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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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@maplekist OMO you had 20 pages to read I had just less than half of that amount. :sweatingbullets: FIGHTING SISTA!!!

@CamelKnight Ohhh your disappointed with ep 6... please watch it with subs Im sure it'll be better. Maybe your disappointment will vanish hehehe! Oh and pls if a guy ever try those elbow punch and high kick it'll do more than make the girl run...how's about 911? :P Please stick around PSH is so stunning and frankly we need more males here to shed some light. Its good to have a male opinion in a drama. @jeonghyang is here and Im loving his gif caps. You  WE must also welcome @docster6 another male in the Patients waiting room now. Plus where is my lil young gun? @hankitae42 Stop gaming and join us here. Your unni is waiting for your thoughts too devil-laugh-leaf-emoticon.gif

@angelangie Well spot on the opening scenes leading up to the ending of the eps. Then I'll pray that we will see a bedroom opening scene for every upcoming eps HAHAHA! embarrassed4-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129

@starb82 you've edited your post so I couldnt quote you... THANK YOU Im sure you meant no offence but sadly it did to me.

  But I just want to point out, screen capping or gif capping during live streaming is VERY full on and intense. Its tiring too that at times Im considering to give up and just enjoy the streaming. Your post made me think maybe I should esp since my screencaps are slower than the others. Mian me and my butterfingers :sweatingbullets: But I sure enjoy it and love to share my giddiness with all here. @jeonghyang much credit to you gif master as well as all the other screencappers and recappers in all our eps good-job-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862 

I didnt know and apologies if you felt that the images would make the scenes or in this case the kiss scene more awkward or perhaps spoil your mood of the drama. I take that since you've edited you post then no harm was intended on your end. THANK YOU CHINGUE! 

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In my point of view, HJ is totally ready to be loved by JH. HJ was by herself, in a private room, reflecting whether she wants to receive love from JH and she decided positively. Outside in the hallway she asked to speak to JH privately, perhaps to express her positive response to him, but was sidetracked by a stranger walking in the hallway. So I feel she was not able to tell JH how she feels because of that major distraction. SW also wondered why HJ chose her hospital and that she must have a motive other than medicine. The department head claimed she took a pay cut to join the new hospital. That motive hasn't be revealed yet, perhaps to get her grandmother's surgical file? SW seems to think she is chasing JH. I am glad SW's puppy love affection toward JH is over with, now the show is all about HJ with two handsome male leads. Perhaps the motorcycle guy (the hunk everyone loved in "Angry Mom") might enter the picture too? The more the merrier.

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22 hours ago, jaszz said:

Finally finished my video with all these ships this show is giving us :bawling:

The song doesn't make sense but at least it has the many ships <3

That was a great vid, I loved the song:D


21 hours ago, lc85 said:

Is HJH going somewhere? Why the rush to tell her how he feels? I mean it's great to see the love story "continue" where they left off 13 years ago. As an audience, I love seeing an in-love JH but it seems a tad bit soon for all the confession to happen, unless something unexpected concerning JH is about to go down. (Yeah writer, don't go there.) In their world, it's not rushed - it's 13 years in the making. I get that. On my screen, it seems too soon. Does he think she's been waiting for him all this time?

HJ needs to get to the bottom of her Grandma's sudden death and, emotionally, it doesn't seem like she's at the same place as JH at the moment. We know she'll get there eventually but it's not looking like it will be an easy journey for both JH and HJ.

I think he's just being straightforward with his feelings. If he were grabbing, groping her while telling her how much he cares I would be alarmed but he's already proven he's not going to cross any lines. It seems to me Hye Jung will need some time (I haven't watched the new episode yet so part of me hopes she will at least agree to date.) Ji Hong will give it to her. He lost her for 13 years, he does not want to lose her again. Now with every man around her falling for her, I think it's good that he lets her know how he feels.  

OMG I just finshed watching the episode My face hurts from smiling. I just love this dramaadmire2-onion-head-emoticon.gif I was really getting a little impatient with the SW storyline, but the last 9mins were heaven. It was just perfect.  Hye Jung just looked so beautiful


I was about to just die when they took shelter in the phone booth, danced in the rain......



 angel1-onion-head-emoticon.gifand finally 



 It's been over an hour since I watched this ep...well I have watched the last 9 mins 3 or 4 times I'm still smiling 

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Honestly, I knew people are going to complain about the kiss. For pete's sake, I'm like almost 30, and that's exactly how I'd act given a sudden kiss. Why? B/c it's super awkward the first time (little experience) especially when you don't know what to do and are not openly accepting or denying the other person. I know that feeling. You are anticipating it, but you aren't really necessarily anticipating it. So it becomes awkward. Guess what? They were awkward! 

I agree with some of the comments regarding SH and her promotions at the hospital. From what I know, there's a strict protocol regarding that at where I did my rotations before. You can't just come in with flyers like that... That was weird. Maybe it's different in Korea? lol What I don't like is the discussion of patient information. Even if HJ and SH are best friend, even if the patient is her step-mom, but still as a professional it's also private information that should not be discussed with anyone but those that the patient delegated to receive such information. If she's not a professional, but solely on a perspective of a step-daughter, I can understand. Sigh.

The scene where SW was crying w the death of the ahjumma was awkward. It was sudden. I didn't even know what to feel. All I could feel was, can people die all of a sudden like that? 

That last dance scene was so awkward. I had to close my eyes. Lucky PSH (my total bias) and KRW tried to make it less cheesy. haha. i couldn't imagine any REAL man doing it in real life. Just so ducking cheesy!

Anyway, I enjoy the episode but just felt like it was rushed. 

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The first is awkward but totally OK with me because JH needs to go really slow on the physical moves. They were in phone booth and you can see HJ is starting to feel uncomfortable at the close contact. She's not used to physical contact and she needs her personal space. So in order to defuse the tension and relax her, he played the song and dance in the rain. Pull her in the fun and kiss her when her guard is down. We can see that she has not experience such joy judging from the way she laugh and thoroughly enjoying dancing in the rain with JH. Once she is loosen up, he tells her what is his next move so that she is prepared yet she didn't quite get it. Her brain absorb this new info rather slowly. :lol: He had to lower himself to her eye level so that she is comfortable and see what's coming. If he were to swoop down and plant a kiss like normal guy would, she would have reacted instinctively ie. smack and throw him down. Her defence mechanism is auto-mode.

All the guys flirted with her but we can see she has no reaction to it. She just "blink blink blink" blank in her brain - data cannot be read. Unprocessed.  :lol: "what/why the heck are you saying to me? Moron!"

We can see how she reacted when YD first approached her to apologise for doubting her analysis re the emergency surgery. He took a step closer and she literally shun away (body language) instinctively like she thought she was going to be hit. She did it again when the gangster bowed to thank her. She did it again in boxing ring. I think she only reacts like this with guys.

She was an abused child till her teens. The only love and hugs she received are from her grandma and her mom. She's like a porcupine - smooth on outside but thorns shoots up immediately when person all space is threatened.

JH needs to peel off those layers of years of self preservation and slay all the admirers at the same time. JH needs to slowly show her about love and joy of living.

I can totally see HJ as the aggressive partner in the couple. She will lead and he just happily follow. Lol ... can't wait to see her jump on him and kiss him senseless. JH will gladly serene to bliss.

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Wow! Lots of pages and excellent insight to read after I write my post. Hope you guys don't mind that I share my first impressions of Ep 6 before I read your posts.

First, the proverbial elephant in the room: the kiss. It was lovely - the dancing, the music, the rain. It was a declaration of sorts - at least on JH's part. If PSH was directed by PDnim to convey that she was delightfully surprised, she nailed it. I didn't expect this kiss to be over the top hot in this episode- that would have been odd and off the mark, imo, as I am already in the "it feels kinda rushed" camp. This kiss felt natural, if this makes any sense, at this stage. I have to say though that I feel strangely cautious about all these lovey dovey moments with JH and HJ. I feel like doom and gloom on the horizon. Is it just me? Or is someone else  out there struck by the paranoia kdrama fairy? But seriously, I don't like this calm before the storm feeling. Not one bit.

YJD: I am falling in love with his quirky character. Somewhere underneath all the prickly surface is a sweet little boy (lol). He's a marshmallow for HJ. His uncle is another story - he's quite a flirt. I wonder if he and IJ got together in the past - maybe why JH is not with her now?

SW: she's a mixed bag of contradictions and complications. I don't know how to feel about her at this point. One thing is for sure - she has a despicable family. What an unfortunate set of genes! For that, I kinda feel bad for her. I'm shipping her with the doctor with the wire- rimmed glasses (not YJD). She seems to be herself when she's with him.

JH: he's a man in love. Let's just keep the next 15 eps where we see more of him just like this - I vote for this. :D

HJ: It's so easy to like her character. Shes effortlessly beautiful, has street and book smarts, and she's authentic (what you see is what you get, love it or leave it). I can't wait to see what she does with Grandma's records. 

Ep 6 was good, overall, to slowly introduce all the complications of the characters and their stories.

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:lol::lol:Too Funny


[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Doctors" Episode 6






We get a brief glimpse of Ji-hong's deeper darker motivations in the opening set this episode. The short of it is that Ji-hong had reasons to get involved with medicine that did not involve the birthright of his adopted family. I like these moments where we see the way Ji-hong interacts with other people without it all having to tie back to Hye-jeong somehow, because they give a better sense of who Ji-hong is a person aside from just the usual charm.

I yet remain less than enthralled with the overall direction in "Doctors" because of the lack of major ambition with the story. Although that's a bit of a glass half empty or half full proposition. If there's no focus on making the plot overly complicated, that's less time being spent creating arbitrary obstacles to the central loveline which makes "Doctors" quite a bit more streamlined than the usual drama when it comes to the balance between happiness versus struggle.

But the vague and undefined nature of the conflict can still be fairly difficult to grasp from an analytic perspective. I'm not all that sure where Hye-jeong's allegations of conspiracy are going to go in the long run. It does seem rather telling that while Hye-jeong's words and actions constantly state that investigating the cause of her grandmother's death is the top priority, yet she's able to quickly forget her quest for vengeance any time Ji-hong starts making cute faces at her.

Other characters remain generally appealling. I rather liked Seo-woo's scenes with the bitter patient, although the ultimate outcome has the odd effect of showing Seo-woo reacting in a very human way to the kind of situation that comes up in hospitals all the time. It begs the question of how much or little experience Seo-woo really has in the field. But it also begs the question of why Hye-jeong is so consistently stiff.

Admittedly Hye-jeong does get her own bitter patient with which to explore this conflict, for which we'll have to wait longer for a payoff. I think, actually, that this specific kind of delay is what's been leaving me less than impressed with the progression of the Ji-hong/Hye-jeong relationship. Sure they can kiss, united in a search for truth about family. But they never discuss really romantic stuff, like why family is important in the first place. For me, that makes it seem like their relationship has only scratched the surface- even if there's plenty of time to dig deeper.

Review by William Schwartz

"Doctors" is directed by Oh Choong-hwan, written by Ha Myeong-hee and features Kim Rae-won, Park Shin-hye, Yoon Gyoon-sang, Lee Seong-kyeong, Kim Yeong-ae and Jeong Hae-gyoon.



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Finished watching with sub, and this ep is quite hilarious, i like the scene between the uncle, JH and YD conversation LOL and when JH and the uncle happily rushing to the YD's car backseat LOL. 

I hope SW didn't just accept the lady patient's life advice without processing it, with her tendency to blame other people for her unfortune and lack of grateful for everything she has. It would only give her unhappy life in the future.

The step mother really has a thick face, especially when she said how miserable she had after married HJ's father and blame HJ for it, LOL i'm speechless. 

Can't wait for monday to come. :phew:

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1 hour ago, lanti said:

Honestly, I knew people are going to complain about the kiss. For pete's sake, I'm like almost 30, and that's exactly how I'd act given a sudden kiss. Why? B/c it's super awkward the first time (little experience) especially when you don't know what to do and are not openly accepting or denying the other person. I know that feeling. You are anticipating it, but you aren't really necessarily anticipating it. So it becomes awkward. Guess what? They were awkward! 

I agree with some of the comments regarding SH and her promotions at the hospital. From what I know, there's a strict protocol regarding that at where I did my rotations before. You can't just come in with flyers like that... That was weird. Maybe it's different in Korea? lol What I don't like is the discussion of patient information. Even if HJ and SH are best friend, even if the patient is her step-mom, but still as a professional it's also private information that should not be discussed with anyone but those that the patient delegated to receive such information. If she's not a professional, but solely on a perspective of a step-daughter, I can understand. Sigh.

The scene where SW was crying w the death of the ahjumma was awkward. It was sudden. I didn't even know what to feel. All I could feel was, can people die all of a sudden like that? 

That last dance scene was so awkward. I had to close my eyes. Lucky PSH (my total bias) and KRW tried to make it less cheesy. haha. i couldn't imagine any REAL man doing it in real life. Just so ducking cheesy!

Anyway, I enjoy the episode but just felt like it was rushed. 

Haha. I must say that i saw some "ducking cheese" like that. When there is no one but two lovers, they will do something crazy n sweet. U don't see that doesn't mean not exist.

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