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[Drama 2018] Mr. Sunshine, 미스터 션샤인 - Winner of Critics’ Choice Award for Drama category

Go Seung Ji

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3 hours ago, rubie said:

Hello @pearlynguyen, welcome and thank you so much for your post. I can't help but agree and sigh with you. th_sigh.gif Like @charray, I still can't get over the ending.. it might have just ended at episode 21, in front of the American Legation in Japan. I read and understood both sides of the finale.. the actual ending VS the 'could-have-been.' We have all have watched the drama from Day 1 and grew to understand & bond with the characters, their ups and downs, the strengths as well as the flaws. MR.SUNSHINE achieved the point to show the atrocities of slavery due to the caste system and eventually the harsh occupation of Japan in Korea, unthinkable horrors of war that relate to a lot of other SE Asian countries as well.


In terms of the purpose of the drama, MR.SUNSHINE wins.. hands down. It can never be another drama such as this, it got the history shown as it was for the current generation and others to remember and never forget. Quality-wise, it is lacking nothing. But (to me)  it could not achieve WIN-WIN because for the fictional characters, it could not even get a sensible fictional ending. A sensible ending to all that we have learnt about the character's capability. A sensible ending would make the drama more intriguing to watch. Now, would more people watch a drama with a known sad traumatic ending? Maybe.. not as many it would have attracted if the ending had been something else than downright depressing. @pearlynguyen made a point with the merchandise selling.. right now, listening to the OST will remind us of the ending that should not have been instead.


In the end, Eugene and Ae Shin only had a mission-purpose fake marriage and trendy rings. Ae Shin's parents did better and they died together, fighting.


In the end, Ae Shin could not even attend or visit Eugene's grave because she couldn't set foot in Joseon. It's also not stated on the tombstone that he was ever someone's husband. (If he had jumped back on the same coach as AS, even if he died, it'll be in her arms.. but no, he died in a dark tunnel with the Japanese soldiers battering him with bullets th_sad004.gif).


Hopefully AS would make it in Manchuria as in Joseon she would have no one else to die for her. The response she gave to her grandfather when she chose EC earlier on was that she wanted both of them to live and she should have tried to do that with every options she had. In the end, AS only proved that her grandfather was correct, she'd live alone for the rest of her life instead.


I thought the scene of EC meeting Ahn Chang Ho in New York would mean something more to plan his future with AS fighting from the US.. but in the end, it was just a well-meant cameo.


In the end, what  Kudo HiNa said about EC became true.. that he was a FOOL, indeed. A foolish decision by a capable man.. all after 3 years spending time in jail and thinking about what could have been. th_bricks.gif Yes, I am contradicting my earlier post about his sacrificing act of love.. an instant decision that may not necessarily be the best solution by a man in love.


If we look at this image at the end of episode 3, KES had specifically indicated who would be the last one standing. In the end, she wins.. we lose. th_duh.gif


Thank you @mistymorning for the awards info, one series per channel.. that makes sense. A Baeksang award is a good recognition for the drama but it's still quite awhile to wait. Btw, which movie is LBH filming this month? Is it the one by Inside Men director or the one with Ha Jung Woo, this news doesn't seem confirmed.

Thank you! You pointed out the tombstone that I didn’t even think about and now it makes me feel even sadder. Yes exactly if he died in her arms, we would be disappointed but still feel much better than alone in that dark tunnel and she would never be able to visit his grave. It’s just so cruel.

Edited by Jillia
Please do not quote images, thanks! :)
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Ok hEres my 2cents about the last episode which i might add ive watched it for nth time(still crying a bucket thou)

1. Im still in denial that EC died on that train, I mean He is a Marine for pete sake and an intelligent one, he can come up like 200 options in getting out there alive.

2. AS in Manchuria, i mean come on, she could have go  with EC when he offered her to go in America where they could get better opportunities in helping their cause

3. But sadly our writter is a big fan of Russo Bros. And f*** us up big time like IW, at least IW had a part 2, while MS none

4. Why did she choose to introduced the seamstress in the first place and killed HS after, no sense with that one

Sorry for the long post sunshiners just want to express my disatisfaction of the ending for this amazing drama, now excuse me gonna for  im gonna cry again

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10 hours ago, charray said:


@SeReNiTy  Thanks, your point of view above of  his acknowledging his American status is true too. And it is not so tragic and sad if we look at it that way. 




I have been trying to figure out the last scene where a black bird flew in front of Eugene’s grave. What is the meaning and significance of this scene? What is KES trying to show here? Is it referring to Lord Go acknowledging Eugene being his equal or something? In the scene when he asked Eugene to kill Colonel Mōri before he died, he said that he is still the black bird flying above Eugene.


:sweatingbullets: Ugh.....All these lines with symbolisms to figure out.....Mr Sunshine is definitely not your usual romcom where you can watch with your brain half switched off. Just joking...no offence or meant to be disrespectful to anyone who enjoys romcom.


@charray KES enjoys using symbolism and it's hard to grasp them all! Hence, it's fun watching MS because it's consistently working our brains. :lol: I tried looking up the blackbird symbolism, and my attempt interpretation would be that Grandpa Go meant he'll be "guiding" Eugene to aide Joseon towards freedom/peace. I hope other Sunshiners will chime in for a better interpretation. :D


Another important fact during Eugene's tomb scene is the year 1919, when the Koreans participated in the March 1st Movement. I'm certain that adult Do Mi and his troop participated in this movement. 




Hence, the blackbird shown flying in front of Eugene's tomb. Eugene (in spirit) will be "guiding" the next generation to gain freedom, while picnicking.


3 hours ago, rubie said:

Hello @pearlynguyen, welcome and thank you so much for your post. I can't help but agree and sigh with you. th_sigh.gif Like @charray, I still can't get over the ending.. it might have just ended at episode 21, in front of the American Legation in Japan. I read and understood both sides of the finale.. the actual ending VS the 'could-have-been.' Many of us have watched the drama from Day 1 and grew to understand & bond with the characters, their ups and downs, the strengths as well as the flaws. MR.SUNSHINE achieved the point to show the atrocities of slavery due to the caste system and eventually the harsh occupation of Japan in Korea, unthinkable horrors of war that relate to a lot of other SE Asian countries as well.


In terms of the purpose of the drama, MR.SUNSHINE wins.. hands down. It can never be another drama such as this, it got the history shown as it was for the current generation and others to remember thus never forget. Quality-wise, it is lacking nothing. But (to me)  it could not achieve WIN-WIN because for the fictional characters, it could not even get a sensible fictional ending. A sensible ending to all that we have learnt about the character's capability. A sensible ending would make the drama more intriguing to watch. Now, would more people watch a drama with a known sad traumatic ending? Maybe.. not as many it would have attracted if the ending had been something else than downright depressing. @pearlynguyen made a point with the merchandise selling.. right now, listening to the OST will remind us of the ending that should not have been instead.


Hi @rubie, many thanks to your analysis/contributions and for keeping this thread alive! :wub:


3 hours ago, rubie said:


In the end, Eugene and Ae Shin only had a mission-purpose fake marriage and trendy rings. Ae Shin's parents did better and they died together, fighting.


I believe writer-nim wanted to contrast the scenario between AS and her parents' love story. We got to briefly see their appearance by having newborn AS, and then fighting and dying for Joseon. Although AS and Eugene didn't get to have a family together, we were able to see how their love blossomed, and that is just as rewarding.


3 hours ago, rubie said:


In the end, Ae Shin could not even attend his funeral or visit Eugene's grave because she couldn't set foot in Joseon. It's also not stated on the tombstone that he was ever someone's husband. (If he had jumped back on the same coach as AS, even if he doesn't make it, it'll be in her arms.. but no, he died in a dark tunnel with the Japanese soldiers battering him with bullets th_sad004.gif).


I believe KES wanted the viewers to feel the raw emotions of war. I'm sure many people during that time were not able to revisit their loved ones (dead or alive) that they've left behind. This was previously portrayed at the pawn shop that many people did not return to reclaim their possessions. The scene was simple yet so powerful. :tears:


I've been pondering about the parallelism between Eugene and his mother when it comes to protecting their loved ones and their suicides. They made sure that they protected their loved ones until the very end, leaving no repercussions. :tears:


3 hours ago, rubie said:


Hopefully AS would make it in Manchuria as in Joseon she would have no one else to die for her. The response she gave to her grandfather when she chose EC earlier on was that she wanted both of them to live and she should have tried to do that with every options she had. In the end, AS only proved that her grandfather was correct, she'd live alone for the rest of her life instead.


She really stayed true to her words.


3 hours ago, rubie said:


I thought the scene of EC meeting Ahn Chang Ho in New York would mean something more to plan his future with AS fighting from the US.. but in the end, it was just a well-meant cameo.


I also was hoping to see more of Ahn Chango Ho, because he played such an important role during that period.


3 hours ago, rubie said:


In the end, what  Kudo HiNa said about EC became true.. that he was a FOOL, indeed. A foolish decision by a capable man.. all after 3 years spending time in jail and thinking about what could have been. th_bricks.gif Yes, I am contradicting my earlier post about his sacrificing act of love.. an instant decision that may not necessarily be the best solution by a man in love.


Yes, Hina was spot on about Eugene being a fool... from slipping, eating paper, running laps, losing his uniform, and dying for love.


3 hours ago, rubie said:


If we look at this image at the end of episode 3, KES had specifically indicated who would be the last one standing. In the end, she wins.. we lose. th_duh.gif


Good observation! Also, "sad ending" was repeated throughout the series. Ohh, how we became fools. :lol:

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@Charray that story behind the dyied nails is so cute! 

I have a request for the forum members... anyone could be so nice to write down the dialogue in that scene and put it there? I could only read a recap and I have watched the episode without subtitles, but now I need  to read their dialogue... please! Thank you in advance!

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1 hour ago, marfisa said:

@Charray that story behind the dyied nails is so cute! 

I have a request for the forum members... anyone could be so nice to write down the dialogue in that scene and put it there? I could only read a recap and I have watched the episode without subtitles, but now I need  to read their dialogue... please! Thank you in ad



Hi @marfisa, it's a fairly short dialogue but it's best seen in screen caps with the English subs. I'm sure the nail painting itself is implied, so they didn't need to verbally discuss about its significance. :)









Eugene's smile after the last line. :tears:




Edited by Jillia
Please put more than 3 images/gifs/IGs etc. in spoiler tags, thanks! :)
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@SeReNiTy thanks a lot! I needed it for a little project. :-) This serie got me inspired and I wrote a little one shot fanfic after ten years of inactivity...  today I feel much better, as I could ease my pain for the tragic ending throught the writing... 

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How is everyone doing? 

I trust that all is well and hopefully now recovering from having our hearts battered like that. Obviously I still have a hangover from being shaken to the core as I continue to read, digest and discuss with fellow viewers who continue to share news and their insight on scenes that I may have failed to take note of. 

4 hours ago, SeReNiTy said:

KES enjoys using symbolism and it's hard to grasp them all! Hence, it's fun watching MS because it's consistently working our brains. :lol: I tried looking up the blackbird symbolism, and my attempt interpretation would be that Grandpa Go meant he'll be "guiding" Eugene to aide Joseon towards freedom/peace. I hope other Sunshiners will chime in for a better interpretation

4 hours ago, SeReNiTy said:

Hence, the blackbird shown flying in front of Eugene's tomb. Eugene (in spirit) will be "guiding" the next generation to gain freedom


I like this interpretation! I was wondering what that blackbird flying over Eugene's grave too. This seems like an appropriate description given it was shown on the last scene with Domi dressed as a soldier with his comrades. 

4 hours ago, SeReNiTy said:


Yes, Hina was spot on about Eugene being a fool... from slipping, eating paper, running laps, losing his uniform, and dying for love.

This comment was too funny and so spot on im literally laughing out loud when I read it :lol: Thank you for that rush of endorphins :D


10 hours ago, mistymorning said:

vaguely remember, but I searched korean sites. It's believed that if your flower dye will last til the first snow, your love will come true...or you will find your future husband.

Thanks to charray for sharing this and making that scene more meaningful :wub:

56 minutes ago, cynkdf said:

Brad Havens posted this glowing review after viewing the first 22 episodes. I would love to know his thoughts after the finale!



Oh wow thanks for sharing this. It was a delightful read. I'm curious to know as well what he thought of the finale. 

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@elfvanvan Come to think of it, Hee Sung might not realize or maybe he had a sixth sense.. he wanted to prepare his mother especially, in case something happens to him. He may not love the girl but he cared for her and her siblings. Knowing that she wanted to marry him, for love or otherwise.. makes her a good choice as his family's daughter-in-law. I think he believed the girl will treat his parents well and ease their pain of losing their son (HS became a lot more thoughtful towards his parents). And she was also from a noble family as his mother had found out earlier. At first, her characte appeared as someone out of nowhere, but now it fits the puzzle.. kinda. ;)


Hi @SeReNiTy welcome back to soompi, and good to see you at MR.SUNSHINE. It's great to see familiar names returning. True that their relationship is unlike Ae Shin's parents, the first obstacle was to overcame Eugene's slave background which still persists with Lord Go and .. Eun San's initial objection. However, one thing that Eugene truly resemble his 'father-in-law', they dressed almost similarly in the last days of their lives. Go Sang Wan died with a bullet in the forehead, EC with 14 bullets in his back (someone on twitter counted! :o).


As for Eugene's similarity with his mother, they were both cornered with no way out. But his mom had no one helping at the time, she was all alone and had to take the most drastic action to save her son. EC was not alone, he had AS and other RA (albeit with children along) on board but he decided & acted alone.


Anyway, the last of EuShin's happy & carefree captures are just amazing. :)


@cynkdf, thanks so much for the music video highlights and drama review, what a gem of sharing. Looks like you'll be watching another Kdrama very soon, isn't it? Busy days ahead! :D



Previously, Kim Nam Hee (TM) and others had their media interviews & pictorial published. This week it's the one-half of the slave hunters-turned-pawnshop owners, Il Sik and a few others from the drama.


Actor Kim Byung-chul


Actor Kim Byung-chul

South Korean actor Kim Byung-chul, who stars in the TV drama "Mr. Sunshine," poses for a photo prior to an interview with Yonhap News Agency in Seoul on Oct. 1, 2018. The first episode of the drama was aired by the local cable TV network tvN on July 7. (Yonhap) (END)

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Hi! :DI’m a silent lurker in this forum and now that Mr Sunshine ended I just want to say how much I enjoy reading all the comments here! It’s been fun! 


I’m actually satisfied how Mr Sunshine ended. But I do admit that throughout the series there has been some plot holes but overall it’s an amazing series perhaps I could say that this series really raised the bar for a korean drama - from production (they used Arri Alexa to shoot this), casting, music and bgm, everything is just superb.

I recently realised that Korean free to air TVs are starting to join the bandwagon. 


Regarding those awards, I don’t mind them not taking home anything but what I want is for them to have an INTERNATIONAL EMMY AWARD! The first for South Korea if ever!!!! That would be historical! I’m getting goosebumps just imagining this to happen. 

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@writteninthestars09  since the ending changed many people's opinion about Mr Sunshine in a negative way, maybe it's just as well Mr Havens didn't post his views about the finale.


@rubie  yes busy days ahead but


it depends on how good BSB"s drama is - I confess to not having watched his latest drama (ended some months ago). Too preoccupied with things Hwang CY :)


Looking at the comments section in the official video of OST 15, I saw  a comment that the OST trended third (on 30 September?) on Twitter? in Pakistan (top 2 were Kpop idol groups, one of them being NU'EST W who also sang an OST for Mr Sunshine)!  


@pearlynguyen love reading your post. I am not that much into Kdramas myself, somehow Korean scriptwriters can't come up with reasonable, satisfactory endings but IMHO one can never go wrong with Korean drama OSTs, they are simply awesome! I even love the OSTs of dramas that I haven't watched or watched partially.


Kim Kap Soo, the excellent actor playing Eun-san the potter was in a Kdrama that I never watched entirely


"Emperor of the Sea" has an awesome soundtrack, my favourite being' "Prayer" by Lee Hyun Sup.



Hopefully one day Hwang Chi Yeul (my sole bias) will get to sing  a song of the calibre of the above OST. 


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@cynkdf I wouldn't say that the reaction to MR.SUNSHINE have turned negative, it's just a bit of unsatisfactory sinking feeling after anticipating a believable and reasonable ending (even with sad ending indication were all there). From what I have read, most fans still love and appreciate the drama a lot, only that episodes 23-24 may not be as memorable as it would have been. I still watch the scenes again but (for now), I'll skip the train scene. This is just my opinion, I'm no writer, just a viewer but I felt that the two ending episodes were not as sharp and meticulous as the earlier 22 episodes. I remember being amazed how everything in the early episodes would interconnect with the plot, small things that we thought might be ignored. When SooMi was held hostage, Eugene spoke in English in order to free her (working for the Logan family helped save her life). It's a simple tactic but created an impact for that scene.. there're many others but I can't remember them now. Maybe I am the ignorant one, but I felt that the finale was simplified way too much without a real fight. Perhaps, it's because of time-constraint as they need to finish the already long-enough filming. Perhaps, Eugene is just isn't as sharp as he was in the Marines. 3 years in jail might have made him forgotten how to be a soldier. Maybe that is the only explanation. th_dontknow.gif


I'm still sharing all I can about the drama, maybe that way.. one day I would feel less in denial and be more reasonable in my thinking as a viewer. ^_^



I haven't been following BSB for awhile either.. drama or updates. It seems that he switched agencies, right? Nonetheless, hope he's doing well and the new drama will be a good one. Remember how we were watching and discussing Temptation of An Angel.. those were the days. :D


Photos: KingKong Entertainment via mrsunshine_thirtybutseventeen


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Dong Mae was standing with swords in his hands and waited

to attack those ronin.

That was a good death.


Although, when DM was standing on that rock, that was also a great fight.

DM somehow survived then, and ofcourse came back, because 

no one messes with him.


I liked that DM found out that no everyone betrayed him, and that Yuzo was

looking for him in Japan.

That was very nice.


The fact that those ronin dragged DM over the ground, doesnt make him

any less brave.

Because it took a 100 bad ones to kill the best one.


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2 hours ago, rubie said:

@cynkdf I wouldn't say that the reaction to MR.SUNSHINE have turned negative, it's just a bit of unsatisfactory sinking feeling after anticipating a believable and reasonable ending (even with sad ending indication were all there). From what I have read, most fans still love and appreciate the drama a lot, only that episodes 23-24 may not be as memorable as it would have been.



  Reveal hidden contents

I haven't been following BSB for awhile either.. drama or updates. It seems that he switched agencies, right? Nonetheless, hope he's doing well and the new drama will be a good one. Remember how we were watching and discussing Temptation of An Angel.. those were the days. :D


Yap From what I've seen, only a few members here are a little disappointed, and some disappointed people on Instagram, on Twitter as far as I know nobody regrets the end of the story, only people who can't sleep until they fall ill see the main character's slaughter:joy:


KoalaPlayground, Mydramalist, Asianwiki, hancinema, Especially annoying sites like Dramabeans I have never seen reviews there seriously:):D

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Sorry I’m new to Soompi and I don’t know how to quote properly and how to tag people, so I’m just going to post a new note. Thank you to everyone who has replied/tagged me.


I think the black bird is Go Ashin because of the following:

  1. When little Eugene looked up to the sky and saw a black bird, Go grandpa did mention something like “look down, don’t look up it’s dangerous for you as a slave”. It eventually costs him his life because he met Ashin – the black bird
  2. At the harbor where DM shot AS (Korean names/places are very hard for me to remember), the shot where she wearing a black suit and jumping roof with the sun behind, she looked just like a black bird flying in the sky. And later, DM told HK “I shot a black bird so it could never fly again.”
  3. At Eugene’s last moment after he got shot on the train, he looked up to the sky and the black bird was there again. It symbolizes that he has made sure that Ashin – the black bird is still soaring high.
  4. At his burial site, the black bird was there to show that AS through was not with him physically but in spirit and she would guide the next generation Domi, just like she is training for the next generation gunners.
  5. HK once told AS “because you decided to wield a gun, 3 men have lost their ways” and granpa Go also said something like “will the black bird ruins the sky…” Eugene also asked himself right after he got out of prision: “Is there a reason why you caused so much turbulant in my life?…”

This is just my speculation. Talking about the last train ride and the burial site, my heart aches again. Like @Rubie said, at the end, AS couldn’t even visit his grave in person…they are forever separated. I’m the type of person who never believes in the next life, so I’ll just try to do good at this life. While I don’t agree with her behavior toward the end, I feel for her pain though. I think the last one standing is the one suffers the most. I absolutely agree with @Rubie that it should end at episode 21 in front of American legalation in Japan. At that point she had accomplished at least 2 difficult missions: saved the PM and delivered the bank certificate. They both could be shipped back to U.S. Eugene was put in prision while AS was waiting for him outside in U.S. At least it shows some of her devotion to him. All I see from the beginning to the end is just her “take take take and never give back”. When he got out, they both, or just her could advocate for Korea for the world to know of Korea’s suffering and Japan’s annexation. I don’t need kinship or kiss or anything like that. I guess I’m disspoint at the ending because the writer didn’t tie back neatly the subjects that she introduced which led me to a false hope like Ashin keeps saying “there must be things I could help outside Joseon”, like the new guy Eugene met in U.S when he got out…and like when Ashin told her grandpa and HS that “I’m willing to risk everything to walk along side that man” yet all she has done is just to prove the opposite. That’s is not consistent with her characters. That dissapoints me, but overall I love this drama so much.


Sorry for a long post, I need to get back to my real world otherwise it’s very intoxicated for me.

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8 hours ago, rocher22 said:

Dong Mae was standing with swords in his hands and waited

to attack those ronin.

That was a good death.


Although, when DM was standing on that rock, that was also a great fight.

DM somehow survived then, and ofcourse came back, because 

no one messes with him.


I liked that DM found out that no everyone betrayed him, and that Yuzo was

looking for him in Japan.

That was very nice.


The fact that those ronin dragged DM over the ground, doesnt make him

any less brave.

Because it took a 100 bad ones to kill the best one.


Love how you described this. I couldn't have said it any better. 


I love reading viewpoints like this. I love how each one of us has a favorite character in the show that affected us deeply. (Edited: Just wanted to add that DongMae fighting with Musin Society definitely revealed whose side he was on. It was full circle for him. He went back and fought for a country that despised him and fought against the Society that embraced him. I thought that was a perfect culmination of his death.) 


I am still moved each time I think about the last two episodes. I think the deaths of each character was presented well and stayed true to their arc. The most painful to watch for me was HeeSung's torture scene. I knew at some point he was going to die. I just didn't expect he would die that way. But I was impressed with how his character stayed true and honorable to the end. He was defenseless. He couldnt even lift a finger to fight back. But he fought back with his words. True to being a writer. That was a powerful scene for me. I still tear up whenever I think about it.


I think the last two episodes provided the perfect weave to unite the puzzle pieces of the story. From Hina to DongMae, gunner Jang, HongPa and even Potter Eun San and all the RA.. all their deaths were a virtous and noble one. 


Perhaps Eugene's death was the most unacceptable because he was a trained US Marine Captain. There were so many what-ifs to the situation on that train that could have turned out differently. But I think it was exactly because of his military position that made him do what he did. He didnt want to take any chances of having AeShin and her comrades on the other side being killed. He will not use the Japanese businessman as a shield because he is not that kind of person. The businessman was an innocent bystander and not a soldier. He was running out of time he had to act quickly and comply with their mission. 


Writer Kim EunSook wrote a wonderful and inspiring story about the Righteous Army. This was a tribute to them and all those who helped or participated in their cause. She showed the world how the Joseon people loved and fought for their country. Come to think of it, I think the word "love" as used in this drama was not really love between a man and a woman. It was love for their country. 


When I think back to that scene in the earlier episodes between Eugene and AeShin at the tailor shop. Their conversation about love.. That was a perfect description for what the RA is fighting for... When I think about it, each time they talk about love seems like a symbolism for that.. there were moments Eugene says am I to die for love and scenes like that. ..it seemed to me that all those scenes were referring to this greater cause. This was a love story between the Joseon people and their country. 


That's why I love even the final scenes of AeShin in the mountains with Soomi and a new group of RA and that scene also a decade later with Domi and his comrades. It shows hope for their future. That the efforts of all those who fought and died before them were not in vain. 



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7 hours ago, pearlynguyen said:

5. Eugune also asked himself right after he got out of prision: “Is there a reason why you caused so much turbulant in my life?…”


Correction if I'm wrong, isn't that what Eugune meant because he complained to God?

From his words 'Where You there for each and every step I took the reason you cause such tumult in my life is there a reason?' :tears:

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@rubiesorry,  perhaps my post was poorly worded. What I meant to say is that from what I've seen on Twitter, many fans who love the drama right up to ep 23 were severely upset, I'd go even so far as to say, traumatized by the ending. 



Yes BSB switched agencies.


On to my pet subject,  the wonderful OSTs of "Mr Sunshine" have, to the surprise of many people, not done well on the charts (especially on melon, the most important music chart in South Korea). There were even a couple of articles in the Korean media about the relatively poor chart performance, when compared to the chart-toppers of previous KES-LEB collaborations, Goblin & DOTS.  I personally am not so surprised because even the OST by the legendary Park Hyo Shin managed to get to only #21 on melon (if I am not mistaken). 



HCY's OST did well in the first 24 hours after its release on 30 September (understandably, the impact of ep 23 and 24 being aired) but has subsequently struggled on melon.There were several articles in the K-media about this, but only one in English:


Thanks, OSEN :)




Current status, for anyone interested:


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12 hours ago, pearlynguyen said:
  • When little Eugene looked up to the sky and saw a black bird, Go grandpa did mention something like “look down, don’t look up it’s dangerous for you as a slave”. It eventually costs him his life because he met Ashin – the black bird
  • At the harbor where DM shot AS (Korean names/places are very hard for me to remember), the shot where she wearing a black suit and jumping roof with the sun behind, she looked just like a black bird flying in the sky. And later, DM told HK “I shot a black bird so it could never fly again.”
  • At Eugene’s last moment after he got shot on the train, he looked up to the sky and the black bird was there again. It symbolizes that he has made sure that Ashin – the black bird is still soaring high.
  • At his burial site, the black bird was there to show that AS through was not with him physically but in spirit and she would guide the next generation Domi, just like she is training for the next generation gunners.


12 hours ago, pearlynguyen said:


I think the black bird is Go Ashin because of the following:


Hi I just read ur post again. 

This is possible too. AeShin was referred as a BlackBird several times. I like this theory too. :):wub:


(By the way, to quote someone, you can just click on quote sign on the lower left. Or if you dont want to quote everything, you can just highlight the words and then click on quote.


To tag someone, just type @ then their soompi ID. 

Hope that helps). 


52 minutes ago, cynkdf said:

On to my pet subject,  the wonderful OSTs of "Mr Sunshine" have, to the surprise of many people, not done well on the charts (especially on melon, the most important music chart in South Korea). There were even a couple of articles in the Korean media about the relatively poor chart performance, when compared to the chart-toppers of previous KES-LEB collaborations, Goblin & DOTS


Oh no that's too bad. I really think Mr Sunshine's OSTs are wonderful. A bit melancholic perhaps but no less wonderful. I think maybe because of the sad ending most people do not like to be reminded about it and avoid listening. I do still love listening to the songs and I usually think about the happy scenes rather than the sad ones :)


Anyway I wanted to share this video compilation of funny scenes. 


It's in Korean only but we all know these scenes by heart, right. My faves are no. 11 and 12. It was so unexpected that it turned out really funny. :D



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