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6 hours ago, syntyche said:

[From post by Song Ji-na]: When I watched his eyes in the Jeong Dong Haeng Seong fighting scene in episode 22, I thought, 'He has become Choi Young completely. I lost to him.'
He really did a great job in that scene despite adverse conditions!


Ep 22 is one of my favorite episodes in the series for just that reason. CY submitted to the King’s decision and is then forced to kill and kill while freaked about his hand and worried about the king. You can see the suffering in his face and eyes while at the same time he’s both fierce and utterly faithful to the King and his remaining Woodalchi. To me that scene is what Faith is all about, both the word and the series title. Then later in the episode, Eun-soo refuses to let him ignore her and continue suffering alone. He finally lets her comfort him. Soooo tender and sweet, and LMH was CY, just perfect in portraying all of it.

But I’m getting ahead of myself: thoughts on Ep 22 coming soon, and I look forward to seeing others’ takes on that episode as well.




@Lmangla and @Missprincesa, I think The screenwriter would be the first to criticize herself and she did so in some of her interviews. Evidently the weather (hottest summer in Korean history while everyone’s walking around in armor and several layers of clothes), the various production problems, including limited budget and rushed filming (and screenwriting), uneven directing and editing, as well as the writer’s shortcomings, all created a flawed product. The overall flow of the relationships, as well as the cast and chemistry among them, really saved it, in my opinion.

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PD Kim wanted Faith to be more Wuxia-like. Song Ji Na was not familiar with Wuxia but she tried to incorporate them into her script on PD Kim's bidding, which is why Ki Chul et al. and Choi Young have special powers in the beginning. The Wuxia bit went down the drain mainly, I believe, due to budget because PD Kim wasted a lot of money making a trailer featuring the original Choi Young, Kang Ji Hwan. In addition, Faith was also sued for plagiarism because there was another drama adapted from Japanese drama/mange named Dr. Jin which had a similar setting (time travelling), and this affected the script as well.


Also due to time constraint & budget, Song Ji Na's scripts were changed without being consulted. Which is why she decided to release the scripts on her then, website, for the Faith fans. If you are following the omitted script tidbits, you will notice as the series get nearer to the end, there were more translated scenes indicating more scenes were being omitted/changed.


Below should answer some questions and regrets for the production of Faith. From these Q&A, it is evident as well that the PD and Song Ji Na had different vision of how they wanted Faith to be.


Q: Was it your intention to introduce the villian’s image of Ki Chul as a person who is sick? The audience thought the potrayal of Ki Chul by Yoo Oh Sung is cute. Was that too, the reaction you intended?
A: Mmm…I often look at the politicians and thought the impression they gave me, instead of bad, I see them as people who are funnily sick. That’s the way I go about creating Ki Chul…but as a result, I panicked when he became a comic presence. At the beginning I thought it was the costume or one-on-one fighting scene weren’t good enough, but after some consideration, I think it is, I, who failed to properly create the character. This is a character that is overly greedy, yet immature.


Q: What is the reason of incorporating the power of sonic, fire, ice and nei-gong (internal ki) into the script? To be honest the arrangement of this became more of a hindrance to the drama and its story because only those who possesses this power can fight each other. Is there a special reason for this story-setting?
A: Ah…this setting is what the director wants long time ago. We bought a Wuxia novel and in the novel, there’s power of sonic, ice and fire to cure people – named “Medical Power”! Honestly, I don’t really understand the principle of it (and can’t accept it), it greatly burdened me, but because director wanted to and asked me to give it a try…so I started. But the medical part of the story has been cancelled, so the story to the “medical power” has also been cancelled. One vs One fighting with these kind of powers became impossible and difficult with the time constraint. A script writer should not write something s/he does not know about, with this, I regretted it a million times.


Q: I don’t know if I should ask, but with regard to the scenes being omitted during filming due to time limit or condition, was it approved by you that it did not get filmed? Or did it get edited out? I really want to know…
A: It was quite difficult at the shooting, but the lateness of releasing my script was the major reason. In order to accommodate my script and digest it, it would require some changes to the set or shooting. Usually I would get a call on the spot if there’s a scene that is difficult to reproduce and in order to accommodate it, it would require some editing. (These changes are reflected in the script I upload onto my site)

As for changes that I was not aware of, I only knew it when it was shown on TV. (the script was uploaded onto the site before I could make any changes).

Q: In regard to the script for the ending, how much differences were there comparing with the original structure of the script? Were there some story that due to time constraint did not make it into the script?
A: The structure of the end was already set when I wrote episode 1 therefore when episode 1 was being filmed, I also requested to film some scenes of episode 24. However, it looks like it was not filmed (at the time they said they had no time, they will film it later).


Q: After receiving the scripts at the production set. Is there someone there that will help edit the scripts to which the filming condition required? If there is, did it receive your approval before it was edited?
A: When the story reaches the second half, the shooting condition becomes vicious. It seems impossible to film two 70 minutes long episodes in a week. Plus Faith is a historical drama, they often have to travel between filming locations, to not have any flaws and filmed till the end… I think it is an amazing thing (I suggest Kdrama should be aired one episode a week).

Thus it was impossible to have another person editing the scripts; there is no such time. My understanding is most of the time the director will make the judgment and finish the job. If there is time, assistant director will tell me the condition through live chat and request to edit the script. If there is none, they will just shoot it first and I only find out during the broadcast – “Eh? That scene is not there…?”


Q: Ki Chul was really scary in the earlier part of the drama, however, as the story unravels, his character became more comical. Is that what you intended it for this character?
A: Oh no, definitely not. To be honest when I first saw the 4 of them on TV broadcast, I was shocked! I tried with great effort to fix it…but I think in the end I got consumed into it…




The rest of the Q&A can be read → https://shineuifaith.wordpress.com/2020/08/08/writer-song-ji-nas-qa/

Joonni also translated them and more, so that's another read if anyone wants to better understand Faith and the production.

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15 hours ago, Missprincesa said:

And all these grays I think are related to a non developed writing of those characters. I mean, we have full arc stories for the King, for Choi Young, but for characters like Eun Soo, I think the character is half written. The same for KC. And the venom prince... I really don't get why they would introduce a new villain when a good one was already in the story. And, for me, the repetition with poisoning Eun Soo denotes lack of imagination. 

I agree; the first half of the series started out strong especially in regards to daejang finding out his will to live again.... in comparison, some of these other characters including the villains and eui seon didn't have strong arcs or motivation. so the second half has felt a bit draggy to be honest. it feels like some of the criticism is right. 


@msdot @mademoisellesia ~ thanks for the background of the writer and the plagiarism issue in relation to dr jin. I watched the jdrama version and loved 3/4th of it. the ending was blah. remember watching the kdrama version and it was okay-ish. so can see how the writer felt pressure on comparison to similar theme and then got a bit lost. but really kudos to her for publicly acknowledging the flaws and limitations of her work and not getting defensive. find that really sweet and humbling. not many writers will admit where they could have done better. so good for her!


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On 10/31/2020 at 9:11 AM, Lmangla said:

part of me feels that it is because of weak writing especially in regards to eui seon. now when you love a drama, you don't notice the flaws. I don't remember thinking any of these when I first watched years ago but some of the flaws has become difficult to ignore on a re-watch. am still not sure why everyone wants eui seon to be honest and that is why the villains all seem a bit weird.


what exactly does ki cheol want with eui seon? does he want to travel to the future? why exactly? initially it seemed like he wants eui seon because he wants to be powerful but then he is actually more powerful than the king for the most part. so why not control the kingdom already? he seems to want to go to the future but it is not really clear why. is it simply sort of intellectual curiousity? or is he sick and thinks she can cure him? what use does eui seon have?


frankly, doctor jang seems a better doctor than eui seon. she is highly reliant on modern technology and seems totally lost without her tools. every time someone falls sick, her response is "if I had xx tools"... she is not able to do anything useful without them -- perhaps a comment on modern medicine? but anyways, since she is not some magical doctor, it is not like she adds much value to goryeo. it is not like she has taught people to avoid contaminated water and thus avoid water-borne diseases. basically she hasn't done anything really useful for the people with her modern medicine knowledge.


then does she add value because she is from heaven/future? even after so many episodes, people are not necessarily sure what to make of her. reason is she doesn't know much about history anyway, hasn't revealed anything that useful or impacted anyone. for example, in many literature stories, the future traveler gets prominence by successfully predicting the end of the eclipse and convincing everyone he/she has magical powers. in this case, she pretty much hasn't done anything of value. so if we look at poison moustache man, he seems to despise her and know she is not really special. in that case, why does he want her?


her real value seems to be in relation to daejang and how he feels about her. so rather than eui seon, it seems to be an indirect way of trying to control daejang. the idea seems to be that whoever controls daejang can control the kingdom due to the superior fighting forces. however, all of this is rather vague and kind of implied but not necessarily spelt out. basically, I keep feeling like I have been watching a lot of politics but I am not really sure what exactly the fights are about and I need some newsreader to explain it to me a in short 2 minute summary clip. :sweatingbullets:


I think Ki Cheol wants to go to the future because it will give him information about the state of Goryeo.. He wants to use future knowledge to change the trajectory or history.  He is also curious, it is a real opportunity to go to a place no one has been before except CY and he berates CY for not learning more or taking back to the past useful future equipment and weapons and stuff that could help in his pursuit of power in controlling others.  He would be ecstatic with guns, machine guns, LOL!

I like your observation about the difference between Dr. Jang and ES.  He does his own research, makes his own medication and use his knowledge to try to solve medical diseases.  ES is too dependent on modern tools and medications and unable to make any herself.  @Lmangla you are so spot on when you said it is perhaps a comment on modern medicine. Yup, too much reliance on drugs and equipment created by others.


One thing ES knows as much that she could be dangerous in the sense  that she might unwittingly change the trajectory of history.  If CY had died, history would be different.  However, looks like she was instrumental in saving Yi Seong Gi , the founder of the Joseon dynasty. So without her, he would have died and SK would never have had a Joseon Dynasty.  Wow!


On 10/31/2020 at 11:23 AM, msdot said:


Ep 22 is one of my favorite episodes in the series for just that reason. CY submitted to the King’s decision and is then forced to kill and kill while freaked about his hand and worried about the king. You can see the suffering in his face and eyes while at the same time he’s both fierce and utterly faithful to the King and his remaining Woodalchi. To me that scene is what Faith is all about, both the word and the series title. Then later in the episode, Eun-soo refuses to let him ignore her and continue suffering alone. He finally lets her comfort him. Soooo tender and sweet, and LMH was CY, just perfect in portraying all of it.

But I’m getting ahead of myself: thoughts on Ep 22 coming soon, and I look forward to seeing others’ takes on that episode as well.




@Lmangla and @Missprincesa, I think The screenwriter would be the first to criticize herself and she did so in some of her interviews. Evidently the weather (hottest summer in Korean history while everyone’s walking around in armor and several layers of clothes), the various production problems, including limited budget and rushed filming (and screenwriting), uneven directing and editing, as well as the writer’s shortcomings, all created a flawed product. The overall flow of the relationships, as well as the cast and chemistry among them, really saved it, in my opinion.


Yes, the cast and the chemistry among them saved the drama.  The drama itself had a lot of plot holes and not well directed, and produced.  It was a project that was jinxed from the start.  The saving grace was LMH, KHS and the rest of the cast.



On 10/29/2020 at 8:58 PM, msdot said:

Thoughts on Episode 21

Eun-soo has asked the King to stay with Young in the Woodalchi barracks, to her mind the safest place in Goryeo (not to mention all that studly beauty surrounding her). For Young, though, it means a serious commitment, and he essentially proposes to Eun-soo right there. It’s so sincere and powerful it gave me goosebumps, and it must have taken all his courage to ask her to stay if she could. He bares his heart to her as he promises, “If you become mine, you’ll be mine forever. Not just for today, or a few days. When that day comes, and I ask you, will you give me your answer?” Sigh. It was hard for me to watch the rest of the episode with my full attention; this unbearably sweet scene kept replaying in my mind over and over, watching Young’s face slowly soften with love when Eun-soo says she will. After watching Faith umpteen times, that scene still gets to me.




The Woodalchi puppies are cute, smiling and even snickering about their Daejang sharing quarters with the Doctor. Although he has returned to the palace, Young still holds himself a little apart from the King’s service, wanting to give himself an out in case he needs to do some extralegal killing. To show this he wears a lavender (?!) suede coat. To my mind this was a wardrobe choice gone awry. Anyway, lavender Daejang meets with the King and gets permission to capture the Prince, then he returns to the barracks to check on Eun-soo. Eun-soo’s eye rolling is funny as she follows him to their room and gets reprimanded for being outside where she can be seen. She gets him to loosen up by flirting with him, but their kiss is unfortunately interrupted by Dol-bae. Young really needs to get a lock on that door!





" essentially proposes to Eun-soo right there. It’s so sincere and powerful it gave me goosebumps, and it must have taken all his courage to ask her to stay if she could. He bares his heart to her as he promises, “If you become mine, you’ll be mine forever. Not just for today, or a few days. When that day comes, and I ask you, will you give me your answer?” Sigh. It was hard for me to watch the rest of the episode with my full attention; this unbearably sweet scene"

Yes, this is my favorite part of this episode.  He wondered that she hurt, laughed, cried, worried, had nightmares and realized that it was all for him.  That she must care for him so he took courage to ask her to stay with him should they find a cure for her poison.  He is so earnest, straight to the point. No hem and haw, just straight "Will you stay with me?"  If you will, I will care and love you for the rest of my life.  So romantic.


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Episode 21

Scene opens from the last episode, in the Wudalchi barracks. CY enters his room eyes widen as he hears ES’ voice rings out “Allegiance !”

ES wearing the Wuldalchi armour with her hair cutely bunned up holding a sword and wearing the most beaming smiles. ES explains that the Wudalchi barracks is the safest place in Goryeo and will stay right by his side in his room.

CY walks closer until ES is leaning almost against the window, as he leans in towards her almost touching chest to chest ( arggggg… I was hoping for another kiss scene)


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Coming next is the Proposal scene !!! ….Daejang carrying a small stool while his other hand pulls ES to a seat facing her. ES's face has an almost guilty expression, like she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
As Daejang takes both her hands in his and moves to sit closer and she looks at him with tender expression.

He stares at her for a few seconds and with a soft intake of breath, Daejang proposes “ If I am going to have Imja, it will be forever, not for one day or a few days. When that day comes, I will ask you, will you answer me ? “   ES gives a very gentle tender smile at his words, eyes glistening and obviously very moved.

Hahaha, I was literally moved and had a bit of tears in my eyes by CY style of proposing, so beautiful & romantic not just plain “I love you” but something much more deep.

It seems it is not only our Imja couple that is revelling in their happiness. The Wudalchi standing guard are all laughing and smiling from cheek to cheek, so pleased are they with the turn of events. Of course, when Daejang walks in they revert to their silent, grim selves standing at attention. It’s kind of amusing to watch this.





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Next comes the almost KISS scene ! …Daejang walks in wearing the Star Wars Naboo Council outfit (ehh…not my favourite attire) He stares down at her with his slight smile, "That word, Daejang... say it one more time." Wheeeeeeee!
She looks up at him cheekily, "Dae-jang?"

He looks down at her  his expression serious but with faint traces of a smile as his eyes narrowing as he looks at her lips. But a commotion is heard, and just before CY's lips could descend any further, we see clueless CS standing at the door calling for Daejang. (Grrr CS.. I don't think I can ever forgive you for barging in like that and spoiling our 'very' moment.)






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ES is devastated by the death of JB and blames herself, and CY almost wordlessly  takes care of her as if she was a child. To see a deadly warrior so caring and tender, CY wipes her hands, takes off her armor & tucks her in to bed. But the greatest act of kindness and understanding is when he talks about the first man he killed and how he couldn't sleep and still remembers his face. It’s a gentle comfort to ES telling her that she did not kill JB

Another of my favorite scene, as she counts, “one, two, three”. The way she glows! as she wants him to turn on the count of three, their smiles, their happiness & their closeness together last night ( ? )…love is in the air for our Imja couple.


cr as tagged



This is such a heartbreaking question from CY to GM  arguing for the best way of dealing with DH ; they each have their own responsibilities to consider, after all. What is certain is that GM's words may have been well-meant and logical from a king's point of view, but he would come to regret them when he eventually realizes the effect it had upon Young.

GM presents a convincing argument for his decision to let DH go until he has gained the agreement of the council to confront him directly. Once and for all, the council needed to decide whether they were going to support the King of Goryeo or cower in the face of the Yuan emperor - they were going to run into this issue again and again in the future if they did not solve it now. As someone who had finally come into his own as a real King, it stands to reason that he stepped up as a leader rather than hiding behind CY's protection. "Until when should I continue hiding behind you?" Perhaps GM even thought this was a way of relieving CY of some of his great burden, recognizing that previously CY had "fought in his stead to protect him." Rather than throwing CY out there with an order to kill DH and then forcing him to face the consequences, GM is trying to think differently.

CY's argument is equally understandable; from his viewpoint, the King is making an incredibly foolish decision to allow DH to go free without any dependable way of reeling him back in. The comparison of the King throwing the bait without a fishing rod is quite apt; the scholars have shown time and time again that they are undependable and are more likely to bow to Yuan than stand against the onslaught. To CY, it must have seemed like the perfect opportunity to avenge the Queen and save ES was wasted, however logical GM's reasons for needing justification sounded. GM's words at this point must have seemed like adding insult to injury; "Until when should I continue hiding behind you?"

It is no surprise then, that CY's weary statement to GM  that he accepted his command was followed by the first dropping of his sword.




Next comes another favourite scene…hand-holding !...Daejang looks like he just came in from a bath, as he wipes his hands on a piece of cloth. He is wearing just his black undergarment kimono like robe.
ES tries to get comfy, and undoes her hair as she talks to him. He is obviously not listening very well, distracted by her he is virtually staring at her glossy long hair and swallowing, so Adam's Apple alert! Especially as she lets it lose and starts fluffing it around. When she turns to look at him, he actually looks down so she won't notice him staring. LOL, hair fetish Daejang !

Then he turns to take a comb, and when he tries to hand it over, it falls involuntarily from his hand. She doesn't realise it at first, still busy with her hair, but when he bends down and tries to pick it up and drops it again, she realises something is wrong.
She turns to look at him
as she figures that it isn't the first time it happened. She quickly goes to sit beside him,and laces her fingers through his, asking him to pull her hand with strength.

He lies down on the bed, and as she starts to move away, he grabs her hand. She is startled, as he pulls her towards the bed and she literally falls almost on top of him. He's pretending not to look, already putting one hand over his forehead, his eyes closed.
She sits there looking at him, and she realises that Daejang has made space on the bed for her, she smiles to herself, and lies down beside him.
As they lie together on that tiny bed,he holds out his left hand (Swoonnnnn)...she puts her hand in his and they are holding hands together,bodies so close together,listening to each other breather as they closes their eyes to sleep
. Never expected to see a cold and stoic CY side of tenderness and intimacy, love it.




Last scene sees ES helping CY placing on his armour,leaning against his back for several moments saying a little prayer for his safe return (it’s a touching sweet moment) ....then she taps his back and says as brightly as she can, "All done, Daejang."  He turns to look at her and she looks up at him with a smile.









** The End **

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Episode 20







Gongnim has evolved into a king who values love over his country. He is panic-stricken when he learns that Noguk is missing. He loses it, which is exactly what Deok Heung wants to happen. Poor king needs his captain at this trying time. He is the only one who could talk some sense into him and shake him out of his misery. Such a moving scene when Choi Young picks him up the floor and kneels before him instead. 





Another moving scene is when Gongnim finally sees Noguk and comforts her. And he's back to being a king protecting and standing up for his country. This episode truly showcased the acting prowess of the actor playing Gongnim.







I like that Choi Young listens to Eun Soo, and actually believes her when she says they need to go back. When they learned of Noguk's miscarriage, him holding her hand discreetly behind his back - isn't that the sweetest gesture? :wub:




Quite a revelation with Choi Young's talk with the leader of the royal guards. This puts a new perspective  on the death of the Jeokwoldae leader. That it didn't just happen; he actually saw it coming - or wanted it to happen. All those killings took a toll on Choi Young's old master. And now he might be going through the same thing, too.





Ahhh...one of my most favorite scenes in Faith -- the staying-in-the-same-room-as-the-Woodalchi-General scene. Haha. I'd play this scene over and over. I just can't get enough of the sweetness and the tension between these two! It's just adorable watching them together, finally getting past that awkward stage and now blessing us with all these sweet scenes. 




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21 hours ago, Missprincesa said:

Thank you @mademoiselleisa, I read that Q&A with the writer some time ago, when I finished watching the drama, and I did understand a lot of things after reading that. 

But I can't forgive her for not finishing the novel. It makes me sad. 

Aww, I understand your disappointment. It will forever be a pity in my heart too. However it's been 8 years so I've come to terms with it. I hope you will too and forgive Song Ji Na.


Faith just wasn't popular enough at the time so with publishing the novels, it doesn't seem like the publishing company was able to make profit from it. At the time, we had contacted the publishing company and asked if there was a chance for this to be translated into another language and they said the other markets were not interested. Last I know, I was told the copyrights were sold to Indonesia and Japan.


If my memory serves me right, Song Ji Na published a bit of volume 3 and said she hit a writer's block. Then all we know was she moved on to write Healer.


On Sept 11th this year, the actor who played Daeman did a live chat on his IG. Someone posted liking him in Faith (in English). He didn't understand what "Faith" was so I wrote "Shin Eui" and he understood. He just said, "that was a long time ago" and left it at that and said nothing else. I admit as a Faith fan I'd love to see a bit more enthuasiam from him about it but he said no more. :(


And then I thought, perhaps...

To us, Faith may give us many fond memories (and still is); however, it's probably not like that for the production crew & the actors because of what happened then—overworking staff, no money for wrap up party, staff not getting paid leading to the staff filing lawsuit against PD Kim and in the end PD Kim chose the suicide path. I can't helped but wonder these people, including Song Ji Na, may have preferred to put Faith away and not think/talk about it anymore because it brought back too many painful memories.

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Episode 21


Seeing a woman inside the Woodalchi headquarters must be a breath of fresh air for the warriors. She’s bringing in a different touch, teaching them to do those high fives and making them some tea. She brings life to that place, especially to Choi Young, who lets out a smile to her amidst his men. And the Woodalchi feeling giddy about their captain’s love life is hilarious.  


Finally, Choi Young asks Eun Soo to stay, or at least plans to ask her that question. I was thinking, why wait, when she could have answered ‘yes’ already. Haha.


So many favorite scenes in this episode, like Choi Young holding her hands and laying out his plans, him making her say “Yes, Captain” again, her willing him to look at her on count of three, and intertwining of hands in bed.

































I like watching them living like just any other married couple - helping him prepare for work, talk about their plans for the day, talk about how their day went, and tucking to bed. He was cute when he was caught gazing at her as she unties her hair.  








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Again, thanks @mademoisellesia for sharing the Q&A with regards to the production of Faith.  I know the drama is fictional but it's historical at the same time, so when I saw the supernatural fighting powers (the wuxia-feel) being in play, that did make me wonder.  Now I know why, PD was asking for it.


Was scrolling up down on @syntyche's Epi 20 and 21, @Thong Thin Epi 20 and @msdot 's recap of Ep 21 and bit of 22, LOL, you guys make my heart flutter, along with all the gifs.    I was just thinking I should be with you guys 8 years ago!   And @syntyche your summary of gifs are excellent !


17 minutes ago, syntyche said:

Episode 21


I like watching them living like just any other married couple - helping him prepare for work, talk about their plans for the day, talk about how their day went, and tucking to bed. He was cute when he was caught gazing at her as she unties her hair.  


My favourite scenes in Epi 21 - daebak!   On-point @syntyche :ilike:

Animated GIF

cr flyminho

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4 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:

And then I thought, perhaps...

To us, Faith may give us many fond memories (and still is); however, it's probably not like that for the production crew & the actors because of what happened then—overworking staff, no money for wrap up party, staff not getting paid leading to the staff filing lawsuit against PD Kim and in the end PD Kim chose the suicide path. I can't helped but wonder these people, including Song Ji Na, may have preferred to put Faith away and not think/talk about it anymore because it brought back too many painful memories.

wow, I didn't know all that.. sounds like it would have been quite difficult for all involved. and yea, after such things, maybe they just want to move on and not talk about it..

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Lee Min Ho’s Charm In The Faith Drama

Posted on November 3, 2020

Faith”: D-3 Stills 'Til Premiere | Couch Kimchi

For those of you lovers of Korean drama,of course, it is familiar with the handsome and famous actor Lee Min Ho. He often appeared on screen as an advertising star as well as an actor in a play.

Its popularity led to every drama starring highly rated. Lee Min Ho is a South Korean actor and singer born on June 22, 1987. He first became known for starring in the Korean drama Boys Over Flower as Gu Jun Pyo. Lee Min Ho was named Best Actor at the Baeksang Arts Awards.

After the drama series Boys Over Flower ended, Lee Min Ho developed his wings in the drama world. He often starred in several dramas that ended in high ratings. In addition, Lee Min Hoo recently became the star of advertising one of indonesia’s famous products Luwak White Coffe. Lee Min Ho’s success also made this product more popular in the market. 


Some Korean dramas starring Lee Min Ho are: Personal Taste (2010), City Hunter (2011), Faith (2012), The Heirs (2013), The Legend Of The Blue Sea (2016) and many more. One of the roles played by Lee Min Ho in the drama Faith was a heated conversation among the public. This is due to the professionalism and charm he displayed. In this faith drama Lee Min Ho plays a warlord who is still relatively new to him.

The faith drama series was officially released in 2012. However, the drama is now back on Indonesian national TV stations. Although The Faith is an old-fashioned drama, audiences still have a lot of enthusiasm to watch them. According to the survey, one of the reasons why this drama became a long-awaited show was the arrival of Lee Min Ho who played the main character in it.

In the drama Faith, the audience is curious about the romance that takes place between Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee sun. Although at the beginning it seemed pushy and indifferent to each other but the audience still hoped for a happy ending between the two. If carefully considered, it turns out that Lee Min Ho’s role in attracting the audience and making the ratings of a play high is very important. Therefore, we should also know what charm lee min ho has as the king of his khsus drama in this drama The Faith.



Lee Min Ho in The Faith



1. Philanthropist

One of Lee Min Ho’s charms that is rarely known to the public is the generous nature he possesses. The generous nature of lee min ho is memorable and famous in Kore himself and abroad. Having a good personality makes Lee Min Ho often trusted to star in commercials and dramas as the lead.

2. Professionalism

As discussed earlier, Lee Min Ho is a very professional actor in his role. Almost all roles have been played by actors on this one. In the drama series The Faith for example, Lee Min Ho must play a troop commander named Choi Young. Choi Young was trusted by the king of the Goryeo Dynasty to bring a healer from the sky and was thought to be able to treat the queen who was hit by an enemy attack. Lee Min Ho’s acting in portraying himself as Choi Young received tremendous appreciation by the public. Because Lee Min Ho is able to play a man who comes from the past slickly and interestingly.

3. Famous Actors

Lee Min Ho also often received numerous offers to star in Hollywood films. This can certainly be strong evidence that Lee Min Ho is an actor who is wanted by various Countries. However, it is unfortunate that Lee Min Ho declined the offer on the grounds that he was not ready to accept a larger role.

4. Most Expensive Actors

Lee Min Ho’s popularity makes him one of the most highly paid actors. Lee Min Ho was even among the most expensive South Korean actors. Of course, this is in keeping with the popularity he has today. Just for info, per episode of the drama starring him, He was paid approximately 893 million. Not to mention when the drama starring is highly rated. Of course, the royalty that will be obtained will increase.

5. Smart and Proud

Lee Min Ho was an ambassador for Unicef from 2009 to 2010. Then, in 2015 Lee Min Ho was re-elected as an ambassador for the South Korean Tourism campaign entitled The Face Of Korean Tourism. Of course this makes Lee Min Ho a proud actor of The State.

6. Have Many Awards

Speaking of awards, Lee Min Ho is one of the most award-winning actors. This is evidenced from 2009-2018 Lee Min Ho often came home with many awards trophies. In 2009 Lee Min Ho received 5 awards from different nominees, one of which was Baeksang Arts Awards in drama series Boys Over Flowers. In 2012 Lee Min Ho was awarded as Top 10 Start, Top Excellence Awards and Actor In Miniseries in darama Faith, you’re going to have Lee Min Ho also received an award in the Best Couple with Goo Hye Sun (Boys Over Flowers), Park Shin Hye (The Heirs), Kim Hee Sun (Faith) and Jun Ji Hyun (The Legend Of The Blue Sea).

Some of the reviews above make Lee Min Ho often eagerly awaited appearance on screen, the audience can’t wait to see the acting of this handsome actor from South Korea.





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ep 21 ~ daejang proposed to eui seon. while the content of the proposal was sweet, I couldn't help thinking "aah daejang, she is in so much danger and she will continue to be in danger unless y'all move from this place. so how exactly do you plan to protect her?" but then again, where is reality in the midst of love eh? hahahah....


and doctor jang! nooooooo! oh well.

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Thoughts on Episode 22

As I mentioned previously, this is one of my favorite episodes, largely because of Choi Young’s defense of the King at Jungdong fortress and what happens between him and Eun-soo afterward. Even as they arrive at Jungdong, Choi Young remains unconvinced that waiting for the King’s advisors to support an attack is wise, but as a loyal soldier he has bent his head to the King’s will. Ki Chul and Prince Hyung soon spring their trap, informing the King that Yuan has anointed the Prince as the new King. They leave, expecting their men to overwhelm and dispense with the annoying little King once and for all. But Young and the Woodalchi protect him, and they eventually find a room that they can defend. 



Image credit: Scattered Jooni


Image credit: Scattered Jooni




I think Young chooses to singly defend the corridor leading to that room for a couple of reasons. First, he knows he’s the best warrior in the Woodalchi, and he refuses to lose any more of his comrades. He does set Dol-bae on the enemy soldiers, but Dol-bae, next to Young, is the best Woodalchi at fighting, and Young has confidence that Dol-bae will survive. Second, I think he’s paying penance for his earlier timing failure to personally defend the King during the two rebellions because he was protecting Eun-soo. If we recall the conversation he had with the King in an earlier episode, he asked the King to release him from his service for these failures. Now he’s utterly determined that no one will pass him, and he has every intention of paying with his life if need be. Having said that, we know he hates every moment of it, killing ordinary soldiers who come at him, one after another after another, who are no match for him. To him it must feel shameful, slaughtering them like sheep.



To add to his pain and frustration, Young’s hand starts trembling again. Dol-bae takes over as Young stares at his hand like it doesn’t belong to him. It’s certainly not obeying him, and when he tries to grasp the sword, it falls to the ground. He leaves Dol-bae to guard the corridor during a respite from the attacks and tries to convince the King to summon the nearby royal soldiers. But the King is determined to wait. What must be going through Young’s mind then? He knows that he can’t hold on forever, especially with an unreliable sword hand. He doesn’t believe the advisors will support the King, so he’s facing certain death doing something he hates. Nevertheless, he still holds, alone, covered in blood, balefully staring at yet more soldiers coming for him. He decides to wield his sword two handed, and later, as his right hand occasionally works, alternates hands in his bloody sword work. This is so heroic it brought me to tears, looking at his suffering but determined face.



Image credit: Scattered Jooni




Image credit: Scattered Jooni


Shamed by the Queen’s outburst, the advisors finally come through, and the royal army takes over the fort. Because of Young’s courageous defense, not one Woodalchi has lost their life in the struggle. They return to their barracks, receiving a celebrated welcome by their comrades, but Young holds himself apart, a darker presence. Used to carrying his burdens alone, he all but ignores Eun-soo in their room as he gathers his night clothes to go wash and change. But she doesn’t accept it. Telling him not to do that to her, she stops him in his tracks. What a change from when Eun-soo was so repelled by the sight of blood on him that she banished him to the other side of the room! Now he’s covered in blood and gore and must reek of it, and she goes to him and puts her arms around him, hugging him close as he finally tells her about it, his head bowed and his quiet voice filled with pain. She says not a word but just keeps holding him until he relaxes and closes his eyes, accepting her loving comfort at last. 



Image credit: Scattered Jooni


Image credit: Scattered Jooni


Image credit: Scattered Jooni


In a later scene, Eun-soo again examines his hand and she brings his sword to him. She holds it in front of her while he puts an arm around her to place both of his hands on it as well, describing it to her. He’s proud of the sword that his master left him, smiling as he describes its sheen and how blood doesn’t adhere to it, but regretfully tells her it doesn’t kill who it’s supposed to. Perhaps that’s part of his own crisis, killing people who’ve personally done him no wrong but so far unable to kill those who have most threatened his King and beloved Imja.



Image credit: Scattered Jooni


Image credit: Scattered Jooni


Image credit: Scattered Jooni


Eun-soo hasn’t told him about the attack that destroyed her potential antidote; she thinks he has burdens enough. But when the King later mentions it to Young, thinking he already knows, Young is once again shocked that she hasn’t told him something important. He finds her and drags her away to confront her, asking what she’s planning to do. Shocked again when she tells him she’s planning to stay, even without an antidote, he takes it on himself, blaming himself for asking her to stay if she can. He tries to take over, saying they’ll go to the portal and wait for it to open, but she’s not having it. She’s in tears as she tells him her life will be meaningless without him. As they’re arguing, she looks down to see his hand trembling, the price he’s paid for his profession and protecting her. She lovingly picks it up and holds it tenderly to her face as she sobs for him and their dilemma. So sad…so sweet. I just love these two! 


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Episode 21, wanted to comment about ES making tea for the Woodalchi and CY came by, took a cup and drank her tea and smiled and all the Woodalchi boys smiled happily.  CY finally relaxing and smiling over tea.  Sweet! Also he has this fetish with her hair and wanted to give her a comb.  :D

12 hours ago, Min2206 said:

Lee Min Ho’s 1999 film “The Last Week” caused several dramas starring him to attract audiences.

What is this article talking about?  I never heard of the 1999 film "The Last Week"  by LMH.

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15 hours ago, msdot said:

To add to his pain and frustration, Young’s hand starts trembling again. ...Nevertheless, he still holds, alone, covered in blood, balefully staring at yet more soldiers coming for him. He decides to wield his sword two handed, and later, as his right hand occasionally works, alternates hands in his bloody sword work. This is so heroic it brought me to tears, looking at his suffering but determined face.


Soon, we are coming to an end but I like how these final episodes are progressing.  I read some good and bad comments on character building-wise.    To me, every episode was great. 

Thanks again @msdot for another beautiful thoughts of your Epi 22.  Sorry to cut your post above.  I kept replaying this scene just to see the "lone" fighting and and his determined yet frustrated expressions.

I am not so good with words, hence the gifs

Queen Noguk's unwavering love and support for her King GM.   Ryu's expression as the King was superb - he was almost like in tears but holding back when Queen offered words of encouragement.



I tear-ed here when she confessed her love for CY to Lady Choi.  KSH's acting is so good.  So heartbreaking when you know you're facing death and might leave the person you love.


ES has grown accustomed to Daejang covering with blood - love conquers all :blush:




this touching scene as well :dissapointed_relieved:  like how she she speaks her mind.  She chooses to stay on, with him.   Daejang, Daejang ...


5 hours ago, CallieP said:

Episode 21, wanted to comment about ES making tea for the Woodalchi and CY came by, took a cup and drank her tea and smiled and all the Woodalchi boys smiled happily.  CY finally relaxing and smiling over tea.  Sweet! Also he has this fetish with her hair and wanted to give her a comb.  :D

What is this article talking about?  I never heard of the 1999 film "The Last Week"  by LMH.


4 hours ago, msdot said:

He would have been 12 years old! :joy:



LOL, I didn't see that last line LOL.  I just copy pasted from the link.  My apology.   Thanks for pointing out, already deleted that.  :loolz:

Edited by MinLyn
Please put more than 3 images in spoiler tags. Thanks.
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4 hours ago, Lmangla said:

ast week of the faith re-watch! are you ready? how do you feel as we wind down to the end?

Will comment on this once we’ve finished. Don’t want to rush it, I’m still enjoying it too much!

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Episode 22

The Woodalchi escort King GM into a room to evade being attack,with CS guarding GM, while CY fights alone outside against GC’s soldiers. After slaying all the soldiers, he pants real hard.  Suddenly, he looks down and his right hand starts to shake, forcing him to switch over to his left hand. CY stood there, simply stunned by what just happened. Thankfully, DB came to his rescue and ran to fight off the soldiers. A soldier managed to get pass DB and went straight to attack CY, even though he is affected by his hand condition, he still manage to turn around in time to fight back. This scene gets me, his looks, his gestures. Instead of agonizing over the issue with his trembling hand which I would say is psychological effect, he master whatever strength and willpower he has left in him to continue fighting to protect the King. CY is true warrior to the bitter end.




GM looking worried when CY came in after the battle, CY tries to get GM to summon the Royal soldiers, but GM says to wait.  CY as he clenches his right hand, warns GM that the longer he drags on the time, the harder for him to protect GM.

CY standing alone as we see at least 10-20 GC's soldiers running towards his direction.

Loud, running footsteps can be heard in the background while CY took a deep sigh, looking down, taking a deep breath,holds his sword with both hands and ready himself to fight back (the contrast of the sword reflecting the sunlight here is beautiful). He slashes them one after another.





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It’s night fall and ES hears a commotion outside and happily goes running out to see CY who finally came home with his Woodalchi,ES comes rushing over to CY, nearly tripped over in the process. CY was about to walk out to change his clothes but ES offers to help him take off his armor. CY declines and ES asks him not to do that, i.e. turn his back on her & avoiding her.
ES walks overs to wipe the blood on CY’s neck but he pushes her hand away, saying that is not his blood probably expecting repulsion or at least discomfort but ES gently tells him that she knows (she no longers complained that he smells of blood which she hates most.)

Before CY could tell ES about his killings for the day,ES puts her arms around CY’s neck and gave him a hug and he responded by placing his left hand on her back, hugging her back while ES embraces him even more tightly, CY closes his eyes resting his head on her shoulder and finding comfort in her arms. Finally, he is home and his heart is at ease.





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ES tries to figure out what is wrong with his hand and they end up talking about the origin of his sword who is like a third arm to CY. He wraps his arm around her to hold the sword together (ahem ! the sword could have a whole other meaning) and admits that the sword failed to kill those it should have,who threatened GM and tormented/poisoned ES but it just killed some innocent people. Well, was hoping for another kiss scene, but noooooooo :(




This is heartbreaking scene, her unconditional love for CY is so great that she rather spend the rest of the remaining 14 days with him than to love without him and dies in his arm. The pain she is suffering is so much deeper than a cut inflirted by a knife. No words can expressed her love for CY. ES struggles through her fear that it takes time to grow another culture for the antidote which she foresees there is not enough time before the portal opens. ES main thoughts and worries is how affected CY will be if she dies.




When CY was informed about the destruction of the antidote,he was shocked that ES has not told him. Angry CY found and drag her to a corner, asking why he was not informed. Again added to the shock ,another painfull scene when ES insists on staying with or w/o the antidote.CY is blaming himself as a punishment to him for asking ES to stay with him. Look at his eyes, I could feel electric field emitting out …….







The last scene sees both again yelling & argue like couples. ES insist on staying,continue to make the antidote,not to waste each day worrying and to remain by his side. CY angrily asks if she knows what she is saying. Holding back her tears,ES firmly replies and hope CY will not leave her when she die but hug her till her last breath. (is a sad scene and I cried along with ES) CY exhales with disbelief at what she says and storms out, overrun with an avalanche of emotions that is crushing in his heart.  

As tears starts to fill her eyes, ES says, “I will probably live inside my room in the heavenly world. Every day I will be talking to people whom I don’t know, saying things all day long that I don’t mean. When night falls, I will go home to an empty room facing the four walls. Every night when I sleep, I will call out once. ‘Are you there?’ I know there won’t be a reply and the next day I will wake up and live another day just like a dead person. Don’t you know how it feels to live like is? You do know because you are going to do the same too.

CY yells angrily   “These few days while you are dying,instead of finding a cure to save my woman, I was klling people. How can I ask you to say when I am in no position to protect and be with you.

Teary eyes ES looks down and notices CY's hand starting to shake, gently she takes his trembled hand and places it to her heart and sobs. So sad yet so sweet !








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** The End **

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