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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2016] Love O2O 微微一笑很倾城


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@xiashenghan enjoy watching. This is the only cdrama that i have watched many times. Was just rewatching it again days ago for the 5th time. If you'll visit the comment section in youtube you will read same reactions specially for nonchinese who watched it, they have also watched it many times.


After watching a lot of kdramas it was refreshing to have a series totally so opposite from the usual heavy drama, and have a simple love story with a  couple who truly love and are into each other.


I remember i watched the movie first and was so happy there was a series. 


Looks like the vienamese also have adapted this series but no showing date yet.

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Thank you!


I'm planning on watching the movie after I finish the series. I seriously thank the random videos on Facebook, if not I won't be able to learn about this nice and cute series.


That's what I like about this series as well. It's so lighthearted so it never really got boring and I love how they only see each other and no other else. Wei Wei teasing Mr. Beauty is cute as well. She sure knows how to handle Xiao Nai's friends and her senpais (I forgot how they call the upperclassmen in Chinese).


If only I don't get bored of re-watching a series I will too! But I have a tendency of getting bored of it if I re-watch it. So I rarely re-watch a series. Somehow it stuck to my head what happens in every scene so the excitement goes away the second time I watch. Anyways, I do want a new series with the both leads. I think that would be great.


Xiao Nai reminds me so much of B1A4's Gongchan and I so love Gongchan and B1A4!

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I was brought to this show after watching 10 Miles of Peach Blossoms as this show has the same director and also had some great reviews.


It was a very lighthearted show, which I was in the perfect mood for. I liked how there was none of the unnecessary drama and no matter what the rivals did, the two mains had complete trust in each other! Very refreshing. I also really liked the scenes with Xiao Nai's friends. It was very funny and cute. And the whole online game concept in the show was cool and different.


When I was younger, I was obsessed with dramas with leads like Xiao Nai. Cold and cool except for the occasional smiles for the girl he loves. However, after watching this show, it appears that this type of male lead is no longer is as attractive to me. Although, he was still very lovable, I am not fangirling over him much after the show has finished (sad what age does to a fangirl lmao :( ). 


Hmm probably the only "negative" thing during the show was Er Xi's character.  As a friend, she was very sweet but sometimes her scenes were a little overwhelming and I would do something else until her scenes were over... :/ but I guess I am just being nitpicky since I didn't really have an annoying rival to hate during the whole show HAHHA


Overall, worth watching!

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I like the scenes with Xiao Nai's friends as well. Especially when they're interacting with Wei Wei.

Er Xi is cute but sometimes she makes me tired for some reason. I guess it could be because she does the dumbest things. Good thing is that the female lead is not dumb and more level-headed than the normal female lead in distressed in dramas.

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  • 8 months later...

Thank you to the one who recommended that I should look into this drama. After coming off Legend of Yun Xi where I watched a delightful drama husband, I enjoyed the "husband" in this one. Same endearing qualities that he did his utmost to protect his wife and allowing her to make her own choices. So cute that he told Wei Wei to settle her own score and he will only step in if she asked for his help.


Marveled at the fact that there is a whole community resulting from online games. My own gaming skills is at best is the kind that swiping three matching icons. Online couples that results into offline couples is like kind of those pen pals of those yonder years. Mind you, I still am corresponding with a pen pal of 37 years. Of course in keeping with times we went from letters to emails now.


I find Xiao Nai is a man tested with great restrain. I had to laugh at his face with Wei Wei offered him oysters and crabs ... suggestion that these crustacean and molluscs are considered aphrodisiac food.


The future in-laws sending Wei Wei back to the dorm and Wei Wei's father's easy approval after Xiao Nai's promise to have more grandchildren was so cute. A good hearty laugh when Xiao Nai told Wei Wei that they should have sons as he will be even more stricter to potential son in law if they had a daughter. 


I like the fact Wei Wei managed to stand on her own ground and do battle. I just had to laugh at Shaoxiang appealing for a "reconciliation" with Xiao Nai replying to him. I am quite happy that he did not follow in his father footstep and had a backbone to admit his shortcomings. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was just pleased that this drama didn’t use the usual tropes to cause dramatic elements, like the main characters willing to believe the worst of each other because of some unfounded rumor or not communicating with each other. Instead, they gave each other the benefit of the doubt and outright said why wouldn’t they believe their girlfriend/boyfriend over somebody outside the relationship who clearly has ulterior motives to breaking them up. Nor did Xiao Nai and Wei Wei hide anything from each other. 


It makes drama watching so much more enjoyable when I’m not yelling at the TV over character stupidity. This really was a pleasant drama and goes into my top 5 over my 15 years of dramas.

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What a show. I am never for too much fluff but this fluff I am absolutely okay with, happily cringing along with some scenes. 
The light speed at which their r/s developed was appreciated and it was absolutely marvellous how two quite perfect humans agreed not to argue for the rest of their lives in their version of the universe.
Also, I wanted to share unreservedly how much I enjoyed the last 15 mins of the show – the scene of him taking control then finally losing it was worth the hours of sleep lost over marathoning this.


*posted this in response to a blog recap but I really wanted to have a quick chat to get it out of my system hence its here too. Heh. Hope it’s okay

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  • 2 months later...

I am watching this right now, and i really like it. However, i don't want to say this but the female lead somewhat frustrates me because she's not returning the kiss with equal passion. I'm not looking for an HBO kind of kiss but she's too guarded, sorry for the lack of a better term, i can't find the right word at the moment. She's a woman and not a pole. Oh well.


Edited by sunkissedluna
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17 hours ago, angelangie said:


unfortunately i do agree with you :x ....


i watch this series recently myself too since i was on drama hiatus for abit this year due to schedule :) 


Her reaction to his kisses were basically nothing and it's a bit off considering this a modern day drama. 

Well, she is a saint for doing nothing and not taking advantage of her leading man.:smirk: :smile:




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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/13/2018 at 12:47 PM, angelangie said:


give me a call if u decided to really re-watch it....i can do it too being i love MMORPG games and the story lines is very attractive despite the lack of respond from ZhengSuang during the kissing scenes ;) 

lets rewatch tonight...i'm on episode 11..the basketball court episode...man, xiao nai is so obvious, wants to claim her infront everyone :wub:

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  • 1 month later...


Just dropping by to say that my friends and I started watching this show a couple of weeks ago and we're absolutely over the moon with the lead characters.




If you want to join us and read our analysis, mostly done by me, feel free to drop by and share your own thoughts.  


I recently declared Xiao Nai the best boyfriend ever, and we'll be using him as yardstick to measure all the other kdrama, cdrama, jdrama, boyfriends we watch against him. Here's part of our reasons:  




Here's my first impression on the show and why we were hooked to complete 30 episodes in 3 days (that's an exaggeration of course, bu you know I mean...




Here's an except because I don't want to bog you down.


...for my blog-readers who are avid fans of Pride and Prejudice (paging @agdr03), I’m going to write a more detailed recommendation to encourage y’all to give this romcom a second look. It’s fun to watch when you’re over-worked and stressed-out like me.


I’ll give you three big reasons. (Warning: spoilers. But just read the spoilers so you’ll know what to expect.)


First, online gaming = ballroom dances


As I said in “Memories of the Alhambra,” my gaming experience is limited to a feisty purple dragon named Spyro who hunts for dragon eggs and head-butts nasty orcs. To go from playing Spyro the Dragon to watching lead characters roleplay personas with long hair and flowing robes was a big leap for me.


The only way I could sit through numerous fight scenes of Weiwei and Xiao Nai was to view their encounters as ballroom dances. 


Image result for pride and prejudice dance gif


The way I see it, the fictional university in Love O2O is as segregated as the nineteenth century England of Jane Austen. Girls dorm with girls; boys dorm with boys. Unless they’re part of a couple, the students mingled with people of their own gender in and after classes, during lunch and sporting events, on weekends and schooldays.


No wonder the online game “A Chinese Ghost Story” was popular among students! It’s the largest venue available to students where they can interact freely with the opposite sex. Gaming doubles as a dating service for the college students.

I had to smirk when in Episode 2, the game announced that the lead characters’ marriage was the 158,999th marriage on that server alone.




The anonymity of the popular game allows the students to meet others and match up with a partner without the hassles of real-life dating, e.g., vetting the other person, spending money to go on dates, surviving the dreaded introduction to their friends, and escaping a boring date.


Logging onto the game was the 21st century version of going to a ballroom dance. For instance, allies in duels are chosen like a dance partner. There are no strings attached and partners can change for the next round. Also, there are rules of interaction in the game, just as there are etiquette guidelines to courtly behavior in a ballroom. How the gamers comport themselves online — not only in battle, but in the chatgroups — reveal much about their personalities. But most importantly, partnering with someone in the game, like choosing a dance partner in a ballroom, allows the couple ample time to converse (or “chat”) and FLIRT with each other.





Here's also an analysis on Episode 2



On Episode 3




and on Episode 4




So, there you go. I'm posting the links here because each blog write-up has tons of pictures and it will be a pain to transfer. None of us speak Chinese, so we had to rely on the abysmal subs on Netflix. But for me, this show was a good introduction to Cdramas and a welcome change from the typical kdrama fare. 


I'm looking forward to more of your recommendations, @angelangie. See you later! 


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