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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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ahhh can we leave that prediction that writernim will make something bad happen to JH or HJ?? I can't even imagine that..if the writernim make they lose each other, at the end of the episode it will be disaster....that will never happen right?? NEVER!!! 

so many way to make HJ let the case down..I do agree,she need something to push her,and let the anger of revenge down from his mind,but not like losing someone anymore...I think the married couple will be "something" to HJ feeling,and one thing for sure,,HJ has to know that JH already do and help her a lot,she need to realize that how Important her happiness for him 13 years ago until now,,,and I remember at ep 17 after give anesthesia record to HJ, something that JH want as Her gift to him that she stop from all of this (Grandma case) that will be the best gift from HJ to him..

people must be worried about JH word that he will live like there's no tomorrow,,but some of our viewers prediction that something bad will happen to him..but I know that's not what writernim actually want to deliver to viewers....

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11 minutes ago, armalia said:

ahhh can we leave that prediction that writernim will make something bad happen to JH or HJ?? I can't even imagine that..if the writernim make they lose each other, at the end of the episode it will be disaster....that will never happen right?? NEVER!!! 

so many way to make HJ let the case down..I do agree,she need something to push her,and let the anger of revenge down from his mind,but not like losing someone anymore...I think the married couple will be "something" to HJ feeling,and one thing for sure,,HJ has to know that JH already do and help her a lot,she need to realize that how Important her happiness for him 13 years ago until now,,,and I remember at ep 17 after give anesthesia record to HJ, something that JH want as Her gift to him that she stop from all of this (Grandma case) that will be the best gift from HJ to him..

people must be worried about JH word that he will live like there's no tomorrow,,but some of our viewers prediction that something bad will happen to him..but I know that's not what writernim actually want to deliver to viewers....

Exactly! the writernim will receive tons of complaints if that happened...

what is the point of healing drama if the one who love die? this is not healing but killing the audience as well.. this is like a punishment to HJ... you will drag her to her darkness more if something bad happen to JH... 

so i truly believe this isn't what the writernim want to deliver to the viewers... 

i know our heart is so tired now because there is no ep 18 tonight and heavy heart for ep 17... i just hope they can do something different... 

well... well.. well... it happened again :flushed:

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4 hours ago, lclarakl said:


But it seems that Hye Jung has still "thrown her life away" because she has been using revenge to motivate her to the point she really hasn't enjoyed life, she's just going through the motions of life. Now she has an opportunity for love, but she's letting revenge consume her. She's spent her life focusing on the negatives instead of the positives.  As a child and into her teenage years, I get why her outlook on life was so tainted; her mother's death, her father's infidelity, her physical abuse, and constantly being told she would amount to nothing--even by the very teachers who should have been telling her she could achieve greatness.

When she came to live with her grandmother, she finally achieved that reenforcing love, but lost it when her grandmother died. Instead of determining to prove everyone wrong and her grandmother right, living her life in a way grandmother would approve, focusing on the positive, she's been caring around this burden of revenge. This woman of 31 years of age has never dated or kissed a man. Due to her dislike of her father, she had made plans to never marry.  She's letting these emotions box her in where she has put a limit on how much enjoyment she will have in life.  Even with Ji Hong she's holding herself back--who is trying to be understanding, but he's also frustrated too by her actions.  She's talking foolishly about throwing her life away to get revenge on Seo Woo's father, when she should be clinging to the love of the man next to her.  

I remember when she got angry with Ji Hong because he called her grandmother because it made her grandmother seem old. She didn't want to think of her grandmother as old. Even if the surgery had been a success, her grandmother's survive rate at her age would have been up to 5 years or so. When grandmother was alive, she wanted to become a doctor so her grandmother could live comfortably, then after her grandmother died, she still wanted to become a doctor because of her grandmother, but also with the burden of revenge tacked on.

In regards to "accused of something she didn't do", Hye Jung feels that for the people she care for, she will protect them to the end, even if it means sacrificing herself. She didn't want Soon Hee to go to jail, so she took all the blame, but thankfully, she had a friend who wasn't going to let her. The same with the disciplinary committee, she chose not to point the blame on anyone else--because she could have made a case to do so.  It didn't seem like she cared one way or the other.

For me, seeing her in episode 17, hit home for me how miserably she's been living her life.  I'm wondering what is going to wake her up and she that she has someone worth holding on. Yes, the word "I love you" is precious, but how precious is it if you never say it to the person you love? I think it may take something drastic to help her reset her view on life and appreciating what's important. 

One other thing, there is a saying, "Having is not as good as wanting".  Even if Hye Jung would have received a sincere apology from Seo Woo's father, I really don't know if she still would have been content. They just would have been words spoken. I think a part of her would have still craved for more.

Absolutely spot on @lclarakl

it seems like from the very beginning, she has been throwing her life away. She found some meaning with grandma, but once she passed, life has been something that she goes through to fight- sleeps 10 hours a week, never have any relationship with anyone other than SH and SC, never happy...to get to where she is. As she said it, if she had lived normally, she wouldn't be where she is today...and over time, she just accepted that as her life. 

HJ has so much emotional baggage, and that is also reflected on her physically, the way she handles anyone that gets near her...to flip them/ high kick them really. She's so jaded with life that she rather not have any connections than to be let down again. 

Thats why I feel JH would be the crucial key to let her let go and actually live...for herself...

ps: when I meant "accused of something she didn't do", it's more of SW giving the statement that she (SW) believes that she set the fire, even when HJ was the one saving her and she knows it. I didn't mean she taking the blame for SH. Not to mention, SW also accused her of having a relationship with JH then. 

Pps: I love the relationship between HJ AND SH. She was the only one there the whole time after her grandma passed. SC lost touch after a while, and JH left for the states. SH is the best friend anyone can ask for, of course, HJ also treated her sincerely, as a friend. 


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2 hours ago, Bookworm95 said:

And i believe after this drama ends, i have to suffer with withdrawal syndrome >.< which is i can't moved on from Doctors and can't watch other dramas except re-watch Doctors again and again, sometimes it last for 1 month. I know it's sounds crazy LOL... but yeah it indicates that i do loooveee the drama so much.

No matter what, keep supporting Doctors until ends chingusss!!! Hwaitiing :D

Sorry to cut your post..

Inasmuch as I can understand why episode didn't show tonight.. I'm like you already suffering from withdrawal symptoms!!!! I've been reading this forum every hour.. and rewatching the episodes everyday already!!! I don't know how long it'll take to move forward from this amazing drama!!!

I'm just hoping for post drama CFs together, maybe get sent off to Europe for a pictorial..

2 hours ago, jihyefighting said:

count me in as well... I WILL DEFINITELY NOT WATCH SCARLET HEART!!!!!!!!!

huuhu my poor heart, will surely miss DOCTORS :tears:

but will try to be positive for the last 3 episodes.. i hope we will have a HAPPY ENDING 



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2 minutes ago, maria1983 said:

yes ... something like this .


Yes.  Just enough to shake her up to realize that life is indeed worth living and she can't stay in the past.  And enough for her to realize the wisdom of Ji Hong's words.  If you love someone, you tell them so, so you'll never have cause for regret whatever happens.

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hmm accident nooooo
haha they have been already separated in 13 years
i hope they will not introduce another conflict because we have 3 episodes to go and we still have a lot of issues to resolve hehe


by the way just read in twitter that Doctors is trending in Naver even it is not broadcasting

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2 hours ago, doctorsotpraeshin said:

this part was so heartbreaking :tears:

It was one of my fave scenes from epi 17.. HJ was so conflicted and distraught by how things are turning out. Obvi, she feels the great injustice done to her grandma.. but JH is showing her that inasmuch as HJ is right, sometimes you just have to let go because at the end of the day, she's not happy and she's used up all these times not living for herself.. BUT I can see where she's coming from.. just hope that she'll realize that JH has a point too.

1 hour ago, USAFarmgirl said:

Episode 17 is about the struggle for HJ between what her mind knows and what her heart feels.  In a way I believe it's even harder for HJ to let go because it's whats driven her for such a long time JUSTICE.  When she had no one and nothing to hang onto after her grandmothers death she held onto the only thing she had her fight for justice for her grandmother & for herself.  It also was a way of keeping her grandmother close to her for it was always a part of her from then on so letting go would be in a real sense saying good-bye maybe even disappointing her grandmother in her heart...

I also see JH's point of view, he just wants to see the woman he loves happy and free of this burden she has carried for so long.  He understands not just from the patients husband who moved his heart but also from his own parents and adopted Dad.  That no one is promised tomorrow and he doesn't want to waste even one second on things that can't and won't bring her grandmother back.  He wants HJ to release that pain & anger part of her heart and fill it with a focus on loving and living & him...  It may seem selfish at first look but I think he knows how she has suffered and he is doing everything he can including a promise.  Which must have been so hard as I doubt he is happy about giving anything at all to a man like that...

This episode was a link in having to sum up a story and move it further and I understand and considered it important and good.  If I could have changed one thing in this episode it would have been when JH rushed after hearing HJ crying on the phone over to her house.  The door would have opened and JH would have grabbed her up pulled her in quickly not caring or holding himself back.  Tightly full of warmth & concern the kind of hug that says I am here for you just hang onto me, we will see this through me & you together...

Sitting next to her on the sofa with JH ever so close not allowing HJ to be without his touch an arm around her or a hand over hers. Listening to her thoughts but all the while JH's touch letting her know she is no longer alone and he isn't going anywhere...

I love the writer I just think that this would have been a perfect moment to show how far their relationship had come.  For when a couple has already shared so much even kissed more than once to me and understand only my heart speaking here.  Not meaning any disrespect at all.  I just think when you love each other like they do and you know the person you love is hurting so much you just want to wrap yourself around them and their pain.  No matter how close you are to them it's just never close enough...

credit to original owners of photos and leaving you with one I just love....  Love to all Patients:wub:[xkl拥抱]


Please forgive this addition.  This is the kind of hug I was talking about...:wub:

THAT HUG had soooooo much feels!! And I agree with your pov..

I like skinship as the next person, but this drama just doesn't need a lot of it to get their points acrossed. For me, I enjoy their eye-contacts the best.. they just get each other.

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12 minutes ago, liz-danielle said:

maybe just a small accident and HJ thought she will lose him but infact he's doing fine? :flushed:

Or hyejung accidnt and jihong song saeng broken inside. No. Thnking abt it makes my heart break into pieces. Nothing bad gonna happen to them. 

Just wishing for happy ending. Without bed scene is ok too.. *wiping tears*

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For now I'll comment on Episode 17, (Super late since Episode 18 has finished airing)

Looks like they're trying to wrap up every "side stories" that they presented, except for the comatose wife side story. 

It's nice to see SW and HJ on "neutral" terms. Looks like HJ is having a hard time letting go about her grandma's operation.

I'm sure JH will find out what happened to his dad. YD didn't do anything this episode. It's nice to know about a little background on KS. 


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4 hours ago, ash011 said:


P.S: This forum was like a family to me for 2 months, came back here to read comments and make myself happy whenever i was lost in real life! Thanks to this forum and i will always cherish this time and the beautiful people i met here.. :) 

:wub: awwww that was sweet but so true u guys are all awesome, just like a family, we banter, we laugh, shared perverted oh just naughty stuff. Relate personal exp.. we're of the right mix here. ;)

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4 minutes ago, akhenaten said:


Yes.  Just enough to shake her up to realize that life is indeed worth living and she can't stay in the past.  And enough for her to realize the wisdom of Ji Hong's words.  If you love someone, you tell them so, so you'll never have cause for regret whatever happens.


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On August 14, 2016 at 5:58 PM, USAFarmgirl said:

After reading a few negative comments on some sights about Doctors about KRW & PSH at first I honestly wanted to play nice and for just a moment please forgive this viewer from the USA, you can blame it on where I come from if you want, but it's unbelievable.  It makes me wonder are they even watching the same thing as me???  If so maybe they need to get their eyes & hearing checked because when is enough, enough??? 

KRW is ageless and priceless and like a fine wine he just gets better & better and proved it right here in this drama above my point is proven no matter how you look at him you know KRW brought his talent & skill to every episode and not another soul could have brought the same JH to us. No one's look or glance could create chills or take your breath away like he easily does.  If some can't see that it's truly their loss... BIG BIG LOSS...

PSH they want to complain about everything and anything well I got news about that too!!   She isn't some newbie to this business nor is she a young girl any longer deserving to be pushed around she is a full grown woman. An Actress who not only deserves respect but started as a child actor and has well earned it.   Take a good look at everything she has become not just her talent or beauty but the good and kindness she shows towards everyone around her.  Including being an example to others not just in Korea but around the world in her giving to children in other parts of the world. Korea is truly blessed to have someone like her to represent them so well....

  What an amazing woman she is and her past work is only the beginning she is going to rise so high words won't be able to touch her. I'm looking forward to that more than anything!   But what hurts me is there are those who want her to answer or apologize for the smallest things.   I ask you where is the talk about the wonderful kind and loving things she does everyday???  Why not focus on the best she has to offer!!

For those nail inspectors and kiss experts out there so eager to throw stones. While pointing one finger at her there are three pointing right back at you!  It's a good thing no one is inspecting you or your lives I wonder what you might have to apologize for?  For just a moment I wish PSH wasn't playing HJ I wish she was her and had the freedom to kick a little bootie all in black and send a few people flying with her ninja high kick! Now that's drama I would pay to watch....

As far as international viewers I can only speak for myself but there are a lot of lurkers and people who watch and are not counted who love not only the show but have become new fans of the actors and the writing, production and even the music that is so moving as well.  Yep a country girl so far away from Korea who loves everything about Doctors that's me and while listening to it's OST  I'm so dang thankful for every romantic moment I have been given & that I'm able to smile while living & working on a family farm remembering JH & HJ and their magic they brought into my everyday life.....

For nothing that is written or said or even made up can ever touch that or them.... And you can count on that....

A humble bow to all patients here for my words but sometimes you just have to stand up and be counted for what you believe or you lose a part of who you are...:wub:


With you all the way. So well said. It is a shame and disgusting that they are constantly picking on her. I believe, it  is a group of people that even change their name to pretend to be a different person, and they keeping posting malicious information, to create conflict on the sites, and untalented hungry block writers looking for click, but karma is a bit* and pretty soon God will do justice. They envy her..it is hard for them to accept that Shin Hye besides beautiful , kind, talent, and successful, that  people can't help but to fall for her ,and praise her. Just for their knowledge, Park Shin Hye's hard core fans are not only teenagers or pre-teens that look upon her as a role model, she also has mature, if want can say ahjummas , fans, that have been following her carrier for many years, and many look upon and care for her  as a sister, daughter, close friend, with much love and support, they are international fans. Her IJ followers are the prove.And these are fans for life through thick and thin. Stay strong Shin Hye. As you said once " you own your honor to God",!, continue living the present,!because the rest are details. Much love and many blessings . Your die hard fan, forever. Many blessings. Send you billions :heart:

Love and  Peace to all:wub: from this ahjumma's heart:wub:



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1 minute ago, maria1983 said:



I feel like I want to see HJ tell JH that she loves him after HJ accepts and lets go of her emotional baggage about grandma's death. She'll probably be in a big conflict if she's not already and her love for JH would help her to be free of her anger. And then she can tell him she loves him, truly truly love him, with all of her. Perhaps by the end of episode 18 would be a good epi to do this...:wub: 

(I guess I'm doing my coping mechanism while waiting for the next episode ") )

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Just now, Rin90 said:

Or hyejung accidnt and jihong song saeng broken inside. No. Thnking abt it makes my heart break into pieces. Nothing bad gonna happen to them. 

Just wishing for happy ending. Without bed scene is ok too.. *wiping tears*

I still have hope about bed scene ahahaha don't know why I'm so confident that they will give us that scene...I think the PD know how to make the scene look sexy but beautiful at the same time...(still impress in how beautiful the kiss scene at ep 7(i mean light kiss) & Real KISS at eps12 ) :wub: and I want that bed scene will become like that too *praying hard*:rolleyes:

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