah pasrah dari minggu kedua. Apalagi pas knetz bashing LJE. Hiks. Syedih..


That rain scene gave me a heart ache.

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I have finally caught up on this thread once again. Goodness. Thanks to everyone who contributed tons of insights and others who've been so patient despite having different opinions. :D

There were a few folks who mentioned that they can't understand why HS believed in her premonitions.


I believe it's because she time-travelled to Goryeo which was initially something impossible but happened anyway. For her,  at this point everything is POSSIBLE. I had a friend who experienced something unbelievable too, after a while she pretty acts normal. She was a jolly person, you wouldn't know that she experienced an awful tragedy. Until one day, a year later,  a Malaysian airplane went missing and she couldn't sleep for nights. When I asked her why,  she said she was worried that the missing Plane would crash into her house. Others found it funny,  others a pity, but since I witnessed first hand her distress over the situation I felt really bad for her because I really thought that she was over the trauma. She's an extremely positive person. But now,  she believe that anything is possible. Nothing is impossible. 



Plus I think the premonition/visions HS sees isn't something like a dream. A friend of mine into paranormal said it's something you directly experience or see first-hand. We may think that the flashes are all in her mind but it's not just a picture in her mind. The scene right in front of her change to an actual live action scene. Like she's looking at it, experiencing it first hand. So that's horrible, watching your good friend being stabbed right at your very eyes. Witnessing a murder first hand. 


I know GHJ IS BAD in history but there is a possibility that the history that GHJ remember may be correct. The history we know may not be the history that GHJ learned at school. Remember,  there shouldn't be anyone meant to time-travel but JM did. That itself,  messed up history. According to my friend who's into paranormal, the sequence or time line of things cannot be altered,  but the outcome can come out very differently. GHJ travelled to a time in Goryeo that JM is responsible of how things turned out.

Where WS was an outcast not loved by his family,  not close to any of his siblings and may be driven by revenge and his angst to rise in power to eliminate everyone who made him the monster he is/was. But since GHJ intervene he became a little less of a monster and the story will progress to the history we are now aware of.

Back to lurking and reading. :D

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