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[Drama 2016-2017] Love Bubbles, 사랑은 방울방울, Mon-Fri 19:20. Thanks for all your support!!


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Well said chingu @Ldy Gmerm. Clapping real loud , your comment are always on point. I agree 10000000000000% with you. 

55 minutes ago, chasen8888 said:

YS - I do not think she is completely evil but I do agree that she is wrong for facilitating and supporting CR's evil behavior as well as assisting in spoiling docs in creating a good image of CR.  YS's main issue was trying to do whatever it takes to please both CR & docs who are extremely selfish, jealous, egotistical, delusional, obsessive, manipulative people as well as thinking that she could be a real mother as a make up for her sin of the past.  She never felt adequate as a person and thought by doing whatever it takes she will gain their favor/sincere love as well as protect herself by not revealing her past. Hence the lies to make herself look good as she fears being abandoned herself, not that I support her lying either, its just wrong and in this case she was a good teacher in CR doing the same to their benefit only not realizing how bad it makes them look in  the future especially to those who "trusts" them, hence docs issue with YS. 

I too don't think she is evil, she let both of these people influence her to do whatever she needs to make them happy. I feel CR and her father used YS to brink that now she is very sick. CR obsessing over a man who wants nothing to do with her. Her husband wanting a stay at home wife whose duties are to only take care of him and his daughter. She was a servant to him not a person. CR and DR only thought of themselves and of no one else.  Both have the same tendency of being jealous of a relationship that non existence. 

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Chae Ri had lost her freedom and is on the verge of losing the only mother she ever had, Young Sook. She is terminally ill now. I think in the end Young Sook acted as the parent she should be to Chae Rin instead on indulging a spoil child. How hard she tried to get Chae Rin out from a jail term, fate is not at their side and Chae Rin got arrested.

I loved the two slaps Bang Wool gave Chae Rin and she ran off exactly like a spoil child and cry away. How can she think that Woo Hyuk will even fancy her knowing that she resorted to "poisoning" Bang Wool.

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1 minute ago, chocolatepie said:

I can't find the raw for today's episode.  Was it broadcast in Korea today or they were showing other news instead?  

There was no episode today, my dear! The next is tomorrow.

By the way, I don't see YS as evil. Her real big flaw is her greed. Greed: She wanted to live under better circumstances hence she abandoned her family; Greed again, when DR hugged again as she saw it as an opportunity; greed: in order to be accepted by CR as a mother, she would do anything!! Due to DR's behaviour and mentality, YS had to spoil YS in order to be in her favour. 

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Some reading material for today since there is no episode to watch: https://shamrockmom3.wordpress.com/2017/05/23/the-shortage-of-comic-relief-thoughts-on-love-is-drop-by-drop-episodes-111-113/

I am behind but there's a good reason. My friend's boyfriend owns a hot-rod shop and a stray cat had a litter of 6 kittens in his back storeroom...one of those little rascals now lives at my house! So hard to type when there's a kitten on my shoulder.  :D

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16 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

There was no episode today, my dear! The next is tomorrow.

By the way, I don't see YS as evil. Her real big flaw is her greed. Greed: She wanted to live under better circumstances hence she abandoned her family; Greed again, when DR hugged again as she saw it as an opportunity; greed: in order to be accepted by CR as a mother, she would do anything!! Due to DR's behaviour and mentality, YS had to spoil YS in order to be in her favour. 

Just definition of "evil" is all about YS, her action: wicked, bad, wrong, immoral, sinful, foul, vile, dishonorable, corrupt, iniquitous, depraved, reprobate, villainous, nefarious, vicious, malicious; malevolent, sinister, monstrous, shocking, despicable, atrocious, heinous, odious, contemptible, horrible, execrable; lowdown, dirty

We, in general, use the word, evil, very loosely.  But, according to Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, YS surely fits title "Evil".  


Evil and Responsibility

It is universally accepted that to perform an evil action an agent must be morally responsible for what she does matters. Although hurricanes and rattlesnakes can cause great harm, they cannot perform evil actions because they are not moral agents. The moral agents only perform evil actions when they are morally responsible for what they do and their actions are morally inexcusable. To meet these conditions evildoers must act voluntarily, intend or foresee their victim's suffering, and lack moral justification for their actions. 


I see people already feeling sorry for YS and starts to forgive her for what she's done to BW in the past. To me, YS is also getting away scot-free if she is not legally punished for what she's done. The reason why she did the unthinkable doesn't matter, but her action does matters.   Even if how she treated BW is bad, that is not a crime.  It is wrong for YS to treat anyone that way, but it isn't illegal.   Same as OHW. OHW did treat BW terribly, but what OHW did wasn't punishable by the law.  But YS case is different. She did fabricate the truth and put SC in jail, help CR hiding 'hit and run' in a big way. And that's a crime and need to be punished regardless of her health unless she is already dead.   YS action is a surely evil person's doing and if she is not legally punished for the crimes that she committed, something is very wrong with this picture.  

Do I feel sorry for YS?  Yes, I do.  I even believe that under the different circumstances, YS could turn out to be kind, caring and nurturing person.  Do I believe she should not be punished because she is already paying for her sin by her failing health?  No, I don't.  Why should she be treated any differently?   There are many unfortunate people who would die to have money, fame and glam life, but not everyone commits crimes. 

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@eakeeper: Don't forget to add financial fraud to YS's crime list. She either forged or manipulated the power of attorney paperwork to sell the multi-billion won building that belonged to Doc. Even if they owned it jointly, if she sold it without his permission, he has a case against her. Now my question that I raised in my blog was how does she get to redistribute the proceeds from the building to GJ and BW. That is a problem. CR's $300K isn't going anywhere since she's in jail per the preview. I agree, YS needs to be in jail for obstruction of justice, perjury, and fraud regardless of her health status. 

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Countdown to the ending = 3 left

It’s good for the good guys

Ep 117 recap

  • CR gets arrested at the airport for the hit and run case which she loudly denies being responsible for. CR is brought to the police station in hysterical mode, docs/WW want to know what’s happening, YS is silent.  CR is in interrogation and is still lying despite the proof being shown that she is guilty which includes the blackmailer.  OTP arrives BW scolds YS for what she did in helping CR, YS admitted not knowing it was Jang Ho, BW told her that even if she died she will not forgive her.
  • WH hearing those words from BW took her out of the station, they talk a bit about YS being her mother etc.  They visited SC and inform him that he is to be released based on the evidence that proves CR is the culprit.  WH’s family is informed of the latest happening regarding CR as well as the fact that YS is BW’s real mother which has WK/OHW surprised.  Later CGJ gives OHW the update as to relationship between BW/YS which has her thinking.
  • Docs scold YS for her hand in helping CR cover up the crime, she stated her reasons.  Docs demands from YS that she must beg BW a favor in order to help CR but she says no, he is insistent.  After he leaves, YS takes a rest she coughs blood.
  • SC is released and returns home to a happy celebration.  All are smiling, eating etc.
  • The next day, docs visited CR and talks to her about the case using the amnesia as an alibi but CR admits to docs that she was faking the memory loss.  This shocks docs and it was overheard by WK/WH, WH stated that he knew and how he found out. CR states her reasons as to why she did it etc. WH looks at her with disgust, he came closer to her and said something else.  CR screams WH as WK/WH leaves with WH being angry and docs in shock not knowing who his daughter was as a person. WK tries to appease WH, she tells him that she finally understood what he meant about hating/despising CR.
  • SC returns to work happily when BW receives a call from OHW who tries to convince her to return to WH.  They had a somewhat pleasant talk with OHW leaving.  SC also visited WH, they are talking like true friends, it was a happy one.
  • YS is informed of her illness, her time is short and she should inform the family. CGJ stops by the salon, YS asks her a favour for her to see BW but CGJ says no, she scolds YS for her actions etc and leaves.  YS gets philosophical in thought as to her fate throwing the pills as the cirrhosis/pain is getting worse that she could not take them.
  • Docs visited BW and her family regarding CR, requesting her help but BW says no to that and that CR must take responsibility for her actions.  BW looks at her father’s picture and tells him that she kept her promise to find the criminal etc.
  • Docs/YS later visited CR in prison who demands to be released and saying that she is having a hard time, showing a tiny bruise.  Docs says that it is going to be difficult as there is a lot of evidence against her, YS tries to appease CR but is rejected.
  • It’s WH’s last day at the office which is confirmed by BW after speaking to him, she got off the elevator debating on what to do when he told her that it was up to her whether he stays or goes.  BW wishes him a safe trip, elevator closes.
  • BW told SC the real reason why she is rejecting WH and that she is very afraid especially with the loss of the men in her lives.  It seems that SC tells her to take that chance all the same.
  • WH is leaving for the airport, with SC driving the talk is casual.  SC took him somewhere saying that they are making a stop.  It’s a special place for the OTP, SC went for coffee and WH reminisces as to the last time he was there with BW.  He hears BW’s voice asking if he wants the coffee, BW proposes to WH which he accepts OTP hugs.  Show ends.



OTP visits moms and pops

BW’s family visits WH’s family its now official

CR is in prison, she is bragging about not being an ordinary person & being BH group future DIL (not happening, ever). CR is going Crazy and gets beaten up by fellow prisoners

BW goes by YS returning something and saying some angry words to her

Other – BW decides to take another chance to be with WH now that all is clear for them to move forward.  This is understandable.  OHW though surprised at finding out about CR being the culprit seems to be reacting very calmly and there is no way she will be visiting CR because that would affect her image as well as BH Group as to the association link which we all know is important to her.  It seems that she will never get the full information as to CR’s crimes but I think now that she is relieved that they have escaped this one.

Take care

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I can't wait for sub thanks @chasen8888 for the recap I am so happy for what is happening CR even if it is late she got what she deserve, now I want to see a kiss between OTP 

by the way, i will post the video late tomorrow, I have FIRST AID training

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Thank you fro the recap..


Thanks for the clips..

It is very funny that DR stands around looking like he can't believe that CR is the real culprit and daring to take YS to task for trying to protect his daughter who he pushed on her the responsibility of raising (even if CR was already grown and a brat). It further makes me chuckle that he looks at CR like he has no idea who she is or that she was bat shyt crazy! Come on how many times has CR shown her father her irrational and obsessive behavior especially concerning WH. So his look of disbelief at her admitting she was faking her amnesia and finding out that she did the hit and run is foolish. CR is just like DR. Both are crazy as H E L L, possessive and obsessive and it should be like looking in a mirror.

I am very happy to see WH over hear her admit she was faking it. Not so much for him but for WK who still held a bit of doubt. WH needed to finally tell this witch in front of her father what he did and walk away to make her go nuts to give her father the true view of his kid. I wish OHW had got to see this. The sad part is her other crimes will most likely get pushed to the side because of the hit and run and I can expect that as this is the most serious.

How delusional and nuts was it for DR to even fix his mouth to demand that YS meet the daughter she abandoned, said so many nasty things about and to and request she help the step daughter that YS raised for years and who killed her father and YS protected to help CR? This man is just as out of it as his nutty daughter is. DR also thought BW was low bred, not worthy of WH and a few more adjectives and he was angry and jealous over her because YS had a life and love before him. It has only been in the last week or two (k-drama time) that he stopped his possible planned tormenting because he found out that BW was DJ's widow and WH got his heart.

I do not think YS had any desire or wanted to contact BW as she knows how truly awful that would be given all that has happened. YS tried since she chose to protect CR and I am glad that she was rejected by that idea. Her suffering is in not only knowing her daughter hates her but her time is running out and she will have no way to make amends if someone does not find out she is very ill and try to save her. (if she can even be saved.)

DR going to that house on his own was in bad taste and disrespectful and he was only there because of his daughter not thinking about how the daughter of the man who CR killed would feel. He was insensitive and selfish. I am glad that BW told him NO and CR needs to pay for what she did. DR has no idea all the things that CR has said and did to her and I really wished that BW had hit him right in the face of all her crimes towards her let alone her words. Perhaps then he would see he had no chance in H E L L of ever getting that request filled let alone perhaps making him drop his head and feel ashamed for even asking her.

CR's biggest problem is in never paying for the bad things she does but in also having the thought that she does not have to pay for them. In getting away with her crimes. DR and YS are part of this as either of them were privy to parts if not all of the bad things she did and neither did anything to make her learn that what she did was bad and there are repercussions. Now CR is going to find out the hard way but I doubt it will really matter because her mind is gone in my opinion and she is living in a delusional dream land. DR should have got the girl help a long time ago and YS should have spoken up over her crazy behavior. Both contributed to who CR is today and are responsible for her crazy.

Finally our OTP is back together. I wish the proposal did not happen at the end of the episode but I can't wait for the next to see them finally back together and the elders finding out.

CAN I say I will have a repeat on CR getting a jail "Blanket" party. It's exactly what her crazy azz needs to shut her delusional mouth. Who's DIL will she be? Not that companies that is for sure. LMAO, now we need the ex to come see her in jail and taunt her with waking up from his disillusionment over her and living well.

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1 hour ago, euraka said:

@eakeeper you got your wish  I  just only watch the preview and  CR are is getting a good beating from her cell mate


LOL  CR is still delusional.  

So, SC was the one who gave BW encouragement to go after her true love.    

I feel calmer when I watched the episode today and didn't get anxious as other days.  BW handle herself well on every occasion in this episode; In front of CR's dad, in front of YS, DR and WW at the police station...     I was glad WK and WH both heard when CR told her father about the fake amnesia.  I especially enjoy watching the way WH told CR. He is a good actor.   He showed how he is disgusted with CR and he wants nothing to do with her, not now and not ever.   His expression was dead on. Even the doc couldn't stop him treating his daughter the way WH did there then.  I would like to know how long CR will be in prison.  

YS looked so pitiful.  If she really wants to pay her debt, she should do whatever she can to make sure BW doesn't find out about her illness.  I hope last 3 episodes, I don't want to see sad and troubled BW.  The remainder of the episodes should belong to BW and WH.   

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20 hours ago, eakeeper said:

I see people already feeling sorry for YS and starts to forgive her for what she's done to BW in the past. To me, YS is also getting away scot-free if she is not legally punished for what she's done. The reason why she did the unthinkable doesn't matter, but her action does matters.   Even if how she treated BW is bad, that is not a crime.  It is wrong for YS to treat anyone that way, but it isn't illegal.   Same as OHW. OHW did treat BW terribly, but what OHW did wasn't punishable by the law.  But YS case is different. She did fabricate the truth and put SC in jail, help CR hiding 'hit and run' in a big way. And that's a crime and need to be punished regardless of her health unless she is already dead.   YS action is a surely evil person's doing and if she is not legally punished for the crimes that she committed, something is very wrong with this picture.  

@eakeeper  I also think something is wrong with this picture that she's not behind bars with CRazy.. Yes her sin is she abandon her original family she could have left Bw with her father on better terms.. Her second sin is she didn't even look to see who CRazy had ran over another sin committed to Bw.. Then her and CRazy went all out to make sure Bw and Wh wouldn't be together even hurting her on G/son more sin she committed is to frame and innocent person even after learning of all the sins she committed to her on daughter and G/son knowing how fondly they all thinks of him..  So all and all she also be lock up they have the coin man car hacker what are they waiting for. Reason I say coin man he does what he do for money.. I know theres a paper trail that leads to her handcuffs..

1 hour ago, chasen8888 said:

Docs visited BW and her family regarding CR, requesting her help but BW says no to that and that CR must take responsibility for her actions.  BW looks at her father’s picture and tells him that she kept her promise to find the criminal etc.

Once Again Thanks @chasen8888  Do this man not realize even if this don't bring Bw father back is the idea of the fact he could still be alive if she hadn't ran he still hasn't learned of all the things CRazy has done to Bw and it's time for her to take responsibilty for her own action dropping any charges against her would make her even worst as she had already proven her action time and time again..

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I hope you won't mind my stopping in for just a moment as I don't usually post here but have enjoyed reading, watching and following along...  When one is involved in a daily there are many episodes and you learn to be patient and wait for those moments that seem to take forever to come.  But just like today when they do it's as if everything inside you is soaring above the stars and you feel so good you can't hardly stand yourself..

What once felt like a drop of rain now feels like a flood of joy and seeing that love can endure many things.  That a relationship can face the darkness even believe there is no hope.  Yet somehow that voice within ones heart continues to holdout and hang on to those feeling and desires that are locked within it.  Can't wait till tomorrow:D  My best to all of you:wub:


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I see CR is still as nutso & delusional in jail as she was out of jail. It has to be me, because the actress portraying CR is really horrible. Her version of 'woe is me' and 'it wasn't me' was so awkward and fake. Plus when she broke down crying after WH behind bars in the police station, the only thing that ran through my head was not "about damn time she's in jail" but "jeezus, her acting skills are horrible" or "her crying is so fake" (but that's just me).

Even when the police had CCTV of her in the act of destroying SC's phone, plus the witness, she was still denying it when they interrogated her. I'm surprised she confessed to it eventually, and color me surprised she confessed to her father that she was faking amnesia. Thought she would go right along with his plan to please not guilty by way of amnesia.

She truly takes obsession to a different level!!! Glad that everyone knows her true face & character. WK was so offended and disgusted by CR's lying and horrible acts. I was hoping for a total TKO with OHW when she found out, but it was just ho hum. I was expecting more, but than again, I gave the writer too much credit. Should have lowered my expectation way way down. Silver lining is that there's only 3 more episodes and OTP are finally together. The end is near...hallelujah!!! 

I need to stay away from this writer as well as the actress who portrays CR (she's not a rookie either but has been around for many years, and there's no improvement...WHY?!!!!).


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DR got his wish for a petition but just not the right type of petition he seemed quite surprised that it will not be one to help CR but to actually hurt her when the petition request a thorough investigation of what happen that night. His saying he knows he appears shameless to BW and her in-laws was dead on and FIL should have let DJ's mom speak a bit more of her peace because she was right if you know you are shameless then why exactly did you come here? You had to want something! His daughter will not be getting a reduced sentence because she still fails to admit her crime let alone see her wrong doing and regret it. Being nuts does not take away from the fact that no matter what CR had to be forced to be seen as the culprit.

BW told DR right every one makes mistakes and it was perhaps an accident but not once has CR regretted what she did or felt bad. She ran, lied, payed off and framed another person let alone never thought to help the man when she hit him or thinking about the daughter he left behind due to his death. IT is still all about her and not about what she did. So she needs to rot in jail getting daily "Blanket" parties from her cell mates. Perhaps that will snap her back to reality.

DR asking CR if she was crazy when she admitted she did not have amnesia was hilarious.. Come on really DR, you had to asks that question? What part of not crazy has CR shown him?It was ridiculous and even WH seemed to want to roll his eyes at DR's idiot question. DR contributed to CR's delusion and obsession of WH. DR should have listened to WH when he told him he was not interested in CR and all the other times WH showed CR he was with someone he did love. If Dr had not edged her on to continue pursuing WH perhaps she would have got over her delusion (I doubt it.) But for sure DR should have made her forget trying to be with WH.

DR. CR and the rest are going to get their shock at how ill YS is. My guess is YS is not going to say anything she will see it as punishment. Someone will either over hear something or the Dr. may contact DR as her husband and he will hear the news of her needing a transplant. But frankly I do not care if YS lives or dies.. but I do not want BW hurt because YS died in that manner and she said harsh words to her. YS needed them because no matter if it was her father or not the person CR killed and she helped to cover up was a human being and it was wrong.

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