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[Drama 2022] Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) Season 3 결혼작사 이혼작곡


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EP 14


1.       I am enjoying this drama more and more each ep. One character that I like is Mr. Seo Ban. I love his advice to SPY in the beginning of ep 14. A cool namja <3

SPY: My husband dumped me. He fell for another woman, so what else could it be?

SB: Did he ask for divorce?

SPY: No. he wanted me to forgive him and move on. But I could not. Should I?

SB: Time will only tell if you have made the right choice. Taking action can sometimes give you the best result while sometimes it does not.

SPY: I’m probably at ease since I did not cause the divorce.

SB: Being the victim could lead to more anger at times.

SPY: It was not easy

SB: Of course it’s not.

I think I agree with Mr. SB for SPY-YS divorce case. The problem is SPY is an unforgiving woman. Even though her emotional responses to YS are normal.


2.       I think Mr. Seo Ban’s brother is just jealous to the prof-NGB. It is just his ego as a man. He thoughts NGB is still head over heels for him and he enjoys the feelings of being worshipped by NGB, a pretty actress and a woman. He knows he is handsome and rich and many women wants him, but he does not want to be in the permanent relationship. After NG said that he is just a fan then it seems like he could not accept it and now is trying to take NGB back to him. It’s just a man’s ego. Why do I now remembering Christina Aguilera/James Brown’s song it’s a man’s world? Hahaha


3.       It’s funny to watch BHR tries to get Mr. SB’s sympathy for her divorce. Hahaha. But I understand why she’s being like that. With what she experiences now it can be understood if she’s not in the right state of her mind. Hahahaha. 


4.       SB: Being the victim could lead to more anger at times.


I can understand why BHR did the press conference. She said to Mr. SB before that her pride is wounded by what PSH-SY did to her. On the contrary, it is funny if PSH and his family never estimated that PSH-SY infidelity will lead to this response from BHR. She is an actress and famous. Even though she is a selfish woman but if PSH can talks with her wisely (and not impregnates SY instead) everything will be okay. PSH deserves that. Kind woman or bad woman both are human and both can be angry and have vengeance. I am so pissed that his character is too fool. Hahaha.

Btw I remember too that lady di once also made an interview with bbc about her marriage and prince Charles but this leads to the divorce of her marriage. What BHR did or lady di did are very human. It’s just an expression to release their angers and the unfairness that they feel. They use their power as celebrities to make press conference/interview. It’s normal and healthy. What not normal is PSH, SY and PSH’s parents. It is very unethical to let a thing like this happened in the marriage. This is why parents must to educate their sons to be gentlemen. Hahaha. Oh gosh I am having 2 sons. My responsibilities in the future are heavy LOL ^0^ ^X^


5.       This drama is very Asia ya hahaha. Conflicts and problems like this will only happened in the modern time in Asia ^0^


6.       This topic also interesting, the conversation amongst Mr. SB, SPY and writer Lee in the cafeteria about BHR-PSH divorce.


Mr. SB: He was once her husband, so did she have to burry him socially? People who don’t know him will forget and move on to new gossip. But not those close to him. It will be hard on his parents too.”


But I think it’s fair too ya. Who can accept if their husbands impregnates other women and his parents also supporting him. This is very not ethical ya. Hmmh


7.       It’s interesting too when YS sees SPY sits together with Mr. SB right? Hahaha A man still a man. They can have mistresses, they can cheat, they can be the sinners, but their wives and women must to stay holy and sacred and single for them forever. Their egos are too big. Btw, I am curious with YS oppa reaction for his thought of SPY-Mr. SB relationship on ep 15 uwuu ^O^

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I don't think it is sound engineer's fault that he seems robotic; it is writer's fault.  He is not a bad actor; writer wants him to remain inscrutable.  The same thing happened to Lee Sang Yoon in VIP; he appeared to be bad actor because writer did not want him to give away his true feelings.  For those of us who like to analyze character, it is particularly frustrating when writers do this.

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44 minutes ago, INJINFAN said:

I don't think it is sound engineer's fault that he seems robotic; it is writer's fault.  He is not a bad actor; writer wants him to remain inscrutable.  The same thing happened to Lee Sang Yoon in VIP; he appeared to be bad actor because writer did not want him to give away his true feelings.  For those of us who like to analyze character, it is particularly frustrating when writers do this.

Yes true. Some of writers did control the way the actor's way of acting. They want everything will be just like his/her imagination and everything must put in action according to him/her way. Seo Ban need to become a mysterious man, some kind like emotionless/cold guy. So his way of talking cannot be so bubbly like that "big baby" lawyer.

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My little schadenfreude heart did a jig. Finally some good payback. Yeah she did not do herself any favours for how Seo Ban sees her but he was never interested in her so no loss there. So one down 2 to go. Come one don't disappoint me. Violence was never my thing but this type of revenge is what I enjoy.

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41 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

@hsmz what more bizarre is the Ex PIL  , can anyone tell us what the song to do with it :w00t:

Let's ask him, he works in the radio... Ehhh wait.... Isn't he the same person in your gif? :lol:





And this @Ameera Ali - yeahhh, she is who she is right.... :D


Calm before the storm



Calm even after the storm



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PSH Parents  are super rich and it is not like BHR got half of the properties owned by PILs or a golf course , she just got a apartment in a posh area ... not much for their standards , so I don’t really see it as anything detrimental even if some one finds out. 



Seo ban is a typical male , protect my image even if I wronged you for BHR press con . The question who asked for divorce for SPY , why is it significant and telling her only time will tell if her decision was right , this means he does not see infidelity as a big issue , a BIG red flag .


I believe since his parents got divorced when he was a baby , his thoughts may be against the divorce.


i really want him to hear about Gabin and writers husband and see what his response is , he seemed to think that ga bin is very good woman and his brother is wrong for dumping her . I am waiting to see her affair get blown in the news.



on a side note , how came  nam ha bin could not have gone for the funeral of her own parents because of the show , I think it could have been postponed .


i thought actually she and dong ma will go to Spain in his private plane but anyway he was the one who helped wrap up everything for her . good guy he is . He is offering marriage in sincerity and she should accept and then I hope her affair should come out ending in no marriage for her 


PS -  BHR phone call to her EX FIL to just run the salt was LIT


he could not say anything to her , she just paid back in kind , saying empty platitudes on face and back stabbing behind her back.


they really expected her to think the affair was all her fault


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8 hours ago, hsmz said:

Me LOL hard. BHR fight for her marriage? Very funny. She fights for herself and only herself! That's what people full of revenge & rage did. Writer-nim painted her as an evil woman now, and I agreed with her. Their marriage was so doomed! Not even a single blessing! She might be looked in love with PSH, but she's not, I can feel it. She just need someone with a good reputation to be her husband - look how her hunt her future husband now. Also the way she told her friends - she trained her husband to be like that (like he was some kind of animal circus?) And not surprising, she will turns her future "prey" just like PSH, but maybe she will slow down a bit, will not be so aggrresive like when she was with PSH because she already exposed about her ex to the world. So, she needs to arrange and prepare her strategies well so that her "prey" will not feel that she will "eat" him alive. Her purrrfect ability - LYING remember?



Your post only proves my point. When you or me or anyone hate that person, or in this case a character, that hate becomes extreme to the point where we only see and think in extremes which is what I call black and white thinking. We have no middle ground on this issue, so I will politely no longer converse with you on this point since we are solidly set on what we believe. :sweet:


@Lmangla I disagree. She took what they negotiate together, but she never explicitly stated that they left her out in the cold. That was media spin and perhaps she said it that way to force the media to make their own conclusion without her having to say it. I have seen people who held their dignity and still came out on the bad end and people who have gone  scorched-earth and still came out on the bad end and some on the better end. While dealing with people who care only about the reputation, where do you hit them? Their reputation. I think some of the stuff is just a difference in worldviews. Some people prefer people to take what they consider the high road which is private dignity, while others prefer blasting. I personally think that the only reason she went scorched-earth is because she found out other information regarding the parent in-laws Shenanigans along with her husband. And even if they found out that she had a settlement, they can always replay what she stated and can fall back on the fact that she never explicitly stated that she was left out in the cold. She admits she got a settlement and they never asked how much she got. Why? Because the fact that this man had the nerve to cheat and get her pregnant. The proof is in the pudding. They are not going to believe that she is lying because her own words were more carefully crafted . And what do you think that people are really mad about? They are more mad about the fact that he got another woman pregnant. Let us really evaluate the press conference. Before Bhr halfway spilled the beans, even the reporters kept on saying why must you be kind. Aren't you being too kind? They are firmly in her corner and will still firmly be in her corner unless the writer decides to go the ghost father route which is possible. 


And I said said before, if the complete truth were to come out including the CCTV footage with the parents-in-law and what he was doing, she will come out looking on top. They would sympathize with her more and completely understand why she broke the  plate and went straight for the girl.  That's why I said I want the parent in laws and son to try it. Please try it. I want Song Swan sweet mistress to please try it. Because had she told the complete truth, their Golf Course will be closing right now. On top of the fact that her parents are in Canada, and then she has no family there. They will wreck them.


I had re-watched that press conference five times after many comments were made here that she stated that she said she was left out in the cold. No she didn't. And she's not complete evil either. 


Strictly in my opinion, the writer received backlash because her shipping of the adulteress couple has utterly failed and now she's going to go scorched-earth with BHR. Also, she tends to favor showing only the happy moments with the adulteress couples. All of them. We have no baseline or parameter to go on when it comes to the wives actual marriages from the beginning to end.


And this is the truth of the situation, bias both hate and love distorts vision and perception. I had wrote my personal story on this thread, but it was deleted since it was personal and considered off topic but had anyone read what I wrote before it got deleted, you would know exactly where I'm coming from. 


If the writer truly does decide to punish BHR, what would be her point? The way I see it is that this season was just an extension glorifying or what some people would say showing the other side of the love the  husbands have 4 their mistresses. It is to show that no matter how sweet you are like 50s wife, how perfect you are like 40's wife, and how young and popular you are like thirties wife, your husband cheated and fell in love with another woman and their love in the husband's eyes is more Superior to what they have at home.


The writing of this drama is seriously uneven. The father-in-law threatened to beat the son with golf clubs if he didn't end the affair. And then fell in love with sweet sensitive mistress, and saw their son gets smacked around because of his affair, the mother lost love and from that point she went out of her way to justify all actions of her son, herself and the mistress.


This writer can absolutely not be trusted to end this in a way this show deserves. She is writing in such a atrocious way to get the network to change their mind in my view to extend it to a third season. People only came back to see a satisfactory end or revenge for the wives. But what we got in return is just mistress USA. Who wants to watch another season to see the mistress end game? Now some people do like one mistress and her husband in particular and wish to see that story. The writer had two whole seasons and wasted it with a whole bunch of nonsense because she knew her audience wanted to see a resolution with the wives.


I will write the transcript out later and then take a break from this thread now until Saturday or Sunday. 




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4 minutes ago, TheQueenReturns said:

Your post only proves my point. When you or me or anyone hate that person, or in this case a character, that hate becomes extreme to the point where we only see and think in extremes which is what I call black and white thinking. We have no middle ground on this issue, so I will politely no longer converse with you on this point since we are solidly set on what we believe. :sweet:


@Lmangla I disagree. She took what they negotiate together, but she never explicitly stated that they left her out in the cold. That was media spin and perhaps she said it that way to force the media to make their own conclusion without her having to say it. I have seen people who held their dignity and still came out on the bad end and people who have gone to scorched-earth and still came out on the bad end and some on the better end. While dealing with people who care only about the reputation, where do you hit them? At their reputation. I think some of the stuff just difference in worldviews. Some people prefer people to take what they consider the high road which is private dignity, while others prefer blasting. I personally think that the only reason she went scorched-earth is because she found out other information regarding the parent in-laws Shenanigans along with her husband. And even if they found out that she had a settlement, they can always replay what she stated and can fall back on the fact that she never explicitly stated that she was left out in the cold. She admits she got a settlement and they never asked how much she got. Why? Because the fact that this man had the nerve to cheat and get her pregnant. The proof is in the pudding. They are not going to believe that she is lying because her own words were more carefully crafted . And what do you think that people are really mad about? They are more mad about the fact that he got another woman pregnant. Let us really evaluate the press conference. Before bhr halfway spilled the beans, even the reporters kept on saying why must you be kind. Aren't you being too kind? They are firmly in her corner and will still firmly be in her corner unless the writer decides to go the ghost father route which is possible. 


And I said said before, if the complete truth were to come out including the CCTV footage with the parents-in-law and what he was doing, she will come out looking on top. They would sympathize with her more and completely understand why she broke the  plate and went straight for the girl.  That's why I said I want a parent in law and son to try it. Please try it. I want someone to please try it. Because had she told the complete truth, their Golf Course will be closing right now. On top of the fact that her parents are in Canada, and then she has no family there. They will wreck them


I had re-watched that press conference five times after many comments were made here that she stated that she said she was left out in the cold. No she didn't. And she's not complete evil either. 


Strictly in my opinion, the writer received backlash because her shipping of the adulteress couple his utterly failed and now she's going to go scorched-earth with bhr. Also, she tends to favor showing only the happy moments with the adulteress couples. All of them. We have no baseline or parameter to go on when it comes to the wives actual marriages from the beginning to end.


And this is the truth of the situation, bias both hate and love distorts vision and perception. I had wrote my personal story on this thread, but it was deleted since it was personal and considered off topic but had anyone read what I wrote before it got deleted, you would know exactly where I'm coming from. 


If the writer truly does decide to punish bhr, what would be her point? The way I see it is that this season was just an extension glorifying or what some people would say showing the other side of the love the things husbands have 4 their mistresses. It is to show that no matter how sweet you are like 50s wife, how perfect you are like 40 is wife, and how young and popular you are my thirties wife, your husband cheated and fell in love with another woman and their love in the husband's eyes is more Superior to what they have at home.


I will write the transcript out later and then take a break from this thread now until Saturday or Sunday. 




Well said .

regardinf marriage ,some  I think are mistaken that Marriage is ones own whim noting to do with law of land that you are married legally until you divorce or spouse dies.


BHR is a celebrity , her first priority is to safeguard her own reputation. She is not responsible for anyone elses reputation , they did not think about reputation when PSH went and slept with another women . Why should she give a RickRoll'D. 


Taking high road will make one push over in some cases just like what happened to the writer . She stews in private after taking high road. I seriously want her to stand up for herself , setting a bad example for her children. It will not come as a shock if her son comes back one day and blames her that she is the cause for divorce after multiple meetings with father. 




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3 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:

@hsmz what more bizarre is the Ex PIL  , can anyone tell us what the song to do with it :w00t:





Me in his statement :D




That was actually a really funny part. Too bad the subtitles can't explain this joke well.


What the father-in-law said is - "(Sa-Hyeon and Hye-Ryeong) were a bad match in the first place. There is even a song about it called 'Wrongful Meeting.'"


He's talking about the song, 잘못된 만남 by Kim Geon-Mo.




This is very funny because the song is from the perspective of a man who is bitter because his girlfriend cheated on him with his friend. So the joke is that the father-in-law knows the title of the song, but doesn't know what the song is about.

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On 8/2/2021 at 9:34 PM, TheQueenReturns said:

Your post only proves my point. When you or me or anyone hate that person, or in this case a character, that hate becomes extreme to the point where we only see and think in extremes which is what I call black and white thinking. We have no middle ground on this issue, so I will politely no longer converse with you on this point since we are solidly set on what we believe. :sweet:

Yes @TheQueenReturns 

We always can agree to disagree. You have your own POV, I have mine too. I politely also won't reply to you after this, after all, we left 2 episodes only towards the ending of this drama. Either I stand for this characters or that characters, hate that characters or love that characters, support with the writer-nim or against her plots, it's all just my concern, and I didn't force anybody to agree with me, not even once.

*why bold, because the word character itself - it just a drama, fictional character, not a real person


Yeahhh, one last wise word before we are parting away...





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Press Conference 


BHR: Hello, I see some familiar faces here today. Anyway, it saddens me to deliver the news that isn't all that pleasant. So, I got a divorce.


Reporter 1 Male:  When?


BHR: Fairly recently.


Reporter 2 Female: Why? Is it because you have nothing in common?


Reporter 23female:  Is there perhaps another reason?


BHR: My husband requested a divorce and I agreed (FACT).


Reporter 1 Male: Your husband requested the divorce? 


BHR: Yes. 


Reporter 1 Male: For what reason?


BHR: He met someone new (Fact).


Reporter 4 Female: So he had an affair? Who's the other woman?


BHR: It's...not my place to disclose that.


Reporter 2 Female: You were married for three years, right?


BHR: Yes (Facts).


Reporter 3 Female: I know this is hard, but please tell us how you're feeling.


BHR: it is just like you said. Honestly speaking, it has been hard for me. (Facts)


Reporter 1 Male: So you calmly agreed to the divorce request.


BHR: I had no other option (partially false)


Reporter 2 Female: You could have held out.


BHR: How could I when he loves her (facts).


Reporter 2 Female: I'm sorry for asking, but what about the alimony?


BHR:  I just took what they offered.  (Partially true and false, they negotiated a settlement amount)


Reporter 4 Female: Your husband is known to be younger than you.


BHR: By a year.


Reporter 4 Female: How old is the other woman?


BHR: That I don't know (LIED)


Reporter 2 female: Aren't you being too nice?


BHR: As a woman myself, I'd like to keep her privacy (IDK).


Reporter 2 female: But she's the woman who stole your husband. Must you be considerate?


BHR: She's pregnant, you see.


Reporter 1 male angrily bites his lip and mumbles as her angry types on his laptop. 


No one in the press conference the dwelled on the alimony. What they did dwell on is  the fact he cheated and then mistress was pregnant. They were quite angry that she held back and didn't give them all the details. For anybody saying that she's going to reap what she sow. Cool. But just like people predict that they will go looking up information and make BHR look bad in the end,  the facts are so jarring that it only will make the cheater and their family look like a pile of poop.


What they also will find is the fact that 30s husband mistress is friends with two other Mistresses and they all bragged and celebrated about the love they have as the other woman and the fact that their Affair partners left their wives and all of the wives are connected. What version of that truth will make BHR look bad? Quite frankly, that would be the only thing that knocks Song Won off that lovely pedestal that PSH's parents put her own.


Can you imagine the parents-in-law comparing BHR and SW only to find out that she is friends with mistresses that forced their affair partners wives into divorce? You talking about the reputation bad now, they will be done for life.  The sparkle that they had for her in their eye will die.


As I said, please be a genie parents or reporters and make my wish come true. Dig and try to make BHR look bad, it would only fall back on them. Unfortunately, 50s wife life will be public as well, but Ga Bin will finally be wrecked. 40's wife will get the leverage she needs to shut her psycho husband down for good.


What you do in secret will be brought out in the open.


The woman you wanted so bad as your daughter-in-law believes in adultery and is good friends with two other adulteresses who engaged in the exact Behavior she did. Oh the Scandal would be wrought. Her friends A-MI and Ga Bin' story will drop everybody like it's hot


Now that is the complete truth about the matter. The whole truth is way more diabolical than what some is trying to make BHR out to be. I say let's go full exposure on them all Please!


sipping the tea GIF by Robert E Blackmon



50s wife act like the late Senator John McCain's first wife.


People want 30s wife to act like the late John McCain's first wife, while the mistress gets to play Cindy McCain.


If you want to gain my meaning on why I'm mentioning the late Senator McCain, go research his life story and his affair. He cheated on his first wife and married his mistress. I'll let you learn about the details in between on your own.

Edited by TheQueenReturns
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5 hours ago, htk9207 said:

Just imagine the look of surprise and disbelief on BHR and SPY when they find out SB is not interested in either of them. I'm pretty sure it is the writer.


I am with you on this one.


I don't really think Seo Ban is interested in either BHR or SPY. He always looks so bored around them. :joy:

SB is always asking about Writer Lee in any case. He was missing her in ep 14. :wub:

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Before we all forget, we are not the writer-nim. We can discuss what we want to discuss, what ending might be, backlash this and that characters, amused with the important plots or unamused with the unnecessary plots, but in the end of the day, we are not the writer-nim.

I sometimes forget it too..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

The writer-nim be like...


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I'm still not convinced we will get an actual ending next week.


Presumably it was Ami's father who fell off his horse last week but no follow-up. 


Seo Ban has a mouth full of marbles. You guys might be right that he likes 50's wife though I get nothing from him toward any of the women. The 50's wife has been a nonfactor this season. Maybe she'll get more to do in the last two episodes. 

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7 hours ago, hsmz said:

Maybe if she can trap Seo Ban to be her husband, she will get plenty of electronics items right? :P

She set her goal on the wrong person though :lol: Ooops... Wait till she finds out that Seo Ban is not interested at all to have anything to do with his father nor the company. He stays away from his father and the company like a plague.

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17 hours ago, hsmz said:

force or use violence without her will to sign the divorce papers right?? So is it can consider as kick her out of the house/family? 

They never use physical force but emotional one. Caring for the mistress more than the legal wife is much like kick her out from their heart actually. 


16 hours ago, hsmz said:

She didn't want understand her husband but she wants to stay in the marriage with him.

Because divorcing is difficult, painful, and scary. But like PIL said, their marriage is cursed from the start. So finally BHR decided to let him go.

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