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[Drama 2017] The Ruler: Master of the Mask /The Emperor: Owner of the Mask 군주:가면의 주인

Go Seung Ji

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8 minutes ago, rhaps said:

Yeah, I think it goes back to the writing *sighs*. GE has been thinking about her beloved CS for 5 years, so how come she didnt seem to remember that POT , who was requested by a dying CrownPrince's mother, when she was besides him? It's something that people have been complaining all this time, coz that little detail could show that GE can think and analyze. Well, yeah..at least this week's episodes are a lot better than last week, so I'm trying to brush that aside.

Sorry havent been able to type much. Will come back later

totally agree....As far as we know, the writer have no prior experience. This is their fist project. The lag of continuance sequence of the  plot and story line make the drama become dull and disconnect with the viewer. 

To make the story more interesting or intense the writer should keep HG alive... her character purposes has not  been fully utilise yet. She is the lone strong character and so far manage to up DM. To killed her 5 ep (did I calculate correctly...)  before the end is so wasted...

To make LS obsessed, crazy is also wasted. The writer should make LS character so twisted  between good and bad that the viewer can empathize with him 

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The OST is already available in Apple Music. You guys can listen to it while waiting for the MV from Danal Entertainment. (But I really doubt they would since there has been no sign of teaser...)

This is also the last OST right?... ㅠㅠ

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1 hour ago, jakey09 said:


I don't think so. I think, both daughter-father combo were human enough but it just passed through DM. He'd become so cold, so selfish ... that he didn't even realize he was using his own family. Or did he?

I really felt bad for HG'a father as well. That guy only wanted to prove himself to his father ... I guess, thanks to him, HG turned out to be the way she did ... and thanks to CP ... otherwise who knows DM might have turned her into an other monster.

HG's father might seem dumb to DM but he can be quite useful ... kind of wise. Something in his eyes. I hope he ends up joining CP in the end. Just saying. 

I loved that scene as well, as you mentioned. I loved how she reminded him why he deserves to be a King. Now, that's what differentiates GE from HG. :wink: 

Btw, you said extra kiss ... I wonder ... you really did not expect an other kiss at all or do you think there's an other one waiting for us in the end?! 

HG was able to make empathize with her at moments but DM..is another story haha. But

I feel really bad and sad for daddy HG. Always wanting to take some burdens off his father's shoulder so that he can take over PS. HG was his pride and proud accomplishment. And DM just killing her..wow!

Yup i love that scene between CP and GE. I will rewatch the episode later on when no one bothers me by telling me to cook and such haha 

LOL..no you silly! You know me! Haha. I said extra kiss because i didn't expect it to be given to us yet but i always asked for a reunion with a hug and kiss.and boom! ..i always have hope there will be more..and there better be! :wink:

 @wingki13 LOLOLOL. Silly me! I wanted to listen to the ost so much that I literally pressed play on the picture you posted hahahaha!!

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I've been on social portal sites reading comments and I love how kneitzens thinking is almost the same as international fans. 

Some comments are voicing how we're getting pictures of YSH & KSH thanks to photographers and we might as well give up on trying to wait for a selca LOL 

other than that - some comments from the BTS videos goes like this: 

"The atomosphere is good" 

"such a cute atmosphere"

"Seung Ho.....how can you be so handsome"

"So Hyun is cute. Her laugh is a virus"

"instead of a calm atmosphere it's much brighter!!"

"Seeing their smiles is good to see!! Always cheering for you! Seung Ho and So Hyun act well! So handsome and pretty!!"


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16 minutes ago, findit said:

Gongbly IG Update

It says they are doing "portable fan date" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

So cute!!!..... Must be so hot while filming there and then.... Why don't they find a bigger fan, and stand side by side in front of it, you know, so we can get another shot of the two of them :tongue: This shot would have been so much better if not for the little fan in YSH's right hand between them. Can we next see them holding fan for each other? :D too much to ask for? Nevermind.....:tongue:

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@Kasmic LOLOLOLOL at your comment on shoving PD nim over and having our chingu @maryofbethany direct the kissing scenes :lol::lol: i bursted out laughing by how intricate you want mega zoom!! 

Oh yes! Our Gon is the one who needs some hugs from us! This man made me cry in this episode when he looked at his master for the last time and still couldn't touch her hand :bawling: DM killing HG even shocked Gon for a while there and he was not happy that DM would kill his own granddaughter. Poor Gon!! Poor daddy HG!! Poor HG! DM has no humanity left. Killing his granddaughter is just another level of his need for power and control. 


Dang it. Where is that OST..? It needs to be released on YT so i can listen to it :(

@joyspartace_stv thanks for the comments translation! :D

@ktcjdrama hahahaha..not too much to ask at all. Look, for all they put us through, what you asked for is quite little LOL!




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9 hours ago, sakura2016 said:

as irritating as Lee Seon is Ican't but laugh at his stupidity thinking he can actually play Dea Mok!! you silly-useless-pathetic-scum :lol: 

Finally our King know about his own immunity and mark on his body and Ga Eun knows about Lee Seon's ""great" King actions :naughty: 

so there is another thing that can identify our King as the real one?!! the mother surely knew/felt the danger her son will go through, I keep feeling sad for her death not seeing how he grew up to be this great King :( 

so Dea Mok was planning on letting his people die too? no wonder, he killed his own granddaughter, killing his people won't be hard!! but our ever kind King surely can't let that happen, good thing is he'll win loyal peopl to his side after saving them :wink:



I think its good how the plot was moving along, finally our otp is on the same page with each other. base on the subs, my guess is that GE knows that something is not quite right with LS. From the way he talks and everything, I think GE knows, which is really good because I dont want her to be a character that doesnt know anything. Definitely now CP-GE are sharing everything, I am glad they are not reuniting when there is no more secrets between the two.

Apparently its some sort of letter or something that will identity that YS (since he is now claiming his throne back we should like GE call him YS his real name). Yeah Since there is not that many antidotes to go around, he will only pick those incredibly loyal to him. I wonder if LS's name is written in that book. I guess DM still needs LS cause he still needs a puppet king.

5 hours ago, sakura2016 said:

and I'm wondering what's Lee Seon's plan that he got Dea Mok's permession to make Ga Eun his Queen in return, hmmmm we saw the deal part but not the plan!! whatever it is our King will be fine with Chung Woon and Gon on his side :wink: 

I think it has something to do with luring YS into the Palace? But I think LS what he never considered is that YS is not working alone, and now he has Gon by his side as well.

5 hours ago, herina_90 said:

Hmmmm this is interesting because if the general is back, it will be a test of which way his loyalties lies. We saw him obey the CP once over QD by not waging the war until he thought CP had been killed. QD's power comes from military might so i find it hard for her to be the last bad boss if the general listens to CP now.

And TBH i like DM as a villian better so i rather he be there til the end. 

Also hoping CE had a part to play in CPs return to the throne tmr! Maybe lock LS up somewhere, ORRR out HS as a spy!!! I'm sure CE and QD knew he was DMs person. 

Well it was clear that the general is loyal to YS, I mean he rallied his troops because of the death of YS. But yes, it would be good to see the General come back, realise what is going on and then stand beside YS. Right now the QD is beginning betrayed by her own ministers because of DM/PSH. So I am curious to see whether or not her own minister would rally behind her AFTER YS saves them. I don't think it would happen.

Yeah! i think its time for CE to start using his position to YS's advantage (:

3 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


I have no single idea what was her reason to disguise herself as Court Lady, would people not know who she is by wearing a Court Lady?!! :huh: 

I think it's still early to have side effects since he still have 12 days till deadline!!

yeah I think it's Chief Eunch too, Iwas looking at the other official thinking he was the General :sweatingbullets: but I believe the one our King was talking to and standing before him was the Chief Eunch asking him to join their fight!! come on Chief Eunch he's really a great King unlike all other Kings, help him ye? 

unless she turnes into a good person out of graditude to our King's kindness to her and saving her life?!! anyway like you said she'll be harmless anyway so no worries there!!

he's planning in using Lee Seon to get our King then can change the Queen (kill Ga Eun since it's not hard with all his people inside the palace) when he gets what he wants but Lee Seon is SO arragant to see that or thing he can actually play Dea Mok and outsmart him :rolleyes:

I believe it's chief Eunch that was in the preview not the General (though he may return later on next week) and Ibelieve the Chief Eunch will join our Kin per his request and help him to get his throne back!! :D...could it be that they knew? well I can see Chief Eunch knowing everything actually hhhhhh 

I think she wanted to protect her son thinking he'd let go of the throne and go back with them to their old life again not knowing that he'll actually try to kill the real CP, or it's just me being hopeless wanting to trust people till they break my trust over and over again *sigh*

let's hope she'll stay safe in this dangerous palace!! 

Right!! but can I have her calling him "young Master" "Your Majesty" and even by his own name?!! I want her to call him with all his titles :D:wub: 

The bolded part! i think one of us did say that we want to see that moment where she changes the way she speaks to him haha! or at least calls him! Btw I forgot but does GE know the real name of YS? or was he not able to say it because of the poison that time?

I think very much like what KM said, she rather go back to life at the herbal shop and play, i dont think both the mother and especially KM are comfortable in the Palace. They never came from money or power, so they wont know what to do with it. Anyways right now LS cant acknowledge them as his family that would proof he is not the real king further.

Someone mentioned a beard in the preview, so maybe it is someone else? But isnt the General like fairly far away? for him to return back to quickly is a bit weird, thats why i am hoping it is CE, he makes the most sense into helping YS claim back his throne.

3 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


I think Dea Mok is actually different than Lee Seon since Dea Mok really started all this to prevent losing more of his loved ones though he ended up killing his own blood but Lee Seon didn't start all this for the good of the people nor does he really care for them now,in my opinion, Lee Seon started all this to have Ga Eun and he's still the same only getting crazier with time and him joining hands with his ennemy since that's the only way to gain power than he'll start fighting for his people is pure trush he lies with it to himself and Ga Eun and that's why he stopped her for talking more in the matter since he knows hat she's right (how much I loved it when she told him that by the time he'll start fighting for the people they'll be all dead by then because of what he did with the bad people, that was great from her and a great slap for him) beside he's trying to prove he's the real King to himself and Ga Eun so she forget about our King and see him as a worthy King and person and accept his feelings (in his stupid thinking) but it's not about protecting and helping the people against Pyunsoohwe, that's a result that will come (in his mind) but not the intention!!

when they mentioned the mark on his shoulder I was "you won't poison him now to confirm his identity right?" but I guess they will since the jar apparently has a document made by the King in which he talks about how the real CP has that mark on his shoulder as areaction to being poisoned so they'll need that jar/document and to poison our King again (really?) to prove that he's the real CP...thinking about it, will they show us his bare shoulder again? :wink: that's not bad after all :tongue: hhhhhh


but everyone know who she is so wearing a different outfit will make her stand out and suspicious more I think!! and our King was planing on entering the palace so will he ask her to get out when he's to get in? don't think so!!


I think the question is that when did LS start to get greedy? he probably started around the time where GE entered the Palace right? before that it was not quite so, he just watched GE from afar. but the moment she was within his grasp, as he observed the relationship between GE-YS, LS began to grow more ambitious. IF that is where LS's starting point is, then yes I agree with you, LS started this quest all for his own benefit unlike DM. DM started off with the right intentions, yes people in high places can be corrupted and their decision does have a lasting effect on the people.

Exactly, I love that part when GE said to to LS, it is quite opposite from YS, where he gave up using force to claim back his throne because people would have died along the way. LS goal is to gain power at whatever the cost first then help the people. But like what GE said byt the time you want to help the people, everyone who was loyal may have died already.

thats what I am still trying to figure out, why is GE wearing that outfit, there must be some reason, just I dont know what it is yet.

3 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:


@sakura2016 i didn't think i would cry too but I did. The music was perfect. And Gon made me cry extra. It really was sad for me to see Gon cry. I mean, he is such a cold character who doesn't speak his emotions out. And here..we have him crying for HG. And i love it when he was observing CP during the kids reunion with their families. It's like he finally understands or sees why HG wants to protect CP so much. CP has a kind and pure heart unlike DM. We never got to know Gon the way we knew CW..but we knew enough to actually cry for him. He is DM's top assasin and probably someone whom DM hired or not. Very loyal and caring to HG even though he was going against DM too. It was just very heart breaking to see someone so cold as Gon cry because he isn't as cold as he looks. He was always used to following orders and working for the baddies. I mean, showing emotions in PS is a weakness so he has to always put up a cold front. He is an assassin. He has no say in what he has to do. But him crying..oh my heart!

@kaoriharang To answer your question about QD..as of now..she seems like she has a disadvantage. Being poisoned and such. Everyone she knows went to DM side. So i don't think she is much of a threat now. And we also see that she was also on DM's list. I wonder if LS was on that list too..haha. don't think so.


Gon's scene was definitely the most moving, along with HG's father crying for his daughter. It is nice to see that there was a good father (not that YS and GE's father was not good) but its ncie to see there was a good father that comes from PSH. Clearly, the father loved his daughter, he may have felt inadequate at times, but he still loved her.

I think so, I believe Gon knew that YS is going to be a good king, HG's death just made it more certain for him that 'till the end of his life, he will protect YS'

Agreed, as of now I dont think she is a threaten, but I am unsure about later on.

2 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

Watching ep.33 with sub now.... I really appreciate the little details that production team give to the characters even in the first few minutes.

- HG father's worry for HG, anxiety to protect her. The fear shown on his and HG's face when DM slashed his man.

- I am crying with the father on HG's death.... Poor daddy..........

- Who is at the temple that CP wants to see? Is there where Han's grave is?

- I am crying again with Gon this time over HG's death... I still wish he could have held her hand even for a very brief moment.

- Great speech there to slap DM, Daddy HG! and Great speech there to slap LS, GE!!

All those pointers you said I really loved each point. And yes CP wanted to stay on in the temple, I wonder what for.

1 hour ago, vangsweetie637 said:

I also love how GE encouraged CP when he questioned his right as a King. Like wifey to hubby :wub: oh, that scene we saw when CE announced GE as Queen..it was the scene we thought was cut out from last week..but it wasn't. It was for this scene today.


Was HG the last humanity left in DM, and by killing her, he killed the last of his humanity?

I have never been shown a humane side to DM since this drama aired. He has been shown as a merciless villain. He doted and loved HG and even granted Gon as a gift per her birthday wish 5 years ago. He was not proud when she left. But happy when she showed how skillful she is. Yet felt betrayed by her but gave chances. And in the end, he killed her. He almost killed his own son. Was this humanity, or just desperation to have someone fit enough to lead PS? A long time ago, when his reasons was to protect his love ones, his humanity was there. But along the way, the hunger for power and control took over. He was willing to kill and manipulate anyone. I don't think he ever had much humanity left. HG and his son were the last of his blood. And yet, he killed her for PS. Hence, his humanity was never really there. 

@kaoriharang @YourHighness . @sakura2016 @rhaps @googleme @mindstar @rainbowhills @ferily @joyspartace_stv @ktcjdrama @jakey09 @chelseab @Kasmic @findit @herina_90and my other Monarch chingus..

What do you guys think?


Hmmm, Well if we consider the starting point of DM, why he set up the PSH and everything. Like HG's father said, DM intention were honorable at the start. He did it so he could protect those who he loved. WHen you are that power for so long, your brain becomes dull. I agree that out of everything in PSH, DM certainly doted and I hope loved HG. Not just because she was his granddaughter but because she show herself to be a capable and strong willed girl.

Does killing mean he has lost that initial goal he had? i think so. If he wanted to protect those he loved, yet it was by his hand and through his hand that he killed those he loved, then yes he is no longer the person that initially had good intentions.  I think he no longer cares about family. to him the existence of PSH has become the one thing that he holds on dear. Family and members or what not, he does not care. IN fact, I think that act of killing his own granddaughter, like what was mention, rather than he finally lost all his humanity, I think he just spiral further down into that hole.

It is similar to LS i feel, he had the darkness inside, but yet he was still trying to be good. But the moment he made that fatal decision to have GE at all cost, that was when whatever he had just evaporated.



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@vangsweetie637 I installed the Naver music app chingu so I could listen to the song 

Edit: Someone on instagram said you have to create an account (maybe so you could listen to the whole song). I heard the song, but it's not the whole one ( I haven't created an account because I can't understand korean). 

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@joyspartace_stv I really love reading your insight (:

1 hour ago, joyspartace_stv said:

I'm back from a busy day and can finally write down my thoughts/insights. 

Can I just say that I love Dae Mok? As evil as villains get, he takes the cake for it. I really didn't expect HG to die like that. Especially not in front of her own father. The emotions that DM had conflicting between Pyunsoo Group and his own family, you couldn't see it until when his own son cut off their relationship. DM has vowed that he does what he does for the sake of his family. But at some point, he also strayed away from the meaning behind starting the group and is rather sticking towards the status quo as being more powerful as each day goes. The cave scene between DM and the masked men was a bit surprising. It's almost as if DM answers to those people, didn't it? I applaud HJH portraying a character as DM. I feel as if we had better writers, DM as a character could be even more scarier and unexpected. 

HG, gosh what do I say? Her undying love for CP really has sent her to her own death. I really didn't expect it and it terribly heartbreaking. I kept crying for her and HER FATHER. GOSH, HAVING TO WATCH YOUR OWN DAUGTHER TO BE STRIKE ON THE BACK WITH YOUR OWN DAD HOLDING ONTO THE SWORD is horribly tormenting. From the beginning, HG's father never dared to say anything twice or hold his head high against his dad but I feel as if HG's death is the definite motivation for that. Slowly, DM is losing his only family and like his son said - "he will die a lonely death." HG deserves to be remembered and I feel like Gon and CP will definitely do that for her honor. Gosh, who else cried when Gon cried and didn't even dare to hold onto HG's hand? *RAISES HAND* I CERTAINLY DID!!

This whole episode as expected was about CP doubting himself in his position as king. Whether he is the true king or not, I feel like GE answered it best. Reclaiming the throne doesn't have to be royal family blood. It's the love and care that a king has for his people and CP has that. If one thing about CP that had always stayed the same, it is definitely that. His love for the nation and those close to him clearly shows even more in this episode when he reunited with everybody. He earnestly tries his best for the people and this time, his people will have to do the same to support him further for the reclaiming throne situation. I honestly can't wait for that whole process.

AND YES! The pot has finally been mentioned. A letter that can bring CP back to the throne? Aw, it would've been awesome if it was another jade or something. 


clearly the character on CP's shoulder and the letter in the jar can help with claiming the throne BUT that jade....I believe LS still has it. There is absolutely no way that LS won't use it, he will definitely use it in front of the officials and show that he is the "true" king. That's what I believe may happen. 

Oh! How else could I forget? GE saying that she loves CP too was a definite treat. It's nice that they've reunited and she didn't seem angry seeing CW either so thank goodness. And that kiss!!!! YES!!! So unexpected and those two hugs, thank you!!

ahhhhh....this episode progressed pretty good today so I am happy.

I completely agree with you about CP. Indeed what GE said is really true. I am glad that there was some time where CP really begin to doubt himself, it is true because of the actions of his father. Is it right for him to continue to want to claim the throne? GE put it best, a King is someone who is placed there not because of royal blood but because it is the King's duty to care and take care of the people. Clearly CP has been doing there, from the moment he was the Crown Prince to the Chief Peddler and so on. There were instances were CP could have use harsh methods to gain back his throne but he chose not to, because for the sake of the people.

Now he has come to the realisation that he will claim back his throne FOR THE SAKE OF THE PEOPLE. It is not because of greed, not because he is worthy, not because it is his birthright but because he wants to save his people and his subjects. that last scene where CP was giving his speech! I was moved! It truly shows how different CP is from his father, DM and LS.

Yes I am so happy GE said her true feelings! I was a bit worried that would save that part till the very end. But i totally love the reaffirming - reunion scene

I agree with you that the director does seem a bit restrictive and very anal about how things should go. It is a bit sad cause it does not allow creativity and the personality of the actors to come through.

the bts scenes do show how comfortable and shy at times the couple gets! I find that super adorable!

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our beautiful Hwa Gun & her father! Episode 33 & 34 really became their moment and it's so sad to see that we won't see their interactions anymore! 

What is gongbly_maker on today? So many updates in one day? I mean, we're not complaining but wow thank you!! ahhh YSH LOOKS SO UNDENIABLY HANDSOME! AND KSH LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL!'


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38 minutes ago, katherinyyyy said:

@vangsweetie637 I installed the Naver music app chingu so I could listen to the song 


Thank you chingu! I will do that and see if it works for me :wink:

@kaoriharang Honestly, LS's greed gets uglier and uglier. I think in his eyes, he thinks what he is doing will protect his love ones and make him change his life around. But..you see..that is exactly what DM attempted too when he created PS (btw, if he created PS, what is up with those masked men in the cave then :blink:) our chingus here have discussed that LS is a reflection of his own DM making. His greed and jealousy is as ugly as DM's merciless tactics and manipulation. LS is always mentioning that he has all these plans..etc, but he is using others to do his work for him. It is dirty and he has also shed indirect blood (treason of our CP).

At one point, DM was human. Remember when he asked WB for advice and took it the wrong way, and became more evil than the ones before him. When he tasted how much power he had, he loved it so much that he forgot about what mattered and what not. I think that Daddy HG was okay with DM killing other people but..killing HG, his own, was unexpected and traumatic. No parents would ever want to outlive their child. I felt so bad for him because I think he really loved HG. DM, at one point, did too. I remember how they use to converse in earlier episodes. It was more casual and family like. Then got darker after she came back to join PS. The change shifted from there. And DM killing HG..that proves that he does not want to protect his love ones but wants to be in control. Like LS..the moment he became crazy was when he kept getting fed all these words from QD and HS. I would say he always had an intention to change his life and when given the chance to, took it. But he turned it all wrong by using and abusing those who meant something to him (CP/GE). Daddy HG hinted DM will die a lonely painful death. That is the foreshadowing right there. I still think the perfect words to describe these two parallels are tragic heroes. Both strayed far from good intentions now, made very bad choices, and will have to pay for their sins. We know LS will be back to commoner..but DM ain't going to survive. LS won't be killed. But i think DM will. And..who knows, it may be at the hands CP or Gon (to avenge his master)..or plot twist..daddy HG. Either way, DM will die alone and painfully. That's the hint for us right there :wink:


Awwww..look at those bts pictures! But for a moment there, I thought YSH/CP lost his arm LOL. Gave myself a fright there hahaha. 

I am going to miss HG and daddy HG *tearss*


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