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[Drama 2017] Bride of the Water God, 하백의 신부


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ok, so after watching ep 9 and 10...this is why I'm not completely sold on Hooye's character. as much as I sympathize towards his tragic circumstances, he IS definitely hiding a past besides what we already know about him. 

on ep 9, Biryeom told Hooye about gods who have been killed and if he's killed before, but Hooye said it's not true. so meaning, Hooye is aware of gods who were being killed in the realm?! that's how I picked up the confrontation from the 3 of them. 

now on ep 10, it is revealed that the minor god who is working for Biryeom has a twin brother named Mumyeong, which Moora remembered. but Biryeom's reaction seemed like he was angered by the mentioned of the name. I think this is one of Biryeom's close friend, who had been killed back in the realm. Hooye is somehow directly (indirectly) involved in Mumyeong's death, hence Biryeom told Jingeon about why the latter didn't want to get his revenge. so this is where Biryeom's anger towards Hooye stems from. 

I still believe that Hooye was fathered by the king of Sky Country. this king became greedy and ambitious and wanted to take the throne from Habaek. he likely used Nakbin to try to get to Habaek, but it obviously failed. Biryeom who is from the same country, took the initiative to basically "clean up" his king's mess by suggesting to Suh Wang Mo (Habaek's mother) of getting a human servant as punishment. and because Hooye's existence is considered abnormal, he was probably used by his father as an accomplice because he is half-human after all. it's probably why Hooye got treated like a monster back in the realm, he probably did his father's dirty work for him. 


btw: so Moora and Biryeom are married, lol :lol:?!



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16 minutes ago, junejungki said:

I stop reading negative critics like nothing good about this drama. Some people need to get a life or maybe a boyfriend. So that they will stop their bitterness or should I said stop being bitchy about everything. 

I watched this drama today with sub. I cried the part when SA returned home from work and HB waiting for her. SA said she was trying to solve maths problem all day. HB's face look crushed and he probably break down if SA continue talking abt put an end to their relationship. So sad. :cry:

I strongly agree about the negative  critics. Sometimes I do won if hancinema do actually watch this show or even pay attention to detail. He or she always complain about the drama not showing or telling things that have already been given answer too. The critic also complain about there not being enough fantasy elements when the whole drama is built of fantasy.  After today's review I will never read anymore review from hancinema related to this show because they seem to criticize everything and spreading hate. 

Now about HB and SA....sometimes I just want them to forget all about the future and just live in the present and make all the babies that they can. It's even more sad that these two don't have anyone to confide too. SA friends aren't really helping her and it doesn't help that she's not one to open up easily.  While on HB side, everyone and especially MR keep reminding him about the past and tell him not to fall in love again which is really sad because even though I know they mean well...it's still sadden me that they don't ever notice HB sadness whenever the topic come up. The main wear all his expressions on his sleeves.

During that whole conversation between SA and HB I thought he was going to break down any second which is why I sighed with relief when SA stopped stabbing him more with her words. 

One thing for sure, this is angst done right in that you feel for both side and the reason why they can't fully give in into their feelings are very reasonable. On one hand you want them to give in because they complete each other and they are always happy when together but then you think about the fact that HB can leave any minute now that he has the stones and it get all depressing. 


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I couldnt help but be amused at this on TVN's Youtube channel the Bride of the Water God's top viewership videos go in this order, safe to say that the viewers are on board with HaeBaek and So-ah Kiss Scenes cause their newest kiss is already gained tons of views in just over a day. So I say bring on those Kiss Scenes, lol and let BR and Mura have one as well :tongue:

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2 hours ago, amisyka77 said:


The review from this site is always negative.

4 hours ago, Chellsee said:

In a turnabout I can only describe as perplexing, not only does the amnesiac monk issue solve itself without Ha-baek's input, it also results in Ha-baek simply being given one of the artifacts. No effort appears to be required on Ha-baek's part for anything, which kind of begs the question of why he had to go the human world in the first place. The early episodes especially have the impression that Ha-baek was going to have to earn leadership by completing difficult tasks, possibly without being able to fall back on his godly abilities.

Instead, Ha-baek dithers on the question of going back home. We are to believe that this dramatic hesitation is a consequence of Ha-baek's romance with So-ah. That might actually be believable if So-ah had any redeemable qualities, or if Ha-baek and So-ah worked well together, or if Nam Joo-hyuk and Shin Se-kyung had any decent chemistry. But without these factors, "Bride of the Water God 2017" continues to feel pointless.

It also feels weird, in its odder moments. Some questionable editing gives the impression that one character is being assaulted through a magical sandbag, until better context reveals that the person in question is actually being attacked by minor gods working on commission. Wait, there are minor gods in this universe? How many gods are there? Where are they all? Could the guy rambling about Obama in the early episodes maybe have not been crazy after all?

So-ah specializing in psychiatric care seems a wasted opportunity, given this context. I could easily see her getting into the field because, as someone who knows gods are real, she also knows they are frequently mistaken for mental patients. Well, all right, I guess this worldbuilding doesn't really work either, since gods who are willing and able to use their powers for personal benefit can't be easily cowed by humans with no leverage.

Well, except for the no killing humans rule. I guess that's kind of leverage- but is that an actual magical rule with consequences for being disobeyed or just something informal? That's yet another important plot point left unclarified, even as the dialog remains dominated with discussions of grudges, conversations, and action scenes which are simply narrated to us. "Bride of the Water God 2017" is what happens when a story is all tell and no show. It's a fantasy romance drama with no fantasy and barely any romance, but plenty of gratutitous discussion of real estate business and legal contractual obligations.



It is negative but I tend to agree with much of it.  The question at the end about consequence for a god killing a human is explained. Murah is afraid BR will not be allowed back in god land, they get stuck in the human world. 

But the Han review doesn't discuss what is really enjoyable about the drama. There is a kind of charm the way it meanders around. The strings left dangling about the past stories and people and gods who are unidentified and buried in the mystery of past.   Even though I admit, I ff the love scenes (that's me, I don't like watching others making whoopee) I still find the story line interesting. I just get frustrated because we only get real info in drips and drabs and you have to wonder what is So-ah's mission as servant?  What did she do for him aside from making  him yearn to stay with her? I guess we;ll find out when she jumps in the river.  

Everyone seems to be on their own separate track. HooYe has his business, and to control the dark of the dark and do good for mankind, and his great desire for So-ah,  So-ah is trying to cut the ties with HB, and make money and wants to meet her father, BR wants some kind of revenge for who knows what on HooYe and loves Murah.  Murah loves HB and wants him back in the god land without So-ah.   What does JD want? No idea, he is just there.  What do the minor deities want? no idea. but they work for other gods on occasion.  Ms Shin wants to build a big entertainment something or other. I don't even know who she loves, HooYe? his Secretary?  Her father just wants to get richer.  The little blind girl? She just likes to hang out with HooYe and farm, it seems.   So you just watch and wonder if any of these separate missions will cross paths or  these strings will be tied together at some point.  And if we ever find out why the stones have to gathered in the human world.

Oops just noticed I left out what does HB want? He loves So-ah but has to leave her. He has to decide if he wants to give up being a god to stay I guess. He wanted the three stones. He wants to be the King of the universe (or does he?).  Other than that? I guess getting his powers back.

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3 hours ago, lovely_skham said:

I couldnt help but be amused at this on TVN's Youtube channel the Bride of the Water God's top viewership videos go in this order, safe to say that the viewers are on board with HaeBaek and So-ah Kiss Scenes cause their newest kiss is already gained tons of views in just over a day. So I say bring on those Kiss Scenes, lol and let BR and Mura have one as well :tongue:

1. 381,572 views (3 weeks ago)

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5. 230,233 views (1 Day ago)




I notice it too. I haven't any TVN clips have these much numbers viewership since goblin which was a long time ago. This show that this drama is successful in its one way  and that  there are many people out there who are enjoying this show just like us and it makes me happy because no matter what haters says they have no power. I also read the comments on these clips and I have noticed that there are barely any negative comments.

So, yes to more kisses and HB deep voice. And more to HB and SA doing house chores and spending time together. 

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3 hours ago, kaoriharang said:

I really applaud his acting! he really plays CEO Shin well! And HY is finally making his move towards SA.

I am like you after hearing that BR was saying to the other minor god at the gym, it seems that HY and BR there is something linking them. I just don't know what it is.

If that minor god had a twin, and maybe that twin died? maybe BR is blaming HY because he thinks he caused the twin to die?

That's what came to my mind too when I saw the scene. BR's face looks like that could be the reason why he just hated CEO.

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Apart from the rich backstory and our hot OTP moments - not to mention our breathtaking water god himself, I grew to love the show more for the bits and pieces of wisdom we can get out of it. Sharing one life lesson below that really had me pondering lately,

Knowing who we are keeps us steadfast whatever circumstances life may throw at us
- Ha-baek knew exactly who he is. With his famous "I am the soon-to-be King of the Water County and the Emperor of the Realm of gods..", his sense of authority never left him. Money, position nor the lack of power could not deter that, not even when So Ah and everyone else thought of him as crazy. The lack of such did not make him less of a deity than he already is
- This is in stark contrast to Hoo Ye who has money, position and power yet doubts his identity and keeps it buried in the abyss of his past. When he faces who he really is, he breaks down and even allows what others say about him to shake him. I do hope the show gives justice to his choice of being a "good human" and give him a pleasant plight on the end. *sigh

Another thought that still tugged at my heart was one question I've raised in this thread before, 

"If you knew that love had a deadline, would you still give it your all?"

Some of my unnies here gave a big hearty yes. :wub:

@Visually-wandering @dramu51ch0c10ve @vangsweetie637

But I guess not so for Yoon So Ah, saying that she'd rather wrap things up than start a new beginning.

She still has 6 more episodes to change her mind though.. *wink!

Huwaiting! :rolleyes:

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15 minutes ago, moodypie said:

That's what came to my mind too when I saw the scene. BR's face looks like that could be the reason why he just hated CEO.

yeah he said something to the other god right,.

"Just because you dont want to take revenge doesnt mean I have forgiven him." So I believe it is related to some death, since BR has been accusing of HY for killing some minor gods.

Just now, swagpuppysong said:

Apart from the rich backstory and our hot OTP moments - not to mention our breathtaking water god himself, I grew to love the show more for the bits and pieces of wisdom we can get out of it. Sharing one life lesson below that really had me pondering lately,

Knowing who we are keeps us steadfast whatever circumstances life may throw at us
- Ha-baek knew exactly who he is. With his famous "I am the soon-to-be King of the Water County and the Emperor of the Realm of gods..", his sense of authority never left him. Money, position nor the lack of power could not deter that, not even when So Ah and everyone else thought of him as crazy. The lack of such did not make him less of a deity than he already is
- This is in stark contrast to Hoo Ye who has money, position and power yet doubts his identity and keeps it buried in the abyss of his past. When he faces who he really is, he breaks down and even allows what others say about him to shake him. I do hope the show gives justice to his choice of being a "good human" and give him a pleasant plight on the end. *sigh

Another thought that still tugged at my heart was one question I've raised in this thread before, 

"If you knew that love had a deadline, would you still give it your all?"

the one question really tugged my heart the moment I read it. Indeed that line sums up HB and SA's relationship. Despite knowing that this was never going to last, yet they allowed themselves to feel love and be in love. It is now going to so make me cry. :bawling:

I really am moved by the life lessons you mention, it is so true. Indeed that is what is amazing about HB as compared to HY.


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5 hours ago, maddymappo said:

sorry to cut your post!



  • he knows hunger deity who has been helping him control his dark within the dark power
  • he can destroy and tries to control himself
  • he desires SH
  • He does not understand why BR is abusing him
  • We don't know who his father was.  
  • We don't know the kind person who helped him when he came to human world (a Shin)
  • SH has seen his wound heal in a seconds
  • Ms Shin saw him destroy flowers, he embraced her and she remembers that, but seems like he did it to eliminate her memory of his dark 'magic"?




I think the only reason for him to hug her was because he needs to make in impossible she can look at him. She could not turn around and the the dark Smoke around him or whatever. He could not meet her eyes when he don´t have contral. The Moment he felt like he was "bacl to normal" he just pushed her away.

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Just now, swagpuppysong said:

"If you knew that love had a deadline, would you still give it your all?"

Some of my unnies here gave a big hearty yes. :wub:

@Visually-wandering @dramu51ch0c10ve @vangsweetie637

But I guess not so for Yoon So Ah, saying that she'd rather wrap things up than start a new beginning.

She still has 6 more episodes to change her mind though.. *wink!

Huwaiting! :rolleyes:

And from the preview I assumed HaBaek shared the same thought as me and @dramu51ch0c10ve and @vangsweetie637. HaBaek just hopelessly romantic god. 


1 hour ago, tudorrose said:

actually like that SA cried when they kissed because it means that to her he is not just a guest and visiting god anymore. Their connection is deeper now and makes this series more interesting to wait for the next episode.

Not just SoAh. Because I saw HaBaek eyes also teary. It just he holds back his tears. Both are deep in love now. 

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Hello my Water God chingus! I haven't had a chance to watch the episode yet :( just got home a few hours ago. So my insights will come tomorrow instead :)

As for the review from HanCinema. I usually avoid these sites because it usually does not always shine on the positive but more on the negative. However, i did read some points that I would like to elaborate on in my own terms on it. But I will do it from my computer tomorrow instead :)

20 minutes ago, swagpuppysong said:

Apart from the rich backstory and our hot OTP moments - not to mention our breathtaking water god himself, I grew to love the show more for the bits and pieces of wisdom we can get out of it. Sharing one life lesson below that really had me pondering lately,

Knowing who we are keeps us steadfast whatever circumstances life may throw at us
- Ha-baek knew exactly who he is. With his famous "I am the soon-to-be King of the Water County and the Emperor of the Realm of gods..", his sense of authority never left him. Money, position nor the lack of power could not deter that, not even when So Ah and everyone else thought of him as crazy. The lack of such did not make him less of a deity than he already is
- This is in stark contrast to Hoo Ye who has money, position and power yet doubts his identity and keeps it buried in the abyss of his past. When he faces who he really is, he breaks down and even allows what others say about him to shake him. I do hope the show gives justice to his choice of being a "good human" and give him a pleasant plight on the end. *sigh

Another thought that still tugged at my heart was one question I've raised in this thread before, 

"If you knew that love had a deadline, would you still give it your all?"

Some of my unnies here gave a big hearty yes. :wub:

@Visually-wandering @dramu51ch0c10ve @vangsweetie637

But I guess not so for Yoon So Ah, saying that she'd rather wrap things up than start a new beginning.

She still has 6 more episodes to change her mind though.. *wink!

Huwaiting! :rolleyes:


Hi chingu! I agree with you. HB and HY are complete contrast. HB has a very good idea of who he is and what he is, let alone his role as the next emperor. HY is easily shaken when his identity suffices, and we can see both react differently when their blood gets mentioned. As the episodes come, we receive more hints that HY was alive 1,200 years ago. And he had more connection to this 'betrayal' than we think. So..i am waiting to see whether the story will turn him good or evil. He still has a choice.

Aww..you know..some people are actually scared to give it their all even when they know it is a deadline. Why? Because the reality is scarier than the memories. For SA, it is not because she is not willing to. It is because she is so fragile that she doesn't want her vulnerability to hurt her more in the end. If she chooses to continue..she knows the day he is truly gone..will be the day her true loneliness begins. And she will easily feel that she should have protected her heart more than giving her everything to a love that will soon leave her. When thinking of it like this, SA's decision is clear. She is not willing to risk hurting herself when she knows HB cannot stay. She knows she will be even lonelier when he is gone. And that pain is not easily endured. But yet..it is because she would rather build these walls..that she will miss out on having the love of her life. If she doesn't let him know..in some kind of way..that she is willing to hold onto him..then he will feel that it is better to leave because they truly are way too different. They both do not know yet that even if their wings do not fly (as mentioned before the kiss)..they can still heal each other's wings by learning how to fly together :wub: haha and like you say..she has 6 episodes to change her mind :tongue:



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Just finish watching the latest episode.. what i can say.. it is hurt to see Haebak and SooAh.. both of them like each other and yet both of them know they are not meant to be each other. 

There are times i can feel that Habaek want to get close to SooAh and hug her but she just step back and walk away.. 


i hope it is not a sad ending as it is too hurt to continue to watch it... anyone read this manga before?? is the ending good?

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ok now I am convinced that CEO must have done something bad and CEO probably was not aware of it.  And only BR knows. But he's keeping to himself and it does feel like he's carrying some kind of guilt or was it burden? Or it was something that MR did unintentionally, and BR is trying to protect her.

MR said that BR is unstable.  i am sure CEO must have done something really really bad. And BR was probably the cause of it or somehow he is involved because he's from the sky god country.


Did CEO eat the twin of that mute God? (err why did my brain even think of that).


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31 minutes ago, kaoriharang said:

yeah he said something to the other god right,.

"Just because you dont want to take revenge doesnt mean I have forgiven him." So I believe it is related to some death, since BR has been accusing of HY for killing some minor gods.

the one question really tugged my heart the moment I read it. Indeed that line sums up HB and SA's relationship. Despite knowing that this was never going to last, yet they allowed themselves to feel love and be in love. It is now going to so make me cry. :bawling:

I really am moved by the life lessons you mention, it is so true. Indeed that is what is amazing about HB as compared to HY.


Thanks for typing that out...hehe. 

Some of our questions were answered in this week's ep, but a few more why and what pop out at the same time. 

Now I am even thinking that HB did not love NB at all but rather shown her compassion. This 1200 year old incident involves so many party - Sky God, HY, NB, HB, BR, MR (*scratching my head again). Who did I miss out?

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8 minutes ago, moodypie said:

Thanks for typing that out...hehe. 

Some of our questions were answered in this week's ep, but a few more why and what pop out at the same time. 

Now I am even thinking that HB did not love NB at all but rather shown her compassion. This 1200 year old incident involves so many party - Sky God, HY, NB, HB, BR, MR (*scratching my head again). Who did I miss out?


well we know Mura was somehow involved in the incident, its just is the incident 1,200 years ago related to that Shim lady? I thought for awhile we were wondering if that Shim lady is related to SA's ancestors at all? Because there was this one scene and from the way JD was talking to HY. And Mura did something right to that lady? (is it also the same lady Shim?) because she thought HB loved her?

Most of the gods opposed making SA's ancestors servants because of the mistake of a GOD. So in order words, according to HB and JD, SA's ancestors did not really commit any wrong, rather they were indirectly involve. And somehow BR convinced HB's mother to curse them?

indeed, BoTWG answers some questions but also gives us more unanswered ones as well.

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Therefore I conclude that this episode is my favorite...THE BEST EPISODE SO FAR!!Full of emotions...teary eyes,grinning,then teary eyes and the preview is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sleepless night again!Surviving until Monday next week is the biggest struggle beside from work..

And I have to agree with @bebebisous33 I have also a hunch that the writer will likely make Soah a demi god and I don't know but most likely a daughter of an emperor for me..or the sky God..it could really either of the two..since they are really been mysterious to her father face...could it be Kang Haneul??hehehe...

I really enjoying this episode than the previous..lot's of mysteries and been scratching my heads with so many questions and been thinking if I'm skipping a specific scene:joy:

I REALLY LOVE THIS SAYING FROM HABAEK....my heart hurts while listening to this line..and replaying the preview for the nth time..

"you are my first..and I want you to be my last":wub:

wishing someone will say that to me..:joy::love::heart:


Ah and this is for team MOnday...congratulations!!Just imagine that you are on Soah's shoes on this gif..your imagination can do that for sure kekeke

Have a great day everyone..stay strong on waiting for next week episode:blush:

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