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[Drama 2022] Alchemy Of Souls: Light and Shadow ✴ 반환


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11 hours ago, sadthe1st said:

i think she got misled by what bu yeon said.. if she gains something, she must lose something.. to soul shift under the realm of the ice stone barrier probably will suck out everyone’s energy since there is no soul ejector.. or she misunderstood that in order to soul shift, the ice stone barrier works as a massive soul ejector..

Lol! that gif of Kang Tae Oh :D


Naksu is shown as sly, twisting everyone's words to her advantage and getting her way with people, but she does not seem clever. She still hasn't figured about the body she is occupying and her decryption of the cryptic message seems way off the point.

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4 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

gone just yet.  As for not getting to know her as a character, many of us were pointing that out several episodes ago, there wasn't enough time.


19 minutes ago, maribella said:

@LeftCoastOppa Are you still smitten by the fake? She was happy to get BY/MD/Naksu killed.


You must be reading last posts firsts, I made a rather large post with my current thoughts on So I and her actions in the most recent episode ... enjoy :rolleyes:

Alright when I have more time, will catch 

up on your thoughts on So-I. 

But BY is central to the FL's character, not fleshing her out means an incomplete FL. Besides I like FL's to be admirable characters from day one. A very flawed FL is like a divorced woman trying to be the Queen of England. :hwaiting2:

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9 hours ago, sadthe1st said:

you meant the part where naksu (mu deok) met the young bu yeon talking to her, and then the grown up bu yeon (mu deok) taunting her? i thought the grown up one was a bit sarcastic rebuking naksu was the one occupying her body when naksu thought she was a relic lolol


No,  2 BuYeons = The fake BY So-i and the real BY (MD) :lol: They both got lifted into the tornado. Why 2 of them tho LOL, well, I guess the writer need to transport them to Jeongjingak. My confusion is seeing So-i the plain Jane woman able to break the ice stone easily. Although she's unable to cast a spell.


9 hours ago, sadthe1st said:

and after so many odd encounters and this final one so vivid, naksu still doesnt even suspect mu deok is bu yeon??

Exactly, that's my heartache. Not only that, Naksu, in my opinion, is a bit arrogant towards MD body (well, yea she's an assassin). Remember in Ep 1 the scene of injured Naksu trying to find a female body for switching her soul. Naksu, shoved away our Mudeok, is it because she's a blind woman?. Poor MD.

In the last 2 episode, could I see at least a little appreciation from Naksu to MD/BY? 

"Sister BuYeon, thank you for lending me this body for the last 19 episodes!" - something like that .

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19 minutes ago, PororoQueen said:

My confusion is seeing So-i the plain Jane woman able to break the ice stone easily.

she swung hard at it like baseball and the umbrella was a good sturdy bat

i guess, baseball could have been daeho national sport after that lolol


the sandlot baseball GIF


21 minutes ago, PororoQueen said:

In the last 2 episode, could I see at least a little appreciation from Naksu to MD/BY? 

"Sister BuYeon, thank you for lending me this body for the last 19 episodes!" - something like that .

maybe it will be like..


sister bu yeon, time for you to move on and make way for me to fully occupy the body.. i don't need you spying on me and jang uk lolol


Alicia Silverstone Oops GIF


let's just assume, bu yeon will just vanish with her magnificent powers after the ice stone is destroyed.. leaving the body behind for naksu..

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1 hour ago, PororoQueen said:

Naksu, shoved away our Mudeok, is it because she's a blind woman?. Poor MD.

I thought so too, but @LeftCoastOppa said that BY/MD grabbed her, she was just the innocent, wraiths' killing, misunderstood power ranger and @sadthe1st my reference said she was also pulled in by MD/BY. Therefore, I rest, no more accusing Naksu for illegal occupation.

Now why would a powerful priestess do that? Would she have partial amnesia? Like BY call home, BY call home.... but she didn't know how or where. Ergo, she used Naksu, the misunderstood assassin. Now, she may be dead or alive. 

Since they were all trapped in a strange dimension, I shan't be surprised if Naksu had some confusion about having a conversation with BY. So BY could be dead. :pensive:

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9 hours ago, maribella said:

 As korean dramas become more popular, I can see Hollywoodisation. Kisses are buzz scenes. The longer the groping, the more buzzy it is. If I see one bedroom scene, I will definately watch old cartoons only - He-man maybe :relaxed: nice abs, but I am really a hand person. The mother's hand is like claws and the black nail polish ... ugh. The Crown prince's hand or fingers were also thin bony. 

Yes his skinny fingers, first time we see Crown Prince getting physical (LOL by only grabbing MD's arm). It is a Sad love confession from CP to MD **The offering honey biscuit scene**. It was Naksu who reply not MD. Otherwise MD's attitude will be sweeter and comforting. I'm sorry Crown Prince, I think Naksu already threw away your Cinnamon sachet.

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3 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

Not too sure she's dead - she was talking to Naksu within the Ice Stone after her choke out so I don't think she's gone just yet.  As for not getting to know her as a character, many of us were pointing that out several episodes ago, there wasn't enough time.


I am still catching up but my gripes:


- I wish they had concentrated a bit on the important bits and made the episodes a bit tighter. I think their pacing is off. They had 20 episodes and they are still creating confusion! They will leave everything for season 2?

-I can already see discrepancies creeping in: Jang Gang was present at the burning/killing of Cho yet now in episode 18, in his memory Jin Mu is giving him a report of why Cho was killed? JM taught Cho AoS?? Jang Gang shifted to the King's body for 7 days (or was it 14), so how can so much around Cho happen during this duration, i.e. to say that the King actually got away from Dowha (and his desire to have a child) for that small period! >no offence to the fairy like mother or the woman!<
UK says (just before the kiss), you have been avoiding me and I know everyone's lives is in your hands.
The director planned on showing us MD avoiding Uk or is this a dialogue that just got included while avoiding scenes were cut? (it is like: her unsheathing the sword, shedding a tear and saying: naya checha is now missing from the actual series!).


- Sunday's episode was cute but did the story move? I was expecting the hell to break loose and some serious twists, instead we just got a glimpse of power-hungry Naksu, that barely managed to give up the lure because of some relations (and mainly coz of UK. Is UK a saint [he was thinking of her and finding the stone for her to run away in the middle of the chaos]? How did he get to know so much about the ice stone's powers. Has he been reading or Master Lee came to his rescue?)


- The director/creators didn't give me the satisfaction of seeing Uk's reaction to what had transpired for the Ice Stone to create the barrier and for Naksu in MD's body to get the power. Btw the power will be temporary as it is only there within the ice stone. I so wanted to see what would Uk say to Naksu pushing herself to the edge of a cliff. He knows she does that to him but does he know that she is as ruthless with herself?


- I have also been questioning how is she different from So-i. So-i is a swindler while Naksu is an assassin. Naksu has transformed barely (because of Uk and love + CP/Yul) but she is as greedy. She killed and could do anything to survive. So-i does the same.
Naksu is the heroine and our hero loves her while So-i is just an extra (is that a strong enough reason?)!
Could love change So-i too?
Here, I am just trying to question what do I like and why? 

So-i took advantage of MD and other than a body swap, Naksu has also been using MD's body. Sometimes ruthlessly.
@maribella @LeftCoastOppa and anyone else who has an opinion, please tell.


- Why can Naksu not recognise the face of the body that she is occupying? In the cloud, she actually asks who are you? I personally think that they are stringing us along as they don't want to resolve the BY-Naksu-MD story. But her thinking it is a relic or spirit attached to the ice stone or some such argument even after BY said: You are feeding off my body was just "Meh!" Stretching for the sake of stretching?


- @LeftCoastOppa I agree. In the ice stone bubble MD/Naksu is so strong that one or two strikes were it. But it did feel anticlimactic as I believe everyone was waiting for a proper fight sequence. Is it saved for later? Or JSM is not supposed to play any action roles as those are reserved for Season 2's Naksu? Or they don't have enough budget for a proper action direction personnel?


For me the best episodes were 8 and 12. I liked the first 6 and can rewatch the bickering of the OTP anyway but at this point I can only feel the zing in the last 10 minutes of the episode. Date was fun and Naksu getting her power back+moral dilemma was fun but this could have come a few episodes ago. At this point, I feel as though am being cheated of what was promised to me -- thrill and action with lots of emotions. We should be at the height of the drama, taunt with tension and yet everything seems a bit diluted. When I was waiting for the romance, fillers were becoming more evident. Now when am waiting for some stay at the edge of my seat emotions+actions, romance+cute stuff is tricking in. ok, sorry I end the rant. I like the series but I wish they would give me the twists that they keep promising.


One last question: What does Naksu plan to do with herself after getting her powers back? In Episode 8, she realised her dad was a soul shifter so her reason for revenge disappeared. Jin Mu is a common enemy but she doesn't particularly speak or is not shown thinking about ways of killing him? for an analytical assassin, she sure is playing dumb by not even thinking about the original body despite the things she has experienced because of it!


Oh and what was with BY's tone while in the clouds? Why was so snooty and arrogant with Naksu? Mom's genes? I thought she was always smiling and kind? She is kind to everyone but Naksu? I think I should take a break and not think AoS.


Maybe I will come back later and gush about the kiss (I squealed and was happy but Naksu's attitude in most of this episode just seemed off. Uk knew that she was lying when she said she was with them all along yet he didn't push or ask her? They didn't work together to figure out things -- why? Is this what he calls avoiding? If yes, then why did he not follow up with her?


But I must say, he is crazy in love. Also, he has become responsible because of it. Uk has had some development. I wish the creators had given as much attention to they Female lead. In their quest to make her an enigma, she has become clunky. (unpopular opinion)


End of my emotional/passionate rant. Thank you for reading/listening. I had to ask/tell somebody.

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55 minutes ago, maribella said:


Now why would a powerfull priestess 

do that? Would she have partial amnesia?

maybe she is waiting for the right time where the king star and other 7 constellations align.. not that she doesnt want to go home..


she was actually remembered fondly as someone very kind and being filial to the grandmother at sari village.. even to @LeftCoastOppa’s soft spot so-i.. but she suddenly turned sarcastic to naksu.. or was that the ice stone speaking to naksu through the adult bu yeon/mu deok? the young bu yeon talking to naksu gives the red queen vibes like in resident evil lol



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I liked ep 18 quite a lot. I feel like Naksu finally made some character progress. It was awesome to see her finally use her power, and also think through the repercussions of what would happen depending on what choice she makes. I loved Uk's words in the middle, they sum up his character well: endure a little embarrassment and be honest in your feelings, because you can't turn back time. He would rather be embarrassed a little than live with regret. I feel like it finally sunk in a bit to Mudeok as she weighed what each person meant to her. Her old views versus what she feels now. Yes, she contemplated taking the power and leaving. The CP was also honest about the extreme temptation that ice storm holds. I think they were trying to show how strong that pull is for each character.  They are all tempted. But what they ultimately choose is what matters in the end. (For Naksu/Mudeok, that means Don't Mess with UK or I Will Kill Yoi, lol.)


I also appreciated both the CP and Yul making basically their confessions but at the same time, giving up their claims and recognizing Uk's place. It made me like them both quite a lot.


As for Soyi...I can sympathize to some degree, but in the end, she comes down to the wrong side. She is a classic tragic figure who could have made different decisions but ultimately didn't. I agree with others that Yul will likely do what he can for her to avoid the worst (if he can), but ummm I still don't think they will end up together.


Still not sure what Jang Gang's role is here. And the Jin Mama seems to have no remorse over trying to kill her own child? Btw Buyeon has always been shown as meek and kind, but when she got offended at being called a mere relic, I saw the Jin in her, lol. 


Obviously besides a big battle over the stone, we still have the Buyeon/Naksu issue to solve. But I was rather satisfied with this episode.




>>Why can Naksu not recognise the face of the body that she is occupying? In the cloud, she actually asks who are you?<<


She already had one experience with Jinyowon relics posing to look like her. Buyeon's memories come out for us to see, but I don't think Naksu shares them. Since normally you don't get two souls in one body, there is no reason for her to wonder about it. However, there is a history of Jinyowin relics looking like her and messing with her head. Probably she wants to know what that lookalike figure really is.


Of course, BY has now told her straight out. You are living in my body! So now we see what Naksu will do with that info.

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14 hours ago, SleepyKitty said:

Well, we've been asking for naksu's character development so i guess they're condensing her all internal conflict into a single episode. I almost flip my table watching her contemplating to leave all those people to die, like, girl??? Was the last 17 episodes a joke??? I was rooting for you!!!!


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
That bit would have fit well a few episodes ago! People keep telling me her discovering emotions+feminine side is her development, like really?

34 minutes ago, sadthe1st said:

she was actually remembered fondly as someone very kind and being filial to the grandmother at sari village.. even to @LeftCoastOppa’s soft spot so-i.. but she suddenly turned sarcastic to naksu.. or was that the ice stone speaking to naksu through the adult bu yeon/mu deok? the young bu yeon talking to naksu gives the red queen vibes like in resident evil lol


I echo this sentiment. Thank you for validating my emotions.

29 minutes ago, frozentundra said:

As for Soyi...I can sympathize to some degree, but in the end, she comes down to the wrong side. She is a classic tragic figure who could have made different decisions but ultimately didn't. I agree with others that Yul will likely do what he can for her to avoid the worst (if he can), but ummm I still don't think they will end up together.


I think she will die unless she becomes a love interest.

30 minutes ago, frozentundra said:

I loved Uk's words in the middle, they sum up his character well: endure a little embarrassment and be honest in your feelings, because you can't turn back time. He would rather be embarrassed a little than live with regret. I feel like it finally sunk in a bit to Mudeok as she weighed what each person meant to her.

this was the cutest bit.


It was a cute episode but I still think it could have come a bit earlier in the game. I thought we were setting up for the chessboard for action but instead we are still stuck with dilemmas and motivations. Naksu is pretty decisive, jump first, think later kinds. Her thinking so much at once was just... not her!


33 minutes ago, frozentundra said:

I think they were trying to show how strong that pull is for each character.  They are all tempted.

For me their trying wasn't successful. Naksu tried soul shifting without doing much homework. Everything was a guess game in episode 1, 2, 3. She has had time to do some homework now.

She still doesn't seem to know enough about the ice stone or soul shifting or the price one has to pay (despite the earlier episodes). Her wanting her power back makes sense, she misses it like a limb. But beyond that she hasn't thought about it.  This is the first episode where she thinks beyond that but the timing of this thinking doesn't seem natural. She would die to get her power back but what would she do with this power (now that revenge is off the table) is something she hasn't thought about? Her crying bout in the jungle in episode 8 was supposed to be a reflection point...


I just don't know. For me I like the cutesy part of the series but she as a character frustrates me as I am invested in her but I don't see her development journey.

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I'm curious what will happen when the barrier is down since Lady Jin and Jin Mu already discovered the real Bu Yeon. Probably Mu Deok just play dumb to brush them off. For the preview and we can see could deceived us. Not sure the bride scene is 'real' or just their thought. 


I think we probably will have great cliffhanger for the finale to give away another 10 more episode for season 2. Well originally it was written 30 episode without break right? And Jang Gang, I'm curious what he will do as he is claiming back his Gwanju title. And do I find a bit lame when Jang Gang refuse to lock Jin Mu energy but locking Jang Uk energy. He already seen the bad part of Alchemy of Soul performance but feeling bad to lock Jin Mu energy. I feel sorry for Jang Gang being RickRoll'D here. 


Another stupid thing is I still can't understand why Lady Jin playing dumb crying for her lost daughter and ignoring the one in front of her. These people are powerful magician but too blinded with emotion.. lol 

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38 minutes ago, frozentundra said:

Still not sure what Jang Gang's role is here. And the Jin Mama seems to have no remorse over trying to kill her own child? Btw Buyeon has always been shown as meek and kind, but when she got offended at being called a mere relic, I saw the Jin in her, lol. 



I second all of the above. I will also add: what is Medicine Master's Grand-daughter's role in the grand scheme of things? Was she needed? She was the catalyst for the last kiss and jealousy bout but what more? We have had 6-8 sequences with her but I keep wondering if she is of any import. 

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I think if there's a one crucial flaw i could draw from the directing/casting is that, they don't make a clear separation, at least for us viewers, between bu yeon and naksu. We've seen the characters interacting in the soul realm(?) for several times, and each time they always make it bu yeon - jeon so min facing naksu - jeon so min. It could've been easier to understand if they show go yoon jung as naksu in the soul realm. Also it would emphasize the validation that both are two separate souls living in one body.


The only one defense I could give as to why naksu keep failing to recognize bu yeon's existence is that, there has never been a known case of two souls in one body. She could be confused because even though she's seeing this being, talking in mudeok's face, she keep thinking that it's another foreign entity speaking to her (like the case with the mirror in jinyowon). That's why her first reflex is to call bu yeon a relic. It's frustrating though, that she didn't choose to investigate her weird symptoms everytime she's as much steps into jin residence.


Probably it's going to be the ultimate purpose of so yi's character then, to scream it to mudeok's face that 'girl! You ARE the real jin bu yeon'.

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43 minutes ago, frozentundra said:

Of course, BY has now told her straight out. You are living in my body! So now we see what Naksu will do with that info.

She went over that conversation in this episode but didn't seem to process it.


What you explained is logical. But then the other discrepancy that comes in is she experiences physical things in the Jin house, she has questioned it once or twice but she doesn't investigate it? The swindler comes with her into the strange utopian ice stone land and she doesn't question that? She assumes that it is natural even though she knows So-i is a swindler? Don't you think for someone who thinks survival first, she is leaving herself too open for attack?


Anyway, maybe it makes sense and I am just being biased.

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22 minutes ago, Dramafreak said:

She went over that conversation in this episode but didn't seem to process it.


What you explained is logical. But then the other discrepancy that comes in is she experiences physical things in the Jin house, she has questioned it once or twice but she doesn't investigate it? The swindler comes with her into the strange utopian ice stone land and she doesn't question that? She assumes that it is natural even though she knows So-i is a swindler? Don't you think for someone who thinks survival first, she is leaving herself too open for attack?


Anyway, maybe it makes sense and I am just being biased.

I agree that she should be questioning this a lot more. Even if she doesn't have a reason to suspect that Buyeon is still inside the body, she should at least wonder about her strange connection with House Jin, and start to be curious about Buyeon. 

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27 minutes ago, SleepyKitty said:

Probably it's going to be the ultimate purpose of so yi's character then, to scream it to mudeok's face that 'girl! You ARE the real jin bu yeon'.

when i read this, my first impression was that she is going to come to mu deok with a ripe seasoned kimchi cabbage


sorryyyyy i just had to laugh at how the cold hard kimchi had to knock some correlation sense into her


Shirley Temple Giggle GIF





@partyon bts for your hobo ahjussi

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45 minutes ago, Dramafreak said:

- I have also been questioning how is she different from So-i. So-i is a swindler while Naksu is an assassin. Naksu has transformed barely (because of Uk and love + CP/Yul) but she is as greedy. She killed and could do anything to survive. So-i does the same.
Naksu is the heroine and our hero loves her while So-i is just an extra (is that a strong enough reason?)!
Could love change So-i too?
Here, I am just trying to question what do I like and why? 

So-i took advantage of MD and other than a body swap, Naksu has also been using MD's body. Sometimes ruthlessly.
@maribella @LeftCoastOppa and anyone else who has an opinion, please tell.


Naksu is a tragic character - So I is also a tragic character just less so than Naksu.  Where Naksu was led into the life of an assassin as a child, based on a lie, what little we know of So I's background as a thief seems to be her choice. When she made it is unknown.


I would offer that So I is a mere petty thief, a street smart survivor, caught up in events beyond her control - whenever evil is done around her, soulshifters feeding, people being killed, she isn't indifferent, in those scenes she is clearly shaken.  Viewers may despise her because of her actions involving our leads or a favorite second lead, while I don't like it, I'm not quite willing to condemn her because in each case her life is on the line, she is struggling to survive, she's trying to make the best of a situation she didn't ask to be in. 


Both Naksu & So I have made critical decisions based on their love of others - Naksu's story has been the subject of the drama so its more nuanced than So I's but its love that drives both to make decisions against their initial instincts/positions - Naksu originally intended to take the Ice Stone and leave, yet stays for Jang Uk and the others. Individuals at the start of the drama she intended to kill, she returns to save - So I tries to maintain her cover story as blind Bu Yeon but gives herself away to try and save Yul from the soulshifter. 


As far as Mu Deoks body goes, for me its a non-issue as far as Naksu is concerned - Bu Yeon pulled Naksu's soul into her even after Naksu had clearly shoved her aside ... better or worse, that can't be laid on Naksu.




1 hour ago, Dramafreak said:

- @LeftCoastOppa I agree. In the ice stone bubble MD/Naksu is so strong that one or two strikes were it. But it did feel anticlimactic as I believe everyone was waiting for a proper fight sequence. Is it saved for later? Or JSM is not supposed to play any action roles as those are reserved for Season 2's Naksu? Or they don't have enough budget for a proper action direction personnel?


Since I'm basically calling episode 20 the sail-into-the-sunset, all the action has to happen in episode 19 - I understand your frustration, I wanted Naksu's return to be known by all, the shocked looks on Park Jin, Jin Mu, and others faces as she Tansu'd her way through soulshifters ... but no - other than her pupil, no one knows she's there ... and now I'm worried thats how it will remain. She may assume the identity of Bu Yeon, but everyone else will think Naksu is long dead, never realizing the assassin they feared had helped defeat the evil that was about to consume them all.


With the events unfolding as they are, I don't think Part 2 is a sequel.


1 hour ago, sadthe1st said:
2 hours ago, maribella said:


Now why would a powerfull priestess 

do that? Would she have partial amnesia?

maybe she is waiting for the right time where the king star and other 7 constellations align.. not that she doesnt want to go home..


This little bit is trivial but its driving me nuts - somewhere in the last 3-4 episodes there was a side conversation between Dang Gu ( I think ) and Master Heo ( I also think ) ( okay maybe wrong on both )  anyways, whoever it was, were discussing Shaman Choi and one of them mentioned that she had the ability to affect memory. I remember distinctly because I said outloud "thats Bu Yeon/Mu Deok" then promptly went on watching ... now I can't find it :rage:  ... but it was said ...




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6 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

involving our leads or a favorite second lead

spot on episode 11 GIF by RuPaul's Drag Race


not denying.. im absolutely fine with so-i if she keeps her hands to herself.. that instance when she thought assuming bu yeon’s identity gets her eligible to marry seo yul, my defense went on +1000



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4 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

but no - other than her pupil, no one knows she's there ... and now I'm worried thats how it will remain. She may assume the identity of Bu Yeon, but everyone else will think Naksu is long dead, never realizing the assassin they feared had helped defeat the evil that was about to consume them all.


With the events unfolding as they are, I don't think Part 2 is a sequel.



These are my guesses:
Crown Prince will know in the next episode that she is Uk's Master or Naksu or both. You can see his looks in the preview.
In episode 19/20, Naksu's identity will be revealed. I don't know how.
I think BY/Naksu/MD identity crisis is their trump card, which is why they are stretching it and just delaying the reveal.

I think, MD/BY will not exist in episode 21. Someone on RickRoll'D Over Dramas blog had commented that she is from the sky and will return to it. I tend to agree because in my brain the information: New FL who played Naksu will be back.

I don't think they have much to show in a prequel and Ukie is still the ML so... it should be a sequel. I hope it is.

Angst, romance and action should happen in season 2. 

I do think that actress playing Naksu is younger so chances are she is more up for action sequences.

As we saw the lanterns in Seo Fortress, and Yul keeps talking about going back, maybe part two happens there or there is back and forth between Daeho and Seo town. The queen (real one) is also from Seo Fortress, so... Maybe Yul takes an almost dead MD to Seo Fortress and they leave us at: is Naksu dead or alive? Did Naksu soul shift again? What just happened cliff.


Though the director says no one will die but everyone has been safe for too long. Without a death or absence there is no drama. And everyone is still guessing whether JSM is there in season 2 or not... so...


Mother of Naksu is unknown.

Father of UK is ?? (poor Dohwa has no role and no mystery to her, it seems!)

BY mystery and who is her dad?


My Wishlist: One really magnanimous sacrificial act towards Uk by Naksu in MD's body in the jump-first-think-later style and UK learning about it in front of the camera and me witnessing this reaction :D


I had hoped that the Hong Sister's were preparing a chess board and preparing the players for a good hands on and strategic war. Now, I don't think so. But if they are treating the full story as 30 episodes then episodes will have a different pace versus 20+10. Anyway, good part is only one more week of this torture.


Maybe I should watch love between fairy and the devil. Been hearing good things about it.

25 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

anyways, whoever it was, were discussing Shaman Choi and one of them mentioned that she had the ability to affect memory. I remember distinctly because I said outloud "thats Bu Yeon/Mu Deok" then promptly went on watching ... now I can't find it :rage:  ... but it was said ...


episode 16. conversation between Second daughter Jin and MD.
While discussing the priestess, they bring up a shaman.

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Sometimes I think the writers for this drama forget the viewer’s perspective/intelligence and they are just writing along as they wish and making things as they go w/ little care for big inconsistencies esp. character development and crucial, logical details. Everyone hears a bloody scream but no one moves lol 

Ep 17 and 18 were better than recent ones but then we get side tracked instead of getting to the point! I agree with others re why Naksu doesn’t recognize Mu-Deok?!? It doesn’t make sense when she’s in her body and sees herself everyday. Then ep 18 is like a whole goofy good-bye tour (some nice + funny moments) but it killed the momentum and pacing again!! Also did no one really see So-I pick up the sword and hit the ice stone ?!?!?!?!?!?! Proving she isn’t blind and fake?!?!?


I do enjoy the CP and Uk’s scenes together lol. Poor Yul and other mages that died. 


I was hoping ep 18 to be more action oriented… sigh. 

If this shows ends season 1 with huge cliffhanger, I will be so annoyed! 

Edited by Yinye
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