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Posts posted by confusedheart

  1. @brooksmom First, I loved your description of the three mistresses somewhere  in the previous few pages. Not only humourous but also very apt. :D I must say you were too kind in your description.


    @dzareth Yes, I agree with you about their flawless skin, both men and women. Even the step-mom has great skin. I would like to look like Song Won at 42. :wub: She is so pretty, very feminine.


    I feel one of the reasons why Pan Sa-hyeon might attracted towards Song Won is perhaps because she is very feminine, unlike Boo Hye-ryung who is very loud and confident. Initially, Pan Sa-hyeon felt attracted towards Boo Hye-ryung because of her confident , unconventional ways, but ultimately the novelty wore off and he started looking for greener pastures. TBH, I don't think he can handle a very strong-willed, confident , independent woman like Boo Hye-ryung. He needs someone in whose eyes he can be the 'Hero'. Men like to be reminded of their masculinity by 'providing' , for their women, feel needed. Song Won is the perfect foil for our wet behind the ears Pan Sa-hyeon. Older Song Won is the perfect match for callow Pan Sa-hyeon. He is just 32, so unversed about life and its complexities. While Song Won 42, a divorcee has all the worldly knowledge about life and marriage so she is the perfect 'tutor' for him. In fact, that's how they claimed it started. Her counseling him about life and marriage. 


    @hsmz I am with you on this. Not all acts of cheating begin with a physical act but rather starts innocuously in the form of emotional intimacy with the 'other'. That's the worst form of cheating. 


    Finally, how can these adulteresses be sure that these men who have cheated on their loving wives, will not cheat on them down the years?


    I am not sure if the chingus here are watching Mad   For Each Other but the female lead there is having a tough time there when she realized that her 'boyfriend' was married and cheating on her. The kind of ostracization she e is being subjected to is just heart-breaking. Not to mention, the married boyfriend was a violent man who abused her, later stalked her and completely shattered her confidence and trust in people. He had dome irreparable damage to her. I am waiting to see the fate of these mistresses who knowingly entered/ continued their relationship with married men. 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.' I hope they are all made to pay for their sins.


    @Lmangla I am camp 1, in case it was not already evident from my vitriolic posts.:naughty:

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  2. @Wuzetian We have meetings everyday. :crazy: We are a very productive group. :w00t: I do watch C/T-dramas. I just have a very short attention span.  My favourite C-dramas are Autumn's Concerto and Queen of No Marriage. I have watched them a million times and never get bored. I watched Well Intended Love too. Both the seasons.  What do you suggest? Have you watched the ones I mentioned?


    @Ameera AliI love that crazy matriarch and her crazy daughter. :1646639759_ezgif.com-gif-maker(1):



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  3. How is everyone's Monday going? @joccu, @MayanEcho, @Ameera Ali, @Wuzetian  @twinkle_little_star


    I am already tired and sleepy. :crazy: Watching too many adulterous dramas! :w00t: Bossam is the only pleasant one.:wub: I have to catch up so many episodes of Mine. Starting EP 7 later today. There is a new drama today, 'From a Distance , Green Spring'. I am excited. Hope it will be a good one. Though not sure when / how I will manage so many! Then there is Nevertheless coming on 19th. Mad for Each Other and Bossam  will end soon. :tears:


    Chingus, anyone excited about Green Spring and Nevertheless?



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  4. After watching EP 2, I now know why Pan Sa-hyeon is a good layer. He is very good at pleading, rather nagging constantly. Leaves no stone unturned to convince and persuade people to his way of thinking. He said there was nothing between him and Song Won before that one night. He confessed that they just met and talked about life. But isn't that emotional cheating? You sharing your intimate, emotional thoughts and feelings with someone, a third party, isn't that cheating? I am extremely annoyed with Pan Sa-hyeon. They hardly knew each other. If you observe his interactions, it is clear he is not in love with her. He is obsessed with the baby and he sees Song Won as a way out. He himself confessed that not everything was bad with his wife. Marriage is not always a smooth sailing. Is he going to play the blame game instead of trying to sort the issues? I am disappointed in Song Won too. Among all the mistresses, she seemed like the most sensible. What is she even thinking, giving him mixed signals. I hate them both. He was getting on my nerves today. Grow up and please be a man. For once think of the devastation your carelessness has left behind in the lives of two women, one of them his wife. More than Boo Hye-ryung , I blame Pan Sa-hyeon. Even now he is talking so childishly when he proposes that his mother would give Song Won company, and he would continue like before and talk about life in general as they did before , simultaneously be in touch with his baby. I mean what are you even smoking? Please grow up and take notice of the mess! (Sorry Sung Hoon!)


    What absurd theater is this? A ghost now, seriously? Why make it so bizarre! Oh what's with Kim Dong-mi giggling like a 17 year old girl as she played hide and seek with Yu-shin? Even the childish lover's tiff of not taking his calls, she's too old to play such games. Give us a break lady!  


    How old is A Mi again? 7? Such petulance? Yu-shin'S daughter is way more mature than her. Throwing fits? Why? Didn't he make it clear that he would never let the affair get serious? Did he not make it clear that you were a distraction that he enjoyed? What are you expecting, the status of his wife? She can sulk till the cows come home. I have no sympathy for her. She needs to grow up and smell coffee. Yu-shin, you glib talker. You have so many women eating out of your hand. I wish all three of them , (including his step mother) would gang up against him and teach him a lesson. He thinks he is too smooth. I can't stand how he deceives his wife. At least the others came clean. This is disgusting! I feel sorry for the wife. I would rather take the truth than be deceived day in day out and make a fool of myself. She has done no wrong and doesn't deserve such kind of treatment from him.  He wants to have his cake and eat it too.


    I am amazed at the behaviour of  Park Hae-ryun. Can a man, a father change so much? Can he be blinded by the newness of a relationship that he would forget his own children? Does he think money is all that his children need?


    I think the best scene today was when Park Hyang-gi opened the door to her father's study and found it so empty, devoid of her father's presence. It was severing whatever little ties he had with the family. It seemed so final! It made me choke. Stay strong children, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You are better off without a parent like him.


    I am interested to know if the writer would make  Boo Hye-ryung have an affair with the Engineer's younger brother. TBH, I don't. It is making things easier, clearing the way for Song Won and Pan Sa-hyeon. Why should it be so easy? Why make it an easy choice between good, saintly, understanding, the mother of my child and a hot tempered , violent , wife who is having an affair? Pan Sa-hyeon has wronged his wife. A fact that can never be discounted. He should stop running after the chimera of his ideal woman and sort himself out first. He needs to be a man. Think about his life's priorities. He can't be running amok disrupting the lives of women around him.

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  5. Let's start from the start.... The opening scene! What was that? Of all the dramas I have seen till date, the opening scene in Love ft. Marriage and Divorce has to be the most explicit. We usually don't get such explicit, bold and intimate scenes in dramas. (Or perhaps, I have been watching the wrong dramas all these years. But did they have to ruin it with that OTT scene with his wife? Like, seriously dude? But, I wonder it was kind of an indication to the audience as to how it panned out between  Pan Sa-hyeon and Song Won. Perhaps a kind of a flashback to the audience. Does that mean, we are in for such more seduction scenes for the other two cheating couples?


    Let's talk about Nam Ga-bin, she is one smooth operator. Her pick-up lines are excellent. Just sympathize with a married man, comment on how miserable he looks, and he takes and bait and falls like a ton of hot bricks. It was repulsive to see how he was 'ready to die' for the sake of an illicit relationship, forsaking his devoted wife and loving children. This leads me to question myself whether man's selfishness is all that matters. Is he so inconsiderate of others and their feelings? Is it s easy to be blinded by ones own needs that one becomes blind to all the sacrifices one spouse might have made, the years of companionship, the life they have created together? If you are truly repentant, remove yourself from his wife. You jolly well know you have destroyed a family. I want that man to suffer! He doesn't deserve any sympathy. He is selfish and irresponsible.


    Coming to Pan Sa-hyeon and Song Won. Is there really any love lost between them? Is Pan Sa-hyeon really in love with her or is she a distraction for him? She is easy going and is the mother of his child. She is giving him what's been denied to him, a baby. But is he truly in love, I doubt it. His actions reveal his cares for the baby's mother because she is bearing his baby. I truly don't think he is in love with her. This euphoria is short-lived. He would again feel 'suffocated' in the relationship with Song Won after a few years, feel as if he has been forced to take responsibility. He doesn't need another woman or a baby. He needs to really know his mind and go back to what made him marry  Boo Hye-ryung in the first place. I think the writer is putting Boo Hye-ryung at a disadvantage and it is not a fair game between Boo Hye-ryung and Song Won. Yes, Boo Hye-ryung has temper issues, she has been abusive. But i would like to consider the circumstances that brought out the violent side of her. No, of course, it doesn't justify her behaviour. She was a nutcase in the first season. But, to me fair ground is one when two leads are evenly matched. Don't paint one as an evil , violent abuser while painting the other as an oasis in the desert. Moreover, I wish Boo Hye-ryung would become pregnant too. Let's test Pan Sa-hyeon and see what he truly wants. is it just the thought of a baby that's driving him or does he love Song Won and truly wants to be with her, baby or no baby.


    I find the portrayal of these three characters very problematic because if we really give it a thought, he is just like  Park Hae-ryun who feels that he has been denied a life because he was roped in his responsibilities as a husband and as a father, and thus he missed out on his life. To him, Lee Si-eun is what Boo Hye-ryung, is to Pan Sa-hyeon. Shackles! So why must I feel forgiving towards Pan Sa-hyeon and unforgiving towards Park Hae-ryun? Because Pan Sa-hyeon is handsome and young and is over the moon because he is going to be a father and taking such good care of his mistress, the mother of his baby? But I should hate Park Hae-ryun because he is not having a baby and over the moon while taking care of his mistress? It is wrong to forgive wither of them. They have both broken the trust of their partners. I really don't want Pan Sa-hyeon and Song Won to end up together. He doesn't truly  love her. Finally, what kind of message are you sending out? It is okay for one to cheat because he was miserable in his married life, but condemn the other? Both their wives were devoted. Their reactions to their news of cheating was different. But the sin is the same and must not be forgiven., baby or no baby. 


    Finally, we come to the sly  couple Shin Yu-shin and A Mi. They are truly a match made in heaven. All these three women are knowingly wrecking someone's house. It is very much in their power to put an end to their illicit relationship, but they refuse to sever all ties with these otherwise committed men.  You shan't covet your neighbor's wife. This is true for the usual love triangle between Yu-shin , A Mi and Kim Dong-mi. In fact, it is true for all three mistresses. But somehow, it seems to be more applicable to the bizarre trio comprising  Yu-shin , A Mi and Kim Dong-mi. I loved the scene where all three realized they are being secretly  judgmental of Song Won but at the same time realize they are equally guilty of the same sin. I am waiting for Karma to take its revenge. This better be a good Season of Revenge and Settling scores. Season 1 was disappointing post EP 8. Time for Karma to come into play. The husbands need to be taught a lesson. Each of those men have a lot of learn, each needs to learn a different lesson, but the bottomline should be cheating never pays. Otherwise, I'd say that they are sending out a very very wrong message to the society. You are giving a license to cheat to all the men and women in relationship. So, if it is not working out, instead of sorting out, go have an affair, find solace in the arms of someone else!


    Can we please take a moment to appreciate the delicate darling, Kim Dong-mi and his fabulous acting in front of her daughter in law. That lady, oh my, oh my! She is such a cunning vixen. But, she doesn't know what she is up against, the master of deceits.  Whispering sweet nothings in his wife's ears, showing so much concern and mock jealousy, taking her shopping while behind her back, you are having an affair with a much younger woman.


    I love the bonding between the brother and sister. They are two sensible people who support each other and are each other's strength. Love the banter between  Pan Mun-ho and So Ye-jeong. They care for each other in spite of all that bickering. But I can't understand their stand. Are they excited only because of the baby? Do they not like Boo Hye-ryung, and would not mind getting rid of her? In spite of her flaws, I really do feel for Boo Hye-ryung,. No one deserves to be cheated on. Btw, what did that pause while eating indicate? A realization that she is pregnant too? That would be a superb twist.


    Joesonghabnida for the long, long, long rant. It just brings out too many tumultuous and conflicting emotions in me. Gamsahabnida for a patient hearing, chingus. :heartxoxo:



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  6. Hello! @Ameera Ali, @twinkle_little_star, @joccu, @Min2206, @MayanEcho and everyone else!


    @Wuzetian: Sunday= Never ending House chores!:crazily: I don't even realize how the day is gone in the wink of an eye, and yet the list of chores still does get any shorter. That Chrysanthemum Tea looks so refreshing. :heart:


    @larus I love Mad For each Other. It is definitely among the most favourite dramas of 2021.  I too have heard a lot about Move to Heaven. Some of our chingus on the thread commented that they are watching it and it is lovely. So I have added it to my 'to Watch ' list as well.  Too bad we  at barf drama team couldn't convince you to join our team.


    I will go watch the 'Original' barf drama and come back to vent. :D Read few comments on the drama thread. Looking forward to the ghost and his revenge. #season2isallaboutsettlingscores/revenge:hooray:


    @agenth Get well soon chingu . Lovestruck in the City awaits you. We are missing you and so is your oppa, Ji Chang-wook . I need you to egg me to watch it. :heartxoxo:





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  7. @gm4queen Goodnight chingu. :heart:


    @agenth I wasn't ready for that!  My eyes, oh my eyes! My sweet, innocent boy! When did he become so sexy?  If looks could kill.... I am already dead!   :heart2beat:

    Is that in EP 1? I should drop everything and watch it now. It is already up on Netflix. :piggydance:


    The GIF you posted on 7374. That drama, please.



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  8. Hello chingus! I am in love with a new oppa, Jung Woo from Mad for Each Other. :wub: He is so good in the drama, so effortless in his guy next door role.  He doesn't sleek and stylish like the recent actors. I totally love his guy next door vibe. #fangirling I think I might watch Reply 1994 just for him. I need to see more of him. :wub: Anyone knows of him? Watched any of hi dramas? Should I watch Reply 1994? Any other suggestion? :D


    How was the first EP of the barf drama? Did we see Sung Hoon?:cheers:

    @sadthe1st and @Wuzetian and @Thong Thin

    I surely will, chingu. I love food. Would love to share some of my favourite food with you all, though only virtually. Putting on weight together sounds like a good idea, Chingu.


    P.S. I love dumplings. :fullofhearts:

     @Ameera Ali Oh please put me out of my misery and tell me the name of the drama referring to your last abs gif. 


    Excellent definition @agenthand @joccu:highonflowers:


    @agenthWhat's the name of that hair pulling drama? :getmygrooveon:It got me excited.:doggie:




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  9. I love this drama so, so much. Everything about it. No Whi-Oh's own brand of therapy is what we all need. I can't stop admiring him. His casual nonchalant way of helping Lee Min-Kyung so that she doesn't feel obliged. The whistle, the way he extends his support and declared he would be her ally. Supporting her, cheering for you, giving her the courage and confidence in his own nonchalant way. Is there any reason to not love the man? I find his character utterly charming. The way he stands up for his people, give them courage and at the same time totally clueless about what the other person feels about him and tries silly ways to wiggle out the truth from Lee Min-Kyung (as to why she changed her mind about moving out/ or when she asked him over to have some ramyeon).  He is an adorable dork. :wub:


    Can we also just talk about Jung Woo? This is my first drama of him and I fin him refreshingly good. Not over acting, no sleek style, just an ordinary guy next door. I am totally loving his acting, his character. He makes the character of No Whi-Oh so real. He is just so effortless. Both of them , in fact. I feel my eyes brimming with tears when her eyes brim with tears, or when she gives that injured look, I feel so deeply for her. She speaks so beautifully with her eyes.


    Can we also please please, please talk about the beautiful budding friendship between Samantha and Lee Su-Hyun , the convenience store person? Lovely, so understanding. I guess Lee Min-Kyung was right in EP 10 when she said that in life, all we need  is just one ally, that one friend who believes in us, stands up for us, supports us and gives us the courage to stand up for what we believe in. :wub::tears:


    Why is this such a beautiful drama, and so underrated? It's a shame that it has only 13 EPs and the duration of each episode is of such short duration. Moreover, it is a shame that people don't know / watch this drama. It deserves more love.

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  10. Hi everyone! @joccu, @MayanEcho, @Ameera Ali, @Wuzetian @agenth, @partyon @twinkle_little_star and everyone! The food on this thread is the best! :heartxoxo:I think I am gaining weight just by looking at those mouth watering dishes. :D


    @Wuzetian You should watch the drama Love ft Marriage and Divorce. It is so bad it's good. :lol: Never a dull moment in this drama. :w00t:

    @Min2206 Gosh, I just learnt something new today. I only knew of this before being informed of BTS. I think this 'Butter' is my first BTS song. :flushed:




    @partyon and @Ameera Ali: Sombrero or not, weird outfit or not, my allegiance is with Sung Hoon till the drama ends. I will accept him, good, bad or ugly outfits.  You girls, better not make fun of my boy. :bawling::rage: (On a side note it looks like lungs and bronchi)  :scream:   He is looking ghostly white ! :skull:


    @Wuzetian That looks soooo refreshing. Oh how I wish I could have some! :love:



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  11. Hello! Hello Chingus! :heartxoxo:


    We have so many weekend dramas! Mine, Love ft Marriage and Divorce (I better get some love in season 2):tears: and Bossam: Steal the Fate. I have my regular weekday drama 'Mad for Each Other'. :cheers:


    What's Imitation like? Lots of bling? Racket Boys? I added 'Nevertheless' to my 'to watch list' of dramas. It looks good. Good looking people. A word of caution don't watch 'Sweet and Sour', extremely disappointing and tedious.





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  12. I just got done with Ep 6 and the not so earth shattering kiss. :rolleyes: I agree they have zero chemistry. I don't know if they have been successful in getting the younger demography involved. They are extremely boring. Both. I have no interest / sympathy for the poor rich master. Yes, he has a terrible family. Many do. But we all learn to survive.  Also, are we supposed to feel admiration for the maid? If she really didn't want to get involved, she would not have crossed the boundaries. Moreover, she would have refused to go back, even if the master threatens to stay at the fast food joint and eat hamburgers all day! Grow up, woman! It was just so convenient for her to mistakenly 'confess' her reasons for leaving when she 'thought' he was asleep. Theirs has to be the weakest, most contrived, most boring of all storylines. Period. That 'handsome' Idol face doesn't do anything for me. He needs to work on his expressions and not look so dead.  Even when he i kissing the love of his life, there is no emotion. You just don't feel the pent up passion, the frustration etc.


    @agenth Now we are talking. No wonder it has the Love Alarm vibes, the 'love story' I mean. :crazy:  The peacock has more emotions than the insipid , listless young couple.

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  13. Thanks for sharing the article @Helena.  I am relieved to know that I am not the only person who found the secret romance between 'the young master' and the maid' totally cliched and unnecessary. Not to mention the whole 'process' of them falling in love with each other. I understand she was different, perhaps the only female he had been in contact with since he lived a restricted live, but it is still difficult to imagine a grown up man to be so obsessed with her. But I am going to accept the explanation forwarded by my chingus @Latte_Anyday  and @agenth  and look at the couple less cynically and put on my rose-tinted glasses (Maybe that is why the couple were always encompassed in a rosy haze.) :D But TBH, I don't find their story interesting and I often fast forward / skip their scenes. There are other more interesting characters in the family. I think his bid to freedom would be 'renouncing' his family and wealth as they seem to constrict him ('an elephant trapped in a narrow doorway'). His has to be the most unoriginal and cliched storyline among all. They are two insipid characters who have the luxury to play their silly love games and the biggest sacrifice asked of him is to get married to the heiress. She seems to genuinely like him and seems like a good person. She is the bubblier self of  Seo Hi-soo and IMO, I don't think it would have been a bad match. He could do with a livelier people, not listless, insipid maids.


    (Yes, I totally dislike the couple (the characters) and their storyline) :tears:  

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  14. @agenthShe's sexy, you know. I can totally understand what attracted Pan Sa-hyeon to her, so much so that he decided to marry her. The cool, confident way she carries herself, the way she is always dressed so fashionably any man would be attracted towards her. However, she eye make up is definitely an issue. However, I cannot recall, if she had a similar gothic eye look in the past, meaning before getting married.  I think she looked 'normal' then. I think she was given the goth look because she is a drummer of a metal band. So stereotyping is a must. 

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  15. Hi! @Ameera Ali@joccu, @twinkle_little_star , @sadthe1st@MayanEcho , @Wuzetian and everyone else!


     @twinkle_little_star , your username always reminds me of Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol :wub:


    All that lovely mouthwatering good food! You guys have the best gifs. :fullofhearts:


    @agenthStrong Woman isn't worth a watch?I have it added to my 'To Watch List'. Thanks for the heads up. I am with you wrt True Beauty. I just couldn't relate to the the FL. My friend told me you don't need to relate to a character to watch a drama/ read a story. Just as we don't relate to the situations/ characters in a sci-fi. But it's just me, I know. But frankly speaking, she just annoyed me. Love Alarm, to be honest, there was no need for season 2. They could have fixed the story in the first season itself. I skipped most of Season 1 and watched Season 2 only for the Second Lead who became the first lead. The Fl took ages just to make up her mind. Woman, delve deep into your heart and put the men out of their misery. Why are you confusing and leading them on with your hot and cold approach.  :facepalm:


    @LmanglaNot a fan of Robin Cook. I will be very honest here and admit I don't understand his books. His plots and theories go beyond my comprehension.


    @partyon Karin Slaughter, I have read two of her books. 'The Good Daughter' and 'Pretty Girls' as everyone was talking about them and I had to know what the buzz was about. I agree too graphic at times. Have you read the Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides? It is one of my recent favourites.





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  16. Halfway through EP4 Question Why did Mother Emma carry a lantern when Han Soo-hyuk came looking for the maid, Jung Yi-seo after she was fired from her job? Did anyone else find it strange? I am still trying to understand what made Han Soo-hyuk so attracted towards Jung Yi-seo? Is it her beauty? What made him 'seek' refuge' in her?


    Coming back to my serious question, how does Kang Ja-kyung wield so much power? Digging deep into the lives of other rich people? Knowing their secrets! She has expensive habits too. Not to mention making a donation of huge sum to Mother Emma's charitable organization. Moreover, has Kang Ja-kyung and Han Ji-yong have been having an affair behind Seo Hi-soo's back?



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  17. @Lmangla Wow chingu! I'm in awe of you now. :wub: You are in love with the drama. You have poured your heart out. I loved, loved, loved reading your insightful and passionate take on the drama. I can't wait to catch up the rest of the episodes since you have shared your thoughts beautifully, making me want to experience it too. Not to mention, the photos go so well with your sentiments. :heartxoxo:


    @Madu Mita I for one would like her identity to be hidden for as long as possible. I want her to experience 'normal/ common' life for once. Enjoy marital life and the mundane things that go with it, including disapproving in laws. She has been caged too long and she deserves to live as well, especially considering her previous identity is dead and gone. I want to enjoy the mundane life and experience the little joys it bring, experience the good and the bad. She had been quite spunky and taking it into her stride too. (The leaking roof scene). BW and the Princess should play house like the leads in 100 Days My Prince. We want to see their ordinary, mundane married life (with/ without the hint, hint scene).  

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  18. @gm4queen and @larus  But, but, but I loved The Last Empress, even though it drove me up the wall. :tears::crazy: Why did you dislike it chingus? :tears: Baby faced Jang Nara with Choi Jin Hyuk and my handsome evil oppa  Shin Sung-rok. :wub: If you guys make a list of evil oppas you love then, please include Shin Sung-rok's name. I have been in love since his Thank You days. :tears: Not that he was playing a great character but I liked him. I understood his character.


    I have watched '100 Days My Prince'. The ML was so cute!:wub: The other drama was 'My Rooftop Prince.' Loved them both. Are they makjang / sageuk? 


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  19. Hola peeps! Flower Power Tuesday, huh @Ameera Ali, @joccu, @Thong Thin, @MayanEcho, @agenth and @twinkle_little_star and everyone! Thanks for brightening my day with beautiful photos and images. :heartxoxo:

    @larusThank you sooooooooooooo much. I didn't know it was that simple. Thank you, my friend.  :D

    @agenthI watched the first EP of LITC. Will you hate me, chingu if I say...


    I don't like the female lead.  :tears: Isn't she trying too hard to get that boho look? :crazy: I have never  liked The Manic Pixie Dream Girl characters. After all the talk of women's empowerment etc, why do we still need to save a man from himself? :angry: 

    Overall, the episode reminds me of 'Before Sunrise'.  Also, the set up , isn't it too western? But I like the method of story telling. Media res... and in the form of an interview. I like they are playing with different kinds of narrative, instead of going with a linear narrative.  

    @partyon Watched the first two Eps of Mine. What a wacko family! :w00t: Everyone's cray, cray, crazy! It is going to be a roller-coaster of a ride.



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  20. I love her though I have never watched the drama! She is dazzling in every sense of the word! :crazy: My eyes, oh my eyes, blinded by her fashion sense.:D Definitely, stands out!:w00t: I know where to get my clothes if I want to stand out at an office party.:ph34r:


    She is too sexy for Milan, too sexy for Milan
    New York, and Japan!:coolshades:




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  21. Okay, so finally gave in and watched the first two episodes. I like the titles of each episode. They have given it some thought. Crazy Rich Asians indeed! But, I am loving the madness, the absurdness , the wackiness of the family and the eccentric characters with their own little idiosyncrasies. :D


    I am elated to know that the second DIL is Ji Sung's wife. :wub: I of course hate the tutor. Just in Ep 3 and already hate her. She is one bold and impudent cookie. I don't trust her at all. That bring me to the other new hired help, the new maid. I don't like her either. I mean she looks innocent, but somehow I can't like her. And I absolutely don't want any 'secret' romance between the 'Young Master' and her, but apparently there is (reading the above post). I don't know why I don't like the new hired help. It seems all to easy for her. Falling asleep conveniently on her young master's bed. Leaving behind her scrunchie (to perhaps, make an impression on the young master among the many faceless women he meets). To cut a long story short, she is not as simple and innocent as she appears to be and God, please god, no secret romance defying class barriers. (I had enough of this troupe)


    I think I like the mad-hat SIL the most! She is a wacko! Complete nutcase!:lol: She rightly takes after her mad-hat mother. She is my second favourite character after the SIL. The daughter truly takes after her mother. :crazy:


    I don't much care about the men in the family. They are all so meh. The young master's painful past doesn't move me much either. He is just another stereotypical rich but unhappy kid who only thinks of a rebellion when he meets a poor, down in the dumps, love of his life . :rolleyes: (Sorry, I am turning into a cynical grumpy old aunt who disapproves of everything.):lol: The first son is a mess. The second son is most probably a cheater. And I have already shared what i think of the young master. I hope the chairman has an ace up his sleeve and he is only 'pretending' to be unwell. Though Father is definitely strange, if he has been celebrating his dead wife's birthday with this much pomp and grandeur. No wonder, the matriarch is so losing it. Her interactions with the peacock are funny. The SIL is another man stuck with a mad woman. There is no love lost between him and his wife for sure. They 'bought' her a husband. As no man in his right mind would willingly marry her unless you give something in return for putting up with her kind of craziness, which can be life threatening too. 


    Also, I liked the intended fiancee. She has much more life than the others in the family, barring the two female leads. She would have done a lot good to the young morose master, but he is waning , pining for the listless maid. (This truly is one big crazy family).


    Finally coming to the two female leads. The first DIL, I am dying to know her secrets. It must have been tough putting up with  a man like that for years. Wonder who she is having an affair with. None of the men seem to be the mysterious man she might be having an affair with. Could it be a woman? Will that be too sensational? Perhaps that's why she is seeking help from Mother Emma, the bearer of all secrets for the rich and crazy.


    I like the second DIL. She has a good heart and her little acts of rebellion do add colour in more ways than one to the dreary, sad, crazy lives of the people living in the two houses.


    I know most of what I wrote is based on speculation as I have only completed two episodes but  I am intrigued to know what secrets these people are hiding. 

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  22. Hello! Hello everyone! A big shout out to @twinkle_little_star, @joccu , @MayanEcho and @gm4queen


    @agenthYes, it was me.   That's the song for Sung Hoon. :wub:  I have watched his videos on YouTube. They were videos of him eating. :D But I didn't know that he ate most fruits without peeling! :o That's news to me.:blink:




    (I have no idea how to insert YouTube links. hopefully, it shows)





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