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[Drama 2019] Voice 3, 보이스3


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10 hours to go to final eps for Voice 3. Though i am not ready for farewell, just hope that the writer will wrapping the story nicely.


Some of my thoughts about last night eps. Kaneki is Kang-woo's brother. We guessed it right, friends. Someone with Personality disorder, is not Kang-woo but his brother. Their father seems to know it. Tbh, i still dont understand why they said that Kang-woo's brother died because of leukimia. Or its just his father/parents way "to save" him and his mother after Miho's death. 


After Miho's death, Kang-woo's father being prisoned, he and his mom came back to Korea, and Kaneki must be sent to mental hospital where Keiko work as phychiatrist. The real Kaneki died in a fire accident. (Fake Kaneki the culprit?). Then, somehow Keiko adopted him, and made him like the real Kaneki Masayuki.


Im happy that they moved as a team again. The last show will take a place on our legendary psycho hideout. Hope GTT prepare a lot of scenario. Back up team plan B or something. I dont want to see another death from police force. And for some reason, that place is a place where our hero got victory in many dramas. Hope in Voice too. We will see GTT win the game.


And for my shipper heart. Happy for me. Hha... though Kang-woo and Kwon-joo's scene not really a happy scene to watch. I just like their moment together. Trying to open their heart, listening to each other, and understanding each other pain. Though not in romantic way. Its too much to ask a romance, hoping they will be safe is enough for me. Both sick persons should get treatment after this. 


Ahh... for some reasons, I am still doubting Officer Jin. Last night eps, they shot his finger again. It really disturbing me. Like something special. Hope my guess wrong. So there is no betrayer inside the police force.

See you tonight friends.

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After watching the sub,

I can confirm now that the report about KW was once diagnosed with "possible antisocial personality disorder" was indeed  laid out on purpose by someone (maybe Kaneki himself, maybe his other minions running the dark web) on the net to be traced by that cyber guy. The original document actually said it was KW's brother diagnosis received by their father. 

Either Kaneki Keiko tampered with the document when she adopted Jong Woo, or it was Kaneki himself faked the details on the documents and bait the cyber guy (the possibility that the cyber guy is the mole is still open). 


(Apparently the documents stated both KW and JW were diagnosed with the same possibility for antisocial personality disorder. Refer to my next post :sweatingbullets:


Yeah, what did I said. Keiko immense sadness over her son's death caused her emotionally unstable and depressed. So, something makes JW reminded her of her son, regardless whether the behaviors or demeanor was deliberately act out by JW or not. 


So, the one who was killed by anti-Koreans was just another person with the same name, while his brother was actually sent to the psychiatric centre receiving treatment (which KW's father told KW about). However, I have a little bit complain about how the directing (or was it the writer) lining up the chronology. It was a bit messy to me. 


KW's and JW's shirt was the same (this is confusing as hell) when they played badminton, when Miho was murdered and KW catching the butterfly and his brother want to preserve it as specimen.Previously, when their father was caught by the police on the day Miho was found, KW's brother was still with them. Moreover, JW was the one who killed Miho. But then, the diagnosis came in when the father was still there though, where his father told KW that his brother will be treated at the hospital for a long time (there were already preserved butterfly lining up behind KW). Then, when his father who was in jail was given a day leave to supposedly give JW blood donation, he escaped and gunned down by sniper. After that, their mother only brought KW to Korea, leaving JW behind in Japan. JW was already nowhere to be seen during his father trials and there were only his mother and KW when the Japanese cursing and beating his mother. 


Hmmm... after trying to understand all these fragments of memories and randomly flashback over the episode, here's the chronology I could make out from the events being told and making sense out of it:


Before Miho's murder:


1) JW must have been behaving strangely and something about him bothered their parents. Maybe they have been receiving complains of his creepy behaviors. Maybe they have witnessed JW been cutting animals' parts. So, his father must've have brought JW to see psychiatrist at that time and received those diagnosis and was advised to admit JW to the treatment center. When he read the diagnosis and worry over it, that's when KW came in showing him off with the butterfly specimen his brother preserved for him, and told his father he want to be an entomologist. Kaneki must've deliberately put that butterfly on his table to gauge some memories from KW.  


2) JW was hospitalized, highly likely at the psychiatric treatment center where Kaneki Keiko worked at and she was the psychiatrist in-charge of him. That's when KW's father told him about his brother hospitalization. I think their mother knew about the truth too. 


The day Miho was murdered:


1) JW was home after hospitalized for quite some time.


2) KW catched a butterfly on his own (He was wearing the blue striped shirt, so this is happening the same day of Miho's murder). KW bragged to his brother about the beautiful butterfly he caught. Then his brother want to preserve the butterfly for him and put it at the center among all the other butterfly specimens.


3) Then he played badminton with his brother, while their father was pruning the plant and their mother was doing laundry. Tired of the game, KW then threw tantrum not wanting to play anymore. Then, Miho showed up, wanting to play hide-and-seek with KW.


4) KW became the seeker, while Miho went hiding. JW must've learned about Miho's special ability from KW. With his twisted mind, he must've thought KW want the "beautiful ear" and keep it with him, just like those butterflies. He may have followed Miho to the back of the house and choked her.


5) KW finished counting and went to search for Miho. When he went to the back of the house, he found Miho's shoe. KW memories stopped here because his mind shut down the remaining memories. He found his brother choking Miho to death. His brother told him Miho would be forever with him if KW keeps the ear and coerced KW to cut Miho's ear. KW initially refused because Miho said it's hurting. But, JW kept brainwashing him saying that she was not hurting but rather like it and feel the pleasure. Reluctantly, KW cut the ear off. At the same time, Koichi came in searching for Miho, and from where he stands, he only saw KW beside Miho's body while JW was blocked from his view (maybe by some plants). So, since then, KW was the one who actually murdered Miho from Koichi's perspective. 


6) Their father perhaps heard Koichi's scream and ran to the backyard, only to find Miho was already mutilated. His father knew this was not KW's doing, but it was JW's. 


7) Perhaps to protect both of the brothers, KW's father threw Miho's body into the well and hide the star patterned box under the tatami. 


8) Miho's body was found at the night in the well and KW's father was caught claiming it was him who did it. JW was still seen with their mother and KW when their father was caught (refer to Season 2).


During KW's father trials and escape:


1) Only KW was seen with his mother, enduring with the abuse and beating from the Japanese villagers. I think, JW was already sent back to the psychiatric center by his mother (perhaps under her husband's order before he was caught). The document about JW's hospitalization due to Leukemia possibly faked during this period (not sure how though), enabling their father to receive a leave day on the pretension to donate blood for his sick eldest son.


2) While on the leave, I think their father did something to fake JW's death, and tried to leave with him or run away to Korea with his family. He then gunned down by sniper when he tried to run away (may be in middle of doing something or arrangement for his family escape). This period was the most ambiguous and just a speculation basis because there was no flashback for this period of his father escape and arranging for JW's death. So, JW was still at the center receiving psychiatric treatment when his father was gunned down. The news of someone with similar name being killed by anti-Koreans possibly rushed their mother to run away to Korea with KW, leaving JW behind. She may not have intentionally leaving JW behind. OR she did knowing that it was JW who killed Miho. 


3) During all this mess, KW must be very confused of what happening where everyone view it as a big crime contradicts to what his brother told him, or rather, brainwashed him. The immense shock from all the events caused his mind shutting down all the bad memories and the part what his brother did to Miho. This caused the change in his bright personality to someone cynical, isolating himself from others and refused to form any bond with people. Until he joined GTT.



Then, JW was adopted into Kaneki family. 

Hmmm.. with all the money and power,  he's unstoppable.

His elaborated pretense makes me goosebump all over! :confounded: 

I can't imagine how many others (and animals) have been mutilated over the past 20+ years. :scream:



I hope today's episode wrap up nicely KW's arc.

I too, don't want to see another death.


I hope KJ and KW work out something together beforehand to not fall into Kaneki's trap when they search for him in his studio. The preview looks like center lost contact with KJ.

I am thinking the possibility that Kaneki will use that recording of his to lure KJ.

I don't want to imagine about it, but it is possible that KJ will be used by Kaneki as his shield and perhaps his last attempt to bring KW to his side, reenacting the same scenario during Miho's murder. KJ's ear was his ultimate aim. 

Kaneki must've thought KW still that boy whom he can easily pull in believing whatever he is spouting about. 

Huh! Dream on!

I pray for DAEBAK episode tonight!


See you guys tonight! :kiss:



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Oh Geez! I just rewind the part when their father read the diagnosis again and decrease the speed carefully read both documents. (I suddenly thought why there are 2 documents shown)

Apparently, both JW and KW were diagnosed with the same possibility of antisocial personality disorder! :scream:

The document was not faked at all!

So, I think the cyber guy (Agent's Park Senior) can be released from the suspicion as a mole now! I am sorry sunbae!

His brother's condition a lot more worsened at that time considering the 6 years difference in age between them.

This makes me wonder, is it common from psychiatric perspective that normal parents could give birth to two children with similar disorder? :blink: Someone please enlighten me. :blink:



@sushilicious   emmm... 10 seconds maybe this time around? :tounge_xd:

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I just watched ep15. 


As we all guessed right that Kaneki is KW brother. That's why he was tormenting KW from S2 through BJS and now too. But why he didn't approach KW in the first place, I don't know why. KW thought his brother was dead from leukemia.

I believed his father could have fake the news that his brother has leukemia to hide that his brother has psychology problem.


Glad to know KW didn't murder Miho but did he cut Miho's ear? His brother has a impact on him as he looked upon his brother. The reason he forgotten his past and the incident because of the trauma. Which cost him to forget everything and he started to have problem himself because of the stress as a police officer to have numerous blackout. 


That one week of blackout he had in Japan was his brother trying to hypnotized him and I think he used the big eye photo for it. That's why he said if KW like the photo of the big eye, he can give him as a gift. I'm sure of it as why KW was intrigued by the big eye when he first saw it at the gallery. 


Kaneki wants KW to join him as a killer and going all the way to make KW crazy. I don't know what is going to happen in the finale. 

It was sad to see the scene of Chief Na funeral. 


Its good to see that GTT are behind KW and willing to work with him and they all knew the truth already. 


Hope KW will be back as a police detective by the end of ep16 and find the truth does he really have psychology problem because of his childhood trauma or he was just hypnotized.. 

2 hours ago, ellelyana88 said:



Oh Geez! I just rewind the part when their father read the diagnosis again and decrease the speed carefully read both documents. (I suddenly thought why there are 2 documents shown)

Apparently, both JW and KW were diagnosed with the same possibility of antisocial personality disorder! :scream:



I'm also wondering too as his father was looking at two documents. 


The question: 

Are the two documents from two different psychiatrist telling about Kaneki's problem or the two documents for the two borthers? 


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2 hours ago, sheelatpsfm said:

The question: 

Are the two documents from two different psychiatrist telling about Kaneki's problem or the two documents for the two borthers? 


The two documents respectively stated that each if the brothers was diagnosed with "possible antisocial personality disorder" by the same psychiatric center. 

You can see from the different birth date.

One is 1977 (JW), the other one is 1982 (KW). 


That's why I was wondering whether it is possible or common for normal parents to give birth to two children with the same disorder possibility. 

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33 minutes ago, ellelyana88 said:

That's why I was wondering whether it is possible or common for normal parents to give birth to two children with the same disorder possibility. 

It is possible but I wouldn't call it a normal occurrence, instead it's quite rare. Besides, many children show antisocial traits but a definitive diagnosis is usually only made after the child hits ~16 to 18 years. Diagnoses such as psychopathy are commonly done after a person fully matures (hits 18) to prevent misdiagnosis while the person is still developing. JW might've been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder as he was older but for KW, he might've picked up some of the traits from his older brother because he must've had the most interactions with and authority  for KW. In the early childhood kids that show antisocial personality traits can get treated. Most of them get and it ends up successful. /in our case it all boils down to nature vs nurture. JW might've been born like that (nature) but KW became like that (nurture) with the 'help' of his brother whom he was constantly in contact with and looked up to. 


More pictures from the wrap up party. How I missed these two smiling


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If I understood the childhood flashbacks rightly, it seems like Jong Woo tried to turn his little brother into a miniature version of himself because he was lonely and wanted a playmate with similar inclinations. :blink: He didn't have too many friends (not surprisingly) but he apparently thought that since they had the same genetic makeup, he could turn his brother into a crazed killer, given time and enough environmental triggers. We have to give him points for persistence. 


He wrecked his brother's life, drove him to the brink of madness, made him an object of derision and ridicule, put him through hell so that his brother would have no place to go but to his side. This gives new meaning to egotism. His idea of brotherly love exceeds even the craziest of kdrama mothers that I've had the misfortune to encounter. 


Obviously he never grew up!  He's in a time warp because he always needed that validation from little bro. It would explain the toy rabbits that he left around the place for KJ. Sure kids collect all kinds of things but ears... yeah... that's a new one.


Well... apparently the moral of the story is... if you can't find friends... make new friends... by turning them into psychotic killers like yourself.


(I am somewhat reminded of the John Fowles' novel The Collector by recent developments)


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5 minutes ago, nateko said:

It is possible but I wouldn't call it a normal occurrence, instead it's quite rare. Besides, many children show antisocial traits but a definitive diagnosis is usually only made after the child hits ~16 to 18 years. Diagnoses such as psychopathy are commonly done after a person fully matures (hits 18) to prevent misdiagnosis while the person is still developing. JW might've been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder as he was older but for KW, he might've picked up some of the traits from his older brother because he must've had the most interactions with and authority  for KW. In the early childhood kids that show antisocial personality traits can get treated. Most of them get and it ends up successful. /in our case it all boils down to nature vs nurture. JW might've been born like that (nature) but KW became like that (nurture) with the 'help' of his brother whom he was constantly in contact with and looked up to. 



Thanks for the clarification! :kiss_wink:

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1 minute ago, sushilicious said:

Kang Woo survives. He is probably at some where where nobody knows him to heal.


The ending open high possibility for season 4.


But I'm tired to see BJS face in next season. Hope they only show him for like 2-3 episodes is enough.


we don't know yet whether the part they show KW looking up the sky means he is alive or it can also be interpreted as he is in heaven now. 


With all the petition to continue season 4, I think OCN would not waste this opportunity.

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