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Cant shake GBC I only wish more dramas made me feel like this... Reflecting on a few that made me cry, laugh and thankful...




640 maybe....

Edited by Guest
Better wording I hope LOL :)
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I'm a little confused and suprised. So....."Go Back Couple" was able to get @phikyl into tears and is a straight 10 out of 10? :o Is it really THAT good? I remember that I read the premise and put it aside quite quickly because the plot felt so....meh....and time traveling isn't my thing either.

But now that you all talk about it, it makes me really curious...I mean.....tears....10/10 that's some heavy hitters you pull out there.



Sigh, "The Orville", "Secret Forest", rewatching "Fairy" and now probably "GBC". I really have to come up with a plan to watch all this. :D 

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@stargazer187Yep, The Orville is an A-serien from and with Seth McFarlane. 


SF was praised by a lot of people here, including @bedifferent @triplem and @staygold


@bedifferentI want to tap your doc knowledge.




How does it "work"? Does it spread and make every bone weak, crunchy and easy to break? Spreads it like "normal" cancer and affects new bodyparts when untreated? Is it like a brittle-boen disease?

Or do you have to remove bodyparts, like for example an arm to fully get rid of it. 


@CamelKnightI'm addicted to Peek-A-Boo -_-

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Watching Mixnine ep3 right now and a single comment from a judge put me into complete rampage. I can't believe it, I'm furious right now. Something is really wrong in this world. I can not calm down.

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@Dhakra It's very heavy on the relationship aspects; the different ways a relationship can break apart, where communication was missing, where things went wrong that were outside normal control, etc. So it's tear inducing in that way. Tugs at the heartstrings. 


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@phikyl:huh: What are you talking about?.....


Edit: AAAH! GO back couple! Sorry......I'm not good at thinking while ranting. Mhm, sounds like heavy stuff, I don't know if that's the stuff I wanna see. ^^



But since you're already here, quick question. Is it okay if I post an YT link of a complete Mixnine episode to collect opinions regardning why I'm so pi.....unpleasent. 

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@Dhakra I'm going to say no. Clips, fine if they're from a legit source but not a full ep. 

Cant remember who the other choreography fan is here so I'm just going to drop this..... :tongue: 


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@phikylWell, that was what I was thinking, so me not posting it was the right call. Just wanted an official confirmation. Thanks lil phi.


But just for the record, a CEO from one of the big three kpop entertainment companies who is in his 40s, told a young girl, who is totally normal, that he is very disappointed in her because she's too fat and should "take better care of her". Her singing and everything was totally fine, but gor gods sake. In what kind of world do we live in?


I just hope it was mistake due to translation. @stroppysePlease investigate before I go completely nuts!

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@Dhakra You should totally finish SF


anyway am back fr my short little holiday :cry: and it’s back to work


@stroppyse @stargazer187 Can’t believe there are still people with SLS on Rev Love.  I am slightly concerned that the PD / writer  is playing to the audience ( Knetz) demands after what happened to SiWon. I will really flip tables if she ends up with JH. 



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