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Add and Subtract Game


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@Idylla Kaizoku Part of the problem is that BTS members are always changing their hair color so yeah, staring at their faces and getting to know them that way is the best.


This was at the very beginning of my BTS instruction. And it was very entertaining.


RM is in the front seat, speaking the best English


Middle bench:

Jimin (left) is Baby Mochi.

JHope (center) is always happy and always dancing.

Jung Kook (right) has an amazing voice and gets to do a solo here.


Back seat:

Jin (left) makes fun of James Corden for being "worldwide handsome"

Suga (middle) - every time he opens his mouth he makes me laugh

V (right) just has lots of hair




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8 minutes ago, Lmangla said:


time to sleep. will watch more of ep 2 tomorrow. 

Yeah, I got to know if she is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Also, we live for those slap kisses in Thai lakorns. 

Goodnight Chingu. I’ll be hitting the sack too soon. 


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2 minutes ago, Idylla Kaizoku said:

I'll get nightmares now! Already try to remember which one this is, and came only with "uh, minty guy?"


It's Suga! Yoongi! Meow!




You can call him minty guy if you want. He doesn't mind! He's the coolest member in BTS! :glasses:



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14 minutes ago, partyon said:

It's Suga! Yoongi! Meow!

Well, you can't win on that front with me. There were people who tried and lost before. Me and names are not good friends, sorry. 



@partyon Be proud, seonsaengnim! I recognized the cat guy/minty guy (...Suga...?) on the vid without any help! Haha!


Six to go! Yay... Haha. 




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@Idylla Kaizoku One thing about this thread since you're a newcomer. :kiss_wink:

It's not really about the adding and subtracting, nor a competition between the teams.

We're here for the discussions and laughter. That's it!

We want to keep a relaxed atmosphere here. :heart:


We try to keep the balance, but if one team keeps winning all the time (like it looks like Team Subtract is doing), then we will reassign some members to the other team in the next round. Because we want to try to keep the score evened out and balanced for as long as we can.

Sometimes it has taken 6 months for a team to win.


Hope this makes sense? :issohappy:

15 minutes ago, Idylla Kaizoku said:

@partyon Be proud, seonsaengnim! I recognized the cat guy/minty guy (...Suga...?) on the vid without any help! Haha!


Well done! I am especially happy that your first member is my favorite one. :glasses:


When @confusedheart gets Yoongi wrong, I become very sad and upset. :crybaby:

6 minutes ago, the_sweetroad said:

Blast from the past:


Ooh, I love the Muppets? Who are your favorites?



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3 minutes ago, partyon said:

It's not really about the adding and subtracting, nor a competition between the teams.

We're here for the discussions and laughter. That's it!


I should probably take this advice. When things get too close to 0 I start to get Very Nervous! :joy:


Homer Simpson Reaction GIF



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1 minute ago, partyon said:

It's not really about the adding and subtracting, nor a competition between the teams.

We're here for the discussions and laughter. That's it!

Sure, sure.



I believe. After today, definitely. We all like a bit of competition. 



3 minutes ago, partyon said:

Hope it makes sense?

No worries, it does.



It's a forum game, so it's never truly about winning (well, except game forum...).


Still... Tricking poor little me was evil! How could you?




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6 minutes ago, the_sweetroad said:

I should probably take this advice. When things get too close to 0 I start to get Very Nervous! :joy:


LOL - that's why we have noticed that it's much better if the teams are even in terms of how much they post / how many members each team has. Because then the score will stay much longer closer to 500, allowing for a more relaxed atmosphere on this thread.


It's when it becomes a fierce competition for either one team or both teams that the atmosphere here becomes more stressful. That's e.g. why I alternate between the teams. :kiss_wink:


Btw, I used to LOVE Animal when I was a kid. Oh, and the Swedish Chef too. :joy:




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