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[SeokMin Spazzland] Ha Seok Jin x Jeon So Min <3 1% of Something's Jae In x Dada


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@zae91 @canbeMIA Hehe, you can say I was on HSJ "research" mode back then that I even watched raws but understood almost nothing. Maybe it's time for us to learn Korean? :crazy:I don't think it's very popular in Korea based on ratings that's why nobody was interested to sub and DramaFever or Viki didn't get the subbing rights. It's even lower than 1% and that's already TVN. I guess the experiment didn't pay off. Someone in drama thread was able to watch it and understand. I can't remember who. Hmmmm.

@zae91 Thanks for posting that! I was looking for that one, I thought I had downloaded it. :) Ohhh! I also noticed HSJs changing hair. Don't know why they didn't trim it, it was obvious his hair was short in indoor shots vs outdoor.  :P

EDIT: @canbeMIA, you're right. Last shot kiss was not on the same level as their other kisses. Maybe they haven't had the go signal to just go at it  yet or they haven't gotten the groove of kissing each other yet that was evident in other episodes. Do I make any sense? That BTS was funny because JSM maybe was expecting just a tender kiss but here comes HSJ getting so into it and grabbing her head and waist towards him.

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Hi everyone! Reporting here just to tell you that you guys are not alone in shipping these two lovebirds. This is not my first shipping thread ( I am shipping two other couples too..hehehe ) but I can't help but ship these two. Same with other people's POV, I too refuse to believe that these two are not dating in real life. The chemistry of these two are over and beyond. It is definitely EXPLOSIVE!  (Explosive enough to lure me back into soompi after a 5-month hiatus ;)). Kisses, gazes, gentle touches and hugs (both in the drama and in BTS)..all of those screams LOVE to me. I don't need other evidences those are already enough to make me jump into this ship. Hehehe!:)


I am not good in gathering infos or in translating stuffs but I am an expert in liking posts. Hahaha! God Bless everyone. Stay inlove! :wub::wub:

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1 hour ago, jellybellymonster said:

@minahnoona the filming schedule is really interesting right? I think they filmed for 34(?) days spread over a span of 2 months. Day 0 in the photobook is the table read session. I'm not familiar with how filming schedule works. I'm so used to live-filming dramas that I always assumed all dramas film chronologically. Maybe in pre-production, they are able to plan logistics much better. I hope you get lucky and get your hands on that photobook! This is not conclusive but it almost seemed they filmed in reverse order. Maybe they received scripts for all episodes beforehand that's why they are able to prepare how JI and DaDa will feel/act regardless of order of filming. We never noticed because their chemistry was working since day 0. This is what I got from images of the photobook I've seen.  :smile:

Day 33 or 34 (?) - Date at the park ; Jogging at the park

Day 32 - Second date @ Toy Store

Day 25 - Overnight at JI and drunken confession

Somewhere in between - JIs birthday

Day 22 - Wedding ceremony

Day 11 - Proposal and also jungle gym romance / episode 15 reunion at school

Day 10 - Last date

Day 3 - Breakfast at the hotel

Glad to see you guys here! @triplem @turtle0217 @gladys57 @fangirlsy @andriyaniekaa @popcornhoney I still miss our OTP that's why I'm rewatching and camping here at SeokMin Spazzland sort of eases missing them. 

Oooh thanks for listing the known filming days so far! I think that they probably were briefed about what happened in the previous scenes or have already been given the whole script, hence their interactions were well acted out.


10 hours ago, canbeMIA said:

edit: HSJ has a part time job for two months......... JSM's photographer. Hahaha:w00t:

it is really cuteeeee.. It is not every day that your co-star takes pictures of you.:blush:

I LOOOOOOVEEEEE that gif of him taking a picture of her in the car using his phone! He was putting so much effort into it, moving around and trying to get the right frame kekeke.


48 minutes ago, zae91 said:

Yap dear @jellybellymonster, the pre-production dramas especially for low-budget drama, were not filming chronologically. Not just for pre-production, but also for films or even on-going dramas. I've noticed it since the first place, if you look at carefully you will realize it by paying attention to HSJ's hair, the shorter hair of him are when the early days filming, while the longer hair of him when the last days filming. For example is the filming for first time Dada stayed at Jaein's home (when he wear blue sweater) is also the filming when Jaein called Dada at midnight for the first time, he wear the same sweater but different pants. Another example like when Jaein had breakfast with Dada in his hotel (when he wear green tosca coat) was filming in different day with when Dada asked him to have lunch in Grandma restaurant. 

Your powers of observation are amazing @zae91! You win the Sherlock award! Btw, I also like your favourite bts. Let me repost the full video link, so that we can all relive this glory :wub:

I love how they were practically plastered next to each other while waiting for filming to start, and just casually chatting, with some very awesome smiles on HSJ's face. And this wasn't even a position that was required for the scene, since the scene actually starts with Dada bringing drinks over and before sitting down. Were they plastered together so that kind JSM can share her fan with HSJ? But wouldn't sitting so close be even warmer? :w00t: They're just so comfortable with each other at this stage. When they were waiting for the filming to start again, HSJ just leaves his hand on her arm, and again that lovely smile as he says something to her.
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Hello @MeandmyCraziness! Please do share links!

@minahnoona LOL. I am always amused by that fan. Is it really that hot when it's summer in Korea? Hot and humid? I was able to go during colder months only. I can understand that all the lights around them may have made it even hotter. Hope they filmed these indoor shots with aircon at the very least. The BTS vids are great but like a lot of you here, I wish we knew what they were talking and laughing about!

jsomin86_love has more than one copy of the photobook. I can clearly see it in her posts. We need to be friends with her!

Here's the new Oksusu ad that I mentioned in drama thread. It heavily features OTP. 

EDIT: @minahnoona @canbeMIA Hahahaha I'm a perv who has already started comparing his kissing scenes in other dramas. LOL! If you take the jungle gym kiss, that's HSJ's signature kiss style. He starts with touching the side of her face a bit, brushing her hair, putting his hands on her neck/behind head then go in for the kill. That's almost the same in Drinking Solo, The Legendary Witch and to some extent, Iron Lady (honestly, the smell kiss made me cringe even if I watched the episode already). I shall research for JSM as well.

I'll watch Knowing Brothers ep you linked. I think it might be region locked because it was not playing but thankfully it worked with VPN.

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1 hour ago, canbeMIA said:

Honestly, the last kiss after the SH party on the last episode was kinda awkward for me. That was filmed on the 8th day. hehe.. I think many of you have watched the BTS video of that one. The two were still warming up to each other and the way HSJ hugged JSM was still so ahhhhhh IDK the word lol... Their bodies were even not so close and both were struggling as to how and where they will place each other's hands. Haha. 

I was not so happy with the last kiss in short.. hahahahah. I hate it when OTPs will "mouth-closed kiss" (is this even a term??haha) Anyway, maybe it's just me.. maybe i just wanted moreeeeeeeee.. :w00t:

Welcome..welcome @popcornhoney @gladys57 and @fangirlsy ..xoxo~


1 hour ago, jellybellymonster said:

EDIT: @canbeMIA, you're right. Last shot kiss was not on the same level as their other kisses. Maybe they haven't had the go signal to just go at it  yet or they haven't gotten the groove of kissing each other yet that was evident in other episodes. Do I make any sense? That BTS was funny because JSM maybe was expecting just a tender kiss but here comes HSJ getting so into it and grabbing her head and waist towards him.

I noticed that the "post-marriage" kisses were all more chaste than the before marriage ones. I think it didn't look awkward to me in the drama, though yes, it didn't have the intensity their dating kisses had. Not for lack of HSJ trying though LOL. HSJ was born ready to kiss I think hehe! Remember HSJ's hand coming naturally up to hold her head, before JSM broke the kiss and he got embarrassed for being caught having no chill? :lol: So the lack of intensity was probably the director's call.

And remember the make-up kiss? HSJ was holding her head too in the BTS, but the actual cut that made it into the drama was the one where he kept his hands at her waist. And just how many times did they kiss considering there are different cuts and angles kekeke.

Holding his lady's head/face while kissing seems to be HSJ's kissing habit hehe. That's why that hand crept up in the hotel kiss after the SH party kekeke.

We've seen posts of HSJ's kissing examples in other shows. I thought he did good in the first kiss in DS with his leading lady there too. Any examples to compare for JSM?

I've referred to this before, but do check out JSM's guest appearance in  Knowing Brothers - she was amazing in the improv section! She even flustered Lee Sugeun the improv master hehe. This and her guest appearance in DS, and me wanting to see more of HSJ made me check out 1%! It took me about 2 to 3 episodes to get into Dada because I was already bowled over by JSM as herself, that at first Dada seemed less vibrant? But I was hooked by ep 4 I think!


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31 minutes ago, jellybellymonster said:

Hello @MeandmyCraziness! Please do share links!

@minahnoona LOL. I am always amused by that fan. Is it really that hot when it's summer in Korea? Hot and humid? I was able to go during colder months only. I can understand that all the lights around them may have made it even hotter. Hope they filmed these indoor shots with aircon at the very least. The BTS vids are great but like a lot of you here, I wish we knew what they were talking and laughing about!

jsomin86_love has more than one copy of the photobook. I can clearly see it in her posts. We need to be friends with her!

Here's the new Oksusu ad that I mentioned in drama thread. It heavily features OTP. 

I think I've only ever been to Korea in warm weather twice lol - in June and September. I much prefer summer to winter, so it was fine for me! Maybe the fan was to keep her cool in more ways than one lol.

Woohoo our OTP lives on in Oksusu, even after the drama has ended! Hope this gets more people to check out the drama too ^^.

I'm so excited for tomorrow's fanmeeting! Hope there will be fan accounts and pics!

Btw, there is a SHINee fansub out for Minho's episode of Problematic Men ^^ full cut, so it includes HSJ and the rest! I wish TVN would broadcast the show on their international cable channel (which I subscribe to)...


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3 hours ago, fangirlsy said:

@zae91 the photo is from the photobook too? wow. The playground kiss scene was taken on the first week! IRL relationship or not, they're great actors. Good job and that just makes me wish harder that they each get recognition as actors :)

I think it was on the first week of July. As you can see in the PB there's 2016/6 and 2016/7.. So the one we have above is for the month of june and july :) 

yes cchingu @zae91 there was a hug..eyyyyy why was it not shown???? Was it a BTS because if we will think about it, that scene doesn't call for a hug right? because dada was not happy that JI came to her school. Hmmmmm:blink:

chinguuu @MeandmyCraziness welcome!! welcome!! *insert HSJ's boxers* as your welcome present.HAHAHAHA 

BTW, go check jsominslove IG she posted many pictures from the PB. I can't share links RN because i am only using phone. ㅠㅡㅠ 

One of us here should have that damn photobook!!! HUHU 

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OHHHHHHH CRAP!!!!!! where did my essay go??????? I was writing something about JSM according to what I saw in the video that @minahnoonashared when she guested in knowing brothers. I was soooo ready to post it and it just_____________. 

AHHHHHHHH soompi ate my post!I wanna cry . I wrote it for almost 30 minutes. It was really longggg.. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i feel so cheated!!!!! Ahhhhh waeee waeeee!!! :bawling:

It is already 4 am here and i am still up. Be gone soompi..be goneeeeee!!!!!! I am out! 

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Thank you everyone for updating on some of the pictures and BTS. I can't believe it the kiss at the playground was filmed first. WOW! They did a good job in acting then! :wub:

Still I can't believe that there are some scenes we didn't get to see.. *ANDWWAAA!!* :dizzy: They gotta release it. Lol! 

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@minahnoona Chinguyaaaa thanks for the link of Knowing Brothers. I laughed so much specially the improv part that I had tears. 

I think JSMs guesting was in June this year? She looked really pretty and young in this episode. She has childlike qualities no? She was so candid talking about her past and love in general. And when she was asked what she wants, she answered boyfriend immediately. She's such a romantic. She loves writing poems right? Her IG captions show as much. 

I took some screencaps. 

When asked why she was there. LOL. 





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2 hours ago, canbeMIA said:

OHHHHHHH CRAP!!!!!! where did my essay go??????? I was writing something about JSM according to what I saw in the video that @minahnoonashared when she guested in knowing brothers. I was soooo ready to post it and it just_____________. 

AHHHHHHHH soompi ate my post!I wanna cry . I wrote it for almost 30 minutes. It was really longggg.. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i feel so cheated!!!!! Ahhhhh waeee waeeee!!! :bawling:

It is already 4 am here and i am still up. Be gone soompi..be goneeeeee!!!!!! I am out! 

Aww ㅠㅠ I hate it when that happens! But I do look forward to hearing your thoughts on our dear JSM. Fighting! 

1 hour ago, jellybellymonster said:

@minahnoona Chinguyaaaa thanks for the link of Knowing Brothers. I laughed so much specially the improv part that I had tears. 

I think JSMs guesting was in June this year? She looked really pretty and young in this episode. She has childlike qualities no? She was so candid talking about her past and love in general. And when she was asked what she wants, she answered boyfriend immediately. She's such a romantic. She loves writing poems right? Her IG captions show as much. 

I took some screencaps. 

When asked why she was there. LOL. 


Glad that you enjoyed it! JSM endeared herself to me in this guesting on my favourite variety show. And yeah, i think she had already started 1% filming? Since that's her Dada hair ^^ but still early days of filming i guess, so her answer about no boyfriend sounds about right. And yeah she seems younger as JSM in Knowing Brothers than as Dada hehe.

She dances well too, no? 

Her makjang improv was one of the best I've seen for that segment. She's very quick to react and come up with new situations ㅋㅋㅋ. 

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5 hours ago, andriyaniekaa said:


thank you dear @naritul .. i really love number two , the expresion of HSJ when he look JSM :blush::heart:


dont quote pics and gifs dear chinguyaaa :) 

HSJ's expressions were love... he fell in love with her :blush: 

I made bts vids compilation (bgm shinhwa newest song :wub:)


15 hours ago, minahnoona said:

I noticed that the "post-marriage" kisses were all more chaste than the before marriage ones. I think it didn't look awkward to me in the drama, though yes, it didn't have the intensity their dating kisses had. Not for lack of HSJ trying though LOL. HSJ was born ready to kiss I think hehe! Remember HSJ's hand coming naturally up to hold her head, before JSM broke the kiss and he got embarrassed for being caught having no chill? :lol: So the lack of intensity was probably the director's call.

And remember the make-up kiss? HSJ was holding her head too in the BTS, but the actual cut that made it into the drama was the one where he kept his hands at her waist. And just how many times did they kiss considering there are different cuts and angles kekeke.

Holding his lady's head/face while kissing seems to be HSJ's kissing habit hehe. That's why that hand crept up in the hotel kiss after the SH party kekeke.

We've seen posts of HSJ's kissing examples in other shows. I thought he did good in the first kiss in DS with his leading lady there too. Any examples to compare for JSM?


I feel you chinguya. I didn't have any problem with those post marriage kisses although some of us (maybe) find the hallway ballroom kiss looked awkward because we knew it's taken earlier. 

RL finally has knocked me down, i don't have enough time to do extensive research about their past dramas.   

I really really hate "the dead fish kiss" in Kdramas especially when both actors are grown-up BUT i didnt find in HSJ past kissing scenes. HSJ kissed his co-stars passionately and all of them did a great job kissed him back :crazy: He never failed kissing his co-stars but i need to watch all of his dramas which contained romance and kissing scenes plus the bts but i will consider my next action after 1% FM (yaaay!!!)

As you said, HSJ has this kissing habit which is holding/pulling his opponent head/body (waist?) and he did that to all of his co-stars including JSM, hmmm about those small gestures, i didnt find it in his past dramas clips but maybe that's how he made his "new jae in character". He held his opponents head with one hand, and his another hand held her back or (rarely) waist. 

I've watched childless comfort, Legendary witch, DS, and unstoppable marriage kissing scenes (it's not final conclusion because i must watch entire episodes first) and i found that he never (so far) held his opponents head with both hands but we got it in 1%( JAE IN bday kiss, couch kiss, wall kiss, car "post-marriage" kiss). maybe maybe maybe, he tried to secure JSM head for better intimacy? kekekeke... who knows?  

Sorry, his kissing scenes in DS seem "plain" to me after watching 1%. 

Ahhhh i am imagining things....:unsure:






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Hi..i'm new here...i really both of them...i did found that JSM and tae ha had work together as a couple in the last drama East of Eden MBC..the biggest budget drama for that yr...JSM also a guest in the running man..she pair with kwan soo...she's so funny & easy going in RM..u all must watch her in RM...RM ep 224


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