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[Drama 2022] Twenty-Five Twenty-One ​⌛ 스물다섯 스물하나


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Hello friends! I love this drama so much that I made a podcast episode about it! I like to deep dive into dramas and have an interest in everything from the actors, to the themes and genre of the series to what type of books the characters are reading, or where filming locations for the drama are etc.


In this episode, I talk about:

1. The fun plot and all the fan theories about what happened between Hee Do and Yi Jin and whether they had a daughter together.

2. The popularity of Nam Joo Hyuk and Kim Tae Ri. I look at their past roles as well as their characters Baek Yi Jin and Na Hee Do in Twenty Five, Twenty One. I also chat about the 3 main side characters as well.

3. Why nostalgia dramas are so popular. I look at the main reasons why nostalgia dramas are so well loved and talk about some of the main technology and fashion throwbacks to 1998.

4. What caused the IMF crisis? I explain the IMF crisis and relate it to events in the drama such as why Hee Do's mum sells her gold and why Yi Jin's family are being chased by creditors

5. The meaning of Full House to this drama. We look at why Hee Do and the girls love the manhwa comic Full House and why this series was included in the drama.


You can listen below or on Spotify :partyblob:



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8 hours ago, nrllee said:

I would say it’s because of “The Times” that perhaps YR’s Olympic gold medal didn’t result in a flurry of sponsorships and endorsements.

Yes, I totally agree with you @nrllee. I also wonder if YR helped her family and gave all her money to them, perhaps to pay out a debt or something. In any case, YR does feels quite conscious about her lack of money. She shouldn't though as she worked really hard to get where she is but when you are a teenager, it is hard to understand this...


As for NHD and YR not speaking on the chat anymore, could it be because they don't have access to a computer when they are training? We might see them chatting again after this competition. I hope so!!


@sadthe1st I do too so I guess we are from the same generation. I still have my minidisc player (never got into it really) and my walkman too! The first does not work anymore but the latter does!


If we are still in 1999, I wonder what will happen for them to hurt each other... I thought that perhaps him disappearing would be it but it seems not to be the case... Ah... and only 10 episodes left! I am starting to get anxious.



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9 hours ago, Skysky said:

Okay since eps 1 I feel like we dont get enough of our OTP? Lol. Like a lot of the content (netflix or interview) mostly with 5 friends and the bts also feels too short. .The thumbnail above is also missleading, we only got that bts scene (njh and ktr running together) for like less than 30secs? Lol. Aside of NJH and KTR (3 friends) even got content together, just 3 of them. . . But where is our otp? 

I like the pacing of the OTP, to be honest. HD is still in high school whereas YJ is a graduate. she's quite young and still inexperienced - I think the writer did a great job of slowly getting these two together. I think their relationship sort of transcends love? It has so many layers. We see it when they are apart and thinking about each other, her accepting his disappearance, him becoming ambitious as he sees her success.


Normally you'd have coupley scenes / will they or won't they. But those moments would be superficial.


We got scenes where they are supporting each other, giving strength to each other. It's really beautiful and about to mature into love. They will have better love as their foundation has been built on friendship before.



3 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:

@sadthe1stwhat every Lead man should tell second lead in kdrama  :mrgreen:


haha I really enjoyed Choi Tae Joon's cameo as Hd's 2 week boyfriend. Girl just wanted to experience love, what's wrong with that? She clearly wasn't into her bf, because she feels a stronger connection to YJ :D 




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1 hour ago, agenth said:

Girl just wanted to experience love, what's wrong with that? She clearly wasn't into her bf, because she feels a stronger connection to YJ

and she wanted to experience heart break too! lol too bad the feelings towards sweetie pie (or cutie pie??) wasn't deep enough for her to be as dramatic as in Full House!


d&d no GIF by Hyper RPG

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Who is Kim Min-Chae's mother and father? 


Theory #1:

  • She is Yu-Rim's biological daughter. At some point after Min-Chae is born, Yu-Rim tragically dies. Her biological father is unknown and has taken the surname of Hee-do's future unknown husband. Hee-Do decided to adopt her and raise her like she is her own real daughter. 

Theory #2

  • She is Hee-Do's biological daughter. At some point after 2001, she and Yi-Jin actually gets married and have a baby. Yi-Jin tragically dies and later Hee-Do gets married to a future husband with the surname Kim. Min-Chae takes her step dad's surname.   

Theory #3

  • She is Hee-Do's bilogical daughter but Min-Chae is not Yi-Jin's biological daughter. After 2001, Hee-Do and Yi-Jin went their seperate ways and Hee-Do married someone with the surname Kim. They have a baby and name her Min-Chae. Yi-Jin is still alive. 

Theory #4

  • She is Yu-Rim and Yi-Jin's daughter. After Min-Chae is born, both parents tragically dies and Hee-Do decides to adopt her. She has given her future husband's surname and raise her like she is her own daughter.  



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I just caught up with the latest two episodes. I really feel for Yi Jin and root for him having to support his family. I am glad his relationship with little bro is still solid.


The whole boyfriend reveal was so funny and a great surprise. 3 days lol!!! YJ isn’t even threaten either. What a great cameo too. I agree w/ @agenth that Hee Do is young, inexperienced re relationships, and so it would be reasonable for her to be still exploring and I do agree that YJ is probably too important to her to even consider as BF right now. I look forward to seeing how she realizes her feelings. 

I don’t like the male coach! Instead of helping the girls, he seems too unconcern and focus on the prize money. I am also liking the story between Yu-Rim and HD. I like their rival to BFF story and it’s done well. 

The whole rush to the match — I was like drive! But yah that road delay scene was a bit much but it’s sweet that they both realize their importance to each other. 

Edited by Yinye
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This was my favourite scene.  It reminds me of those epic romances from of old.  Poignant.


The red throng of protestors.  Shouting slogans.  The times.  He weaves his way through the crowd.  Desperate to find her.  Drops Full House vol 15.  He carried it with him all this time.  For such a time as this.  As his frustration grows, he hears her voice.  And she wasn’t even shouting.  So attune was he to her.  He stops in his tracks. Was he dreaming?  No.  Because he hears it again. And time slows.  The crowd fades.  The sounds muffle.  He turns. And there she is.  He makes his way back through the crowd towards her.  She’s clutching Full House vol15.  And the green bus witnesses their reunion. Just like the green phones in the same shade linked them even though they were apart.  Small talk.  Reconnecting.  Shy smiles of happiness.  Bravo PD.  Bravo. :wub:


And she did experience heartbreak.  Not the fake one with her 2 week bf.  With BYJ.  That’s why when he told her she didn’t feel real heartbreak with her bf because she wasn’t in love proper, her mind flashed back to her finding the fencing foil at her gate.  She was heartbroken because she loved him.  Even though she didn’t quite know it yet.  She thought she had lost him.

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39 minutes ago, nrllee said:

This was my favourite scene.  It reminds me of those epic romances from of old.  Poignant.


My favourite scenes were when they were apart and still connected:

  • at the end, when  they  are separetely doing the water  tap thing, and then the frame connects them and for a moment or two the viewer is confused: did they meet? is it a time skip ? no, but they are thinking of each other.
  • he keeps calling someone at night, and then it is revealed he keeps listening to her phone message. and when he is ready to return and meet her, he leaves a message, and she hears it and redials to hear it repeatedly. 
  • when he sees her on tv and finds the courage to stop running.
  • when she listens to his old radio show in order to comfort herself and connects with his words.

Of course I love the new moments as they remeet too, but I think the PD/Writer did a great job with those months they  were apart - showing beautifully, just because someone is gone, they aren't gone as long as they live in your heart, still. 


Also shoutout to their ALTERNATIVE meeting. I loved when YJ said to HD, that they'd have met in any world (or something like that) and then they  show how their first meeting would be as he recognises her and abandons his work senior to help her to get to the competition HAHA. Their introduction while they are running... 




Ok he says, they were DESTINED TO MEET:




40 minutes ago, Yinye said:

I do agree that YJ is probably too important to her to even consider as BF right now. I look forward to seeing how she realizes her feelings. 


HD had a fleeting thought that YJ is important when he talks about the pain of a breakup, as she remembers his disappearance. I don't think she is aware of the meaning as he reappeared, but in 1 year or so she will feel the pain that she wanted to experience. I only hope that she will remember the good times.



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Lovely eps over the weekend!

They are doing everything right by building the bedrock of the YJ-HD relationship- the trust, support, inspiration, dreams & hopes shared are all sustained by one call, one tape, one foil and an upsidedown tap. That’s old-fashioned nice.

I particularly loved two (or three) scenes- the ones where both of the leads in turn replayed each other’s messages over and over again at a pay phone with a stack of coins pining for comfort and reassurance. The other one being where they met up again in the cacophony of yelling people but only see each other; him being purposeful with the walk (and the fullhouse novel) and yet all tentative and her being earnest and open to possibilities. Messages between them were subtle yet powerful.

Such soulmates. Beautiful. 

The whole premise of this show is built on what’s in the title 2521 - when he’s 25 and she’s 21. I like that somewhere in the middle of the show, we’re going to hit that sweet spot. I can’t wait.

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14 hours ago, kboramint said:

They did get reconnected via pager messages. Maybe from Hee-do's POV and her diary writings, they did meet again. She did imagine them together while listening to his messages.    

I see, then that makes sense. Thanks ;) But they didn't imply it though, wished it was more clear.


@carolinedl There's no need to be anxious ;) I bet they'll hurt each other next weekend, 'cause it seems something will happen at/after the competition. Besides, we're not at the beginning at 1999. YJ disappeared around Oct/Nov 1998, then 3 months later (winter time) we're shown that he is still living with his mom and uncle. When he goes to Seoul, it shows 5 months later, which implies that they're now in late spring/early summer (they're wearing light clothes/light is bright too). So they'll hurt each other soon, and in a blink of an eye, we'll be in 2000.


@agenth I like the pacing of the OTP too. We can't forget that she is still a student, inexperienced and underage. Their relationship is deep but innocent. YJ also knows how to draw a line in their relationship (he could've give her a piggyback ride, but didn't/he could've give her a hug when he saw her after those months but didn't). I like that we're getting a good pace, not a rush one.


And I loved the alternative ending too, how they'd still connect in other timelines, other circumstances, other universe. They are truly soulmates. Their relationship truly transcends love. The romantic connection will be just a bonus to their already wonderful relationship.


@banghyeri Ohhh that's interesting! Why would she choose it? It wouldn't make sense to make a place after someone's age, but perhaps, after the song? It would make sense if it were after the song. Maybe that song will have a special meaning in their hearts, who knows.


@rocat We’re going to hit that sweet spot soon, I can bet :D I'm already getting prepared to shed a lot of tears.

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@nrlleeI agree that this scene was beautiful! The cinematography si really alazing in this show, a real treat. I also liked the scene where NHD goes to fight YR at the end. The PD really knows how to play with space. It is very photographic.


@agenthThat dramatic/funny version was great. So funny!!


@kboramintI would be okay with Theory 3 actually. the whole adoption thing is making me uneasy... I do not want it to be far-fetched. Can I add one: What about BYJ changes his name because of his father?


@KathiaI am just anxious in terms of fitting it all in the 10 episodes left. I do not want it to feel rushed at the end... Thanks for clarifying the timeline! Not that easy to follow...

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I love that this thread is moving so fast, keep it up :wub:


About the possibility they hurting each other :

1. The relationship between reporter/journalist with athlete can be tricky, it happened to NHD's mom and NHD's coach before, its also happened in RL, so the problem could be from there

2. NHD's mom and BYJ-NHD relationship, we learned before that NHD mom didnt approve NHD 'boy' friend when BYJ take NHD home, NHD is still underage and BYJ is also her junior. . .in the preview, BYJ got caught in NHD house, while holding each other wrist, ouch!!

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23 hours ago, agenth said:


My favourite scenes were when they were apart and still connected:

  • at the end, when  they  are separetely doing the water  tap thing, and then the frame connects them and for a moment or two the viewer is confused: did they meet? is it a time skip ? no, but they are thinking of each other.
  • he keeps calling someone at night, and then it is revealed he keeps listening to her phone message. and when he is ready to return and meet her, he leaves a message, and she hears it and redials to hear it repeatedly. 
  • when he sees her on tv and finds the courage to stop running.
  • when she listens to his old radio show in order to comfort herself and connects with his words.

Of course I love the new moments as they remeet too, but I think the PD/Writer did a great job with those months they  were apart - showing beautifully, just because someone is gone, they aren't gone as long as they live in your heart, still. 


Also shoutout to their ALTERNATIVE meeting. I loved when YJ said to HD, that they'd have met in any world (or something like that) and then they  show how their first meeting would be as he recognises her and abandons his work senior to help her to get to the competition HAHA. Their introduction while they are running... 



Ok he says, they were DESTINED TO MEET:




HD had a fleeting thought that YJ is important when he talks about the pain of a breakup, as she remembers his disappearance. I don't think she is aware of the meaning as he reappeared, but in 1 year or so she will feel the pain that she wanted to experience. I only hope that she will remember the good times.



And, in all the universe both comedic or dramatic version, BYJ still left his sunbae to run to NHD.

That's what make me love and laugh so much :D

This drama did a really good job in making people feel happy so I just decided to re-watch ep6 to reclaim my hope in life.
And, I suddenly felt that I didn't care if NDH could win the gold medal or not. She got BYJ in her life, that's
enough for me. It's so precious when we can have someone standing by us, protecting us and supporting us to 
follow our dream. 


Edited by gm4queen
Please don't quote tweets! Thanks!
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33 minutes ago, carolinedl said:


@KathiaI am just anxious in terms of fitting it all in the 10 episodes left. I do not want it to feel rushed at the end... Thanks for clarifying the timeline! Not that easy to follow...

Yes, I know how you feel. Let me guess, episodes 1-5 (2218 timeline), episodes 6-9 (2319 timeline), episodes 10-13 (2420 timeline), and episodes 14-16 (2521 timeline).


I guess we're not going to get much of their romantic phase, but I'm okay with that. Romance is just a bonus to this wonderful show.

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