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[Drama 2024] Su Ji and Woo Ri - 수지맞은 우리 - Mon to Fri 20:30 KST


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Il y a 5 heures, kboramint a dit :

Comment NY peut-il se permettre de louer un appartement de classe moyenne alors que SJ loue une chambre dans la maison/le restaurant de quelqu'un ? J'ai raté l'épisode où les deux sœurs ont été déplacées.  


NY va tomber amoureux du SML et vice versa. Mettre fin au triangle amoureux qui était avec elle, SJ et UR. SJ et UR vont commencer à tomber amoureux et le drame présentera la mère de la petite fille (qui sera l'ancienne petite amie d'UR). 

I know that NY will fall in love with SML, and they will marry soon but i hope he doesn't  love her. I want her to suffer like that. She will live a hell lol.


For SJ and UR i don't like the child plot + mama coming to get him  it feel so forced but i will understand  if FL will break up  with him. 

So for now FL is poor or what, seem she has no money because of her nasty family now or she is too shoot by évents.

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For starters I am glad that the father made the correct choice of not accepting Hyung Sun’s deal and most of the family supported it and his reasoning. The only one that didn’t was unsurprisingly his wife. While she may have a point that he is only considering his daughters feelings and not her own as she is suffering by having eczema and how tiring it is to prepare the rolls. But what she doesn’t seem to realize is that everyone needs to pitch in to help run the house. Her son at least seems to have started is growth into maturity. He has stopped some of his wasteful expenditures courtesy of Doori and her influence on him. Anyway, as I was saying the mother if she feels like she can’t prepare the ingredients she needs to look for alternate ways to help out with the family finances.


Moving on let’s talk about the Na Young situation. So, it seems like she is still sticking with her original plan to win over Hyung Sun. Be there for him and when she feels like she has made some progress suddenly disappear forcing him to make first contact with her. She isn’t taking advantage of him being drunk and attempting to get pregnant like some of the drama characters do. Or at least she is claiming this to be the case. Let’s see what happens next in regards to this. In a way this ploy makes sense because even if she blackmails him into marrying her with the exposure of a scandal or emotionally by pointing out that they should take care of the child as it is equally their responsibility and all. It won’t be real, and he could easily dump her later on. This ensures that he will be faithful to her and have genuine feelings towards her.


The other thing I want to bring up is the fact that the mother pointed out that both her daughters left home together and how she at least threatened Na Young that if she didn’t hear from her, she would report her missing. Hyung Sun actually suggested that they do that for Suji as well.


Now if I am being technical Na Young could have simply messaged her mother that she was fine and perhaps sent her picture proving so. The mother never asked for her address. Okay now let’s get a bit practical. In both cases where she threatened to report her as missing and Hyung Sun’s for Suji I have to ask is that even possible. Again, I don’t know how law works but would the police even take this case seriously. They could easily point out that since both women are adults, they can take care of themselves and have moved out so the family shouldn’t worry. Granted both of them should have informed their family before doing so. I would therefore assume that the police can’t really do anything over here and their hands are tied in this case. It would make more sense for them to investigate the case if Ara was missing since she is a minor and she can’t fend for themselves.


 @kboramint Technically only Na Young moved out of that house. Suji never really moved into the house due to the shortage of rooms. She told her family that she was planning on temporarily using the hospitals night rooms for the time being because of this so they shouldn’t worry about her. Then the scandals broke out which resulted in her being forced to leave. Even then she was living in Hyung Sun’s apartment which he informed her family, so they didn’t need to worry about. As for Na Young she did leave and how she can afford not only the apartment but a whole new wardrobe. According to her the clothes are more like an investment and the place is on rent. I suggested earlier that it might have been possible for her to take out a loan for some of these things. Also, it is safe to assume that she had some money stashed away since she was working. So, dipping into said pool makes sense. She also didn’t pay for the moving expenses or finding their current house. As for why Suji is so broke and can’t afford an expensive apartment like Na Young. I am going to say the following. We have to remember that thanks to her father being scammed she was the one that had to clear that mess up. She also took out loans to cover some of this. I would assume that she has maxed out on her loans so she can’t take out anymore. Rapper Brother has also pointed out that back when he was immature, he got into a few fights, and she had to pay for the settlement damages. Indicating that she did have money issues. Not only that the scam even forced her to sell of her car for funds indicating her issues.


Na Young on the other hand probably didn’t have a credit issue and if it was her first time she probably could have gotten the loan or she bought said items on credit with the hopes of scoring big once she marries into Hyung Suns family.


Hyung Sun’s mother seems to realize that her husband still has some influence, and she is resorting to spying on him. Though I am again confused because it seems like I may have missed something over here as well. He mentioned that Hyung Sun should return home and when he does, he will leave it. As far as I could tell he didn’t mention anything about leaving the hospital. Also, why should he. Leaving home when he is already in an unhappy marriage is one thing. He may have thought that he had a chance to salvage it. But once he discovered the fact that not only had his wife drawn divorce papers but had done so 30 years ago it shows to him that she has no intention to reconcile. At this point he really doesn’t have any motivation to stay in said relationship. He did point out that he genuinely married her out of love and not for greed. How much of that is actually true remains to be seen. Anyway, returning to the point of him leaving the hospital on the other hand doesn’t make sense. As his wife pointed out he has been running it for so long that he is critical at this point. It is live his child where he has invested his blood and sweat so there is no reason for him to even suggest that he will leave it. Granted some of his methods might clash with the foundation that his wife is running but that is a story for another day.


The house rules that Suji received, and someone brought up may not make a whole lot of sense but frankly I think it makes a lot of sense and to be fair most of them were even reasonable. So, let’s get into this point. When you move into a rented place it is more than understandable that you need to abide by whatever rules the homeowner’s place. for instance, it can be as simple as having no pets or who pays the utility bills. So, this means that either the utilities are included in the bill (the owner calculates how much a person can spend and adjusts the bill in such a way) or the rent and utilities are separate, and the renter has to pay both. Now in this case Suji moved into the house without being aware of any rules that they may have set (clearly because there weren’t any) and she could therefore argue that since this wasn’t in their contract she isn’t required to do so. It would get really complicated and she really doesn’t want to do that at this point.


now while I don’t remember each of the rules that her mother set up, I can tell that only two seemed to be a little off. Now for starters let’s look at some of the more reasonable ones. She had to have at least one meal with them, clean the dishes at least once a week and clean the house/restaurant also once a week. Now these there can be argued that if she even had a meal one time in the house then she automatically becomes eligible for the one week dish washing. She may not feel well enough to go out and get some on her own or has problems with her funds. This helps her out. Same for the cleaning. Since she is living in that house even if it is a separate room. While she can argue over here that is the only part, she really needs to keep clean. It really doesn’t hurt her to put in a little extra effort and help the rest of the family clean the rest of the place up. Yes, if she had to do it entirely on her own on a random day then she would have a right to complain.


Okay now that we have covered these three points. Let us move to the two points that I would agree could seem unreasonable to her. She even brought up one of them. The first one was that they had to help out at the farm at least once and the weekly family meeting. Now I could give this one a small pass if the farm was connected to their current house so they could argue that it come in the house maintenance. But since it is far away, she could bring this point up. Instead, she brought up the point that since she isn’t actually part of the family (since nobody is aware of the birth secret over here) why should she attend the family meeting. It really shouldn’t concern her. The mother tried to justify that isn’t really how you define a family. Considering her situation, it makes sense but practically Suji is correct.


Oh, come to think about the mother and her current family situation. Uri and his sister are registered as part of her family, but Suji isn’t. Convenient isn’t it because otherwise this would make it that Suji and Uri are related as siblings and that would mean that they couldn’t end up together unless the show decides to take a page from My Lovely Enemy. This way they get a chance at their own love story and happiness.


@tulip06 I agree with you it was probably dumb of Suji to try and meet up with Na Young. It is totally possible that she will decide to secretly follow her and see where she lives and when she discovers that it is with Uri. She can reveal it to Hyung Sun. Most probably indirectly depending on what role the writer is going for. For instance, she can suggest that she has heard that the restaurant serves really good food so he should try and treat her over there for reason X. Once there she needs to time it when she knows that Uri is going to be there and two make some sort of scene where he sees Suji as well. Hyung Sun once he sees this will feel betrayed and perhaps even think that they were hiding this for a reason. (she was having an affair with Uri or something along those lines) same for him. Once he will be devastated, she will be there to pick up the pieces. Perhaps this time take advantage of him being drunk. He might suddenly remember that Uri was her supposed boyfriend, and she might use this to her advantage.


@africandramalover I am going to disagree with you over here. Apologies in advance. I certainly don’t want Suji’s mother to end up with the hospital chairman. Sure, that would be an issue for Hyung Sun to end up with Suji. But we really can’t be one to judge why he is unhappy in his current marriage. His wife clearly blames him for something. Whether or not that is justified remains to be seen. While he may deserve to be happy so does his wife. I do agree that if they are both happy just go for a divorce at this point. The wife is certainly being unreasonable from what we can currently tell. But we all know that there has to be some sort of backstory in regards to this. Perhaps for all we know Hyung Sun isn’t his biological child. Plot Twist I know. But let’s face it we shouldn’t be surprised at this point. Also, something that I found odd was how his wife told him to get on board with their son’s decision because otherwise she would lose him and if that were to happen, she wouldn’t forgive her husband. He was the only thing that she was currently living for, and she wouldn’t let it slide if her husband took this away from her as well.


This means that something major has happened between the two. Like we have been shown at her fathers remains she also prays for the soul of another person. We can safely assume that this was the person that was taken away from her and she holds her husband responsible for this. Aka a missing child.


Anyway, let’s just end this post over here for the time being. So, take care all of you and do keep posting your theories because I feel like some of you bring some really interesting points. Some that I may have even missed.

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On 5/22/2024 at 4:49 AM, mjmartinez said:


I think the part of her joining the family gathering is kinda make them learn more about her family background and to make her feel part of the family. 


I think that's SY way to break SJ barrier. 


(the writer did all of that to make the SY and SJ reunion more dramatic) 😅


It's definitely for the plot, and that's why Suji called the realtor so that she can realise that she has nowhere to else go and must suck it up and attend those family meetings to survive... but I still want to cry because of that entire scene and their unbearable nagging! it was so painful to me!!:joy: I'd move out in a heartbeat, IMMEDIATELY, if they think that they can trap and bully me because of a mere 300usd!! OMG!:rage:



I wish Suji would effect what is called "malicious compliance ", where she attends the meetings and follows the rules but does the bare minimum and doesn't participate. They wanted her there and she attends the meetings, so they cannot complain anymore. Maybe even takes the food they bring to her but throws it, welcomes them when they bang on her door, invites them in, and then proceeds to ignore them when they yap yap yap, till they get the hint! Very passive aggressive!:smirk:

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cant wait for the subs to come out (they look like a family in this scene and SJ finally smile) 


Episode 43 Preview 


looks like HS is going to quit as director and date NY 😆

and SY is helping SJ for her money problem. (she suggest to her about something)



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15 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

his means that something major has happened between the two. Like we have been shown at her fathers remains she also prays for the soul of another person. We can safely assume that this was the person that was taken away from her and she holds her husband responsible for this. Aka a missing child.


And that missing child is possibly Uri? 

24 minutes ago, TheQueenReturns said:

Kocowa still have not loaded anything, but Two Sisters


So, if the episodes have aired in Korea, but it doesn't show on KocoWa then possible licensing dispute?   

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6 hours ago, kboramint said:


And that missing child is possibly Uri? 


Probably knowing how K-Dramas and their predictable formulas work. Some people are even speculating this. I am going for a wait and see. I want to base my decision after collecting a few more facts. But like I said the probability is quite high and the show will like to prove me wrong or right depending on the day.


6 hours ago, kboramint said:


So, if the episodes have aired in Korea, but it doesn't show on KocoWa then possible licensing dispute?   



Well the show is out on one of the unofficial sites which I won't be mentioning due to the forum rules but I would assume that this would mean that the official ones should be out. I will be watching said episode in a few hours because I have been sidetracked by some personal work. from the preview clips it seems to be interesting and I can hardly wait to check it out.

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I’m so annoyed at the show being out in an unofficial site but not on kocowa.  What am I paying kocowa for except for watching dailies on time?

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On 5/22/2024 at 9:56 PM, TheQueenReturns said:

Kocowa still have not loaded anything, but Two Sisters

Why episodes are later is because 



The release of new content is being delayed due to technical issues. We apologize for the inconvenience.


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Let us start of with the fact that they finally revealed who was responsible for the separation between Suji and her mother. It doesn’t really come as a surprise though because if we used the process of elimination, we really had two main suspects that had the most to gain from this.


For the chairman there were two possible routes why he could have done this. Which I have already pointed out so you can feel free to skip. The first one was that she (Sujis mother) was his first love, and he found a way for him to be with her and keep her happy at the same time. Now how much of her being his first love remains to be seen. But we do know for a fact that she is someone that he is currently infatuated with. We just don’t know since when. Either way he could have tried to cut a deal with the family if this was true. The other reason was the fact that her accident was. You know what it really doesn’t matter or make sense completely so we will move on the culprit itself.


Na Young’s mother on the other hand had the most to gain back then. As I pointed out she was a single mother who either had to raise the child on her own if Suji’s mother returned and as her experience with Na Young, she must have realized just how difficult this was going to be. Or she would end up losing her son altogether. As we noticed the grandmother volunteered to have Suji’s mother raise the child. Again, something a parent wouldn’t want. So, it makes sense that she would try and prevent Suji and her mother to reunite. Even to this day when she pointed out she saw her, and the grandmother brought her up. She was like why do you still see her as your DiL and will accept her back if she were to return. Also, she had no intention of letting the two meet as we saw in the latest episode. She was fully aware that the family was going to move out in a few days because there is no way they could have packed otherwise in just 3-4 days and left the country.


Of course, one thing that I don’t really get is why she wouldn’t want to simply let Suji’s mother take Suji and leave. It couldn’t be because Suji was the breadwinner at the time since she was a mere kid then and she isn’t a fortune teller and predict the future. Suji actually leaving should have been good for her back then. Not only does she not have to raise a child that doesn’t belong to her, but her rival won’t also be returning as she has no reason to do so at this point. Unless it turns out that Suji is really sick and needs a transplant from someone in her family. But again, unless she is a fortune teller she can’t know if this will even ever happen. If she was afraid that the mother could come for money in the future or try and use Suji as a bargaining chip, she could have the family agree to sign a document (the mother included) preventing her from doing so. Problem solved.


Come to think about it after watching Na Young I wonder if there is anything that her mother says that is actually true. For instance, she claims that her husband cheated with her when things were going well for his company. Okay this might be true, or she might be trying to justify her actions. Her daughter is going after a man who is clearly not interested in her. So, she is trying to win him over through trickery. What if her mother was the one that ended up seducing Suji’s father instead of the other way around. Mostly because of two reasons. Firstly it would help her raise Na Young in a better environment. But also, due the second reason which would have been jealousy. We have seen just how Na Young is towards Suji. This could be trait that was subconsciously transferred to her as well. Either way her jealousy could stem from the fact that her friend seems to have gotten married into a well of family and where she is also happy. But she on the other hand has a husband/boyfriend who is either dead or just not bothered about his own family resulting in her having a hard life. If she wants one she will have to take it from someone else.


Finally, in the whodunit game we can rule out Na Young as a suspect. I know that we like to like to blame her for everything that goes wrong with the main leads or her family, but she was really way to young back then. And if someone did believe her if she said something like Suji’s mother was never part of the family or something along those lines, perhaps that nobody by that name lived in said house. Then they were total idiots. But that is a story for another day.


Speaking of her I really don’t understand her current plan. Perhaps I am just not that smart or even close to Jarrod’s’ Pretender level skill set. But a lot of things she is doing just don’t make sense logically without us knowing her thinking process. Sure, I can explain some of the things she is doing but they are more like temporary measures. For instance, she is pursuing Hyung Sun but what is her end game. As of now she hasn’t revealed to him that she is Suji’s sister. This makes sense since he would never fall for her and would always consider her as his SiL. So, this part of the deception as of now makes sense. But eventually when they decide to become serious, and marriage talks come up. How does she plan on avoiding this fact. A family meeting needs to happen, and his parents have already met Suji’s family and they are clearly against them for good reason. Even if they may like Suji as a person or not. In this case they would certainly oppose the two of them. The only way that she therefore has to avoid this situation is to either play the orphan card or hire fake actors to pose as her parents.


But like I have pointed out these are merely temporary measures does she think that she can keep her secret hidden forever and what does she plan on doing so when she gets exposed. They could charge her with fraud, or something along those lines perhaps even ask for a divorce. Though this is not the only thing that doesn’t make sense in regards to her plans (will try and come up with some excuses that she can possibly come up in her defence in a bit to explain her situation). The other thing was what we saw in the recent episode. She asks Hyung Sun out for dinner then she provides him with so called home cooked meal. Which was in reality all store bought. Naturally the food is going to taste well. But again, what is she going to do if after marriage he asks her to cook something for him and his family. Even if she gets away with it temporarily she may eventually get caught and the fact will be revealed that she can’t cook.


Now in regards to her so called defence if she ever gets caught at least in regards to the fact that she lied about being an orphan and is related to Suji. I can probably see her claim that for all intent and purposes that is what she felt like. Everyone in her family ignored her and all they were focused on was Suji and how great she was. This would certainly qualify her for some pity points. For the food she might initially try and get out of the fact that they have a house servant, so she has no real reason to do so. If she is ever forced to do so and she cooks something, and it doesn’t taste great she can always claim that she was never really good at it and just attempted to make food. The only way that she is getting caught in this part of the lie is if she has to make something that she claimed to have prepared previously and it tastes totally different. The other way has to be that she needs to smuggle the food inside so that she can pretend that it is her own but someone catches the delivery person or she has insufficient time to hide the boxes which contained the food.


Now let’s move on to her current thing that she did. Meeting up with Suji and so called apologizing to her as well. At first, I thought that she was using this as an excuse to meet her then secretly stalk her to find out where she lived and then try and use this fact to her advantage. Surprisingly she didn’t do that. Her apology on the other hand if someone were to ask just how genuine it was. I am going to say that was probably 40% the remaining 60% was her fishing for information of sorts.


She wants to be happy and there is nothing really wrong with that. Just her way going about it is questionable. In this case she asked about Suji’s relationship with Hyung Sun and whether she may have been responsible for them breaking up. After confirming the fact that Suji had broken up and probably had no intent of getting back with him or the fact that she wasn’t responsible for breaking them up. Leads to the fact that she doesn’t need to feel guilty in regards to pursuing Hyung Sun at this point. This means that he is not only fair game at this point since he is single but most importantly, she can’t be accused of cheating on/with him at this point. She also wasn’t the reason for the breakup so she can’t be further blamed along this line as well. As I pointed out she can use all of this for her defence.


If anyone does bring up the point of how wrong, it was to chase after a man that dated her sister she can use ignorance as her defence. Firstly, she can claim that she never knew this fact as she had never met Hyung Sun prior to moving into the apartment next to his. Which is partially true. Whenever he showed up, she was either not in the house or not in the same room. The only time that they did sort of meet was at the hospital when she came over to see Uri and the other time was when she was crying with him at a bar. I don’t recall if Hyung Sun saw her fact that one time but still. So, it sort of works.


Now people can be wondering how Hyung Sun doesn’t recognize Na Yeong from both those times or when she held the press conference and when the video of her kneeling towards Suji and attempting to take her life after said conversation went viral. I have an explanation in regard to that. Just how possible that is, remains to be seen. If this theory has any holes in it be free and try and help us patch them up.


Like I mentioned Hyung Sun only briefly managed to glance at her at best during those times. Also to note is the fact that since he is obsessed with Suji, he isn’t going to be bothered with any other women around him. So, it makes sense that he wouldn’t really notice her back then. When the two videos were released, he again was more focused on Suji rather than the person in the video. Nor did he care to discover the truth, so he didn’t try and meet her and get an explanation. In other words, he never really saw her. Her hairstyle and wardrobe change further helps confuse him at this point. Now someone might be wondering by saying that Na Young was a sort of celebrity even prior to this and he still didn’t recognize her. I would argue and say that just because you may have seen a celebrity you may not always recognize them right of the bat unless you watch a lot of shows that they are in. For instance, lets take a drama where a character maybe a regular character in said show but you probably would never have noticed them in some of their previous works where they were a side character and think ah this is the first time watching them. The same can be said for Na Young apart from her so called small fan base who is going to actually recognize her. She could have become more famous had she taken those deals that shows were offering her after the news conference, but she had enough shame to refuse them. This serves well for plot purposes as well.


Now in an earlier post I wondered why the chairman decided to leave his post at the hospital when he worked so long and hard for it. On one hand it doesn’t really make a lot of sense. But after carefully considering a few things, it sort of does. According to the little backstory that we have been given of him and his wife we can gather the following fact. He was a promising doctor back in the day. But he wasn’t well off. His wife on the other hand was influential to the point that her family was the one that owned the current hospital. Now let us look at two statements that he has also made in a few episodes and what they could imply.


Firstly, he pointed out that he genuinely loved his wife and that he had no ulterior motives in marrying her. Such as going after her family wealth.


Secondly, he told her that he was her husband and not her servant.


With both these points assuming that they are genuine we can gather that he worked extremely hard to get the hospital where it currently is because he wanted to keep his wife and her family happy. While it would certainly help him live a comfortable life that was probably a secondary goal for him at this point. But there comes a point in a person’s life if he doesn’t get the recognition that he deserves then he will have enough and will want to leave. Him being treated as someone as someone with no value and as a servant of sorts would be more than enough to leave that place. also him wanting an uncontested divorce further attests to his claims that he married her out of genuine feelings towards her and had no ulterior motives back then. Otherwise he could demand that the hospital be left to him as part of the settlement or something along those lines. Since he doesn’t do any of that he might actually be genuine. There is certainly the question about him and his feelings towards Suji’s mother but like I pointed out it isn’t clear whether she was his first love, or he started to develop so called feelings towards her after his wife started to give him the cold shoulder. Also, in case people were wondering when he might have been treated as a servant by his wife.


Just look at one of the episodes when his decisions were looked down upon or not even considered. This was seen when there was the hospitals X year anniversary function. He had a full thing planned out when his wife suddenly popped in and told him that they were going to scrap the majority of his plans and instead go with her plan. While I do agree that some of the points that she brought up were valid I am sure that there could have been better ways to handle it. In fact, after Hyung Sun pointed out that what she did was wrong she realized it and they had a pretty civil discussion in regards of how the hospital should move ahead. She even considered one of his suggestions. So, I think that there may actually be some hope for them down the line.


Though I don’t feel like they are going to get a happy ending at this point. Too much damage has been done. Any feelings that they might have had in the past for each other are probably long gone at this point. So, this could mean that they will indeed get that divorce by the end of the show, but they will have made their peace and leave on better terms. Perhaps they might also end up meeting each other on a few other occasions. Their grandson’s birthday or something similar. At this point the meetings are going to be cordial at best since their differences will have been hopefully resolved by this point. No I still don’t see him ending up with Suji’s mother at this point.


Someone over here asked why Suji was hiding in a kimchi pot. Blame that on Uri. Apparently, his co-workers decided to have a meal at his family’s restaurant. (not aware of his connection to it). Since Suji is working part time at the restaurant to make ends meet, they would have discovered her there. So, to hide her and also to avoid unnecessary explanations he decided to hide her. Considering that anyone could see inside the kitchen it had to be somewhere they wouldn’t spot her. I am guessing that since people had known Suji for a long time, they would have recognized her even with that mask on her face. He did try and move them to one of the serving rooms which would have allowed Suji to move out and perhaps hide in her room until they left. Unfortunately for him all of the serving rooms were occupied and he was forced to hide her in the first place that he could think of which just so happened to be the kimchi jar.


Before I end my post for the time being. Someone posted a video of the main leads performing in a music variety show. Just how recent is that. Either way they both seemed to have a lot of fun which is just as important, and they both could sing well. Not surprising for Suji but as for him.


As for the delays in the episodes coming out, I just don’t get it. Some suggested that it was perhaps due to licencing issues. But that doesn’t make sense. If I was going to licence a show I would do so for the entire show. Now I do understand that ratings make or break a show which results in extensions or in rare cases cancellation. So, we can’t be sure just how many episodes are going to be released. But here is the thing when we have watched so many shows we know just by the time zone it is in how many episodes it will get. So at least when it comes to KBS World this show is going to get 120 episodes while In Cold Blood is going to probably get 100 episodes minimum. Unless like I pointed out we get a few extensions. This means that they should licence a deal for those base numbers as a minimum episode at least with a clause for possible extensions if necessary. As for delays in technical reasons is something that also doesn’t make sense. The recording and editing is done by the respective studios/company and they need to simply hand it over in a timely manner to whoever has the licence to air it as well. If it is a matter of subbing the show at this point they should just hire enough workers for this job and if they feel like they can’t keep up with the load then don’t take on new projects.


Anyway, now that I have gotten this off my chest, I will end my post over here for the time being. So, all of you take care and keep posting. Let’s see how this show continues. We have finally moved into the second act of this show. Then it will start to get a bit slow and repitive by the third act. Also is the preview of the next episode deceptive once again or will Na Young finally take advantage of Hyung Sun’s vulnerable state. What do you folks think. Should we perhaps hold a vote on this point. Come to think about it why does Na Young’s mother even want to be in the promotional video of the rolls that they are selling. Now that we know that she was responsible for separating Suji and her mother from meeting she should do her best not to alert her as to where they live. If both she and her husband show up in a video it will be easier for someone to try and trace them down. Rapper Bro is the best choice since nobody is going to recognize him at this point. I guess it shows just how vain and smart she really is. Anyway really ending my post for the time being. Will add more points later on. Take care all of you.

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