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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] The Sleepless Princess 离人心上


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23 minutes ago, WinCee said:

"I used to never understand people like XM, either you love or you don't love someone, why keep hiding but trying to please them secretly, that's not what a man should do. But in the end, I've become like XM."

 This! I cried... oh Xing Cheng you are a champion in my heart! Your love and the way you love are so precious.. 

34 minutes ago, WinCee said:

XY : For me, now I just want to stick to you.  Go with you to more places. Write down more stories. Even if one day, your hair has grown white, I can still write down our stories, and read them out loud to you.

CY : Why are you looking at me with big eyes, do you want a kiss?

XY : nod yes!!

 XY nodding and wanting kisses from CY is too cute! I can't even.. I cant believe our great general is becoming a cute husband..


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Ep 33 part 3:


XY feeding CY still who is looking awkward. She says she can see now so she can feed herself.  She tells him to eat the bun.  He says the bun is soft... like her cheeks last night, so he couldn't bring himself to bite it. (HAHAHAHAHA so cheesy) So cheesy that CY drops her spoon, he calls her a pighead (affectionately) and says he'll feed her.  CY asks him to be more normal, she's not used to him like this. He's like, you'll get used it. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

CY says  "but we're not married"

XY : "it's already organised"

CY : "But......"  Mr Bai and all the men are watching them.

XY : Mr Bai, I already said we will go after I finish feeding her. 

Mr Bai : " But we've already been waiting for 2 hours" 

XY : Oh that's right, it's already been 2 hours, this congee is cold, I must go heat it up.

CY : Not cold not cold not cold, if I don't eat this quickly you wont' go right? - She gulps it down and you can see the congee is steaming!   Finished!

XY : (wiping her mouth) clumsy

XY tells CY to stay here, he is going to find something on DS, so no one can drag her to become the Diviner, and no one will harm her. CY nods, but XY says she should speak. She quietly agrees. XY : So quiet, that is not like you at all!" CY says that it's because until now she still feels like she is in a dream.

XY : CY, it's all my fault, I made you lose trust in me.  Too much has happened between us, I said I would protect you, but it's me who has hurt your heart the most. (CY says it's not his fault) Before NX hurt you, I already thought it through. If my brother's sacrifice was in exchange for us to live in harmony, then we should treasure the lives we have together now. Life is short, we are not abnormal people, just an average husband and wife. We can't live for every body, we can only do what is right for our hearts. (CY nods like a fangirl, I would too that was a lovely speech by XY!) I'm going now.

XY flicks his cloak over his shoulders and hero-walks out of her room with Mr Bai and their men. CY says to herself, the man you love is a righteous man, so you should stand tall too!


NX has LW tied up in a house somewhere.  She thinks he's up to something and threatens him.  He asks why she's so fierce, that whether they get out of this depends on him.  He says that he could've said something good about her to the Emperor, and would've made the whole issue much smaller or go away. She says how can you be a prince with that brain.  He says that being a prince in their country doesn't depend on the brain (SO TRUE) LJ is outside the house.  LW takes off his belt and trinkets to give to NX and tells her to run since they will be caught soon. She knocks them to the ground.  He says what's wrong with him trying to save her? She tells him to look at himself why would she need him to save her? LW spots LJ with his crossbow outside, grabs NX and takes the arrow for her in the back. LW falls to the ground and NX tells him to not die.  LW says it's funny, he just wanted her to believe him, not to be so arrogant to him, he never wanted to die for her! He pulls the long life pendant off his neck and gives it to NX since he won't need it any more.  She says she doesn't want it he needs to keep it himself.  He laments that till death he never saw her cry a tear for him.  He passes out and NX shakes him and yells that she is not letting him die. LJ runs in with the guards as NX runs away and tells the guards to take LW back to get treatment.


The royal doctors rush to check LW.  The Emperor says to SNN's dad "so you said it's LJ who hurt LW?" SNN's Dad confirms that's what the guards says.

Lady Su hears this and rushes to the Emperor begging him to tear LJ to shreds for hurting LW. "If anything happens to my son I can't live any more" The Emperor tells SNN's father to put a warrant out for LJ.  SNN's father promises to catch LJ to avenge LW. (oooooh you snake!)  SNN is there too and looks stressed.


End of Ep 33


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So, I went to sleep, woke up saw many different updates but first, thanks @WinCee recapping ep. 33!


There is an epilogue? Other comments said there are actually 41 episodes, What?!


I watched the raws and have so many questions, from ep 34 & 35 but I also skipped quite a bit, so could have missed scenes:



Is TY really dead? :bawling:

What happened to NX, and the situation with XiZhao? I think from what I translated the mine was blown up, but her brother is alive, I saw her go to the palace, but not sure if this was part of the changed timeline or not and I didn't see what happened to her, or see her again after. 


Ofc I have questions about all of the second half of ep. 35, that marketplace scene, and what I could translate from XY/Gs's narration. If I was those kids and that was the end of the story, I would be like, ".........."

I'm so confused.



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Ep 33 summary - I only do summaries of interactions between CY and XY and anything else that is related to them. For all other details, please refer to others on this forum. [OK so it's not quite a summary, some of them are detailed conversations, LOL] @WinCee sorry hadn't realised that you were doing this summary too...


The Emperor's Eunuch comes to get an update on CY and XY has to hide from being discovered (he was in the midst of feeding her something when this happened, and he gave her something sour but she insisted on something sweet - it's hard to fake it when it come to her taste buds... LOL) XC and the Eunuch finds her eating something sweet and XC has to cover up for her immediately by getting her to spit it out. The Eunuch asks how many months it has been since she was pregnant and both 'husband and wife' can't give a decent answer. XC tries to cover up that they are so inexperienced that they haven't been keeping track. And then the Eunuch spots the single bolster. CY can't keep up with pretenses anymore in front of the Eunuch and says she doesn't feel well, hoping he will leave, which he does. Outside her room, the Eunuch presses XC about the single bolster, and I think he says it's to ensure her pregnancy is safe (?). All of this is within XY's earshot [I can't tell what he makes out of it, but it probably adds to his suspicion, that they are faking it, as they can't even tell how many months she has been pregnant?]


The next scene with CY is XC coming to see her. CY asks after the Emperor and is informed that he is better but still weak. CY comments to XC that someone appears to take care of her at midnight but she doesn't quite know who it is, could she be hallucinating? She says, no one can possibly be creeping into this residence at this hour. As she is speaking, XC has found the divorce note from NX that CY had found on the floor (despite being blind, great idea you have there Script!) He reads it in disbelief and is torn between telling CY its contents. CY calls out to the silent XC and XC looks up. He asks her, do you hope that this mysterious person is XY or not? CY reproaches him for bringing up XY's name - but XC challenges her, "If I don't mention his name, will you stop thinking about him?" To which she replies "I hope it's him but I also hope it's not him. He already has a family." She comments that she cannot have such an unclear relationship (?) with him or such lingering feelings. She asks XC for some more time to get over him. Rather hesitantly, XC asks "And what if they are no longer husband and wife?" She asks him what he has heard.... It's clear that XC is really conflicted between revealing the contents of the letter and keeping mum about it. Eventually, he gives in and asks her if she has heard about a wife divorcing a husband before and she replies that among the common folk, such a man would become the laughing stock of the community. Rather solemnly, he says "I am afraid that XY has become such a laughing stock." CY suddenly gets a flash back of what XY said previously "You don't know what I have done for you, neither do you care."


She puts two and two together and gets up in haste to look for XY, and of course falls in the process. XC asks her where she is going and she says "To look for him." She chastises him for not telling her earlier that he is aware of the divorce. XC looks guilty and says he is afraid that CY would get hurt again by him. But then he says when he came across the divorce note, he felt bad about XY, who had gone to this extent and put aside his own reputation (and face I suppose as a general) and did this for CY [meaning I suppose that XY could love CY so much that he could put up with this humiliation.] CY says she wants to look for XY, she hurt him with all those words unwittingly (despite him coming to make up with her) and wants to make up for it. XC tries to discourage her but she asks the mute page-boy who says he knows where XY is and she tells XC that the boy will lead her to him.


The next scene we see is XY's residence and it's no longer the page boy holding her hand but XY. She really is clueless that it's XY and asks where she is. Her super nose detects the scent of the flower (that blooms only once a year?) She touches his hands and realises it's a hand that wields a sword and asks out loud if it's XY. He says yes, it's me. She asks him if it's been him all along that has been covering her blanket and taking care of her. He pulls his hand away. He acknowledges it. He has sneaking into her risidence to take care of her, because he's been worried about her. He knows what she wants to say, to leave her, to lead separate lives and be happy on their own, but he can't do it. Without her, he cannot be happy. He tells her "For tonight, please don't say any hurtful words to me. I want to take you somewhere." He brings her to a place where there are fireworks display which he has organised for her. He tells her that the fireworks were meant for her birthday. He said he missed that opportunity then. He asks her if she can hear the fireworks and hopes that she can see it instead. But if she could see it, she probably won't want to see him. Being able to pull off these fireworks display, being there by her side, he feels that he has resolved a matter lodged in his heart [as he says it there are tears in his eyes]. "Just think of me as someone who is crazy, after all only a crazy person will bring someone who is blind to watch fireworks" XY tells CY, and tears stream down his face. CY has a look of tenderness as she hears what XY has to say. Lo and behold, [the script times about now for CY to recover her vision], a blurry XY comes into sight. CY reaches out to caress his face and wipe the tears away. A bewildered XY asks her if she has regained her vision and sweeps away her hand. He hurriedly wipes away his tears and says that now she can see, he should leave. She should take care of herself and their baby.


CY grabs hold of him and explains that she isn't pregnant - it was all a ruse that XC had come up with to protect her. CY tells him "I am your XCY, I have always been." XY pulls her in for a long kiss. He breaks away after sometime and tells her that she lied to him real bad [she faked pregnancy], and she parrots the same phrase to him [he faked a marriage to NX]. He then asks her "Why are you looking at me in this manner?" she replies "We have no official identity/standing [literal translation], why did you kiss me?" XY sniffles as he says, "It's late at night (?) [ok it's rather literal, the translation], what sort of identity is required? "Lovers/sweetheart?" she says. "You are my sweetheart, and as an exchange, I want to be your sweetheart too. That's our identity." [And this is the scene with the stamped and sealed conversation that we see in the MV.] Ahem, there's an absolutely long kiss, the camera makes sure to capture it with XY at different angles. :blush:

[It's a little poetic, on one side a smiling Mr Bai is watching and in a light-hearted manner, he shields the underaged mute boy's eyes from the scene. On the other side, XC and his guard appears. XC comments that he is curious what XM felt, how he could have loved CY from the sidelines, never revealing, never having any hope that his love would be requited. He says he doesn't approve of such people, you either love or you don't. Who could tell, that he ended up being like XM, loving CY, yet knowing he would have no chance of being loved in return.]


Cut to the next scene, XY is feeding CY. She is rather bashful and tells him that she is no longer blind and can feed herself. She then asks him to eat a Chinese bun/dumpling but he holds onto it and seems reluctant to do so, puts it down and sighs. So, she questions him, "Don't you like it?" and he replies "It's as soft as your face last night, I don't have the heart to eat it." CY is so shocked she drops her spoon into the bowl. She tells him to act normal, she really can't get used to him being like that. He tells her with time, you will get used to it! [it's quite funny really to see him behaving like that from his usual stoic self.] She objects and says they aren't married, he says I have arranged for it! The joke is that his men are standing there looking at him in shock. He berates them for hurrying him and says he will leave after he finishes feeding her lunch... poor Mr Bai says "But it's been two hours already." XY says that long? The porridge is cold, I'll get the kitchen to get you another warm bowl. [seriously CY, it's not only you, I can't get used to this side of XY too. :P]  CY is embarrassed and wolfs down her bowl of porridge. She's got a stain on the corner of her mouth and XY wipes it away for her, calling her out for being inattentive. He informs her that he's off to (I think) hunt down the Evil Disciple so no one can harm her anymore. She nods her head but he forces her to respond. She softly mumbles something but he says it's way too soft - this just ain't like the usual CY.  She explains that she feels like it's all a dream. XY looks somewhat guilty and holds her hands, then apologies, saying that it's all his fault, he caused her to lose trust in him. He claimed that he wanted to protect her, but he was also the one to hurt her. She says it's not his fault. But he says even before NX hurt her, he came to a realisation - even if his brother sacrificed his life for her, so they could have this relationship, they should cherish it. They are not saints, just a mortal couple, and they can't be accountable to everyone, they can only be true to their own feelings. He tells her that he will leave now.


XY gets up and leaves on his quest to hunt down the Evil Disciple. It's quite dramatic though, the way he throws his cloak around his shoulders and fastens the clasp...really done for the effect [laughs]  CY watches him leave. She tells herself, "XCY, the man you love is a gallant and honourable gentleman, so you have to stand strong too!"



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2 hours ago, pa ma said:

The ending of ep35 is super depressing....Good that there is going to be an epilogue. 

I think it’s interesting how streaming sites lure viewers along. for how popular Sleepless Princess is, not many people seem to call for a sequel. Another drama on mangotv that was popular was Romance of Hua Rong and supposedly there’s going to be a sequel. 


I can’t wait for epilogue to answer questions- but it’s going to be weird if “it was all a dream” or just a story...


either way, i still highly enjoyed this drama! 

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Here is the director's response to the fans:




看大家討論結局那麼踴躍 我在豆瓣上看到一個最接近我想法的結局分析 跟大家分享 也謝謝兩位豆友跟所有心碎的粉絲們 我也為了你們的心痛而心疼
人生百態各式各樣 各種選擇 而番外的結局也是我們邊拍邊寫的 因為⋯那個也是另一種結局 而童話要怎麼結尾你可以自己選
離人心上 你可以一個字一個字解讀 你也可兩個字兩個字解讀 也因為每個人理解解讀不一樣所以我需要大家好好感受
在拍的時候這深刻的情感我能理解。不管是關山還是薛曜都在等待奇蹟的出現 現實生活中有沒有奇蹟?有,但也有遺憾!番外就是奇蹟的出現 也是希望的出現,你問我喜歡那個結局?現實面我喜歡現在的結尾~因為他們跟我很接近,很真實很現實。而理想面,公主醒來與王子過著快樂的日子也一樣讓我因為他們的幸福而開心。



Eng Translation according to google translate: 


There are spoilers! Don’t come if
you haven’t watched it. Look at everyone discussing the ending so enthusiastically. I saw an analysis of the ending closest to my idea on Douban to share with you. Thank you two Douyou and all the broken-hearted fans. I am also for your heartache. Distressed, there are so many
different kinds of choices in life, and the extra ending is also written while we are shooting because...that is also another ending and how the fairy tale ends, you can choose to
leave people’s hearts, you can interpret you word by word The interpretation of two words and two words is also different because everyone understands and interprets differently, so I need everyone to feel
the deep emotion when shooting. I can understand it. Both Guan Shan and Xue Yao are waiting for miracles to appear. Are there miracles in real life? Yes, but there are also regrets! Fanwai is the appearance of miracles and the appearance of hope. You ask me if I like that ending? In reality, I like the ending now~ because they are very close to me, very real and realistic. Ideally, the princess waking up and living a happy life with the prince also made me happy because of their happiness.
You are chasing with real feelings, and we are filming with real feelings, and the actors are acting with real feelings. This process...I am really moved with real feelings


The posts he references: 







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This thread moved 5 pages since last night :lol: The power of finale week! 


I'm avoiding looking at videos and reading the recap before watching hehehe... But glad so many people can join the  discussion! Will come back later after I'm done and see if there's anything I can add :D

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34 minutes ago, ILoveDramas said:

I think it’s interesting how streaming sites lure viewers along. for how popular Sleepless Princess is, not many people seem to call for a sequel. Another drama on mangotv that was popular was Romance of Hua Rong and supposedly there’s going to be a sequel. 


I can’t wait for epilogue to answer questions- but it’s going to be weird if “it was all a dream” or just a story...


either way, i still highly enjoyed this drama! 

I am surprised that no fan requests season2 of this drama.  No offense to Romance of Hua Rong, i dropped that drama in the middle.  I can watch CY and XY every day without getting bored.  I just love their chemistry and interaction.  I have never pay attention to any of the ML dramas before this one.  I love the FL from I am a Pet at Tali Temple so I am always watching or her dramas.  How, it really depends on the ML, her last two dramas I skipped cause it's boring.

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I've just finished watching the new 3 eps. Just want to share some feeling.


XC is a so good brother/friend. I feel (I don't find word to say) bad for him, while he sees his beloved sister sleep the last forever sleep but let her go with XY. In my feeling, XC can go along with her, touch her the last time cry for her or something. She is his sister, so close from the childhood. I cry when writing now, and don't know why. I haven't cried because of any scenes in this drama.


Anyway, the csene that she transforms to the tiger this time is lovely. XY with a brave heart of a solder/general, and his love, stay still, let her threaten.


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First of all, I want to thank everyone who volunteered to help audiences who don't understand Chinese with recaps, summaries, and translations, although I can understand Chinese fine but due to how time consuming translations are... I never have the time to do any of them yet I appreciate all your time and efforts in providing this services for free and to help us engage in lively and active discussions - It had been awhile since I watched a drama live (usually I wait for drama to be finished or it finished as I started) but TSP is different. Before this drama, I discovered Zheng Ye Cheng from his other dramas and I was happy when this drama started airing - I wasn't expecting too much when I started this drama but oh boy, it had been an emotional roller-coaster ride and one thing that makes it fun is to have a group of ppl to share, discuss, and engage in the watching experience. When we thought we are close to the end of the road, looks like we still have a week to go - I plan to watch the final 3 episodes in details and come back to discuss with my thoughts...


As for MangoTV, I am not sure do you all have any background on them but I felt I shouldn't even be surprise with their tactics anymore - as I mentioned I don't really watch drama live so I had been unaffected by all their scheme until now. However, I heard of their bad reputation. For starter, to give you all a background on the whole non-members vs VIP members vs early access... (I think other sites are also doing it too but not 100% sure so feel free to correct me)


Traditionally, VIP member gets to watch more episodes earlier on vs non-members; for example, while non-members are watching 4 episodes per week, VIP member gets to watch 6 episodes per week. However, starting (maybe a year or two I forgot) they introduce this early access option to watch more episodes as the drama approach the ending if you pay extra. There was an uproar from the VIP members during that time when it was first introduced because VIP member is already paying more to get more episodes, now they have to keep paying more to see more episodes, calling it "trying to milk money out of them". The most frustrating part is that they usually do this as a drama gets popular therefore, audiences are already hooked and they can't resist to watch the final episodes if it is available. I am not sure if what they are doing with TSP is the first time or they did it with other dramas but this is pretty bad tactics in terms of reputation wise. Now viewers had to paid to watch the ending even if they call it "epilogue". There is speculation that the drama should have end with CY waking up and all the lovey dovey scenes are part of the epilogues but the way they cut it now, yes, it guarantees ppls to pay to watch the "epilogue" but it also cause sooo much frustration from the viewer. My opinion is to leave the ending with CY waking up, at least we may be unsatisfied but then we will be given the option to pay for the happy lovey dovey "epilogue"... Instead it felt like we are forced to pay extra because they cut it off like a bad/open ending and now we HAD to pay to watch the actual ending...boy...businesses and their money making strategy... Also a bit of warning if you watching any of their drama on Hunan Channel that owns MangoTV, if a drama is popular, it is almost a common practice that they will cut off several minutes in each episodes and 'extend' the episodes count to preserve the high rating and the extra money from sponsors. They once cut off the final 10-15 minutes of a drama to make the viewer watch the next line up drama 1-2 episodes before airing the final 10-15 mins finale to boost and promote the next drama on the same airing time slot - yeah, they must spend a lot of time planning and brainstorming ideas to squeeze out pennies/make profits from their drama...sigh... 


And the ignoring thing is that they didn't even spend money and time in promoting this drama to top it off - anyway, I'm sorry if it sounds like I am ranting out my frustration but please note that this is only to the broadcasting station - I love this drama, it had been a great drama watching experience (minus MangoTV), I love the casts and production and surprising as of now, I am fond of the director and the screenwriter too :) I'm going to focus on the plot now and forget about this whole business side of the drama -


ZYC is so sweet to log in to engage in some Q&A for this drama after this whole cliffhanger ending - I am going to read through it in details and try to figure out what ZYC meant when someone asked him about the confusion between the general and princess vs the storyteller and his wife, who is real? ZYC said, "I ask you, Are you the one listening to the story? Or the one within the story? Or the one telling the story to others?" I am seriously confused but I think there is some hidden meanings there - Hmmm... I'll come back after I think about this lol 


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It better not be a dream. I want their story to be real :brokenheart:I’m about to learn how to read mandarin just to watch this drama


ZYC let me tell you I’m the one dreaming about the story because I’m frustrated with what’s going on. I just want you guys to have a happy ending. Are you telling me I have to make it happy myself? It’s driving me insane. 

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So add my thanks to all of you providing summaries and explanations and translations! I have been lurking until the last week but I’m glad I joined because apparently I’m going to need a support group! :tears:


I’m really not happy with Mango TV. I could swallow with some reluctance the whole epilogue thing, but l don’t at all appreciate the attempt on the part of the channel to make us question reality versus fairy tale. I feel like all I had invested in this story has been not just disappointed but somehow taken from me, and I don’t know if even a perfect epilogue is going to restore that. I realize this is on one level a ridiculous complaint to make about a work of fiction, but I have access to all kinds of meta-fictional material if I want to ponder mind-blowing questions about the nature of reality and induce an existential crisis, you know? That’s not why I watch c-dramas, especially ones marketed as rom-coms. 

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Of course, like the pathetic dog I am, I’ll watch the darn epilogue. I’d even pay to see it earlier if that were an option. I just need some closure here…


ETA: I feel like I can’t even go back and watch all the sweet moments for comfort because I won’t be able to see them as real. I’m really having a hard time with this…:bawling:  .

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So the director is saying it’s all a dream and when we wake up we still feel the emotions Basically it’s all how we interpret it how am I going to rewatch this drama 

This drama has a criminal record in my freakin heart I still love the two leads no matter what the outcome is 

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whew it took me a while to read everyone's posts, but i loved every moment and thought. welcome, everyone!! and thanks for sharing ♡ prepare for my long post as usual lol


huge thanks to @WinCee @SC2019 and others (if i forgot you I'm sorry ><) for the summaries/translations!! I'll read them later lol......but i just wanna add that omggggggggggg SEEING XY SMILE SO MUCH AND SAY ALL THOSE SWEET SWEET LINES IS TOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR MY POOR LIL HEART his eyes are full of love omg the way he looks at her is sooooo heckin sweet and gentle eeeEEEEE I CAN'T XD


@Aneesa Cassiem i agree x( no more drama pleeeaassseee and yeah altho i wouldn't mind a compilation of bts scenes, I'd still much rather prefer a proper ending


9 hours ago, enzek said:

If it one extra episode then it make sense but 6 extra episodes kind of stretch. I mean the extra scenes that they cut out must be only about 10-20 minutes. Don't tell me that in order to earn more money MangoTV divided each one of the six episodes next week about 3-4 minutes long LOOL

ohmygoodness...i never thought about this :O if they do split one episode into 6 parts I would be soooooo frustrated haha even more than i already am!!! but honestly if that Does happen i wouldn't..be too surprised lol...they're money-greedy peopl


7 hours ago, WinCee said:

CY : Why are you looking at me with big eyes, do you want a kiss?

XY : nod yes!!

ohhhhhhhh gosh GENERAL IM TOO SHY his facial expression........i LOVE how his character developed into someone so open to expressing his love ♡__♡


@hmrhn omg TT___TT XC is one of my favorite characters in this drama.....his love for CY is so strong and pure..i admire his strength and his genuinely thoughtful and kind and gentle traits...I'll probably cry at that scene too :(( i cry easily lol but i did also cry when he was refusing to see CY and was talking to the general in his palace..that was when he needed to be away from CY to sort out his feelings....i think that scene was so incredibly heartbreaking and i was able to see how caring he is, and how he always and only wants the best for her. he is so selfless and he always supports/protects her in such a beautiful way. even if ppl disagree w some of his actions or thoughts, i still really love and support him bc he's so sincere and respectful ;__;


1 hour ago, BreezeC said:

My opinion is to leave the ending with CY waking up, at least we may be unsatisfied but then we will be given the option to pay for the happy lovey dovey "epilogue"... Instead it felt like we are forced to pay extra because they cut it off like a bad/open ending and now we HAD to pay to watch the actual ending...boy...businesses and their money making strategy...

thank you for sharing this info.......so interesting to know, and so sad that they're doing us all dirty, esp members who pay and everyone directly involved with producing the drama :// i agree with you to leave the ending with CY waking up...bc it's also an "ending" and then we have the option to watch an epilogue if we want..since that's the whole point of an epilogue right? an epilogue should just be bonus ending scenes..not the Actual ending itself sigh.....  anyway i think the majority of us are in the same boat as you! we're just frustrated with the broadcasting station side - the drama itself including the director, writer, all staff members, and casts are all amazing and wonderful. for this drama in particular, i really felt like the people behind this drama worked hard to express their genuine feelings..through the presentation of the drama and its storyline, i could really feel the care and love of everyone q___q 


but omg!!! i didn't know ZYC had a q&a session after the drama ended!!!!!!! he is so sweet and humble, he really impresses me the more i get to know him.....anyway I'm really looking forward to what you post when you come back from thinking about it haha esp bc it might answer the questions i had in my post when i was wondering why in the beginning the kiddos were calling XY as Mr. GuanShan...

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Are we being emotionally manipulated by Mango to pay more for the epilogue? Very likely. I didn't realize it was them that started the "early access" VIP trend. It's pretty despicable to end the show like this, whule dangling a happy ending but with conditions,, but what can we do? Does anyone find it funny that their message is basically more money will bring about a happy ending?  JK, I'm just a bit bitter. I'm actually paying for VIP even though the subs suck, but to me it's about supporting the work of the production crew and showing that they have value, esp. productions like these,  I wish for more dramas with this kind of heart.


Even though my hearts says that CY and XY and all our beloved TSP characters deserve happiness (except the Emperor, Consort Su, NX and Marquis Beize) I can understand why this ending works. Logically, life is not a fairy tail, you'll loose the people you love, and life is not fair, sometimes the people who deserve a happy ending don't get it. The ending doesn't  subtract how much I still love this drama, in time I might even grow to accept and understand it better even if the epilogue continues to leave it open ended. There's so much that I miss from not having good subs, but from what I have been able to understand it still leaves a good impression; the acting is top tier, the sadness, turmoil, and angst is realistic, the sweetness is short, but lingers. Maybe there's a little bitterness now, but it will get better. I have you all to share in the joy and pain too!


I hope CY wakes up, I would be lying if I said I would not be disappointed if she did not wake up. We all feel like they gave us the feeling that XY was her cure, right? XM helped cure her loneliness, with his stories, and XY made her wishes come true: falling in love, and sleeping at night. If anything, I have faith in XY to be able to wake her, the curse is no match for his menacing killing aura (lol)!

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