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@thanie hahaha director of WS Hospice? lol i got bz watching his movie that's why i'm MIA (missing in action) hahaha You can strip me of that position Sis bc i can't handle it while i'm dealing with my WS right now! Let's say, the director in AWOL hahaha! You're so right, WE ARE GETTING WORST! :joy:

@Lawyerh yes chingoo, time is of the essence hence i got to do it as fast as i could @Ameera Ali girl you're fast also but mind you i finished Chocolate in 5 days or nights with long hrs on w/ends of course! You said:

1- We can always count on him running to kiss his his love interest

2 - with years that he learn to hug/ squeeze while yet kissing  

It's hard not to erase #1 in my mem in that scene on Chocolate omo omo, his acting is over the top! #2 so true hahaha


:sweatingbullets: lol he's got so many projs that i may hv to take some vac time hahaha If only he knew what we have to go through for him eh? He's well worth it!  Woah those photos you posted he's too gorgeous!


@im0202  OK here's my list that i've finished so far but you guys need to check the synopsis of the movies & see if it's your taste!

1) Mal Mo E  2) The Executioner 3) The Outlaw 4) Golden Slumber 5) Love Guide for Dumpees 6) Lover of Six Years 7) The Bacchus Lady (he's not the lead but he looks cute as an amputee neighbor of lead character, not many scenes of him)



poster from the Bacchus Lady (cr: Scoopnest)


from his movie The Bacchus Lady (he plays the lady's neighbor) cr: Alamy

The movie got recognized in 2016 Berlin Film Festival



His co-star in The Bacchus Lady


As i mentioned to you fellow squads,  i did a marathon on those listed above and some more pending hahaha I kinda stopped watching TGW since it's a drama but i'll continue for sure one w/end! Gosh with the other drama Forest coming our way, then CLOY to be aired this w/end right? I rest my case! hahaha I need some WS pills to calm me down otherwise yes the hospice will be filled! :w00t:


To other YKS squad not mentioned above @stroppyse@ChocolateMei@mouse007@sadthe1st@AquariusMY@scorpionflowers annyeong and see you maybe some of you in the forest :) and CLOY


p.s. for @ChocolateMei i just read your post so I edit this to give u my reply - hahaha of course chingoo you can use that ADORKABLE anytime and he really fits that description aside from being handsome! I think you'll like Mal mo e also and Lovers of 6 years! even if, say, the movie is not to your taste, just to see him in it - at least for me - is more than enough hahaha aigoo!! well WS won't get worse probab will help a little!


Pls excuse any typos as i'm getting tired watching his movies  :weary:



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 @hibiscus23 yes I agree, I can watch something as long as I see YKS in it. But I think he has to be a lead or at least have LOTS of screen time hahaha I saw someone mention MME sometime ago but I didn’t realize YKS also star in it. I’m always fascinated with movies or dramas related to true events and those set in 1940s era. Which of his movies did you like in particular? Edit: Oops I just read again your previous post and saw your list haha


I’m amazed at YKS squad research skills! You guys are so thorough at digging up all the good stuff :kiss_wink: Also all those photos and gifs are a joy to see. I wish i had the talents you guys have at creating gifs! 

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@hibiscus23 'Adorkable' is right!! Currently subbing the older behind-the-scenes of Chocolate and I can't help but make a few gifs of my own because YKS is such a happy pill and a 4D character when he doesn't have to be the serious Lee Kang:D 


He really makes a perfect >.< face :lol:


Dunno how many times he got whacked on the arm by HJW during filming of Chocolate LOL


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20 hours ago, im0202 said:

Oh man if his agency releases his song recording video someone will have to resuscitate me... His voice in the duet alone already melted me lol

I think we will all take the risk if it means watching him recording the song!


I come across some videos in YouTube on g.o.d concert. Gosh, my heart races watching him sing and dance. I cannot decide if I like YKS more or Dr Lee Kang more. I question everyday what is it about him that I like? He is not the Hyun Bin type of good looking but yet he is so appealing. His dorkiness wins hearts, and also his good natured character, down to earth, etc makes my heart flutter.


I haven't watched any of his previous dramas or movies, except for Love Guide for Dumpees which I happened to chance upon and was pleasantly surprised to see YKS in it! Somehow, I am using all my will power not to watch his previous dramas or movies because at this juncture, I cannot accept anyone else but Lee Kang and I feel this is his best role thus far. But who am I kidding, my willpower won't last long.

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8 hours ago, ChocolateMei said:

 @hibiscus23 yes I agree, I can watch something as long as I see YKS in it. But I think he has to be a lead or at least have LOTS of screen time hahaha I saw someone mention MME sometime ago but I didn’t realize YKS also star in it. I’m always fascinated with movies or dramas related to true events and those set in 1940s era. Which of his movies did you like in particular? Edit: Oops I just read again your previous post and saw your list haha


I’m amazed at YKS squad research skills! You guys are so thorough at digging up all the good stuff :kiss_wink: Also all those photos and gifs are a joy to see. I wish i had the talents you guys have at creating gifs! 

@ChocolateMei yes chingoo i'd say in 2 of the movies he didn't hv a lot of air time so you guys may skip these two: Golden Slumber & The Bacchus Lady, MME def he's the lead as well as the others! No worries i liked MME, same here I'm also into true events and MME is one of them, it depicts - ooops better not say much hahaha spoiler but anyway, u shld watch it! Executioner is good but a bit depressing! But like we said, when he's in it, we just wanna gawk at him and forget about the others hahaha

@Lawyerh I think i hvnt seen this one just yet but i wanna watch the whole thing hahaha Woah you're also digging digging my chingoo loved it!


Other squads sorry i hv no time to tag ev.one here today, really a bz day no kidding! see u much much later chingoos and bear w/typos ok? hahaha



in bacchus movie i cldn't look at some scenes bc the old lady is a prostitute, in golden slumber his most appearance was in the beginning of the movie then some would just be flashbacks! i didn't like GS altho it's nice action movie & i also like KDW actor, it's not my type :( hahaha


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@Lawyerh ah thanks, i hope it's avail online :) u know i don't want any of his projs to slip through my fingers! That's a No-No hahaha

Look at how he played gangster in The Outlaws, I kinda like that pony tail on him hehehe


He was bad in this movie but good in his role (cr: koreatimes korea)



cr: imdb


Fellow YKS Squad you know who you are, that's it for now, but see much much later! :)


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@hibiscus23 Firstly thank you for the link I finished MME today... Second YKS movie I watched after The Outlaws and his role couldn't be more different! I kinda miss the Jang Chen accent lol and also the facial hair :lol:

Edit: Love his role as Jang Chen, always admire actors who try diverse characters... But so many old works of his I've yet to see!


So no one watched 'Last' yet? I've queued up The Good Wife after I finish BTC but I'm waiting for a review from one of the YKS squad here for 'Last' haha.. @Lawyerh You might want to check out the synopsis here: http://asianwiki.com/Last

Definitely no headache to read that (I think!?) LOL


BTW anyone knows what show is this? Looks like his BT side came out again :D


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Dunno how many times he got whacked on the arm by HJW during filming of Chocolate LOL


good question :joy: so far in the  game playing & the baking Activities, he been pushed  , beaten like a drum :mrgreen:






he is loving it :tounge_wink:





@hibiscus23 & @Lawyerh I started 6 years lover , I will keep movies for the last :wub:


OMG , I am loving the long hair Pictures  @hibiscus23 

@Lawyerh is that brother in law With him in the movies secret mission :joy:


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On 1/29/2020 at 3:28 PM, sadthe1st said:

i wonder why there is no clips of YKS recording of the song.. :mellow: haha maybe having them recording separately will have lesser retakes since both will be laughing uncontrollably :lol:

@sadthe1st believe me i hv also been searching for their bts recdg of the song to no avail :( Cld it be that they haven't uploaded it on yt or anywhere else, bc logically speaking, there's gotta be one right? we'll see & will keep looking! :)

@Ameera Ali i like his long hair also, i actually find guys cute (if not sexy) with those long hair & pony tail wooot! I started watching TGW but I dunno I got hooked in digging his movie i guess simply bc it's shorter in other words i'm saving the best for last (i.e. his dramas)!!

Well how's our YKS squad here? @Lawyerh@im0202 hv u guys started MME movie? @thanie are you still on which epi now? I can guess maybe 10 or 11? take your time & let us hear your feedback bc i'm itching to rant about it (the drama i mean).

To all other YKS Squad what's up these days? Are you rewatching Choco or you're bz with other Kdramas? :)



From The Good Wife (cr: banghae)




BTC (cr: lovingdramas) I may have to re-watch this once my plate is a little bit empty :) the prob is it can never get empty! LOL

@Lawyerh hehehe yes, it's long time ago LOL has it been that long? time flies really!

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@hibiscus23 Yeah I finished MME using the link you PM’ed, thanks!! Also done with The Outlaws... both very different movies but really enjoyed them:rolleyes:

Still on Ep6 of BTC... Have lined up TGW to be next. Pacing myself on the dramas so I have more time to recover from my withdrawal symptom... Somehow still feel like rewatching Chocolate!:ph34r: (still rewatching some scenes here and there and also listening to the OST everyday sighhh~)

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51 minutes ago, im0202 said:

@hibiscus23 Yeah I finished MME using the link you PM’ed, thanks!! Also done with The Outlaws... both very different movies but really enjoyed them:rolleyes:

Still on Ep6 of BTC... Have lined up TGW to be next. Pacing myself on the dramas so I have more time to recover from my withdrawal symptom... Somehow still feel like rewatching Chocolate!:ph34r: (still rewatching some scenes here and there and also listening to the OST everyday sighhh~)

@im0202 Yes yes ADORKABLE he is! I love those gifs you made! really cute!


woah good for you chingoo, you're more than welcome! Yes i know both very diff but amazing how he cld also be a villain in the outlaws :) I think that's one way really to ease the pain of our WS hence that's why i thought looking into some of his movies; I also started TGW but it's on hold since I did a marathon of his movies! Wld you believe i feel the same thing of re-watching some of Choco drama, esp the ep where they started dating or LK asking her permission if he could love her woah that was a touching scene :):heart:

BTW fellow squad you did good in those gifs, you & @Ameera Ali are our PDnims on thread :) pls keep them coming hahaha I just love those gifstumblr

@Lawyerh woah it's nice you got that article about MalMoE imagine it did well in SK! thnx for that, I hv Last  queued to watch plus Poongsan!


also best site to see list of his projects wld be asianwiki, i'm wanting to see Last also plus Poongsan and i checked the other movie titled The Unfair albeit it's available online it's not subbed!

wave to other squads MIA

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15 hours ago, hibiscus23 said:

@Lawyerh ah thanks, i hope it's avail online :) u know i don't want any of his projs to slip through my fingers! That's a No-No hahaha

Look at how he played gangster in The Outlaws, I kinda like that pony tail on him hehehe


He was bad in this movie but good in his role (cr: koreatimes korea)


Fellow YKS Squad you know who you are, that's it for now, but see much much later! :)


I can't believe YKS have have showcased several characters already! He's indeed a very versatile actor! This is what I admire with actors like him, they don't hesitate to EXPLORE ...   :heart: 


15 hours ago, Lawyerh said:

Didnt know this movie was doing well...

Film “Malmoe: The Secret Mission” Hits 1 Million Moviegoers Milestone In Impressive Time

@Lawyerh, I have seen CY's brother in here and also that CLOY Ajumma :D

My eyes are quick, LOL!

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@thanie @Lawyerh yes CY's brod was also in Mal Mo E i forgot to mention to you squads :) plus the CLOY ahjumma!

I just finished his movie Poongsan & he was once again great in this movie! You guys don't miss it! He was really cool! Like you said v versatile in every sense of the word! I hope after Choco drama he'll be more bankable!

Here's some touching scenes in Poongsan! The leading lady Gyuri is also a good actress!

cr: blurrysnow and cr: roamingursa for second tumblr (Poongsan movie)





Poongsan - Seeing emotionally-draining Korean movies on Sunday mornings is slowly becoming a tradition of mine. Without any good reason, I might say, other than pure hatred for my well-being. Still, Poongsan proved to be tolerable, as in, I didn’t feel the need to grab a gun and blow my brains out due to all the tragedy in this world upon seeing it. It was a steady balance of action, politics, romance and thriller, quite neatly packed. Certianly kept me on the edge of my seat for two hours. Actors were immense. Yoon Kye-sang was flawless - I’ve never seen him in anything beforehand, but I’ve been told he’s the ‘quirky’ character in k-dramas, so that makes me appreciate him in this role all the more. Truly enjoyable cinematic experience, would recommend it to k-lovers, as well as people interested in situation between two Koreas, but not without a little bit of romantic relief.


cr: randomfilms



cr: tumblr

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Anneyeong YKS squad!! 

It has been a hectic week for me. Glad that Friday’s here and weekend again. I can finally catch up on my dramas and YKS movie watch! My excitement to watch MME was heightened by @Lawyerh posts about it. Hope you’re all doing well. I’ll pop in again later. In the interim, here are some clips that showed up on YT. It’s a compilation of YKS guesting on various talk/game show. He was still so much younger in some segments. What a playful and funny guy! :kiss_wink: :love:



Second clip shows his dramatic and singing skills! :wub: He seems to be a very talented and versatile actor. He deserves to be featured in more dramas and films! 


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Annyeong @ChocolateMei yes you should definitely watch MME once you have the time! I like period pieces and like the korean language and culture so movies like MME always pique my interest. I enjoyed the movie it had funny moments as well.

Chingu-deuls I have been ‘spoilering’ myself by watching some cuts from TGW :ph34r: Doesn’t help that a lot of my recommended vids on YT are now YKS related lol. Just saw this vid where he and the main cast of TGW reacted to the kiss scene... Looks like he was shy. :D His smile was also complimented by the emcee and I agree I love his smile >.< 


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So many good reviews for MME! It will be first on my weekend watch then! I wish I could understand what they are saying in this TGW clip. They seem to be really shy at their kiss scene haha! I hope that you can share your insights here when you get to watch TGW


@im0202 Thanks to you for translating the Chocolates BTS that made it so much more fun to watch! :wub: 

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:w00t: I dont know what emoji this is but it just shows how dumbfounded I am too see his pictures above in that body! Seriously, I cannot imagine him having (or had) that kind of built. *drooling*. I mean, i was contented with him even if he doesn't have that kind of swimmer built, but to think he looks like that is just awesome.


Do you all remember that scene in Chocolate where LK had a car accident with CY? He was injured but he needed to perform surgery on CY. Well, there was a quick scene where he lifted his shirt and tried to 'staple' his open wound on his abdomen. It was too quick and thinking back, I am not sure if it was clear how his abdomen looked like..?

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3 hours ago, AquariusMY said:

:w00t: I dont know what emoji this is but it just shows how dumbfounded I am too see his pictures above in that body! Seriously, I cannot imagine him having (or had) that kind of built. *drooling*. I mean, i was contented with him even if he doesn't have that kind of swimmer built, but to think he looks like that is just awesome.


Do you all remember that scene in Chocolate where LK had a car accident with CY? He was injured but he needed to perform surgery on CY. Well, there was a quick scene where he lifted his shirt and tried to 'staple' his open wound on his abdomen. It was too quick and thinking back, I am not sure if it was clear how his abdomen looked like..?

@AquariusMY Ask and you shall receive!! Lol

He should have done some push-ups before the scene I think the abs will show better:lol:


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