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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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On 5/5/2022 at 8:52 AM, linzer03 said:

I'll post some of my thoughts on the recent episodes:


Ep 596: The Type B vs A+KJK + floating JSM episode

What are your thoughts on eps 597 and 598 ? 


Many had picked up on KJK's expression as SJH came down the stairs when she picked her partner.  I was amused at my own reaction and biasness-- i first watched snippets of it on shipping accounts where the moment was posted with background music :love: but somehowww when I got around to watching the subbed episode, it had less of an impact :joy:


With 598, the pepper incident was interesting in terms of the ripple effect- i find it funny how it became viral and captured the attention of viewers and mentioned in several episodes as well as in PCIH.  Them gravitating towards each other throughout the episode was more noteworthy to me personally than the pepper incident

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There were a lot of fun, cute moments that I enjoyed this ep, such as SJH's dance and her Angry Girlfriend face. In my opinion, SJH becomes much more active when it involves KJK. From teasing to defending, she's much more likely to speak up when he's involved. Also, I like KJK's noticably gentler voice when it was SJH's turn for the quiz (right before she answers amoeba).

But I don't have too much to discuss about those moments. Instead, I want to talk about seaweed soup.
So google led me to this explanation of why Koreans eat seaweed soup on their birthday's: https://blog.mykoreatrip.com/why-korean-people-eat-seaweed-soup-on-their-birthday/
So when everyone is sitting down to enjoy KJK's birthday meal, prepared by the staff, this scene happens:
Since translations for subs can be off (subbing can be difficult and often subs go for tone rather than literal meaning), I asked my friend (who was a member of this forum previously) for the translation. HH: "SJH, the seawood soup is really good." SJH: "Is it good?" HH: "You really cook well." SJH: "How did you know?" YSC: "Did SJH cook this the day before?" HH: "Oh."
I first saw this scene on IG, and I figured it was a usually loveline joke where cast member A starts a skit by saying something along time lines of, "Oh, the gf made seawood soup for her boyfriend" and cast member B plays along, "Ohh you must really love your bf" (They've done skits like this all the time on RM). So my initial thought was that SJH hadn't made the soup and HH was just starting a skit by implying that she did.
Then, when I watched the scene in the context of the ep, I was surprised at how low key it was. Usually, I would expect the other members to jump at HH saying SJH made the seaweed soup and to go over the top with the teasing. Instead, you get a brief comment on it from HH, a question from YSC, and then the conversation moves on. No one else acknowledges it. I would also expect Bo-Pil to place a caption declare the scene a skit and HH is the "loveline lover", but he doesn't do that. So basically, I went into the scene expect the SJH making the seaweed soup to be played off as a loveline joke... except it wasn't. Which then leads to the question if SJH did make the seaweed soup for KJK's birthday, what does it mean?
We have seen SJH prepare seaweed soup on the show before, for YSC's birthday. The difference is that YSC's soup was prepared in front of the cameras as part of the show. If SJH actually did make the soup, then she had to prepare it in advance and coordinate with the staff who prepared the rest of feast. That's above and beyond. While it's definitely in character for herto care for her cast mates, I've never heard of going as far as making a very special soup for one of the other cast member's birthdays behind the scenes. That to me is a girlfriend/significant other act.
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Song Ji Hyo Reveals She Initially Hated “Love Line” With Kim Jong Kook, Shares Candid Thoughts On Dating And Marriage, And More


SJH appear on recent episode on MBC Every1’s “Tteokbokki Brothers”.


So based on her answer, KJK definitely out of the picture? But I just roll my eyes when reading SJH answer lol.


I mean, ya, as if SJH will answer truthfully anyway...


But sigh, korean celebrities definitely late in marriage don't they? I mean even LKS already 36 years old, couple for few years already still no sign of getting married

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On 5/13/2022 at 7:22 AM, linzer03 said:

Then, when I watched the scene in the context of the ep, I was surprised at how low key it was. Usually, I would expect the other members to jump at HH saying SJH made the seaweed soup and to go over the top with the teasing. Instead, you get a brief comment on it from HH, a question from YSC, and then the conversation moves on. No one else acknowledges it. I would also expect Bo-Pil to place a caption declare the scene a skit and HH is the "loveline lover", but he doesn't do that. So basically, I went into the scene expect the SJH making the seaweed soup to be played off as a loveline joke... except it wasn't. Which then leads to the question if SJH did make the seaweed soup for KJK's birthday, what does it mean?

 i love this scene... specially kjk's smile at the end. he didn't even deny it like he used to... it's not impossible that she's the one who prepared the meal.. plus sechan's question was time specific (but maybe it's just the me confused with the translation). 


Same episode, during the dance performance, i also noticed kjk's body language. When sjh touched his head at the beginning he just smiled and waited for her next move (which was shocking but totally fun :joy:). This was so different compared to his body language when the other girls where dancing for him. He had his arms blocking them which I take as a sign of discomfort while still being polite. with SJH, she can just touch him and you can see he was just laughing and was not even shy about it like it was perfectly normal... but of course he had to stop her after that hahahaha.. the whole scene was fun and again a proof of how comfy jh is with him 'cause if you've watched RM for a long time you'll know how awkward JH is with those kind of stuff.. 


On 5/13/2022 at 9:20 AM, Xonos said:

SJH appear on recent episode on MBC Every1’s “Tteokbokki Brothers”.


So based on her answer, KJK definitely out of the picture? But I just roll my eyes when reading SJH answer lol.


I mean, ya, as if SJH will answer truthfully anyway...

i think no matter how successful their loveline is, they will never admit in anyway that they have a slightest feeling towards each other other than being a family. something that i also find sus. when kjk had LLs before you'll see him saying that they're close to his ideal girl and proactively promote the LL more. He's not like that with SJH. they've always been careful with what they say. So if in the future, when they're asked if their hearts flutter for each other or if they are each other's ideal, let's expect them to deny. 


She also mentioned that she didn't like the LL before (not kjk but the LL) because of her LL with gary. I love her for this. it shows her values and how she protects her image. 


anyways, happy that this forum is active again :blush:  



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@fs10 I'm working on a post on my thoughts about the black pepper incident. It just takes time to write up.


@Xonos SJH's answer lines up with I thought she felt about the loveline initially, so this isn't a surprise to me at all. Some old MC may dislike this, but SJH seemed to have a hard time with MC (especially in the later years), and I can see how that would make her uncomfortable with the ideaof starting up another loveline on the show. There might also be the fear that she'll seem like player having a loveline with KJK after one with KG. If she is dating KJK, then it's probably worrisome to have your relationship thrust into the spotlight and put under the scrutiny of so many people. If she wasn't dating KJK at the time, then there may be the fear of putting a strain on an important friendship. Basically, there's lots of reasons why SJH would hate the idea of a loveline.


Of course, we shouldn't assume SJH is telling the truth here. It's possible she dislikes the loveline now, but can't insult the show she's working on. However,for the sake of discussion, let's say she was honest that she disliked the loveline initially, made a request of KJK, but enjoys the loveline now. These are some of my thoughts:


1) Interestingly, they don't approach the loveline as two individual celebrities. Usually, you would expect a celebrity who had an issue with a loveline to go to the PD, since thr casts' contracts are with SBS/RM,not with each other. The one who would be proposing the loveline would be the crew. If a celeb wanted to refuse a loveline, they would speak to the staff/SBS. Instead, SJH has a conversation with KJK about not doing this loveline. The implication is that they make the decision together whether or not to do the loveline. It reminds me a lot of 2016, after getting fired, the announcements for both KJK and SJH came through KJK's management. It's really not something celebs who are just friends do. Friendship is great and all, but at a certain point you're dealing with contracts and celebrity images. Sharing this kind of decision making indicates a relationship beyond friendship.


2) Another thing to note is that we don't actually know when this conversation between KJK and SJH took place. It could have been all the way back in 2017/2018 where we only got snippets of SA teasing.


My initial thought was that the conversation likely took place in late 2018/early 2019 when we first got an explicit SA loveline. SJH was against the loveline; KJK, to some unknown degree, was for the loveline. They discussed; KJK convinced SJH to do the loveline.  KJK has had many more lovelines than SJH, and therefore has probanly had a wider variety of experiences. He knows the big positives of lovelines - he probably also knows that a loveline would help SJH get screentime (something she's struggled with due to not being as proactive). So that was my initial guess as to when the conversation between KJK and SJH in regards to the loveline took place.


@Adora Dark suggested another time the conversation could have taken place to me: in 2019, after the loveline had played out some. So this is another thought: In the beginning of 2019, we got an explicit SA loveline  with the rest of the cast encouraging them. This happened for more than 1 episode in a row; compared to the previous, brief highlights SA moments, we can definitely say that in early 2019, SA were in a loveline. Then in the second half or 2019 and most of 2020, the loveline juat dropped. To the extent that KJK and SJH would actively avoid reacting to one another. All sorts of theories came up: SA had broken up, SA had gotten together, one of them was going to marry someone else. But then in 2021, we suddenly got the loveline again (this time stronger than ever).


A lot of things could have happened behind the scenes to explain these changes in the loveline. But, perhaps, SJH's request in regards to the loveline is what caused the sudden end to the loveline and During that time period, KJK was the one who obviously refused to participate in the loveline. He would often look down when they discussed SJH in the openings. If this was a decision on SA's part, that SJH asked KJK to stop the loveline, this behavior makes sense to me. In variety shows, KJK has more influence and bargaining power than SJH. He can more easily refuse to do a loveline than she can. So, he may have taken the active role in refusing.


If this is the case, it's interesting that they started the loveline up again in 2021, perhaps now that they had more distance from other loveline (e.g. KJK-HJY), perhaps they realized how profitable the loveline was, etc. Regardless, they both appear to be on board with the loveline now, making the choice to appear in multiple shows outside RM. SJH has been one of the first guests in multiple of KJK's projects now (from MUD, Gym Jong Kook, PCIH). She even states that she attended PCIH to support him, not because she has something to promote.


Anyway, these are just musings. We'll never get a real answer, so we can only speculate based on scraps of info that we get in interviews where they may or may not be telling the truth. Let me know if you have any other thoughts!



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32 minutes ago, linzer03 said:


Saw this as well and wanted to ask what it means. I don't understand why KJK would stop HH from mentioning he came to the concert with a friend and the friend's daughter. It's also puzzling why HH even suddenly mentioned it in the first place.

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6 hours ago, Swan Solimo said:


Saw this as well and wanted to ask what it means. I don't understand why KJK would stop HH from mentioning he came to the concert with a friend and the friend's daughter. It's also puzzling why HH even suddenly mentioned it in the first place.


KJK took a pic with the friend's daughter, so HH was talking about a real friend.


The interesting thing to me is that KJK gives a sort-of panicked reaction before HH says the name - when HH only says that a friend brought his daughter. So I wonder if KJK misunderstood somehow.


Anyway, we shouldn't read too much into it.

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SJH has been one of the first guests in multiple of KJK's projects now (from MUD, Gym Jong Kook, PCIH). She even states that she attended PCIH to support him, not because she has something to promote.

Hence I conclude that, sure SJH and KJK, continue denied it while actively give suspicious vibes on them being together LOL.


But then again, how many female celebrities does KJK feel comfortable with to begin with...


I think age may play a factor too during those up and downs of loveline etc...Now it seems like they don't really care anymore and just play along...


Maybe Dispatch ought to attempt to follow KJK again lol...

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12 hours ago, Juni Asat said:

what do you all think about that dog and underwear answer?? :D:D

As for the weight of the dog, this could be a lucky guess but with basis. It could be kjk knows her dog personally or maybe sjh told him this before or both.


The underwear is really funny and sus to me. Though it’s valid that sometimes people only wear black or white but it’s not always the case. You have to be reaaaallly close to someone to know this detail. It so sus that he’s confident that she wouldn’t wear other colors. They talk about that too?!? :joy:




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2 hours ago, <3Spartace said:

As for the weight of the dog, this could be a lucky guess but with basis. It could be kjk knows her dog personally or maybe sjh told him this before or both.


The underwear is really funny and sus to me. Though it’s valid that sometimes people only wear black or white but it’s not always the case. You have to be reaaaallly close to someone to know this detail. It so sus that he’s confident that she wouldn’t wear other colors. They talk about that too?!? :joy:




The dog one is so suspicious too coz KJK said he only see JH's dog's pic, not see the dog directly. Now, about that underwear colour, I might have a little different thought, that's maybe because his are only white and black, so he thought that she's like him too, that's why he said if not white then black :joy::joy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched Pajama Friends Episode 1 and found out that Ji Hyo usually don't like to lie in a bed before taking a bath or washing up, and can't help my mind going to JK coaching JH on high jump: like you lying on my bed :tounge_wink::tounge_wink::tounge_wink:

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  • 4 weeks later...

i apologize in advance because i just need to get this out of my system. 

This official loveline thingy is becoming so toxic. Sbs should just drop it. I admit it was really fun at first but it has become very unnatural. We lived with crumbs for years and years and it was more interesting then. Now everybody (as in both sides) is just toxic.


I’m not a solo stan. I don’t see any of them as perfect individuals. I’m a spartace fan because i like how they are to each other behind the scenes. I love how close they are in real life and how well they understand each other. 


As the members said before, they each have a role to play in evey situation. Even sjh said they talked about doing the loveline before but she declined. So what makes people think that sjh and kjk don’t  talk about their loveline now and the roles they’re gonna play in it?


It’s upsetting to read negative comments about them and i’ve seen too much lately. They’re doing it for the show and i think it should stop. No matter how much they love the show i don’t think it’s worth it. Besides, if they’re really not together, loveline can also hurt their current bf/gf. 

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On 6/27/2022 at 9:26 PM, <3Spartace said:

i apologize in advance because i just need to get this out of my system. 

This official loveline thingy is becoming so toxic. Sbs should just drop it. I admit it was really fun at first but it has become very unnatural. We lived with crumbs for years and years and it was more interesting then. Now everybody (as in both sides) is just toxic.


I’m not a solo stan. I don’t see any of them as perfect individuals. I’m a spartace fan because i like how they are to each other behind the scenes. I love how close they are in real life and how well they understand each other. 


As the members said before, they each have a role to play in evey situation. Even sjh said they talked about doing the loveline before but she declined. So what makes people think that sjh and kjk don’t  talk about their loveline now and the roles they’re gonna play in it?


It’s upsetting to read negative comments about them and i’ve seen too much lately. They’re doing it for the show and i think it should stop. No matter how much they love the show i don’t think it’s worth it. Besides, if they’re really not together, loveline can also hurt their current bf/gf. 


Totally agreed! Now those moments is fake +  cringe as FK...


RM shouldn't and don't need these loveline to stand out...If they think they can't increase the viewership anymore they should just call it a day and move on to other project...Sadly, RM is old enough and I know is really tough for them to come out with new idea anymore perhaps...


Next episode is going to KJK house, which kinda weird considering the title is "Running Man"...I don't know, it perhaps shows that they really don't have anymore idea to go on for a while?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

While I’m happy with this change of seeing JH actively participate more in discussions, this compilation made me wonder why JH decided to do this love line when she was against it before. Why now? 

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  • 3 months later...

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