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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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10 minutes ago, sharreb said:

Aigoo i confess i ran away so fast aft mt last post like my tail is on fire. I had to save myself from the crazy n jcw/njh are so good at making me crazy. If i linger on the thread i wouldnt have been able to catch a wink of sleep

I chk news website.. Theres another site with the same article same content. The translation site translated her words.. I dont know i havent dated a lot.. So i paraphrase it as havent dated much. When we have actual translators proficient in korean we would know her exact words. For now take it with a grain of salt

Like u guys that statement was thought provoking. I didnt know if we need to read between the lines

- maybe she was courted and she went to casual dates, like over coffee and slice of cake. That lucky guy doesnt have to be a boyfriend? Just potential suitor? How does dating works ryt now? Im not great on personal experience seeing as i only dated 1 man my entire life.

- or delulu mind on.. been on a feel dates with JCW..

- Was she saying and implying shes now trying/ready to date?

Then i just backread and saw JCW is having his Vlive too.

I know its about his concert rehearsal and the guy is very focus on delivering his best for his fans and marking his 10yrs in the industry..but for them to schedule Vlive on the same day, 10minutes apart. Goshh are two people more in sync or what.

Il be keeping my eye on both but my focus will be on Hyunnie.

For now group hug ladies and try to stay sane ya. 


It is cheerful information, but there might be personal interpretation of reporter, different writing style, different ways of translation, or something else. :lol:

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2 hours ago, genxv said:


So I hid this before in a spoiler because I was too shy to post it out loud. But, no more. Out of my own extreme happiness I'm going to share my theory/delulu thoughts right now. It's not a proper fanfic, I haven't ever written one before but I might just do that and go all 50 shades since this thread sure can handle it :tongue:  It starts with Seo In Guk and Aluu Salon. 


The Winter I Found You

Seo In Guk is secretly in love with Nam Ji Hyun. When they first met for filming she was just an adorable, cheerful dongsaeng; but then one day *bam* she is dolled up and gorgeous and he doesn't know what to do with himself. The only way he reacts is to be extra adorable and puppyish but all this leads to JiHyun viewing him as a friend and no way oppa material. Friend-zoned completely.

Sadly for him, as the second lead in my melodrama, he fails to make any move.

Meanwhile, his best friend Ji Chang Wook has been talking about a hottie at the salon, and 2Bic hyung keeps teasing him about it. When the Shopping King Louie project airs they all realize the hottie is no other than angel JiHyun (though in the show her looks are toned down and countrified). But JCW remembers her beautiful smile and that laugh. He keeps asking SIG about her so of course SIG promises that he'll set them up, but somehow it never happens. Gukkie smiles on the outside and laughs as they tease JCW but inside his heart is torn up with regret. As a typical Korean male he wallows in his angst by posting ballad songs on instagram and travels to distant places where he uploads photos of his lonely self.

As for Chang Wook, he's been a busy, busy man. He has just wrapped up drama filming and working on his musical. Other project proposals are pouring in.  His twenties have rushed by so quickly while he was chasing a living. He has had no time to think of himself as a man, only about securing a future for himself and his mother and sometimes the worries and anxieties were crushing. But now, for the first time, he feels he can finally breath.  Industry people can't get enough of him; offers for commercials, sponsorships and partnerships are keeping his Manager hyung busy. So why then, now that he is approaching age 30, did he ache for something more? His thoughts keep turning to that girl, the one hair stylist Noona calls "Angel" who lights up the salon every time she comes by. He wants to say hello, but he's nervous; God knows why.  He tells himself he's going to be called to serve in the military anytime now and dating would be a bad, a very bad idea. But still, in quiet moments back stage and as he rests alone at night, the girl with the smile appears in his mind. 

Sometimes, though he would not admit it to anybody, he browses on his phone, types her name and watches videos of her shows. That one -- that's one of his favorites, "Please bring me milkshake". He laughs all by himself. Then realize how ridiculous he's being and tosses the phone aside. Through some quirk of fate, his buddy SIG is filming a show with the girl. It's a RomCom so there will be hugging. And kissing. Huh, lucky bastard. It's a long night for Chang Wook.


Nam Ji Hyun is feeling butterflies. Extreme butterflies. A whole stampede of them. She peeks over at the Hallyu Star sitting in front of her. There's a glow all about him and yet there he sits nonchalantly glancing through the program listing for the night. They are at the Seoul Music Awards and here she is with Mr. Hallyu Star getting ready to present the award together. Oh she's met him before, they've nodded in passing and said hello at the salon and don't get her wrong she's not starstruck per se. After all she's worked with some of the biggest names in the industry and at the end of the day they're just people like her. It's just that, well, it's him.  She catches herself staring and quickly glances around to see where her Momager is but it looks like Omma has stepped out to speak with a Coordi.

"Is the concept bride or angel?"

"Umm, what?"

"You, that dress... are you going for bride or angel?"

Mr. Hallyu Star who had not once taken his eyes off the call sheet all the time they were sitting together glances up, and slowly scans his eyes over JiHyun's outfit. She flushes a little, but internally shakes herself. She is no child to be flustered easily. 

"Don't tell me that line works for you, sunbae-nim?"

Their eyes meet, and for a while there's a tense silence. But suddenly he smiles.

"Gukkie did say not to underestimate you. Let me start over. It's nice to meet you. I'm Ji Chang Wook"

He holds his hand out. She reaches for it and time slows to the merest ticking of seconds. It was then she knew for certain, the fact she could no longer deny. Him.


A phone is ringing in the background but JCW ignores it. Sooner or later Manager Hyung will pick it up. He just didn't want to risk it being yet another reporter asking about his new project. There had been a lot of hype since he signed up for the RomCom. All the tabloids and media had made a Big Deal of the fact it was his first ever romantic comedy and his very last project before heading to the military. Now that things were falling apart they smelled an even juicier story. Twice now popular actresses had turned down the project. People were starting to whisper and the filming date was right around the corner. 

As so often happened recently, Chang Wook's thoughts turned to her. And the more he thought of it, it was the perfect solution. He had seen JiHyun work on Gukkie's show and for someone so young she had a long list of credits to her name. He remembers the connection they had at the Seoul Music Awards and that spark of *something*. So he talks to the producers. They're not sure. It's an adult romance and NJH is a child actor, people might not accept her doing hot scenes what more bed scenes. She's untested, she isn't pretty enough. Look, there's this hot idol here who is waiting for a role, let's call her.  Chang Wook holds firm, he's got a good feeling about this. They have to trust him.

And so NJH gets the call. There's a new project coming up. It's with Ji Chang Wook and they want her for the lead. At first it's hard to believe. But like in all things, JiHyun knows it's up to her. She just has to be confident and do it. Like homework. She can do kisses, and hugs. She'll think it through like other problems - it's all psychology.

And then they meet again. And it's chemistry. And explosion.  

And the rest, you know it. 



Ohhhh ohh... I looooove this dear. You made my day brighter and happier. I don't think I can concentrate on my work today coz I told myself last night I'm not gonna read today as I have to wrap up my works before the weekend but now here I am reading backwards from the last page and melting with the story you wrote here. Thank you so much that you just let us read your beautiful piece. 

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8 hours ago, nikih said:

keke honestly once you got a taste of Wook...in Hyun's case... a whole LOT of taste...how are you're gonna go back to the ordinary guys (no offense to anybody)?!Who else in the industry right now at this moment can top Wookie? 

Haha true that. Ordinary guys wont work for hyunnie

7 hours ago, meiil said:

I think JCW live is from about his concert coz it  says "rehearsals" but srsly why can they have a live together at this point lol 

Yes i know that too. They r making their fans so hard to choose which to watch. If they r at the same venue it would solve out problem but i dont thk hyunnie has an excuse for appearing in his concert rehearsal..

4 hours ago, love4life said:

@lovethatlook Yea, i know the pd took a pic of JCW taking a pic of NJH.. but i was talking about the pic JCW took.. did he take it with his phone or hers

I thk its his phone.

At this point im tempted to thk they do take Selfies together in between filming.. But just that they dont share it on socialmedia.

4 hours ago, siddy09 said:

@lovethatlook Thanks for the clarification..at first glance, you can't seem to figure it out..

Anyways, I was wondering Wook is born in July which makes him a Cancerian..what is Hyunnie's date of birth? I believe in horoscopes so was trying to figure out how compatible these two would be..:D


Its a Cancer - Virgo loveline. I heard its compatible.

1 hour ago, aladidah said:

Please everyone take a look at Wookies face when Hyunnie said she wanted to tease him. Just look at the excitement plastered across his face and him really trying his darnedest to conceal it LOL! TOTAL FAIL!!!

Haha she ran away so fast aft saying she wants to tease him more. Looks like he wants it more.. To be teased by her.

37 minutes ago, biejuju said:

Morning all Jiji's chingusss from my side of world.

Found this one while checking IG. @sharreb seem your translation already famous over there (pity your name was wrong spelling:D)


Omgod this is not good. Im not credible. Wrong spelling is good, i need to dig a hole n hide my face.

Haha @taonaka i love ur drawings hun. N love u r jiji shipper too. But dont quote me.. Im not proficient in korean to be reliable ya. I just share it among the chingus here on this thread. Im still waiting for the real translators to have a look..

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1 hour ago, aladidah said:

Please everyone take a look at Wookies face when Hyunnie said she wanted to tease him. Just look at the excitement plastered across his face and him really trying his darnedest to conceal it LOL! TOTAL FAIL!!

Aigoo...she can't tease him by blowing that area! Girl, you will wake up the anaconda with those soft blows!!! :D:phew: Dude had to say, it's ticklish....poor guy! Kekekeke... 

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1 hour ago, ehead said:


I went to my Vlive account but cannot find Nam Ji Hyun schedule , only JCW... 

Sure it's July 21 right?

Yep2!! It is! it's today! according to JH's IG post she has a vlive today at 6:30 KST. It's probably just that it's not on schedule. 

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13 minutes ago, huntergal said:

Aigoo...she can't tease him by blowing that area! Girl, you will wake up the anaconda with those soft blows!!! :D:phew: Dude had to say, it's ticklish....poor guy! Kekekeke... 

I am so sure, its not just the wound part that's feeling ticklish! LOL! And our NJH is being naughty, I think she very well knows it, she ran away so fast when she said that she wants to tease him. You don't tease sleeping tigers, hun! They tend to pounce!, right @huntergal @lovethatlook @MoonlightSerenade @Dingy Conk @stucked, unless ... ahm she really wants to be pounced on!:lol::ph34r:

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17 minutes ago, huntergal said:

Aigoo...she can't tease him by blowing that area! Girl, you will wake up the anaconda with those soft blows!!! :D:phew: Dude had to say, it's ticklish....poor guy! Kekekeke... 

Omg!! ROFL!  JCW Anaconda! :rolleyes:My delulu mind is going berserk !!! :DSmartSelectGIF_2017-07-20-20-51-18_zpshf

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12 minutes ago, waveoflove said:

My husband asked me what the heck is a girl crush....I responded watch and learn at 630pm Korean time. NJH vlive I'll be in the front row!


Yeah!  Girl crushing @ it's finest! :blush:

I need to set my alarm clock before 5:30 am. ( NYC time) Omg! This is to early for me to wake up ... but for our Nam ji Hyun I'm willing to sacrifice a little bit of my beauty sleep.  For the love :heart:.

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1 hour ago, sharreb said:

For now group hug ladies and try to stay sane ya. 

haha..how come to stay sane in this situation .I am on the way to work .Another a busy day for me but I will try to check this thread as frequent as posible -group hugs -:D

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Just now, pauliza said:

haha..how come to stay sane in this situation .I am on the way to work .Another a busy day for me but I will try to check this thread as frequent as posible -group hugs -:D

*hugs to us all*

Our ship is trying to kill us! So we need to keep sane so that we would still be alive to see them get married and have babieses!!!!:wink:

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I've been scrolling here and IG and Twitter and literally everywhere... JCW and NJH are just so sooooo beautiful... And I'm not trying to be biased here... HAHAHA. Both are glowing from the inside out.. :) 

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We've been saying about how they look so good together

And this heart-warming court hug


24 minutes ago, waveoflove said:

My husband asked me what the heck is a girl crush....I responded watch and learn at 630pm Korean time. NJH vlive I'll be in the front row!

Totally major girl crush.

Shes the whole package. Visuals (beauty & charm), personality, intelligence, great acting chops. How to be not head-over-heels in love with her?


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16 minutes ago, ehead said:


Yeah!  Girl crushing @ it's finest! :blush:

I need to set my alarm clock before 5:30 am. ( NYC time) Omg! This is to early for me to wake up ... but for our Nam ji Hyun I'm willing to sacrifice a little bit of my beauty sleep.  For the love :heart:.

Yeah, I set mine for 4:30 AM (ET) geeee, just for my delulu heart. I'm glad hubby is not complaining YET!!! 

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