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[Drama 2020-2021] Hospital Playlist, 슬기로운 의사생활 - Season 1 & 2


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Move aside, all the other ships, I present you my ultimate ship that will sail no matter what and has the ability to endure thunderstorms and rainfall : Do jae hak and Kim Jun wan. I think we should have a ship name for this couple. DoJun?? I think I don't have to worry about my heart breaking if I board this ship. :wub:


I would like to post this picture again because I see too much comparisons...


It's like we don't trust Lee-shin that they don't have any new ideas and they are going to recycle their old tricks. It's not going to be like that. Reply88 is Reply88. Hospital playlist is Hospital playlist. Both very different drama with very different characters. I mean, yeah, i'm anxious too that she will pull something under the rug at the last minute But we all know what we signed up for. So let's just enjoy the ride. LOL. 


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2 hours ago, LovelyLady said:

Plot twist: it wasn't her date but an acquaintance. True, her blind date wasn't cheerful and Gyeo wool just got into a stranger's car without even greeting him. It doesn't fit. Strangely, we didn't see the photo Min-ah showed her.



YES TRUE! He may not be her date! He gave somewhat cold-shoulder look to JW like he knew something about them haha. The date could've never come true but they trolled us again with the same black-colored car. -_-


My question though, did Shin PD/Lee writer-nim actually reveal the truth behind all those crumbs the viewers analyzed after Reply series ended? I binged-watching all their previous works and never got involved with all the amazing theories and analysis we've been talking before.

Edited by babyolala
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YES!!! ^_^ The overarching theme of journey and growth mentioned by a lot of you (and wonderfully articulated in @40somethingahjumma’s posts) really draws us as viewers! I agree that the romance aspect is an integral part of this. Probably why all 5 and the other possible love interests are single/divorced when some of the characters could’ve been in a happy relationship. The drama puts a heavy emphasis on social dynamics not just with their friends and romantic interests but also in relation to the medical profession.


And I think the charm is in how the drama shows that the journey never stops. Even for our lacking 5 who are in their 40s and are well-established in their fields, their journey for growth continues, more-so for our residents who are younger and are still learning the ropes.

I think this is how Hospital Playlist differs from the Reply series, which already has an “end” but takes us back to how it came to be. On the other hand, Hospital Playlist shows us that yes they have a past, but from hereon out a lot of things can happen (*fingers crossed* around 2 more seasons worth to be exact.) :lol: I can tell this is going to be slow-burn but we’re in for a ride:wub:

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@40somethingahjumma Your posts make me think a lot to the point of overthinking and overanalyzing actually. But that is the fun of watching ongoing drama, right? 


Now that i think about it, JW seems to use his aspiration to be priest as way to escape from overbearing burden he has whenever he loses his patient. And as you said, this time when he finally proceed with it, it could be because he wants to runaway from his feelings towards GW. This could be a stretch, but i find it reasonable, because he truly loves being a doctor, which can be seen through his happy expression whenever he sees his patients, so why does he insist in becoming a priest so much when he can save life by being a doctor which is as noble as being a priest? He can serve God by becoming a doctor, it's not limited to being a priest, isn't it?


2 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Yulje Medical Centre is blessed to have two such good men running the show. But they are both older men and there needs to be others who can step up to the plate to ensure that Yulje survives beyond the next few years. The chairman seems to have a lot of health problems lately so someone will have to take over sooner rather than later.


I have a suspicion that this is what the WinterGarden dynamic is partly about. I don't know for certain but it's a suspicion that I've had for a while. At the very least WinterGarden is a journey... not necessarily the destination. Again, it's only a shot in the dark based on what I've seen so far. But I think the Catholic side of Jeong-won is absolutely key in understanding this dynamic. Very very important. Afterall he has a little statue of Mary on his desk. 



And again your post today makes me lost in my thoughts. I'm curious about what you mean by that, especially the highlighted part.


As the son of the previous chairman, it is expected for JW to take the responsibility of managing Yulje someday in the future. Does it mean that JW needs to grow through this journey in a vehicle called romance in order to reach his destination taking charge of Yulje?

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4 hours ago, LovelyLady said:

Plot twist: it wasn't her date but an acquaintance. True, her blind date wasn't cheerful and Gyeo wool just got into a stranger's car without even greeting him. It doesn't fit. Strangely, we didn't see the photo Min-ah showed her.


Hi I've been lurking for quite some days now, and I just couldn't stay away. 


As for your observation about GW's date bothered me too. I was rewatching the previous episodes and realized who it was. It was the GS itern from ep 3 who was with GW at the cafe and ep 6 who was fanboying over Goo Ara. 






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1 hour ago, bee_wannabe said:



Now that i think about it, JW seems to use his aspiration to be priest as way to escape from overbearing burden he has whenever he loses his patient. And as you said, this time when he finally proceed with it, it could be because he wants to runaway from his feelings towards GW. This could be a stretch, but i find it reasonable, because he truly loves being a doctor, which can be seen through his happy expression whenever he sees his patients, so why does he insist in becoming a priest so much when he can save life by being a doctor which is as noble as being a priest? He can serve God by becoming a doctor, it's not limited to being a priest, isn't it?


That's what I've said many many times on this thread. :D And yes, I think he is using his aspiration to be a priest to run away and escape again. I've always suspected that and after Episode 8, I'm almost sure of it.


My feeling is that God is telling him the same thing that all of us have been saying now for the past 8 weeks: It's okay to stay being a doctor and it's okay to not live a life of celibacy. It's not for everyone. ;)


But my thing is that he is the youngest of 5 children. The baby of the family. And the person he went to for advice and consolation was his oldest brother... not his dad. So the person he looks up to was his priest brother. So it's not surprising that he had that aspiration in the first place because the oldest brother was his role model. I'm not sure what kind of relationship he had with his own father but I can't imagine they were very close. 


1 hour ago, bee_wannabe said:


As the son of the previous chairman, it is expected for JW to take the responsibility of managing Yulje someday in the future. Does it mean that JW needs to grow through this journey in a vehicle called romance in order to reach his destination taking charge of Yulje?


I didn't want to go into it too much because I am not sure. These are just suspicions I have.


However to answer your question: Yes, that's what I suspect. I'm not certain of it but it's definitely what I think. Because it's a 36 episodes drama I think it is quite possible. If we're talking by the end of 12 episodes... I'd say it's unlikely.


To answer the question about the highlighted bit: (I'll put it under spoiler tags because I don't know if they are potentially spoilery or I've just gone insane)




This is my theory for whatever it is worth...

Jeong-won has always believed deep down that the priesthood is his endgame. That one day he would become a priest and so far he has been able to avoid getting involved with any woman romantically. Consequently he believes that the priesthood is where he's headed... or where God wants him to be. He's never been interested in any girl/woman enough to abandon that idea. Not even Song-hwa.


On the day he saw GU in the ER picking maggots off the homeless man's leg, something happened to him internally. He may have started to think of her differently or even developed feelings for her. But because he thinks he is supposed to be a priest, he decides he can't really be interested in her and applies to go to seminary. He thinks by doing this he can avoid his feelings from developing further. All this time, however, not knowing that she was crushing on him. In this way, he doesn't need to worry about falling for her completely because his eye is fixed on the priesthood.



My opinion (I stress that it's just my opinion) is that when Gyeo-ul asked him to go out to dinner with him alone, he realised that she actually likes him. He understood I think what she was saying indirectly. It's usually not a problem because a lot of women like Jeong-won and he's not interested in them so he just goes out with them anyway. It's water off a duck's back. There's no meaning in it apart from a social activity. It's interesting that the show takes great pains to tell us that.


But because it is her, it unsettled him greatly... now this is not a one-sided thing at all. 1) He would have to reject her feelings for him and hurt her 2) He would be tempted to change his mind about becoming a priest and sin against God because of a woman. He's not necessarily sure that he wants to outright reject her either so he lies. So like a misguided teenage boy, he freezes her out and practices avoidance.

That's what I meant when I said "conflicted". 

Just think about what Ik-jun would have said if he had been in that position and you'll understand where I'm coming from.


So everything's become awkward because the temptation is real. He really does like her. If he didn't there would be no conflict, no temptation and no awkwardness. He doesn't want to do anything or show any kind of behaviour that gives her the slightest hint that her feelings are reciprocated. In a way, it's to protect her. To prevent her from liking him further. And to protect both of them from future heartache.


If you press me to say what he was really thinking when she drove off in the black SUV, I'd say he was sorry, maybe a little envious. because he would like to be sitting in that car where the other guy was. To be in that other guy's position metaphorically and spatially. ;) To be able to have that kind of relationship with her. For one brief moment he allowed himself to imagine that scenario.


Just my 2 cents...

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6 minutes ago, superspace said:

thank you @im0202 for translating HP bingo games.

Is it OK if i use it in my Instagram account? :D


Yeah sure go ahead! Have fun!:D

Post your results here too hahaha.

This is mine: (only triple bingo, I’m sure some of you will have more lol)


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1 hour ago, Kzealot said:

As for your observation about GW's date bothered me too. I was rewatching the previous episodes and realized who it was. It was the GS itern from ep 3 who was with GW at the cafe and ep 6 who was fanboying over Goo Ara. 

Is that the same person? I don't think so because it looks that the first and second one has thicker eyebrows than the third one.

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1 hour ago, Kzealot said:

I was rewatching the previous episodes and realized who it was. It was the GS itern from ep 3 who was with GW at the cafe and ep 6 who was fanboying over Goo Ara. 

They’re not the same person when you look more closely. The eyes, nose and ears are not the same. Besides, a GS intern of same hospital will not dare to look at JW like that. 

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My IkSong heart dies whenever I see how “uncool” Ikjun is when looking at SongHwa. For someone who’s chill and confident most of the time, he can be really awkward :lol:






C’mon, man!!! Time to make a move!!!:joy:


Still bothered about SongHwa though. How come she’s too perfect? Not necessarily a bad thing but I wanna see some conflict. I’m sure there’s still a lot we don’t know about her HAHA

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Just my 2 cents.

I think this is the same date mentioned by Minha and not an acquaintance because the same car model & colour mentioned by Minha can't be a coincidence.

                     The weird look at the boy face is just pure out of jealousy you know a guy become jealous when he see his center of interest with another guy, that kind of jealousy &  he is assuming JeongWon as a potential threat because ,of course he can clearly see how handsome JeongWon is. Any guy would feel threatened & would look at him as an opponent in love game.

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