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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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wow it has months since i hooked on drama and signed in .  i really cant get enough of joonki. its beyond me how this is getting lower ratings .

if you gonna ask be which i like more in moon lovers vs moon light drawn by cloud. this story[MLovers] :wub:sounds interesting since moon light hits me with all the gender-benders i watched:rolleyes:

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36 minutes ago, Niki Azia said:

based on the realtime chart ... MLSHR still didn't attracted & draw Korean viewers too much.

it's ok. we will continued support this drama even Korean not appreciated them

I couldn't care less about the ratings by now. Most importantly, I really enjoy the drama and as far as I read from the ONE TV Asia page, the show is receiving lots of love within this region and in China as well. There are a lot of dramas in Korea of late that off to a great interesting start only to lose their momentum as the episodes progress (I don't need to name those dramas). In this case, I am pretty confident that this won't happen to MLSHR as the storyline has been clearly mapped out and being pre-produced. If it is up to my preference, I would rather choose a drama that off to a slow start and begins to pick up its momentum and getting better and more interesting as the episodes progress. The other Moon drama maybe attracting viewers now but who knows what might happen later. We will just have to wait and see. In the meantime, I really love this drama, each episode is getting better and I'm thrilled that the drama is in no way similar to C-version based on the development of the relationship between our spunky heroine and 4th Prince. It is totally a breathe of fresh air and I am sure there will be more goodness in more episodes to come. 

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ever since WS talk to Haesoo when she delivered his food you can see how happy he is.. can talk like a human being and even teases her when the basket is too heavy and she have to lift her dress to walk.. lol

since then every time he talk to her you can see he smiling and cheer up.. that's make me so happy seeing his smile.. he been through a lot and deserve at least people to start acknowledge him.. and Haesoo understand that he been hurting that's why she go to speak to him and talk back.. they going to have so many cute scene later i know it.. well at least before the sad part started.. 

i can't with their bickering though.. so childish and its so adorable... :heart:

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35 minutes ago, luci13 said:

So I'm not the only one who feels weird with the the development of our love triangle in this episode :) It was like being rushed for some other events to happen? what events? Hopefully we'll get to see a more acceptable reasons or purpose or anything in tomorrow's episode as I wouldn't really buy the idea WW-HS being so engaged with their mutual feelings only after few encounters and WS's being so strangely nice to HS out of a sudden hahaha 


So here's my 2 cents. I actually don't think Wangso has developed any deep feelings for Haesoo just yet. As you said, it would be way too fast. What HAS happened however, is that Haesoo HAS made an impact on him. Her words to him...from before when she asked what was wrong with wanting to live, from their emotion-charged exchange at the memorial wall when he was tearing one of the pillars apart, to all the little things that she's said to him in each of their exchanges...her words have definitely struck a chord and I think that's resulted in a connection between them. Based on his light and easy bantering with her when he caught her unaware and she banged her head into his chest, I think his interruption of the cane beating was spontaneous...just like a lot of his actions. Ironically, let me go on a short tangent and say when it comes to him exposing his vulnerability, Wangso is in control, and he covers his emotions much like the mask that covers his face and scar. That said, when it comes to protecting something -- himself, his mother...perhaps anything that he may have an interest in; or just a life...as we saw when he saved Haesoo from falling down that embankment when he didn't know her at all -- it does seem that he doesn't hesitate to act at all. It's that spontaneity that I think prompted him to intercede during Haesoo's beating. I think the words that came from his lips, in the same fashion, came unbidden and is perhaps now just an unconscious thought. It's that unbidden thought that's like a seed in his mind, which I think with each additional interaction, will bloom into deeper feelings for Haesoo.

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Comments from K-netz

4회 대박이다 한시간 내내 심쿵의 연속임...ㅎㅎ "Episode 4 is daebak 1 hour of heart fluttering scenes"

강하늘 눈빛 세상에..  "Oh my... Kang Ha Neul's stares

아 역시 재밌다 진짜 졸잼이다 아.... 이준기짱.... "Wah it's really fun really really fun.... Lee Jun Ki jjang!

and more positive comments from the K-netz for this episode.

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@Mau_Cherry thanks for sharing your screen caps with your comments,recaps. 2 definitely stood out for me:

1. Troublemaker 1 & 2 screen caps: your caption made the scene more endearing and light for me at least. at the same time,  the succeeding scenes seems to show a foreshadowing of So & Wook's contest for Soo. both came for different reasons. Wook to save Soo & Jung while So maybe was just curious where Soo was heading to again.He didnt seem to notice who Soo was following (if I remember the scene correctly or I might have missed that out)

2. Dangerous Man screen caps: without subs, LJG has shown in just a few seconds 3 different emotions with his mini expressions.

(I am out of adjectives to describe LJG's acting in this entire episode..I may sound like a broken record already but the guy always always gives his 200% every single time)

Good night from my side of the world. Hopefully subbed Ep 4 will be out by the time I wake up.

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57 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

Seems like a cumulative postive feedback from the netizens. Hope the ratings will translate as well how good episode 4 is


And an upvote for Lee Ji Eun's acting in this episode ^^



I haven't seen the ep yet but I will try to translate those article comments so we Moon Lovers have something to read ! (forgive me if it's faulty, my Korean isn't that good, so please correct me if I am wrong)



1. {+3821, -328] [ sorry I can't translate exactly but it talks about how in the 4th episode, they constantly felt like their heart was racing, the word 대박 was also used :) ]

2. [+3358, -259] Kang Haneul's gaze, my goodness...

3. [+2848, -265] Ah, it was really fun....Lee Jun Ki jjang....

4. [+2605, -261] 개잼 (I don't know what this means, sorry!), ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ tomorrow, come quickly

5. [+1680-, -152] "She's mine/That's my order!*. Should I make [IU] my person?????" Yes! Yes! Yes!

*(sorry, I don't know which of the two 내것이다!! means, I heard it before in sageuks but I can't remember if it means that's mine or it means I'm going to do that.... any soompier who knows Korean can help out?)

6. [+924, -108] Kang Haneul's melo acting is fantastic, whoa daebak

7. [+760, -67] Going to see snow with "Kang Sky"? Whoa.... my heart was totally racing (lol they actually typed out his name as the English word 'Sky', since that's the meaning of Haneul's name lololol. Also was there a snow scene in this ep, or did I translate wrong?)

8. [+844, -97] My heart was racing..... Lee Jun Ki's gaze, really..

9. [+718, -76] It was fun ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10.[+835, -122]  [talks about how it was fun and both Kang Haneul and Lee Jun Ki made them excited]

Basically a lot of praise for Jun Ki and Haneul, lol. I thought it'll be nice for us to read some positive comments for once, even if the ratings don't do that well.






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Just now, Niki Azia said:

based on the realtime chart ... MLSHR still didn't attracted & draw Korean viewers too much.

it's ok. we will continued support this drama even Korean not appreciated them

Could you please share the link, I wanna check about others dramas.

Yes, your totally right we will forever support the drama. 

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So - I guess I shared enough - the other Parts where already here - I tried to check it to not double everything. But one Picture I need to share - just because I love it so much and it heals my Heart to see him like that.

Wang So !  (and thats Mask Number 4 - just to say it)




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57 minutes ago, Niki Azia said:

it's ok. we will continued support this drama even Korean not appreciated them

yes..that the spirit...dont let the low rating dampened our mood to watch the drama....

more that low rating. im afraid of harsh criticisms will bring down the team mood (mine too actually T_T. this will effect me for hours. haih). at least they already finish filming. that the good point.

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36 minutes ago, luci13 said:

So I'm not the only one who feels weird with the the development of our love triangle in this episode :) It was like being rushed for some other events to happen? what events? Hopefully we'll get to see a more acceptable reasons or purpose or anything in tomorrow's episode as I wouldn't really buy the idea WW-HS being so engaged with their mutual feelings only after few encounters and WS's being so strangely nice to HS out of a sudden hahaha 

If you watched the C-version, the relationship between 8th and Ruoxi actually developed quite fast. In this case, she may be easily touched by his kindness and gentleman like manner since she was cheated by her boyfriend in modern world and 8th may came off as a rebound romantic interest for her. And let's not forget, forbidden fruit is normally very tempting and Haesoo herself claims that she does not actually know what her heart really wants, suffice to say, she is still a little confused. In the case of 4th being nice to her, I take it as him, for the very first time receiving a certain kind of genuine kindness from someone when all along, everyone have been treating him as if he is a monster. I can understand his connection to her, to finally have someone who can understand him and at this juncture, I don't really see him having romantic interest towards Haesoo other than being a little playful and flirty. In fact, he is more excited to finally be able to stay in Songhak and in the palace and leaving 8th Prince's residence when he knows that Haesoo is actually staying there. Him staring at her is more of him finding her as a breathe of fresh air. I think the romance will kick off once he Haesoo getting serious with 8th. And on the contrary to the C-version, Haesoo is not avoiding 4th Prince and they strike a certain kind of friendship and mutual understanding.

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2 minutes ago, junee22 said:

@meahri_1 would the poll still open tomorrow?cause internet so bad here..maybe tomorrow I can do the poll..hehehe,want to choose to :D

And I love the recaps so long..so I'm sure going to watch it tomorrow..with subs I hope..


Sure! I can keep it open until before or after we're done with Ep 5. We can announce after when we're discussing Ep5 details. :)

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6 minutes ago, Once Upon Time said:

Could you please share the link, I wanna check about others dramas.

Yes, your totally right we will forever support the drama. 


Same here, I'm sad that Korean ratings are so low :dissapointed_relieved: but it's ok, I will keep watching and support the drama because it hooked my heart. I feel a little angry at the director and editors for making such a mess with the OSTs and weird closeups and background music, this has a good story but you leave all that stuff in, obviously it spoils the viewing experience a little.

Someone on db compared it to making a good cake but then covering it with icing made of ashes....this is a good drama but that minor stuff really turned a lot of people off :(

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Ah, no one mentioned 10th prince :rolleyes:  i love how Wang Eun became so furious when he saw Haesoo was hurt and then he immediately jump in and stood between Haesoo and mean princess to protect his girl :wub: The little prince is starting to man-up for the woman he loves :rolleyes:


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@violet90  @meahri_1  100% agree with your understanding of the romantic developments so far!!!  When the princess asks So if he is in love with Soo, there's no flicker of astonishment/embarrassment/self-consciousness and we all know by now Lee Jun Ki is so good, if it was supposed to be there it would have been. Right now he's not seeing Soo romantically but he is warmer to her because she treats him like a person, imagine that (seriously, there are so many people in this drama I want to punch)! It really isn't so shocking a development considering how So behaves around his family and they treat him like dirt! In a throwaway line, So basically admits to the astronomer that as a child he was vulnerable to manipulation/being played with by him simply because the astronomer used to come looking for him as a child (probably was one of the few who ever deliberately did so while he still lived in the palace). So is very susceptible to people's kindness as well as their cruelty, so his thaw towards Soo isn't out of left field for me. Of course, at some moment soon, all of his feelings will coalesce into one big ball of "OMG, I think I'm falling in love with her!" but right now, it's just bits and pieces of different feelings that don't make him feel inferior or worthless and that must be a refreshing change for our boy.

I hope the show won't go so far as to have Soo fall fully in love with Wook. Personally I think it's enough if she's just perilously close to doing so because she can still have lots of warm, conflicted feelings for him without giving us whiplash as So eventually chips his way into her heart. Or maybe that's my general kdrama preference/bias showing, :D. As for the quickness of Wook's feelings, yeah, the depth feels a bit much but I guess his character is suffering from a case of "Too many responsibilities far too young!" That would make someone like Soo, who he happily points out never burdens him, a breath of fresh air as she cheerfully or determinedly struggles forward. Both guys are/will be attracted to her brightness and spunk, each for different reasons. For the sake of the narrative, I think out of the three, Wook needs to jump on the in-love train the fastest in order to propel the next phase of Soo's story which will propel the next phase of So's story. 

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