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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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2 hours ago, aypopa said:

i need to go to bed tomorrow when i wake up the forum will be like page 800 :) good night and remember after every bad thing  something good will happen like second kiss :P



Omo! He is holding the hairpin! How did he get it back from her? Gahhh Im gonna suffer for another week again hahaha :sweatingbullets: LJK aka WangSo looks so innocently cute here! It's like he's greeting me in the morning keke 

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I am so disgusted with the King... he is so pathetic.. if he cant even save a innocent girl and woman from treachery what right does he have to sit on the throne as saviour and protector of people.... instead of his "Greater Good"reasoning behind which he hides.... I feel more of saving his seat and clinging to the throne to be more appropriate reasons to attribute his actions.... If he is so weak that hecant protect the innocent... then he has no right to the throne... his patheticness he justifies as sacrifice...I am happy that So in spite of his bloody rule was never such a pathetic ruler... atleast he was powerful enough to stop innopcent people being persecuted with treacherous means and plots....

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4 hours ago, solelylurking said:


Aah I think she will be. She loves a man who loves another woman so deep that he won't even bother to look YH, no matter how hard she tries hor how beautiful she is.

That kind of punishment is the best. 

In a sense, she is Queen Yoo mini me. Even their destiny is the same. 


Gwangjong? Won't even bother to look at Yeon Hwa? And yet in history, they have 5 children together. That is baseless I think. A man is always just a man. I think they are destined for each other.

Ah, I don't know how this story will go, will they follow the history, or throw it out completely after this. From now on, it's hard not to distort the history. Better do it altogether. Because with the power struggle 4th prince VS 8th prince, it's already different. Just let Hae Soo be queen, then. Make Yeon Hwa and Wook powerless. Queen Yo and Wang Yo are exiled. Then Wang So and Hae Soo could live happily ever after.

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43 minutes ago, crazyyo said:

I get that most of the people are so-soo shippers but really people are being too biased against WW, First of all sacrificing your family for someone is much bigger deal than sacrificing yourself for someone, If your family is not your number 1 priority than I don't know what is :huh: People saying that he doesn't show remorse after killing is just :huh: it was clearly shown in early episodes that he IS bothered so much after killing someone that he can't sleep at night. Yes he is a little bit of coward or I don't know may be a very intelligent/calculative person(like taejoo)  like some people mentioned above and there are times when I feel so angry at him like damn it wookie you are always late lol and wookie you should have stopped the bullying I guess we will have to wait for 12 ep ! There is no doubt that so loves soo to bits lol but people are being too harsh on WW. The greed of throne ok lets admit it EVERYONE would want to be a king even SO wants to be a king and I believe everyone has a light and a dark side and

 What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.

My criticism of Uk has nothing to do with which pairing I support but everything with his own actions. They speak for themselves. I have no problems with him giving up Su for his family. In fact he should have done it a while ago when he had real misgivings and could still protect her. But it isn't just about him throwing Su under the bus, it's also that he made promises... many promises and reneged on them on several occasions. This is what critics of Uk have been saying for a long time. What happened in this episode is just the culmination of a pattern behaviour that's been self-evident for a while.

He wanted his cake and eat it too which was the biggest problem. (Judging from the preview he still does probably) 

Before we start to feel too sorry for Uk, let's not forget this: A good woman died today. Yes, it was her choice to sacrifice herself. But if she hadn't Hae Su would have died the death of a criminal. What was HS's crime? To foolishly believe that the man she thought she loved could give her what she wanted. 

 I think we should really think about that.

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9 hours ago, Nymeria289 said:

Concubine Oh is talking to Wook. Wook seems to have chosen sides.


Concubine Oh has watch each prince grow into manhood but WS, She saw Wook for who he is a coward and told him the truth about his household joining the Queen into fighting for the throne..  She also told him the truth of the mstter is he could never stick up for HS that why she prefered for themn to cut ties as she knew it was no way he could protect her just like the King couldn't protect her.. I understand why she choose to save HS because she knew she was dying and dying in pain so she decides to take the quick way out it really had nothing to do with HS.. Now Wook being the deep thinker that he is Ldy Oh words must have laid heavly on his mind and knew she was right and the best thing he could do for HS is to give her up to the better man that could fight for her and protect her..  

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Is it possible the reason that Wook goes to see HS with the intent to say comforting words, but leaves without saying anything because he sees the other princes? I can't think of any scene where he says comforting words to HS when there are other people around.

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To those of you who feels disappointed by Wook in eps 11, I'm sorry, but you must know it by now that he is the villain in this drama. I repeat. WOOK IS THE VILLAIN a.k.a the bad guy. 

If he is not failing her, if he's not sacrificing his love for HS now and went ahead with his ambition, if he's not turning back from her and went ahead to accompany her in the rain, when will you think HS move on from him and fall in love with Wang So? In the year 2016?

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40 minutes ago, Immortal_Angel said:


Ah thanks for the correction. But when he told that to Lady Oh I'm like really now your asking a lady to plead with the king knowing that he might not even accept it. But I feel like Wook knew the outcome that whoever pleads on Hae Soo behalf will get punished and how would he know about Lady Oh relationship with the king? Unless he heard it from his mother about the king's past but still I feel no sympathy for Wook at all.

He had his chance to save her and end it, he lost it which is a good thing for Wang So but if he kept his so call promises to her like marrying her or taking her away from the palace etc then she wouldn't have ended up where she is. I really do hope that after tonight episode Hae Soo finally realized that Wook was just a puppy love and that he never really truly love her. If he did love her, he wouldn't have turn his back when he saw her in the rain he would have tried to convince her but nope he took one step forward but two steps back. If she doesn't see that i really will smack her in the head. :expressionless: and from the looks from the preview when Hae Soo was getting bullied he saw it but both him and 14th didn't bother did stop it. 

Watch next week episode when Hae Soo sees him face to face he either

A. stays quiet and wont say anything

B. he would tell her he's sorry and that he hopes she understand where he's standing at

c. when he ask her if she's okay, she will tell him that what hurt the most was watching him turn his back on her and that she realized what Lady Oh says was true

the throne will change a prince and that she should have taken the chance to leave the palace with Lady Oh instead of staying there believing in his lies

d. He will ask how's her new life etc and she would then return his bracelet back and told her he needs to give it to the woman he love which isnt her and that he should not 

show up in front of her anymore. Then he would accuse her of falling in love with 4th and that she's the one that had that change of heart not him


man i have so many theories on how next episode would be between the love triangle!





I believe he thought the King might not punish her.. because he knows...

He knows very well why his FAmily was in deep trouble 10 years ago. His Mother was blamed and framed and throw out of the Palace because she was framed to be the person made the concurbine the King loved had a  miscarriace.

He knows this concurbine was Lady Oh - he knows she was the Woman the King in real onced loved.

All those secrets in the Palace are just not spoke out loud - but a lot know. And Wook and his Family kows very well that the real culprit was Queen Yoo - and Lady Oh knews it too - but 10 years ago the King looked in the wrong direction too.

(Hate him - he knows it all - but always chose the wrong way...)


Wook was in trouble yes - but the greed for the throne is holding him back to run to Soo .... what a coward - Lady Oh was so right...

I don´t feel like Wook for Soo was just a puppy love... he was the first Person who reached out his hands for her and she falls for him for real... he became her hope and her dream in that scary time.

In all those Situations today  So came - she looked for 8th before. Wook was not even able to visit her in the Jail when she was tortured... a picture So will keep in his mind forever as I saw it... he will never forget happend to Soo because of his Mothers Plan.

Soo will loose her love - and the new Love for Soo will become a lot deeper - thats what I believe - So is for the intense stuff - and the way he open his Heart for her - telling her honestly about his live and hopes... not hiding anything from her... that makes the new love so much more. But still right now ... her Heart will break and she first must to handle beeing lovesick... as we all know it too well...

The Preview... again I´m so angry with the King... for this child... Lady Oh gave her life... but maybe that is just one more reason the King don´t like her anymore. SEnding her to a Place the Princes can´t find her... Ähhmmm... there is no Place So would not find her... but it needs time as it looks. I wonder how long she did not saw Wook and the others when they finaly found her...

We will later see the scene in which Wook realize that Lady Oh was right about everything... I´´m sure for that... that whe was right about him regretting it deeply too.


I sooo wish to change the History... I don´t want So to marry those Snake Princess - and I really wish her to see suffering and hanging or something else... Same as for Lady Yoo... I first wisher her to live with a Scar much more terrible than Sos - and found it out for herself how People would treat her... when she is not in the Palace anymore... but i changed my mind.. I wanted her to suffer for a long time... like her son had too... but I changed my mind... make it fast... so she can´t make any plans anymore... 

GOSH... I need to sleep.. whenever I start . I can write a Book...  I just wanted to give a short answer...


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In a way, it's good that WW turned his back in front of HS. At least she won't be any more illusions about him. I really hope she takes the initiative to break up with him and return back the bracelet. At this point, more than anything, she should be the one washing off her hands off him. 


Maybe she can give him this concession---I hope we stay as friends. Even that is too much...

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1 hour ago, MadraRua said:

Instead he talks Lady Oh into taking the fall for the poisoning. He truly is a coward and I hope he suffers many sleepless nights over it. 

It was shame and guilt that drove him to turn his back on Hae Soo but I'm glad he did. At least now she knows the man he really is and his words, no matter how honeyed, mean nothing at the end of the day.


This. All of this! I knew I was disliking Wook with each episode, but my hatred for him has definitely solidified today. He's a coward through and through. He didn't take responsibility for his sister. He didn't tell her to take responsibility for herself. He didn't do anything but talk an innocent woman into taking the fall for it when he could have come up with alternatives. And there WERE alternatives. Not only did he turn his back on Soo, he also ensured that his betrayal would sting like a MF. When he got Lady Oh to take the blame for it, did he stop to think about how that would affect Soo? Did he know how close Lady Oh and Soo were? He must have, that's why he knew Lady Oh would do whatever she could to help Soo. And yet, he still did it.

The palace is a cruel place, yes, but Wook doesn't even live or spend as much time in the palace as, say, So or Jung. Eun or Baek Ah. No one even thought of the notion to self-frame themselves for a crime they didn't commit. I was already upset and sad to know that Lady Oh would die for Soo, but this anger is on an entirely different level. I'm sure Lady Oh eventually would have done it herself, but it's the concept that Wook hid behind a court lady and he took the coward's way out - again. I hope he suffers more sleepless nights, not just for turning his back on Soo, which I can cut him some slack for because it IS his family, but for idly standing by while knowing he was the one who begged an innocent woman to hang for his sister's crime. I can't forgive him for that and I won't feel any sympathy for him.


1 hour ago, snowglobe147 said:

Episode 12 Video Preview Translation:

WW: A prince and a maid in charge of the water for the court ladies to wash their faces, getting married?

WS: It's marriage if I say so.


My, how fast the winds change. Wook went from saying Soo was going to be his wife and he would love her the way he never got to love Lady Hae to simply saying Soo's "a maid in charge of the water for the court ladies to wash their faces." She doesn't even have a name anymore? Just "a maid"?

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22 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

My criticism of Uk has nothing to do with which pairing I support but everything with his own actions. They speak for themselves. I have no problems with him giving up Su for his family. In fact he should have done it a while ago when he had real misgivings and could still protect her. But it isn't just about him throwing Su under the bus, it's also that he made promises... many promises and reneged on them on several occasions. This is what critics of Uk have been saying for a long time. What happened in this episode is just the culmination of a pattern behaviour that's been self-evident for a while.

He wanted his cake and eat it too which was the biggest problem. (Judging from the preview he still does probably) 

Before we start to feel too sorry for Uk, let's not forget this: A good woman died today. Yes, it was her choice to sacrifice herself. But if she hadn't Hae Su would have died the death of a criminal. What was HS's crime? To foolishly believe that the man she thought she loved could give her what she wanted. 

 I think we should really think about that.

I agree with the promises part! WW broke his promises too much :/ as I have said before there are things that makes me angry as well esp the promises part I'm not saying he is perfect I'm just defending his decision of leaving hae soo for his family, Everyone is calling him names on twitter/insta that he is a coward and what not for turning his back on hae soo but no one is trying to understand his situation. Also calling him greedy and that he is after throne like what! he has not done anything bad to get the throne(till now). I'm sorry may be because I have missed previous episode (just saw cuts on insta and here and there) how is HS's poison incident related to WW :huh:

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Guest nchoerunnisa

WW: "I shouldn't let her hanging around with you (WS) in the first place. Now we come to this."

Little did he know, Soo was dragged into this assassination plan because she was hanging around with him... oh the irony... ;)

Today episode hurts sooooooo good... I suffer, but I'm happy about it... Do I make sense? LOL. I hope I do not sound like a masochist :P

BTW, this is my first post in this thread. Annyeong yeorobuuun... please take care of me *bow*

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40 minutes ago, dears said:


Gwangjong? Won't even bother to look at Yeon Hwa? And yet in history, they have 5 children together. That is baseless I think. A man is always just a man. I think they are destined for each other.

Ah, I don't know how this story will go, will they follow the history, or throw it out completely after this. From now on, it's hard not to distort the history. Better do it altogether. Because with the power struggle 4th prince VS 8th prince, it's already different. Just let Hae Soo be queen, then. Make Yeon Hwa and Wook powerless. Queen Yo and Wang Yo are exiled. Then Wang So and Hae Soo could live happily ever after.


I'm sorry if my words later on might seem that I criticized you. I'm not. But people should start to separate the real history and this drama because even when it based on real history, this drama is a fiction. We don't know what the real WS feels toward the real YH. HS is not really there. It's a made up story, not a documentary.

In this drama, WS is in love with HS and my guess is he's the kind of man who is loyal and love only one woman in his life time as said in page one of this thread. Did he has affection toward YH here? Probably. He did say he was curios of how she grown up to be. But it safe to say, that's not love. 

But to be fair to your words, many people around the world can make babies without being in love with one another. 

I'm sorry again. 

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Hiii, how was the ratings of the last night's episode? Thank God, they finally made the wook-haesoo ship sink. Although some might think that wangso receives the leftovers of wook, I don't even think that it matters much. Most importantly is that haesoo will give all her heart, loyalty, and life for him. He will be the only one for haesoo even in the modern era later. Just because wook throws her away does not mean So receives the leftovers. It's a whole, not the leftovers;)

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I tried watching the original chinese version when it just finished airing. But never finished, not even half of it. I just skipped to last ep.  I am sure it was good, but too long for my taste.

Watching scarlet heart ryeo i tried watching it again, still cant do it. So instead I just read comments and recaps about it.

What i find interesting was a comment that the chinese version romance was not the main theme of the drama. Royal politic was.

I have to admit the romance in scarlet heart made more sense by adding the discarded 4th prince and his scar. That he will fight with all his might to protect the one person who accept and saw him for who he is. Worry for him. That how he loves her in turn makes her loves him back.

The chinese 4th prince was just like the other princes. No dark background to force him to fight for his love. The chinese force kiss, was nothing like the desperation kiss that wang so did.

Be it the shorter episodes, the romance, or just for the sake of ljk who carry the drama for most of the parts. I am loving it!

Now, why is it not monday today? Who was it that makes monday only comes after sunday. I need to speak to whoever it is and negotiated monday and tuesday to come soooner, like today!:confused::bawling:


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SInce we established that So is the better choice for Soo...

Lets delve in to the next question...? Who is the better choice for the throne... ? Wook or So... ?

I believe that Wook is a reflection of Taejo... atleast in most of the aspects... the same throwing people under the bus for greater good... sam justification of pathetic actions as sacrifice... same waiting for his chance behind the scenes.... basically he is Taejo 2.0

Common people will be as powerless under his reign as they were under Taejo....

Whereas So is everything that Wook is not.... Passionate, Driven and Dynamic.... he is by no means a saint... but he doesnt care for manipulations and waiting game.... he is straightforward , go Get It kinda guy.... when he makes a objective for  himself whether it is strengthening Goryeo by weakening the Noble clans strength.... or strengthening common people by providing opportunities for them to join the government.... he can do everything with a single minded devotion... without caring to making excuses for his means to achieve that end....

Toi summarize Gwangjong was the King Goryeo needed and not Wook.. just like So was the person Doo needed and not Wook..... 

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