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[Drama 2020/2021] Queen Cheorin/Mr. Queen, 철인왕후


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@enzek This comparison with Ariel... i 'm sold. 


I think both actors are amazing, and both have interesting characters to work with. Of course, being a woman who is really a man has the advantage, but idk maybe these reviewers are watching a different series or live only for drama. I can't deal with people who try to do this, it's like they want to ruin the fun. 

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I love the way our king touch his queen's hairpin.


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12 hours ago, louisawatson said:

I only watched to ep 4 right now.

I was reading that popular review site while watching, but the reviewer and commenters don't seem to get it. Most of them only praise Shin Hye Sun's acting. I even saw some of them saying other actors are bad at acting. I'm so pissed.


They also even only see from the female lead (male lead)'s point of view and refused to see from King's point of view. I didn't see them being mad at Kim's clan, but they couldn't stomach king and his brothers. They actually were pissed that King and his brothers think Kim clan people are all bad. Did they not watch the drama?


The drama nonstop both showed and told that Kim clan is overpowered and very corrupted. So-Yong obviously became queen through Kim clan's power. Kim clan all have high positions in palace secretly doing crimes. When you're Kim clan, everybody lets you do anything. Kim clan can go and leave the palace anytime as they wish and nobody will say anything. Kim clan grand dowager queen basically controls the king right now.


The ep 4! that episode basically showed why King and his brothers think every Kim clan people are evil! But what did commenters say? "King and concubine scene was so boring. it was dullest moment of the drama." Seriously? The only Kim clan who interfered was not even actually Kim clan, but Jang Bong Hwan!


But all the comments are like "I don't trust the King. I'm not sure I like the King." I could understand being suspicious of concubine because she's linking to the mystery, but the King? oh, because she's the wife? The husband should protect the wife and not harm her? King was worried that his wife was planning to kill him! King was worried that his wife was going to plan something that not only hurt him, but all others who he loves! Because she has connection, which King lacks!


Then we have scenes that King deeply regretted his decision. Even though King is in disadvantage, as we see later with how he could not protect his concubine, he decided to trust in queen. But reviewer and commenters are like "I don't get the scene. what is this scene for? It's too late, you already tried to kill your wife." 


I'm so frustrated. I'm not going to read the review anymore. I'm just going to finish watching the remaining episodes.


Just don't care about those comments.


The most important is local audience love BOTH Shin Hye Sun and Kim Jung Hyun performances and their chemistry in this drama. I also had read bit translation on twitter of Korean articles praising Kim Jung Hyun acting skill for Cheoljong's dual character.


Our queen praises for our kingB)

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Hail to the king!


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Can't wait for their date scene in this week:wub:

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My favorite recent bts pic of Mr Queen so far

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1 hour ago, enzek said:

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I love the way our king touch his queen's hairpin.

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Just don't care about those comments.


The most important is local audience love BOTH Shin Hye Sun and Kim Jung Hyun performances and their chemistry in this drama. I also had read bit translation on twitter of Korean articles praising Kim Jung Hyun acting skill for Cheoljong's dual character.


Our queen praises for our kingB)

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Hail to the king!

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Can't wait for their date scene in this week:wub:

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My favorite recent bts pic of Mr Queen so far

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just ignore negative and immature comments... I dont agree with them.. I understand why he did that, still he did not want yo do it unless it is really necessary. Thats why he choose to wait n see how the queen react.. I cant wait to see this drama.. I watched the original series which make me anxious to watch the korean version of it.. I dont even want to start watching untill the whole drama is complete...coz i hate the waiting part...one week is too long.. And sometimes due to stg the drama csnnot be aired..i experience it b4.. So, i really want to wait but ended up watching it anyway.. Now im in that agony... This forum somehow relief that pain abit...

Lets enjoy the drama...

Edited by Jillia
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8 hours ago, LRM11219311 said:

Hi! I'm new here at Mr. Queen forum. I just started watching the drama today and I'm so hooked already. I can't  wait for the new episodes to be release on sat-sun. For me, the Queen and the chef have one soul but different body and timeline that's way their actions were very different but their thoughts were a little bit similar. 

She was Sa Hye Jun's ex girlfriend on Record of Youth. I also hated her on that drama but She's really a good actress. 

Hi and welcome to the thread! :)

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9 hours ago, sw33tm3lody said:

Ignore them. What matters is that Kim Jung Hyun is receiving a lot of praise from the media & most of the audience. There's one article that calls him "irreplaceable presence" and every time an episode ends, there are at least 2 articles about his excellent acting. There will always be people who don't like his acting style or his characters, but that's never kept him from making the majority of viewers fall in love with his roles. 


Honestly, SHS plays the titular character, so yeah, she's the main focus of the story and the one that shines the most. If the titular character was outshined by another character that wouldn't be a good sign for the drama. It's great that the two of them are getting a lot of recognition and praise. Everything needs to remain balanced if we want the drama to continue flourishing. Personally, I think the two of them are A+ outstanding actors with a very promising future, and that's the only thing that matters. 


Yes, I should just ignore them. I'm glad he's getting praised. I hope all the actors and actresses are getting praised because they are all wonderful.

yeah, i agree that she should get most praised. like you said, she's THE protagonist. but there were so many comments saying "she's carrying the whole show! Other actors can't compare to her! Those other actors are not good at acting." As if she's the only one who's doing the good job. That pissed me off.


But yeah, I should just ignore them. Thanks.



3 hours ago, enzek said:

Just don't care about those comments.


The most important is local audience love BOTH Shin Hye Sun and Kim Jung Hyun performances and their chemistry in this drama. I also had read bit translation on twitter of Korean articles praising Kim Jung Hyun acting skill for Cheoljong's dual character.


Our queen praises for our kingB)


Yeah, Thanks. I shouldn't care about them. i'm glad local audiences love both of them!

That's sweet of Shin Hye Sun to praise him! 


3 hours ago, Noor Hasliza Zakaria said:

Thats why he choose to wait n see how the queen react.. I cant wait to see this drama.. I watched the original series which make me anxious to watch the korean version of it..


I heard the korean one is completely different except for whole body time skip? Is that true? Or is it still similar like Scarlet Heart Moon Lovers? That drama was somewhat similar yet different from the original.

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I finally finished watching the whole episodes! 


There goes my hope for happy king poly ending. I could still hope for happy Hong Yeon poly ending, but i think it will ends up just being Hong Yeon and Hong Byeol Gam.

I really like Hong Byeol Gam's character. It's been awhile since I saw "average" looking guy who acts funny and ridiculous, but it's actually mostly façade, and is very talented and can focus on his work. I love that the drama actually portray him very appealing and competent, even giving him a secret admirer.


It's funny to see the similarities between Kim Byeong In and Prince Yeong Phyeong, though prince definitely has more chivalry with king's concubine than Kim with king's queen. Then again, So Yong did let him kiss. still, i like that both tried to contain themselves. I like their stubborn serious personalities with their complex love. I just hope they don't go farther if women don't show any interest, and don't go to evil side just because of their feelings for women. I'm afraid that they will though. 


It's ridiculous to see everybody having crush on each other, but it's comedy after all. So is it romantic comedy? It feels like it. 


Hopefully soon, King will decide that queen will be his ally, and tell her the truth of his planning to get rid of corrupted Kim clan. But i do understand why he doesn't immediately say it because it's hard to go against your own family. besides if he did tell her, Jang Bong Hwan probably will betray the king since he wants to side with grand dowager queen. And since the queen herself is hiding a secret from the king, i guess it evens out.


I HAVE A THEORY that Kim So Yong and Jang Bong Hwan's two souls are currently fusing together after that lake kiss between them. That's why they didn't exchange the bodies, but sharing it. So when the soul was in Jang Bong Hwan's body, the queen didn't return. However, chef's body is too greatly physically damaged for the soul to take control of the body. The only reason why Jang Bong Hwan is dominant is because he has a will to live while So Yong doesn't. Body memories can be recovered, but that does not give you feelings. Jang Bong Hwan continues to feel feelings for the king because of his soul is fused with So Yong's soul (her feelings).


I like this theory because it's the best way to not throw away both So Yong and Jang Bong Hwan. If king ever falls in love with the queen (which he kind of already is), it's obvious that he's going to be in love with this new version instead of original So Yong. If the drama just brings back So Yong and somehow says that they lived happily ever after, i'm going to scream.


So Yong and Jang Bong Hwan seems to each possess what other needs, but doesn't have. Kim So Yong being smart and having great etiquette including kindhearted, while Jang Bong Hwan having high self-esteem and self-confidence including bravery. When their souls fuse together, they will complete each other, therefore the new soul or new Jang Bong Hwan will both fight against evil of Joseon and Modern era.


I know that the drama will definitely go back to modern era to solve the modern politic problem, but probably at the end when So Yong's smart and etiquette have definitely integrated into new Jang Bong Hwan.


It's ridiculous but i'm hoping that later new Jang Bong Hwan can change the bodies at will, so that he doesn't have to leave anyone behind, especially king and Jang Bong Hwan's mother.



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7 hours ago, aisling said:

If So Yong and Cheoljong lived in the modern times. My eyes are burning from too much hotness :glasses: 


Now, it’s too bad the drama isn’t rated for 18+ LOL. Look what we’ll be missing.


source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CJqbxV_JFRH/?igshid=1d0366xqjs74o


OMG, their visual is just out of this world tho! I wish they had a magazine cover photoshoot together, imagine the content that we will get! :evilelmo:

Edited by Jillia
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i just have this 3 thoughts currently while waiting for the next episode

1. the king wouldn't have paid attention to the real soyong. it was only because she was sobong that he starts to find her interesting.. if things were to go back to the original state, the king may not have loved the original soyong persona.. unless their childhood is a wild card that changes everything.. 

2. if sobong were to stay, it will be equally troubling if she were to fall in love with the king (granted the soyong in her loves the king) because bong definitely doesn't identify himself as a gay.. so i'm really interested to see how they can make all this come together. 

3. if sobong stays, will (s)he change history by becoming his ally if (s)he really did fall in love with the king? if they joined forces, king cheoljong may go down in history as a good king who managed to subjugate the corrupt kim clan and not the useless king in the original bong universe

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7 hours ago, aisling said:

If So Yong and Cheoljong lived in the modern times. My eyes are burning from too much hotness :glasses: 


Now, it’s too bad the drama isn’t rated for 18+ LOL. Look what we’ll be missing.


Thank you for the royal hotness pic!

Even with this 13+ their chemistry is already sizzling, if it 18+ I might get heart attack:D

I like this modern pic for them too:wub:

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Some gif for the king fan club members


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For some people that confused about this:

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2 hours ago, YongZura⁷ᴮᴱ said:

Loving the colours of their hanbok

argh both of them are so stunning in those hanboks. 


also for the sake of my sanity i need to stop staring at kim junghyun in that purple hanbok ;A;


the video from the tweet @enzek posted!



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Waiting the whole week for new episodes is a torture. I’m not even kidding. I wake up and think about Mr Queen. Every minute of free time I have I check Soompi or other platforms for any updates. I’m impatiently counting every hour till Saturday. Sigh. Tell me I’m not the only one obsessing over Mr Queen?

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I haven't watched a sageuk in a while (Kingdom was prob the most recent one), but I always found it interesting that while European royals had mistresses and illegitimate children, it was usually frowned upon. However, in Joseon, kings be having concubines and multiple children like nobody's business lmao AND it was encouraged

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56 minutes ago, aisling said:

Tell me I’m not the only one obsessing over Mr Queen?

hi5... i'm here listening to "here i am" on loop and i dreamt of mr queen last night cos i am thinking about it so much :criesariver: we're not even halfway through the drama coME ON SOBS

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5 hours ago, kwayteow_mama said:

i just have this 3 thoughts currently while waiting for the next episode

1. the king wouldn't have paid attention to the real soyong. it was only because she was sobong that he starts to find her interesting.. if things were to go back to the original state, the king may not have loved the original soyong persona.. unless their childhood is a wild card that changes everything.. 

2. if sobong were to stay, it will be equally troubling if she were to fall in love with the king (granted the soyong in her loves the king) because bong definitely doesn't identify himself as a gay.. so i'm really interested to see how they can make all this come together. 

3. if sobong stays, will (s)he change history by becoming his ally if (s)he really did fall in love with the king? if they joined forces, king cheoljong may go down in history as a good king who managed to subjugate the corrupt kim clan and not the useless king in the original bong universe


1. true, that's why i would scream if they will bring original So Yong and suddenly say they lived happily ever together. I think another drama did this? Oh My Ghost?


2. If it is correct that both Kim So Yong and Jang Bong Hwan's souls fuse together, this new version might become bisexual. i guess it makes sense in a "fantasy" sense. Then i guess the new version will also be comfortable with being both genders. in the end, this new version will truly become So Bong, either yet neither of them. I just hope the drama shows the scene where Bong Hwan accepts it and become comfortable with it. I know it's comedy, but still that scene is important if i'm correct that they will fuse together to become one.


3. i believe this is given. this is a fantasy drama after all and drama keeps saying it's different from real history. CheolJong is portrayed to be a secret rebel who wants to overthrow overpowered Kim clan. Yeah, the history will change and Kim clan will lose their power. I think drama won't kill all the Kim clan though. I still have hope for Kim Byeong In and Kim Hwan. Also, if drama wants to keep queen in the position, killing all the kim clan is definitely no.

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13 hours ago, louisawatson said:

I HAVE A THEORY that Kim So Yong and Jang Bong Hwan's two souls are currently fusing together after that lake kiss between them. That's why they didn't exchange the bodies, but sharing it. So when the soul was in Jang Bong Hwan's body, the queen didn't return. However, chef's body is too greatly physically damaged for the soul to take control of the body. The only reason why Jang Bong Hwan is dominant is because he has a will to live while So Yong doesn't. Body memories can be recovered, but that does not give you feelings. Jang Bong Hwan continues to feel feelings for the king because of his soul is fused with So Yong's soul (her feelings).




this is what I thought when I re-watched ep 1. their under water kiss seemed to have deeper meaning than what they showed (i shipped this couple only 3 seconds after they kissed but then cheoljong hit so hard :joy:)


so far there are 2 theories that we can take it; reincarnation or sharing. whatever way they take, i still hoping soyong can come back and show her true self to cheoljong (she deserved it after all), either cheoljong will love her or still love sobong, idc. also, the chef return to his body to give one or two lesson to mr han

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