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[Drama 2017] Strongest Deliveryman 최강배달꾼

Go Seung Ji

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Text preview episode 10

To boost the sales of the neighborhood restaurants, Kang Su sets up a specialist food delivery company "Strongest Food Delivery" with the aid of the other delivery riders. At the same time, Jin Gyu is making great efforts to increase the sales of his Jeong Ga restaurant.

While this is happening, Dana gets increasingly irritated because her putdowns aren't working on Jin Gyu and a provoking sexy woman quite different from her is going after Kang Su.

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On 02/09/2017 at 3:16 PM, triplem said:

JG seems to be working hard - is that JY 's Dad he is talking to? Trying to learn about distribution & stuff? Lol! Did JY dad interrogate him about JY , oh my he even had someone take pics of them.


Yes, it is JYs father. He says he hears he and JY are getting on well. JG forces a smile and agrees. "Pretty, isn't she?" her father asks jovially. JG agrees again. "And lovable with it?" "Umm, ye...s" says JH. "And every time you see her you want to hug her, and you feel like nibbling her?"  When JG smiles again and agrees with that, too, her father's tone suddenly changes "Lay a finger on her, and you're dead!. He hands him a envelope with surveillance photos and warns him never to forget that his every move is being observed. JG examines at the photos and hands one of them back to JY's father with a puzzled look. "This one's not me" he remarks. We see that it's actually of JY with KS,  "Ah," says her father. "Forget you saw that one.".

On 02/09/2017 at 3:23 PM, triplem said:

He goes to the convenience store & bumps into Dana's housemate. She wonders why they are walking back the same way. They were having a nice chat. Does she recognise from the karaoke? Ooo she does. She runs 


He recognizes her first, but chivalrously pretends not to, even after she says she's sure she's seen him somewhere before (she's coming home from her "second job", and is pretty tipsy). He rather nervously tells her not to bother trying to place him, saying it may well come back to her later, but she suddenly does remember, and takes to her heels. "I don't remember anything at all, honestly", he calls after her, but the encounter has put the wind up her, and when she gets back to the rooftop apartment she astonishes Dana by suggesting they should move to a different neigborhood ASAP.

On 02/09/2017 at 3:30 PM, triplem said:

OTP wash plates & have their usual banter. She finds out a bit about KS background. That dad died etc. 


More than banter. Dana is worried that setting up the company and taking on the commitment of paying all those employees every month must be a huge financial burden . And where did he get his startup cash, anyway?  "I found an investor" he says sheepishly. Dana demands to know who invested so much money and on what terms. But he won't say. She guesses he himself must be the "investor" and he doesn't deny it. When he admits that the liability he's taken on amounts to more than a billion Won she drops the plates in shock. He explains that he's no family to worry about. (An apparent non-sequitur in Western terms, but it reflects the Korean standpoint that if an individual defaults on a debt, his family are obliged to step up and pay back his creditors)  "What about your parents?" Dana asks. "Passed away" replies GS. "What, both of them?" Dana inquires. "My father did." GS answers. "And your mother?" Dana wants to know. "I don't have one," he answers. "But that's nonsense," she objects. "Everyone has a mother."  "I don't," he says, handing her an undried dish from his pile, since she's finished drying all hers. After a long pause in which she looks at him quizzically, he continues, "My friends are my family. A pretty big family, too, wouldn't you say?"



On 02/09/2017 at 3:39 PM, triplem said:

ks & team have a meeting . A pretty girl comes in , KS's Friend , she even gives him a hello kiss .


The Lee Yu Ri cameo appearance is as yet another person his "noseiness" benefitted, since he once intervened  to save her from a street attack, who's since made it big as an application developer and web designer. She's offering her services to create a web service based company, building both its data handling infrastructure and the front-end mobile app that will break new ground and open up an untapped market. When she wants a coffee, the boys who have all given themselves fancy management titles think the task is beneath their dignity pass the buck to one of the others. Only Dana hasn't decked herself out with a title, and so  ends up as the "office girl" who has to go run the errand.

On 02/09/2017 at 3:45 PM, triplem said:

JG is working hard to pass out leaflets in the area as well

The new "selling point" JG is stressing in these leaflets is that his restaurant now opens at 6.30 am so people can leave home without breakfast and take in a dose of beef-bone soup on their way into the office. Once again JG has deployed the full power of his charm and dimples to get the female employees to accept such unsocial working hours.

On 02/09/2017 at 3:55 PM, triplem said:

JY is moving to Dana's neighborhood.

I'm not sure she knew it was Dana's neighborhood. She's still looking for a place to live and happens to bump into Dana outside the building she lives in. JY decides she better not move into that vicinity after all.

On 02/09/2017 at 3:55 PM, triplem said:

The gangster takes Chef somewhere - to meet some other gangsters. He gets into a fight with some underlings until the boss comes & stops it. Chef knows the boss and they seem to have settled things .

A lot of this is in gangster-speak again, so I need time to decode it. But the guy who Jang fights his way in to see (and who then apologizes to him, saying that his boys are too young to know who he is, otherwise they wouldn't have attacked him) seems to be some kind of super-boss who bears Jang nothing but respect, including respect for his decision to leave gangland, and he warns Jang to stay well clear of the Viper's schemes and not to get involved with him under any circumstances.

On 02/09/2017 at 3:55 PM, triplem said:

Manager reports of latest happenings about Hanyang to CEO Jung

This is the conversation that triggers the cliffhanger situation. Hye Ran is pleased at the success of JG's initiatives, but furious at the new competitive threat to her business model embodied in Kang Su's new enterprise. She decides that Hanyang must be forced out of business immediately as an example to other traders who may contemplate resisting her takeover of the area. JG knows nothing of this till he arrives on the scene along with Dana and KS. But everybody concerned realizes that if Hye Ran's tactic works, the whole basis for KS's company will be undermined, since there will be no independent traders left to use their delivery services.

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48 minutes ago, baduy said:

More than banter. Dana is worried that setting up the company and taking on the commitment of paying all those employees every month must be a huge financial burden . And where did he get his startup cash, anyway?  "I found an investor" he says sheepishly. Dana demands to know who invested so much money and on what terms. But he won't say. When he admits that the liability he's taken on amounts to more than a billion Won she drops the plates in shock. He explains that he's no family to worry about. (An apparent non-sequitur in Western terms, but it reflects the Korean standpoint that if an individual defaults on a debt, his family are obliged to step up and pay back his creditors) 


I thought this law was changed.

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Ya'll I have fallen in love with Kang Soo. Mr. Dimples who has a lot of growing up to do still, is still on my radar, but Kang Soo :wub::wub: In the last episode when he straight up to dimples that no, he will not step aside when it comes to Dan-ah. That both of them should do what they want and let Dan-ah on her own choose what she wants, I applauded and melted. Finally a k-drama male lead is treating the female lead not as a prize or a possession or some inanimate object without thoughts, feelings, wants of her own. To Kang-soo, Dan-ah is not something to be won, to be fought over, or given/stepped aside for. She is her own person and will make her own decisions. I'm smiling just thinking about it. Then 1:26 minutes into episode 9 he makes me fall even more, he's may boy now. He stayed and he's just like I am not trying to make you change your plans or anything. I am just going to like you and spend the time we have now together, and when it comes time to let you go, if you still want to go, then go, I won't stop you. He has no plans to keep her from her goals or dream. Matter of fact, he encourages them and helps her along with them :wub::wub::wub: Kang-soo is smart, nice, caring, helpful, understanding, treat almost everyone well, has a wonderful sense of right and wrong, an outstanding moral code, is a leader, and also kind of a dork. He takes in strangers, and is respectful of individual anomy...can I have him? He's all shades of wonderful. And then you add in the fact that Dan-ah snap him into two and he knows it...give me. 

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3 hours ago, hushhh said:




I thought this law was changed.

There never was an automatic legal obligation to take reponsibility for the debts of living relatives. The obligation I referred to is cultural or moral. It is widely felt, especially among older generations and outside urban regions that family members should take it upon themselves to pay the debts that other family members fail to honor, though his cannot be enforced in law. (It's different of course if relatives have allowed themselves to act as formal guarantors of a debt: as in other countries such guarantees can be legally enforced). 

More details under the spoiler...



What causes some confusion is the very different case of the debts of deceased family members. In countries where inheritance law is ultimately derived from the medieval Common Law of England (including the US, English-speaking Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and some parts of India) liability for debts incurred during an individual's lifetime cannot be passed on. The deceased's creditors have first claim on any assets they have at the time of death, but if those are not sufficient to cover the debts, the debts are cancelled.

But S,Korean law is in the different tradition ultimately derived from Napoleonic family law, which predominates in continental Europe and was adopted by 19th century Japan, copying the German model, and from there it passed into Korea after the annexation. In Korea, there is a "reserved proportion" of an individual's assets (the  유류분[遺留分], called the Pflichtteil in Germany or "réserve" in France, which must be passed to a surviving spouse and offspring or, in some cases, more distant relatives., Despite what some rather inaccurate subtitles sometimes claim, you cannot simply choose to "disinherit" your children in Korea as you can in the US. The best you can hope to do is persuade them to sign a "waiver of inheritance" (that document often presented to Kdrama characters who are marrying into rich families) by which they forgo their legal right to their "reserved proportion".

But there's a further issue here. As well as individuals being obliged to pass a proportion of their assets to family members, under Korean law those same family members are legally obliged to settle the debts of the deceased if there are insufficient funds in the deceased's estate.  In other words, you can inherit debt (of an unlimited amount) as well as wealth. The only way to avoid this risk is to file a waiver of inheritance, which stops you inheriting both assets and debts. The only significant change in more recent legislation is that it is possible to file a waiver of ihheritance after the death of a person you stand to inherit from, but only if you do so within three months of that person's death, with the onus being on you to learn of that death and take the necessary legal steps to protect yourself.  This is what happens in Kdramas when people find themselves being pursued for the debts of someone whose death they hadn't been aware of until after the three month period elapsed.

A related issue, which I haven't encountered in a Kdrama, but which sometimes crops up in the legal advice columns of magazines for people of Korean heritage living overseas, is that occasionally such overseas Koreans get intimidating letters from Korean law firms informing them of their supposed liability for the debts of deceased relatives in their home country. These firms are just trying it on (though in some cases they seem to be generally ignorant of the fact that Korean "blood" does not automatically mean subjection to Korean law.)  Like most "developed" nations, S. Korea is signatory to international conventions under which people, irrespective of ethnicity or nationality, are governed by the inheritance laws of the country of their main or only residence.  So Koreans living in the US or other Common Law juruisdictions, whether or not they have citizenship of their country of residence, can't be held liable for inherited debts of deceased relatives in Korea.



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I just realised only 6 episodes are left and JG-JY relationship have no progress. I want them together happily married. 

Kang soo ❤ more cute having a spy.

No preview why They want to torture us. How KS and JG handle this situation. I hope everything will be fine between KS and JG. 

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Kang-soo is an adult. He is a freaking adult and I love him so much. In dramas where grown a** men and women act like a bunch of preschoolers and toddlers, it's so refreshing to see a male lead who is an adult. Why was I blinded by dimples before (granted boy is growing and growing on me and I ain't even made cause it's business). When Kang-soo came up to the roof top, handed a drink, patted a shoulder, talked not only man to man but friend to friend....i melt for this man. He was trying to be honest but also sympathetic and understanding not only of Dan-ah feelings boy might have, but also of business. Also speaking about business. The boy studies, we see him trying so hard to learn. It's not the magical drama wand of boom, he's genius business man. Nope boy is learning as he goes along (just as dimples is) and I adore his growth, mistakes, and drive to achieve more (and take his friends along with him).

I adore the relationship between Kang-soo and Dan-ah so much. They treat each other like grown ups. They don't try to control one another, or manipulate and play one another's feelings. They make wise decisions, are supportive of one another, and most importantly trust one another. I adore to pieces how neither one of them is worried about Ji Yoon (she is the only character like but boy does the writer need to get her growing up as much as they have the other characters) or Mr. Dimples. Instead the two are honest and communicate (even if Dan-ah can be rough and gruff about it). I loved that Kang-soo was straight forward and honest with telling Dan-ah he is going to see Ji Yoon who he only sees as a kid and I adore that Dan-ah (at least silently to herself) is honest about her feelings and lets dimples know he has no chance. She does not want accidentally lead him on or give him false hope for anything more than friendship. Most of all, I adore the two's relationship because of how supportive they are of one another's endouvers. Dan-ah joining the delivery business, Kang-soo waking early and helping her clean at the English center so much and so often that security thinks he works there :wub::wub::wub: 

Anytime either one encourages the other (either through words, a look, a smile, a touch) I die of fangirl bliss.I love that the two are their own selves pursuing their own dream, but can still come together (unforced) and mesh into something that is just a joy to watch (and lawds, it's adult. They talk and are honest with one another. The amount the two communicate baffles me. Often I am yelling at drama OTP to just "tell him/her, freaking talk!" but here, I don't have to do that...yet and it better stay this way. I need Ji Yoon to start growing up as much as dimples has been trying to, so that I can really get aboard the second lead ship. Girl is still too childish for my liking. The crying and behaving like a toddler with "I'm going to continue like you". She's like a freaking teenager experiencing her first love. That ish is cute when you are 13. However, when you are a 22 (or is it 23?) year old woman, trying to be independent of your family and prove you can make it on your own to your mom; it is not a good look. Writer needs to start having her character grow because while I feel the other three have, she sadly remains the same in my eyes. 

I feel terrible for granny and can't wait till evil mom get hers. I don't understand why she needs to drive out all the other businesses. A true competitor would set up hers and let the food and honest business practices do the talking. She's too greedy. She has so much, yet won't allow others to get theirs. I can't wait to see her crash and burn. It was absolutely hilarious how dad showed a picture of another man and was all "forger/ignore that" dimples reaction to it was gold. Both actors played that little scene well and I was in stitches. 

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I really love this drama.. its a new story and not typical kdrama, so its interesting to me.. d story is realistic about how young people built d business.. from zero to hero (really match this story) that insipred me too.. dont stop dreaming n believing.. we can do it..i'm so in love with kang soo character here.. :D

I love how this drama plot growing.. finally they start d company and finally (slow but sure) d chemistry between kang soo n dana growing too.. it breaks my heart when kang soo talk to him self that he wish dana wont leave (emigrate).. and dana talk to herself that she wish kang soo will go with her.. hikz. Although i strongly believe that this drama will have happy ending but i want both character achieve their dream (not to throw their dreams just bcoz choose their lover).. lets see what will 6 eps left to bring..

so far there's cute interaction between kang soo and dana but still no kissing scene yet.. i'm desperately wait to see that.. :D soobin is a good kisser (i can tell this when i watch rebel), and i'm excited to see how kyungpo handle it.. LOLs.

I love dana character.. she is really cool everytime she talk and act.. i love tough girl indeed.. and this typical girl didnt fall in love easily.. but its so cute when dana finally said yes to haemoni when she suggest her to date with kang soo on sunday.. they even didnt promise to be lovers properly since dana always push kangsoo away when he seems to get closer n closer.. i really really like eps 9 & 10.. waiting for next eps..

I love this scene very much.. i will fall in love with this typical guy too.. kang soo yaa.. why u r so sweet.. :D


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yay! after watching ep 9-10, i've warmed up to all characters and like them all (but dimples is still my bias lol).

KS is the leader of the group. he planned this business for a long time and imo his personality and work ethics can help this business go far. just look at the congratulation flowers he recieved. but i wonder how much profit the company can actually gain since they are not taking any commossions and charging minimal charges inclusive of labour. 

KS and DN are cute together. its nice seeing DN being jealous and wanting some attention from KS, she's such a tough girl so its fun and interesting watching her actions haha.

no matter how dim JY is, she's so endearing and i cant find myself hating her. plus she and JG make a super-fun duo.

i also like DN's roommate with the smart delivery guy. haha

JG (dimples!) is trying his hardest to achieve his mission : increase sales for jung restaurant. and i think he can achieve his target without madam jung butting in and kicking hanyang out. why is madam jung i afraid of competition? is she aiming to dominate South Korea's food industry? 

i cant wait for the upcoming episodes! and i wish JG can quickly be freed from madam jung's claws. huhu

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1 hour ago, katakwasabi said:

no matter how dim JY is, she's so endearing


Actually, I'd say she's anything but dim. Look at how she handled the ear-ring in the coffee problem, and on her own intiative kept JG distracted the whole day while the leafletting campaign to find evidence against him was going on., not to mention how she repeatedly outsmarts her mother and keeps her doting Daddy on side.. My guess is that she's going to play a big role in the next phase of the battle against her mother's business tactics.  She's a kind of extreme example of the way some Korean girls and young women wrap men round their little fingers by carefully-staged displays of extreme infantility, helplessness and "innocence" while single-mindedly pursuing a determined strategy to capture them in the end. Her problem is that it's JG who is most susceptible to such tactics, while her intended target, KS, is totally immune to them. He prefers women who kick him on the shins, not to mention in tenderer places that "innocent" girls aren't even supposed to know that men have.

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1 hour ago, baduy said:


Actually, I'd say she's anything but dim. Look at how she handled the ear-ring in the coffee problem, and on her own intiative kept JG distracted the whole day while the leafletting campaign to find evidence against him was going on., not to mention how she repeatedly outsmarts her mother and keeps her doting Daddy on side.. My guess is that she's going to play a big role in the next phase of the battle against her mother's business tactics.  She's a kind of extreme example of the way some Korean girls and young women wrap men round their little fingers by carefully-staged displays of extreme infantility, helplessness and "innocence" while single-mindedly pursuing a determined strategy to capture them in the end. Her problem is that it's JG who is most susceptible to such tactics, while her intended target, KS, is totally immune to them. He prefers women who kick him on the shins, not to mention in tenderer places that "innocent" girls aren't even supposed to know that men have.

I'm having issues with the way K-drama makes light of women's violence against men and plays it for laugh.  It is insulting to women (it implies that they are harmless and can't do real damage to the men they love) even when the drama makes clear that women like Dan-A have formidable fighting skills. It also ridicule men.--signed The Moralist.

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1 hour ago, hushhh said:

I'm having issues with the way K-drama makes light of women's violence against men and plays it for laugh.  It is insulting to women (it implies that they are harmless and can't do real damage to the men they love) even when the drama makes clear that women like Dan-A have formidable fighting skills. It also ridicule men.--signed The Moralist.

AMEN!!!!  I'm so glad you said what I was thinking and getting ready to address.  The lead female is the main reason I'm thinking about dropping this otherwise interesting drama.  If a man were to go around hitting and abusing women on a drama, I bet every civil rights and human rights party in the world would boycott the station or take some other extreme measure.  Of course, I'm exaggerating to make a point.

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Is Hyun-soo soup grandma also Kang-soo's grandma?  I missed 3 episodes (my bad--no time to back track, especially since I'm not praticularly intrigued with mysteries from the past and am more engaged in relationships in the present. ) so I'm not sure if Soup Grandma (Jung Im) is Hyun-Soo's maternal or paternal grandma.

14 hours ago, calledtoteach said:

AMEN!!!!  I'm so glad you said what I was thinking and getting ready to address.  The lead female is the main reason I'm thinking about dropping this otherwise interesting drama.  If a man were to go around hitting and abusing women on a drama, I bet every civil rights and human rights party in the world would boycott the station or take some other extreme measure.  Of course, I'm exaggerating to make a point.

I think it is an issue of perception of respective harm one gender can do to the other. But still--not cool.


I'm liking Kang-Soo and the Delivery boys (men really).  Ko Gyung-Pyo is shining as a solo lead. 

I'm accepting of Dan-A, but not particularly attached to her. If she is who Kang-Soo likes, then I can accept it. 

I'm charmed by Ji-Yoon, had she been Kang-Soo's ultimate end, so long as she lost some of that helpless patina, I'd be pleased.  I think Dan-A and would have a lot to teachOh Jin-Gyu.

I'm having my usual disconnect with the forum over the cute guy who lacks moral center.  I get that Oh Jin-Gyu is a product of his environment who is loved/coddled by his mother, dismissed by his dad and protected/coddled by brother.  I get that he is growing up, finally.  I'll be happy to celebrate his growth one he's made more progress.  

Why I haven't been able to respond to him, dimples or not, is that despite recognizing his moral emptiness, Oh Jin-Gyu has done nothing to address it. He remains dedicated to the easy way out, regardless of the consequences. HIs deal Hye-Ran keeps him mired in an ethical wasteland. He not only took the easy way out, he also agreed to exploit someone (Ji-Yoon) to retain his life of ease.  It would be one thing to accept the job, but seriously to agree to pursue Ji-Yoon show his ethical hollowness.  Okay, arrange marriages of the power elite is a part of the culture, but when it comes to interest in people his interest is in Dan-A, this is what makes him icky.   

If you contrast his behavior with Ji-Yoon you see being brought up by rich parents (one who loves and one who coddles) does not necessarily mean that you have to become morally or emotionally damaged.  Ji-Yoon seemed to have less support (no supportive sibling) and still she found the courage to leave home with nothing and set about working towards her independence. 

For me until Oh Jin-Gyu makes a choice that benefits someone while costing him something he won't achieves humanity. Yes, I see  that he has put aside his idleness in pursuit of his goal.  I see that he show his staff deference, although I wish it came from a place of respect instead of manipulation.  If he had the money, I suspect he would eschew the charm offensive and just buy them off with overtime or higher wages, which I don't necessarily think is a bad thing.--

My point is whatever Oh Jin-Gyu is doing, it is not because he learned to value people, but because it helps him towards his goal.  I give him points for realizing how shallow he is and watching Kang-Soo and Dan-A and admiring their qualities.  He just need to attempt to implement them in his behavior.  Also, if he actually paid attention to Ji-Yoon he would recognize her for the amazing woman she is instead of her being an end to a pot of gold.

Did we get a little bit of the final ending foreshadowing today? "An outcome where we both win"?


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