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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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1 minute ago, wackeemarie said:

Is it Taeyeon's OST that was played in some parts of tonight's episode?

A little rant that may be OOT hence 

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i hope the obsessed fans of Baekhyun won't add hate to what SHR has been getting in SK. They oftentimes make a big deal out of every Taeyeon-Baekhyun possible interaction.

i sometimes ask myself if i'm too old or what but i can't seem to understand the crazy obsession of some fans. i have been a fan of 2nd,3rd gen idol group myself, and still don't get these young fans.

Now that's out of the way...






Well fans nowadays should had been happy that they've got to see their idols can do dating etc while 10 or maybe 15 years ago that kind of thing were impossible :D 

but yeah, the fans should not be acting up this time as he's got already bad remarks from his acting gig *says who choose baekhyun has her fave among exo members* hahaha 



Her voice is quite fitting for OST imo. 

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1 hour ago, valsava said:

Lady Hae died from a broken heart knowning her husband heart had went to another


I don't quite agree although I see where you're coming from.:huh:
Lady Hae is a very mature, motherly person. When she fell in love with Wook and had the chance to marry him she must have already known that he didn't feel the same way for her. Still, Wook tried to be a good husband and they obviously respected each other a lot. They treated each other as well as possible under the circumstances of arranged marriage, her continuous sickness and the pressure of not having any children.
Lady Hae seems like a very realistic person to me. She knew that she was going to die for a long time. The thought of Wook being left to political struggle without any heirs to back him up must have been disturbing for her. Of course she loved him and it must have been hard to even think about sharing him with another person. But at the time this was the only option she could offer - because she loved him and wanted to safeguard him and their household in her own (only) way. 
Then there is Hae Soo whom Lady Hae cared for like a mother. With time (and her sickness getting worse) she must have realized that a marriage between Hae Soo and Wook would not only be a save alliance for  one another. It would also mean that the both people Lady Hae loved the most would marry someone they cared for. She knew that Wook could protect Hae Soo, something that she had promised to do in place of Hae Soo's mother years back. I guess that Hae Soo was the only candidate for marriage Lady Hae would have ever felt comfortable with.

If Wook was going to remarry with someone else, Lady Hae could not make sure that Hae Soo would be in good hands. After thinking all of it through I actually do believe she didn't die of a broken heart. She had hope that her last wish for Wook and Soo would become true. I do think she would be happy looking down upon them as a married couple. But what to do? I still ship Hae Soo with So, I don't want to see her marry Wook. Still, I must say that Lady Hae is giving me a bit of a guilty conscience

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1 hour ago, uuugogirl said:

OMG, the preview for episode 6.... Haesoo wears bridal dress and hairstyle, Evil queen Yoo sits next to her and arranges Haesoo to marry someone, then Wang So kidnaps her and the two of them run away.


Evil queen (apropos moniker by the way) she's probably afraid the King will take Hae Soo on as another concubine. 

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i have to say about the drama, sometimes watching LJK acting crazy and Mom plotting is more interesting  than the sappy love story. I know what sort of story this drama is and it involves a lot of romance but I rather watch the Princes fighting for the throne than a girl :P

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7 minutes ago, sunl0ver said:

This is my favourite episode so far. No more abrupt scene change and strange OST. No more clique flirting scenes. 
Two similar scenes as in C-version : HS meets King 1st time, HS and 8th prince walking in the snow -> Both scenes very well done in Scarlet Heart.

I love Wook's poem to HS so I did some research on the internet. Please pardon my poor translation skills :

竹枝词 by Tang poet 刘禹锡

杨柳青青江水平,-> green willows by the calm lake
闻郎江上唱歌声。-> I hear him singing (on the lake)

东边日出西边雨,-> On the north, there is sun; on the west, there is rain
    ->   is it a cloudy day or a sunny day ?

"sunny" 晴and "love" 情sounds exactly the same. On the surface, the young maiden is lamenting about the weather but she is actually wondering about the feelings of her man - does he like he or not ? (last sentence in the poem).



photo credit : tupian.baike.com


So Wook is lamenting that he is not sure of HS's feelings for him. What a beautiful romantic way to ask her !! :wub:

As for HS's reply, *cough cough* enough said :lol::lol::lol:




Yo \(^o^)/ that is how we reply to a love confession letter \(^o^)/

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@theseasasleep I really loved your analysis about my theory. :wub: If it really happens like I have imagined it, you're so right about the position of Wang So in the Wang Wook and Hae Soo's relationship. He knows what both feel for each other. I am curious to see when he will discover that he is in love with Hae Soo. He has already this idea that he wants to be with someone who loves him with his scar. So the question is: will Wang So realise his love for Hae Soo, when she tells him to remove his mask and he allows it. If so, then he has to make her forget Wang Wook and make her fall in love with him. So will the race for the throne the motive for both princes, or it happens because Wang So's position is so unsecure due to his mother and his rank?

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Hi Scarlet Hearts, 

So emotional today's episode, a little bit sad because I wanted more screentime for  Wang So Hae Soo  but the stars are alingning for them to be more time together.

Once again THANKS to @qwenli @dhia205 @trizha  @ilovekorearocks @Yippeuni @angelangie, and to ALL that help with their comments gifs, and pics to keep us not missing a single thing!! Thank You!!

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6 hours ago, Asgarla said:

What I always find interesting is how chemistry between characters/actors is perceived differently from the viewers. I know some, that feel that there is a lot of chemistry between Wang Wook and Hae Soo, but I neither see nor feel it. Instead, I love the way Wang So and Hae Soo slowly get to know each other.

Wang So is the character that has shown the most different facets for now. Some of the other princes are still only 2-dimensional. I really hope that their characters will develope more throughout the drama. 

As of now, I do not treat this drama as a remake of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", but as a standalone drama.

I agree with you, I also look at this drama as a standalone. 

The scenes with Soo and the 4th prince are filled chemistry.  Soo makes the 4th prince smile, she is not repulsed by his scar and she understands him. Prince So actually listens to Soo.  I like the 8th Prince; however, Soo has been marked and claimed by the 4th Prince. Her heart might beat flutter for the 8th prince now; however, because she "best" friend stole her boyfriend, she don't know if she will fully act on her current feelings.  

Because the there are only 20 episodes, I do not think they could invest the time to develop the other princes to make them multi-dimensional.   In 20 episodes, they could only fully develop the main characters.  It is a pity, because I do see potential in some of the other princes.  I love this drama and cannot wait to watch episode 6.  It is funny because I think most of the princes like Soo.  As the 8th Prince stated, (paraphrasing) she is a breath of fresh air, she is not a burden, she does not depend on him; but does for herself.  Unlike the women of that era, Soo speaks up for herself; has a sense of justice, and is confident. All of these tracts are endearing and attract the princes to her.  The 8th Prince has fallen in love with Soo; however, I am glad he feels an obligation to his wife. He might not be in love with her; however, he loves her enough to take care of her and not want to see her hurt.  

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14 minutes ago, sunl0ver said:

This is my favourite episode so far. No more abrupt scene change and strange OST. No more clique flirting scenes. 
Two similar scenes as in C-version : HS meets King 1st time, HS and 8th prince walking in the snow -> Both scenes very well done in Scarlet Heart.

I love Wook's poem to HS so I did some research on the internet. Please pardon my poor translation skills :

竹枝词 by Tang poet 刘禹锡

杨柳青青江水平,-> green willows by the calm lake
闻郎江上唱歌声。-> I hear him singing (on the lake)

东边日出西边雨,-> On the north, there is sun; on the west, there is rain
    ->   is it a cloudy day or a sunny day ?

"sunny" 晴and "love" 情sounds exactly the same. On the surface, the young maiden is lamenting about the weather but she is actually wondering about the feelings of her man - does he like he or not ? (last sentence in the poem).

photo credit : tupian.baike.com

-------------------------------So Wook is lamenting that he is not sure of HS's feelings for him. What a beautiful romantic way to ask her !! :wub: 


Wow thanks for posting the poem here so fast! That's what I like about historicals, I can learn so much!

Oh it's such a beautiful poem! No wonder 13th kick up a big fuss when he read it for HS. The last line, literally asking Is there Love or not? :wub: Omo Omo, the ancient way of confessing is sooo romantic :D

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Episode 5

So sad that we lost a very likeable character in this episode...Lady Hae.

The Wook-LadyHae-HS "situation" can really hit on delicate sensibilities ...because she's a very dedicated wife, she's ill...then her prince husband affections have strayed.  For us that is really kinda severe and I was worried that IU's character might gain a lot of hate and sympathies for the Lady Hae character....But as it is clearly depicted - on how male royalties are in those days? The King has many wives? has sons from different women? So women in those era are agreeable to that kind of arrangements? No bigamy laws yet then...of course their feelings can still be hurt...but if that is the accepted norm during that era...what can they do?  So maybe Lady Hae at one point has made peace with the inevitability of it happening to her marriage...had tried to accept it eventhough it hurt.


That guy that HS (IU) met at the lake/ park whom she gave the soju...who uttered those words then there was an eclipse and she travelled back in time....and then HS saw someone who looks exactly like him in the palace (who turns out to be the Astronomer and said a weird thing to HS)... since this drama HAS FANTASY ELEMENTS TOO like going back in time... mentions of prophecies ...and ASTROLOGY..... could it be -- it is by some "magical intervention" or incantation that HS was "INTENTIONALLY" transported back in that specific time by someone with such powers for her to solve, to mediate or she has a mission to do in that era...a mission in the lives of the princes, the king, the kingdom ?  :o


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5 minutes ago, ruzikie said:

Wang So will die in the end right meanwhile the reason i watch this because of him saying bogosipotta to Haesoo. gosh, don't tell me it will have a tragic ending.

Erm, he is supposed to be king...

HS's life is the one in question.....

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1 hour ago, qwenli said:

:w00t: I really cant wait to see who is on the horse with her. Looks like it will be So.

Yes Joon gi's face is flawless. he has porcelain smooth fair scene. *swoon*

Poor lady hae, now I understand why she doesnt even attend the press con when the crown prince (who doesnt get much airtime) attended. Fair enough, she knows her love is greater than wook's and she is dying so she wants wook to marry HS. When I see the preview, I see wook griefing badly. I hope they dont dramatise too much about it, he doesnt love lady hae, and I think they are just trying to make modern viewers feel better to show that he cares.

you guys can weigh in later but I find Yeonhwa acting very good and she has good chemistry with the 4th, there is something special there. Altho she is quite a cruel person, but I find it interesting that she always seems delighted to see the 4th and talks to him nicely. 

yes, really want to see more of So.:)

 Wook loves Lady Hae....he's just not in love with her. You can't help but love a person especially when they are as kind as Lady Hae. Even in the first episode, we've seen that Wook constantly worries for Lady Hae. We shouldn't discredit his love and care for her.

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