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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2021] The Rebel Princess上阳赋


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7 minutes ago, jacquelinetan said:

To add to that, her father had sent a spy to spy on Xiao Qi and Xiao Qi had made it known that he does not trust her father. Wang Xuan will be stuck in the middle if both her father and her husband are at odds

Yes, she is slowly realising that the world around her is not as simple as she used think. We can literally see her transforming from an innocent girl to a sensible woman.


I'm also curious how XQ will react to the sudden help from Heng Yan's father with army rations. I hope he doesn't accept as that would mean he is indebted to him.


Also, a bit on the previous episode. I find it a pity that Zitan's character is/ depicted to be so useless and pathetic. I would have find it more satisfying if Zitan has more dignity. The way he crashed the post war party. He was so low and had the word "loser" written all over his face. I mean it would have been better if Awu's first love and judgement of character is more decent than that. But on the other hand, I can also understand why Zitan turned out to be like this as he was favoured and privileged since young. Just hope he grows more backbone in the coming episodes cause it's quite embarrassing to watch what he has become. 

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Wang Xuan's former maid is becoming the same pathetic character as her "lover". She is the paranoid "wife" stalking Zidan. Asking him to go home sounded more like a command.


Wang Xuan is finding out that her former world is all a deception.


Loved the way Wang Xuan continued the cold shoulder towards Zidan. "My husband is not in so I cannot invite you in".


Really nice of her brother to furnish her Yuzheng Palace and filled up her wine cellar too

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41 minutes ago, Polly said:

Yes, she is slowly realising that the world around her is not as simple as she used think. We can literally see her transforming from an innocent girl to a sensible woman.


I'm also curious how XQ will react to the sudden help from Heng Yan's father with army rations. I hope he doesn't accept as that would mean he is indebted to him.


Also, a bit on the previous episode. I find it a pity that Zitan's character is/ depicted to be so useless and pathetic. I would have find it more satisfying if Zitan has more dignity. The way he crashed the post war party. He was so low and had the word "loser" written all over his face. I mean it would have been better if Awu's first love and judgement of character is more decent than that. But on the other hand, I can also understand why Zitan turned out to be like this as he was favoured and privileged since young. Just hope he grows more backbone in the coming episodes cause it's quite embarrassing to watch what he has become. 

Who is heng yan??

Can somebody explain later will xiao qi  and awu become emperor and empress?? Coz i thought they wanted to stay away from the life in palace..

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29 minutes ago, jameskimma said:

Who is heng yan??

Can somebody explain later will xiao qi  and awu become emperor and empress?? Coz i thought they wanted to stay away from the life in palace..

Heng Yan is Awu's sister in law. The one who has an affair with the 2nd prince. Her father is secretly supporting the 2nd prince. So when her father offered help to XQ's army, General Hu misunderstood that the help was because of the Wang family (as Heng Yan is Awu's sister in law). 


The novel has XQ and Awu ultimately becoming the emperor and empress but the writer of the book has confirmed via Weibo that the drama ending will be different from the novel. 

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38 minutes ago, jameskimma said:

Who is heng yan??

Can somebody explain later will xiao qi  and awu become emperor and empress?? Coz i thought they wanted to stay away from the life in palace..

Yes, I understand that they will become the emperor and empress later on. It was mentioned on this thread in prior posts. That’s because the royal family will become very corrupt and because they won’t leave XQ and A’Wu alone. If people are always trying to kill them, there comes a point where they will say enough is enough and start fighting back to take back their freedom to live. 

1 hour ago, jacquelinetan said:

To add to that, her father had sent a spy to spy on Xiao Qi and Xiao Qi had made it known that he does not trust her father. Wang Xuan will be stuck in the middle if both her father and her husband are at odds.

I think A’Wu will ultimately choose her husband. It’s the same dilemma her mother have/had, being caught between her husband and her brother who is the emperor. XQ already told A’Wu that they will face life and death together. That seems to imply it’s them against the world. 

@Polly, does a different ending mean not becoming monarchs or something else?

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While waiting for ep 13, i found this video.

ZZY, ZYW, YH and several actors from TRP.

I cannot see 'AW',  'XQ' and 'HelanZhen' in this video. Especially general XQ. Totally different!

They really are a professional actors!





Btw, @insertusernamehere thank u for your hardwork to translate otp scene. Lots of love.


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29 minutes ago, celebrianna said:

@Polly, does a different ending mean not becoming monarchs or something else?

The writer was cryptic about it and only revealed that the ending is going to be different. In the novel both will become emperor and empress. They will get 2 kids (a boy and girl). And after a few years Awu will die naturally because of illness (she died in her 30s). Afterwards, XQ will remain single and raise both their kids into adulthood. So an alternative ending could mean that they don't set up a new dynasty and choose to life on the prairie. But it could also mean that they did form the new dynasty but Awu didn't die and they end up living happily ever after raising their kids together and both die in old age. 

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Ep 13 @ 42 minutes ...I am on  fire for you baby :tounge_wink:lol....so that is the way to keep warm all night long , not a bad strategy from the General for the 1st kiss , a la million stars hotel . 


and our beautiful smart animals...humanity is so lucky to have such great companions on our life journey....and our General whispers to his faithful steed go get help ..what a man, what a horse :star:


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9 hours ago, Polly said:

Heng Yan is Awu's sister in law. The one who has an affair with the 2nd prince. Her father is secretly supporting the 2nd prince. So when her father offered help to XQ's army, General Hu misunderstood that the help was because of the Wang family (as Heng Yan is Awu's sister in law). 


The novel has XQ and Awu ultimately becoming the emperor and empress but the writer of the book has confirmed via Weibo that the drama ending will be different from the novel. 


I thought 2nd prince want to XQ death,but why Heng Yan offered help to XQ's army? And 3rd prince will become the ultimately emperor?



10 hours ago, jacquelinetan said:

Wang Xuan's former maid is becoming the same pathetic character as her "lover". She is the paranoid "wife" stalking Zidan. Asking him to go home sounded more like a command.


Wang Xuan is finding out that her former world is all a deception.


Loved the way Wang Xuan continued the cold shoulder towards Zidan. "My husband is on in so I cannot invite you in".


Really nice of her brother to furnish her Yuzheng Palace and filled up her wine cellar too


Is Awu's former maid will succed to become Zidan wife?

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1 hour ago, Fenny Liong said:


I thought 2nd prince want to XQ death,but why Heng Yan offered help to XQ's army? And 3rd prince will become the ultimately emperor?

It's a ploy, the 2nd prince and Heng Yan's dad initially instigated the other nobles to not render help to XQ's army so that when the army is in dire state, they can come in and offer help. This way, they hope to gain XQ's loyalty and military support. 


Not sure about the 3rd prince. But even if he does, think he will end up as one without absolute power and under the control of somebody. 

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Personally, I think that the Emperor realized that Zidan will be too weak now because the Xie family influence is out. He is now looking at 2nd prince even though he may know about his birth secret, he still a Ma. However, the Crown Prince is a Wang descendant and he wants to get rid of the Wang siblings so he already abandoned that firstborn of his.

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1 hour ago, Polly said:

It's a ploy, the 2nd prince and Heng Yan's dad initially instigated the other nobles to not render help to XQ's army so that when the army is in dire state, they can come in and offer help. This way, they hope to gain XQ's loyalty and military support. 


Not sure about the 3rd prince. But even if he does, think he will end up as one without absolute power and under the control of somebody. 

Too bad for the second prince because I honestly don’t think XQ will give them his loyalty. Even worse if and when he finds out that they schemed to withhold rations from his army thereby putting the protection of Ningshou, and therefore the country, at stake. XQ doesn’t seem to be interested in being loyal to anybody but the people of the country. The monarch may change but I get the impression he’s really for protecting the common man and his army. 

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1 hour ago, Polly said:

It's a ploy, the 2nd prince and Heng Yan's dad initially instigated the other nobles to not render help to XQ's army so that when the army is in dire state, they can come in and offer help. This way, they hope to gain XQ's loyalty and military support. 


Not sure about the 3rd prince. But even if he does, think he will end up as one without absolute power and under the control of somebody. 


They dont afraid that XQ's loyalty to wang family? As they know that XQ already married to AW..

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4 minutes ago, Fenny Liong said:


They dont afraid that XQ's loyalty to wang family? As they know that XQ already married to AW..

XQ ran away from the Wang family head on the night of his wedding. He plotted this with Advisor Wen. Doesn’t that therefore show that he’s wary of the Wang family who wanted to gain more military power through him? XQ is a smart man who doesn’t want to get caught up in court struggles if he could avoid it.

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15 hours ago, celebrianna said:


@Polly, does a different ending mean not becoming monarchs or something else?

I remember seeing somewhere that the new ending is they live a nice life outside of court, which is for the best. I'm leaning towards this ending since overthrowing dynasty is little iffy to pass NRTA sometimes, and so far Xiao Qi's ambition is downplayed in the drama. Drama otp do things to protect themselves and they are essentially thrown into power struggle, rather than actively seeking power in the novel (which is also use to protect themselves, just pre-emptively).


6 hours ago, Fenny Liong said:

Is Awu's former maid will succed to become Zidan wife?

She's a concubine in the novel, but it was different circumstances. (novel spoilers below)


They never slept together, and he took her in because she was assaulted by soldiers guarding the mausoleums and got pregnant, so it was like pity + because she's a former maid of Awu. Awu sees them again with a kid + concubine title, so there was bit of misunderstanding going on there for a bit. Don't really like rape as a plot device, but I also hate the dumb mistaken one night stand as plot device too.


I kind of dislike Zitan's characterisation in the drama, he's fairly powerless in the novel too, but he's somehow worse in the drama. I'm guessing they are playing up his wimpy and powerlessness to contrast against the otp, but it's real annoying to watch. Doesn't help I don't think Tony Yang fit the role, so every time I see him, all I think is "how are you the prettiest man in the capital?" 

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Ep 13


This ep is beyond beautiful!


My fave line:

When XQ told drunken Awu:

"Even if you havent accepted me, i have already regarded you as my destiny." :love:


A surprise scene:

When XQ 'gave instruction' to his horse.

At first, i dont understand what he's doing. Following ep made me understand his act.

It's a superb and touching scene.

XQ indeed a charismatic leader!

Even his horse sincerely obey him!


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44 minutes ago, skibbies said:

I remember seeing somewhere that the new ending is they live a nice life outside of court, which is for the best. I'm leaning towards this ending since overthrowing dynasty is little iffy to pass NRTA sometimes, and so far Xiao Qi's ambition is downplayed in the drama. Drama otp do things to protect themselves and they are essentially thrown into power struggle, rather than actively seeking power in the novel (which is also use to protect themselves, just pre-emptively).


She's a concubine in the novel, but it was different circumstances. (novel spoilers below)

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They never slept together, and he took her in because she was assaulted by soldiers guarding the mausoleums and got pregnant, so it was like pity + because she's a former maid of Awu. Awu sees them again with a kid + concubine title, so there was bit of misunderstanding going on there for a bit. Don't really like rape as a plot device, but I also hate the dumb mistaken one night stand as plot device too.


I kind of dislike Zitan's characterisation in the drama, he's fairly powerless in the novel too, but he's somehow worse in the drama. I'm guessing they are playing up his wimpy and powerlessness to contrast against the otp, but it's real annoying to watch. Doesn't help I don't think Tony Yang fit the role, so every time I see him, all I think is "how are you the prettiest man in the capital?" 


So in the novel the former maid not betray Awu like in the drama?


I watch Tony in "love yourself" with Victoria Song n I think he fit the role there than in this drama lol...

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5 hours ago, celebrianna said:

Too bad for the second prince because I honestly don’t think XQ will give them his loyalty. Even worse if and when he finds out that they schemed to withhold rations from his army thereby putting the protection of Ningshou, and therefore the country, at stake. XQ doesn’t seem to be interested in being loyal to anybody but the people of the country. The monarch may change but I get the impression he’s really for protecting the common man and his army. 

Well said @celebrianna.  I am on episode 13 with subs.  From the first time he made his appearance I got the vibe he is a soldier who’s goal is to protect the people.

Episode 12 & 13 shows the life of a soldier isn’t that great but he made them strong, fought with them and lived like they did. He is very cautious and very smart. 

I have a question who is General Song???

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@UnniSarah, I believe General Song is the soldier we see with XQ from the beginning. He was the one teasing XQ about him getting the chance to marry A’Wu. He was with XQ when he first met A’Wu at the festival when she was with the third prince. 

@skibbies, I would prefer too that XQ and A’Wu live outside the court and travel the world like he promised but is there really someone solid that can lead the country? I don’t support any of the princes and I would hate to see any of them on the throne. Maybe a young prince who hasn’t been introduced yet, who was brought up sensibly, would be a good choice. 

@hallee, I saw that guy too who attempted to stab the empress and I wondered if he was a eunuch.

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