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ep 19 ~ thank you daejang for not relying on the king. kisses to you for deciding that you have to do something yourself rather than expect the king to protect eui seon. :kiss_wink:


was cracking up when the queen drolly said -- just tell me today's problem as I can't keep up with all your problems. LOL. should be our motto during this pandemic - just deal with the issue of the day. too many on your head will just give you meltdowns... ki cheol pushing down on moustache man was the best! too bad, it looks like he has a bad literal case of frozen shoulder acting up. aigoo... is that why he takes so many spas? to warm up his frozen shoulder? and laughing at moustache man who says that he was pushed around and all he wanted to do was to just read a book till he dies. hahahah.. yea, right. was the book about poisons moustache man?



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@Thong Thin@msdot@syntycheThanks for your recap. CY has started to turn to look back at ES whenever he leaves to go someplace  Love the tender affectionate relationship that CY and ES, the king and his queen have. 

LMH really does nail it with CY expressions revealing his feelings without speaking.  That he finally told the king, ES has always been his first priority.  Same as the queen where the king is her first priority.

I find it hilarious that he refuses to do the weird modern day signs that ES is trying to teach him.  That deadpan look. What is she up to now.  Seems so juvenile.  He did the hi-five though. LMH is hilarious here.  CY is such an earnest character.  Earlier he was so hurt that ES was still so far away from him and not share and he felt so rejected. Now he is trying to extract from her what she will miss in Goryeo.  When she does not mention him, he was visibly hoping that she would mention him and he smiled when she did.  As Thong Thin and Msdot said.  He is more comfortable being open and comfortable with ES. His armor has been totally dismantled when it comes to ES.  He loves hugging and touching her.  He wants her to lean on his shoulder. Our warrior has totally surrendered to his ES.

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Episode 20


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At the end of Episode 19 and the beginning of Episode 20, we meet future ES, who embodies another major theme that runs through the drama - regret. She regrets her decisions that have directly or indirectly caused suffering to those she cares about most and above all, she regrets being at the root of CY's regret. Yet, future ES also symbolizes faith and hope in her very act of journeying through the past in order to rectify her mistakes, so it is not only regret that she embodies, but also the strength to leave it behind and move forward in order to find another way. Before she could take that step, she had to "leave this regret behind," symbolized by leaving her message in the film canister behind the rock.

Taking the theme of strength further, not only did ES seek to make the "correct" decisions that will prevent future regret on her part, but she also sought to save CY from experiencing the same pain. On their journey back to the palace, she masked her own trepidation behind a bright smile in order to give him strength, while she fought against her desire to flee. Even as CY struggled, ES stood rock solid and is the one who wins the mental battle in the end - they will go back to the palace, to absolve him of any regrets about leaving the king in danger. Ironically it is ES who protects CY emotionally, even though CY protects her physically.



NG has just been saved by CY and brought back to the palace.CY waits outside the Queen's door as we see the King and the Wudalchi rushing towards the Queen's room.
King GM pushes the sliding doors open, but is greeted by an anxious looking LC who stops him from entering and asks that ES see the Queen first. ES immediately takes charge asking everyone to wait outside. She rushes in past CY, and he seems a little put out that she didn't greet him.  
The King looks from the closed door anxiously and CY just stares back wordlessly at him.
After a few moments, the door slides open and ES comes out. We can see the expectant look on the King GM.  
ES starts to speak and we can see there are tears glistening in her eyes. Her voice breaks as she speaks, telling the King that the Queen has regained consciousness and has no visible injuries. The King looks slightly relieved but still waits for more that she has to say. 
"However," says ES, "The little baby is no more." The Queen had been constantly fed with medication throughout her captivity, a particularly strong sedative that had a ill effect on her pregnancy. The King looking at a loss, enters the room wordlessly.

ES heaves a sign,leans her shoulder against the door and looks down battling her own tears. I found CY’s gesture particularly romantic and tender, how he knew ES was feeling and what she needed at this point. He must have heard her voice breaking as she talked to GM, even though he could not see her face, he understood. As the first line of the song “Because It’s You” begins to play, so sweet, so loving and protective the way his hand brushed hers first,his fingers moved to clasp her hand in his and held tightly….as he moves silently being her wall to shield ES and her tears from the others. His offers her his broad back to lean on and gain comfort while CY just stands there his eyes looking somewhere he can’t fanthom.




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Love this scene without saying much, is so sad,poignant and beautiful. It features both seeking comfort in each other. GM enters the bedchambers and sees his Queen lying on the bed with her back to him. With teary eyes,he sits beside her and lean forward to hug her. She turns to hug him and we can see the solitary tears rolling down from his eyes as he holds her.


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I love that GM feels ashamed and cannot even face CY when he returns to the palace. Their conversation and CY's I have yet to return, I came upon request (by Eun-Soo) was such an admission of love over duty and I think GM now understands what makes his Woodalchi Daesang tick.
What it costs CY to return to the palace - not for king or country - but upon the request of the woman he loves despite knowing that she might meet death at the palace.

I must say that, I love this scene between GM and CY. But really this is RDH's scene and he literally nailed it.  We can see how devastated he is,clutching into NG scarf as a lifeline and falling into pieces. And when CY comes in to see his King, the King he has chosen to serve reduced to the shell of the man he knew before - I think CY's heart was breaking looking at the King. 
Perhaps if he had not known ES then, and how she made him feel, CY would probably have dismissed GM as weak. Just like what GM once said to CY, when he risked himself for the seal. For a mere woman? GM had jeered at him. Now fate has turned the tables, and it is GM's turn to feel the anguish of losing the most important person in his life.
When CY pulls the King together and makes him give him the order, is like CY
brought his soul back to him - because CY is his soul, as much as NG is his heart.




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AJ's conversation with CY regarding how heavy his sword is may have been brief, but it is one of the most crucial insights we have into CY's "shaking hand" predicament and his master's parallel dilemma.

CY's answer to AJ's question of whether he wanted to resign because of ES offers an important clue - his response is, "I'm not sure." That clearly expresses uncertainty and also suggests that CY himself is aware, subconsciously or consciously, that there is something else troubling him.

- "The sword had grown heavy in his hand." CY, like his master before him, struggled with the burden of being a life-long warrior. For someone as soft-hearted as him, it caused him endless pain to be placed in a situation where he had to kill or be killed, day in and day out. On top of that, he had been a leader from a young age - from the day his master left the Jeogwoldae to him, he had had the burden of many lives resting on his shoulders. There was a part of Young that yearned to be free from this enormous pressure and live as a normal man, but another part of him was so conditioned to it that he did not know how else to live.

- On the surface, many of CY's problems arose from the conflicting interests between ES and GM. In a way, ES was symbolic of CY's personal desires, the part of him that he had long neglected in favour of duty. Living like a ghost in the past seven years meant that he had little to distract him from his duty and he could thus ignore anything that could come into conflict with the king's orders, but ES's presence changed all that. Perhaps we can say that he was in fact blessed to serve a king who wanted to understand him and was willing to accommodate, because CY was eventually able to make GM understand that even the most loyal warrior has his own personal concerns; he is not a robot!





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Bwahahahahaha the final scene....got my heart palpitations ! CY backs her up like a predator in his prey, the intense eye stare as he slowly interrograte her and backing her up against a wall with his hot sexy smile makes me grin like a loon and squeeing !!!



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*** The End ***

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Hi chingus!!! I haven't been able to follow this thread these past two weeks since RL has been hectic and I spent all my time in Soompi in the Lee Min Ho thread, but I think I have come back for good now. I really, really like this drama and the subtleness of LMH Daejan's interpretation. I think that the fact that he doesn't have too much lines make him resort to corporal expression and more subtle ways of comunicate the intensity of this stoic but passionate character. And his eyes... I love how we can understand what is happening in his mind without him verbalising it. 


I have a question and I don't know if someone can help me with it: when Eun Soo goes to talk to the Prince when the Queen is kidnapped... what information did she exactly get? I don't really understand what she did here.


Chapter 21 is one of my favourites, so I am looking forward reading all your points of view!!!


On 10/23/2020 at 5:32 AM, msdot said:



The other image that sticks in my mind from this episode is the BTS video where Mr. 187 cm. tall hits his head on the doorway going out and falls down flat! Kim Hee-sun also collapses, but in laughter! :lol:

Sorry to cut your post. Where can I see that BTS video? I would love too watch it. I find clumsy LMH really cute.


On 10/26/2020 at 2:54 PM, leeminhosny said:



Those drawings are amazing! So happy that you kept them in your computer and thankful that you are sharing now!

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9 hours ago, Missprincesa said:


I have a question and I don't know if someone can help me with it: when Eun Soo goes to talk to the Prince when the Queen is kidnapped... what information did she exactly get? I don't really understand what she did here.

Welcome back, @Missprincesa! My take on that is that she worries him enough that he sends his man to check on her and finish the job. That aide is followed by the Suribang to where the queen is being kept, so CY & Co. can rescue her. 

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On 10/23/2020 at 6:31 AM, msdot said:

OK, I have a picky question about something that happens in Episode 18. Eun-soo is trying to cheer Young up and shows him several papers on which she's written phrases in Hangul. As she holds each one up she tells him what they say, but what's written is actually a little different than what she tells him:


What's written (as translated by Viki):

Sheet 1: It's Okay

Sheet 2: I'll be by your side

Sheet 3: Until that day

Sheet 4: Can I?, or, Is that all right?


What she said (also Viki):

Sheet 1: It's Okay

Sheet 2: Don't worry

Sheet 3: Everything will be all right

Sheet 4: Right?


What she's written is more personal, wanting to be by his side. Why do you think she changed the meaning a bit? I thought perhaps she didn't want to remind him of her leaving, but I think it would have warmed his heart more to think of her being by his side. What's your take on it? Is the difference trivial or meaningful?

My take on this scene is ES love confession to CY, but because she does not want to hurt him further with all those burden that he is carrying, ES controls her emotion and keeping it to herself. 


And I found this beautiful scene and would like to share here.



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7 hours ago, Thong Thin said:


Here's clumsy Daejang ! :loolz:



I can't see it :tears::tears:. It seems that I don't have access access to what you share on you Google account. Do you mind if I DM you? The other gif you posted, with Young holding ES hand works, but this is not working. 

3 hours ago, msdot said:

Welcome back, @Missprincesa! My take on that is that she worries him enough that he sends his man to check on her and finish the job. That aide is followed by the Suribang to where the queen is being kept, so CY & Co. can rescue her. 

Thank you! It totally makes sense! :)

3 hours ago, Thong Thin said:

My take on this scene is ES love confession to CY, but because she does not want to hurt him further with all those burden that he is carrying, ES controls her emotion and keeping it to herself. 


And I found this beautiful scene and would like to share here.


I really love this moment, with him emotionally protecting her and giving her space and intimacy to grieve... Our strong warrior is such a sensitive guy... I guess that watching characters as him ruins the real men in my life, because they can't stand the comparison. 

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4 hours ago, Thong Thin said:

Currently out of town, will repost tomorrow @msdot and @missprincesa 

Stay safe @Thong Thin  I still remember that scene where LMH literally went head on with the door frame as he walked out in a hurry.  Poor LMH in pain as he staggered backwards.   KHS, like us, could not help laughing.  


The Imaginary World of Monika: Lee Min Ho - "The Faith" Still Cuts  25.10.2012

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EVENT: Halloween - evil oppas, unnis and mother-in-laws !


Join us for part 2 of our Halloween event! Let us know who you think are the most evil dudes out there.



Happy Halloween GIF


re: @Lmangla


PS. Go Jung Pyo's mother is featured in the poll as the most evil mother-in-law :joy:

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